• Congratulations. Congratulations I'm 25 years old, congratulations to myself in prose

    Let everything that has already been achieved be preserved and multiplied, and what you strive for come true. Happiness and self-confidence!

    Today you are 25.

    What a beautiful date. So let everything in life succeed the first time, let the obstacles that you encounter on your way only strengthen your spirit and make you stronger. Happy birthday.

    Happy 25th birthday to you.

    We wish you to please everyone with your successes, choose your own path and, without retreating, follow it following the call of your heart! Let there be a lot of bright, full-color in your life! Never be discouraged and believe in your strength! May your friends and loved ones always be nearby, ready to support, console and cheer you up! Happiness to you!

    Happy birthday!

    Let your soul be filled with the melody of happiness! New achievements and victories! 25 is another beginning of a new life, new happiness! Strive for it!

    Happy 25th anniversary!

    Your intuition and charm make you special. You have so many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always stay the same sincere person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list only grows.

    25 is the prime of life!

    Our youth is a happy, swift moment, not understood by us, but securely stored in memory by everyone. Our new summers are wealth, a wise time that allows us not to make mistakes and enjoy life as we have it.
    May all your days be filled with sparkling joy, positive tranquility, stormy impressions, new insights, exotic travels and convincing victories of wisdom. And we want to perceive all life changes as interesting cruises that will definitely end happily and will bring only joy and successful resolution of difficulties.

    I hasten to congratulate you on your 25th birthday.

    You are so beautiful and tender, as if you were 18. I wish you to remain the same forever: beautiful, gentle, sweet and dear.

    Happy 25th anniversary!

    There were a lot of ideas for gifts, but we settled on the most the best option. It’s impossible to list all the compliments and wishes spinning in my head. But we will try! Our dear birthday girl, may there be a lot of happiness in life. Let it be fun and relaxed at work, and at home - cozy and calm. Let even the most avid guardians of a healthy lifestyle envy your health. In general, all the best to you!

    On your twenty-five anniversary

    you got a lucky ticket. Your winnings are much better than money - there will be more different opportunities! Congratulations!

    There's nothing more beautiful at 25

    than to enjoy life. At 25, your path has become even steeper, like a staircase rising upward. So let your ladder be reliable and not shaky, let the steps on it be comfortable. I wish you, step by step, to become wiser, stronger in spirit and body, and kinder. Bloom like a rose that opens its petals and gives everyone its wonderful color and aroma. Happy birthday, be happy.

    Twenty-five years is the prime of youth for a girl. She is young and beautiful, and at the same time she has already accumulated life experience, although not very much, but it helps her walk through life confidently, calmly, enjoy all the events that happen and new meetings, and not grieve for a long time if something doesn’t work out, don't get upset over trifles. You are a real smart girl, you understand everything, that’s why everything works out great for you. You are a kind and bright person, you do not give in to melancholy and always treat people kindly. That is why you are so valued and loved, and I am no exception here. I wish you great happiness, dazzling beautiful love, a strong and prosperous family. May all your dreams and desires come true!

    There is such a parable. One person was sitting at home. He hears a knock on the door. Who's there? It's us, money, let us in! The man doubted and did not open the door. They knock again. Who's there? It’s me, happiness, that has come to you. The man was surprised, why would it be, and did not open it again. Towards evening there was another knock on the door. Who is it this time? This is us, your friends! He opened the door with joy. Because he knew: if he had friends, he would have both happiness and money! First of all, I want to wish you good, loyal friends! You are only twenty-five, and there are still a lot of people on your way. Let only the best become your friends! And then you will really have help, support, joy, and happiness!

    I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good luck in all your endeavors! It happens that a person is conscientious and diligent, takes everything seriously, but here and there something goes wrong. No luck, he says to himself. You, on the contrary, always know that you are very lucky. Lucky to be born good parents, you are lucky that they gave you their care and love. I was lucky to finish school and then get a good profession. Lucky with work. If something is a little wrong, don’t worry, it’s better to assure everyone that you are lucky, and fate will hear it. But still, we are most lucky to have you! We are very glad that we met such a person on our life's journey. good man, which today celebrates its anniversary - a quarter of a century! All the best to you!

    Dear friend! Happy 21st birthday to you. We wish you to please everyone with your successes, choose YOUR path and, without retreating, follow it according to the call of your heart! Let there be a lot of bright, FULL color in your life! Never be discouraged and believe in your strength! May your friends and loved ones always be nearby, ready to support, console and cheer you up! Happiness to you!

    Twenty-five years is an anniversary, which means that having conquered the Pamirs and Ararat, a person has collected a backpack of abilities and skills, taken the hands of friends and is ready to feel the invigorating air of Everest. I wish the hero of the day to go through this path in one breath, easily and without loss.

    One 25-year-old young man was once walking in the park and met a girl of unearthly beauty. He fell in love immediately, but was afraid to come up and meet her. The next day, the young man again went to the same park to look again at the most charming creature. But he did not see the one who touched his heart. He began to come here every day, but all efforts were to no avail. And just when he had already decided to quit his hopeless occupation, the beauty again went for a walk in the park. This time the young man was not at a loss, picked flowers from the flowerbed and gave them to the girl. And with them he offered her his heart. She agreed and they lived very happily. Let's drink to the fact that our hero of the day sets any goals for himself, even if they are unattainable at first glance, and that he always has enough determination, perseverance and patience to achieve them.

    Dear (name)! I wish your life to be as bright as a clear sunny day, full as a glass of champagne, cloudless as the sky over the desert. And let the lights of hope always shine in the windows of your friends and family, like the stars in the night sky. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

    Congratulations on your 25th anniversary, on the first quarter of a century. I want to say that 25 years is the first period of your era when you learn everything basic - to walk, talk, love, forgive, believe, hope, give in, win. And now a new era will begin in your life, in which I wish you to be a reasonable, cheerful, confident, courageous, sincere, talented person. I wish you never sit still and every day make your life the way you like! Love, prosperity, beauty and happiness!

    Today I want to congratulate the brave, dexterous, beautiful and cheerful man. I wish you to always be confident in yourself, strive for your goals and ideals, do what you love and achieve incredible success. May your life be happy, filled with love, respect, luck, prosperity and positive mood.

    Congratulations on the anniversary! 25 years is a wonderful age. You are full of strength, beautiful, healthy and energetic. I wish you success in life, to be amazed on the spot true love, boldly rely on the devotion of true friends, confidently walk up the career ladder. Live at least three times the same amount, receiving all kinds of life's blessings and joys. Happy birthday!

    Happy 25th birthday to a young, handsome and charming man. May life be full of confidence and optimism, true love and good luck, sincere happiness and prosperity. I wish you good health and honest victories in life.

    Congratulations to the young, confident and successful man Happy 25th birthday, happy quarter-century anniversary. I wish you to assert yourself in life and successfully implement all your plans, to show tolerance and restraint in any environment, and in any business - resourcefulness and undoubted talent. Let there be true love in your heart, joy and hope in your soul, and incredible strength and luck in your hands.

    Congratulations to the brave, courageous, handsome, smart, cheerful and kind man Happy birthday. On your 25th birthday, I wish you great success and brave goals, beautiful deeds and useful deeds, pleasure from life and bright emotions, undoubted happiness and sincere love.

    Today I want to congratulate a cheerful and kind man on his 25th birthday. I wish you cloudless skies and warm sun, high achievements in any chosen activity, personal happiness and strong love, true friends and stable income, the implementation of all your plans and fun.

    Happy 25th Anniversary! I wish men victories over planned projects and extraordinary beautiful ladies, I wish you eternal youth, sleepless bright nights, cheerful and faithful friends, unforgettable travels, dizziness from love, smiles, kindness, happiness, prosperity and mutual understanding with people close to you.

    Happy anniversary, wonderful man! May life open up a new horizon of success at the age of 25, may great prospects and the bright light of good luck appear along the way. I wish to be a charm for women's hearts and a serious threat in the role of a worthy competitor for true gentlemen.

    Magnificent man, on your wonderful 25 I want to sincerely wish you continued prosperity and inspiration, constant love for life and great ideas to achieve success. May happiness knock on your doors every day, may love never leave your heart for a minute.

    Posts 1 - 14 from 14

    Sweet wonderful creature! On your twenty-fifth birthday, when the rose-colored glasses have already fallen off the bridge of your nose, I wish you to perceive meaningfully life situations and draw the right conclusions, I wish you health, positivity, highlights, a lot of travel around different countries and continents, wishes come true!

    25 years for a girl is the most best age: at this time her external beauty fully blossoms, and life experience already allows her not to make stupid mistakes. On this anniversary, I want to wish you only worthy fans, sincere adoration and your own small victories - both in your personal life and in your career.

    Congratulations on the anniversary! Do you want to know which one? It’s simple, today you are 25, this is a quarter of a century and, at the same time, the age when you are old enough to be independent, and young enough not to be responsible for the whole world. Happy holiday and may your anniversary be a happy one.

    Congratulations on the anniversary! 25 years is a wonderful age. You are full of strength, beautiful, healthy and energetic. I wish you success in life. To be smitten by true love. Feel free to rely on the loyalty of true friends. Confidently walk up the career ladder. Live at least three times as long. Receiving all kinds of life's blessings and joys. Happy birthday!

    Twenty-five years is a quarter of a century. A little from the point of view of history, but for life - already significant. You managed to become worthy person and an outstanding man, friend and comrade to many people. May the future bring you only joy and success, and let disappointments pass you by. Happy holiday, happy birthday and happy anniversary.

    Daughter, happy birthday! Are you celebrating 25 today? summer anniversary! We wish you, dear, a good and easy life. So that every dream realized leads to another beautiful dream. Strive to improve. Never give up. Smile. Get what you want. Mutual love, health, success, kindness, good luck and many, many good things!

    My dear daughter, happy twenty-fifth birthday to you. I wish you to always remain exactly the way you want. Let there be no dark streaks in life at all, but only light and joyful ones. Happy holiday and success in everything you want to achieve.

    Son, happy holiday to you! Quarter of a century - anniversary! You are our pride and joy. We love you very much and wish you to be: swift, dexterous, strong, healthy, fair and reasonable. Love, support and understanding to you. May your life path be interesting, full of colorful events, easy and prosperous. You have great potential! Happy birthday!

    Today I wish my beloved sister a happy 25th birthday. May everything you wish for yourself come true. May every day of your life be happy, and may misfortunes pass you and everyone you love. Joy, love and light! Let your dreams come true, even the most daring and amazing ones.

    That very special day has come, the day when I can boldly congratulate you on your quarter of a century! My dear brother, you have become more mature today, you have become wiser and more responsible for a year. I wish that with such a special date, your life will change dramatically, become brighter and even more interesting. You are the main thing, always be yourself, and everything will work out for you! Happy small but important anniversary!

    Dear friend, happy anniversary to you! For 25 years you have been delighting the world with your kindness and beauty. I wish you sincerity, fidelity, lightness, harmony, spirituality! Let the words be not just words, but let your dreams begin to come true! I want you to be happy and smile as much as possible, so that all your endeavors always lead to desired result. There is still a lot of interesting things ahead! Happiness to you!

    My beloved ____ (friend’s name), congratulations on completing the first quarter of your school year called life. I would like to point out right away that your academic performance is top level. I wish that soon you can boast of even better results and enter a university called Happy Family Life.

    Dear friend! Happy 21st birthday to you. We wish you to please everyone with your successes, choose YOUR path and, without retreating, follow it following the call of your heart! Let there be a lot of bright, FULL color in your life! Never be discouraged and believe in your strength! May your friends and loved ones always be nearby, ready to support, console and cheer you up! Happiness to you!

    Such a wonderful anniversary - 25 years. You can make all your dreams come true. Let your wishes come true, as if by waving a magic wand, and gold fish comes to you more than once.

    Congratulations on the anniversary of your youth - happy 25th anniversary. I wish you self-confidence and a disruptive character, prosperity and happiness in the family, high achievements and the absence of obstacles on the path of life. May your angel guide you along a smooth and bright road. Let every choice and decision made be correct and successful. I wish you health and joy.

    I hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary, although the 25th is not a round date, it is still a quarter of a century, this is the age of dawn in life, when a person is full of strength and energy, when the blood boils with love, when you can try yourself in different professions, and it’s not scary yet change something in your life. I wish you to find yourself, strengthen your character and let no difficulties scare you in achieving your dreams! I wish you to meet your soul mate, so that the feelings are warm and mutual! Reliable friends, more money and victories!

    Today I want to wish the most charming and attractive birthday girl good health. After all, having health and your data at 25, you need to understand that life is just beginning. Life is just opening its doors to a long and lasting journey. So let this path be as safe as possible and as beautiful as possible. Let this path be so long that in the future, great-great-great-grandchildren will congratulate and be proud that this wonderful person exists. In the meantime, you are only 25 and the future is so far away and it’s so wonderful. Have time to enjoy, have time to breathe in and breathe deeply. After all, the past cannot be returned; the main thing is not to lose the present. Live and inspire, live and delight, live and delight! Happy anniversary!!!

    We congratulate you together. 25 years! This is happiness. Happiness from the fact that fate connected us with you. Therefore, I would like to wish you only goodness and peace over your head. Be unsurpassed for enemies, desirable for your loved one, sincere for friends and proud for your parents. So that others would envy and your own people would admire. So that they don’t gossip behind your back, but simply respect you. After all, you are the best, and the best always deserve only the most wonderful. Looking at you, you understand that your title is queen. So always go through life with your head raised, the main thing is that this head is not empty. Therefore, I would like to wish you growth not only in your career, but also growth in yourself. After all, you are a person and this person is beautiful! Even words are not enough to express all the feelings and emotions for you. So I’ll say it briefly – happy 25th birthday to a wonderful girl!!!

    There is such a parable. One person was sitting at home. He hears a knock on the door. Who's there? It's us, money, let us in! The man doubted and did not open the door. They knock again. Who's there? It’s me, happiness, that has come to you. The man was surprised, why would it be, and did not open it again. Towards evening there was another knock on the door. Who is it this time? This is us, your friends! He opened the door with joy. Because he knew: if he had friends, he would have both happiness and money! First of all, I want to wish you good, loyal friends! You are only twenty-five, and there are still a lot of people on your way. Let only the best become your friends! And then you will really have help, support, joy, and happiness!

    The golden sun of December is buried in grape-colored clouds and gives not only joy, but also a dazzling day filled with golden radiance. Gold decorates the windows of houses, and even frozen puddles on the asphalt, giving you a joyful and happy mood, joy and great love, about whom you have always dreamed and wanted her to visit yours difficult life. May you have as much joy and happiness as the golden sunlight reflected in frozen puddles, and may love and beauty give you a lot of interesting and bright things. Let you not be interested in walking along the cold and dank streets, and you want to celebrate your holiday in a cafe or just in a cozy and warm home environment, December will give you a lot of joy and light, as well as good mood so that everything in your life is beautiful and good.

    Twenty-five years is the prime of youth for a girl. She is young and beautiful, and at the same time she has already accumulated life experience, although not very much, but it helps her walk through life confidently, calmly, enjoy all the events that happen and new meetings, and not grieve for a long time if something doesn’t work out, don't get upset over trifles. You are a real smart girl, you understand everything, that’s why everything works out great for you. You are a kind and bright person, you do not give in to melancholy and always treat people kindly. That is why you are so appreciated and loved, and I am no exception here. I wish you great happiness, dazzling beautiful love, a strong and prosperous family. May all your dreams and desires come true!

    Enchanting beauty and unprecedented tenderness. There you can be described. Today is your excellent anniversary. You are 25 years old today. I wish you to remain a sweet and gentle rose. I wish you to be active and presentable. Let bright events fill your everyday life, and let every day of your life be festive and enchanting. Become more and more beautiful every day. Be an attractive girl. Receive compliments, give your smile and become even brighter. Let the gifts and pleasant surprises will become familiar to you. Let your beauty save the world. And men will throw millions of roses at your feet!

    When we are young we are not afraid of anything. We know how to take risks and build bright prospects for ourselves. Today you turn 25 years old and this is a wonderful date. You already know what you need and what you want. I wish that there are no obstacles on the path to your happiness, and that youth allows you to feel invincible.

    Dear friend! Happy 25th birthday to you. We wish you to please everyone with your successes, choose YOUR path and, without retreating, follow it following the call of your heart! Let there be a lot of bright, FULL color in your life! Never be discouraged and believe in your strength! May your friends and loved ones always be nearby, ready to support, console and cheer you up! Happiness to you!

    Twenty-five years is an anniversary, which means that having conquered the Pamirs and Ararat, a person has collected a backpack of abilities and skills, taken the hands of friends and is ready to feel the invigorating air of Everest. I wish the hero of the day to go through this path in one breath, easily and without loss.

    Dear friend! Happy 25th birthday to you. Today there is a reason to remember a lot of your positive qualities, but I love you, first of all, for your sincerity and ability to empathize. I am grateful to fate that I have such a friend. Stay like this always. On your anniversary, I wish you only joy in your eyes and love in your heart, and everything else will follow! Happiness to you!

    Dear (Name), congratulations on completing the first quarter of the school year called life. You are a diligent student and completed this course with flying colors. But, of course, this is not a reason to stop there. I am sure that soon you will be able to boast of even better results and will enter a university called Successfully Married.

    Dear friend, accept the most my sincere congratulations on your 25th birthday. May every day bring you only good news, may good luck choose only you. I wish you long and happy life, beautiful, mutual love and all the best. May all your cherished dreams come true, may you always be surrounded by reliable friends. May you be lucky in all your endeavors, may your path be illuminated by a guiding star. May a good angel always protect you from everything bad.

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