• Congratulations. Congratulations Happy birthday 25 in prose


    I congratulate you on your anniversary, and I wish you that life will be wonderful for you, that there will be no evil and grief in it, that on your path you will meet only good people, and simple feminine happiness to you - may your loved one always be by your side.

    We all move through life, towards some goal, even if sometimes we ourselves don’t know where and why we are going. There will still be something at the end of the road! And in order not to be disappointed in the goal, you need to successfully travel the road itself, which I sincerely and with all my heart wish for you!

    Who will tell us what life is? Probably no one will be able to say this, but one thing is clear: it is much simpler than we think and much more complex than we can imagine. Therefore, to make it simpler, I wish you more happiness and goodness in your life.

    Congratulations on your jam day! May your faithful friends always warm you with their smiles, like summer rays of sunshine! So that the warm breeze always protects you from all adversity! Always be healthy and may everything be OK for you. I also wish you strong, strong love!

    Today is your holiday - your first anniversary,
    You were immediately surrounded by the smiles of your friends!
    You're turning twenty-five today,
    We wish you that your dreams come true.
    After all, the date is round, not the simplest,
    I wish you health and luck,
    Attack so that it doesn’t attack you,
    And you would have time to do everything!

    The time has come for congratulations,
    It's your anniversary - you're twenty-five,
    Be beautiful, happy,
    But that's not all I want to wish.
    Throw away all sadness and adversity,
    Be loved, and your dreams will come true,
    And there will be no bad weather in your house,
    And forget your misfortunes!

    We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. We wish you rapid career growth, understanding from your boss and financial satisfaction. Let only good people meet on your young path who will always understand and support. Happy 25th Anniversary!

    Congratulations on the joyful anniversary of youth, beauty and inspiration to an irresistible girl, happy 25th birthday to you! I wish that your dreams always come true, and your wishes come true, that everyone loves you, gives you joy and warmth, that everything works out as it should, that no obstacle interferes with your goals.

    Congratulations on the 80th anniversary of a man in prose

    Congratulations to the Girl on her 25th birthday in Prose

    I hasten to congratulate you on your 25th birthday. You are so beautiful and tender, as if you were 18. I wish you to remain the same forever: beautiful, gentle, sweet and dear.

    Happy Birthday and accept our sincere wishes. We wish you great happiness, bright sun, huge sky. May only good luck meet you, and may defeats and insults never enter your life. And from fate we want to hear only the word, Yes.

    It's your anniversary today! We sincerely congratulate you on this date and wish you to achieve everything in life and in love! So that your achievements are satisfied, and your love lasts for a lifetime! Happy anniversary!

    Dear birthday girl, at your young age you have achieved a lot, but you don’t have even more. But you have all the qualities to get it. So let’s drink to the fact that you will quickly get everything you have in mind and spend less energy on it.

    You turned 25 today, happy birthday to you! You are at such a wonderful age now! May your youth not pass without a trace, may your love be long and strong! May all your dreams come true!

    Why do they say: “25 again”? And now you are 25, but not again, and not even again, but for the first time and, naturally, for the last. But when it’s 50, you can say: “two for 25!” Happy 25th Anniversary!

    Today you are 25 years old, I want to wish you love, good luck, happiness, joy and warm meetings! May this day be full of smiles, flowers and grateful, warm words! May you always have money and health!

    On anniversaries, especially if it’s yours, you need to sit important, pouting and realizing your own importance! But if the anniversary is only the 25th anniversary, then it’s quite possible to get a little naughty! And if so, then don’t miss this opportunity to fool around on your own anniversary; at 30 years old it won’t be so cool!

    Happy 25th anniversary!
    Your intuition and charm make you special. You have so many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always stay the same sincere person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list only grows.

    Happy 25th birthday! I wish you all the best, the happiest, the most beautiful! Chocolate health, grape fun, strawberry smile and strawberry joy! Happy birthday!

    Today is without a doubt the happiest birthday! You are 25, and this means the peak of your flowering! So let your flower always be the most beautiful and in demand!

    Happy 25th birthday! Always be so cheerful, charming, and desirable! May love and happiness always live in your home!

    Sweet wonderful creature! On your twenty-fifth birthday, when the rose-colored glasses have already fallen off the bridge of your nose, I wish you to perceive life situations meaningfully and draw the right conclusions, I wish you health, positivity, highlights, a lot of travel around different countries and continents, wishes come true!

    25 years for a girl is the most best age: at this time her external beauty fully blossoms, and life experience already allows her not to make stupid mistakes. On this anniversary, I want to wish you only worthy fans, sincere adoration and your own small victories - both in your personal life and in your career.

    Congratulations on the anniversary! Do you want to know which one? It’s simple, today you are 25, this is a quarter of a century and, at the same time, the age when you are old enough to be independent, and young enough not to be responsible for the whole world. Happy holiday and may your anniversary be a happy one.

    My dear daughter, happy twenty-fifth birthday to you. I wish you to always remain exactly the way you want. Let there be no dark streaks in life at all, but only light and joyful ones. Happy holiday and success in everything you want to achieve.

    Today I wish my beloved sister a happy 25th birthday. May everything you wish for yourself come true. May every day of your life be happy, and may misfortunes pass you and everyone you love. Joy, love and light! Let your dreams come true, even the most daring and amazing ones.

    My beloved ____ (friend’s name), congratulations on completing the first quarter of your school year called life. I would like to point out right away that your academic performance is top level. I wish that soon you can boast of even better results and enter a university called Happy Family Life.

    Such a wonderful anniversary - 25 years. You can make all your dreams come true. Let your wishes come true, as if by waving a magic wand, and gold fish comes to you more than once.

    You have everything you need to be happy! And today is a great day for happiness itself to become yours! Happy birthday!

    Only you parted with childhood,
    And in an abandoned corner
    Doll Masha stayed too long
    In a lopsided dress.

    Bow lips with lipstick
    You have makeup on
    On your birthday, you yourself
    Became a doll Masha!

    Dear you are our girl, congratulations,
    We wish you a happy birthday and happiness.
    You have a lot of inspiration,
    May you walk a happy path through life.

    So that you finally find your love,
    And may she live her life happily.
    So that every day you just rejoice,
    And she always refused everything bad.

    May you be in a festive mood!
    Make your family and friends happy with your smile!
    Don't be discouraged and don't be sad, live happily!
    I wish you a happy birthday!

    Happy birsday, my dear! I wish you a joyful life, without melancholy, the brightest stars to shine above your head. May the sun and moon give you their light. May your star light up in the sky and may luck accompany you on all earthly paths.

    Even if this day is only a home holiday, and not a red day in the calendar, but it is the happiest and most beautiful, because on this day you appeared on Earth. We all, your entire family, cordially congratulate you on this bright day and sincerely want to wish you good health and joy in everything!

    I wish you roads and long distances,
    I wish you smiles, I wish you dates,
    I wish for friends, I do not wish for enemies,
    I wish you beautiful steep shores

    I wish you to bloom openly and wonderfully,
    I wish you beautiful and pure love,
    I wish you health, I wish you good luck,
    If things get tough, then laugh, don’t cry!

    Here you are, my dear friend, 25, just a quarter of a century, the years of carefree childhood and youth are behind you, and there are still so many discoveries, dreams, aspirations, successes, victories ahead. I certainly wish you to achieve everything, I wish you to arrange your life the way you like and want. May your loved ones be nearby and Dear people, let envious people and enemies remain aside. Good luck to you, health, strong forces and vigor. D elai, R eat, U mei, G have fun and always stay happy!

    Dear friend, congratulations on your 25th birthday! I wish you to remember this quarter of a century for a long time! May all your dreams come true! Love, rejoice, give warmth and kindness, develop, enjoy every day you live! Happy holiday, buddy!

    My dear friend, I congratulate you on the anniversary of your youth, on your 25th birthday. I would like to wish you to use your mind and strength rationally, always achieve everything you have planned and desired, be strong and strong man, true friend and a comrade, a loved and truly happy person.

    My dear friend, happy 25th birthday to you! I wish you to clearly know what you want from life and purposefully walk towards it along a successful and bright road, I wish you to be a real man and a brave hero for your family and loved ones, I wish you sincere happiness and true love in your heart.

    Congratulations, my dear friend, on your 25th birthday. I wish you from the bottom of my heart big ideas and magnificent ideas, grandiose plans and lofty goals, amazing opportunities and brilliant prospects, incredible luck and true happiness in life.

    Happy anniversary, dear friend. You are 25, you are no longer a boy, you - a real man. And I wish this guy to always be lucky. D remainder, R elaxa, U loyalty, G heroism, U dachas! I wish to be in demand, successful, loved, desired, happy and generally satisfied with my life.

    You are 25 today, my dear and wonderful friend. I wish that your youth lasts forever, that there are many prospects and grandiose ideas in life, that there are no obstacles and traps on your path, that there is faithful support and love nearby, that your happiness lasts forever, and that it is impeccable.

    Happy Birthday my dear friend. I wish you to be a real genius, handsome and well done at 25. I wish you to constantly double your successes and find only happy adventures to your advantage.

    Looking for 25th birthday wishes for your girlfriend? On our website you will find best congratulations Happy 25th birthday for a girl, touching in your own words. Congratulate your girl on her 25th birthday with a beautiful poem or cool congratulations in prose. Choose your favorite and send it via SMS, or even better, congratulate it in person. She will be delighted with such a beautiful congratulation!


    Beauty, what can I tell you?
    The whole world is at your fingertips in front of you.
    I want to congratulate you on your anniversary.
    Let life give you everything in one bottle:

    And passion, and thirst for life, and a dream,
    Spring, whim, warmth and thirst,
    Love, health, strength, beauty,
    Luck, happiness, glory and achievements.

    Believe me, 25 is prime time
    When any sea is knee-deep.
    Let the joy and bright laughter flow in full swing.
    Let your dreams come true! And happy anniversary!


    Let all the dreams come true,
    All doors open
    All the best things happen
    And happiness doesn't end there.

    Health improves
    Income is included
    Outfits are updated.
    Be smart and beautiful.

    The figure will be slim,
    Your soul is calm,
    Love is always mutual,
    Life is full and long.


    You're so beautiful at twenty-five
    Always remain the same!
    You were born to shine
    Smile as often as possible!

    May life be full of goodness
    Fun, laughter, clear days!
    To be happier than yesterday,
    You became on this anniversary!


    Happy anniversary
    Congratulations with all our hearts.
    Twenty-five is a wonderful age,
    Celebration of young life.

    You bloom without getting tired.
    May fate send you
    Anything you want, darling
    And a little more.

    Let him not be stingy with the prince,
    Only without a horse - why?
    It's hard to mess with a horse.
    And feed that horse?

    Be diligent in your work
    Be picky about your friends
    Be happy, be beautiful.
    Otherwise it’s impossible!


    Charming and wonderful girl, I wish you a happy birthday. At the age of 25, I would like to wish you never to lose the happy sparkle in your eyes and always remain natural and sincere. May miracles and joys happen in life, may there be no obstacles to success on your path. Let your heart always believe in love, and let your soul constantly soar above the world in the clouds of dreams.

    Congratulations to a girl on her 25th birthday


    You are twenty-five today.
    And so I want to wish,
    So that you find a place in life,
    So that everything goes well.

    So that love comes to you
    Everything worked out in your destiny.
    So that the suitor is rich,
    I always gave you flowers.

    Joking, laughing, not being bored,
    Take everything you can from life,
    Health, happiness, beauty.
    May all your dreams come true!


    Congratulations, charming girl, happy anniversary. I wish that at 25, new prospects and frontiers of success will open up before you, that everything in your life will be beautiful and wonderful, that love will constantly bloom in your heart, that all paths to happiness and prosperity will be open to you.


    The 25th century is the happiest:
    You are graceful and so young.
    Be bright, charming, loved.
    May you always be adored.

    Let life be painted with bright colors,
    Let ringing laughter flow everywhere.
    Let your fate seem like a fairy tale,
    And aspirations know no obstacles!


    Chic age twenty-five:
    It has lightness, brightness, beauty.
    Let the worlds of life be the way,
    Lucky star is shining!

    We wish you joy, hope,
    Beautiful love, very tender.
    Cheerful, devoted friends
    And the warm coastal shores.

    Let your dreams come true
    And the heart beats to the beat of desire.
    Let everything be as you want
    And dreams will come true!

    We wish you a strong shoulder,
    Support in life, friendly couples,
    Mutual joy, goodness,
    To be the best, the most needed!


    And you always be desired, happy.
    To the delight of everyone - both smart and beautiful.
    Be kind, joyful, cheerful, very passionate.
    Youth is with you, and it’s so wonderful!

    Health to you, happy, bright days,
    May your anniversary bring gifts.
    With love, tenderness, affection, and care
    May every day give you something...

    May your plans and dreams come true.
    You deserve love and happiness every day.
    Don’t regret small failures,
    After all, “25” is a wonderful anniversary!

    25th birthday greetings to a girl


    What a bright anniversary!
    And the birthday girl is charming.
    There are no more beautiful eyes in the world,
    There are no softer lips, let's be honest.

    Unique, daring
    And at the same time so vulnerable...
    Let melancholy pass by,
    May you always be loved.

    You are twenty-five today,
    And this is the ideal age,
    To live, love, create, dream
    And be as happy as possible!


    You're 25 today!
    Be cheerful, happy,
    Business, stylish, fashionable,
    Like a flower in the garden, beautiful!

    Achieve success in everything
    Get recognition
    And live with kindness and laughter,
    Giving everyone charm!


    5 times 5 - happy anniversary!
    Take the best from life and color.
    Let love with gentle words warms,
    Not allowing your heart to become sad.

    Good luck and don't be shy
    Catching luck by its bushy tail.
    I wish you the coolest of vacancies:
    Be happy to the ends of your hair.


    I wish you at 25
    To flutter from sweet happiness,
    Mother, what the soul wants,
    Keep luck on your tail.

    Great finances, beauty,
    Let your dreams become real.
    From love excitement in the heart
    And at resorts you can warm up more often.


    Beautiful girl, at your 25 years old, I wish you to always remain so interesting, cheerful, kind, cheerful, versatile and irresistible. May your dream come true on your birthday, may everything in your life be wonderful, wonderful. I wish you an endless flow of love, good luck, inspiration, beauty and happiness!

    Happy 25th birthday greetings to a girl


    25 is a wonderful age,
    This is the start of a new life,
    It dreams so simply
    It contains love, spring, excitement!

    Happy anniversary,
    Be happy always
    Let the roads light up

    Let your wishes come true
    Dreams come true
    Without much effort
    Everything will be as you want!


    Twenty-five is the age of smiles,
    This is the age of flowers and spring.
    Aftertaste of trial and error
    When the goals are already clear to you.

    Let inspiration live in your heart,
    To make it easier for you to dream.
    Congratulations on your birthday
    And I wish you to achieve everything.

    So that life is light and bright,
    May your wishes always come true.
    And fate sent gifts
    Only those you dreamed of!


    We all have a holiday today.
    You were the cause of it.
    Today the sun shines brighter
    Flowers bloom only for you!

    On your 25th birthday
    We would like to wish you from the heart
    Find your purpose
    Search and believe, be and become!

    Let there be a place for miracles in life,
    Let your dreams come true,
    And all the days will be joyful.
    Love, live, fly, flowers!


    You are 25 today
    So, we will congratulate
    We wish everything in order:
    First the prince for order,
    Then a palace, a car, a dacha
    And a yacht with a liner to boot.
    To be successful and happy,
    Always live in love and happiness.


    You are opening today
    Life is a new chapter.
    And we wish you
    For your anniversary:

    Enjoy every moment
    Live every minute in pleasure,
    Wake up with positivity
    Get drive from life.

    At 25 all the doors of the world
    They will open up to you.
    We want to be happy
    And kindly fate!

    Anniversary 25 years for a woman


    You are twenty-five today -
    The pinnacle of vibrant youth!
    So good - neither give nor take,
    Just yesterday I was a girl.

    Let you have your scarlet sail,
    Like in a fairy tale, it will bring happiness.
    Hope and faith will endure,
    Let love protect you.

    Let the sky shine with sunshine,
    Will cover you like a blanket
    It will be protection from suffering,
    Will give the joy of celebration.

    Let the morning be an inspiration
    To conquer the peaks,
    Secret dreams come true,
    Understanding the depths of life!


    Wonderful birthday holiday
    I want to wish him:
    Good luck, joy, fun,
    Become happier and more beautiful.

    May the sun shine on you,
    To have a bright, juicy life,
    And it only brought joy,
    So that everything goes well.

    After all, 25 is a wonderful age
    So many miracles await ahead,
    The main thing is, don't live in the past,
    Leave your sorrows behind.


    A quarter of a century has flown by, -
    It's already an anniversary.
    Happy birthday, dear,
    Happy holidays to you!

    We wish you happiness
    To be loved and to love,
    Good health to you
    And be successful in everything!


    25 already a quarter of a century
    And a serious anniversary.
    Although you don't need a pharmacy,
    Still, you have become a little more mature.

    Okay, okay... It's a joke.
    You are beautiful, young.
    Smile for a minute -
    Better do this always.

    25 is a great age
    Live your dream
    And find a magical island -
    Island of happiness and love!


    Congratulations on finally turning 25 years old. May your youth be rich and bright, cheerful and unforgettable. I wish you to always be self-confident, successful, beautiful and kind, gentle and sweet, creative and unique, elegant and inimitable.

    Congratulations to the girl 25


    What a date - twenty-five!
    What a wonderful Anniversary!
    I don't recognize you today:
    You are becoming more beautiful and tender!

    So let your magical dreams
    Everything will come true!
    May your life always run
    Along the brightest strip!


    Today everyone will congratulate you,
    After all, you are celebrating your 25th anniversary.
    What a nice round date.
    Healthy, happy and rich!

    Live smiling, joking and laughing,
    Striving for victories and heights.
    May your mood always be mischievous
    And inexhaustible inspiration!


    You're twenty-five and that's great
    There is no such thing as your beauty in the world!
    Let your life play a joyful song,
    May you always be happy!

    I wish you Love, passionate dates,
    And also cheerful and faithful friends,
    A few crazy but bright desires,
    What can happen on your anniversary!


    You are twenty-five today,
    So he hastens to accept from us:
    Words, smiles, compliments,
    Capture the wonderful moments.

    Live in harmony with everyone,
    And let in cloudless eyes,
    The fire is burning and the light of happiness is burning.
    Let the color of youth not fade.


    You're twenty-five today
    All roads are ahead!
    Walk along them freely
    No problems all the way.

    Be as fresh as you were at eighteen
    And as wise as at thirty-five.
    Unexpected happiness
    It won't keep you waiting.

    Girl's 25th birthday


    Happy birthday, dear,
    It's no joke - 25,
    I sincerely congratulate you
    And I want to tell you:

    You are sweet, kind, beautiful,
    Definitely the best
    For you only the sky is clear
    Happiness, joy and success!


    You are twenty-five today!
    You are celebrating your anniversary.
    I would like to sincerely wish you
    May everyone's dreams come true.

    Let all the paths be paths
    They will lead you to luck.
    Love, friends, success, flowers
    you in happy life are waiting.


    This is a strange anniversary holiday,
    And you are twenty-five today!
    I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
    I just wish you well from the bottom of my heart.

    Inspiration, great happiness,
    Many bright and cheerful days.
    May love in life be like a fairy tale
    It will only get brighter and stronger.

    I wish you joy and laughter,
    Kind, faithful, devoted friends.
    Joy, good luck and success.
    Let life only be more fun!


    Beautiful, kind, gentle fairy,
    Happy birthday to you today!
    At 25, you look just like a girl -
    There are lights in your eyes and you laugh so loudly!

    I wish life to dance around you
    And so that she brings you gifts.
    May every single dream come true,
    Be happy in every moment!


    Hello! Twenty five!
    Time to accept gifts!
    Wishes, kisses,
    Hugs from loved ones.

    To the person who wants,
    That he’s already lived for a quarter of a century?
    Beauty, intelligence, friends?
    God has already given it to her!

    On this day I wish you
    To be what I know!
    So that the goldfish
    All wishes were fulfilled!

    So as not to know your debts
    And the life of fools.
    So that all dreams come true,
    All ideas came true!

    Congratulations to a girl 25 years old


    The look beams, and inveterate laughter flows,
    The energy of the flow cannot be stopped -
    Well, happy anniversary, sunshine!
    How dazzling you are at twenty-five!

    Shine, bloom and smell tirelessly,
    Drunk men are simply smashed to pieces.
    Even if you're drunk out of happiness,
    Let every whim be fulfilled.

    Be incredibly lucky in everything,
    So that you don’t have any problems in life.
    And the one who is dear to the heart, invariably
    Let him bring his morning coffee to bed!


    The flower blossomed, fragrant...
    I wish you from the bottom of my heart
    Don't lose grace.
    You are twenty-five today!

    Be cheerful, desirable, sweet,
    Charming, always beautiful,
    So that the eyes shone with happiness,
    But the fervor in my heart did not fade.

    I wish your dreams come true
    To achieve everyone’s cherished goals,
    They languish in your soul,
    And get better year after year.


    You are so young and so lovely.
    You are twenty-five today.
    And it's very difficult, to be honest,
    At least I wish you something.

    There is health, and intelligence, and strength,
    And passion of the soul, and beauty.
    What do you want, well, except
    You can't lose everything over the years.


    A wonderful age - twenty-five,
    And you, how ladybug, beautiful,
    Today we will celebrate
    Your anniversary is a wonderful holiday!

    We wish you for the soul
    Simple sincere happiness,
    May everything in your life be:
    Love, victory, laughter and passion.


    Happy birthday, dear,
    That's already a figure - twenty-five!
    I wish you with all my heart
    Never lose heart.

    Let your hand not tremble
    Over any occupation,
    Let them never be silent
    Your feelings are bright.

    Let a beautiful smile
    Doesn't go out for a moment
    A brilliant picture
    He won't leave your eyes.


    Twenty five wonderful years
    How the minute flew by
    More life victories
    Achieving all goals.

    Always be on top
    Be playful like the wind
    And to be equal in beauty
    Never seen on the planet!

    Beautiful poems for a girl's 25th birthday


    Like fragrant lilacs,
    You have blossomed, beautiful!
    Proud, slender, stately,
    Warm, clear sun!

    Happiness and joy to you,
    Lots of love, admiration,
    There's more sweetness in life
    Honey, happy birthday!


    A quarter of a century is approaching,
    Happiness, tenderness, sparkle in the eyes!
    Sunny weather for you!
    Bathe in miracles.

    Happy birsday, my dear!
    Rejoice, love, live!
    Let trouble not know you.
    Let joy rage within.


    You're 25
    And she looks 18!
    I hasten to congratulate
    And admire you!

    You are the color of a rose,
    Continue to be beautiful
    Go to success
    The coolest walk!


    Our dear, dear,
    Happy anniversary, dear!
    We congratulate you
    And we wish, lovingly:

    Let there be luck in life,
    At work - only patience,
    Let the angel not leave
    And protects from troubles.

    Let happiness flow like a river,
    Your heart will beat with joy.
    May your cherished dreams
    You will do all yours!

    The tenderness of the morning dawn after a hot and sunny summer will give
    the gentle morning coolness to you, like the most delicate aroma of your
    wonderful perfumes. May she become a real inspiration for you
    love and admiration, because you have already achieved a lot yourself and
    was able to realize herself in life, get rid of her past and
    to become the most beautiful thing for men. May one day give love
    you the most tender kiss and passion, may the flowers be for you
    bloom like decorations in the palm of your hand, and may your spring give
    you have many flowers, bright and beautiful, tender and romantic, like
    you yourself. In the meantime, accept for you a delicate orchid, which is also
    as beautiful as your reflection in the mirror. Happy birthday, darling

    The turquoise summer gave you sea expanses and delicate shells
    let them become for you the basis of magical and beautiful jewelry And
    flowers, inspiration and tenderness, passionate love and great space
    for the future. Because your road to life is wide, like the sea
    spacious and beautiful, like watercolor paints. Let her be for
    you along the wide road that gives you access to the sea
    entertainment and opportunity, places where dreams turn into reality
    and become beautiful and tender, blooming like large magnolias
    on southern trees. May love give you a lot of affection and tenderness,
    and wishes always come true, because for the broad creative
    nature needs other distances, other opportunities than just for the ordinary
    material person.

    In the desert zone a rare and beautiful flower. He gave
    give you radiance and purity, as well as a little tenderness and beauty. It became
    your beauty, your tenderness and sensuality, which no one else has
    whom in this sultry desert of life big city. For you
    love has become a bright reality, it has become a real light among
    darkness, so I wish you not to lose it and not to dissolve yourself in
    flames of love because men sometimes leave, but feelings remain
    for life. May love become your inspiration and passion,
    let her become a bright white fragrant flower in the desert,
    a real find of beauty and tenderness, a dizzying romance, oh
    which you have dreamed of since childhood. And let its light and warmth
    the fragrant breath never ends.

    Let your dreams become a real inspiration for masters
    beauty, beauty salons that you love to visit, and
    will also become a real dream, love and inspiration for you
    your reflection in mirrors and on black glossy expensive surfaces
    machines. May love give you a lot of affection and tenderness, a lot
    happiness and beauty, may it become a real dream for you and
    the envy of all your girlfriends who will become better people by imitating
    you. Empty sunshine will become for you a real performer of all
    your desires, bright and beautiful love that you see in yours
    the most bright dreams and wonderful life successes, beautiful things and
    glamorous jewelry. Happy Birthday to you, dear sweet lady!

    Looking into the summer night sky, among the bushes of jasmine and thin
    the aroma of delicate linden trees, your dreams will begin to come true. Look how tender
    the moon in the sky smiles at you in order to give you its
    beautiful milky light. He promises to fulfill your most cherished desire
    dream and give you the fulfillment of what is most dear to your heart
    desires. Let the moon become for you a symbol of love and joy, which
    every young lady wants to have. Let the scent of jasmine be yours
    a fashionable aphrodisiac that will attract your men to you
    dreams that you like, and the linden tree will give you material
    well-being, plenty warm words And beautiful gifts worthy
    a real lady. And the stars will give you so many dizzying
    smiles, how many friends you would like to have in your life.

    Childhood goes away, youth says goodbye, but dreams come true, leaving
    bright your beauty. May rivers of milk flow from your sweetest dreams
    will turn into a stream of dizzying romantic dreams and events,
    which no author of a dizzying female
    novel. Let the sea of ​​roses not haunt you in your dreams, but become
    your brightest desire, which turned into millions of bouquets from
    fans that even a famous actress and pop star would envy
    world cinema. And may the honey rivers of your dreams become
    you with a real cash flow that will visit your home and give
    you have a lot of interesting and beautiful things, turning your dreams into a source
    true inspiration and a beautiful life.

    Twenty-five years is a wonderful age when a young woman
    a woman feels all the charm of life and can allow herself to be herself
    yourself. She can understand not only the complexity of various life
    situations, but also the beauty of life. During this period of life for a girl
    many opportunities open up, the chance to fulfill your goal increases
    dream. So let the path to your dream run under clear skies and
    there will not be a single unpleasant pebble on it. On your birthday
    I would like to wish you good luck in all your undertakings, success at work, comfort and
    peace in the house, many reliable friends, joy from every day.
    May your family always be with you, who will never leave you.
    trouble. May you be accompanied by prosperity, health, luck and
    Love. Let everything turn out well, easily, pleasantly. Live with a smile
    and let our beautiful crazy world smile back at you too!

    Expensive! Your birthday is coming soon, you will turn twenty-five
    years. These days I think that you have long since become
    an independent person. You know what you are striving for and what you want
    achieve. You have a wonderful profession, so it’s not surprising
    that she brings you joy. After work you rush to your cozy
    house. People who love you and love you live in it. You delight
    friends with sincerity, cheerful character, ability to understand and help
    when others will not even notice that a person is worried about problems.
    Your eyes radiate kindness and you are just very beautiful woman.
    Let this little anniversary be the time for the beginning of new interesting
    events that will bring you new success. May health and
    well-being will become your normal state. And let your heart
    always remains the address of love.

    Today your twenty-fifth anniversary knocked on the door
    Birthday. What a wonderful holiday for a modern, energetic,
    beautiful girl! May this holiday be the one for you
    a wonderful and even magical time when new
    opportunities and very pleasant events occur. May your beloved
    will tell you those most important, long-awaited words that you so
    want to hear. May your long-time dream of a distant one come true
    romantic trip. May you easily find the most fashionable and
    quality outfits. May you have enough money for everything. Let yours
    friends and colleagues will never envy you. Let your boss
    will understand that you are smart and his cool company will simply fold without this
    qualified worker. And may you, of course, always be
    healthy and happy. Well-being! Good luck!! Joy!!!

    Your twenty-fifth birthday - a real holiday for relatives
    and friends. After all, you are the smile of the morning sun, the fresh breath of spring,
    the gentle touch of warm summer rain. You bring joy and
    give moments of inspiration. It's easy and pleasant to be around you, and your
    the voice soothes and at the same time gives strength, beckons, reminds
    how wonderful it is to simply live! May the universe be on your birthday
    will send you his Blessing, give you Luck and Success, will fulfill everything
    your wildest and most unexpected desires. I really want yours
    life was harmonious and filled to the brim with only pleasant things for
    you with events. And may you always be strong, healthy, smart and
    dynamic, to be ready to accept these events happily
    the course of your days.

    Your twenty-five years are a reason to say what you are like.
    cool girl. On your anniversary birthday and all others
    days, you always look amazing. Your kindness
    cordiality, attentiveness, ability to understand and feel that
    a person needs help, serve as support for loved ones. Is yours
    professionalism, ability to carry out assignments efficiently and creatively
    business is highly valued by colleagues. And from the incomparably graceful gait,
    beautiful well-groomed hands, sparkling laughter, men lose the ability
    speak and perceive other people's words. You are beautiful just like yourself
    life. May they always accompany you good Forces, let everything be to you
    you succeed, everything goes well for you; let everything bring joy and

    Happy birthday! Today you turn twenty-five years old,
    your golden time has come, the time of life's takeoff, sensations
    fullness of days, feminine blossoming. Do you feel your feminine power?
    you know that you can already do a lot. So may you continue to be like this
    as smart, as sweet and attractive as she is now. Let u
    your health and well-being will only increase, let the work be
    feasible and pleasant, and love and harmony reign in the family. Let it be
    life's path, whatever it may be, always walks next to you
    loyal and reliable friends. Let the most unexpected things open up for you
    incredible opportunities, and it will be just wonderful if very
    Soon you will visit Paris, which you have been dreaming about for so long. Be
    happy and loved on her twenty-fifth anniversary. And so be it
    will always be.

    Congratulations on your 25th anniversary in prose - congratulations in your own words

    Congratulations from the bottom of my heart and at 25 I wish you incredible stories and funny
    adventures, great achievements and cool victories, good luck and
    constant luck, true love and wonderful mood.

    I congratulate you on the brightest and most desired day - happy anniversary! 25 -
    this is a wonderful and tempting age, a time of love and conquest
    incredible peaks. I wish you to get from the sky the most blessed
    star: make a crazy wish, and let it come true at the very
    unexpected moment. Take a lot of pleasure from life, a scattering of happiness and
    drive cascade.

    Happy birthday! A quarter of a century is both a lot and
    few. Life is still ahead, but there is already something to look back on, and
    something that you want to remember with a certain amount of nostalgia. Let all
    future life will be happy and joyful, wishes will come true, and
    failures are avoided.

    25 years is the best age for a girl: at this time completely
    her external beauty blossoms, and life experience no longer allows her to
    make stupid mistakes. On this anniversary I just want to wish you
    worthy fans, sincere adoration and your own little
    victories - both in personal life and in career.

    Congratulations on the most important anniversary that brought you to
    real mature life! Before this date, all of us could safely
    call them guys, children who have begun to grow up. Now you -
    an adult who knows exactly what he wants from life. Let
    your deepest desires will come true, and along the way you will meet
    only bright people. I wish you great good health, which
    enough for your whole long happy life!

    Today you celebrate your 25th birthday, congratulations on your anniversary and wish you a bright
    sun and fair winds of good luck, bright hopes and sweet dreams,
    true friends and real happiness, unreal luck, prosperity and
    big victories.

    We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday. We wish you rapid
    career growth, understanding your boss and financial satisfaction.
    Let only good people meet on your young path, who
    They will always understand and support. Happy 25th Anniversary!

    A quarter of a century has already passed and you have already been able to achieve in this life
    something. I would like to congratulate you on this wonderful anniversary. 25
    years is the age when you have already reached some heights in life, but still
    young, hot and full of plans. Happy anniversary to you, our dear person!
    Happiness, health, money!

    Twenty-five years is an anniversary, which means that having conquered the Pamirs and
    Ararat, a man collected a backpack of abilities and skills, took his hands
    friends and ready to feel the invigorating air of Everest. I wish the hero of the day to pass
    this path is a breeze, easily and without loss.

    Congratulations on your 25th birthday to your sister in prose

    Dear sister, happy anniversary to you! You are 25 years old. You are the kindest and
    sweetest little man. I wish you endless youth, beauty and
    bliss. You deserve great happiness. I want you to have everything
    and it always worked out, no matter what I took on. I love you very much and want you
    May everything be great for you!

    Today I wish my beloved sister a happy 25th birthday.
    May everything you wish for yourself come true. Let every day
    your life will be happy, and misfortunes will pass you by and
    everyone you love. Joy, love and light! Let yours be fulfilled
    dreams, even the most daring and amazing ones.

    My darling, my sister, congratulations on the anniversary of your youth, on
    Happy 25th birthday, darling. I wish you to bloom like a delicate peony bud
    and bloom throughout your life as lush and fragrant
    in color, I wish you personal happiness and prosperity, high achievements and
    victorious heights, unearthly joy and dreams, good prosperity and

    My dear sister, congratulations on your 25th birthday. I wish you
    never doubt yourself, conquer the heights of happiness and success,
    always smile in life. Be healthy and sincerely loved, kind,
    beautiful and irresistible.

    Dear sister, congratulations on your 25th birthday. My beloved, be
    always on an optimistic wave of life and at the peak of happiness, I wish you
    good health and wonderful mood, sincere love And
    fulfillment of all your desires.

    My dear sister, you are 25 today. I love you with all my heart
    congratulations and wish I want to continue to be a big entertainer and
    a wonderful charmer, a creative craftswoman and simply wonderful
    a maiden. I wish you great happiness on your life's journey and bright
    light of luck.

    Dear sister, congratulations on your 25th birthday. I wish you the unspeakable
    success in life, conquering your planned peaks, good health and
    self-confidence, well-being and good friends, mass
    admirers, warmth and harmony.

    Today you got five A's from all of them. Five times stronger than love, five times stronger
    times more happiness, plus five to health and minus five kilograms for
    the next five weeks. Be as energetic, perky, cheerful,
    cheerful at least two more times for 25 years. Happy birthday,

    Happy 25th birthday greetings to a friend in prose

    Dear friend, happy anniversary to you! For 25 years you have been delighting the world with your
    kindness and beauty. I wish you sincerity, fidelity, lightness,
    harmony, spirituality! Don't let these words just stay
    words, but they will begin to come true! I want you to be happy and how
    smile as much as possible so that all your endeavors always lead to
    desired result. There is still a lot of interesting things ahead! Happiness to you!

    You, friend, are 25, on which I sincerely congratulate you. My joy, be
    always yourself, the same beauty with kind hearted and sweet soul.
    Let life give you happiness: a portion for every day. Let
    love inspires you and gives you lightness and inspiration. I wish you good luck and
    well-being, striving for goals and patience, good life
    moments and smiles. May everything work out for you, my friend.

    My beloved friend, congratulations on your 25th birthday. Dear I am for you
    I wish you to be sincerely happy, deeply loved, passionately desired, forever
    successful, endlessly joyful, magnificent and irresistible in everything.

    My dear, sweet and magnificent friend, congratulations on your
    25th anniversary. I want to wish you pleasure from life and complete
    self-realization, bright love and unquenchable happiness, great hopes and
    good luck, loud victories and incredible joy.

    My dear friend, congratulations on your 25th birthday. Be always
    successful, purposeful, beautiful, cheerful, beloved girl. Let
    life gives you pleasant gifts, the attention of loved ones, their
    love and care. I wish you true happiness on your path, good
    health and bright love.

    My dove, my support and my reliable person, girlfriend,
    Happy 25th birthday to you. I wish you undoubted success in all your
    deeds, actions, ideas and plans. Let your heart beat evenly and
    calmly, and if there is overstrain, it will only be from ardent love
    and passion, may eternal happiness and joy live in your soul, I wish
    great luck and wonderful bright emotions.

    Congratulations, my wonderful and sweet friend. You are 25 today and
    there is not a single reason for sadness and sadness. After all, everything is good
    you are ahead, because many victories and happy ones still await you
    accomplishments. I wish you, dear, great perseverance and high rewards,
    cherished love and brilliant beauty.

    My dear, wonderful and beloved friend, today you are 25 years old,
    and this means that you have become a completely self-sufficient girl.
    Happy birthday to you and I want to wish you a wolfish grip on
    affairs, high intelligence in any matter, sincerity in
    relationships, enthusiasm for work and great happiness in life. Be
    deeply loved, desired, successful and always beautiful.

    Dear friend, 25 years have passed since your birth.
    Today you are celebrating your anniversary, congratulations. I wish you delicious and sweet
    vitamins of happiness and love, a reliable and fast-acting medicine in
    in case of depression, excellent protection against colds and the envy of enemies,
    undoubted success in business and personal life, universal recognition and

    My beloved and dear friend, a quarter of a century is behind you,
    Today is 25, and I sincerely congratulate you. I wish that in your life
    there was a complete supply of all necessary resources for a healthy and
    have a happy life, I wish you to truly enjoy every day and fly away to
    a wonderful land of dreams at night.

    Short congratulations on the 25th anniversary to a girl, boyfriend

    You are 25 today.
    I congratulate you on your anniversary!
    May you always be lucky
    Let life be more fun.
    Success, money and goodness
    Let them come to you soon.

    Don't lose what you have,
    Increase your advantages.
    There are so many roads in 25,
    Try not to get lost in them.
    Find the one, yours,
    And bring your dream closer!

    Congratulations on turning a quarter of a century, today you are 25. I wish you to be a good and happy person, and don’t forget to dream.

    We wish you sweet nights,
    Pleasant rays of sunshine.
    After all, 25 is still dawn,
    AND better than an anniversary No!

    Happy anniversary!
    You are 25 today.
    I wish you good luck
    In everything you want to take in life.

    Celebrating a quarter of a century
    Close relatives and friends.
    May you always be in love and happiness
    Your life goes by.

    Such a date! Twenty five!
    I want to wish you
    Do not know grief and loss,
    Don't get sick, don't be sad,
    To live and love in happiness,
    Give your smile to everyone.

    Time for everyone to have some fun
    Let's pour it today.
    We are celebrating today
    Your anniversary, 25.

    I wish on your star
    Shine brightly in the sky.
    Congratulations on the anniversary
    The class date is 25.

    We cordially congratulate you on your anniversary,
    We wish to set goals at 25,
    Stay on the right course
    And spend resources wisely.

    Your anniversary gives you wings,
    This definitely cannot be taken away.
    Conquer the peaks of fate
    I wish at 25.

    At 25 everything is simple and easy,
    Let the problems go far away
    Youth is a wonderful time,
    Let her only make her happy!

    Love at 25 and dream
    Hope and believe in the anniversary,
    Meet love in life
    And always be happy with her.

    I wish you wild adventures
    After all, it’s only 25 years.
    But also your great aspirations
    There is no way you can forget.
    Go boldly towards important goals.
    Forward to your dreams! Don't retreat!

    Happy anniversary! Sweet life!
    At 25, there are countless miracles.
    And great happiness is close,
    And the whole world is subject to you.
    I wish you pure feelings
    And love cannot be overlooked.

    Twenty-five is knocking on the window,
    The anniversary is on the verge,
    We wish you grandiose plans,
    Happy birthday!

    On my twenty-fifth birthday,
    Your wonderful anniversary,
    Be healthy and rich
    Only with luck, no pain.

    Meetings at twenty-five are pleasant,
    Lots of plans and aspirations.
    May it give you a wonderful evening
    Anniversary birthday!

    We meet your twenty-five,
    Let's make a wish with you,
    May you be lucky in life
    And all around there was only goodness,
    Health, happiness, and love,
    May they always be with you.

    Celebrating a quarter of a century
    A very bright anniversary.
    Be happy, always successful,
    Don't be shy in your personal life.

    Twenty-five anniversary -
    Reason to become happy
    I wish to hurry
    Never miss a chance in life.

    The tenderness of the morning dawn after a hot and sunny summer will give you a gentle morning coolness, like the most delicate aroma of your beautiful perfume. Let her become a real inspiration for you for love and admiration, because you have already achieved a lot yourself and were able to realize yourself in life, get rid of your past and become the most beautiful thing for men. May one day love give you the most tender kiss and passion, may flowers bloom for you like jewelry in the palm of your hand, and may your spring give you many bright and beautiful flowers, tender and romantic, like you yourself. In the meantime, accept for you a delicate orchid that is as beautiful as your reflection in the mirror. Happy Birthday, sweet princess!

    The turquoise summer gave you the open spaces of the sea and let delicate shells become for you the basis of magical and beautiful jewelry and flowers, inspiration and tenderness, passionate love and great scope for the future. Because your road to life is wide, like the expanses of the sea and beautiful, like watercolors. Let it become for you a wide road that gives you access to a sea of ​​entertainment and opportunities, places where dreams turn into reality and become beautiful and tender, blooming like large magnolias on southern trees. May love give you a lot of affection and tenderness, and may your wishes always come true, because a broad creative nature requires other distances, other opportunities than just an ordinary material person.

    A rare and beautiful flower opened in the desert zone. He gave you radiance and purity, as well as a little tenderness and beauty. It became your beauty, your tenderness and sensuality, which no one else has in this sultry desert of life in a big city. For you, love has become a bright reality, it has become a real light among the darkness, so I wish you not to lose it and not to dissolve yourself in the flame of love because men sometimes leave, but feelings remain for life. Let love become your inspiration and passion, let it become a bright white fragrant flower in the desert, a real find of beauty and tenderness, a dizzying romance that you have dreamed of since childhood. And may its light and warm fragrant breath never end.

    Let your dreams become a real inspiration for the beauty masters and beauty salons that you love to visit, and let all your reflections in mirrors and on black glossy surfaces become a real dream, love and inspiration for you. expensive cars. May love give you a lot of affection and tenderness, a lot of happiness and beauty, may it become a real dream for you and the envy of all your girlfriends, who will become better by imitating you. The sun will become for you a real fulfiller of all your desires, bright and beautiful love that you see in your brightest dreams and wonderful life successes, beautiful things and glamorous jewelry. Happy Birthday to you, dear sweet lady!

    Looking into the summer night sky, among the jasmine bushes and the subtle aroma of delicate linden trees, your dreams will begin to come true. Look how tenderly the moon smiles at you in the sky to give you its beautiful milky light. He promises to fulfill your most cherished dream and give you the fulfillment of the desire most dear to your heart. Let the moon become for you a symbol of the love and joy that every young lady wants to have. Let the aroma of jasmine become your fashionable aphrodisiac, which will attract the men of your dreams who you like, and linden will give material well-being, many warm words and beautiful gifts worthy of a real lady. And the stars will give you as many dizzying smiles as you would like to have in your life.

    Childhood goes away, youth says goodbye, but dreams come true, leaving your beauty bright. Let the rivers of milk from your sweetest dreams turn into a stream of dizzying romantic dreams and events that no author of a dizzying women's novel has ever dreamed of. Let the sea of ​​roses not haunt you in your dreams, but become your brightest desire, which has turned into millions of bouquets from fans that even a famous actress and pop star of world cinema will envy. And let the honey rivers of your dreams become a real cash flow for you, which will visit your home and give you a lot of interesting and beautiful things, turning your dreams into a source of real inspiration and a beautiful life.

    Twenty-five years is a wonderful age when a young woman feels all the charm of life and can allow herself to be herself. She can understand not only the complexity of various life situations, but also the beauty of life. During this period of life, many opportunities open up for a girl, and the chance to fulfill her dream increases. So let the path to your dream run under a clear sky and not have a single unpleasant pebble on it. On your birthday, I would like to wish you good luck in all your endeavors, success at work, comfort and peace in your home, many reliable friends, and joy in every day. May your family always be with you and never leave you in trouble. May prosperity, health, luck and love accompany you. Let everything turn out well, easily, pleasantly. Live with a smile and let our beautiful crazy world smile back at you too!

    Expensive! Your birthday is coming soon, you will be twenty-five years old. These days you think that you have long become an independent person. You know what you are striving for and what you want to achieve. You have a wonderful profession, so it’s not surprising that it brings you joy. After work, you rush to your cozy home. People who love you and love you live in it. You admire your friends with your sincerity, cheerful character, ability to understand and help when others do not even notice that a person is worried about problems. Your eyes radiate kindness and you are simply a very beautiful woman. Let this little anniversary be the time for the beginning of new interesting events that will bring you new success. Let health and well-being become your normal state. And may your heart always remain the address of love.

    Today your twenty-fifth birthday is knocking on your door. What a wonderful holiday for a modern, energetic, beautiful girl! Let this holiday become for you that wonderful and even magical time when new opportunities open up and very pleasant events occur. Let your loved one tell you those most important, long-awaited words that you so want to hear. May your old dream of a distant romantic trip come true. Let you easily find the most fashionable and high-quality outfits. May you have enough money for everything. May your friends and colleagues never envy you. Let your boss understand that you are smart and his cool company will simply collapse without such a qualified employee. And may you, of course, always be healthy and happy. Well-being! Good luck!! Joy!!!

    Your twenty-fifth birthday is a real holiday for family and friends. After all, you are the smile of the morning sun, the fresh breath of spring, the gentle touch of warm summer rain. You bring joy and give moments of inspiration. It’s easy and pleasant to be around you, and your voice calms and at the same time gives strength, beckons, reminds you of how wonderful it is to simply live! On your birthday, may the Universe send you its Blessing, give you Good Luck and Success, and fulfill all your wildest and most unexpected desires. I really want your life to be harmonious and filled to the brim with only pleasant events for you. And may you always be strong, healthy, smart and dynamic, so that you are ready to accept these events in the happy course of your days.

    Your twenty-five years are a reason to say what a cool girl you are. On your anniversary birthday and on all other days, you always look simply amazing. Your kindness, cordiality, attentiveness, ability to understand and feel that a person needs help serve as support for loved ones. Your professionalism and ability to perform the assigned task efficiently and creatively are highly valued by your colleagues. And from an incomparably graceful gait, beautiful well-groomed hands, and sparkling laughter, men lose the ability to speak and perceive the words of other people. You are beautiful, like life itself. May good Forces always accompany you, may everything succeed for you, may everything work out for you; May everything bring joy and satisfaction.

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