• A simple paper castle. Creativity from paper. Layout of a medieval castle


    Which ones did I tell you about recently? So, it all started with them. Because princesses, you know what they are? They don't want to live in the ordinary dollhouse! Give them a castle! And definitely made of cardboard! Can you imagine? It was in approximately these terms that my daughter approached me with a request for urgent provision of separate living quarters for the princesses.

    I started racking my brains, wondering why. As usual, I scoured the Internet on the topic of cardboard castles and cardboard palaces and looked at a few interesting ideas, took out cardboard (fortunately we always have plenty of this stuff, since we really love breakfast cereals), took out the bushings from toilet paper(oh, what do we have in the pantry!), scissors, pencil, ruler, I sat down in front of this whole pile and... And nothing... no ideas. At all. Complete stupor. I applied parts this way and that, but it didn’t turn out to be a stone palace and that’s it... In short, on the first evening of working on the project, the first glimpses of my creative consciousness began to appear after about an hour of almost meditative contemplation of a pile of garbage. This is what came out of this meditation.

    But in the morning there was a clear understanding in my head that the castle consists of two main parts: a) a palace, b) a fortress. That is, a castle is a palace inside a fortress.

    And now the creative consciousness has already been awakened, the process has been launched and away we go!


    It was decided to make the base of the fortress from two boxes, placing the boxes on top of each other with a shift.It was decided to attach walls to the sides - two more boxes.

    The walls of the fortress were covered with strips of cardboard with jagged edges, creating real fortress walls along which patrolmen could walk.

    The walls were glued to the base using PVA glue.

    They pressed a weight on top to make it stick better.

    But, as the chief architect, the child asked, how will the princesses climb these walls? I had to make steps.

    Here you can see where they were glued.

    The round towers of the fortress are made from three toilet paper rolls connected with tape. The towers themselves are also attached to the walls of the fortress with tape.

    The central gate, that is, the entrance to the castle, was made of cardboard, bent in the letter L. The lower part was glued to the base of the fortress with double-sided tape, the upper part was stapled in two places to the towers.

    And then we unexpectedly came in handy with a part of the chain that was left over after shortening the handle on my daughter’s purse. Thanks dad for saving it just in case!

    The chain is attached to the wall like this: it is inserted into through holes, and ordinary paper clips are attached to the ends. The clips prevent the ends of the chain from slipping out and serve to make closing the gate easier. Here's an interactive element for you!

    The chain is attached to the door with a wire as if you were sewing a button.

    I cut out the loopholes of the fortress from some picture found on the Internet, reduced it to the right size, multiplied and printed. The picture was black and white, so I had to color it by hand. But it’s just more interesting, right?

    The final touch - brickwork. I painted it with wax crayon on top of a painted and well-dried wall.


    The palace was made from a magnetic alphabet box and cardboard, rolled into tubes and stapled on both sides. Moreover, the outer turrets turned out to be composite. The small cylinders are not attached to anything and can be removed. Many small cuts were made on the bottom of the central tower cylinder, bent outward and glued with double-sided tape.

    The base on which the palace towers are installed is a box that has a part with a hole to make it easier to hang goods in a store. It is not secured to the base by anything, it is held solely by this hanging part inserted into the slot made in the cereal box. But it holds strong. The round side towers are attached to the box with double-sided tape.

    The palace must have a balcony, and for this we attached a cardboard bent in the shape of a C to the wall of the building with double-sided tape. It is attached to the base with double-sided tape like this.

    They covered this thing on top with cardboard in the shape of an arch, inserted this cardboard into the slot and glued it with reverse side inside the box with a glue stick.

    Based on an idea I spotted on the Internet, railings like these were originally planned for this balcony.

    In the end it turned out like this:

    The toothpick halves are attached to the cardboard with hot glue, the beads are put on top and not secured by anything. On top of the toothpicks, a piece of braid is glued to hot glue, which remained from the time of making the hearing development game “Candy”.

    At the request of the chief architect, ladders were also added to the palace balcony.

    In addition, our architect could not figure out how the princesses could get to the large balcony from the entrance to the fortress? Indeed, there was no direct route, but it’s not a princess’s business to jump through the air, so we had to cut a through passage from the courtyard to the balcony.

    The roofs of the palace towers were made of colored cardboard. The color scheme is daughter's. Empirically, that is, through trial and error, we obtained a pattern for cones from a newspaper; it turned out that half the circumference of a reel of adhesive tape was the right size. We cut out semicircles, rolled them into a cone and secured them with a stapler.

    Each princess castle has spiers with flags fluttering in the wind. Therefore, flags were cut out of the same colored cardboard, glued together and placed on kebabs. These skewers were then attached to the roofs using hot glue.

    The windows, as in the case of the fortress, were found on the Internet. We had better luck with these windows - we managed to find colored ones that matched the color scheme.

    One of the integral parts of castles and fortresses is a wooden lattice door. We made it, or rather they, because we have two of them, from ice cream sticks fastened together with PVA glue.

    I love ice cream on sticks! :) We even made a cradle for the baby doll from them. :)

    Since we made the castle in the evenings, due to good weather, the project was delayed. But you know princesses! They are so impatient! Therefore, we started painting the castle when it was not yet finished.

    If you like to tell stories, then the decorations will not hurt. This DIY paper castle will serve you well visual aid. Anyone can do it. Surprise your kids, tell fairy tales, develop their fantasy and imagination. So, let's begin!

    DIY paper locks

    Step 1: You will need


    Blue, yellow, or brown and green coloring (you can use food coloring)

    Blue paint (for coloring water)

    Red paint (for castle roofs)

    Red floor fabric

    Sawdust (for grass)

    2 Pringles cans (for towers)

    Cardboard cutting machine - very useful, but not necessary


    Step 2. No. 1

    1. Lay out the box as shown in photo 1.

    2. Then draw the door and roof as shown in photo 2. Cut out

    Step 3. Sand

    1. Collect good sand, clear it of large stones and branches. It must be of very good quality.

    2. Add dyes and dry the sand.

    Step 4. Walls

    1. Apply glue to the cardboard and sprinkle it with tan sand.

    2. To cover the front wall, cut out several small pieces of cardboard in the form of stones.

    Step 5. The stones are blue!

    So, color the "stones" in Blue colour and stick them around the door.

    Step 6. Towers

    1. Cut a window-shaped hole in a can of chips.

    2. Make a cone out of cardboard and paint it red. This will be the roof

    3. Then apply glue to the towers again and sprinkle with blue sand.

    Step 7. Ground

    1. Take a large sheet of cardboard.

    2. Paint it blue (this will be water).

    3. Now for the grass, use sawdust, having previously painted them in green color using dye.

    Perhaps, out of the blue, you have some free time in the evening and want to spend it with your child. Maybe you just like to create unusual and original things with your own hands. In any case, we suggest you learn how to make a cardboard castle quickly and easily with your own hands.

    How to build an original cardboard castle with your own hands: preparation for the process

    To make an original and unique cardboard structure, you first need to prepare the raw materials. To build the walls and towers of your house you need to find large sheets thick cardboard. Old cardboard boxes are suitable for you as a building material for the gradual formation of walls. Such boxes can be assembled after purchasing household appliances or new furniture.

    Cut on the surface of your cardboard box windows and at least one door. Now you need to find boxes from small TVs, or just small boxes from which you will build turrets, otherwise what kind of castle is this?

    From packaging from chicken eggs you can make a balcony for a tiny doll. This template can be easily mounted on a wall made of thick cardboard.

    You can use colorful stationery paper to form tiles for the roofs of your castle turrets. You can do the interior design of the building entirely at your own discretion.

    Making layouts and diagrams is a very important component children's creativity. After all, by assembling a model, a child not only develops his imagination, spatial thinking, fine motor skills hands, but also a detailed, accurate idea of ​​the subject. We offer our readers detailed information and a master class on the process of making a castle model.

    To work, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

    • thick cardboard;
    • PVA glue;
    • ruler;
    • a simple pencil;
    • compass;
    • sharp scissors;
    • watercolor paints.

    Now proceed to the process of making a layout for your structure. If you and your child decide to make a model of a royal castle, then first decide on the material for creativity. You can use wood panels or sheets of cardboard as building material.

    If you choose wooden material, you will get a strong, durable royal castle - a real reason to be proud. The main disadvantage of a wooden castle is the difficulty in cutting parts from a sheet of wood. However, if you are good with a jigsaw, then this will not be particularly difficult for you.

    Making your own castle out of cardboard seems very easy and simple. The process of cutting and gluing separate parts of the composition together looks very easy and simple to perform. However, difficulties may arise when any fragment of the structure is not completely glued. In this case, you need to add a small amount of PVA glue. As a result of such actions, a few drops of glue may fall on the front “wall” of the castle, causing the paint to appear stained on it, and so on. It is also quite difficult to maintain perfect appearance products made from such fragile paper material.

    Having decided on the desired material, begin making drawings of your design. Decide on the design of the castle that you want to implement. When using cardboard sheets as the starting material, you can make locks of any complexity. These can be buildings with rounded walls and turrets, carved windows or drawbridges. Cardboard is a very malleable material, so your imagination is not limited in this case.

    At the moment when you already have a completed idea, draw a sketch of the future design. Then, directly on your template diagram, mark the approximate height, length and width of your castle. Based on the basic dimensions, proceed to construct a more detailed and detailed drawing. To construct the rounded parts of your structure, use a compass.

    After this, transfer the design to the selected material. Paint all parts of the building in the chosen color. After complete drying, cut out all the parts along the contour and glue them together. Now your original and unique castle is ready.

    Video on the topic of the article

    We offer a selection of videos on the topic of the article. In the material presented you will find a visual demonstration of the process of making a cardboard castle. Enjoy watching and exploring!

    I have already written that if you treat unnecessary cardboard packaging as an unusual construction set, you can make a lot of interesting things. Today I propose to make a castle with turrets from toothpaste boxes. Children will be happy to take part in its construction.

    Materials and tools for the “Paper Castle” master class

    four toothpaste boxes, white album sheets, orange and blue flowers, double-sided tape, regular tape, ruler, scissors, pencil.


    1. Take four identical toothpaste boxes. Measure the length of the box and the width of each side. The length of the box turned out to be 19 cm, and the width of the sides was 3.5 and 4.5 cm.

    2. Now let's solve a simple example of addition. Let's add up the width of all the edges at one end of the box and add another centimeter. I got 3.5 + 4.5 +3.5+ 4.5 + 1 = 17 cm.

    Now you need to cut out four rectangles measuring 17 x 19 cm from white album sheets (19 cm is the height of the box).

    3. Take one box and cover it with one rectangle. The fastest way to do this is with double-sided tape, but you can also glue it with PVA glue. I additionally glued the edges of the rectangle at the junction with a strip of ordinary narrow tape - for reliability.

    4. We will paste the remaining boxes in the same way.

    The bases for the turrets are ready.

    5. Cut out two circles with a diameter of 16 cm from orange cardboard. Cut each circle in half. From these semicircles we will make roofs for the turrets.

    6. Roll each semicircle into a cone and glue it together using strips of tape. Additionally, you can secure the edges with a stapler.

    7. Glue small pieces of tape to the corners of the box. It is better to take foam double-sided tape - it is stronger.

    8. Remove the protective layer from the tape and glue the roof-cone on top.

    9. We will also glue the roofs to the remaining boxes.

    10. Cut out a rectangle measuring 19 x 11 cm from album sheets. We will use it to make a wall for our castle. Mark and cut out the top side of this rectangle as shown in the photo. We will get a wall with battlements. In the same way we will cut out three more walls.

    11. Cut out a gate 7 cm wide and 9 cm high from orange cardboard.

    12. Cut the gate in half.

    13. Place the gate on one wall of the castle and outline it with a simple pencil.

    14. Cut the wall along the pencil line so that the gate can open.

    15. Glue pieces of orange cardboard to the gate.

    16. Glue the wall with the gate to the two turrets using double-sided tape or PVA glue.


    Bring that same box from the balcony (this will free up space for other junk) and start giving it the appearance of a home. Cut out windows so that the princess has somewhere to look out while waiting for the proverbial one on the white horse, and at least one door so that this prince has somewhere to enter. Now you need to find boxes from small TVs (you can ask yours), or just small boxes (if yours is not in the mood), from which you will build turrets, otherwise what kind of thing is this? lock.

    Call your husband and sternly ask him for the box he ordered and brazenly ate during your last business trip. Having stopped it because this box was removed from behind the back of the sofa (after all, it was useful), you can build a foundation from it for our medieval one.

    Look in the refrigerator, find a package of chicken eggs, remove the last remaining one from it and cut this container into small pots. Since our princess is tiny, this will suit her quite well as a balcony. However, she will not be indignant.

    If your imagination runs wild, you can build a room inside. Randomly found artifacts such as empty ones matchboxes, will form a ladder to the door.

    Find some colored paper on your child's desk and build turret roofs. Hurray, everything is ready. You can fall back into childhood.

    Manufacturing layouts- a very important component of children's creativity. After all, by assembling a model, the child not only develops imagination, spatial thinking, fine motor skills, but also a detailed, accurate idea of ​​the object (be it a ship, plane or castle).

    You will need

    • - Cardboard;
    • - glue;
    • - ruler;
    • - pencil;
    • - compass;
    • - scissors;
    • - paints.


    By choosing wood, you will get a strong, durable, chic lock - a real reason to be proud. The texture of the wood itself will give your creation a special flavor. The main disadvantage of wooden castle- complexity of parts made from sheet wood. If you are good with a jigsaw, then no problems will arise.

    At first glance, making a castle out of cardboard is as easy as shelling pears. It's easy to cut out parts, easy to fasten them together. But difficulties begin to arise when some fragment is not completely glued, you need to add a little glue, a few drops fall on the front “wall” castle, because of this, the paint appears in spots, etc. It is quite difficult to maintain the impeccable appearance of a product made from such a fragile material. However, for the first time it is recommended to train on cardboard and only then move on to more durable materials.

    Having decided on the material, start developing drawings. Find a castle you like in books or invent one yourself. You may be wondering, why not choose the model first, and only then the raw materials for its manufacture? Everything is very simple. The implementation of your idea will depend on the specifics of the material. If you choose cardboard as a raw material, you can make rounded, bendable tower pieces relatively easily. Working, on the contrary, you will have to slightly reduce the number and complexity of architectural “delights”.

    When you already have ready idea, draw a sketch of the future product. Now, right on the sketch, mark the approximate height, length and width castle. Based on the basic dimensions, proceed to construct a more detailed and detailed drawing. It's not as difficult as it seems. Do the work - from largest to smallest. To construct rounded parts of the drawing, use a compass.

    Transfer the details of the drawing to the material from which the lock will be made. Paint all parts of the product in the chosen color. If you leave painting for later, you risk leaving hard-to-reach areas white or poorly painted. Let the paint dry completely.

    Cut out the parts strictly according to the drawn contours.

    Glue all the parts together sequentially. Let the glue dry and your castle is ready.


    • how to make a castle out of cardboard

    It's hard to think of a simpler and more versatile thing than a box. You can use it to carry items during a move, store little things dear to your heart in closets and under the bed, use them to decorate your apartment or as gift wrapping.

    You will need


    Take a large sheet of cardboard. It should be dense enough and not brittle so that it does not crack at the folds. Draw a rectangle in the center. This will be the bottom of your box. The sides of the box are adjacent to its right and left sides. They are equal to the depth of the container itself.

    Adjacent to the top and bottom edges of the main rectangle are two more sides of the box - front and back. Their height is equal to the height of the sides described in the previous paragraph. On the sides of each of these pieces, add flaps to connect the box. If you intend to store light objects in it, valves 2 cm wide will be sufficient, in otherwise It is better to increase the width as much as possible. Trim the edges of the valves at a 45 degree angle.

    Bend the cardboard along all the drawn lines. Lubricate the valves with PVA glue and bend them inward, connecting them to the sides of the box.
    While this is the part, make the lid. Its length and width are 2-5 mm greater than the length and width of the bottom of the box, and the height of the sides can be any. Also add sides for fastening to the two sides of the lid.

    Following this pattern, you can make a cardboard box of almost any shape. Main geometric figure repeat as many times as there are sides in the box, add the bottom and flaps and make the lid a few millimeters larger than the area of ​​the bottom of the box.

    Turn the cardboard wrong side up and use a ruler and pencil to draw the shape shown in the picture. The dimensions of the figure may be different, but all figures must be equal to each other. The allowance for gluing the box must be at least one centimeter, only in this case the box will ultimately turn out.

    Cut out the resulting shape, bend it along the dotted lines and start gluing (the side covered with colored paper should be on the outside). Glue part A to part A", glue part B to part B", glue part C to part C", glue part D to part D". When gluing, try to press the parts together as tightly as possible so that there are no gaps.

    In order for the product to ultimately look more elegant, it needs to be decorated. To do this, take a decorative bow (a bow in a contrasting color with the box itself is ideal) and glue it to the outside of the box lid (in the picture, the box lid is part E). To create such a box, only thick cardboard is suitable.

    To make a box, take a sheet of thick craft cardboard measuring 23*23 cm and another sheet of the same cardboard measuring 16*16. Some types of craft cardboard are quite expensive, but you can use cheaper cardboard without loss. Gift box will have a taller bottom and a smaller lid, so will require different sized sheets of cardboard. The size can vary, as long as the lid and bottom fit together. Make slits in a piece of cardboard that matches the bottom of the box. This sheet should have dimensions 23*23. As a result, using scissors, you should get a design similar to an equilateral cross. The cuts should be made in this order. First, cut the sheet along the edges to a depth of 7.5 cm towards the center, also 7.5 cm away from the corners. Make 4 cuts on two opposite sides of the sheet. As a result, you should get 4 squares with a side of 7.5 cm at the corners of the cardboard sheet and 2 rectangles located between them. Then draw lines with a pencil on both sides of the sheet, marking the location of the cuts at the top and bottom. After cutting along the lines, you should get a shape that resembles a cross or an addition sign. At a distance of 4 cm from the edge, cut the side edges diagonally towards the center. After this you will have triangles at the top and bottom. Now let's start working on the second, smaller sheet of cardboard. Cut it the same way as the first one, just keep in mind the smaller dimensions. The result is a figure that resembles a cross or an addition sign. This figure will have triangular notches at the corners. Now fold the corners where the triangular cutouts are located. There will be 4 of them: 2 below and 2 above.

    Bring the sides of the cardboard sheet together, folding them toward the center. Take each corner from the bottom and fold it up. In this case, the central part of the sheet, which remains flat, should form a correct one. Those. you will get 4 side faces that surround the bottom in boxes. The side faces remain so that the triangular protrusions are located on the inside.

    Connect the side edges so that the triangular protrusions are located on the inside. Fold the edges of the box upward, again making sure that the cutouts are located on the inside of the walls. These cutouts will serve to connect the individual side edges of the box.

    Now perform the same operations with the lid. Take a smaller sheet of cardboard and fold the edges of the sheet as described above. Then fold the edges of the sheet towards its center, forming the sides of the box. Lift up all four edges. Remember to ensure that the triangular cutouts are on the inside at all times. Glue the triangular cutouts to the inside of the box walls. This way, you will have two halves of the box in your hands, which can be combined with glue. Then wait for the glue to dry by pressing the edges of the sides of the box. Then place the lid of the box onto its base. The homemade cardboard box is ready.

    Creating artifacts, you transform an ordinary item into a magical element. Consider the main condition that the object of your influence has an energy body with which you will interact. Any household item has a neutral balance of energies, it is indifferent to the environment, and therefore cannot have a magical effect. You must activate his energy field, create an information matrix. There are several ways to do this.


    Use time. Place the item in a magically active location. Firstly, in any region there is an infinite number of such places. Secondly, you don’t have to spend any money on creating an artifact. special effort or abilities. You just need to organize the transportation of the item. The negative aspects of this technique are that in order for the item to charge, you will have to wait quite a long time, at least six months. It’s even better to wait twenty times longer if you have a guarantee that it won’t be stolen there.

    Use symbolic meaning. Over the long millennia of human existence, symbols, due to repeated use, have left their clichés in the information field of the planet. Apply them to any surface to endow the object with a new information matrix. For example, you can use Scandinavian runes, symbols of the East and Kabbalah. The advantage of this method of creating an artifact is its relative simplicity. The difficulty is that you must not only know, but also be aware of the meaning of the symbols that you are going to depict. Consider the geographic location of some of them. Remember that a rune may look different than the quality it has.

    Carry out, which today is the traditional procedure for performing a magical action. Approach the issue fundamentally, because you are not interested in making it rain or driving away. Remember that the difficulty of carrying out manipulations is only external, and often simply imaginary. You, as the creator of the artifact, will be a full-fledged manager of the process, define it from beginning to end and get exactly the item you need.

    Use the technique. All of the listed methods of transforming objects into artifacts You can combine them according to your capabilities. This way you will reduce the disadvantages of some methods and, conversely, enhance the advantages of others.

    There are a lot of options for paper castle models - as many as there are real buildings built in different eras. To learn how to make a copy of any of them, master the technique of creating the main elements of a castle - walls, towers, donjon.


    Draw a drawing of the castle you want to make. Determine what parts it will consist of. Mark the dimensions of each piece. If you find it difficult to come up with the structure of a castle, find photographs of it in encyclopedias or on the Internet.

    Take colored cardboard as a material. Then later you will only have to complete the small details.

    Start building the fortress from the wall. It should surround the entire structure. Since towers are built into the wall, you need to make several sections of the same height. On cardboard of the required length, mark the height of the wall, draw a line parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet. Above, use the same line to mark the thickness of the wall and set aside the height again. Bend the workpiece along the marked lines. Crown the top of the wall with teeth. Make them separately in the form of cubes, the side of which is equal to the width of the wall. Make a net of a cube using six identical squares. Add flaps to connect the edges together. Glue the cubes together and attach them to the wall at equal distances from each other.

    The towers of the fortress can be either cylindrical or quadrangular. To make the cylinder, cut out a rectangle and glue the sides together. In the second case, you will need a parallelepiped. Supplement cylindrical towers with cone-shaped roofs; the tops of quadrangular towers should consist of four connected triangles.

    Collect all the elements of the outer “layer” of the fortress. Make holes in the side faces of the towers, insert parts of the wall into them and secure with glue.

    “Build” living and utility rooms inside. Their number and shape depend on the era and place of construction of the castle you are copying. Place a cylindrical or polygonal donjon in the center - the main room. This building must be the tallest. It can be connected to lower buildings or made autonomous.

    Ready lock color it. Draw windows and loopholes on the fortress wall. The castle itself has windows and doors of various configurations. If your model is large enough, you can draw silhouettes of the castle's inhabitants in the windows.

    Video on the topic


    • how to make a paper castle with your own hands

    Are there a lot of glasses left after the party? Surprise yourself and your children unusual toy which will decorate any celebration.

    You will need

    • - multi-colored plastic glasses;
    • - an ice cream stick;
    • - red felt-tip pen;
    • - scotch;
    • - colored rope;
    • - stationery knife.


    Using a craft knife, cut out the shape of a snake's tongue into a popsicle stick. Color the end of the stick red using a felt-tip pen.

    Cut a small hole at the bottom of each colored cup. Do this very carefully using a utility knife.

    Cut out a snake eye from colored paper and glue it on. Then insert your finished ice cream stick into the slot. Secure it on the back side with tape.

    Also glue a rope to the tape; it will connect all the glasses.

    Connect the remaining glasses using rope. Your snake is ready!

    Sparkling water is a favorite treat of all generations, but modern food industry does not always offer a quality product. However, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of drinking a glass of cool soda on a hot summer day - after all, this drink can be prepared at home.

    Theoretical side of the issue

    The production process is not that complicated. There are several recipe mixtures, but the main one for each is carbon dioxide CO2, which does not lend itself to combustion, is odorless and colorless, and is also much heavier than oxygen and at the same time quickly dissolves in liquid, giving the latter a slight sourness. This is exactly what the soda production process looked like in Soviet-era vending machines: carbon dioxide was supplied under pressure from a cylinder into a reservoir of sweetened water and completely dissolved in the liquid.

    For home water, you can use special cylinders with carbon dioxide and a siphon, which allows you to portion the gas into the water (sold in hardware stores).

    Is it not possible to purchase a siphon and cylinders? It’s okay, you can produce carbon dioxide from such improvised materials household products, like baking soda and vinegar. When these two ingredients are mixed, chemical reaction, the consequence of which is the release of carbon dioxide. The products must be mixed in the following proportions: per liter of water, take seven tablespoons of 9% vinegar and baking soda in the amount of two teaspoons. You will also need the following equipment: a meter-long polyvinyl chloride tube, two bottles (choose dark ones) and two caps with pre-punched holes, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the diameter of the tube.

    Carbonation process

    The first bottle must be filled with water, and the second bottle must be filled with baking soda and vinegar. It is important to remember that the chemical reaction must be delayed in time, so first wrap the soda in paper napkin and pour vinegar over its surface - this way you will have time to tightly fix the lid of the bottle before the release of carbon dioxide begins and you will be able to avoid losing a significant part of its volume. Be sure to secure the tube tightly in the holes of the cap with liquid plastic or glue to avoid gas leakage.

    The paper napkin can be replaced with an envelope made of cling film or foil. Make holes in its surface in advance to facilitate the chemical reaction.

    During the process of mixing water and carbon dioxide, the container with soda must be shaken thoroughly for 5 minutes to ensure the best possible release of the maximum possible volume of gas. At the end, you will receive a slightly carbonated drink, the taste of which can be varied with the help of syrups, fruit or fruit juices.

    Flower glade

    To make roses you will need:
    - cardboard egg boxes;
    - acrylic paints;
    - scissors;
    - brushes;
    - glue.

    Cut off the tops of the cells, align them, fold them in half and cut out the petals. Bend the resulting elements slightly from the center using scissors. Cut another cone in the same way, making the petals slightly smaller than the previous one. Connect the inner and outer parts using glue.

    To create an attractive gradient color, you will need two shades of pink. Use rich pink in the center of the rose, dilute the selected color with white on the outer petals. If the rose does not have enough volume, add individual petals cut from an egg tray.

    Rose leaves are cut in a similar way. The finished rose can be inserted into flower wreath or connect with floral wire.

    If the sight of bright yellow daffodils makes your heart beat faster, stock up on yellow paint. Each flower requires six petals. Cut them so that the bottom of the box is captured. As a result, the petals will have a concave shape.

    Cut a circle from the lid of the tray and use glue to connect the petals together. From the next cell, cut off the side and twist it into a tube, glue it to the center of the flower. Acrylic paints yellow color paint the daffodil and thread the floral wire through.

    Brick wall decoration

    Soak paper egg cartons in water, let them soak and wring out. It will take 2-3 days for the packages to soak; if they are divided into small pieces, it will take several hours.

    Grind the resulting mass using a blender. If the paper pulp contains too much moisture, squeeze it through cheesecloth. Place the workpiece in a convenient bowl, for each kilogram of paper pulp add 1 tablespoon of gypsum and 70 g of PVA glue. Knead the composition well. However, there is no need to be zealous, since the result should be an imitation of uneven, natural stone.

    Choose the shape for future “bricks” based on the required size and thickness. Cover the mold with cellophane film, compact the mixture into it and form the surface. After the mass has hardened, carefully pull out the brick by the corners of the cellophane. Place on a sheet of absorbent paper and leave to dry completely for 24 hours.

    For a country house, 20- or 40-foot metal containers are suitable. This capacity will be cheaper if you buy decommissioned equipment. If you plan to use the house for several years, it is advisable to install it on a foundation.

    What kind of foundation is needed for a container house?

    For a container house, the best choice would be a columnar foundation. It can be built from monolithic or prefabricated supports. In the first case, FBS blocks are used, the optimal dimensions are length from 0.9 to 2.4 m, cross-section - 0.4 m. Prefabricated pillars are built from brick. The supports are buried to the depth of soil freezing.

    If the soil on the site is dense, low-moisture and stable (clay, loam, rocky), the container can be installed on a leveled area. But to compensate for soil heaving forces, it is recommended to make sand and gravel backfill or lay car tires, filled with soil, sand, broken bricks.

    How to make a country house out of a container?

    After installing the container on the foundation, the location of the doors and windows is determined. In the right places, draw the lines of the openings and cut out the metal using a gas torch. Then the window and door blocks are installed. Then the metal is coated with anti-corrosion impregnation or paint.

    The next step is installation and insulation of the floor. As a rule, the floor in containers is made of plywood impregnated with antiseptic compounds, laid on a metal base. You need to install joists on the plywood. For this purpose, take timber with a cross-section of 10/10 cm or boards with a cross-section of 10/5 cm. The lumber is attached to the floor using anchors or bolts.

    Then they carry out work on insulating the floor. To do this, you can use bulk material: expanded clay, river sand, sawdust. But the optimal choice is foam plastic 10 cm thick (along the height of the log). All voids formed after laying the insulation are filled with moisture- and frost-resistant construction foam.

    The walls and ceiling are insulated with foam plastic or mineral wool. First, a frame made of wooden blocks or metal profiles is installed. Vertical racks should be installed in increments of 40-45 cm. A heat insulator is placed in the spaces between them, then the walls and ceiling are sheathed. For these purposes, you can use plasterboard, OSB boards, plastic panels, and lining.

    Next, build a pitched roof. They begin work with the installation of the rafter system. A waterproofing material: roofing felt is laid on top of the truss boards. Then the roofing covering is installed: slate, ondulin, metal tiles, profiled metal profiles.

    Tip 10: 2 ways to make a vase from cardboard left over from chips

    The cardboard tube in which some brands of chips are packaged is very convenient for various crafts. See how you can make it out of simple cardboard original vase for dried flowers.

    Decorate the vase with two or three small artificial flowers. Leaves for them can be cut from green paper, fabric, as well as special floral materials. By the way, you can also make flowers yourself from fabric or paper.

    DIY "glass" flower vase

    For the craft you will need cardboard tube from chips, glue, glass “pebbles” or large rhinestones, white paper.

    Work process:

    Cover a box of chips with white paper.

    Glue the glass pieces onto the paper as tightly as possible to each other. Please note that the finished vase will look neater if you choose glued rhinestones for the craft, and fill the space between the large stones with small rhinestones.

    Helpful advice: You should not pour water into such a vase, but the problem can be solved if you find a plastic or glass glass of a suitable diameter to place inside the vase. You can also use a small plastic bottle for these purposes.

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