• Rose quartz suits Libra. Quartz - properties of the stone and who it suits according to their zodiac sign


    Variety rock crystalrose quartz, is a milky pink mineral, products made from this stone have healing and magical properties, help to forgive and let go of grievances, and attract love. A crystal must be able to be correctly combined with precious metals in order for it to manifest its healing and magical properties at full strength. Pinkish quartz jewelry will take its rightful place in your jewelry collection.

    What is rose quartz

    The crystal was first discovered by miners in the Alps. It looked like drops of frozen water, for which it was called crystal (from the Greek crystal - ice). A chemically pure mineral is colorless and transparent. This type of crystal is still called rock crystal. In nature, quartz is pinkish in color; the color is formed due to iron impurities under the influence of sunlight. From a chemical point of view, rose quartz is nothing more than silicon oxide with the addition of titanium. Thanks to the shade, the crystal got its name.

    What does it look like

    The color of the crystals varies from pale pink to red. Minerals are rarely transparent, often translucent crystals (milky) or almost transparent. When exposed to light, the color fades and disappears completely when heated to 300 °C. It has a glassy sheen. Pinkish quartz is dissected by cracks to varying degrees. Rose quartzite, similar in name, is a stone consisting of quartz and impurities, used as a facing material in construction. Rose quartz powder, which has a high vibration, is added to all kinds of creams.

    How to distinguish from a fake

    Often gems counterfeited for profit, pink minerals and other varieties of quartz are no exception. Fake pink crystals are made from ordinary painted glass. If the mineral is very clean, without cracks, but is very cheap, it is a fake. Transparent rose quartz without cracks is considered very rare, so their price is significantly higher than the cost of ordinary crystals with cracks.

    Rose quartz jewelry

    Rose quartz minerals are used as ornamental stone. When creating jewelry, transparent crystals are used, that is, highly translucent specimens. Such minerals are inserted into brooches and rings. Pendants, necklaces, beads, necklaces, and bracelets are made from milky pink stones. Minerals with the effect of asterism are cut in the form of high cabochons, others are cut with step cuts - all kinds of souvenirs are made from them.

    How to wear a pink crystal correctly

    Rose quartz crystals are combined with silver. Only this precious metal reveals all the properties of the mineral and makes it work at full strength. Heavy precious metals such as copper, bronze and gold dampen the energy of the crystal. If you use the mineral as a medicinal one, it is better to purchase a pendant with silver chain or silver ring with a large cut stone. Translucent stones have stronger energy.

    This crystal is often called the “heart” crystal. To attract love, pink quartz jewelry is best worn close to the heart so that the crystal is in contact with the skin. If you rarely wear jewelry, you can purchase a quartz pyramid as a talisman and place it at your workplace or a small keychain for keys or a phone. Quartz helps heal mental trauma, helps restore and maintain harmony of soul and body.

    Who is it suitable for?

    The pink mineral has many advantages. Many people note the positive effects of the stone. However, it is suitable only for people with good intentions, charged with optimism, who are eager to help themselves without resorting to others for help. Often people, putting on a talisman with this mineral, stop doing anything, in the hope that the crystal will do everything on its own, but this is a misconception. The stone needs periodic replenishment of human energy.

    Unclean people with evil motives need to think carefully before buying and wearing this crystal as an amulet. In this case, the stone will in every possible way counteract the evil intentions of its owner, which can have a bad effect on the psycho-emotional and physical health of a person. Quartz illuminates and enhances the most vibrant qualities.

    The magical properties of rose quartz

    Business card pink mineral - magical ability heal heart wounds, attract love, protect family. Pink stones have a great influence on people of art. Talismans increase creativity, under the influence of the mineral, writers begin to actively write texts, artists begin to paint pictures, actors find new facets in themselves and appear in new images. It is not advisable to wear the crystal for a long time: like most magic stones, quartz needs a break from the human biofield to recharge its properties.

    Conspiracy for rose quartz

    The magical properties of the mineral are difficult to overestimate: it protects a person from making wrong decisions, quartz helps to find a way out of the most difficult life situations, increases self-esteem, gives confidence in yourself and your abilities. One of the most popular jewelry is a bracelet to attract love. Magic is manifested not only in jewelry: according to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, in order to improve some aspects of life, for example, improve relationships in the family, you need to place a quartz figurine or just a crystal in the sector of marriage and family.

    Medicinal properties

    Pink stone can protect a woman from many gynecological problems, for example, protect against infertility, prevent various pathologies during pregnancy and childbirth. The stone helps in the fight against uterine cancer and other gynecological diseases. In addition, many ancient medical treatises say that the mineral prolongs human life. The following healing properties of the crystal are distinguished:

    • normalization of the nervous system;
    • suppression of outbursts of irritability;
    • anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect;
    • has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart;
    • normalization of blood sugar levels;
    • improvement of the genitourinary system.

    For a stone to have healing properties, it must be donated by someone or passed down by inheritance. If you buy a talisman yourself, then the adjustment of the mineral occurs within a year, but it healing properties will work properly for ten years. After which the stone needs to be recharged. This process takes a long time, about a year. The mineral should be placed in a dark place and not touched. A year later, he can again serve his owner.

    Rose quartz stone for zodiac signs

    The mineral will not harm any sign of the zodiac, but it can only bring great benefit to such representatives: Aquarius, Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. These zodiac signs need the influence of quartz because... it brings good luck and gives self-confidence. Elements – earth, fire, water. In general, the positive effects of quartz apply to all zodiac signs without exception, and all healing properties are also preserved.

    Rose quartz has always attracted attention with its beauty and tenderness. But besides its beautiful appearance, this stone has long attracted attention due to its healing and magical properties.

    Translucent, amazing quartz seems to personify tenderness and inspiration... What secrets does unsightly rose quartz reveal?

    About, what magical properties of rose quartz are known to people, - says “Magic of Stone” today.

    The magical properties of rose quartz: a little history.

    This stone, which, according to its name, is delicate pink color, belongs to the quartz family. Its close “relatives” are rock crystal and amethyst.

    In ancient times, it was believed that quartz was the frozen juice of the earth, so it helps to feel unity with nature. According to legend, rose quartz was given to people by the god of love, and therefore it symbolizes mainly love and fertility. Rose quartz is considered a symbol of lovers, and not only young and inexperienced ones. It helps mature people to gain and maintain this bright feeling.

    Magical properties of rose quartz: influence on emotions.

    Magical properties of stones varied. Which ones does rose quartz have? It is generally accepted that rose quartz brings harmony into the souls of people and the relationships between them, and eliminates unnecessary fears and anxieties. Rose quartz muffles old emotional turmoil, generally calms and invigorates positive mood. It is believed that it is able to cure mental wounds, and makes closed and insecure people more open and active. Quartz helps you learn to enjoy life and look at the world more positively and directly. For creative people, the stone helps them find inspiration and focus on the subject of their activity, and helps them gain recognition.

    The magical properties of rose quartz for women.

    For women, this pink stone gives sexuality and helps attract male attention. It is also believed to increase self-confidence. Such magical properties of rose quartz are most active on unmarried girls, therefore, first of all, they are recommended to wear jewelry with this stone.

    According to the teachings of Feng Shui, rose quartz protects the hearth and maintains comfort in it.

    Magical properties of rose quartz: effects on health.

    Rose quartz is called a symbol of fertility for a reason: astrologers and traditional healers have long said that women who cannot get pregnant should choose it as their talisman. As for other medicinal properties quartz is believed to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system. Quartz helps fight insomnia - for this purpose the stone is kept under the pillow or in the bedroom in the sleep area.

    Magical properties: who is rose quartz suitable for?

    In general, rose quartz is considered a feminine stone. He gained such fame thanks to his ability to make the fair sex more attractive to men and help them find love. True, quartz can also be useful for men - it strengthens their self-confidence and attracts female attention to them.

    Of all the zodiac signs, rose quartz has the most beneficial effect on Taurus, Pisces and Sagittarius. Many of them sometimes lack courage and determination, and this stone helps them find the strength within themselves for decisive action. Representatives of other zodiac signs can also wear rose quartz - it has a positive effect on all representatives of the zodiac circle.

    Magic quartz: jewelry.

    Brooches, pendants, beads, and less often rings are often made from this stone. The magical properties of rose quartz also appear if a figurine or any craft made from it is placed in a room.

    Those who wear quartz in the form of jewelry are advised to periodically remove it, since, constantly influencing a person, it gives him a false illusion of success and can provoke the effect of “rose-colored glasses”, as a result of which a person sometimes loses contact with the real world.

    Especially for the site “Magic of Stone”

    Rose quartz is a delicate and amazing gem that has attracted attention since ancient times with its unusual texture and deep, yet light pinkish tint. Despite its attractive appearance, interest in the crystal is caused not by its external qualities, but by the magical properties hidden in the mineral. What secrets does the translucent, delicate stone contain?

    The mineral, in its composition and characteristics, is considered a close relative of rock crystal and amethyst. According to one of the ancient myths, rose quartz became a gift to humanity from the God of Love, and that is why today this mineral has become one of the main symbols and talismans of lovers and loving people. Rose quartz's magical properties for love are directed not only at young and immature young people, but also at the older, experienced generation, for whom the gem helps to preserve and prolong that very bright and luminous feeling of love and carry it through their entire lives.

    According to legend, the main magical properties of this crystal are to create harmony and balance, get rid of stress, anxiety, sadness and melancholy. It is also designed to reduce emotional and mental turmoil, bring balance and stability to relationships between lovers. Rose quartz is a stone for creative people. Active people who are busy creative activity, the stone will help you discover your talents, develop your existing gifts, learn to cope with a creative crisis, call on the muse and help you gain recognition.

    For closed and somewhat insecure young people, the gem will help them open up, learn to be more sociable, cheerful and prosperous. You can find out how to charge rose quartz for love and choose the right love spell for rose quartz by going to any website about magic and witchcraft. For young girls and women, the gem will help them gain sexual attractiveness. The magical properties of rose quartz stone for women are so strong that having jewelry with this natural stone, more than one man will not be able to resist and will definitely turn his gaze to you.

    Unmarried and lonely girls and women are recommended to wear jewelry with the mineral, especially rings, earrings and druzes.

    Rose quartz: magical properties of a stone for signs

    Astrologers claim that the patron planet of the gem is Venus, the planet of love and fertility. Absolutely any representative of the zodiac circle can wear jewelry with it.

    However, the mineral has a particularly positive effect on Taurus, Pisces and Cancer. It is least recommended for Scorpios and Capricorns to wear a crystal - these zodiac signs by their nature treat love, not as an exalted feeling, which is sharply negatively perceived by the mineral and can cause it to have an unusual effect on representatives of these signs. Most often, this mineral is used to produce pendants, earrings, and, less commonly, rings and druses.

    Rose quartz druses will have a positive effect on sexual energy in the bedroom, attracting the right vibrations.

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    According to historically confirmed data, people first discovered rose quartz nine thousand years ago.

    The mineral has been given all sorts of names over the years: “stone of love,” because it helps lovers find their soulmate, “frozen blood of the earth,” because it has absorbed all the best that exists in nature.

    Well, we, living in the 21st century, simply consider it amazing beautiful stone, the best of a huge number different types quartz that exist on our planet. However, no one has canceled magic yet...

    Meaning for humans

    Scientists have discovered an amazing ability in rose quartz absorb electromagnetic waves, that surround us everywhere today. The mineral is able to protect humans from dangerous radiation cell phone, laptop, computer.

    The main thing is not to forget to regularly help the stone itself - wash it in running cold water to cleanse it of accumulated harmful energy. If you do this at least once a month, rose quartz will serve a person faithfully for a long time.

    Another useful property of rose quartz for people was discovered in the countries of the East, where the art of feng shui originated - the practice of special organization of human living space. A special place is allocated for this mineral in the house: it is believed that the stone (in the form of some figurine or flower) will bring its inhabitants good luck in all matters and harmony in relationships.

    Since ancient times, rose quartz has become use in cosmetology. The stone was turned into powder and added to cream or other products. After using them, the skin became velvety and seemed to glow from within with delicate, fresh colors. By the way, this practice of using the mineral is still relevant, and there is scientific explanation: the mineral enhances cell regeneration, healing the skin.

    Rose quartz has many therapeutic possibilities, helps a person with problems of the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system. It has a beneficial effect on patients with diabetes and those who have disorders of the lymphatic system and pancreas. It makes pregnancy easier for women, and protects men from the risk of loss of potency. IN folk medicine Rose quartz is used to treat bruises, bruises, and various skin inflammations.

    True, even in this medical field, the use of the stone is not without mysticism: it is believed that a person who is going to treat other people with the help of rose quartz must first go through spiritual cleansing, freeing himself from old feelings, emotions, and desires. In a word, start “from scratch.” Only then will the treatment bear fruit.

    Who is it suitable for?

    If we talk about the professional sphere, rose quartz is especially suitable for people working with complex modern technology– programmers, computer operators, adjusters of high-tech equipment.

    The mineral will not only protect the entire body from radiation, but specifically the eyes, which experience enormous stress after hours of work at the computer.

    Rose quartz will also be useful for representatives creative professions– artists, musicians, writers, journalists, as it is able to “charge” a person for search, creativity, art.

    Those who thirst for spiritual cleansing can also call on this mineral for help. It helps to discard old grievances without regret, not to be ashamed of your emotions, and to be sincere.

    True, esotericists claim that if a person is under the influence of a stone for a long time, it becomes increasingly difficult for him to separate the real from the ideal, the so-called effect is triggered "rose-colored glasses" a person begins to lose solid support under his feet. Returning to reality is not difficult - you just need to remove the jewelry with rose quartz and let it rest from you somewhere at the bottom of the box.

    The fact that they found the strength to part with a cigarette is still half the battle; they need to cleanse the body of accumulated long years toxins. Rose quartz can do this task; it has a beneficial effect on the blood and lymph and can easily cope with the problem of removing toxic substances from the body.

    Magic properties

    Rose quartz, as a true representative of the world of magical stones, really does not like sunlight. Once exposed to its rays for a long time, it even loses its beautiful pink color and turns gray.

    But the stone has complete mutual understanding with the Moon: so that it charge for good deeds, it is recommended to leave the stone at home on the table at night under the moonlight, and also read a special spell - and then rose quartz will gain full power.

    The most powerful magical component of the stone is, of course, the attraction of love. However, there are moments that are connected with it only indirectly. Rose quartz can, for example, remove the spell of loneliness from a person, and this concerns not only love, but also friendship. It is believed that silver jewelry with rose quartz helps to find loyal comrades - silver enhances the capabilities of the stone.

    This stone instills optimism in its owner, helps overcome doubts, makes a person softer and more attentive to others.

    Since ancient times, an amulet made of pink stone has been used as a barrier against the evil eye and various ailments for young children. A talisman hung near the cradle protects the baby from harm and makes him sleep soundly and calmly.

    Zodiac sign

    What effect does rose quartz have on representatives of different zodiac signs?

    • For Cancers, the stone guarantees happiness in marriage;
    • Dev makes it softer;
    • Sagittarius is protected from rash steps;
    • in Aries it extinguishes aggression, fights their stubbornness;
    • Lviv rewards with insight, protects from various troubles;
    • Improves health for Pisces.

    However, Aquarius, Libra, Capricorn and Taurus benefit the most from friendship with rose quartz. Men of these signs become extremely successful professionally, women become self-confident, ready to be the center of attention and cope with this role with dignity.

    An important point: the magic of the stone manifests itself especially clearly in relation to people born on the first day of the emerging Moon. And it is best for them to wear items with stones on Fridays and Sundays.

    A rare case in the world of talismans, but the same jewelry with rose quartz can wear alternately different people, give and re-gift, sell, bequeath, exchange - this will not affect the properties of the stone in any way. As they say, nothing personal.

    And if the products of electromagnetic radiation from the stone have to be regularly washed out, then rose quartz will not accumulate negativity, threats or curses emanating from a person at all - all this will bounce off it, like a tennis ball from a table.

    To attract love

    In ancient times, there was a legend that rose quartz was given to people by the god of love, Cupid. It simply hurt him to see that a person sometimes spends his whole life trying to meet his soul mate, but never learns the feeling of true love.

    If the merits of the stone on the love front are sorted into pieces, then this is what it will look like:

    • rose quartz helps unhappy lovers find their happiness;
    • strengthens old feelings, protecting family values;
    • unmarried women get married faster;
    • girls get worthy fans.

    In order for the stone to work for sure, it is best to wear it around the neck, like a pendant. Than a stone closer to the heart, the more likely it will help its owner.

    And one more piece of advice from esotericists: if you like a certain person and you are ready to go through life hand in hand with him, give him some little thing made of rose quartz, and buy a second one, exactly the same, for yourself: two have the same talismans different people will help to ignite mutual feelings and create an inseparable couple.

    One of the most common minerals on our planet is quartz. Its variety is rose quartz - a stone that brings love. There is an opinion that the color pink has nothing to do with love, because love is passion, and the color of love is red. But do not forget that soft pink color is directly related to red, and therefore to the world of feelings and emotions.

    History and origin

    The word “quartz” comes to us from the Middle High German “twarc” - “solid”. The stone is indeed very durable, which is the reason for its widespread use in the jewelry industry. You need to understand that rose quartz is one of the varieties of ordinary quartz, which received its pleasant delicate shade due to iron impurities.

    Rose quartz

    According to scientists, quartz makes up about 12% of the earth's crust. In some cases it crystallizes along with magma, and in others it is formed under the influence high temperatures. Quartz does not weather, so it is the main component of sands and various sedimentary rocks.

    ColorFrom white to pink
    TransparencyTransparent to translucent
    KinkConchoidal; very fragile
    Density2.65 g/cm³

    For the first time, jewelry created from this mineral was discovered in Ancient Mesopotamia; its age is more than 9,000 years!

    The mineral itself is in it pure form was found by miners in the Alps. It looked like drops of frozen water, and got its name - crystal. We can conclude that rose quartz is a relative of transparent rock crystal, and it received its color due to iron impurities and under the influence of sunlight.

    In the East, rose quartz has gained great popularity. Its eastern name is “heart stone”. It was believed that this mineral, amazing in its beauty, was sent to our planet by the gods to give peace to human souls and fill their hearts with love.

    But the magical properties of quartz are not all that attract people; its cosmetic properties also did not go unnoticed.

    Residents of Ancient Egypt and ancient Rome crushed rose quartz into powder and then added it to various creams, believing that this particular powder would help them maintain the beauty, health and youth of their skin. Since then, rose quartz has been considered a stone of positive emotions and bright feelings. Its delicate shade has become a symbol of nascent love.

    Crystals with clearly defined edges are rare, often cloudy and with cracks. Each pink stone crystal is unique; in nature, no two minerals are identical. The color fades in the light and disappears when heated to 300 °C. Impurities of manganese, iron or titanium affect the color intensity. There are unique specimens with running stars of light appearing on a polished surface in good lighting (asterism effect).

    It should be added that now there is less and less rose quartz, so they began to grow it artificially, coloring it with an admixture of iron.

    Place of extraction

    Quartz is of volcanic origin. Quartz is mined along with mica (a transparent layered mineral), rare metal minerals and rock crystal. Rose quartz deposits are gradually being depleted. The mineral is mined in Japan, the USA, Brazil, India, Kazakhstan, France, Poland, Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Russia is also not without a place on this list: large deposits are located in Altai (Tigiretsky Range) and Karelia. Madagascar occupies the leading place in the list of countries where rose quartz is mined. After all, the perfect pink mineral can only be found on this island.

    Medicinal properties

    Even in ancient times, it was noticed that rose quartz has a calming effect on a person, helping to smooth out conflicts and improving mutual understanding. But it also has a number of other healing properties:

    • An indispensable component in products that support skin health. It is enough to leave water with rose quartz overnight and wash your face with this water in the morning. This simple procedure helps maintain youthful skin by smoothing out wrinkles. Now some spa salons provide a number of services in which the main component is the pink mineral.
    • Able to heal burns and any other skin damage. To do this, a polished stone is applied to the wound.
    • Used to relieve cough and treat dizziness.
    • Rose quartz is useful for postpartum depression, can heal after difficult childbirth, and has a beneficial effect on the entire reproductive system of a woman.
    • Useful for diseases of the nervous and lymphatic systems, acting on them, it relieves the body of fatigue and improves the performance of the immune system.

    Rose quartz

    Magic properties

    Legend has it that rose quartz is the solidified sap or even blood of our Earth, and everyone who wears it finds unity with nature and hears the thoughts of our planet. A kind of center of universal love. This is explained by the very sensitive reaction of the stone to the state of our planet; future natural disasters are predicted by its behavior.

    The mineral is also used as a pendulum to search for anomalous areas of the apartment in which negative energy has accumulated.

    This crystal is associated with the heart chakra anahata, which is responsible for a person’s balance, love of life and the desire to feel happy and give happiness to others.

    The magic of this stone brings peace and helps in all love matters. It opens the heart to romance. This is an excellent choice for looking for love and for those who want to preserve it.

    Rose quartz transmits to the owner gentle vibrations of all types of love: self-love, parental, romantic and platonic.

    This mineral destroys obstacles that stand in the way of new relationships; develops, renews and strengthens existing connections. It is believed that it helps unmarried people get married successfully.

    The stone will help closed and uncommunicative people to open up and make new friends.

    Rose quartz pendant

    Pink crystal is a symbol of love, beauty, tenderness and harmony.

    Stress and fears are the main and most strong enemies any tranquility, therefore quartz actively copes with all violators of harmony, attunes a person to goodness and love. By dulling the pain of old emotional wounds, the mineral is able to completely heal new heart wounds of its owner. Pink stone is mainly worn by young girls, as it increases self-esteem, strengthens a sense of self-confidence, and improves mutual understanding between people. This mineral is capable of developing Creative skills its owner.

    Of course, this happens gradually, and therefore it is better to wear the crystal regularly.

    But it is worth remembering that, like others magic stones, the crystal needs rest to recharge its magical properties.

    In addition, due to its strength, the stone can adversely affect its owner - with constant wear, so-called rose-colored glasses can form, which will prevent the owner from adequately assessing what is happening.

    On a subconscious level, the pink mineral is able to prevent the accumulation of anger, thereby purifying a person and renewing his inner peace and balance.

    For a stronger impact of the stone, it must be donated from the heart or passed on by inheritance. If you buy the mineral yourself, be prepared for the fact that the adjustment takes place throughout the year, and during this time you will feel little of the result. But it’s worth being patient, and after that the stone will last for decades.

    Who is shown to by zodiac sign?

    This stone is the stone of love, and its patron is the planet Venus, the most feminine planet solar system. Love is not contraindicated for any zodiac sign, but in combination with each of them the stone has its own characteristics.

    Zodiac signCompatibility
    a lion+

    (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

    Compatibility with other stones

    Not all precious minerals suit each other, so it is useful to know their energy and properties so that wearing stones brings only benefits. Such characteristics are compiled on the basis of the relationship of the planets with which the minerals are connected.

    Rose quartz beads

    The pink crystal has favorable compatibility with amethyst, being next to which, rose quartz is able to renew its magical powers, with turquoise, which at all times was considered an excellent amulet against the evil eye, as well as with pearls, lapis lazuli, and sapphire.

    Unfavorable - with agate, garnet, malachite, ruby, jasper.

    But rose quartz is neutral towards amber and obsidian.

    To check the compatibility of rose quartz with stones that are not listed, you need to remember some rules:

    1. Stones should not represent opposing elements.
    2. Try to select a stone so that the elements of the stone and the person coincide or are friendly.
    3. Stones of the same element will enhance each other's action.


    IN jewelry Rose quartz is used as a material for crafts; due to its rarity, it attracts collectors.

    In jewelry, translucent specimens are used to make brooches, necklaces, pendants, and souvenirs.

    Transparent stones are considered the most expensive; they are used to make massive earrings, rings and necklaces. Cubic zirconia or rock crystal are often used with such jewelry.

    Pink stones

    Quartz is set in both silver and gold. For gold jewelry, the crystal is pre-cut.

    How to spot a fake

    The stone is mined in the form of intergrown crystals that cannot be separated from each other, which is why rose quartz will never have an ideal structure. This mineral is hard, but at the same time very fragile. Uneven color and structure, microcracks - all this indicates the authenticity of the stone. It often happens that one part is paler than the other. The crystal is usually more transparent, so it is easier to see small defects in it, but do not forget that it should be somewhat cloudy.

    The pink color of quartz is given by titanium and manganese, and air bubbles are caused by small cracks.

    Glass is the most common counterfeit of quartz; it is processed by applying artificial veins and cracks. Natural quartz is harder than glass, and therefore will scratch it easily, and natural stone does not heat up as much as glass. In addition, the mineral tends to fade in the sun, so it is best to store it in a dark place.

    A fake usually looks like a homogeneous opaque mass, similar to plastic of a too bright color.

    The price is decisive: a real crystal is very rare, and therefore is quite expensive.

    How to wear and care

    Choose a mineral in the form of round beads or pendants, which should be located at the level of the solar plexus; this shape helps to increase the efficiency of the stone.

    Rose quartz beads

    If you prefer brooches decorated with a pink stone, they should be placed near the heart, so the power of the stone will act in a directed manner. It can be combined with silver, because it favorably emphasizes the pink tint of the stone, and because it is silver that reveals the potential of the stone, increasing its power. You should not combine the stone with gold, copper and bronze, since these metals dampen the energy of the mineral.

    But in order for the jewelry to please the eye longer, while remaining just as enchanting, we advise you to keep the mineral away from direct sunlight, as it has a tendency to fade.

    An unusual property of the mineral, which scientists have proven: rose quartz is able to absorb electromagnetic waves, protecting the owner from harmful radiation.

    To wash away the negative energy that it has absorbed from a stone, it is enough to rinse it under running cold water once a month.

    Favorable time to buy

    Any day is perfect for buying quartz; don’t forget that it is a magnet for love.

    Rose quartz

    And not only all ages, but also all days of the week are submissive to love. Except, oddly enough, Sunday. The last lunar day will also be a great day to buy.

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