• Entertainment script for Children's Day. Scenarios for Children's Day. Game programs for kindergarten and schoolchildren



    • Give to children preschool age basic knowledge and ideas about the international holiday “Children’s Day”.
    • Form the foundations of social and legal consciousness.
    • Strengthen knowledge of the “Declaration of Human Rights” and the “Convention on the Rights of the Child”
    • Create a joyful mood for children and parents, a friendly atmosphere, and a favorable climate.

    Preliminary work.

    Consultation for parents on the topic “Convention on the Rights of the Child”. Conversations with children on the topic: “I have the right.” Reading fiction: S. Mikhalkov “What do you have”, V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”, E. Uspensky “You and your name" Learning poems about summer, about holidays, about childhood, words according to the script. Didactic game “Name it correctly.” Role-playing games: “Kindergarten”, “My Family”, etc. Examination of illustrations and postcards on this topic.

    Organization of the environment.

    In the gym air balloons, streamers, flags. Various equipment for the competition. Chairs for children and guests who come for leisure.


    1st child:

    We are meeting summer holiday,
    Festival of the sun, festival of light.
    The sun, the sun is getting hotter!
    The holiday will be more fun!

    2nd child:

    What is summer?
    That's a lot of light
    This is a field, this is a forest
    This is a thousand miracles.

    3rd child:

    There are clouds in the sky
    This is a fast river
    This bright flowers,
    This is the blue of heights.
    There are a hundred roads in the world
    For children's fast legs.

    Presenter: - Thanks guys! In your poems, you described summer so beautifully - this wonderful time of year that there is probably nothing more to add.

    I think that is why the first day of summer is given to you, our beautiful children. And this holiday is called “International Children’s Day”.

    What kind of holiday do you think this is?

    Children's answers...

    Presenter talks about the convention and moves on to children's rights (presentation in the form of cartoons for 5 minutes). Guys, this is what “International Children's Day” is!

    Presenter: - What can you tell us about your childhood?


    We were born
    To live joyfully
    To play together
    To be strong friends.

    2nd child:

    To smile at each other
    Give flowers too.
    To be fulfilled in life
    All our dreams.

    Presenter: - Well done guys! We've talked a lot about education and your time in kindergarten, so let's remember how you spend your day?

    Children's answers...


    Tell us guys
    How did you spend your day?

    All children sit on a chair in a semicircle: boys have flags, girls have ribbons.

    They stand up, pick up objects, speak and do exercises.

    We'll tell you everything in order,
    In the morning we do exercises.
    We walk merrily
    We raise our hands,
    We squat and stand up
    Let's run and jump!

    They sit down and put objects under the table.

    Presenter: - A good start day! What did you do then?

    1st child:

    And then we sat down to breakfast,
    Everyone ate without any leftovers.

    Presenter: - Guys, the fact that you ate well after such gymnastics is simply not surprising. But let's see how you form the table?

    Game “Table Setting”.

    Two teams, two tables, who is correct and who is faster.

    Presenter: - Well done! They did a good job with the serving too. What did you do then?

    2nd child:

    They sat down at the tables,
    And they worked well.

    Presenter: - Show us guys, how hard did you work?

    The game is played: “Draw a cheerful child.”

    (Two easels, girls draw a girl, boys draw a boy + holiday attributes or decorations)

    Presenter: - Well done! And you did an excellent job with this task! What did you do next?

    3rd child:

    We went for a walk
    They caught colorful balls,
    They wore colorful balls.

    Presenter organizes the game “move the ball”.

    (Two teams, in one direction they hold with their stomachs, in the other with their backs without arms).

    Presenter: - Smart girls, you can do everything just perfectly! Guys, let's see how our guests cope with this task?

    Playing a game with parents.

    Presenter: - Well, of course, our guests coped with the task perfectly.

    Guys, what did you do then?

    4th child:

    We were walking in the area
    We played different games.

    Game “Build a house”- there are 5 red and 3 yellow rectangles on the tables, build a house so that there is a square (the base of the house) + a triangle of a different color.

    Presenter: - Wonderful! Jacks of all trades! Now, tell us, what did you do next?

    5th child:

    We went to the park.
    We swam in the river,
    We rode on boats.

    Game “Boats”- 2 teams, 2 hoops, one child holds the hoop, and the second holds a load of 2 balls, taken to the basket on the other side.

    Presenter: - Well done! Did a great job! In my opinion, the guys, our guests were sad. Let's invite our guests to dance.

    We perform “Dance of the Little Ducklings”.

    Presenter thanks everyone for the wonderful dance and turns to the children: “Now we are becoming more and more interested, what happened then?”

    6th child:

    We sat down to dinner,
    Everyone ate with gusto.

    Presenter:- We have no doubt at all that you have a wonderful appetite and you ate well, but let’s imagine that she came to visit you junior group, and they need help having lunch.

    Game “Feed a Friend”- 2 tables, one child sits at the table, and the second blindfolded feeds him.

    Presenter: - Wonderful! You are simply real educators and can work in the younger group. Tell us what you did next.

    All children together:

    Then we went to bed
    And they fell into a deep sleep.
    Children pretend to be asleep.

    Presenter:- Of course, our children should rest, because they are very tired. The guests and I see that you had a wonderful day and, perhaps, we will go.

    Children jump up:

    No, no wait
    Don't leave so quickly
    We'll sing you a song!

    Children sing together the song of V.Ya. Shainsky - “Smile”.

    Presenter thanks the children for their active participation, congratulates them on the holiday, expresses his tender feelings for each child and presents chocolate medals to all children - the winners.

    Then he addresses the guests with the following words:

    We call you today
    Love and protect children.
    Let's not break their world
    And we will hug more often.
    After all, childhood is the best in the world
    It's time worthy of love!
    When our children are healthy,
    We are happy with them too.

    Soundtrack starts:“Let there always be sunshine” - children take objects from under the chairs, walk around the hall in a circle, then make snake movements with their hands and leave the hall.

    Entertainment summary for Children's Day

    "Childhood Holiday".

    Children gather outside on the central platform to cheerful music .

    Ved: Hello guys! Today is a wonderful day, bright and joyful! And why? Yes, because children always celebrate a holiday on June 1st. What kind of holiday is this? (Children Protection Day).

    Yes, it's Children's Day. Everyone on Earth wants our children to grow up happy, to study, play, be healthy, smart, the most wonderful children! And today we begin our “Childhood Celebration”.

    Today is a wonderful day,

    We know everything about that.

    And we congratulate everyone

    Have a wonderful day!

    We dance merrily

    And let's sing in tune!

    May you be happy today

    Children's eyes sparkle!

    Ved : Spring has passed, summer is coming. The land is very beautiful in summer. Look what it’s like: the grass is silky, the trees are in green attire. Summer gives us a lot of warmth, light, beautiful flowers.

    We all admire your outfit,

    How good it is for us all to be with you!

    And our children rejoice,

    The colorful game is calling us!

    Dance of the dance group “Game of different colors”

    Ved : What is summer? How many months does summer last? (answer).


    Bells! Daisies!

    Forget-me-nots! Cornflowers!

    Barefoot and shirtless

    We go and weave wreaths!


    Look into the July forest!

    Strawberries are ripening.

    Each clearing -

    The tablecloth is self-assembled!


    August comes with harvest

    To everyone, but not to lazy people.

    Whoever sleeps will return empty-handed,

    And whoever wakes up early will be with boletus mushrooms.

    Ved: Today on this day we will have guests. Do you hear? Someone is already in a hurry to join us for the holiday! Meet!

    Carlson runs in with a net.

    Carlson: Landing, landing! (stops).

    Ved : Children, who came to us? (-Carlson!). Hello, Karslon! What are you doing?

    Carlson: Hello, hello! I'm catching a butterfly! Have you seen her? So beautiful, where is she?

    Ved : Why are you catching butterflies?

    Carlson: I want it and I catch it! They are beautiful! I’ll catch them, take them to the Kid, and we’ll admire them!

    Ved : Is it possible to catch butterflies?

    No need to offend

    Butterfly on a branch.

    More fun in the forest

    From its colors!

    Carlson: Okay, convinced! Then I’ll pick some flowers. And I will smell them, I will admire them!

    Ved : Guys, is it possible to pick flowers? (-Of course not! They decorate the clearings, and the bees collect honey from them.

    Flowers of the field are simple,

    But the honey hidden in them is fragrant.

    We love simple flowers

    That grew in pure greenery.

    Carlson: They said it well: don’t pick flowers, don’t catch butterflies... So what do you do in the summer? (children's answer)

    Ved : You see, Carlson, how many activities the children offered you. Our children are very kind and attentive. They take care of nature and relax very much

    culturally, no one is offended in the field and forest. Let's show, guys, how we can walk along the summer paths?

    Game “On Summer Paths”

    Carlson: Thanks guys! And I remembered the game that the Kid taught me to play. Shall we play?

    Game "Give me a word."

    Carlson: 1) A gray wolf in a dense forest met a red... (fox).

    2) The goldfinch sings all day in a cage on the window,

    He has entered his third year, and he is afraid of... (cats).

    3) My sock disappeared, it was dragged away... (puppy).

    4) Mikhail played football and scored ... (goal).

    Carlson: Hey guys, smart guys!

    We solved all the riddles!

    Now hurry up and play

    The ball is fun to roll!

    (divided into teams)

    Ball games :

    1) “Pass the ball” - pass along the chain.

    2) “Rough Riders” - relay race - holding the ball in your knees, jump to the mark and back.

    3) “Collars” - roll the ball between your legs.

    Carlson: Great loss! Now it's time for me to go to the roof. The Kid must have been waiting for me! And I wish you to be cheerful and mischievous! After all, fun is very important for health! Goodbye!

    (Carlson flies away).

    Ved : We said that summer

    That's a lot of sunshine!

    And indeed, in the summer the sun shines very brightly!

    It gives us hemp and a beautiful tan.

    And here is our Sunshine! Look how kind, affectionate and beautiful it is!

    The sun is setting.

    Sun: Hello my friends!

    I am made of heat,

    I carry the warmth with me,

    I warm the rivers

    I awaken nature.

    I've been looking at it from the window in the morning

    And I'm called the Sun.

    Ved: Sunny, the children of the dance club have prepared the “Bow Sponges” dance for you.

    "Cupid's bow"

    Sun : Guys, do you like to play? Then let's play a game

    "Sleep, March, Dance" (all children play)

    Sun: And now it's time, guys,

    Let me tell you all a riddle:

    You need to take me in your hands,

    To write something.

    I'll leave a mark on the board

    And I will correct all the mistakes.

    If they write a lot,

    I'm getting shorter and shorter! (chalk).

    Ved : Our children are on the asphalt

    They love to draw.

    Multi-colored crayons

    They love to spill paint.

    Drawing competition on the asphalt accompanied by funny children's songs.

    Scenario for preschool educational institution “Childhood Holiday”

    Scenario of thematic entertainment dedicated to the holiday “Children’s Day” for children of senior preschool age.

    Maslikhova Oksana Vasilievna, music director of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 162 of general developmental type in the city of Barnaul

    Description of material: I offer a summary of the entertainment “Childhood Holiday”, dedicated to the international holiday “Children’s Day”. This material will be useful to educators and music directors of senior groups.
    Target: enriching children's ideas about the Children's Day holiday, creating a joyful mood in children.
    - expand children’s knowledge about the holiday “Children’s Day”;
    - develop the ability to solve riddles;
    - enrich children’s motor experience;
    - develop attention, logical thinking, agility and speed, ability to act on a signal;
    - cultivate a friendly attitude towards the fairy-tale character, create a desire to help him.
    Preliminary work: In the group, the teacher conducts a conversation on the topic “Children’s Rights” and learns poetry. The music director is learning the “Friendly Round Dance” dance and ditties with the children.
    Equipment: benches (3 - 4 pieces), colored crayons (10 packs), a chest, a lock, a fake key, 2 rubber balls, 2 stands, 2 macha jumpers, a tape recorder with recordings of children's songs.
    Site design: the area is decorated balloons, colored flags.
    Characters: presenter, children, Pinocchio, Karabas-Barabas, Kikimora, Leshy.
    Progress of entertainment:
    Entertainment takes place on site kindergarten. The song “Let there always be sunshine” sounds, lyrics by L. Oshanin, music by A. Ostrovsky. Children go to the site and sit on benches.
    Leading. The sun smiled in the sky
    A light wind began to play,
    He brought us news that
    The first day of summer has arrived!
    He gives us a lot of light,
    Laughter, joy, warmth!
    Children's Day is celebrated
    Adults and children.
    Hello guys. Today, on the first day of summer, we celebrate Children's Day. Every child in every corner of the globe should be happy. As they say: “Children are the flowers of life” and on this day, we remind all adults that they need to take care of their children.
    Children read poetry.
    Child 1. Sunny summer holiday
    A holiday of peace and goodness.
    Festival of joyful laughter
    Meet our children.
    Child 2. Let the children on our planet
    They will always be happy.
    Appreciate instant childhood
    It can't be returned.
    Together. Long live a happy childhood.
    Hurray, hurray, hurray!
    D Children perform the dance “Friendly Round Dance” to the song “Big Round Dance” lyrics by E. Zhigalkina, music by A. Khait. Movement composition at your discretion music director. Then the children sit down in their places. Pinocchio runs in
    Pinocchio. Hello guys!
    Leading. Hello, Buratino. Where are you going?
    Pinocchio. The evil and harmful Karabas is chasing me, he wants to take the golden key, so I run away from him.
    Leading. What is Pinocchio's key?
    Pinocchio. Turtle Tortilla gave it to me and said that this was the golden key to the chest. And in the chest there is a surprise that brings joy to the children. Only, Karabas Barabas doesn’t like it when children have fun and laugh, so he wants to take the key.
    The voice of Karabas is heard: Where did this Pinocchio run away?
    Karabas Barabas comes in with a whip to the music chosen by the music director.
    Pinocchio. That's it, I'm lost. (Hides behind the leader.)
    Leading. Don't worry Pinocchio, we won't hurt you.
    Karabas Barabas. What kind of performance is this, not like children's fun. No, this won't happen! (Notices Pinocchio).
    Oh, where are you? Well, I’ll tell you now...
    Leading. Stop, stop! (Blocks the path to Pinocchio). First of all, hello! Secondly, why are you chasing Pinocchio?
    Karabas Barabas. He stole my golden key!
    Pinocchio. I didn't steal anything, Tortilla the turtle gave it to me. (Teases Karabas Barabas.)
    Karabas Barabas. You're lying, you stole it from me!
    Pinocchio. No, I didn't steal it.
    Karabas Barabas. No steal!
    Leading. Hush, hush, dear guests. You will scare the children with your scream, but today is our holiday.
    Karabas Barabas. What kind of holiday is this? When I walked in, I immediately noticed the cheerful faces of the children, but I don’t like happy children.
    Leading. Today the whole planet celebrates the international holiday “Children's Day”. Just look, Pinocchio, he’s the same playful child as all other children, there’s no need to be angry with him.
    Karabas Barabas. But I don’t like children, especially playful ones. Let him give me my key.
    Pinocchio. This is my key, I won’t give it away!
    Leading. You're arguing again. We will arrange a competition for you to see who wins and gets the key. The only condition is that the one who wins must show all the kids what is hidden in the treasured chest. Do you agree?
    Karabas Barabas and Pinocchio together. We agree!
    Leading. Children will help you in the competition.
    Karabas Barabas. Children, no way, although, okay, I’ll take these boys and these girls to my team. (Points to the children, selects a team for himself.)
    Leading. And the rest of the children will help Pinocchio.
    Relay races are held:
    1. "Kangaroo". Two teams compete, the Buratino team and the Karabas Barabas team. Children hold the ball between their knees and jump to the counter and back. Then they pass the ball to the next players and stand at the end of the column. Pinocchio and Karabas Barabas are the last in the columns. Whoever has the ball first, the team wins.
    2. "Jumpers". The rules of the game are the same. Children sit on the jumping balls, jump to a landmark and return back, passing the jumping ball to the next child.
    3. “Kolobok” relay race. Two columns stand opposite each other. The captains of the ball teams hold a kolobok in their hands. At the signal, the team captains raise the ball above their heads, bend back and pass it to the next player. The last team players standing run forward with the ball and stand in front of their teams. The game continues until the first players (captains) are again ahead.
    After the relay races, the children sit on benches.
    Leading. The next test is called “Guess the riddles.”
    Riddles for the team of Karabas Barabas.
    1. The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming.
    When does rye ripen? (In summer)
    2. This horse doesn’t eat oats,
    Instead of legs there are two wheels.
    Sit on horseback and ride it,
    Just drive better. (Bike)
    3. Today everything is rejoicing!
    In the hands of a child,
    They dance for joy
    4. They beat him with a hand and a stick -
    Nobody feels sorry for him.
    Why are they beating the poor guy?
    And for the fact that he is inflated. (Ball)
    5. Gray flannelette animal,
    Long-eared clubfoot.

    Riddles for the Pinocchio team.
    1. Well, guess who he is.
    And give him a carrot! (Bunny)
    2. What, barely touched, turns firewood into smoke? (Fire)
    3. Fluffy cotton wool,
    Floating somewhere.
    The lower the wool,
    The closer the rain comes. (Clouds)
    4. In the summer, in the swamp, you will find it.
    Green frog. Who is this? (Frog)
    5. The living castle grumbled,
    He lay down across the door.
    Two medals on the chest.
    It's better not to go into the house. (Dog).
    While solving riddles, Karabas Barabas answers incorrectly, confuses the children and loses.
    Leading. Well, Karabas Barabas, Pinocchio won, the key remains with him.
    TO Arabas Barabas. I enjoyed playing with you so much, I didn’t think that children could be cute and funny. Can I stay with you during the holiday, I promise I will never run around children again.
    Leading. Guys, should we allow Karabas Barabas to stay with us?
    Children. Yes.
    Leading. Let's continue the celebration, I suggest we dance.
    Communicative play dance "Lavata" English folk melody.
    Pinocchio. Well guys, it’s time for us to look for the chest, I have a map that will guide us.
    The map shows the building of the kindergarten, indicating the direction of movement using arrows.
    Children approach the porch of the kindergarten, according to the map. Then they move to the pool, where Kikimora meets them.

    Kikimora. Buratino and the kids have arrived, are you looking for the chest? But he’s not here, my friend – Leshy took him away. If you solve my riddles, I will tell you how to find him. If you don’t guess, I’ll get your chest.
    He got leeches
    I sold Karabasu.
    The whole place smelled like swamp mud.
    His name was... (Pinocchio - Duremar)

    He walked through the forest boldly.
    But the fox ate the hero.
    The poor thing sang goodbye.
    His name was... (Cheburashka - Kolobok)

    Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,
    He is looking for a magic key.
    He looks terrible.
    Who is this... (Aibolit - Karabas)

    He will find out everything and take a peek.
    It disturbs and harms everyone.
    She only cares about the rat,
    And her name is... (Yaga - Shapoklyak)

    Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years.
    Finally saw the light.
    He has grown a beard,
    This kind... (Santa Claus - Old Man Hottabych)

    He somehow lost his tail,
    But the guests returned him.
    He's grumpy like an old man.
    This sad... (Piglet - Eeyore)

    He is a big naughty man and a comedian,
    He has a house on the roof.
    Braggart and arrogant,
    And his name is... (Dunno - Carlson).
    Kikimora. You handled my riddles skillfully. I'll have to tell you how to find Leshy. You need to turn to the right and walk ten steps. Then turn right again and walk another ten steps. There you will find Leshy.
    Children go with the heroes in the indicated direction. At the indicated place they are met by Leshy.
    Leshy. No matter how the guests arrived, hello, hello!
    Leading. Hello, Kikimora told us that you keep a chest. And we have a key to it.
    Leshy. Well, yes, I have a chest. I'll only give it back if you make me laugh. I'm bored here alone.
    Leading. Guys, let's cheer up Leshy. Let's sing ditties for him.
    Children perform ditties chosen by the music director I.
    Leshy. Oh, you made me laugh, hold your chest.
    Pinocchio opens the lock. They are in the chest bubble, colored crayons.
    Pinocchio. Guys, look how many soap bubbles and crayons there are here. Thank you, you tried us on Karabas Barabas and helped us find the chest.
    Pinocchio and Karabas Barabas distributes soap bubbles and crayons to children.
    Karaba Barabas. Pinocchio, it’s time for us to go back, Papa Carlo must have lost you. Goodbye guys.
    Leading. Our holiday has come to an end. Now take the crayons and draw whatever you want on the asphalt. Let there be peace, sunshine, friendship in your drawings!

    Entertainment script for Children's Day
    “We are celebrating the summer holiday!”
    Goal: to create a joyful festive atmosphere, to evoke desire
    take an active part in the holiday.
    Objectives: to stimulate joint musical and playing activities,
    emotional responsiveness of children, develop friendly relationships
    between children. –
    Heroes: clowns Bim and Bom, Baba Yaga, Leto.
    The music “Mustachioed Nanny” plays.
    Bim: Hello, friends! Everyone who has a hundred freckles on their nose, and those who
    there is not one! Hello to everyone with braids and ponytails and sticking out
    V different sides hairs!
    Bom: Hello, smart, cheerful and ordinary. Today is June 1st
    The very first day of the warmest, brightest, most colorful time of the year, summer.
    And this day has been declared throughout the world as Children's Day. Hooray!
    Bim: Today, on this holiday, we will sing, play, dance and SUMMER
    Of course, wonderful guests will come to meet us. Oh, yes, I completely forgot,
    my name is Bim.
    Bom: My name is Bom, what's your name? Let's all shout out in unison
    name for 1,2,3….and so on.
    (children shout their names)
    Bom: Everything is clear! All the boys today are called "Bububu", And all
    girls "Syusyushu!" , did I hear correctly? No. so let's do it again
    so that everyone can hear your name! (they shout again). Now
    Bom: Get into the circle quickly!
    Now let's find some friends!
    1. Game “All are friends here today”
    All friends are here today (claps hands) - one, two, three,

    He, she and you and I (claps hands) one, two, three,
    turn to the one on the right, turn to the one on the left... - we are now
    smile at the one on the right, smile at the one on the left, we are now friends;
    wink to the one on the right, wink to the one on the left, we are now friends;
    hug the one on the right, hug the one on the left, we are now friends;
    give your hand to the one on the right, give your hand to the one on the left - we are now friends.
    Bim: Well, we’ve become friends, and now we’ll all do the “Sunny” exercises together
    2. Exercise “Radiant sun.”
    Music sounds and Baba Yaga flies in.
    Move aside! (runs around) Let's land! Let's land, I say!
    (Stops in the middle of the site.)
    Baba Yaga: Well, what strange people have become! I shout to them, let's land,
    and they laugh. Well, what are you laughing at? Such a guest has arrived to them! Let's,
    Treat me soon!
    Bom: Hello there! She arrived, didn’t say hello, but treat her quickly.
    No, Baba Yozhka, that’s not good.
    Baba Yaga: Yes? What's not good at all? OK. We'll have to fix everything.
    Eeeh! Do you know who the best greeter in the world is? Of course it's me. A
    Come on, put your palms up. Now I’ll say hello to everyone in one fell swoop!
    (Children put out 1 palm, Baba Yaga runs and slaps each
    Baba Yaga: Is that all now? But now I’ll find out how you live. Come on tell me
    how do you live? (Children's answers.)
    Eh, you! Who answers like that? We have to put it forward thumb and say:
    "Like this!"
    3. Game “Like this!”
    (Baba Yaga asks the children questions and shows the movements, the children repeat
    him movements)
    Baba Yaga: How are you?
    Children: That's it! (show thumb)

    Baba Yaga: How do you go to kindergarten?
    Children: That's it! (depict walking in place)
    Baba Yaga: How do you run home from kindergarten?
    Children: That's it! (run in place)
    Baba Yaga: How can you make noise without a teacher?
    Children: That's it! (stomping feet)
    Baba Yaga: How do you sleep during quiet hours?
    Children: That's it! (put palms together, apply to cheek,
    close their eyes)
    Baba Yaga: How do you laugh at jokes?
    Children: That's it! (grabbing his stomach, laughing along with
    Baba Yaga: How are you crying and howling?
    Children: That's it! (rubs eyes with fists, pretends to cry)
    Baba Yaga: Well, how are you all playing pranks?
    Children: That's it! (puff out your cheeks and slap them)
    Baba Yaga. It’s so good that I came to you, I’ll make my guys out of them
    Bim:. Who are you, and in general, we have gathered in order to
    meet Summer.
    Baba Yaga. Do you want summer? You won't see Summer. I hid it in my
    hut. I've been so cold over the winter that I need to warm up the house. And who else but
    Summer will warm it up for me. That's it.
    Bom: How is it that our children will be left without Summer?
    Baba Yaga: So be it, I will release Summer to you if you cheer me up.
    Bim: Let's continue the holiday,
    Let's draw the sun.
    4. Relay game “Draw the sun”
    (2 teams are formed, each of which is lined up in a column
    one by one. At the starting line in front of each team there are
    gymnastic sticks (rays of the sun, the number of which is equal to
    number of players. Ahead of each team at a distance of 57
    meters, put a hoop. The main task of the relay participants is

    one by one, on a signal, running out with sticks, arrange them in rays
    around your hoop - “draw” the sun.)
    5. Game “Collect balls”
    (Balls of 2 colors are scattered on the court: red and blue.
    Each team must place the balls in their baskets.
    according to the color. The fastest team wins
    collects the balls in the basket).
    Bom: Well, should we check if everyone has returned? Girls raise your hands and
    now boys, I have a game for you!
    “You girls are shouting the word “boxes.”
    And the boys will shout the word “cartwheels.”
    Bim: Shall we try? One two Three! Let's start! (All children complete the task, and
    now faster.
    Well done! Now you know that this is how an elephant sneezes - “boxes of cartilage”!
    Baba Yaga: You made me laugh
    They stirred my soul,
    We'll have to let you go of Summer
    Summer Appears
    Summer: Hello guys!
    I am a red summer, I am a rich sun!
    His flowers in my wreath are burning,
    Fresh flowers are my outfit!
    Bom: Beauty Summer, the guys have prepared poems for you.
    1.Hello, hello, our summer,
    Everything is warmed by your warmth.
    Meadow and field and gardens,
    Forest and river and ponds.
    2. Hello summer! Hello summer!
    Everything is warmed by the bright sun.

    Let's run into the green forest,
    Let's sit in the clearing.
    Summer: I'll see how you waited for me. I cooked summer riddles.
    Summer makes riddles.
    1. Not a bird, but with wings,
    Not a bee, but flying over the flowers. (Butterfly).
    2. The gates rose,
    There is beauty all over the world.
    The sun ordered: "Stop,
    The Seven Color Bridge is cool."
    A cloud hid the light of the sun,
    The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).
    3. From the branch to the path,
    From grass to blade of grass
    The spring jumps
    Green back. (Grasshopper).
    4. Alenka grows in the grass
    In a red shirt.
    Whoever passes
    Everyone gives a bow. (Strawberry).
    5. A cap and a leg -
    That's all Ermoshka. (Mushroom).

    Song Smile?
    Summer: You guys are great at singing and dancing. I officially announce the start
    summer. Congratulations on Children's Day. as a gift to you
    colored crayons, let each of you draw on the asphalt what he wants
    I want to.
    Bim: Hurray! Here we are in the land of summer!
    In this country,
    The sun is constantly shining,
    The blue river flows
    home straight to the sky!
    Bom: Now take the crayons
    And draw, write on the asphalt,
    What is needed for happiness.
    Let your drawings include:
    Happiness, sun, friendship.

    8. If warmed by the sun
    All the water in the river is to the bottom,
    So it's already summer!
    So spring is over!
    9. Come on, who will answer,
    What color is summer?
    I don't know the answer -
    I'll go and ask Summer.

    MBDOU "Kindergarten "Krepysh"

    Developed by:

    teacher speech therapist

    Danchenko Yu.P.



    "Children Protection Day"

    From kindergarten to the green lawn, children walk undersong “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together” . When the guys approach the green lawn, a phonogram soundssongs “Childhood is me and you” .

    1 ved: Hello, kids!

    Girls and boys!

    2 leads: Are the kids here brave?

    Is everyone happy? Are they all skilled?

    1 ved: Do you respect adults?

    Do you hurt kids?

    2 leads: Do you like holidays?

    Today is June 1st. The very first day of the warmest, brightest, most colorful time of the year - summer. And this day has been declared throughout the world as Children's Day. This is a big, very joyful and at the same time very serious holiday.

    Children read:(group group)
    1. We celebrate the summer holiday,
    Festival of the sun, festival of light.
    Come visit us.
    We are always glad to have guests.

    2. We celebrate the summer holiday
    Festival of the sun, festival of light
    Sun, sun, shine brighter.

    The holiday will be more fun.

    3.First day of colorful summer
    He brought us together, friends.
    Festival of the sun, festival of light,
    A holiday of happiness and goodness!

    4. On this day the birds chirp,
    And the sky brightens,
    And daisies with cornflowers
    They lead a round dance in the field.

    1 ved: And so that we can create a cheerful mood, I invite everyone to join in a big round dance.

    Dance "Big Round Dance"

    2 leads: It's fun today, we're happy!

    This children's party, congratulations!

    Reb st.gr:

    Let it ring, ring everywhere

    Our cheerful, ringing laughter!

    We have stored up a pile of songs,

    Have fun without interruptions!

    Children sing the song “Smile” to the accordion.

    1 ved: Today we will sing, play, dance and wait for an interesting guest. And now I will tell you a variety of statements, if you like it, then say in unison “How lucky we are!”

    1. Long-awaited summer,

    Fun and hot!

    Children: How lucky we are!

    2. Classes are abandoned!

    Good days have come!

    Children: How lucky we are!

    3. Birds are singing everywhere,

    Butterflies are flying around!

    Children: How lucky we are!

    4. You can take a ride to the sea!

    There's frolic on the shore!

    Children: How lucky we are!

    5. Everyone can swim,

    Roll on the grass!

    Children: How lucky we are!

    6. You can go to your grandmother

    And eat pancakes there!

    Children: How lucky we are!

    7. Go to the forest to pick mushrooms,

    Carry berries in baskets!

    Children: How lucky we are!

    8.You can wait until September

    To get ready for kindergarten!

    Children: How lucky we are!

    2 Vedas: Summer is a time for vacations, relaxation, new adventures and travel! There are many of us, we are different, unusual and different from each other, but everyone wants to have a fun summer vacation! And this simply requires a lot, a lot of strength.

    Old age children:

    Life is fun in summer

    The sun wakes you up in the morning

    How we woke up to exercise

    We run out onto the meadow

    Exercises in order

    Well, do it my friend!

    Rhythmic warm-up “Radiant Sun”.

    After dancing to cheerful music, Toy runs into the hall. She is dressed in a bright jumpsuit, to which many different small ones are fastened by the buttons. soft toys. When she jumps and spins, several toys fall to the floor.
    1 ved:
    Oh, who are you?! Your toys are falling out!

    I am Toy. All the children know me. I always hide among the toys and tell the kids which one they should play with. The children don't notice me, they are so busy playing. And today I came to you for a holiday.

    I really want to sing, play, and have fun with you.

    The game "How are you living?" is being played. Children use their movements to show what the text says. How are you? - Like this! (thumb forward)
    How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)
    How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)
    How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)
    How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)
    Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)
    Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other) The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

    2 leads: Children's Day is bright, sunny holiday. No wonder it is celebrated on the very first day of summer, on the first day of vacation! And this makes my soul so happy that I just can’t wait to jump for joy and dance! And we invite you to dance the fun “Boogie-Woogie” dance with us!

    Children perform a comic dance "Boogie-woogie"

    Toy: Now let’s relax and solve summer riddles.

    Bright and kind, shining through our window,

    We asked kindly

    Warm us up a little (sun)

    For some, he is a gardener,

    For others he is a field farmer

    Manages to be everywhere

    Field beam and water the garden (rain)

    On a large colored carpet

    The squadron sat down -

    It will open and then close its painted wings! (butterfly)

    Housewife -

    Flies over the lawn

    Will fuss over the flower

    And share the honey (bee)

    From branch to path

    From grass to blade of grass

    A spring jumps

    Greenback (grasshopper)

    He doesn't want to lie down at all

    If you throw it, it will jump,

    You throw it again, it rushes at a gallop -

    Well, of course it is... (ball)

    Toy: I invite everyone to a round dance,
    In a multi-colored round dance,
    The sun spun in the sky -
    Come out and dance, people!

    Flash mob to the song “We’re going to play”


    Toy: I know what you can still do

    Great to draw.

    You can use your talents

    Are you showing now?

    But the pencil won't do the job

    I work with this...

    And I'm colored crayons

    I brought it with you!

    1 Vedas: Our holiday has come to an end. Dear Guys! We're starting a drawing competition! There will be plenty of room for your imagination! Draw rivers, fields and mountains, Draw the sky, Draw the sea. Your girlfriends and your friends, A picture of your beautiful planet!

    Now take the crayons,
    And draw, write on the asphalt,
    What is needed for happiness.
    Let your drawings include:
    Happiness, sun, friendship.

    On this wonderful summer day, the first day of summer, let the asphalt bloom with flowers, and I invite everyone: paint with us!

    Competition: “Drawing on asphalt”

    Children draw.

    Toy: And so that we can end the holiday joyfully,

    I want to treat the guys with sweets!

    Hands out refreshments.

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