• SPA Jet Vichy - proven results. Vichy shower indications and contraindications


    Taking a shower is a pleasant and healthy experience: in the morning it energizes and invigorates, and in the evening it relaxes and relieves tension, preparing the body for a good, sound sleep. Even a simple shower can restore balance vitality– if you use the Vichy shower, with it you can rejuvenate your body and even cure some diseases! This hydroprocedure is very popular in spa salons, and it is used not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes.

    Indications for use

    1. Vichy shower allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of cellulite, improve body contour and skin elasticity.
    2. It is used to neutralize and remove waste and toxins from the body.
    3. It has a relaxing effect, calms the nervous system and increases muscle tone, and therefore is indicated for people with the syndrome chronic fatigue, depression, severe stress and headaches.
    4. Vichy shower is used to mineralize and rejuvenate the skin.
    5. It will be effective for chronic diseases of the spine and joints and even for some diseases of the stomach and intestines.
    6. - Vichy shower is prescribed for metabolic disorders in the body.

    The principle of operation of the Vichy shower and its varieties

    The Vichy shower, unlike the Charcot shower, which is also very popular in the list of SPA services, has a milder effect and does not leave bruises or redness on the skin.

    The body is in a horizontal position. Streams of water are supplied under low pressure and, covering the surface of the skin, create a zone of increased ionization on it, thereby helping to improve oxygen exchange in the tissues. There are three types of shower:

    • in the form of rain - water is supplied in separate streams;
    • thin streams under low pressure;
    • dusty - the diameter of the droplets is less than half a millimeter.

    Temperature, pressure, angle of direction of water - all this changes at will. You can purchase a modern shower stall with adjustment of all these functions and with a splash screen for the face at http://www.spavoda.ru.

    Preparation for the procedure and its features

    It is advisable to carry out water therapy with a Vichy shower an hour before meals, or wait two hours after meals. The duration of the session is about half an hour. During this time, it effectively relieves tension and fatigue, activates oxygen metabolism, improves blood circulation and improves mood. Immediately after a shower, it is not recommended to exert yourself physically - it will be useful to drink a cup of water or herbal tea, smear your body with lotion or milk and lie down to rest for another twenty minutes.

    Contraindications – are there any?

    Although hydrotherapy with a Vichy shower is not a medical procedure, it still has its contraindications. It is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and menstruation, during exacerbation of diseases, with oncology, blood diseases, during an infectious disease, especially with elevated temperature bodies. You should also use Vichy shower with caution in case of dermatological diseases and high sensitivity. skin. If you notice any allergic reactions, you should stop the session.

    In general, to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should definitely consult a doctor!

    The Vichy shower is becoming increasingly popular. But not everyone knows what is so special about this procedure, and why this shower differs from other hydraulic influences. This type of healing shower got its name from the name of a popular resort in France, famous for its healing thermal waters.

    How does the session work?

    For the Vichy shower, a special capsule is used. It houses a water supply installation. It allows you to change the temperature of the water, the force with which it is supplied, as well as the angle of supply. The procedures use thermal or sea water.

    But the photo shows that the patient lies comfortably while taking a shower. This promotes the greatest relaxation of the body. Jets of water are gentle on the skin, it is not at all like Charcot's shower.

    The Vichy shower is a type of filiform hydro-procedure (from the Latin “filiformis”, which literally means “like a thread”). Depending on the nature of the water supply, there are 3 types of it.

    1. Dust, when water is supplied through special sprayers. Many droplets with a diameter of less than 0.5 millimeters fall on the patient's body. Water “dust” moisturizes the skin and saturates it useful substances if extracts are used in the procedure medicinal herbs or mineral water.
    2. Rain-like, when water at a comfortable temperature for the patient flows in thin streams under medium pressure. This effect stimulates weight loss and promotes blood flow to the skin.
    3. Needle-shaped, when the thinnest streams of water are supplied under maximum pressure. Water “needles” tone the skin, improve blood circulation and skin nutrition.

    In modern health centers, this shower has become part of SPA treatments. It is combined with massages and anti-cellulite wraps. In many videos about the Vichy shower, you can see that the procedure is carried out in dim light, sometimes with pleasant backlighting. All this contributes to even greater relaxation.

    Indications for use

    Vichy shower, due to its effect on nerve endings, has a calming effect on the nervous system. It is indicated for stress and neurosis, as it relaxes and lifts your spirits. During the procedure, blood supply and lymph circulation improves. This has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and helps eliminate toxins and impurities. All these properties make the procedure very effective in the treatment and prevention of cellulite.

    The main indications for the use of Vichy shower for medical purposes are problems with ligaments and joints, gastrointestinal diseases, and headaches. This procedure is indispensable in recovery period after injuries, long-term illness and nervous shock.

    If you decide to try

    The Vichy shower should be taken no earlier than 2 hours after eating. A water exposure session lasts an average of half an hour. The inclination of the jets, the temperature of the supplied water and the intensity of the shower are adjusted individually, and it is important that the person is comfortable. The treatment regimen and number of sessions are determined by a specialist. For example, to prevent cellulite it is worth undergoing 15 procedures. The time between sessions is 2–3 days.

    After a therapeutic shower, it is advisable not to eat for an hour. WITH physical activity It's also worth waiting. It’s better to sit for 20 minutes, drink herbal tea and apply moisturizers to your skin to enhance the effect.

    Who is contraindicated for hydrotherapy?

    The Vichy shower, like any health procedure, has its contraindications. It should not be used if you have an exacerbation of illness. internal organs or blood diseases. In the presence of tumors, exposure to water can provoke the growth of tumors, as well as the transition of benign tumors to malignant ones.

    Women should postpone sessions during their periods. Pregnant women are also prohibited from taking a Vichy shower. Temporary contraindications are associated with infectious diseases. You can only undergo hydrotherapy after you have recovered.

    Exposure to water jets may cause discomfort to those with excessive sensitive skin. You should stop healing if you have an allergic reaction to thermal water. In order not to harm the body, discuss the possibility of visiting a Vichy shower with your doctor.

    Since ancient times, people have known that water has healing properties that it contains health and beauty, and without it life is impossible. People have used these properties of water to their advantage for thousands of years. Relaxing water procedures not only soothe, but also improve metabolism and improve well-being. This is the power of water. After all, even an ordinary shower can be turned into a therapeutic procedure by varying the temperature and duration of this water procedure.

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    Photo gallery: Vichy healing shower

    The healing properties of water are widely used in hydrotherapy as a new branch of medical services, the so-called Wellness. Today, hydrotherapy is increasingly popular in medical practice, preventive measures, and cosmetology. And this is not surprising, since hydrotherapy procedures not only lift your mood, relax or tone you up, but also restore peace of mind after experiencing stress. The visible cosmetic effects of hydrotherapy are increased skin turgor and body contouring.

    Vichy shower: description and action

    In our country, the so-called Vichy shower procedure has become most popular. Its inventors are the French. The name Vichy was given in honor of the French resort of the same name, where thermal water has been used for treatment since the times of the Roman Empire. Today Vichy medicinal table water is the most popular in France. Adults, old people and children, poor and rich drink it in the morning, afternoon and evening. This water became an integral part of the life of the French. Based on it, a whole series of cosmetics has been developed, successfully sold all over the world.

    Russian SPA complexes and medical centers have long used the hydroprocedure of Charcot's shower and Scottish shower. However, the Vichy shower therapy is becoming increasingly popular due to its beneficial effects on human health. The Vichy shower has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, stimulates blood circulation, improves the functioning of reflex zones, has a lymphatic drainage effect and gently stimulates. This type of shower is called filiform, which is translated from the Latin “filiformis” as “thread-like.” This name was given because of the thin thread-like warm streams of the Vichy shower, associated with soft summer rain. Streams of water create a slight pressure, resulting in a zone of increased ionization on the skin. This improves oxygen exchange in tissues. Receptors located on the skin are irritated by temperature and mechanical effects on them, as a result of which blood circulation improves and tension subsides.

    In what cases is a Vichy shower prescribed?

    Firstly, it is used to achieve a detoxification effect, that is, to destroy, neutralize and remove toxic substances from the body. Secondly, Vichy shower has a sedative or calming effect. Thirdly, it is used to strengthen the body after suffering injuries, illnesses and stress. If there are no obvious contraindications, then you can take a Vichy shower at any age.

    In sports medicine, fitness and physiotherapy, Vichy shower is used as a therapeutic hydro procedure for the prevention of many diseases. In order to take a Vichy shower, you need a special SPA capsule or other equipment where you can take it while lying in the capsule. This is one of the advantages of the Vichy shower, since many hydro procedures are taken while standing. This therapeutic shower has a very gentle effect on the skin, and many patients compare it to gentle summer rain. The water used is sea, thermal, softened or mineral. It is served with many thin, gently tingling streams, not like Charcot's shower.

    Shower types

    There are several types of Vichy shower: “rain”, served in the form of separate water streams; “needle-like”, consisting of very thin streams supplied under slight pressure, which makes them resemble needles; “dust”, supplied in the form of water mist. The size of the droplets in a “dust” shower does not reach half a millimeter. It is recommended to take a Vichy shower no earlier than 40 minutes to 1 hour before a meal, or 2 hours after a meal. It is possible to adjust the water temperature, which is selected individually depending on the desired effect. The Vichy shower makes it possible to change both the pressure and temperature of the water in one session; direct streams of water at different angles. All this improves lymphatic drainage, stimulates oxygen exchange in the skin, promotes the removal of waste and toxins, and reduces cellulite areas. A Vichy shower takes 15-30 minutes. This time is enough to relieve tension and fatigue, the psycho-emotional state becomes calm, balanced, and joyful. After the procedure, you should not immediately move actively; it is recommended to drink a glass of clean drinking water, brew herbal tea, apply moisturizing milk to your facial skin and remain at rest for at least 20 minutes.

    Today, the Vichy shower is a shower that is considered one of the best wellness procedures in hydrotherapy. Its healing properties are especially pronounced when used together with other SPA procedures. It can be different types body wraps, body masks, different types massage, etc.

    Cosmetologists often use Vichy showers in combination with massage. This allows for figure correction and is good remedy fight cellulite. Doctors prescribe Vichy showers and massages for the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders in the body. To get a good result, you should take a course consisting of 15-18 Vichy shower procedures. The pace of the course can be varied: take a Vichy shower every other day or 2 times a week. In addition to the above, Vichy shower is prescribed for inflammatory processes in joints and ligaments, gastrointestinal diseases, neuroses, migraines, severe stress conditions, etc.


    It is not recommended to take a Vichy shower during pregnancy and critical days. Under no circumstances should this procedure be used for severe forms of internal organ diseases, as well as during the acute stage, when bleeding is possible. Do not use Vichy shower for blood diseases, infectious and oncological diseases. In case of increased skin sensitivity to water and any allergic reactions the procedure must be stopped. Before taking a Vichy shower treatment, consult your doctor.

    Shower Vichy refers to methods. The method received its name thanks to the French city of Vichy, where thermal waters are widely used for cosmetic and medical purposes. Another name for Vichy shower is filoform (thread-like) shower.

    It is used as a cosmetology, physiotherapy, and sports medicine procedure.

    The Vichy shower procedure should be carried out either an hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.

    Shower Vichy has three types:

    • rain is a stream type of Vichy shower;
    • needle-shaped - water structures resemble needles;;
    • dusty - water is sprayed over the body.

    Vichy shower water

    • marine;
    • softened;
    • thermal.

    Indications for the Vichy shower procedure

    • disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
    • anxiety disorders;
    • neurasthenic syndrome;
    • chronic stress;
    • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.


    • oncological diseases;
    • infectious diseases;
    • inflammatory processes;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • skin diseases, including fungal ones;
    • circulatory disorders.

    Technique for the Vichy shower procedure

    • the procedure is carried out in a lying position, on the stomach;
    • jets of water are applied to the back, neck and legs from above, depending on the type of Vichy shower;
    • holes for water supply are located on a special narrow rail, which is installed parallel to the human spine;
    • temperature and water pressure are individually regulated;
    • duration - from 15 to 30 minutes.

    Jets of water are applied to the back, neck and legs from above, depending on the type of Vichy shower. The holes for water supply are located on a special narrow rail, which is installed parallel to the human spine.

    Positive effect of Vichy shower

    • relieving chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • toning the body;
    • improving the functioning of the circulatory system;
    • removing toxins from the body;
    • strengthening the immune system;
    • reflexology effect;
    • skin renewal;
    • positive effect on the central nervous system;
    • prevention of cellulite.
    • the Vichy shower procedure should be carried out either an hour before meals or 2 hours after meals;
    • Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to do a body wrap, use a scrub or exercise;
    • After the session it is important to replenish water balance(drink water, for example);
    • moisturize the skin using special cosmetics;
    • give the body a rest for at least 20 minutes;
    • It is important to remember that the maximum effect is achieved after 15 sessions.

    Based on Vichy thermal water, which has a unique chemical composition and used in French resorts, the shower of the same name was created. The effectiveness of the procedure is due to the high content of elements such as potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, fluorine and iodine in water. They have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, restoring its beauty and health.

    How does a Vichy shower work? In general, Vichy shower is one of the water therapy modes that can be set at the request of the client. But the point here is that you are immersed in a special capsule, where thousands of tiny streams of water that flow under high pressure are directed at you. Streams of water break on the skin and thereby tone it, have a stimulating effect on cells, and improve oxygen exchange. As a result, blood circulation improves, both physical and psychological stress are relieved, spasms and pain in the muscles disappear.

    In addition, the effect of a Vichy shower is also achieved when exposed to temperature. After all thermal water with a high content of minerals, it not only saturates the body with missing trace elements, but also helps with many ailments, such as joint diseases.

    Indications to passing the Vichy shower Undoubtedly, the Vichy shower is useful for absolutely everyone. But first of all, it is indicated for use by those who have: - problems with the musculoskeletal system that arose as a result of some kind of injury or metabolic disorder; - any disorders of the food system - ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other diseases; - intoxication of the body, including general; - hormonal system disorders; - pathology of the thyroid gland; - unstable psyche and general disorder emotional background caused by constant stress, seasonal depression, as well as overwork and chronic fatigue syndrome; - excess weight due to poor metabolism.

    But to achieve maximum effect One or two procedures are not enough. You need to complete a whole course, which consists of 10 or 15 baths. The duration of one session is about 30 minutes. After taking a bath, you should additionally moisturize your skin with some cosmetics. Also, eating within an hour is not recommended.

    But in general, for each patient the number of procedures is determined individually.

    When should you not use Vichy shower? Despite the fact that Vichy shower has unique healing properties, there are still some contraindications. It is not recommended for use in people who have severe diseases of internal organs, cancer or neoplasms. If you have an exacerbation of any chronic disease or you are suffering from ARVI, then in this case The procedure should be delayed until complete recovery.

    What else can you add about the Vichy shower? It goes well with other methods of thalassotherapy and balneotherapy. After trying it once, you will be happy to attend a Vichy shower, because the effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

    Sanatoriums where the "VICHY" shower is used:

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