• Is it worth getting a tattoo? Are tattoos dangerous? How to remove a tattoo. There is a question: should a decent girl get a tattoo?


    Tattoos have long ceased to be an identification mark exclusively of prisoners or sailors. Today they are worn by completely different people, thus expressing themselves, hiding any defects or emphasizing their uniqueness. Is it worth getting a tattoo? Weigh all the pros and cons, find out what consequences this procedure can have for a person’s health, psyche and fate.

    Why do people get tattoos?

    Since ancient times, people have been decorating their bodies with various designs. Of course, before tattoos were applied for a specific purpose, for example, to intimidate enemies, to define social status person and his position in society. There was also a so-called occult motivation. People could wear certain designs on their bodies in the name of a specific deity or spirit. Various signs and symbols protected people from evil demons; it was believed that they were able to give the character of the person wearing them the necessary qualities that he previously lacked.

    By the way, in the Middle Ages tattoos were also used to brand criminals, of course, if they were not sent to the chopping block. This was done for one simple purpose: society had to see who they were dealing with. Slaves were branded, and each owner had his own brand. In the east, tattoos were previously only worn by geishas and girls. prostitute. But today tattoos are stylish, fashionable, youthful. So is it worth getting a tattoo? Is there any harm? How justified is a tattoo on the body from a moral point of view?

    Harmful drawings on the body

    First of all, you should know whether tattoos are dangerous. Of course, today there are a huge number of specialized tattoo parlors, where real professionals work. Of course, in this kind of establishment it is relatively safe to apply drawings to the body. Of course, every client may have an allergy to paint components, and the pain has not been canceled. However, the price in such salons can be steep, and therefore many turn to self-taught people, often with homemade machines.

    Should I get a tattoo from a non-professional? Experts note that the risk increases significantly, because by doing a tattoo at the artist’s home, you can at least develop a skin disease, and at the most, get blood poisoning or, what is much worse, even AIDS.

    By the way, dermatologists from Austria have found that a tattoo can lead to cancer! That is why tattoos are clearly harmful to health, experts say; they do not bring any benefit to human skin, but health problems may well arise.

    A tattoo can not only harm your health, but also seriously ruin your life. Thus, people who have any drawings on their bodies should not undergo certain medical studies. For example, MRI is strictly contraindicated, because a tattoo can become inflamed or even catch fire. For 12 months after the tattoo procedure, a person cannot be a donor, because the risk of contracting viruses is too great!

    Among other consequences, the strongest allergic reactions. The thing is that in no country in the world does there exist a government body that controls the production of tattoo ink. This allows unscrupulous manufacturers to add arsenic, mercury and lead to their composition!

    Another significant disadvantage is the unaesthetic appearance. Just imagine a sagging loose skin on the arm or chest, on which the outlines of some pattern are vaguely visible, in order to become reluctant to apply a pattern to your body.

    A question of morality

    As part of the consideration of whether it is worth getting a tattoo, it is worth mentioning the public opinion. So, nothing can be hidden from the not too good-natured grandmothers at the entrance. Stuffed your sleeve? Write goodbye! From a nice boy you automatically turn into a drug addict. Religion also does not approve of drawings on the skin. Believers say: a person’s body does not belong to him at all, it is the property of the Lord. Even a hardened atheist will have to take this into account, because he will have to listen to the moral teachings of overly religious people.

    Mysticism and esotericism

    Psychologists and esotericists talk about the dangers of applying drawings to the skin. They believe that tattoos can change fate. For example, having applied one image, a person begins to move in one direction, while applying another - in the opposite direction. That is why, when getting a tattoo, you should consult with a specialist, or better yet, more than one.

    In general, tattoos are a serious matter. They can bring fame and success to their owner, or they can deprive him of absolutely everything he has.

    Age limit

    Almost every teenager is a very impulsive person. Many people are characterized by so-called youthful maximalism. In an effort to put an inscription, an image or even someone’s name on their body, teenagers do not even allow the thought that after a couple of years their worldview may change significantly, and therefore a tattoo that seemed incredibly significant in adolescence, over the years, can bring a lot of negative associations and create social barriers. In addition, the decision to apply any symbols often causes indignation among parents. It is for this reason that almost any conscientious tattoo artist will refuse a minor client.

    Of course, the question may arise: “At what age can you get a tattoo?” Experts answer: you can become the owner of a tattoo before the age of 18, however, in this case you must obtain permission from your parents or guardians. However, it is worth noting that it is not recommended to do this earlier than 18 years of age, because the process is underway active body growth, and therefore the tattoo may shift or become deformed.

    The role of tattoos for men

    Quite often, men decide to get a tattoo with one simple goal: to emphasize their own brutality and individuality. In addition, it is generally accepted that a man with a tattoo will attract more attention than one who does not have a design on his body. Most often these are Celtic or Gothic images; birds of prey and wild animals are in demand. This is how men express their inner world.

    By the way, experts say that for many years only those people who were in prison got tattoos. That is why it is recommended to consult a specialist before applying any symbol to your body. This will avoid unpleasant situations in the future.

    The role of tattoos for girls

    Why do girls get tattoos? The answer is simple: it allows you to emphasize natural beauty. Even psychologists say that a small symbol on the body can raise a woman’s self-esteem. Of course, the images on a woman’s body are significantly different from those on a man. They are more elegant and usually less voluminous. The most popular are zodiac signs, hieroglyphs, stylized images of animals and plants. Angels and stars are no less popular.

    The tattoo removal procedure is more painful, longer and more expensive than the tattoo itself. There are many methods of disposal: freezing liquid nitrogen, cleansing the skin with salt and even mechanical grinding. However, the fastest and highest quality method is laser removal. Of course, the price for removing drawings differs depending on the region of Russia. The cost depends on the area of ​​the design, the quality of the paint and the density of the filling. How much does it cost to get a tattoo removed in different cities? For example, in Moscow, removing a pattern up to 11 square centimeters will cost you 8,000 rubles. The same price is in St. Petersburg. This procedure is slightly cheaper in Voronezh: here they can remove a drawing of up to 11 square centimeters for 7,500 rubles, approximately the same price in cities such as Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar and Nizhny Novgorod.


    Of course, whether to get a tattoo on your body is up to you. However, before you decide to take this step, be sure to find out what the drawing means, think about what it will bring to your life, and whether you will regret it. And, of course, get a tattoo only from a professional, don’t save money by relying on self-taught skills, take care of your health!

    We are sure you will agree with us - many people, including readers of this material, really want to get a tattoo, but cannot decide to take this important step. Of course, we are not talking about mehndi (henna design), which is easy to apply and even easier to remove; doubts concern exclusively permanent tattoos, which last a lifetime, because temporary tattoos, as we know, have not yet been invented.

    And yet, to hit the tattoo or not to hit? If doubts are too strong, this idea should definitely be abandoned. If the desire to decorate your body wins, apply a temporary design first, walk around with it for a month, feel like a member of the tattoo community, even if it’s temporary. And then make a decision, focusing on your feelings in the role of a tattooed handsome man (or beauty).

    However, before applying a tattoo, you should always take into account not only desires and whims, but also the arguments “against”, because a permanent tattoo will remain with you for life, it cannot be cut off like a tag, changed like a hairstyle, you cannot change it overnight , as a status or avatar on a social network.

    What stories should be abandoned?

    Immediately get rid of the idea of ​​​​painting the image of any animal on your body - such stories are used in the criminal environment to indicate the “narrow specialization” of representatives of the criminal world, so you cannot exclude the possibility of a situation in which you will have to explain the origin of such a tattoo.

    And you definitely shouldn’t put an image of a church or a crucifix on your chest, for the same reason! Concluding the criminal topic, let’s say that the tattoos on the phalanges of the fingers (rings) and on the wrists are filled with a very definite meaning, so when choosing a subject for drawing on these areas of the body, you should be extremely careful.

    We are moving away from the “crime chronicle”.

    Should you put a hieroglyph on your body? If you know Chinese, if your loved one is a specialist in oriental art, then you can choose the right symbol. In other cases, it is better to refrain from using hieroglyphs: yes, they look stylish, but, as a rule, neither the client nor the tattoo artist knows the true meaning of these signs.

    But the meaning of runes, magical and mystical symbols can be found out from the relevant literature, but is it worth applying them to your body? It is believed that sacred symbolism influences the fate of the person who uses it, and such influence is not always desirable - it is unlikely that an inverted pentagram will help a person on his life path.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the dragons. Many have seen the movie "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", and many have taken a liking to the main character. But even without this Fincher film, the fashion for dragons has already reached unimaginable limits, and the plot, which was once an element Japanese style, began to be replicated on a scale that even the print press would envy. Still want a dragon tattoo?

    This warning applies not only to plots, but also to some places. So tattoos on the lower back have become too popular among the fair sex, and are rarely distinguished by originality of ideas. In addition, they can negatively affect the girl’s health, but this issue is discussed in the next section of the material.

    Objective reasons to refuse a tattoo

    1. A tattoo in a visible place can affect career growth, and it will not always help when applying for a job. Of course, if you have already achieved a certain position in society and your status is unshakable, then you can ignore this point, but if you are young, think about it.

    2. Body art is forever. A serious argument, because it’s not a fact that ten years later the plot that you liked at a young age will not cause irritation. Meanwhile, removing a tattoo is not easy and expensive, and scars will remain in place of the masterpiece, so you have to choose between two evils - the prospect is not very rosy.

    3. When getting tattoos, there is always a risk of infection. In particular, the hepatitis virus is transmitted parenterally, and it is this infection that those who decide to get a tattoo should be wary of. Yes, the needles are disposable, the instrument is sterilized, but can you always be one hundred percent sure of this? And whether the artist is healthy is also an important question, even if the tattooist wears gloves.

    4. A tattoo, like everything in our life, deteriorates over time, the colors lose their brightness, and the skin sags, causing the image to float and lose its shape. Are you ready for such an evolution of your masterpiece?

    5. Tattooing is associated with irritation of reflex zones, which can negatively affect health. In particular, the lumbar area is connected to the pelvic organs, and a tattoo can contribute to problems with the reproductive system. It is not necessary to believe in the existence of such a connection, but it is still worth knowing about the possibility of its existence.

    Medical contraindications

    Finally, there are strict medical contraindications that prohibit a person from getting a tattoo. These include pathology of hemostasis, accompanied by a decrease in the activity of the blood coagulation system, diabetes, oncological pathology of any localization. People with epilepsy and mental disorders should not get tattoos; it is strictly forbidden to “beat” carriers of the hepatitis virus and immunodeficiency virus.

    Relative contraindications include chronic dermatoses, arterial hypertension, somatic diseases and herpes infection. Before starting work, a conscientious artist will definitely check whether the client has any medical contraindications, but if he has not done so, this is another reason to refuse a tattoo!

    “Should I get a tattoo?” - many people ask this question. Well, I propose to briefly weigh the pros and cons of whether a person should get tattoos on his body, or whether the desire to get a long-awaited and fashionable “tattoo” on his body can result in completely undesirable consequences for health, psyche and even fate person.

    Why do people get tattoos?

    Even in ancient times, people decorated their bodies with tattoos. Then, of course, it was not just like that - tattoos were applied to intimidate the enemy, determine social status and position in society.

    There was also an occult motivation for applying a tattoo to one’s body - a certain sign on the body could place the wearer under the power of a certain deity or spirit. Naturally, the price for new opportunities could ultimately be the soul.

    Also, various esoteric teachings often suggested applying various signs, numbers and symbols for protection from evil spirits or people, or to impart to the person wearing them certain character qualities that were previously absent from him. Therefore, it is especially bad when these same signs are used today only for beauty, without even realizing what impact tattoos can have on a person’s future fate.

    In the Middle Ages, tattoos were also used to brand criminals - thieves, murderers and rapists, of course, if they were not executed. This was done so that people could see who they might have to deal with. Well, or slaves, so that it can be seen which owner they belong to, where they escaped from, and to whom they should be returned accordingly after capture. And in the east they were worn exclusively by geishas and girls lung behavior, which still causes similar attitudes towards tattooed women.

    But today tattoos have become a kind of fetish - stylish, fashionable, youthful. Many people don’t even think about the possible meaning of a particular pattern on the skin. Of course, this is everyone’s personal business, and no one has the right to condemn - at least, it is tactless.

    Possible health risks of tattoos

    But let's look at the aspect of the possible harm of tattoos to health. Nowadays there are a great many specialized tattoo parlors, with professional equipment and appropriate respect for the client.

    In such establishments, getting tattoos is relatively safe, unless, of course, you take into account a possible allergy to the components of the paint, and also to pain. But the price in such salons is quite high, so many turn to self-taught people with homemade machines.

    There is already a considerable amount of risk here. Absolutely calmly getting a tattoo can cause at least a skin disease. At the most, blood poisoning, or, even worse, AIDS. Austrian dermatologists, by the way, have discovered that a tattoo can even result in cancer. Not too nice, is it?

    Therefore, the harm of tattoos to health is clear, because they definitely will not bring any benefits to your health and your skin, but they may well cause health problems.

    Are tattoos moral?

    Public opinion on this issue also needs to be taken into account. Nothing can be hidden from the evil grannies at the entrance. I filled my sleeve - say goodbye, from a sweet boy I turned into Kolka - a drug addict.

    Our religion also does not really approve of drawings on the skin - according to believers, our body does not belong to us, it is the property of the Lord. Even a hardened atheist will have to take this into account - there are so many deeply religious people.

    The dangers of getting tattoos on your body

    Psychologists and esotericists consider tattoos as something that can change fate in one direction or another. By applying one image, we begin to move in one direction, and by applying another, in another, so when deciding whether it is possible to get a tattoo with this or that sign, it is better to consult with a specialist, or even better, with two, and read about it yourself on the Internet.

    A tattoo is a serious matter; it can bring wealth, fame and success to the owner, or it can deprive him of everything he has. For example, by painting an image of a dragon on your body, you risk exposing yourself to negative events, since the dragon is a rather unpredictable mythical animal that not everyone can tame. Therefore, for an unprepared person who does not have the necessary character traits, applying some tattoos to his body is downright dangerous.

    Another disadvantage is the aesthetic appearance of a tattoo in old age. Just imagine saggy, flabby skin, say, on your hand, on which the outlines of Chinese characters are vaguely visible. Ugh. Yes, even a novice artist can mess up when applying a tattoo. Removal is a rather expensive and painful procedure.

    What types of tattoos are there?

    Tattoos can be permanent, temporary (these are those that are applied with henna, they disappear in a maximum of a month) and Permanent makeup(tattoo).

    Certain tattoos are meant to different parts bodies. They are available for the back, arms, legs, chest, face and even (imagine) genitals.

    The most common tattoos include those with pronounced features: Celtic, Oriental and Tribal. A feature of Celtic, for example, is considered to be ancient Celtic ornaments, oriental uses Asian themes, and tribal is distinguished by images made of stripes of different lengths.

    Of course, these are not all types of tattoos, and it would probably take several pages to list them.

    The role of tattoos for men

    Nowadays, a man's brutal tattoo no longer plays such a symbolic role as before. Much more often, men decide to get a tattoo in order to emphasize their brutality, and they will receive even more attention from women.

    Gothic and Celtic tattoos can be considered classic men's tattoos. Images of birds of prey, dragons and wild animals are in great demand - the image of a predator becomes an external manifestation of his soul.

    Do not forget that for a very long time tattoos were only done by people serving sentences, prisoners. So it’s worth consulting with a specialist about the meaning of a particular symbol in order to avoid awkward situations.

    Tattoos for girls

    Women's tattoos are a great opportunity to highlight her natural beauty. Psychologists confirm that even a small tattoo greatly increases the self-esteem of our beautiful girls.

    Unlike men's tattoos, women's tattoos are more elegant and less voluminous. Tattoos that have a symbolic meaning are very popular. Zodiac signs, hieroglyphs, stylized images of plants and animals - you name it.

    Angels, kittens and stars are no less popular among girls. Well, where would we be without flowers? In my opinion, flowers are the best option for lovely girls, because according to the Vedas, flowers are also created from the energy of love, just like female body, that’s why they combine together unusually harmoniously and also complement each other. No one, of course, will forbid making a sleeve, for example - it is very, very extravagant, and can play a negative role in her fate.

    Time to sum it up. Of course, whether it’s worth getting a tattoo on your body is up to you to decide, but before you get a tattoo, be sure to find out what it means and think about what new it can bring to your life, and whether you will regret it the next day , and if you decide to get a tattoo, get it done only by a professional, you shouldn’t save money by relying on chance and self-taught skills, it’s better to think about your health. We have only one.

    In the following articles we will talk about what kind of tattoos can be made, as well as the role, meaning and significance of many tattoos, but for now, check out other interesting articles on our Training and Self-Development portal.

    Nowadays, many people want to stand out from the crowd and attract attention. People, as statistics show, especially want to be bright, individual and memorable, under 32 years of age.

    Someone changes their style of clothing, hairstyle, and manner of communication. Some people dye their hair crazy colors and have lots of piercings all over their body. But one of the most common ways to stand out is with a tattoo.

    Tattoos date back to 2 thousand years BC. During excavations at Necopolis in Anca (Peru), human remains were discovered on which tattooed lines, dots representing the rays of the sun, were visible. "Tattoo" - ancient art humanity. It was believed that a person who did not have tattooed marks was not noble. But a thousand years have passed, now a tattoo has no meaning other than the meaning of style, fashion and attracting attention.

    In general, a tattoo is the process of applying a permanent design to the body, introducing a coloring pigment into the subcutaneous tissue. Of course, all this looks impressive, but have you ever thought about what the consequences might be?

    Firstly, this process is painful. Especially in the areas of the neck, lower back, ankles, etc. The paint is injected into the subcutaneous tissue, and with age, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby, wrinkled - this is human physiology. And having made a “tattoo” in at a young age, in 10 years you may regret it, since the tattoo will no longer be as clear and bright as before, but, on the contrary, with blurred contours and dull, like a dirty stain. IN mature age it will not look aesthetically pleasing and sloppy.

    Secondly, a beautiful and eye-catching design on your body can have serious consequences related to your health. According to doctors, tattoos made on a certain part of the body reduce the immunity of certain organs located near the design. If the “tattoo” is made on the lower back, then most likely there will be complications in the genitourinary system. A “tattoo,” for example, on the chest will “undermine” the immune system responsible for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

    In addition, if you are prone to any kind of allergies and you sensitive skin, you can “earn” dermatitis, eczema and many others skin diseases. Based on the survey of the number of people who got a tattoo, it was found that 38 percent of people have purulent formations. Also, when applying a “tattoo,” the possibility of infection with hepatitis B and C increases 100 times.

    When making a tattoo on the body, many people do not know what needles are used to prick the design, and how the “tattoo artists” treat the needles and skin. Due to poor handling of instruments or skin, it is very likely to become infected with AIDS, skin infections, tetanus, and tuberculosis. People who use home services are especially susceptible to these diseases. The likelihood that the processing of the drawing means will be of poor quality or will be completely absent is high.

    Third, the ink used to draw tattoos has a pigment called paraphenylene diamine. It is approved for injection under the skin in strictly defined quantities. Who knows if the person injecting you with a “tattoo” is familiar with this information? And does he even know how to tattoo? Introducing this pigment in excess of the norm can cause its rejection by the body, the place where the design is filled will become inflamed, red, and then it will definitely not be possible to avoid surgical intervention. People with black tattoos are especially at risk of skin rejection of ink.

    Some people think that temporary tattoos are not harmful to the body, since they are based on henna, which lasts a short amount of time and then disappears. But that's not true. It can also cause dermatitis, itching, and some types of eczema (not severe, but still eczema).

    Fourth, fashion and outlook on life change throughout life. And over time, people want to get rid of the design that was so pleasing to the eye a few years ago. Getting rid of a tattoo is a very difficult and painful procedure, which leaves scars and cuts. Girls who want to have a beautiful body, without unnecessary damage and scratches, should especially think about this!

    And yet, if you want to get a “tattoo” for yourself, and there is no point in convincing you otherwise, then don’t skimp on your desire! Sign up for a good, popular salon that has a license, and do not resort to the services of “specialists” at home. Ask how instruments, needles and other accessories are treated for this procedure, because this way you reduce the possibility of adverse consequences. Take care of your health! And before you decide to change something about yourself, think carefully about all the pros and cons, because you yourself cannot predict what you want in the future...

    I won't wait long to answer. No, it's not worth it decent girl get a tattoo. And this is not at all because it will say about her debauchery, but because it is too unnatural. Yes, public opinion Europeans for a long time did not reserve the right for a woman to smoke, drink strong drinks and draw pictures all over her body, but we’ll put it down to that. We can think with our own heads, right?

    What an artificial lady!

    So here it is. To explain my own position, I will turn my attention to Africa. Many primitive tribes on this continent are especially fond of decorating themselves in the most exotic ways. Piercing, tattooing, lengthening the neck, stretching the ears, placing huge saucers on the lips - each of these techniques can make a beauty out of an African girl. Think about it, if someone offers you to enlarge your lips using a clay disc, you will undoubtedly be indignant: “Ugh, this is ugly! Only notorious savages do this!” But how are we any better when we inject something into our lips that turns the most delicate creature into a platypus girl? Of course, if your lips are taken from a portrait of Nicola Machiavelli, then such an operation is just what the doctor ordered. But no, we all want to be like Rosie Huntington-Whitley.

    Well, it's very beautiful

    However, we forgot something. Another entertainment for harsh African (not only them, of course) ladies is scarring. According to the plan, it is as close as possible to tattooing. There are several options for execution. You can simply cut the skin, you can cut it at an angle, you can cut off half the back, you can completely change the landscape and cover the body with a convex ornament. How it's done? First you cut the wound, then put ashes inside and wait for it to fester. Then you carefully cultivate the abscess. After all the manipulations, you can get a three-dimensional drawing that will mark the most solemn moments of your life. A wedding or the birth of a child, for example. Why scarification is worse than a tattoo, for the life of me, I don’t understand. So why don't you organize pus under the skin, my dear fashionista?

    Try also

    It is my deep belief that a tattoo is only appropriate on the body of a New Zealand rugby player. If you are missing teeth, you are huge, like King Kong and masterfully dance the haka, then a tattoo - The best way emphasize your status and individuality. But if you are a fairy from the land of unicorns, then the best gift for all of us men there will be a fresh, elastic clean skin. Yes, yes, henna looks terrible too. When you look at all these patterns from afar, you get the impression that you, dear princess, are stricken with terrible diseases skin.

    Julie Becker

    Finally, one instructive story from Sweden. Napoleon, as you know, successfully made kings, princes, dukes, marquises and other representatives of the highest feudal nobility out of his relatives and close military leaders. So the life of Marshal Bernadotte was a success. Coming from the third estate, he made a military career, which in other times a nobleman could hardly count on. Possessing broad organizational skills, Jean-Baptiste went from an ordinary infantryman to a marshal of the First Empire. Being very independent and independent, he happily escaped Napoleon's jealousy, taking advantage of the chance to become king of Sweden. The former marshal founded a dynasty of his own name and generally looked very good in his new role. After Bernadotte’s death, a “Death to Kings” tattoo was discovered on his body, which he had gotten during the “Great French Revolution.” Imagine the embarrassment that resulted. He, of course, didn’t care, but, you see, it’s a big faux pas even for a dead monarch.

    Marshall Bernadotte himself

    Think about it.

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