• Haircut and coloring in August. When to cut your hair in August? The most favorable days


    In order to have a successful haircut according to the Oracle, it is necessary that the Moon be in the signs of the Earth (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn). In such signs, a haircut can be done at any phase of the Moon, then your hair will be much thicker and stronger, which will contribute to less hair loss. If it is necessary to slow down hair growth, then the best option would be to cut your hair during the waning moon.

    Lunar calendar of haircuts for 2019

    Lunar horoscope of haircuts according to zodiac signs

    Haircut done under the Moon in different signs The zodiac can affect not only the condition of your hair, but also your health and personal life. Let's listen to the advice of astrologers.

    It is better not to wash your hair when the Moon is in the signs of Water, which includes Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. IN otherwise, your hair will be very oily. This also applies to perm. The curl will be more persistent in the signs of Leo, Virgo, Taurus and Aquarius. These days are also not suitable for getting a haircut, although in order to speed up hair growth, you can do this on the waxing Moon.

    The best days to style your hair are when The Moon is in Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo and Capricorn . The Moon in Aries is unfavorable for haircuts and any other procedures with your hair.

    In Aries, haircut cutting does not affect the condition of the hair, but appearance it may get worse. A haircut will negatively affect your health, as the body will be significantly exposed to various infections. During the waning Moon, in the sign of Aries, you should not cut your hair, as this threatens the loss of your hairstyle and split ends.

    In case The Moon is in Taurus , then this is a great time to cut your hair, even if the moon is waning. The hairstyle will turn out beautiful, and the hair will be strong and healthy. In your personal life, a haircut will help you gain a sense of financial stability and increase your intellectual abilities.

    The moon is in Gemini ideal for creating a full hairstyle, as at this time the hair will be fluffy and light. In your personal life, a haircut will improve your relationships with friends.

    When the Moon is in Cancer, then cutting your hair at this time can give two results. A haircut at this time promises loss of hairstyle shape. But also, cutting your hair at this time has a positive effect on hair health, since hair grows much slower, but at the same time becomes stronger, absorbing useful material. These days it is best to bleach your hair. As for your personal life, a haircut will reduce parental care over you, will weaken your parental roots.

    Moon in Leo is one of the best times to visit a hairdresser. Lightening hair, styling, coloring or cutting - all this turns out great at such a time. Light chemicals are best done on other days, as the curl may turn out to be too curly. A haircut can improve your overall appearance and change the pace of your life.

    Moon in Virgo is also a positive time for cutting and caring for your hair. Perms should also be best done at this time. A haircut will help strengthen hair and promote intensive growth. Getting a haircut can also strengthen your intellect. However, according to some sources, Virgo and Leo are barren signs, so not all astrologers recommend cutting your hair at this time.

    Moon in Libra , is the ideal time to bring beauty to your head and improve your hair health. A hairstyle done at this time will turn out lush and voluminous. It is not clear how, but a haircut at this time improves memory and vision, and adds ease of communication.

    Moon in Scorpio is inharmonious, leads to changes, can either improve or worsen your life, relationships with people of senior rank. As for the effect on hair: you can style your hair on dry, brittle and thin hair, but the Moon will make it strong, tough and thick.

    Moon in Sagittarius It is also ambiguous and brings changes to your life. To make the changes positive for you, take into account the lunar day when cutting your hair. A haircut will have a good effect on the condition of your hair and will slightly straighten unruly curly strands.

    Moon in Capricorn A haircut will have a positive effect on hair growth, it will become stronger and less brittle. During this period, the moon has a positive effect on your social status.

    Moon in Aquarius A haircut can cause hair loss and energy depletion. However, if you are a risk taker, try changing your hairstyle. The result may be different every time. The best option- this is to do unusual hairstyles these days, since ordinary ones very often do not work out.

    Moon in Pisces is not suitable for visiting a hairdresser, since cutting or even simply washing hair at such a time can provoke copious discharge dandruff. A haircut can have a negative impact on the realization of your abilities.

    One way or another, cutting your hair according to the Oracle is more of a tradition than a true one, so how and when you get your hair cut is up to you.

    August is the last month of summer, but despite this, many girls and women strive to update their image and change their hairstyle and hair color. And the lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for August 2019 should help in this endeavor.

    Therefore, it would be a good idea to look at the lunar calendar. When to cut your hair in August 2019 and when can you color it?

    Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for August 2019: favorable and unfavorable days

    • The very first day of August is absolutely not suitable for any of your manipulations with your hair. On this day, even combing your hair needs to be done with special care.
    • The next day, on the contrary, will be suitable for a haircut, because you will attract new pleasant impressions and people into your life, you will feel a surge of strength, and inspiration will appear. You can also dye your hair on August 2, although it’s better to wait a bit with lightening.
    • When visiting the hairdresser on the 3rd, do not cut your hair with hot scissors, do not lighten your hair or perm it. Everything else is not prohibited.
    • Do not cut your hair on August 4th - these actions will not lead to anything good. As for coloring, there are no prohibitions regarding it. In addition, it is recommended to strengthen and treat your curls with various homemade masks and remedies.
    • August 5th is definitely not suitable for cutting hair, but it is perfect for primary or re-dyeing. Please take this into account.
    • Until 3 pm on August 6, you cannot cut your hair, but you can dye your hair. And after 3 and until half past eight in the evening of the same day, you are allowed to cut your hair and carry out innovative procedures in the salon.
    • August 7. Today, everything related to hair is prohibited - cutting, dyeing, even home care procedures.
    • But within a day - on the 8th - hair cutting and coloring are allowed, they will be successful, they will give you brilliant ideas and a feeling of inner freedom.
    • The next four days - from 9 to 12 - are not very favorable days for hair coloring in August, haircuts and any other procedures in the salon. Try to refrain from the above actions.
    • In the period until 3 pm on August 13, it is also not recommended to touch your hair, and after this time you are allowed to do haircuts and coloring. At the same time, it is better to use hair-friendly dyes and natural shades for coloring. A haircut will attract material benefits into your life.
    • August 14. By cutting your hair on this day, you will not only make your hair healthier, but will also have a positive impact on your own career. Coloring is also not prohibited, including light highlighting.
    • The middle of the month is August 15. Don’t do any haircuts today if you don’t want to cause problems with your health or in life, don’t dye your hair and it’s better to just leave it alone for today.
    • A favorable day for cutting hair in August is the 16th. You will find lightness, get rid of negative energy and cheer yourself up. Do you want to dye your hair? Please. If you wish, you can even play a little with those shades that suit each other.
    • On August 17, it is recommended not to do anything with your hair, says the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for August 2019, but on the 18th, until 8 pm, you are allowed to cut and dye your hair. After 8 pm and until about 1 am, only coloring of curls and carrying out restorative or therapeutic procedures is permissible.
    • August 19 is again not a suitable day for haircuts and other procedures other than coloring.
    • August 20. One of the most favorable days to cut your hair. The results will please you not only externally, because after some time you will have various benefits. If you plan primary coloring, choose wheat, reddish or golden shades, their harmonious combinations.
    • From the 21st to the 23rd, neither coloring, nor haircuts, nor any other salon or home procedures are recommended. Abandon all plans related to hair manipulation.
    • A rather successful, favorable day is the 24th of the month of August. If you decide to cut your locks today, they will become healthier, more beautiful, and your financial well-being will also improve. There are only a couple of restrictions regarding coloring: do not use too bright and unnatural shades.
    • When visiting the salon on August 25, do not choose an asymmetrical haircut and do not apply multi-color dyeing.
    • In general, August 26 cannot be called a good day for a haircut, visiting a hairdresser and coloring. Doing all this is allowed only if you are absolutely sure that you do not have problems with the nervous system in the form of depression or neurosis, otherwise you cannot avoid trouble.
    • It is strongly recommended not to get your hair cut or dyed on the 27th. These manipulations will most likely disrupt your inner harmony and cause dissatisfaction with yourself. In addition, your relationships with others, loved ones and colleagues at work may deteriorate.
    • It is also allowed to get your hair cut on the 28th only if you do not have any problems with your nerves. It is better to dye your hair not black and not too bright colors, because these colors and shades will negatively affect your well-being.
    • August 29. It's not a good day for coloring or cutting hair. However, today it is generally undesirable to go to the salon and use curling irons. It is recommended to even wash your hair with warm, but not hot, water.
    • Another day that is completely unsuitable for any haircut is August 30th. If you do decide to cut your hair, be prepared to face a deterioration in your hair health. Cutting your hair in August 2019, on the 30th, will affect its structure, and in addition, you will not be able to implement your plans, relationships with others will deteriorate, and your perception will deteriorate. important information, new knowledge. Moon calendar haircuts and hair coloring for August 2019 shows that, given the unfavorable influence of the moon, it is recommended to refrain from dyeing your hair or carrying out any home procedures (using hair masks, etc.).
    • The last day of the month is August 31. Until half past 11 am you can get an original haircut and color your hair, but after these hours you can no longer get your hair cut. But this time is ideal for primary and secondary staining, because it will be very successful.

    Was the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for August 2019 useful to you? Write about it in the comments below.

    Hair will grow quickly. The same can be said about the end of the month. But in mid-August, those who want their haircut to retain its shape longer need to get their hair cut. In order for a haircut to be of high quality, beautiful and beneficial for your hair, get your hair cut while the Moon is in favorable Signs - the signs of the Earth and Libra. Do not do anything with your hair on the days of the New Moon and Full Moon, and when the Moon is in Water signs.

    Lunar hair cutting calendar for August 2017 by day of the week

    August 1 00:00 - 15:01. The waxing Moon in Scorpio is unfavorable. Haircut will make weak thin hair is coarser, and in other cases it will only do harm.

    August 1 15:01 - August 4 3:36. The waxing Moon in Sagittarius is questionable in terms of the beauty of a haircut, but after a haircut, influential people will begin to notice you, and you will have a chance for social success. You can't get your hair cut before noon on August 3rd.

    August 4 3:36 - August 6 15:15. The waxing Moon in Capricorn promotes a neat and practical haircut. Haircut strengthens hair. Other hairdressing services also work well. The only negative is that there will be no “zest” in the haircut. It is not advisable to get a haircut on August 5th in the middle of the day.

    August 6 15:15 - August 9 0:55. Moon in Aquarius. The result of the haircut will be unpredictable. You can get a haircut if you like to experiment with your image. And on August 7th there is no need to cut your hair at all - it is the day of the Full Moon.

    August 9 0:55 - August 11 8:21. Waning Moon in Pisces. A haircut, like other hairdressing procedures, home procedures and even hair washing, will ruin your hair.

    August 11 8:21 - August 13 13:39. Waning Moon in Aries. A haircut (like everything else - curling, dyeing, etc.) can damage the hair and scalp, as well as worsen the general condition of the body.

    August 13 13:39 - August 15 17:05. The waning Moon in Taurus is perfect for visiting the hairdresser and for home care for hair. The haircut will come out beautiful and will have a good effect on the condition of the hair.

    August 15 17:05 - August 17 19:12. The waning Moon in Gemini is suitable for popping into the hairdresser for a minute - trimming the ends of your hair or getting your hair done.

    August 17 19:12 - August 19 20:54. The waning Moon in Cancer is usually not suitable for hair manipulation. But this month, residents of some time zones are lucky - on August 19, from 3:00 to 9:00 (Moscow time), the main influence will be the influence of the beauty planet Venus. She will give beautiful haircut.

    August 19 20:54 - August 21 23:24. Moon in Leo. On August 19 and 20 the haircut will be wonderful. Coloring and “chemistry” will work well. Hair straightening, lamination, etc. will turn out poorly. You can’t get your hair cut on August 21 - it’s the day of the New Moon. However, if you want to bring changes into your life, take the risk of getting a haircut - from an esoteric point of view, a haircut on this New Moon will contribute to life changes.

    August 21 23:24 - August 24 4:04. The waxing Moon in Virgo is perfect for cutting and treating hair. If you want to get lasting results from visiting the hairdresser, do not get your hair cut on August 22 before 15:00.

    August 24 4:04 - August 26 11:52. The waxing Moon in Libra will give you a very beautiful haircut. And if you do your hair on the evening of August 25, a haircut will also bring good luck.

    August 26 11:52 - August 28 22:47. The waxing Moon in Scorpio is not suitable for manipulating hair. Not only the haircut, but the very need to sit in a chair, communicate with the hairdresser, and endure other clients will make you irritated and want to make a scandal.

    August 28 22:47 - August 31 11:18. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. The haircut will come out shaggy and sloppy, but it will be useful for social growth: after it, social success will come to you and attention to you from influential people will increase. You cannot cut your hair on August 29 before lunch and on August 30 after lunch.

    August 31 11:18 - 24:00. The waxing Moon in Capricorn is favorable for neat classic haircuts and health treatments to strengthen hair.

    The website reports that the most favorable time hair removal is 1-3, 5-6, 9-11, 17-19, 26-30 August 2017.

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    According to the Lunar calendar of haircuts for August 2017, the most favorable days for procedures after which your hair will grow faster are the following periods of the month with the following dates:

    1-5, 9-12, 13, 17-19, 23-28 and 31 August

    If your goal of going to the hairdresser is to remove split ends and, if possible, strengthen your hair, make it thicker and more beautiful, sign up for a hair trim on these days of the month:

    2-4, 10, 11, 18, 19, 24-27 August

    Favorable days for hair coloring in summer August 2017, then it would be most optimal to carry out the procedure in next days month:

    3, 4, 9-13, 17-19, 25, 26 and 31 August

    We remind our lovely women that not only bright and light shades to please the preferences of the owner of the 2017 Fire (Red) Rooster, but also natural tones.

    About favorable days for hair perm in August 2017, those of our women who use chemical or temporary hair perm should say the following - if temporary perm can be easily done at home, which is quite simple, then perm will require the help of a specialist, and may harm your hair.

    In any case, if you intend to get a perm in a fashionable beauty salon in August, then the most optimal and safe days for this hair manipulation, in the month of January you need to choose from the following:

    1-4, 9-12, 24-27 and 31 August

    To summarize, the following dates can be considered favorable days for carrying out any manipulations with hair (cutting, curling or coloring):

    1-4, 9-13, 17-19, 23-27 and 31 of August

    When is the best time to cut your hair in August 2017 according to the lunar calendar: favorable and unfavorable days.

    Favorable and unfavorable days for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar from August 1 to August 10, 2017.

    August 1, Friday. At 11:42 the 7th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Libra.
    A haircut at this time is not only beneficial for your hair, but can also somehow improve your vision and memory.

    August 2, Saturday. At 12:51 the 8th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Libra.
    A good day to visit the hairdresser; hair styling is especially good these days.

    August 3rd, Sunday. At 14:01 the 9th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Scorpio.
    Unfavorable day for visiting a beauty salon.

    August 4, Monday. At 15:12 the 10th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Scorpio. At 4:51 it is 1st quarter.
    According to Tibetan traditions, this is a burning day; it is better to refrain from cutting your hair.

    5th of August, Tuesday. At 16:22 the 11th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Sagittarius.
    A haircut brings sharpness to your senses and improves your intuition.

    August 6, Wednesday At 17:28 the 12th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Sagittarius.
    Coloring and cutting your hair will add joy and optimism to your life.

    August 7, Thursday. At 18:28 the 13th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Capricorn.
    A good day for a haircut. She will bring happiness and attractive appearance.

    8 August, Friday. At 19:19 the 14th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Capricorn.
    Cutting your hair will bring good luck to you, good health, and will make your life better.

    August 9, Saturday. At 20:01 the 15th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Aquarius.
    A good day for avant-garde haircuts.

    10th of August, Sunday. At 20:35 the 16th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Aquarius. At 22:10 the full moon occurs.
    Today is a good day to make a big change new hairstyle and a haircut.

    Favorable and unfavorable days for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar from August 11 to August 20, 2017.

    11th August, Monday. At 21:05 the 17th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Pisces.
    You cannot cut your hair or nails.

    12th of August, Tuesday. At 21:30 the 18th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Pisces.
    You should also refrain from cutting your hair on this day. This is a day of passivity and observation, but not a change of image.

    August 13, Wednesday At 21:55 the 19th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Aries.
    Today is not a good day for cutting hair.

    August 14, Thursday. At 22:20 the 20th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Aries.
    Unfavorable lunar influence on hair; ancient astrologers noted that if you cut your hair twice in a row when the Moon is in Aries, you can go bald.

    August 15, Friday. At 22:46 the 21st lunar day begins. The Moon is in Taurus.
    Attracts prosperity and beauty.

    August 16, Saturday. At 23:15 the 22nd lunar day begins. The Moon is in Taurus.

    August 17, Sunday. At 23:48 the 23rd lunar day begins. The Moon is in Taurus. At 16:27 the 4th quarter begins.
    Neutral day for hair cutting.

    August 18, Monday. The 23rd lunar day continues. The Moon is in Gemini.
    The haircut will give your face beautiful colour, will improve your well-being.

    August 19, Tuesday. At 0:27 the 24th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Gemini.
    The day is good for creating fluffy and airy hairstyles.

    August 20, Wednesday At 1-13 the 25th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Cancer.
    A haircut done during this period is very unfavorable and can cause dandruff.

    Favorable and unfavorable days for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar from August 21 to August 31, 2017.

    August 21, Thursday. At 2:05 the 26th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Cancer.
    A very bad day for cutting hair, but a great time for hair removal.

    August 22, Friday. At 3:02 the 27th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Cancer.
    The unfavorable lunar influence on hair cutting also continues.

    August 23, Saturday. At 4:04 the 28th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Leo.
    After cutting your hair, people will like you more and your charm will increase. appearance and style.

    24 August, Sunday. At 5:07 the 29th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Leo.
    A very unfavorable day for visiting a beauty salon.

    25-th of August, Monday. At 6:13 the 30th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Virgo. At 18:14 there is a new moon.
    A good day for cutting your hair; along with the cut ends, some of the problems that surround you will go away.

    August, 26th, Tuesday. At 7:19 the 2nd lunar day begins. The Moon is in Virgo.
    A haircut retains its shape longer and promotes hair growth and strengthening.

    August 27, Wednesday At 8:25 the 3rd lunar day begins. The Moon is in Virgo.
    Favorable day for a haircut.

    August 28, Thursday. At 9:33 the 4th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Libra.
    After a haircut today, the hair grows quickly, but its structure and condition do not change.

    August 29, Friday. At 10:41 the 5th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Libra.
    Cutting your hair on this day will make you a little richer.

    August 30, Saturday. At 11:50 the 6th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Scorpio.
    A haircut on this day will make your hair unruly.

    August 31, Sunday. At 12:59 the 7th lunar day begins. The Moon is in Scorpio.
    Neutral time for cutting hair.

    Many people believe in omens and astrology. And, I must say, not in vain. For example, in every month there are favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts. You need to know this when going to the hairdresser. So, when to cut your hair in August? The Oracle speaks about this.

    Each organism in its sublunar space has its own energy potential, starting to increase from the new moon itself. During this period, the form of vital activity of any organism is especially active. From the moment of the full moon, the manifestation of that same energy begins to decline. The body tries to maintain the positions gained on the waxing Moon. Processes of energy redistribution begin to occur. All in all...

    in August, the lunar calendar will tell you

    What does it mean? And the fact that women are very much influenced by the Moon. Therefore, when thinking about when to cut your hair in August, pay attention to it. During the day, of course, it is not visible. This means that you need to pick up the lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring. It is compiled by astrologers annually. Here we describe favorable and unfavorable days for going to the hairdresser.

    People who grew up with the lunar calendar are generally accustomed to choosing the right time and date for their actions. In principle, they already know how to manage without it. They look at the many moon signs in nature. The main thing is to be able to understand them correctly.

    Moon phases

    What do astrologers look at first when determining when to cut your hair in August? For lunar phases. They have a direct effect on hair growth. Visiting a hairdresser during the waxing moon helps them rapid growth, during decreasing - vice versa. In addition, during the waxing moon, it is useful to make restorative and strengthening masks. When painting during this period, you can be sure that the paint will last much longer than after painting during the waning moon. well and unwanted hair It’s best to remove it right when it happens. They will grow longer.

    In general, the lunar calendar is a valuable aid. It cannot replace your personal perception and intuition. But to become the necessary key for their development is quite possible.

    We take astrology seriously

    Those who distrust astrology are deeply mistaken. And you can verify this by checking the lunar calendar, which indicates when to cut your hair in August, with the results of a visit to the hairdresser. Having chosen the most successful day, you can safely go to the master. The unfortunate placement of the planets is definitely not suitable for those who plan to experiment with their appearance.

    The lunar calendar, of course, provides complete reliable information about various lunar factors influencing certain areas human life. By checking with it every day and counting on it, you can easily determine the right day for yourself to cut your hair.

    The calendar shows the numbers of lunar days with sunrises and sunsets, with the advancement of the Moon through the signs of the zodiac, with the onset of phases. By calculating individual rhythms, you can effectively perform ordinary life tasks at the best moment - such as getting a haircut.

    Every year, favorable and unfavorable days differ in their numbers. They depend on the lunar day. Let's look at the lunar day using the 2016 calendar as an example.

    August 1-5

    We remind you once again that the Moon has its influence not only on the nature of the Earth, but also on humans, as part of the same nature. Each lunar day is endowed with its own characteristics and energy. The main thing is to feel the peculiarities of the lunar rhythm and become in tune with it. In this case, the Moon will be able to support your intentions and become your ally.

    So, more details. Let's look at the dates for 2016, when you can cut your hair in August. We draw parallels with the lunar day.

    August 1, 2016 marked the 28th lunar day. When getting a haircut on such days, do not doubt that the attention of the opposite sex will be attracted to you.

    Days 29 and 1 - new moon. It is not advisable to cut your hair on such days. This can bring grief into your life.

    2 days. A haircut on this day can contribute to conflicts with other people.

    3 days. You can’t get your hair cut on this day if you don’t want health problems.

    Day 4 affects groundless fears. If you get your hair cut on this day, to receive more energy do simple hairstyles.

    August 6-10

    The lunar calendar is one of the most ancient on the planet. Of course, the change of lunar phases in the sky is visible even to the naked eye. Since the Moon, revolving around the Earth, is half illuminated by the Sun, it appears to first increase, then decrease.

    So, the next stage. Is it possible to cut hair according to the lunar calendar at this time? August is a rather harsh month, but of course there are favorable days. We are considering the 6th-10th of 2016.

    5 days. On this day, getting a haircut is not only possible, but also necessary. A haircut helps attract wealth.

    7 days. You shouldn't cut your hair or dye your hair either. Otherwise, you may quarrel with like-minded people.

    8 days. On this day, a haircut will definitely improve your health and bring great luck.

    9 days. Once the first quarter begins, you can’t get your hair cut. This can lead to serious illness.

    August 11-15

    The moon is growing, and the energy increases to the limit that occurs at the time of the full moon. Well, when to cut your hair in August according to the Oracle during this period? We look at every day of 2016.

    10 days. You can’t cut your hair on this day so as not to scare away your luck.

    11 days. If you want a brighter and more interesting life, get a haircut on this day.

    12 days. Haircut on this day is not advisable. This can have an extremely adverse effect on your destiny.

    13 days. On this day, cutting your hair will definitely bring health to you and your hair.

    14 days. On this day, getting a haircut brings great luck.

    August 16-20

    22 days. This day is ideal for changing your image. Therefore, you can afford any haircut.

    23 days. Having cut your hair on this day, you can suddenly begin to gain extra pounds.

    August 26-31

    What days in August should you cut your hair during this period? At the end of the last summer month.

    24 days. This is the worst day for hair cutting. Therefore, it is not advisable to take risks.

    25 days. To avoid health problems (especially vision), hair should not be cut or dyed.

    26 days. The day for cutting your hair is favorable; it will definitely bring you joy. The best way to style your hair is to backcomb it.

    27 days. On this day, any haircut is allowed.

    In 2016, the 30th and 31st fell on the 28th and 29th lunar days. They have already been mentioned above. The month began with them.

    Favorable days

    Let's summarize. Having looked at the example of 2016, on which days in August you can cut your hair, it becomes clear that the influence of the Moon can be very strong on absolutely every aspect of our lives. Pay attention to many things. On the waxing and waning Moon, on the constellations, on the lunar day. In this case, a haircut will definitely bring you good luck and prosperity. Be sure to follow the recommendations of astrologers. In fact, lunar calendars tell the truth. By the way, even hairdressers do not ignore these comments. And this is already a considerable indicator. Therefore, trust the professionals - look at the lunar calendar before cutting your hair. You might be surprised to think that these are all mere coincidences. But that's not true. A whole team of experts in their field carefully develops their recommendations every month of every year.

    Thus, the lunar calendar is an ideal opportunity to get to know yourself, feel harmony with the world around you and accept right decisions. There has been a system of lunar days for thousands of years. This is one of the most popular ways to determine the influence of the Moon and the Sun on a person on a particular day. The two main sources clearly display their interaction in this system.

    Each lunar day has a special energy. Their countdown begins at the moment of the New Moon and ends with the onset of the next one. The first and last lunar days last only a few minutes. The rest are approximately equal.

    Taking into account the serial number of the lunar day, the sign of the Zodiac and the phase of the Moon located in it, you can easily determine for yourself certain important factors. Including the day intended for choosing a haircut.

    Using the lunar calendar, a person can move along his life path with little time and energy, and become the master of his life. The calendar is useful for monthly planning, for predicting favorable and difficult outcomes, for choosing a favorable time for doing various things.

    August is last month summer. Some people have already had time to relax on vacation, and some are just going there. However, the sun did not spare my hair in any case. They became damaged and more brittle. Wellness treatments at home and visits to beauty salons are exactly what every woman needs.

    Thanks to the lunar calendar, you will be able to choose the right day for a haircut - one so that you can maintain positive emotions and strength, and get rid of negative energy. In general, dates must be chosen exclusively favorable.

    Do not forget that if you are planning a haircut in August, you should avoid those days when the Moon is in the signs of Aries, Pisces, Libra, Virgo and Leo. But if it is located in the signs of Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Cancer, do not doubt that the procedure will be successful, as well as the consequences after it.

    Despite the fact that August is already the end of summer, the sun can still be quite strong. Protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation, moisturize it and cut off dry ends in a timely manner. If you want to grow long hair, go for a haircut on the days of the waxing moon. If you want them to not grow in a hurry, but to retain their beauty, brilliance and strength, pay attention to the time of the waning Moon.

    By studying the calendar cells, you can find all the information you need, which will give you the opportunity to organize your life, making it fulfilling and meaningful. Be sure to use these recommendations in order to achieve the desired result.

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