• Is gardnerella dangerous during pregnancy? Treatment of gardnerella during pregnancy


    During pregnancy, it is very important to be observed by a gynecologist, not only in order to monitor the development of the baby and the course of pregnancy, with the help of a consultation with a gynecologist, you can find out in time about the inflammatory process that occurs in a woman’s body, because pregnancy often reduces a woman’s immunity, and this occurs a failure in the hormonal system, which is why women often suffer from gardnerella during pregnancy.

    Gardnerella in early pregnancy

    This bacterium can live for a long time in a woman’s body, but only manifests itself during pregnancy, because even at conception its activity becomes active. It is very difficult to detect gardnerella, only when there is already a lot of it and it begins to bother the woman, the gynecologist begins to learn about it.

    Reasons for the appearance of gardnerella in a pregnant woman

    1. Severe stress.

    2. Due to a cold.

    3. When climate changes.

    4. If a woman often changes her sex partner.

    5. With long-term and frequent use of antibiotics.

    6. If a woman wears thick synthetic underwear.

    7. Due to poor nutrition, if a woman’s diet does not contain dairy products.

    8. When chronic disease intestines.

    Remember that during pregnancy, all diseases that were present before begin to worsen, this is due to the fact that the immune system is weakened, because of this, harmful bacteria go on the attack. Moreover, if the body is also predisposed to this disease, that is why it is so important, even when planning pregnancy, to strengthen your body and check for various infectious diseases.

    Symptoms of Gardnerella during pregnancy

    The first thing a woman should do is pay attention to vaginal discharge. This is the main indicator during pregnancy. They have bad smell, I can take on a yellow, green or grayish tint. If the infection is only on initial stage, they are transparent. They are always characterized by abundance, have a uniform consistency, and can be foamy or creamy.

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    In this case, the labia become very swollen and have a red tint. The woman also feels severe itching and burning during sexual intercourse and during urination.

    But one with characteristic symptoms Gardnerella is a peculiar smell of rotten fish.

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    If you have one with symptoms of this disease, you need to urgently consult a doctor so that he can prescribe you the necessary course of treatment.

    Diagnosis of gardnerella during pregnancy

    If a woman suspects that she has this disease or other similar ones, she must undergo a comprehensive examination; for this, they take a smear to check the vaginal flora, it tells whether there is an infectious disease there or not. If a woman is suspected of having gardnerella, frequent examination is necessary.

    The doctor first begins to ask the woman what symptoms she has, then pays attention to the condition of the external genitalia, cervix, mucous membrane and what kind of discharge.

    With the help of a smear, it will be possible to find out exactly why a woman has such discharge and how to deal with it.

    Is gardnerella dangerous during pregnancy?

    Gardnerella is not dangerous for the development and health of the baby, because this bacterium does not penetrate the placenta, which is responsible for protecting the baby; it is a shield inside the mother. If it gets on the baby during childbirth, it will not cause an inflammatory process.

    But, if this disease is neglected and not controlled during pregnancy, inflammation may occur in the vagina; if the form is advanced, uterine bleeding may occur, amniotic fluid may leak early, this leads to problems with the woman’s genitourinary system, and often after childbirth endometritis appears. Garnerella can also cause miscarriage.

    That is why it is so important to learn about gardnerella in time and begin timely treatment, which involves constant monitoring.

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    Treatment of gardnerella in pregnant women

    After this disease has been diagnosed, the doctor can prescribe the woman a course of treatment, which must be gentle. During pregnancy, it is completely impossible to cure this disease, because it is destroyed by those antibiotics that cannot be taken during pregnancy. That is why it is so important to pay attention to local procedures during treatment; gardnerella and vaginal dysbiosis can be fully cured only after childbirth.

    During pregnancy, a gynecologist must monitor how many bacteria a woman has in her body in order to prevent the development of inflammatory processes. To do this, the woman is examined in a gynecological chair 2 times a month; she is also tested for vaginal microflora and is required to culture bacteria. If a woman has noticeable inflammation, she will be prescribed douching, suppositories, etc. In cases of inflammation, 2 weeks before giving birth, the woman is specially prepared for childbirth.

    If a woman suffers from a disease of the pelvic organs, vaginal suppositories should never be used.

    Treatment has two stages. Treatment with antimicrobial drugs, which can eliminate dangerous microflora and restore the normal vaginal environment. Often, gardnerella in a pregnant woman can disappear after the woman has carried out all the preventive work with the help of which she cleansed the microflora and after douching. Please note that this is only in cases where the woman only developed this disease during pregnancy and it is not aggravated.

    Prevention of gardnerella during pregnancy

    One of the main causes of this disease is reduced immunity, which is why it is so important to activate it, for this you need to take special vitamins, healthy image life, nutrition must be complete. Gardnerella during pregnancy is not particularly dangerous only if it does not cause inflammation, which is why it is so important to diagnose gardnerella in time and begin timely treatment of gardnerella.

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    There are a lot of infections that affect the reproductive organs. Sometimes a woman finds out about the presence of the disease when she registers for pregnancy. If she is diagnosed with gardnerellosis, she may panic. In order not to worry in vain, you need to thoroughly study what kind of infection this is and how to fight it.

    Gardnerella belongs to the opportunistic flora, which is found in most healthy women. If the immune system is strong, pathogenic flora does not multiply, but during pregnancy the concentration of gardnerella often increases as the body's defenses decrease.

    There are several reasons that cause the development of this type of pathology:

    1. Weakening of immune defense is associated with a violation of the intestinal microflora and the presence of bad habits.
    2. Changes in hormonal levels.
    3. Active sexual life - men do not suffer from this pathology, but can be carriers of the infection for some time.
    4. Wearing panties made of synthetics, tight jeans and trousers.
    5. Excessive hygiene using soap that disrupts the natural acidity of the vagina.

    Is it possible to get pregnant with gardnerellosis?

    Many women, having learned about the presence of this disease, are afraid that they will not be able to get pregnant. These bacteria do not prevent fertilization, but gardnerellosis must be treated, otherwise the child may be born earlier than expected. Such children often have reduced immunity, so they are constantly sick.

    If a woman is just planning a pregnancy, it is better to first undergo treatment and then try to conceive a child. In this case, you don’t have to worry about his future health.


    Sometimes the disease occurs without significant unpleasant symptoms, but in most cases, pregnant women experience the following signs of pathology:

    1. Copious whitish-gray leucorrhoea. In advanced cases, the discharge takes on a green or yellow tint.
    2. A disgusting odor reminiscent of rotten fish. It becomes more pronounced after water procedures or sexual contact.
    3. Burning, itching.

    Identifying Gardnerella should not cause panic. You only need to worry if the number of bacteria significantly exceeds the norm. This indicates the development of the disease.

    You will learn about the symptoms and treatment of gardnerellosis in women. Find out how to get rid of bad odor.


    The doctor will refer the pregnant woman to the laboratory. To make a diagnosis, he will need the results of the following tests:

    1. Microscopic examination with Nugent score.
    2. Amsel criteria.
    3. Microscopic examination using the Hay-Ison scale.

    Treatment during pregnancy

    Initially, the doctor will try to discover the reasons that provoked the growth of opportunistic flora. If you eliminate them, you will be able to quickly achieve a cure.

    Doctors believe that the sexual partner does not require therapy. The best treatment for infection is medication containing metronidazole. Ampicillin and Clindamycin are less effective. But antibiotics can cross the placenta, so during pregnancy they are prescribed only in exceptional cases.

    Expectant mothers are helped by chlorhexidine, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Medicines containing this component can be used at any time. Most often, doctors recommend medications in the form of a gel or suppositories. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days.

    After this, it is advisable to use vaginal probiotics to increase the number of beneficial lactobacilli in the vagina. This will eliminate the possibility of recurrence of the disease.

    Gardnerellosis and pregnancy: complications

    Gardnerellosis in pregnant women, if left untreated, can lead to premature birth amniotic fluid. As a result, the child will be born ahead of schedule. If gardnerellosis is advanced, he may be underweight.

    For the expectant mother herself, pathology also poses a certain danger, since it can provoke the development of pathologies genitourinary organs. After childbirth, there is a high risk of endometritis.

    Dysbacteriosis often leads to activation of ureaplasma. This infection is found in many women who sex life. The normal microflora of the vagina does not allow it to develop, but when ureaplasma is activated, miscarriage, miscarriage, and polyhydramnios can occur. Often, a young mother experiences postpartum complications.

    Expert opinion

    Gardnerellas take advantage of decreased immunity and begin to multiply quickly. Over time, the pathological process invades the reproductive organs, which can threaten the health of the unborn child.

    Prognosis and prevention

    If the woman will pass the treatment that the attending physician prescribes for her, the prognosis will be favorable. Getting rid of this infection is quite simple; as a rule, there are no difficulties with therapy.

    Prevention is aimed at eliminating vaginal dysbiosis, since it is not always possible to completely destroy gardnerella. They are present in the vaginas of many women. When their number is negligible, there are no problems.

    Prevention methods include:

    1. Taking preventive antibiotic therapy during pregnancy planning. This is necessary if tests have confirmed the presence of Gardnerella in the smear. In 2 months you will be able to conceive a child.
    2. Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, as it leads to microbial imbalance in the vaginal mucosa.

    The immune system protects well from pathogenic bacteria, so it is important to take vitamins, eat right, and walk in the fresh air more often.

    Expert opinion

    Lyuvanova Arina Viktorovna, specializes in female venereal diseases

    Gardnerella during pregnancy will not lead to miscarriage if inflammation does not begin under its influence. If a woman is constantly monitored by a doctor and strictly follows his advice, nothing bad will happen to her and her unborn child.


    In this short video you will be told about the characteristics of the disease in children and pregnant women.

    An examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy is important not only because the doctor monitors how the baby develops and the pregnancy in general. Gynecological examinations during 9 months of pregnancy, they allow timely diagnosis and control of inflammatory processes in a woman’s body if they occur.

    What is gardnerella and why does it occur?

    It's no secret that pregnancy is a lot of stress for the female body. Even if you have been planning your pregnancy for a long time, or were sure that you have an absolutely healthy, very strong body, immunity decreases during pregnancy and hormonal disruption still occurs. Namely, these two factors are the main ones for the occurrence of gardnerella during pregnancy.

    In most cases (and gardnerella occurs in 20% of pregnant women), this bacterium already lives in the body even before pregnancy, and upon conception and hormonal imbalance its activities simply escalate. Detect the presence of gardnerella before accumulation large quantity not possible even with careful laboratory tests.

    Other reasons that may contribute to the development of this disease are:

    • stress;
    • colds;
    • climate change;
    • frequent change of sexual partner;
    • long and frequent use of antibiotics;
    • wearing thick synthetic underwear;
    • poor nutrition with a lack of dairy products in the diet;
    • chronic intestinal diseases.

    During pregnancy, all diseases of the female body become aggravated, and even those that were not suspected become obvious. This happens due to immunodeficiency, when the immune system becomes more vulnerable to harmful bacteria. This effect doubles if the body has a predisposition to a particular disease, one of which is gardnerella in pregnant women. This is why it is so important to take vitamins before conception to strengthen the body and make it more resilient.

    Gardnerella during pregnancy: symptoms

    The symptoms of this disease during pregnancy are no different from the symptoms of the disease if the woman is not pregnant. First of all, you should pay attention to vaginal discharge . During pregnancy, this is generally the most main indicator to the fact that something is wrong inside.

    With gardnerella in a pregnant woman, the discharge becomes greenish, yellowish or gray shade. There may also be transparent discharge, if the infection process is in the initial stage. This discharge is always abundant, uniform in consistency, and can be creamy or foamy.

    A woman can also feel vaginal discomfort And painful sensations(itching and burning) in the external genital area. Pain may occur in the vagina and perineum.

    Labia when infected with gardnerella, they swell and turn red. During sexual intercourse and urination, itching and burning also occur.

    But the most telling symptom, which cannot be confused with any other disease of the genital organs, is characteristic smell vaginal discharge. The discharge takes on the smell of rotten fish.

    If you have discovered at least one of these symptoms, but are not yet registered as pregnant, then the first thing you should do is consult a doctor for advice.

    Gardnerella during pregnancy: diagnosis

    During the entire period of pregnancy, subject to normal progress, the woman undergoes thorough examinations by a gynecologist. During such examinations, a flora smear is taken, which answers all questions about the presence or absence of infections. If there is a suspicion of gardnerella in a pregnant woman, then these examinations are carried out more often (more on this later).

    When visiting a doctor with a suspicion of this disease, the woman is first asked about the presence of symptoms of the disease. During the examination, the doctor pays attention to the following: the condition of the external genitalia, cervix, mucous membrane and the nature of the discharge.

    Even if nothing was found during the examination, a smear test in the laboratory will confirm or refute the suspicions of the woman or the doctor.

    Gardnerella during pregnancy: is it dangerous?

    Any infectious disease during pregnancy immediately causes a woman to panic and fear for the health of her unborn baby. But in the case of Gardnerella, there are some nuances that can reassure the expectant mother.

    Infection with Gardnerella during pregnancy itself does not pose a danger to the development and health of the child. The fact is that this bacterium cannot penetrate the placenta, which protects the baby like a shield in the womb. But even if during childbirth gardnerella gets on the baby’s skin, it will not cause any inflammatory processes and will pass without a trace.

    It’s another matter if you start gardnerella and don’t monitor its development during pregnancy. Gardnerella is the cause of various inflammatory processes in the vagina. An advanced form can lead to uterine bleeding, early rupture of amniotic fluid, diseases of the genitourinary system, and postpartum endometritis. Gardnerella can cause miscarriage if it is not diagnosed and treated.

    Therefore, it is very important to recognize it in time and begin to treat it or monitor its development if treatment is impossible.

    Gardnerella in pregnant women: treatment

    After diagnosing this disease, the doctor prescribes treatment for the woman, which is quite gentle compared to what can be done when the woman is not pregnant. It is completely impossible to get rid of gardnerella during pregnancy, since it is “killed” with the help of antibiotics, the use of which is contraindicated for pregnant women.

    Therefore, treatment of gardnerella during pregnancy is limited exclusively to local procedures. Full treatment of gardnerella and dysbiosis in the vagina is carried out only after childbirth.

    The main task of a gynecologist during pregnancy is to monitor the number of bacteria in a woman’s body and prevent any inflammatory processes. For the purpose of constant monitoring, when gardnerella is detected, a pregnant woman is examined in a gynecological chair 1-2 times a month.

    During these examinations, flora and bacterial cultures are tested. If signs of inflammation appear, then local medications are prescribed using douching, suppositories, and the like. If signs of inflammation are detected 2-3 weeks before birth, then special preparation for childbirth is carried out.

    If a disease of the pelvic organs occurs, then vaginal suppositories cannot be used.

    Treatment is divided into 2 stages: first, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed that eliminate pathogenic microflora, and then the fermented milk environment in the vagina is restored.

    In most cases, gardnerella in pregnant women disappears immediately after preventive work to cleanse the microflora and douching. This is possible if the disease appeared only during pregnancy and did not progress to a more serious stage.

    Gardnerella during pregnancy: is prevention possible?

    One of the first and main reasons for the occurrence of gardnerella in general is a decrease in immunity. The human body is a collection of not only beneficial microorganisms, but also harmful ones. The activity of harmful bacteria is activated when the body is unable to fight their influence - a decrease in immunity is observed.

    Decreased immunity also reduces the resistance of healthy microflora to the actions of pathogenic elements. The best prevention from anyone infectious disease– taking vitamins, a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition – everything that strengthens and does not suppress the immune system.

    Summarize: Gardnerella is a pathogenic organism that can live in the vaginal microflora of women with strong immunity. During pregnancy, its effect and concentration increases, as this is a period of decreased immunity and hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. Gardnerella is not dangerous during pregnancy, and does not entail termination of pregnancy, unless inflammatory processes in the pregnant woman’s body begin under its influence. Timely diagnosis and treatment are extremely important.

    During pregnancy, Gardnerella is detected in the results of a gynecological smear quite often. What kind of disease is this, what are its causes, prevention and treatment?

    Let's start with what gardnerella is - it is an opportunistic microorganism that, even in healthy women with strong immunity, is present in the vaginal microflora, but only in very small quantities. In large quantities, the microflora contains lactobacilli, which fight infections. But as a result of some reasons, it may happen that the number of lactobacilli decreases sharply in expectant mother, and various opportunistic microorganisms will be found, including gardnerella during pregnancy. And it’s one thing if these microorganisms are simply present in the smear, and another thing if there are signs of vaginal dysbiosis. How can you suspect this pathology? Gardnerellosis symptoms is quite bright. This is a white, greenish or grayish discharge with a very unpleasant smell, similar to the smell of spoiled fish, itching, and less often pain during sexual intercourse. But there is no inflammation on the mucous membranes. Many women experience these phenomena, but not all of them consult a doctor for this reason. But expectant mothers should be more attentive to their health, since due to this pathology the fetus may be delayed in development, the membranes become infected (premature rupture of amniotic fluid may occur), and the likelihood of premature birth and other complications.

    Bacterial vaginosis, which is the official name for this disease, is not a sexually transmitted disease, however, frequent changes of sexual partners can contribute to relapses, since a stormy intimate life leads to a negative change in the vaginal microflora. Gardnerellosis during pregnancy often occurs due to long-term use of antibiotics, especially general ones. In addition, douching, which is not recommended for expectant mothers at all, is a provocateur for the proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms, but is still practiced by some expectant mothers. Decreased immunity, hypothermia, and sexually transmitted infections have an adverse effect. Arises gardnerellosis in women during pregnancy, if a pessary is installed on the cervix to prevent its premature opening (in case of isthmic-cervical insufficiency).

    But often the disease occurs, seemingly without any prerequisites. Fortunately, gynecologists know what treatment Gardnerella requires during pregnancy. The woman is assigned special diet, which contains dairy products. From medications antimicrobial drugs are prescribed. Moreover, in the first trimester of pregnancy only for topical use (vaginal suppositories). In the second half of pregnancy, systemic drugs (for oral administration) may be prescribed.

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