• Test which style suits you. “Ideal wardrobe”: what is your clothing style? Test


    Elegant classic or frivolous boho? Provocative mini or puritanical maxi? How many people, having come to the store, cannot decide what suits exactly this type of figure, age, status or color type of appearance. Choosing your own clothing style, while satisfying the requirements of management, without overstepping the boundaries of the office dress code and at the same time remaining a bright personality, earning the respect of colleagues and the interested glances of fashionistas is a task with many unknowns, which must be solved individually.

    Even after leafing through many glossy magazines with pictures of impeccable beauties, studying literature on the history of fashion and its modern trends, it’s not easy to get answers to your questions. Determining clothing style - a test of your knowledge individual characteristics and significant advantages. And if fashion passes, style still remains. And professional stylists, thematic programs and all kinds of tests to study your potential capabilities help you find this personal style.

    A test designed more for gentlemen. But a woman who loves and knows her man’s preferences is able, based on his results, to adjust her macho’s wardrobe. 15 questions of the test will allow you to draw a conclusion about how committed you are to a particular style of clothing, whether you are decisive in making vital decisions, and whether your character matches your wardrobe.

    A small, exclusively female test that allows you to determine your psychotype, adjust your image, and choose the optimal ways of self-realization based on your existing wardrobe, way of spending leisure time, and features of your appearance.

    A simple, slightly ironic unit test consisting of 9 points. By answering simple questions about stylistic and aesthetic preferences in clothing and behavior, you can get answers to whether you have such qualities as determination, integrity, and energy.

    How to find your clothing style may provide the answer quick test. Simple questions about your daily clothing habits will reveal a lot and help you finally decide on your style.

    The leadership style test will help you determine the limits of what is permitted, develop your own strategy, and determine for yourself what is better to use, the carrot or the stick. You may decide to behave a little differently with your subordinates.

    Freestyle tests will help determine whether you are ready to change depending on the circumstances. Perhaps you should learn to sometimes adapt to others or, on the contrary, defend your chosen position.

    A sense of style test will help you understand whether you have taste and how much you understand fashion trends. Perhaps you will learn to better select clothes and accessories, be more confident and not depend on the opinions of your friends when choosing things.

    The Lifestyle Index test will help you look at yourself with different eyes and understand the reasons for certain events happening around you. You may want change and be able to figure out how to better achieve your goal.

    The style of dance that suits me is a test that helps check the presence of plasticity, determine the degree of perception of music, and the level of physical fitness. You may have to change something to feel comfortable during parties or entertainment events.

    The What is a healthy lifestyle test will help you determine the criteria for your attitude towards your own health and those around you. You may have to change some habits or give up excesses.

    The leadership style test allows you to determine your own potential and understand the attitudes of others towards you. You may have to work hard on yourself to gain authority.

    A colleague's style test will help you better understand how you are treated in the team. Having determined your level of sociability, willingness to cooperate and work in a team, it is easier to understand the behavior of others.

    Every girl strives to look unsurpassed, unique and stylish. Fashion changes every day and it becomes difficult to be on trend all the time. But to look stylish, you don’t have to follow everyone fashion trends and blindly copy someone else's images. Every girl needs her own and unique style.

    Use your imagination, have a little courage, consider the following tips and choose your own style.

    The first thing you need to do is look inside yourself and determine in which image you will be most comfortable, and in which you feel confident and natural. High heels, casual or pin-up dress? In this case, it is necessary to take into account such factors as age, appearance and profession.

    No matter how much you want to wear tight cocktail dresses or skinny jeans all the time, you need to first determine your figure type, and then understand which things will highlight its advantages and which can ruin the whole look.

    In total, there are 5 body types in nature:

    Shoulders, waist and hips are the same width. Tight-fitting or baggy items will not flatter your figure. When choosing a clothing style, you should give preference to styles that repeat the silhouette. These are straight jackets, skirts and loose blouses, but with a round neckline that emphasizes the bust.

    Pear-shaped. Thin, well-defined waist and wide hips

    . In this case, when choosing clothes, you need to balance the proportions, visually narrowing the hips, and give a little volume to the shoulders.

    V-shaped. The width of the shoulders exceeds the width of the hips. When choosing clothes for this type of figure, you need to increase the volume in the hips. Flared skirts or peplum dresses will help solve this problem. But you should forget about ruffles and flounces on shirts.

    Ideal proportions, in which the shoulders and hips are the same width, and the waist is thin and clearly defined. For this type of figure, any clothes, chosen with taste, are suitable. O - shaped. This type of figure is typical for overweight girls. The shoulders are small and the waist is much larger than the hips. To hide imperfections, never choose bulky clothes or bulky accessories. The lines in clothing should be vertical, lengthening the silhouette. The most

    good choice there will be a dress with a continuous waist, an elongated and narrowed shape. Much in
    stylish look

    depends on the color scheme, which is almost impossible to successfully select without determining your own color type.

    There are only 4 color types, and they depend on the color of hair, skin and eyes. Having determined your color type, you should not try on the colors of other seasons, as they will look unsuccessful and unnatural. Spring: the skin is light, pale, with a slight blush, there may be bright freckles; hair is most often yellowish-blond, golden-brown, from straw to honey-copper; eyes gray-green or golden brown. All shades of green, apricot, peach, coral, cream, beige-yellow, milk chocolate color are suitable... or dark chestnut; the eyes are gray or gray-blue, and may have a cold greenish tint. Suitable colors are soft blue, silver, pearl, lilac, beige-grayish, raspberry, cherry...

    Autumn: skin with freckles, no blush, transparent white or golden color; hair from copper-gold to red-chestnut color; eyes are gray, blue or golden brown. Warm ones are suitable autumn colors: red, golden, mustard, yellowish beige, copper and bronze...

    Winter: porcelain-colored skin with a certain bluish tint; hair from dark brown to black; eyes can be bright blue, blue, brown or black. Matching colors: white, black, blue, blue, purple, silver, bright crimson, burgundy…

    To create a unique style, choose a distinctive item that will complement any look. It could be glasses, scarves, bracelets, hats, hair jewelry - whatever comes to mind. But this detail must be appropriate and in harmony with the entire image.

    Following fashion does not mean following it. You don't have to buy a pair of leather trousers if they're trendy this season. It's stupid, not practical, expensive and it's not a fact that they suit you. But you can at least observe the style of celebrities, drawing useful details for yourself. It is equally useful to follow fashion blogs. There you will find tips on how to stylishly combine things, how to create a great look from what you have lying around in your closet, and what items are worth purchasing as a base for many stylish looks.

    Finding your own style is not an easy task, and you cannot do without experimentation. The main thing is to be brave and not to be shy. Change your hairstyle and hair color, feel free to combine things that seem appropriate to you, wear something you couldn’t decide on before. Even negative experiences are the key to creating your own style.

    The right combination things - this, perhaps, is the key to creating a unique image. There are several rules that will help you avoid ridiculous mistakes:
    - no need to combine things of cold and warm colors/shades with each other
    - in the whole image there should be no more than 3 colors (unless they are shades of the same base color)
    - it’s better to choose clothes in colors that suit your color type
    - clothes made of thick fabrics should be worn only over all others
    - don’t fill your wardrobe with unnecessary, but “cute” things that don’t go with anything. It’s better to buy a couple of quality items that will become basic for most looks (black skinny jeans, a shirt men's cut, pencil skirt…).

    Style icon Victoria Beckham always says that accessories are the complement to any look. Glasses, watch, bag, bracelets, rings, scarves. And this is worth listening to, but you need to know when to stop. You should not use more than 3 different accessories in one look.

    A girl can be superbly dressed, but with tasteless makeup and a bad haircut she will not look in the best possible way. Hair highlights and frames your face, so you need to experiment and find a hairstyle that flatters you.

    As for makeup, it should be appropriate to the time and place and not conspicuous. There is no need to highlight several details on your face at once: if you painted your lips with red lipstick, then stay away from clear liners and shadows, and if you gave yourself a smokey eye, then paint your lips with colorless cream lipstick.

    An important detail of style is shoes. It should be not only fashionable, but also comfortable. Heels do not decorate a woman who does not know how to walk in them.
    It is better to buy yourself three pairs of high-quality shoes (ballet flats, stiletto heels and jockey boots) in neutral colors that will suit all your needs. fashionable bows. In addition, fashion changes from season to season, and shoes last for several years. To save money and stay on trend, give preference to classic models that never go out of style.

    Follow these simple tips, and you will definitely find your unique and unique style.

    Good luck with your experiments and be unique!

    IN last years The profession of image maker is rapidly gaining popularity; more and more new projects dedicated to the intricacies of creating an image are appearing on the screen. But does creating a style, an image, include the “correct” suit, fashionable styling and topical perfume? What does image really influence and how to create the desired image? “Passion” decided to find out by sending its correspondent for a consultation to an image agency. This is her story today.

    Let’s start with the fact that the editor’s assignment came at a very opportune time—I had been vaguely unhappy with something about myself for a long time. In general, I liked myself, but as a perfectionist in the field of appearance, I could not find clothes that were comfortable and “mine” 100%. In addition, I wanted to look as feminine as possible.

    I went to an image agency for changes. "Stylish Person".

    Irina Pchelina, stylist-image maker and head of the agency:

    “Each of us is our own image maker. Consciously or not, we create a certain image for ourselves, built on a combination of elements of visual form (hairstyle, clothes, makeup, accessories, manicure), behavior (walking, facial expressions, speech, gestures) and habitat (environment, everyday life, home) .

    Our appearance tells a lot about us, regardless of what we think about ourselves. The goal of an image maker-stylist is to help you become an expert in creating an image. Our goal is to help you realize, perhaps re-remember and actualize your own “I” through style.

    Stage 1. Color

    A person, perceiving his surroundings, reacts first to color, and then to shape. Therefore, when starting to work on your image, you need to start by determining the color type. Based on the widespread theory, a person belongs to one of them from birth. Color types, conventionally named after the seasons, are divided into warm and cold. Shades of clothing, makeup and accessories are selected accordingly Spring and Autumn are warm, Summer and Winter are cold.

    Spring- this is a warm type, a clear sign – thin pinkish-peach skin, always light hair tone, shades – golden, straw, honey. Eyes – light blue, amber, gray, but always light and transparent.

    Autumn– this is also a warm, but more “saturated” color type. Autumn people naturally have red, copper or bronze hair, perhaps with brown undertones. The skin tone is not as transparent as that of spring, more dense. Eyes can be brown, gray, green.

    Summer- cold type. Accordingly, the tone of summer skin is cool, light, pinkish-blueish. Hair - from light blondes to dark chestnut, but always with a light brown or ash undertone. Summer maybe contrasting (this is a more saturated type, with dark hair and eyebrows) and not contrasting (with blond hair).

    Winter- This is the coldest and brightest color type. Winter people have dark hair, light skin and bright eyes. Like summer, winter is divided into contrasting (bright skin And dark hair) And low-contrast (darkish-olive skin tone and dark hair).

    To determine whether you are a warm or cool color type,

    bring first warm and then cold tones of the same color to your face. You will probably notice that against the background of one of the tones, the color of your face will be healthier, its colors will “sparkle.” “Not your own” tone, on the contrary, will give the skin an unhealthy, unusual shade.

    (While I was learning to select tones according to my color type, I finally understood why some of my clothes seemed to fit my figure perfectly, but I looked “pale” in them).

    Once you determine your color type, choosing the most flattering clothes will become much easier. By the way, distinguishing by tones in no way limits your color choice - any color can be “warm” or “cool”. The saturation of a color also does not affect its warmth or coldness; even a bright red shade can be cold.

    So, for example, my color type is non-contrasting Winter- correspond to cold, clean, bright colors. If the shade is red, then it is raspberry, blue – indigo and snow blue, green – emerald and malachite, gray – graphite and anthracite shades. (Yes, you’ll have to say goodbye to the yellow blouse, orange turtleneck and brown dress...)

    How to find your style? Image maker tips

    Summer shades: Blue colour– gray-blue, gray-blue, denim, brown – cocoa shade, pinkish-brown, yellow – shades of lemon peel and lemon pulp, red – burgundy, cherry, gray-pink shades.

    And do not forget that the shades should be cold, without any admixture of yellow in the color (if it is red, then not orange, but for example, raspberry, pink).

    Spring corresponds to a warm light transparent range. Shades of Spring: peach, coral, turquoise, light green, pea, honey, violet, coffee, cream. It is better not to use black in spring.

    Autumn- these are warm, rich, thick colors - scarlet, red-brown, orange, blue-green, khaki, plum, coffee, the color of baked milk - in general, all the colors that nature is saturated with during the leaf fall and harvest period. Now is the time to take a closer look at its colors to clearly see what warm and cold shades are.

    Stage 2. Form

    Body type and its correction

    Each of us is unique, but types female figures only a few (and this is good, otherwise it would be completely impossible to find clothes in stores). But there are many ways to correct shortcomings and emphasize advantages!

    At this stage, I mentally weeded out another part of the wardrobe and understood even more clearly why in some pretty things I was not 100% satisfied with myself, while in others, which were not at all fashionable and, it would seem, not attracting attention, I felt surprisingly beautiful. It was all in the details.

    For example, in the width of the straps (narrow straps make wide shoulders visually even wider); or in the cut of pockets on jeans: the fact is that the direction of the diagonal line (and the edge of the pocket is such) makes any shape (in in this case– the shape of the hips) wider and lower or narrower and higher.

    How to find your style? Image maker tips

    Girls with broad shoulders Vertical fasteners, no gathers along the shoulder line, and narrow long lapels of jackets are recommended. For narrow shoulders, a boat neckline, American armhole, large pattern, or raglan are suitable.

    For wide hips recommended: mid-knee length for dresses and skirts and a slightly tapered or slightly flared silhouette, slits or wraps, side seams, muted tones. For narrow hips - skirts with yokes, with pleats, wide trousers, multiple vertical stripes on trousers, accents on the waist and hips, voluminous fabric texture.

    High growth can be adjusted this way: lengthen the top (jacket, blouse), and bright accents move down (border, belts, bracelets). Short stature corrected, of course, with heels and shifting accents, on the contrary, upwards - with brooches, scarves, large earrings, etc.

    Big breasts if necessary, it is visually corrected with dark tones, narrow necklines and high volume. Small breasts can be visually enlarged by wearing blouses with yokes and ruching above the bust, light colors, large patterns and voluminous textures.

    In the process of studying the topic, I realized another important thing: our consciousness is filled with many incorrect stereotypes associated with clothing. For example, overweight people often wear dark colors, believing that dark makes you look slimmer. To think this way is to confuse shape and color.

    So loved by many black color visually compacts the shape and creates a sense of monumentality - which is clearly contraindicated for people with curvy figures. Their tones, on the contrary, should be light, and their figure should be adjusted using the proportions of clothing.

    Another popular misconception is that vertical stripes make you look slim. In fact one vertical line (for example, a zipper on a jumper) makes any form narrower and taller, but in the plural it makes it wider and lower! The multiple horizontal line makes the shape taller and narrower! (Keep this in mind when choosing clothes).

    Stage 3. Accessories

    Accessories are additions to your image that, like clothes, can correct your figure and how people around you perceive you. The area that will be highlighted with an accessory will, firstly, attract attention to itself, and, secondly, distract attention from other areas.

    How to find your style? Image maker tips

    For example, large beautiful earrings will immediately highlight your eyes, and a flying scarf will highlight your gait. Beautiful wrists will be emphasized by bracelets. The opposite effect: if you don't want to emphasize some part of your body, don't highlight it with an accessory.

    When selecting accessories, body proportions are taken into account: for slender figures narrow bags, thin heels and toes of shoes are selected; for “voluminous” figures, the bags should be voluminous, the heels should be stable (this harmonizes general form figures).

    Secrets from stylists: The toe of the shoe, the shape of the jewelry and the neckline of the clothing should be similar to the shape of the face.

    Stage 4. Style

    However, the colors, shapes, lines that you use to create an image should be subject to your individual style direction (sporty, romantic, classic, etc.)

    Each of us is a bearer of one or a combination of several (no more than 3) styles. This means that things, colors, textures, and accessories of the exact style to which your appearance can be attributed will most fully emphasize your individuality and most fully reveal your “I.”

    Your personal style direction is the core, the basis of your appearance, knowing which, you will unmistakably choose clothes that will suit the occasion, reflect your individuality and highlight your unique features. These features are your “zest”, giving each of the women a unique charm, bestowed upon us from birth.

    Alas, complexes, modern views on feminine beauty, generally accepted “ideals”, authoritarian views modern society, pressure from large fashion companies, etc. often force us into the pursuit of standardized beauty, forgetting about ourselves and our unique history.

    The task of real image makers is not just to choose a pair of equipment for you different cases, but to “pull out” your own “I” from you, emphasize your essence with visual means and, ultimately, help you find yourself.

    And a specific image (business lady, cowgirl, holiday girl, vamp) should fit into your style. Then the clothes will highlight and not obscure you.

    The most striking confirmation of this was the resolution of my dilemma - the desire to look feminine and romantic and the uncomfortable feeling in clothes that, as it seemed to me, created the desired image - delicate blouses (similar to the one in my BEFORE photo), frilly skirts and dresses with thin straps. It’s strange, but in these outfits and stiletto heels, I felt not at all as fragile and delicate as, say, in wide trousers with many details and ballet shoes.

    It turned out that, in my opinion, frills, floral patterns, etc. are “feminine”. belong to the direction of naive romance and are suitable for those young ladies whose image initially contains this style. My style - a combination of serious romance and sports - suggested a more mature image, carrying ideas of mystery, sophistication, and hidden sensuality.

    Stage 5. Hair and makeup

    Everyone knows that a hairstyle should suit the situation. Indeed, careful styling and, albeit velvet, a tracksuit look quite ridiculous. Ideally, your hairstyle and hair color, as well as makeup, should match your color type and style.

    My hairstyle (you can see it in the photos) didn't require dramatic changes. It remained almost the same, but the details made changes that subtly changed the whole image.

    Irina Pchelina: “We decided to highlight certain short strands- this will “break up” the overall mass of hair, bring lightness and freshness, create a game – quite in the spirit of serious romanticism. We also changed the shape of the bangs - they were straight, along the eyebrow. This line is more typical for the dramatic style. Also, as you already know, a single horizontal line makes the shape wider and lower. With asymmetrical bangs laid to one side, Tanya's face

    Results and conclusions

      Once you learn about the rules for creating an image, choosing clothes and accessories becomes even more difficult. But what is selected turns out to be “100% ours.” And over time, less money is spent on clothes and cosmetics - because you don’t buy inappropriate things, wardrobe “ballast”

      The best style is your own. Often it is “buried” deeply, but the more joy is brought by the changes that occur as you return to your “I”.

      Following standards can make us attractive. But we stand out from the competition by emphasizing our natural beauty and unique features.

    Thank you for your help in creating this material.
    image agency "Stylish Person". www.style-person.ru

    Project by Kyiv fashionista Yulia Dobrovolskaya “ Ideal wardrobe”, Stage 2: determining your clothing style. Attention! Test!
    Clothing styles - classic, trendy, dramatic, natural, romantic and creative. Our test will help you determine what style of clothing you have.

    Get acquainted with the previous, first stage of the “Ideal Wardrobe” project - creation basic wardrobe- You can

    on the picture:Yulia Dobrovolskaya

    Knowledge and understanding of your clothing style is one of the main pillars on which an ideal wardrobe is based.

    The second stage of the “Ideal Wardrobe” project by Kyiv fashionista Yulia Dobrovolskaya will help you determine with the help of a test what your clothing style is. Julia identified the following styles in clothing - classic style, dramatic style, romantic style, trendy style, natural style, creative style.

    To determine your clothing style, we suggest you take a test that consists of several questions.

    Surely, the test is not a new piece of information for you. You answer questions, sum up your answers and get a result. Today, I suggest you change your approach a little and take the same test three times.

    First time- answer the questions honestly, based on current realities (that is, on the wardrobe that is in your closet). Be completely honest, imagine that you are telling someone about yourself.

    Second time- give answers that may not correspond to reality, but that you would like to say. Let your imagination run wild. Forget about your shape, your complexes, what you can afford in clothes and what you can’t. Let go of thoughts about the comfort of this or that clothing. Let your imagination draw a picture of the woman you would ideally like to be, and let this imaginary woman answer questions about her ideal wardrobe and style!

    Third timeask close friend(or your significant other) take the test for you (in this case you will get an outside opinion - which is very important). Let someone close to you describe you and your style.

    Compare the three resulting options. The results may surprise you and encourage you to make changes and upgrades.

    Good luck!

    Project “Ideal wardrobe”. Test to determine what your clothing style is.

    Question No. 1.

    You can say about me that I am...

    A) organized, sophisticated, well-mannered, punctual.

    B) spontaneous, confident, courageous, ready to experiment, independent.

    C) confident, flirty, feminine, exciting, sexy.

    D) friendly, reliable and trustworthy, calm.

    D) hopelessly romantic, sensitive, sensitive, soft, gentle.

    E) unconventional, creative, daring, somewhat fickle, for some I am a freak.

    Question No. 2.

    About my accessories you can say that -...

    A) Expensive and always relevant: pearls, simple stud earrings, thin chains and bracelets, smooth thin belts.

    B) Depends on trends, often this is costume jewelry: voluminous necklaces, many chains at the same time, daring belts, bright bags, large hair clips, eccentric pendants.

    C) The shine of stones, the gloss of precious metals, the smoothness of lacquer textures: cuff bracelets, long earrings, large rings, smooth designer bags, clutches, lacquered belts.

    G) Natural materials, neutral tones: simple pendants, baggy bags, jewelry made of mother-of-pearl, bones, coral.

    E) Delicate materials, ornate shapes, vintage: silk scarves, turbans, artificial flowers, brooches, beads in neutral shades.

    E) Varied, but mostly quirky, eclectic and fun accessories: colored glasses, youthful hats, printed bags, layered bracelets, necklaces, large custom rings.

    Question No. 3.

    About my favorite outfit you can say that it is...:

    A) a crisp white shirt with black trousers or dark jeans (depending on the situation), a bag made of genuine leather medium size, neutral heeled pumps.

    B) overalls, leather jacket, platform shoes, stylish earrings, clutch with spikes.

    IN) plain dress tailored guipure, open-toe stilettos, long earrings, patent leather clutch.

    D) white jeans, a cotton blouse, a simple pendant around the neck, baubles, a briefcase bag, low-top leather sandals.

    D) long flowing silk skirt, delicate blouse with a bow, vintage bag, shoes with webbed heels, beret.

    E) a dress with a print, a bright blazer, unusual glasses, platform sandals (possibly wedges), layered neck jewelry, a backpack.

    Question number 4.

    About my favorite dress you can say that it is...

    A) strict, with a clear cut, relevant in any situation.

    B) ultra-fashionable: from micro-mini to floor-length dresses, depending on the trend.

    C) tight-fitting, with transparent inserts, with a neckline, a bright print is possible.

    D) comfortable, neat, neutral.

    D) made of soft delicate fabrics, with tails, with a colored print, with a belt at the waist.

    E) a dress against the rules, a non-standard cut, an over-size dress (one size larger), a shirt dress, with non-standard prints, a hoodie dress.

    Question No. 5.

    About my trousers - I will choose this option:

    A B C D E F).

    Question No. 6.

    About the top that I will choose to pair with black trousers - I will choose this option:

    A B C D E F).

    Question No. 7.

    ABOUT sweatpants- I will choose this option:

    A B C D E F).

    Question No. 8.

    About my underwear - I will choose this option:

    A B C D E F).

    Question No. 9.

    About the ideal bag that will go with me to a party - I prefer this option:

    A B C D E F).

    Question number 10.

    About my shoes - I love...:

    A) neutral shoes, but I can also draw attention to my feet with a colored pair of shoes (for example, red). Basically, I buy simple pumps at high heels, ballet shoes, “rider” boots.

    B) fashionable shoes from new collections, bright shades, with bold fittings, non-standard forms heels, as well as platform boots and sandals, designer moccasins and sneakers.

    C) designer stilettos, open-toe shoes, tight knee-high boots.

    D) comfort is very important to me, so I mostly opt for espadrilles, simple leather sandals and low-top shoes.

    D) vintage shoes, lace pumps, ballerinas with floral prints, sandals with open heel, shoes with floral accessories, sequins and rhinestones.

    E) everything is colorful, bright, extraordinary and bold. In addition, I love vintage shoes - Oxford shoes, for example; shoes with an ethnic character.

    Question No. 11.

    About my favorite color scheme -...:

    A) neutral, black, white; monochrome combinations. One color accent is possible in order to make the outfit more interesting.

    B) brave, funny colors. Pink, bright blue, red, orange.

    C) colors that emphasize authority and influence. I stick to two-tone combinations for a simple but dramatic look: black on white, red on black. I create style with one dress bold color- bright red or purple.

    D) neutral, delicate, soft tones. Shades of gray, blue, light to medium saturated, natural “earth tones”.

    D) pastel, soft and not daring colors. Soft pink, light blue, taupe.

    E) a mix of colors, bright combinations that attract the eye. A combination of soft and flashy colors, neutrals and brights, bright purple, hot pink, electric blue. I love rich, rich tones.

    Question No. 12.

    About the celebrity style that is closest to me is the style:

    A) Victoria Beckham, Coco Chanel, Kate Middleton, Angelina Jolie.

    B) Jessica Simpson, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Jessica Alba.

    B) Charlize Theron, Kim Kardashian, Dita Von Teese, Catherine Zeta Jones, Monica Bellucci.

    D) Jennifer Anniston, Cameron Diaz, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts.

    D) Svetlana Khodchenkova, Eva Mendes, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, Naomi Watts.

    E) Nicole Ricci, Rachel Zoe, Michelle Williams, Laima Vaikule.

    Let's summarize:

    If option A dominates your answers, then your style can be defined as.

    You are a classic, modern business woman. Minimalism, elegance, conservatism. You always look neat and appropriate for the situation. Classic style - its name speaks for itself. Everything is as in the classics: neat, clear, correct and on schedule. This style can be called basic, because it is the classic wardrobe that combines primary items that are applicable in any situation.

    Classic style is a style that is ageless and timeless. It is very likely that a purchased silk blouse of a simple cut will be relevant in ten years.

    Classic style is a style in which it is very easy to combine things: strict cut, similar colors of all things and monochrome will be the key to successful sets.

    If your answers are dominated by option B, then your style can be defined as.

    You are a fashionable thing, bold and impulsive. Urban eclectic style, the desire to combine non-standards: classics and sports, glamor and naturalness.

    If your answers are dominated by answer option B, your style can be defined as .

    You are a sensual woman with a capital letter. Seductive, confident, demanding of herself and her environment.

    If your answers are dominated by answer G, your style can be defined as .

    You are the comfortable luxury of nature itself, the landscape is Naturel. Simple combinatorial solutions, complemented by modest accessory details, functional and cozy things - this is your fetish.

    If option D dominates your answers, then your style can be defined as.

    You are a Romantic dreamer, the most delicate charm: ruffles, frills, chains, braids, chiffon, silk, soft, round lines, draperies, corsets.

    If your answers are dominated by E, your style can be defined as .

    You are an independent artist, a creative creator of your own unique style, which defies the standards of society. The opinion of the majority is alien to you. Uniqueness is a blessing for you.

    photo from websites: deltacephei.nl, marieclaire.media.ipcdigital.co.uk, outfitidentifier. com , allaboutyou.com, storystar.ru, ukrnews24.com, perapearl.co.uk, 1.bp.blogspot.com, objectsandelements.com, cdn1.bigcommerce.com, opticsplanet.com, jennyhoople.com, polyvore.com, favim .com, ladyglamourazzi.com

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    Test: how to determine your clothing style -on the portal 2 queens. ru!

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