• Touching and sincere congratulations on graduation evening. Graduation greetings to parents


    Graduation evening is a long-awaited and exciting event not only for schoolchildren, but also for their parents. After all, they accompanied the younger generation long years, were a support and assistant for them in training and education. Children have learned a lot over the years, have become smarter and more mature, so they must understand that prom- this is not a long-awaited moment not only in their lives, but also in their parents and teachers. If you can’t figure out how to congratulate your parents on such a day, then you can turn to the Internet for help, where there are many different sites with scenarios for the event and congratulatory words with gifts.

    How to organize a celebration?

    To organize a good graduation party, you need to make a lot of effort, because this is a complex and responsible task. You need to choose the right scenario for the holiday that will appeal to adults and children. In addition to the script, you need to choose a suitable location. The event does not have to be large-scale and last too long. To have a good time, you can go with the whole class and your parents on an excursion to some historical place or just take a walk in the park. You can also organize such an event in nature, you just need to get everyone together and have a wonderful picnic. After relaxing in nature, a great option would be a theatrical performance, a feast or a photo shoot with children in beautiful landscapes. Do not forget that if you yourself are unable to organize worthy of attention celebration, then you can turn to specialists for help. The school should invite professional animators who will truly good competitions, quizzes and games, followed by a festive disco. Parents will have a pleasant and fun time participating in various competitions with their children.

    Place for a celebration

    Probably the most common place for a prom will be a school, namely an assembly hall or a gym. Such a place will be the most accessible, simple and convenient for organizing a celebration. The main disadvantage of such a place will be that children will subconsciously associate it with study, and not with a holiday.

    If you don’t want to prepare a menu for festive table or decorate a room, a restaurant or cafe would be an excellent option. Graduation in such a room will gain a more solemn atmosphere thanks to the fashionable and beautiful interior, the hall will be decorated with balloon applications, and there is also a lot of free space in the cafe, which will allow you to dance or fool around without hesitation.
    A place that will certainly remain in the memory of parents and children will be a motor ship. Thanks to the unusual setting, a graduation party held in such a place will be truly memorable. Such a walk will not last long, literally 2-3 hours, which is why it will not be boring. It will include a feast, dancing, competitions and games with gifts. The main problem when choosing such a place may be the financial component. But having spent your graduation in such a wonderful place, the memory of it will remain for a long time.

    Have your graduation party at fresh air. Such a place will be especially good if there are a lot of active children in the class who simply cannot sit in one place. While the graduates will be running around and fooling around, parents will be able to relax and have a good time. Organizing such a holiday will not be difficult; parents only need to resolve issues regarding the transportation of equipment, the entertainment component and ensure safety for children. Surely there is a parent committee in the class that can sort out all the issues.

    Scenarios for good congratulations to parents

    To make your congratulations really good, you need to think about the scenario for the event. Required condition At any holiday there are various competitions. Parents, no less than children, will be happy to take part in competitions, for winning which they will receive a gift in the form beautiful poems from children. For help in organizing congratulations for parents, children can contact their teachers. A good gift will be any skit or competition in which children congratulate adults. What kind of competitions can you come up with for congratulations?

    All parents are blindfolded and given a felt-tip pen. Their task is to draw a portrait of the schoolchildren's first teacher in parts. Everyone must draw a leg, arm or head on the sheet. At the end you should get a picture. The team whose drawing is most similar to the original wins. With the help of such a competition, children will be able to amuse the older generation, thereby leaving pleasant memories of the prom.

    You can arrange a quest for parents. Such a competition will be very exciting, because you will need to solve riddles and look for treasure. Children need to draw a treasure map. Then come up with exciting tasks and write them on pieces of paper. All assignments must be hidden in the room where the graduation party will take place. The approximate location of the tasks should be indicated on the map. With her help, parents will look for them. Anything can be a treasure. But it is worth noting that the treasure does not have to be expensive.

    How to congratulate parents with a gift.

    For a very long time, a gift is considered best congratulations for any holiday. If you need to congratulate your parents, then you should prepare a worthwhile gift for them that will demonstrate care and attention. After all, parents are the most Dear people who will always provide support and help in Hard time advice or deed.

    A movie or theater ticket would be a good option for a graduation gift for parents. Having attended the premiere of a new film, they will probably want to go to a restaurant or take a walk in the park, discussing the details of the film they watched. Such a gift can awaken romantic feelings in them, and he will arrange for himself unforgettable dinner by candlelight.

    An excellent option for congratulations would be a trip to a sanatorium or abroad. Surely parents have been waiting for such a holiday as a graduation party for a long time and they probably want to relax, gain strength and just have a good time. If it is possible to organize such a gift, then it will really be good congratulations which will remain in memory for many years.

    To have a great graduation party, you need to give your parents a truly memorable gift. Such a gift could be a photo collage. Surely the family has collected a lot of beautiful photographs that are simply collecting dust somewhere on the shelves. It is necessary to collect all school and parent photographs and then paste them on whatman paper. Under each frame you need to write a wish or just pleasant words, so that parents can constantly read them and rejoice that they have such wonderful children. If possible, it is worth purchasing an electronic photo frame. Its advantage is that you just need to collect all your favorite photos and upload them to it. The frame will constantly change frames in slideshow mode. As a congratulation, such a gift will be truly touching and memorable.

    Surely your parents lack some household appliances in the house. It’s worth taking advantage of this and purchasing for them a juicer, a coffee maker, or something that the house has been missing for a long time. Mom will definitely be happy with such a gift, because now she won’t have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing her favorite drink.

    To help parents have a good time or just relax, give them a subscription to a massage or spa treatment. Spending time in a massage parlor can help you get rid of back and joint pain. After such procedures, it will be pleasant to go to the sauna, where parents can finally relax and forget about daily problems.

    In order for the graduation to be remembered for many years, it is worth preparing an amazing congratulation. It doesn’t have to consist of an expensive gift, because you can just buy a card and write warm and sincere wishes. After all, not only schoolchildren look forward to the graduation ceremony; such a day is also exciting for their parents. For many years they tried to provide the child with the necessary knowledge. That is why it is worth making an unforgettable graduation for your parents.


    An extraordinary, special holiday in school life. It is equally important for both graduates and parents, because they lived with their children through all the ups and downs of school. And on this memorable solemn day, they are excited again, saying words of gratitude to the director, class teacher, and teachers. So that in the last minutes before graduation you don’t have to look for words of gratitude, the NNmama.ru portal has prepared a small thematic selection"parents' response at graduation." She will help you make this holiday even brighter, more soulful and soulful.

    Parents' response at graduation for the class teacher

    • The class teacher is like a second mother. She knows everything, will always help, advise and support. By her example, she secretly charges and inspires students to achieve their goals, so warm, sincere words gratitude is one of the first to be addressed to her.
    • On behalf of all parents, I want to thank you, dear (name). Thanks to hard work, teaching talent, patience and the ability to communicate correctly with schoolchildren, you were able to teach children everything that could be useful to them in later life. Your work is truly priceless. Children talk about you very often, they love and respect their teacher, and this is worth a lot. Let your students listen to you and your colleagues understand. Happiness to you, (name)!
    On this warm summer day, we all gathered here for a reason. Today our children and their teachers celebrate graduation. Of course, each teacher contributed to the education of our children, but most of all I would like to thank class teacher. It was the leader who did the most for the students of grade 11/9; she gave them not only school knowledge, but also simple life advice. Thanks to this person, they grew up to be kind, honest and decent people, for which I thank her very much!

    We would like to say a lot now -

    How grateful we all are to the teachers,

    Who gave all their strength,

    And how we worried about the children!

    Children love our teacher,

    She is considered the best in the world.

    And a low bow to her from mom and dad!

    She managed to find an approach to us too!

    The director unites the team,

    Protects the entire school from storms and troubles.

    We sincerely wish her continued

    Burn with teaching work!

    • Dear (name), I would like to thank you for leading the class through interesting and educational 11 years of life. Thank you for never giving up and having iron patience. All the parents gathered here sincerely wish you health and strength to teach the next generations of children. Never know troubles and worries. Happiness to you, (name)!
    • On behalf of all parents of 9th/11th grade students, I would like to thank the class teacher for his kindness, care and ability to find mutual language with kids. You have become a second mother for your students, they love you and respect you very much. It is difficult for us, like them, to part with such a wonderful person, but, alas, Life is going as usual, and it’s time for the children to leave the cozy walls of their home school. I would like to wish you, (name), good health And good students. May there be something good in every day, and may your heart always be warm.
    • The class teacher is very important person in the life of each of us. Even after many years, our children will remember your advice and instructions. You opened up more and more new horizons for them, helped them get through problems and experiences. It was thanks to you that they became kind and sympathetic people. Thank you, (name), and low bow!

    Parents' response to teachers at graduation

    Over the years of study, children become acquainted with, admire and study with interest many subjects, all thanks to the knowledge and work of teachers. These words of gratitude are for them:

    • Dear teachers! On this special day, I first of all want to say a big thank you! Thank you for giving the children unforgettable years of study, for always being kind and tolerant towards them. The work of a teacher is not only about teaching, you need to be a psychologist, a friend and a parent, and you can do all of this. I am proud that my child graduated from this school and was taught by such wonderful teachers. Thank you!
    • On behalf of the graduates' parents, I want to thank all the teachers who taught our children. Step by step you helped them overcome life's obstacles. You taught them not only school subjects, but also to simple life things: friendship, kindness, empathy, patience. Today they easily overcome any difficulties, because from an early age they learned to be strong and self-confident. Happy holiday to you, dear ones, because this is your celebration too. And a huge thank you!
    We love all teachers - it’s no secret.

    There are no such things anywhere else!

    The chemistry teacher teaches everyone wisely -

    So much so that the test tubes are all filled with smoke!

    Our math teacher is like a sorcerer,

    He rarely asks problems without any fuss!

    Russian teacher - philosopher and poet,

    He will put everything on the shelves and give advice.

    History teacher is a treasure trove of knowledge,

    He will tell you about Berlin and Petrograd.

    We hasten to congratulate everyone on your graduation!

    And let’s end our congratulations here.

    • Today is a special day for all of us. After all, today our children are finishing school, finishing their 9th grade. It was a happy and long 9 years. During this time there was a lot of things, there were joys and difficulties. But we all overcame them together, because we had one goal - to finish 9th grade. And now this moment has come, our children are graduates. Standing on this stage, I would like to say separate words of gratitude to each teacher for his contribution, for his work. Without you none of this would have happened. You are not just teachers, you are teachers for life. Your knowledge will always help, your personal life experience will be an example for all today's students. And even though their lives will all turn out differently, none of them will forget you.
    • It seemed to me, like every parent present here, that graduation was still very far away. But before I had time to come to my senses, it came. It's time to admit that the kids have become adults. It’s hard to say what I feel more – sadness or pride for my child. But, I know for sure that I am filled with a feeling of gratitude to every teacher of this school! I am grateful to you, dear teachers, for your attention and care for your students. For the fact that you did not give up even when they themselves gave up, stubbornly leading them to their goal. Thank you for believing in them! You good people and wonderful teachers!

    Parents' response to the first teacher at graduation

    Who else should I say thank you to if not him? The entire future school life depends on the first teacher. It's like first love with knowledge.

    • Our children are already graduates, they have completed 9th grade and are in a hurry to say goodbye to their beloved school. Of course, during the 9/11 years of study, many teachers shared their knowledge with them, but the closest person will always be the first teacher. You have done so much for our kids that words cannot express how grateful we are to you. We are glad that one fine day we decided to place our children under your wing. You are not only a teacher, but also a mentor, friend and second mother! Thank you very much!
    • You, (Name), are the most important person in the lives of our children! Yes, they have grown up a long time ago, but believe me, they never forgot their first teacher. Thanks to your good heart our kids were always surrounded by the necessary care and their subsequent years at school became much easier for them. Did you see them hidden talents and taught them to be a friendly class, which they remain to this day. Thank you for everything, dear (Name)! Let there be more than one class of children in your life, because you are truly a talented teacher. Be healthy and happy!
    • The first teacher... How much does he mean in a person’s destiny? I, like probably everyone present, remember my first teacher and always remember with joy those distant school days. In general, the first years of school are especially memorable, which is why it is so important that they go well. This is not always the case, but our children were lucky; they met an excellent teacher and part-time teacher along the way. primary classes- (Name). This man managed to make the life of little students bright, fun and educational. In my opinion, this is what helped them study with ease, overcome the thorny path of knowledge and graduate well from school. Thank you very much. We wish you happiness, career growth, family well-being and good health!

    Parents' response at graduation to employees of the educational institution

    • Dear (Name), you are certainly main man At school. Without your sensitive leadership it simply would not exist. Yes, being a director is not easy, but you do it very well. We, like our children, have always admired your hard work and ability to organize work in an educational institution. Thank you for conscientiously performing your duties. Let work bring happiness and good income!
    • Dear school canteen workers! We would like to say thank you to everyone who treated our children with such warmth and care. You not only fed our kids delicious food, but also took care of them. Many people speak negatively about school food, but the students of (school name) were lucky, because they were fed better than in many cafes. Please accept our thanks and always cook as well as you do now!

    Parting words to graduates from parents

    • On behalf of all the parents gathered here, I would like to congratulate the graduates of grade 11/9! May the goals you set for yourself be achieved. Let studying at a university become a pleasant adventure and at the same time a ticket to good life. Never give up, and then you will definitely achieve your goal. We believe in you and love you very much!
    • Our beloved children! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on completing your secondary education! Most of them coped with their task with dignity and successfully passed the exams, you are just great! Now everyone has a certificate, it only contains assessments of your knowledge - this is a ticket to the ship called life. Even if not everyone got first class cabins, there will still be time to fix everything and achieve more! In the meantime, have fun and enjoy your youth, but don’t forget about your parents. Good luck!
    Time has flown by so quickly, as if yesterday our children were hesitantly stepping into first grade, and today they are already celebrating the end of school. Our beloved children, we want to wish you success in your studies, true friends, good health and Have a good mood. May there always be a smile on your faces and love in your heart. May each of you achieve success in your chosen profession and find a good, profitable job. Don’t forget about your hometown and the school that gave you the path to life. Happiness and goodness to you. Happy graduation!
    • Our beloved children, on this special day I would like to wish you much, much happiness and good health. May your cherished dreams come true, and may your school friends never be forgotten. Always go forward and do not forget that we, parents, love you very much and are always waiting for you to come home. Don’t forget the teachers who gave you knowledge and their care. May your guardian angel always be with you. God bless you!
    We wish you, dear children,
    So that they are not afraid of anything in the world.

    Our dear parents! Today, on an unforgettable graduation evening, when all the worries and worries before passing the exams are behind us, we want to tell you what love and insane gratitude we feel. Thanks to your support, perseverance and patience, we were able to successfully master the school curriculum, pass the final graduation test with confidence and look into the future with hope and slight excitement. Thank you for the sleepless nights you spent with us, for your incredible patience with our mistakes and failures, for your help on the difficult path to knowledge and your desire to make it easier. New challenges, victories and, perhaps, failures await us ahead, but we know that we can always rely on you and get good advice. Thank you, our beloved parents!

    Solemn speech to parents from graduating students

    Today is an unforgettable day for each of us - graduation. The past school years were full of all kinds of events and memories, and we are incredibly happy that those who shared them with us are present here - our parents. It was you who were not only those who brought us to first grade, but also those who spent every moment of school next to us. You shared our victories and failures, rejoiced at good grades and were upset at bad results. However, despite everything, they always believed in us and pushed us to move forward, without looking back at past mistakes. Without you, this holiday would not exist today, and therefore, we want to promise you that we will give you many more reasons to be proud of us.

    Today is graduation party, which means that soon the school doors will close behind us and we will go into the unknown and exciting adult world. This delights us and frightens us a little, however, we know that there is always a reliable shoulder and support nearby - our parents. You were with us all these difficult and touching school years, you supported us no matter what, and your faith in our abilities encouraged us to reach new and new heights of knowledge. We are immensely grateful to you for the fact that you were and are a guiding star for us, which always shines brightly and guides us along the way, which inspires and gives confidence. We promise you to continue to follow your advice and try to find your way among the raging waves of life.

    Congratulations in prose on graduation to parents from eleventh graders

    Final exams are behind us, which means farewell to school and the beginning of student life awaits. However, the soul is filled not only with the expectation of new events and the anticipation of life’s victories, but also with slight sadness. The past school years are undoubtedly one of the brightest pages in the book of our lives. We tried to fill each chapter with achievements and unforgettable moments of success, and you, our beloved parents, helped us in this. Today is graduation party and it’s time to finish the last chapter of this book. In it we want to say a huge thank you for your selfless love, touching care and sincere feelings. Thanks to you, our victories have always felt more profound and inspiring, and moments of failure have seemed fleeting and insignificant. With your help, our book of school life turned out to be rich, interesting and positive.

    Graduation evening is always a touching and exciting event. However, most of all the notes of sadness in it are for eleventh graders. This day means farewell to school, dear teachers and familiar subjects. The only and most important thing that remains with us outside the school walls is the love of our parents. Your warmth, reliable support and unobtrusive perseverance have become an incredible driving force on the path to knowledge. We always know that you care about our successes and achievements even more than we do, and for this we love you even more. Thank you very much for dispelling the fog of laziness and frivolity around us like a huge bright beacon and guiding us through the right way, protecting against any failures.

    Congratulations to the parents of ninth graders

    Today we celebrate one of the most significant milestones in our lives - graduation and the end of 9th grade. We still have a lot to comprehend and study, both within our beloved school walls and beyond. However, today we can confidently say that we have managed to successfully overcome not only difficult thorns on the path to knowledge, but even ourselves. Our beloved parents played a huge role in this. Without you, our school path would have been much more difficult; you were able to show us the right path, supported and inspired us. We know that in the next two years you will do everything possible to help us acquire the necessary knowledge. Thank you very much for your love and patience, which give us wings and faith in our own strength.

    We are sure that today will be forever etched in our memory, because it symbolizes another stage of life experience and knowledge. Over these nine years, we have been able to significantly replenish our internal treasury with both spiritual and scientific values. We learned the value of friendship and love, learned to understand their significance. It was during this time that we realized how dear and close our beloved parents are to us. What you do for us every day is difficult to describe in words. Your love, warmth and tenderness envelop us like a reliable cocoon and protect us from any troubles and failures. Thanks to you, we achieved many school achievements and felt the taste of victory. We are confident that in the coming two years we will be able to please you more than once and give you more than one reason to be proud of us.

    Today is a wonderful holiday day. We are very glad that, having gone through a difficult school path, we are now celebrating our graduation party with pride and excitement. Nine years have flown by like one bright and unforgettable moment that will forever remain in our memory. However, these years have become part of reverent memories not only for us, but also for our parents. You lived with us every moment of your school life, worried and worried before tests and exams, enthusiastically greeted good grades and were touchingly upset by bad ones. Thanks to you, victories became even brighter, and failures became less offensive. Your love and support have become a talisman for us, bringing good luck and therefore, we firmly believe that further acquisition of knowledge both within the walls of school and outside it will be no less successful and interesting. Today, on graduation evening, we want to promise you that we will continue to strive to grow, not only physically, but also spiritually, that we will try to listen to your advice and persistently continue to gnaw on the granite of science.

    Nine unforgettable years of a busy school life have flown by. For some, they will become a springboard into a new student life, and for others, they will help them spend another productive two years at school. In these corridors the multifaceted echo of our laughter and the strict silence of lessons will be heard for a long time. But the past years will be remembered not only for the knowledge gained and the talented professionalism of teachers, but also touching love and the care of our parents. We know that you always strive to protect and support us, to protect us from mistakes and disappointments, and we are very grateful to you for this. In you we draw our inspiration and desire to gain new knowledge; the desire to see joy and pride in your eyes from our victories and achievements always leads us forward. We are incredibly grateful that you are always with us and that on this graduation evening we can share with you the great joy and slight sadness of saying goodbye to school.

    Congratulations to parents from teachers and principal

    School years are a difficult, but the most memorable time in the life of every person. Over the years, our students have come a long way from an unintelligent first-grader to a “world-wise” graduate. They have achieved a lot and learned a lot. But ahead of them lies an unknown adult world in which they are just beginning to take their first steps, and, of course, their parents help them in this. Today, just like eleven years ago when you brought your kids to first grade, you are walking next to them along the difficult path to knowledge. Today our school years end for our graduates. There will be other studies and other teachers ahead, but you, parents, will always be there for your children, you will guide them, put them on the right path. Low bow to you, parents!

    Thank you speech to parents from teachers

    Dear Parents! Here comes one of the most unforgettable holidays in your children's lives - graduation party. However, this is an important event not only in their life, but also in your life. It is not easy to imagine how much patience, work and time you have invested in making your children proud of themselves and their achievements today. We, teachers, have gone through all these 11 years with you and our dear graduates and we know how hard it was for you, so we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and wish that your children’s future path to knowledge will be easier, so that their reserves of patience will never were exhausted, and there were more and more reasons for pride.

    Today is graduation, which means farewell to school and the beginning of an exciting adult life. We know how worried and worried our students are, but you, their parents, also experience similar feelings. There is so much pride and joy in your eyes. You deserve this evening no less than our dear graduates. Your support, attention and care helped them successfully cope with all school tests and allowed them to look into the future with confidence. We wish you that your children continue to delight with their successes and achievements, that they do not give reasons for sadness and disappointment and, of course, appreciate the love and support with which you always try to surround them.

    Today your children are celebrating a wonderful event - the end of 9th grade. Some of them will have to say goodbye to school and join student life, and many will remain within the walls of the school and continue their studies here for another 2 years. However, no matter what path they choose, you will undoubtedly support them and help them in all their endeavors. Of course, there are still many worries and experiences ahead of you, but we are confident that your children will invariably delight you with their successes and gradually learn independence and responsibility. We wish you great patience, fortitude and, of course, health.

    Thank you speech from the director

    Dear Parents! So the 11th flew by school years. They, both for your children and for you, were intense and difficult. You have been through a lot of things and have gone through them with your children again and again. I know how much work and excitement it took, but looking at our dear graduates today, I understand that everything was not in vain. I am sure that they gave you many reasons not only to worry, but also to be incredibly proud of your achievements. Today, on graduation evening, I, as the school director, really want to wish you that your already fledged chicks graduates will be able to soar confidently in their coming adult life, be able to choose the right direction and never forget their native nest.

    Completing 9th grade is a very responsible and exciting event in the life of every graduate. However, there are those for whom this graduation party is an even more touching and joyful event - these are their parents. It was you who lived with your children all the ups and downs of school life, helped them master the necessary knowledge and always found words of support and approval. Your faith and inescapable love became the main support for our dear graduates and allowed us to overcome all the thorns encountered along their path. There's a lot more ahead of you important events and celebrations, but I, as the school principal, hope that this graduation party will forever remain in your memory.

    Every year, hundreds of graduates leave the walls of their home school to the sounds of the Viennese Waltz. It is from this moment that they begin an independent, adult life, full of new experiences and events. The graduation party was preceded by long academic years, preparation for passing difficult school exams. And already in June this solemn event takes place in all cities of our country, and everyone is thinking about how.

    They prepare in advance, write songs and poems, and decorate the assembly halls with flowers and balloons. Traditionally, the graduation ceremony takes place in two stages:

    1. Official part, during which graduates are presented with certificates and diplomas, and congratulations on graduation are also heard to teachers and parents.
    2. Official part, which contains entertainment program holiday: dances and songs.

    Congratulations on graduation are an integral part of this event. Such an event happens once, so beautiful prose and poetic congratulations for prom:

    All year they scared us all with the exam,
    The teachers told us we won’t pass.
    We accepted the challenge of fate,
    Now it's all behind us.
    My brains are already on fire,
    And knowledge comes out of your ears.
    I wish I could blow up this school,
    And with her - teachers!
    We will extract them from the rubble,
    Let's put everyone on a pedestal.
    Oh, I wish there was more salary -
    I would become a teacher myself!

    Oh, school, school, where are you?
    Where are our childhood dreams?
    And all of our teachers?
    We part, loving you.
    The last bell rang
    He won't call us to class.
    You all taught us how to live.
    We should thank you.
    You will forgive us for our mistakes.
    We will remember and love you,
    Let's not forget our school
    And your kind smiles.

    Congratulations, dear graduates, on graduating from school! And we want to wish that the road to adult life led you through the blooming garden, so that the carriage of life would quickly and easily carry each of you along the roads of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need would always be nearby. Good luck and prosperity!

    When graduates receive high school diplomas indicating that school program was successfully mastered and completed, joyful and happy students are simply overwhelmed with gratitude to those who dedicated their lives, experience and numerous knowledge to them. Congratulations to teachers on graduation will help you express gratitude and love, wish only good students and success in the difficult work of teaching.

    Graduation greetings for teachers:

    Everything was there: roads and hardships,
    And the light of the sun and the light of your beloved eyes.
    I look back on the past years
    And with warm feeling I remember you.
    After all, it was you who planted it in my soul
    Love for the Earth, for those living on Earth,
    To native forests and abundant fields,
    And to the warm aromas of poplars.
    I took you as an example,
    I came to you for advice,
    The reward was the look of your living eyes,
    You gave me so much warmth and light,
    That's enough to warm ten people.
    And you managed to breathe this into me:
    Always go forward
    And see the light of the promised goal,
    And don't be afraid of any adversity.
    You give everything to a great job,
    You awaken a dream in children's souls.
    Thank you for living
    To your deeds and thoughts beauty!

    Graduates also do not forget to congratulate their first teacher. After all, it was he who taught us to read and write from the very first grade, taught us to truly be friends and do good. The first teacher is also honored with warm words:

    You spent all your nerves on us
    For long, long days.
    You, like Gagarin, were the first
    But let it be a little more difficult for you -
    The uninitiated cannot imagine
    Such a heaviness in my soul...
    Well, let me congratulate you -
    Quite like an adult already!

    Congratulations from parents to graduates are touching and loving words, poems, parting words from those closest to you: mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, grandparents. Parents definitely need to congratulate their children who have studied and tried for so many years. After all, parents know better than anyone how much their children had to go through, how much they had to study on the eve of the annual test in biology. Parents, one might say, received a second secondary education together with their children.

    Congratulations to graduates from parents

    From the school threshold
    There are many roads in the world,
    Which step to take – the decision is yours:
    Should I continue my studies?
    Should I go to work?
    You control your own destiny.
    Just one wish:
    Everything requires effort,
    Whatever path you choose in life.
    You said goodbye to childhood
    Now I would like to find a way
    To comprehend the main essence in life.
    There is preparation for life,
    Skill and dexterity
    And God did not offend you with your mind.
    Health is strength
    And so that there is happiness,
    You must achieve it through hard work.

    Let all the congratulations on the graduation party be warm, beautiful and sincere, so that many years later, looking at the photo of your class, you remember that school ball with nostalgia and a smile!

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