• Mysteries of the human psyche: How to put a person into a trance. Rules for introducing a person into hypnosis


    A person can be instilled with certain attitudes when he is under hypnosis, i.e. immersed in a state of altered consciousness. To achieve it, it is necessary to weaken the defense of the psyche. The patient should not be afraid of the session or its consequences. To do this, during the procedure you need to provide him with a feeling of complete safety.

    Hypnosis as a phenomenon

    Hypnosis is a procedure that involves changing consciousness to such a state during which any attitude can be suggested to a person. IN ordinary life a person is guided by consciousness. It filters all incoming information and then eliminates it. Consciousness creates fears, doubts and self-doubt.

    During hypnosis, its influence decreases, and everything that is said during the session is perceived by the subconscious. The resulting command is immediately assimilated as an important idea, the result of long-term reflection. As a result, the resulting installation quickly takes root. For such suggestion, a person is put into a trance state. This is the borderline position between sleep and wakefulness.

    A state of trance

    Trance is the basis of hypnosis. Without it, it is impossible to instill a new attitude. In a state of trance, a person feels everything that happens to him, but does not try to react to it. She is relaxed and calm.

    When induction into trance is useful:

    1. If a person is overcome by primary phobias, and treatment psychological problems is more difficult.
    2. When the patient resists, he does not recognize the problem.
    3. If the introduction to a borderline state accelerates therapy (psychotherapy is used).

    The trance state is not dangerous for a man or woman. A person is defenseless only in front of his own fears. Hypnotherapy is used in courses and allows you to change the way an individual thinks. Over time, new behaviors and habits are formed. Hypnosis does not affect human nature, but changes only those character traits that were formed for one or another negative reason.

    Selection of methodology

    There are several effective techniques that tell you how to put a person into a trance using hypnosis. Visualization is a powerful tool that requires concentration. For this method of entering a trance you need special conditions- calm environment, correct breathing(are used breathing exercises).

    Another way is to provide a safe place (a type of visualization). It requires concentration not only of attention, but also the ability to distance yourself from the world around you. Third efficient technique based on eye rotation and breath holding. The last technique is called multi-stage.

    Visualization techniques

    Anyone can put themselves into a trance. Self-hypnosis will help with this. Procedure for entering a borderline state:

    1. A person concentrates on internal sensations for several minutes, sitting with his eyes closed. It is necessary to feel every process occurring in the body. Passivity is the main condition for rapid relaxation.
    2. The individual needs to concentrate on breathing. To quickly enter a trance, special breathing exercises are used. Breathing should be uniform and deep. As you exhale, the man or woman becomes completely focused, and as you inhale, you relax again.
    3. The person imagines that his mind consists of several parts. Most high level- this is the active part (consciousness), and deep hypnotic sleep is at the lowest level.
    4. The person being hypnotized needs to move from one level to the second. You need to relax each time and then explore the level. You need to feel what is inherent in your personality. Knowing the level is a state of trance.

    Time will pass unnoticed if the entrance to the border state has been completed correctly. To get out of this state, a person concentrates on inhaling. As the lungs fill with air, the personality carefully rises through the levels. When the turn reaches consciousness, the eyes open.

    Eye rotation and breathing

    Another practice for use at home. A man or woman should be calm. Starting position - lying or sitting. The person's head must have support, and during a trance it is better not to move. This technique is used for self-hypnosis: a man or woman closes his eyes and relaxes all the muscles of the body. The greatest relaxation occurs when you exhale.

    After preparation, the eyes open - you need to sharply look up and hold your breath. After 5-7 seconds. the eyes slowly lower and relax. The eyelids close. The person inhales, then exhales and stays in this position for 5 seconds. As you inhale, your eyelids lift again. The gaze is directed to the ceiling and the breath is held again for 5-6 seconds.

    The eyes close - the person concentrates all his attention on breathing. The body slowly relaxes. It is necessary to listen to the body, feel every movement, tingling, trembling. With relaxation comes freedom from unnecessary thoughts: trance eliminates empty, distracting thoughts.

    Relaxation lasts for at least 15–20 minutes, after which to get out of this state you need to concentrate on exhaling. Gradually the person returns to a conscious state.

    Multi-stage technique

    The 4-step technique is more complex. It is used to independently enter a borderline state. Stages of going into trance:

    1. The person takes a comfortable position (lying down), it is better to lie on the floor or any hard surface. In this position, you need to monitor your breathing. It should be smooth, slow. While inhaling, the following sounds are pronounced: “So-o-o-o,” and when exhaling, “Hum-mm.” The sounds are repeated until breathing becomes natural and does not have to be monitored. At this stage, unnecessary thoughts and worries should disappear.
    2. The person needs to completely get rid of movements in the second stage. With the effort of the mind, you need to stop each one so that the body plunges into absolute peace. Relaxation begins with the facial muscles and gradually reaches the fingertips. When the muscles and muscles relax, say the words to yourself: “My body is relaxing, my eyelids are getting heavier.” Thoughts of relaxation should be repeated until the body becomes sluggish, almost immobile. The entire relaxation cycle is repeated at least 4 times.
    3. As a person, after the body is completely relaxed and the mind stops generating new distracting thoughts, you need to say the words of the mantra: “Om.” It is repeated 14 times. When the syllable interrupts all thoughts, the person moves on to the final stage of trance.
    4. The mantra is repeated at the last stage. New images should appear in your head - the rays of the sun or the solar circle. This visualization is not easy for everyone the first time, but over time the image will become clearer and clearer.

    In a state of absolute trance, you can imagine any image, desire, thing - all this will take root in the subconscious. One way or another, a person will be able to get what he wants soon. To break out of trance, you need to focus on your own breathing.

    Entering and exiting trance

    Simple techniques are used to put outsiders into trance. A certain factor influences the human psyche. A state of shock or surprise is used to concentrate the individual's attention - this is the first stage. On the second, it is necessary to completely concentrate the person on the hypnotist and his words (a certain timbre of voice is used, tactile contacts or additional tools).

    To enter a trance, you must:

    1. Prepare the person being hypnotized (give the right morale).
    2. Use relaxation techniques (method of relaxation of each muscle or Jacobson).
    3. Use one or more methods to quickly enter a trance (using a pendulum, tactile or visual sensations).

    You cannot put a person with mental disorders into a trance. Schizophrenia and split personality are direct contraindications for hypnotherapy. Only one person can enter and exit the borderline state (the procedure is carried out without strangers).


    The state between wakefulness and sleep is an opportunity to instill in yourself the necessary attitude. Methods of hypnosis or self-hypnosis are used, since in a trance the defense of the psyche is weakened. To enter it, breathing exercises and complete relaxation techniques are used.


    Determine the time after which your body itself will bring you out of the trance state. Tell yourself clearly: “I want to hypnotize myself for 15 minutes. You will be surprised that your internal clock is accurate to within a quarter of a minute.

    Now decide for yourself what you want to be like at the end of self-hypnosis. These may be the most different states, from cheerfulness and energy to relaxation and readiness to go to sleep.

    While sitting or lying in a comfortable position, focus on three small objects outside, such as a mirror, door handle and a vase. Name what you see, for example, “I see a glass vase in the right corner of the room.

    Next, focus on three sounds that you hear at this moment, for example, “I hear the wind opening the window. These may be sounds that usual time distract you, but now they are the ones that will allow you to enter a state of trance.

    The next step is to create kinesthetic sensations. This may be something that is not noticeable to you during normal times, such as “I feel my pants digging into my stomach or “I feel my wool sweater tingling my skin.

    Next, resume the series of representations again: two visual, two auditory and two kinesthetic. It should be something new, something that you see, hear and feel right now. Then repeat the cycle of one sight, sound and feeling.

    Now the work of putting yourself into a trance moves into the inner plane of your consciousness. Close your eyes and imagine any object that pops up in your mind. For example, a beach on the coast of France. Name it.

    Now imagine some sound, for example, the cry of a flying seagull. Next, evoke a feeling, you can come up with it yourself, for example, how the sun warms your back. If there is some external irritant, for example, a cat passing by you brushes its tail against you, name it.

    At this time you will enter a trance state. You may seem to pass out or fall asleep, but the fact that you return exactly 15 minutes later will indicate that you were hypnotized and your mind was doing what you instructed it to do.

    If you did everything, then your exit from the trance will be accompanied by the state that you desired at the beginning of the process, for example, vigor or relaxation. And remember that regular practice of self-hypnosis will improve your results and make the process more enjoyable and interesting.


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    • methods of going into trance

    There are many forms of meditation and meditative trance. You can enter these states in different ways, and they will affect your sense of self in different ways. The easiest way to enter trance yourself will entail relaxation, rest and energy.

    You will need

    • Quiet place
    • Player with headphones


    Find a place where no one will interfere with your achievements trance. For example, or your dacha - any place in which you feel comfortable and where there are no distractions like phones or TVs.

    Relax, take a deep breath and lie down. Make sure you are comfortable. You must not move, otherwise you will not be able to enter a trance.

    Turn on the music and during the first track try to focus on the rhythm and beats. Completely clear your mind of any distracting thoughts. To achieve this, try using visuals. For example, imagine a node that you need, focus on this, and all other thoughts will leave your head on their own.

    Repeat to generate consistency in your head. Allow your body to relax and your mind to create. And after some time, your thoughts will completely disappear, and your heartbeat will even out in accordance with the rhythm of the music. Here you are trance. When you come out of this state, you will be full of energy and feel renewed.

    Video on the topic


    Many people are interested in how to enter a trance, because trance helps to cope with stress and get the necessary rest. In addition, trance is recognized by many people as a healing state of consciousness. How to enter a trance state: tips. Be responsible when choosing a location; it should be as safe and isolated as possible. To enter a trance, the most comfortable external conditions (temperature, fresh air) are necessary.

    Helpful advice

    How to enter a trance. Perform a relaxation exercise and clear your mind of thoughts by focusing on your breathing. Imagine that you are going down a steep staircase into the darkness. The first level of trance, when you feel a particular heaviness in your body, is in principle sufficient for projection. I strongly do not recommend forcing events by trying to enter deep trance, until you are completely familiar with the trance state as such.

    All of us, at least once in our lives, have been able to... You may have noticed that when you find yourself in places with large crowds of people, you immediately get lost and start moving to the beat of the crowd. Or remember how you read an exciting book? Your pupils run along the lines, but you don’t notice the letters and words. All consciousness goes into imagining the picture of the plot. And there are many such hidden hypnotic states. Hypnosis is a method of psychotherapy based on suggestion when working with the unconscious part of a person’s soul. The essence is a person entering a trance state. This state is neither sleep nor wakefulness and is characterized by decreased sensitivity to the environment. Hypnosis is needed to create an atmosphere of rest, relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve mood. In a trance state, you can work with a wide range of pain thresholds. For example, a person needs to have a major operation, but he is intolerant to anesthetics. In this case, it is appropriate to use hypnosis.

    How to put a person into hypnosis? Deep immersion into a hypnotic state can only be achieved by an experienced hypnotherapist. But an ordinary person is also capable of working on consciousness using hypnotic techniques. Let's share possible ways.

    Hypnotic practices are used in two cases:

    1. Voluntary hypnosis. It is used when a person himself wants to change his psychological condition V better side. Hypnosis in in this case used to free the subject from negative attitudes, emotions, and to relieve painful memories from the past
    2. In the second case, hypnosis is used when the person himself does not suspect that he is being put into a hypnotic state. This kind of hypnosis is used by scammers in order to gain profit: to cloud a person’s consciousness and “pull” money out of him, to force him to act in the interests of the hypnotist

    Voluntary hypnosis is used for good purposes - with its help you can force a person to quit smoking, get rid of complexes, tensions, and cure some disease.

    Secret hypnosis is always harmful because it forces a person to act against his will. The technique of such hypnosis is often used in sects; it is used by gypsies. You've probably heard stories about people who gave all their money to a fortune teller on the street, or about cult members who donated all their property to its leaders.

    We will talk specifically about voluntary hypnosis. It solves problems such as:

    • Phobias, fears, obsessions that poison a person’s life and prevent him from realizing himself
    • Bad habits and addictions: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, codependency. It is important that the subject himself is ready to be cured
    • Self-doubt, complexes, psychological pressures - everything that interferes with relationships, career growth, and human socialization
    • Amnesia. Hypnosis can help restore memory to a person experiencing amnesia after a disaster, personal tragedy, or other difficult situations experienced.
    • Depression and stress. Sometimes they reach a severe stage, and the person is not able to cope with the problem on his own. Hypnosis helps to pull the subject out of this painful state and begin to enjoy life again

    There are a great variety of hypnotic techniques that can put a person into a trance. We will look at the simplest ones.

    How to put a person into a trance?

    How to do hypnosis to guarantee results? Most likely, you won't be able to do it the first time. The hypnotist must have the power of suggestion and self-confidence. Not everyone can put a person into a trance. But you can try, and perhaps after a few tries you will succeed.

    Immersion in hypnosis with your gaze

    This technique is not available to everyone: only a person who has magnetic abilities from birth can be immersed in a trance with just one glance. Requires training. Do the following exercises:

    • Using a compass, draw a clear, even circle on a white sheet of paper. Periodically practice looking at the center of the circle without blinking. During training, you need not think about anything - when you learn to look at one point for five minutes without a single thought, the exercise will be considered completed
    • You can also train with a mirror in the same way. You need to look closely at the center of the forehead. Start with three minutes and gradually increase the duration of your workout

    After two or three months, you can try your hypnotic skills on your friends. Find a test subject and ask for help. To put a person into a trance, look into his eyes intently and without blinking.

    Going into trance using a pendulum

    The monotonous movements of the pendulum can lull and put any person into a trance. There are several rules:

    • The person you are about to put into a hypnotic state should lie down or be in a semi-sitting position.
    • Before the session, talk to the subject, he should be calm and relaxed
    • Before starting the session, agree on what will be the signal after which the person will leave the trance. For example, you clap your hands or snap your finger
    • Then prepare a pendulum and start swinging it in front of the eyes of the person being put into a trance. The subject must continuously monitor the movements of the pendulum

    After 2-3 minutes, immersion in hypnosis should occur. After this, you can ask questions or recite information that needs to be conveyed to the patient. At the end - clap and exit from the trance state. Maximum time, which you can be in a state of hypnosis - twenty minutes.

    Watch a video for beginners about hypnosis:


    There are prohibitions and certain rules that must be followed if you decide to master hypnosis:

    • Do not use skills to harm anyone. Your actions should only bring benefits and improve a person’s life. If you use hypnosis for selfish purposes, trying to instill negative attitudes in the subject, you harm not only him, but also your own energy
    • Don't overuse hypnosis. There is no need to exceed the recommended time for staying in a trance. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite result - not to cure the psyche, but to weaken it.
    • Do not forget to properly bring a person out of a trance - after the session he should feel as comfortable and relaxed as before immersion in hypnosis
    • The room where the session will take place should be quiet, calm, and the lights should be dimmed. The hypnotist’s words are also pronounced quietly, monotonously, in a half-whisper.

    Don't expect to be able to put someone into a trance on the first try. Only people who have a certain gift from birth can do this. It is necessary to develop the skill of a hypnotist gradually.

    For a long time, it no longer seems strange when visiting a neurologist in a regular city clinic to be offered several sessions of hypnosis in order to slightly improve the psychological state. It has ceased to be something distant and mysterious, and has turned into a familiar method of psychological relaxation. But the fear remains. People are afraid of professionals who know how to put a person into hypnosis without him noticing. But there is nothing very complicated about these techniques. Many people can learn to do this on their own.

    Features of gypsy hypnosis

    Are there any special features of gypsy hypnosis? Practitioners use long-established techniques based on a combination of a special voice timbre, use and texts. Gypsies sometimes manage to hypnotize people simply with a look, but more often they use a complex technique. It consists of the following steps:

    1. Stopping attention with a random and habitual question: “How to get there?”, “Where is the nearest post office?”
    2. Establishing a trusting contact. It occurs at the subconscious level and is called “psychological rapport” by scientists. Gypsies influence the unconscious with gestures, glances, increased sexual attractiveness, and a sharp removal from the comfort zone. A complex set of actions has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years and is not of a conscious nature; it is similar to the instincts of animals and is also produced on a subconscious level.
    3. Checking the contact and condition with a sharp gesture.
    4. Work to achieve the desired result.

    This technique is adopted from the gypsies by the criminal world and is often used in business relationships. The basis of suggestive contact is both the person’s own hypnotizability and the presence of a material interest in the hypnotist’s proposal. You can resist it only with special knowledge. If you want to understand, it is better to take training from masters who specialize in this particular area.

    How to learn to hypnotize people yourself

    You can try on your own, at home, to practice techniques that enhance the impact of a gaze. The proposed practices will make it clear what degree and strength the gaze should be, and how best to focus it. To begin to understand how to hypnotize a person with your gaze, you need to regularly perform exercises aimed at training and focusing your gaze. Among them:

    • training to gaze intently and for a long time into the eyes of another person, without blinking or looking away;
    • focusing on a specific point, on a pencil near the face or an arbitrary point on the wall located at a distance of 2-3 meters for 10-15 minutes without losing concentration;
    • development of peripheral vision, for this you need a place with a wide view (stadium, crowded street), where you need to take a comfortable position and try to see as much as possible of what is happening to the right and left of the straight line.

    After you gain confidence in the power of your skill, you can start practicing on friends. For this:

    1. Choose a sufficiently suggestible and sensitive one, preferably a woman.
    2. Ask permission to put her into hypnosis, telling her about your training and intended goal. Without expressed desire and interest, most likely nothing will work out.
    3. It is convenient to sit opposite each other, making sure that in case of unexpected relaxation and loss of control the person does not get hurt.
    4. Ask your partner to select a point above the operator’s right eye and remain focused on it throughout the conversation, maintaining maximum possible degree concentration.
    5. In a practiced low voice, looking into the eyes, repeat the selected set of phrases several times, based on an introduction to relaxation. This can be either a classic technique with the phrase “your eyelids are getting heavier,” or a complex learned from any of the working trainers. It is advisable to find a complex that is suitable for a particular person and carefully rehearse it with a voice recorder, achieving the most confident sounding voice.
    6. After obtaining a relaxed state of the partner, “anchor” him, saying that complete relaxation will occur after touching his shoulder with his hand.
    7. After making sure that you are completely relaxed, report that your partner is hypnotized. He must grasp this state, accept it and feel its attractiveness.
    8. You can use standard combinations of words: “You only hear my voice,” or any others, but get the result in the form of an absolutely relaxed partner.

    Removal from the state should occur in 3 counts, with a quick push. The combination of sight and voice will not be sufficient without confidence in one's abilities and the effectiveness of the practice. Knowing how to lead a person into hypnosis will not be sufficient without the personal power of the operator himself. The impact occurs based on the laws of the human psyche,

    How to master hypnosis yourself at home - training and tips

    Why know how to put a person into hypnosis at home? Very often, this practice helps relieve fears or calm the inner child, treat early trauma and aid recovery from post-traumatic stress syndrome. While learning the secrets of hypnosis: how to put a person into a trance and force him to carry out his commands, one must not forget that all activities should be only positive in nature and aimed at treating diseases or relieving stress. It is quite difficult to learn how to put a person into hypnosis from books; it is better to take training from an already practicing master. Among the tips on how to hypnotize a person with your gaze, of which there are many on the Internet, it is better to find a course from a certified specialist and learn from him. To do this you need:

    Hypnosis can become a profession and it is better to be as careful as possible when choosing a teacher. By going to the page of a psychologist-hypnologist

    The first method to consider is hypnosis through fixation of an object. The hypnotizer asks the patient to concentrate his gaze on some object - a coin, a key or a pencil suspended on a rope.

    Objects can be anything, the main thing is that they are at a distance of at least 25 cm from the eyes of the person being hypnotized.

    When the patient concentrates on the subject, the hypnotist begins to make a series of suggestions. Required condition: words must be spoken in a monotonous voice, repeated and figurative in nature. First, the patient is instilled with a feeling of relaxation, drowsiness, heaviness, warmth, and then sleep.

    Previously, hypnotization was performed without verbal suggestions (for example, the Brad-Liebeault method), but nowadays influence accompanied by words is more common. Verbal formulations help to describe sensations, thanks to which the hypnotized person feels them more fully.

    The words are repeated so that the patient closes his eyes. If the latter does not want to close them, the psychotherapist resorts to counting. In this case, suggestion is resumed when counting from 1 to 10.

    However, counting doesn't always help either. In this case, the Bernheim method is used. According to him, you should hold your hand at a distance of several centimeters from the patient’s face and often move it from top to bottom and vice versa. During these actions, the suggestion is repeated: “Follow my hand - up, down, up, down - and you will want to sleep. You are getting more and more sleepy." Afterwards the person being hypnotized is told: “Now you can close your eyes.” The hypnotist then closes the patient's eyelids with his fingers.

    There is a method of simple verbal suggestion, which is carried out without using an object on which to concentrate the gaze. This method is used when it is difficult for the patient to concentrate on any subject.

    Hypnosis is carried out as follows: the patient lies down on the sofa, the hypnotist asks him to close his eyes and makes a verbal suggestion.

    Abbot Faria proposed a method in 1813, which was later named after him. Hypnosis through enchantment was especially common in India among fakirs and magicians. However, now this technique is used very rarely. Instead of fixing the gaze on the object, the patient should look into the eyes of the hypnotist. In medicine, this method is used mainly in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, and also in case of imbalance of the patient.

    An example of a suggestion made by a hypnotist: “Look into my eyes. Your gaze becomes heavier, heavier, your arms become heavy, your legs become heavy, your whole body becomes heavier. Your eyes are closing, but keep them open as long as you can look into my eyes. Your eyelids become heavy, they become heavy like lead. You fall asleep, you fall asleep."

    When the patient closes his eyes, the therapist says: “Your eyelids are stuck together, you will not be able to open them until I order you.” After this, the patient is seated in a chair.

    The main difficulty of this method is that the hypnotist must look into the patient’s eyes without looking away or blinking. In order to learn this, the doctor must train daily. In addition, with this method, the hypnotist himself runs the risk of being hypnotized.

    Also in hypnosis, a rather complex method of raising the hand is used. It was proposed by Erikson in 1923 and is called American. In order to successfully apply this technique, special training is required. Its main advantage is that the patient himself participates in the process of hypnotherapy.

    The hypnotist says the following words: “I want you to sit comfortably in a chair and relax. Sit down with your hands on your hips. Yes, yes. Look at your hands. Watch them carefully, but at the same time relax, do not tense up. Watch what happens during relaxation. The phenomena you observe happen all the time when you relax, but you didn’t notice them before. I'll let you know when they happen. Focus on all your sensations, record them. Whatever these phenomena may be, remember them. You may feel itching or a slight tingling sensation, or maybe feel heaviness in your arm. It doesn’t matter at all what exactly you are experiencing, the main thing is to observe it. Don't take your eyes off your hand. She is motionless and calm. For now it remains in its place, but there are already barely perceptible movements in it. You don’t feel them, but you look at your hand without looking away. Try to catch the moment when the movements become more noticeable.”

    The person being hypnotized focuses all his attention on own hand. He wants to find out what will happen next, because he is sure that his sensations are completely natural, that he experiences them all the time in appropriate conditions. The doctor does not impose his will on him, so the patient does not consider the therapist’s words as a suggestion. This, in fact, is what the hypnotist must achieve.

    The patient correlates the emerging phenomena with the words of the psychotherapist, and he has corresponding reactions. For example, a completely natural movement of the fingers, which the doctor points out immediately, barely noticing. The psychotherapist must carefully observe the patient’s behavior, notice the slightest changes and movements of the hypnotized person.

    Then the doctor continues the suggestion. He may say the following: “We will see which of your fingers moves first. Perhaps it will be the little finger, or the index finger, or the ring finger... or maybe the big or middle finger... You will notice when one of them shudders and moves. You can't know which one it is, so watch your hand carefully. Look, your little finger has moved. You see, your fingers are moving apart, the spaces between them are increasing... The fingers are moving apart more and more, the space between them is increasing.”

    The doctor, unnoticed by the patient, makes him a suggestion. The hypnotized person thinks that his fingers move apart on their own, that is, without any influence, but this happens due to the suggestion of the hypnotist. Thus, if the patient spreads his fingers, then the suggestion is working. The hypnotist appears to be stating a fact, but in reality he is controlling the patient's actions.

    Meanwhile, the doctor continues: “Your fingers move apart, after which they begin to bend on their own. Look: bends and rises middle finger, the index finger is bent. (at the same time the patient’s fingers begin to bend). You feel light, your hand becomes lighter and lighter. She gets up. slowly, easily, your hand rises. Look at your hand, you see how it becomes lighter and lighter. At the same time, you feel tired in your eyes and feel sleepy. You want to sleep more and more. Your eyelids become heavy as lead. You want to close your eyes. Your hand rises higher and higher. The higher your hand rises, the more you want to sleep. You want more and more to feel relaxed, close your eyes and fall asleep.”

    It should be noted here: raising your hand and falling asleep reinforce each other. That is, the higher the patient raises his hand, the more sleepy he becomes. The therapist says the following: “Your hand rises towards your face. Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, you want to sleep more and more. You feel increasingly sleepy. the hand rises to the face. When the hand touches your face, you will fall asleep (here the patient touches his hand to his face and falls asleep).”

    Along with other methods, the so-called metronome method is successfully used. It is based on the fact that, to the rhythmic beat of a metronome, the hypnotist suggests to the patient that he is falling asleep. The metronome beats help the hypnotized person to concentrate and distract from extraneous stimuli. Many techniques are based on this technique, in particular the technique of I. Platonov, I. Velvovsky and many others. The metronome can be replaced by a clock, monotonous rustling, knocking.

    Simultaneously with monotonous sounds, you should say: “You are in a state of mental peace, you are overcome by drowsiness. You feel pleasant bliss, warmth spreads throughout your body, and you feel drowsy. Your arms and legs become heavy, your eyelids become heavy, and you fall asleep. Can you hear my voice?

    It should be noted that all the phrases of the psychotherapist report on events that have already occurred. The hypnotist does not say what is going to happen, he states the fact: “you have already fallen asleep,” and not “you will fall asleep.”

    An almost irreplaceable attribute of a hypnotist is some shiny object, for example metal ball. Thus, V. Rozhnov proposes the following method, based on the use of a shiny object. The patient must fix his gaze on a metal object (a ball or the tip of a hammer). The therapist says: “Relax. Lie down quietly and listen carefully to my words. Don't think about anything extraneous. You want to sleep, your eyelids become heavy. You feel a pleasant warmth spreading throughout your entire body. The muscles of the legs and arms, face, neck, and head relax. You want to sleep. I will count to ten, and when I say the number ten, you will fall asleep.”

    The method of D. Kogan and V. Faibushevich is of interest. It's pretty simple. The psychotherapist says the following words: “Lie there without thinking about anything, get comfortable. I will read you an excerpt from a poem.

    As you read, you will calm down and you will feel a feeling of warmth in your body. Your thoughts will stop bothering you, you will fall into slumber. You will fall asleep more and more, more and more soundly. When I finish reading, you will fall asleep. Nothing will disturb you, all extraneous sounds and thoughts will go away.”

    Shock methods

    As already mentioned, in addition to methods of influencing analyzers with monotonous stimuli, there are so-called shock methods. J. Charcot used exactly this method, which was later named after him.

    In this technique, the patient is told to stand with his back to the chair. The hypnotist stands by right side from him and says: “You will now fall into a deep sleep. Stand straight, straight, do not bend over. Close your eyes". After the suggestion, the doctor places his right hand on the patient’s forehead and his left hand on the back of the head. Having tilted the patient's head back, the psychotherapist suggests: “You are swinging freely” - and at the same time presses on the head of the hypnotized person. The latter begins to swing, the doctor pushes him, increasing the amplitude each time. At the same time, he repeats: “You lean back, but you are not afraid of falling. I'm holding you."

    The doctor rocks the patient harder and harder. Sharply pressing on the patient’s forehead, the hypnotist lowers him onto the sofa and loudly orders: “Sleep! Deeper, stronger, sleep!”

    Suggestion is accompanied by a sharp sound, such as a bang or a blow, or a flash of light. The patient then immediately falls into a hypnotic sleep. This method works most effectively on hysterical patients.

    Fractional method

    This technique was developed jointly by Fogg and Kretschmer.

    Its main feature is that it allows people who are distrustful of suggestion or who are unsure of the effectiveness of this therapy to be put into a hypnotic state. The doctor puts the patient into a shallow trance, after which he says: “I will count to three. On the count of three you will wake up, after which I will again put you into hypnosis, but this time longer and deeper.” When the patient wakes up, he is asked to talk about the sensations he experienced and what prevented him from falling asleep. The doctor must analyze the patient’s words and carry out the next introduction to hypnosis taking into account previous mistakes. If necessary (if the patient is agitated), the second session is also interrupted for a few minutes, during which the patient is calmed down.

    Further this method has been slightly improved. Thus, questions about the patient’s well-being were asked not during pauses, but while he was in hypnotic sleep.

    Method "Confusion"

    If the previous method is recommended for use in cases where the patient is afraid to enter a hypnotic sleep, then this technique is intended for patients who are skeptical and dismissive of hypnotic therapy. The essence of this method is that the patient is given several different suggestions that are opposite in meaning and require a quick switch of attention.

    For example, the doctor tells you to move your left hand and keep your right hand motionless. However, the patient does not yet have time to fulfill the demand when the psychotherapist repeats the command, but now asks to move right hand. Usually the patient thinks that the doctor made a mistake the first time and carries out a different command, that is, he gets confused. Then the hypnotist asks you to raise both hands up, but at the same time lower one down. The patient does not understand what exactly is required of him and what command needs to be followed, so he hopes to hear at least one normal sentence. The doctor does not allow the patient to come to his senses and repeats new commands, which are equally contradictory. When the patient is completely confused, he is given the command to close his eyes and fall asleep.

    Advanced Methods

    Here are several techniques that require more skill and experience from the psychotherapist than the previous ones.

    Method "5-4-3-2-1"

    The essence of this method is as follows: the doctor does not simply instill in the patient a certain attitude, but disguises it. That is, first he makes several statements, with which the hypnotized person consistently agrees, and only then directly adds the command that needs to be suggested. This technique includes five stages.

    First stage

    The hypnotist makes four statements that describe what the hypnotized person sees in the present moment. The fifth thing, the one with which the patient must agree, the doctor adds afterwards. Similarly, the therapist makes four statements that describe what the patient hears. The fifth contains a suggestion, which is added to the general series last. Then come sentences containing information about how the patient feels, and a suggestion is added in the same way.

    Second phase

    It differs from the first in the number of statements stating facts and the number of suggestions. That is, the doctor gives three “true” statements about what the patient sees, hears and feels, and adds two suggestions.

    Third stage

    Here the number of statements is two, and the number of suggestions, on the contrary, increases to three. Thus, the doctor describes with two statements what the patient actually perceives with visual, auditory and tactile analyzers, and with three statements he makes a suggestion.

    Fourth stage

    The number of suggestions reaches four, but there is only one statement - about what the patient sees, hears and feels.

    Fifth stage

    At this stage, the psychotherapist only suggests, without stating the facts.

    The exit from the hypnotic state should be done slowly, gradually, so as not to traumatize the patient’s psyche. During hypnosis, the therapist must describe not only tangible stimuli, such as the beats of a metronome, but also images or sounds that a person would not normally pay attention to (breathing, the barely audible ticking of the second hand of a watch, and so on). Suggestion is added so that the hypnotized person has the illusion that he himself feels, sees and hears it, but at the subconscious level (with inner vision, hearing).

    Triple Helix Method

    This technique was proposed by M. Erickson. Its difficulty is that it requires maximum composure and concentration from the psychotherapist. First, the doctor tells the patient a story. However, without finishing it, he breaks off in the middle and begins another story, also cutting it off in the middle. The hypnotist tells the third story in its entirety, after which he finishes the first. As a result, the patient does not remember all three stories, but only the first and second. The third story is very quickly erased from memory, so it is in the third story that the doctor includes a command for the patient. In this chapter we have given only the most commonly used techniques for introducing special states of consciousness. In fact, there are a huge number of them. Moreover, each psychotherapist himself chooses the most acceptable method for him to introduce the patient into a hypnotic sleep, supplementing the already created method with his own techniques. Therefore, it is impossible to completely determine the pattern by which people should be put into a state of hypnosis.

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