• The woman is a bitch. Good or bad? Who is a female bitch: advantages and disadvantages


    Bitches - who are they? Why do women become bitches?

    What kind of men love bitches?

    Today we will talk about this.

    One of my friends approached me with a problem:

    Throughout his life, he is seduced by bitchy women. Inaccessible, fearless, assertive, sharp-tongued. But nothing worked with them, except that they promoted him with money and expensive gifts. Then they simply parted. And age already says that it’s time to have a family and children. He cannot fall in love with an ordinary girl; they lack some kind of drive.

    Naturally, changing your preferences and habits is very difficult, sometimes even impossible.

    But women are also different. If a girl is very bright and temperamental, this does not mean that she will be unfaithful and dishonest.

    You need to learn to distinguish between these concepts.

    There may be an element of bitchiness in your chosen one - she can be assertive, ironic, wear high heels And long nails. But in essence, she can also be kind, decent, and willing to start a family.

    If a “bad girl” appears on your way, do not rush to fall in love with her. Take a closer look at her. Watch what could be hidden behind this image? Maybe she was offended by some man before you and her self-defense mechanism turned on? But in fact, she is “white and fluffy.”

    Communicate with her on an intellectual level, have a heart-to-heart talk. Find out what her life values ​​are?

    If a woman is a “dummy” inside and simply uses men, you will immediately understand it.

    And if you realize that she is really decent, femme fatale, then love her to your health!

    Why do women become bitches?

    Let's look at some categories of images of women; naturally, they are conventional.

    • I imitate – a friend, sister, mother or famous actress. Such girls believe that such an image attracts the attention of the opposite sex.
    • I am rebellious and I have a strong character - These girls have too much aggression and male hormones. Her life motto is constant struggle, fighting with men. In this fight they are used to emerging victorious.

    If love flows monotonously, without thrills, then it simply loses its value.

    • I protect myself from men. Such girls believe that if you are sincere and kind with men, then they can deceive her, take advantage of her and will not appreciate her. Before this I already had a sad experience of such communication.

    At one point, she tried to try on the image of a bitch and uses it as armor, so as not to show her true face and a vulnerable soul.

    There is an aphorism: “If your wings are clipped, come fly on a broom.”

    • I am unprincipled, there is emptiness inside, a desire to manipulate and take advantage of men . Such girls show an internal hostility towards male. They use them as a source of money.
    • “I am a far-fetched image” . Such girls have lost hope of organizing their personal lives. Having read various books on bitchology, or even taken “bitch courses,” they invent for themselves an image according to the scenario of which they try to live. This phenomenon is now very common.

    What kind of men love bitches?

    • So called "hunters". Such men love thrills and adventure.
    • Indecisive, internally weak and soft men. Usually such men try to find girls who can give those emotions and energy that they so lack. When men win such girls, their self-esteem increases, it seems to them that they are becoming stronger, bolder and more courageous.
    • Men who want the best, who love to be the center of attention.

    They adhere to the following position: “If you love the queen!” For them, a woman acts as a business card. Therefore, the girl must be stunning: beautiful, bright and rebellious. Men do not pay attention to other qualities.

    • Men who are convinced that all women are bitches.

    In a word, misogynists. Such men will not be able to discern truly decent girls, since they believe that all women are materialistic, scandalous and unfaithful, using men for their own selfish purposes.

    We conducted a small survey among men - which qualities of a woman are more significant to them and received the following results:

    About 20% The men surveyed said - a mystery woman, tender, sensual, vulnerable and weak.

    About25% - a female friend, understanding, smart, able to share interests.

    About 23% - a woman-housewife, homely, caring and practical.

    And 32% - A woman with a sparkle, bright, passionate, temperamental, defiant and courageous.

    If you remember the movie “Very Bad Teacher” starring Cameron Diaz, the heroine was a real bitch. She simply drove men crazy, but everything changed dramatically as soon as she truly fell in love.

    The conclusion suggests itself: love really works wonders, but it must be mutual!

    Greetings to everyone who accidentally stumbled upon my site! Who is this woman bitch? This short article will give you the answer to this question.

    Woman Bitch: Definition

    Origin of the word: obsolete Russian “bitch” - carrion, the corpse of an animal, also a vulture - an animal that feeds on carrion, carrion.

    A bitch is a strong, independent and purposeful lady. She is smart, well-mannered, well-groomed. He knows his worth and has a great grasp of the science of winning people over. First of all, representatives of the opposite sex.

    A bitch is a female person who deliberately and purposefully causes moral and material harm to others.

    This is an extremely narcissistic woman. She is capable of doing any abomination, as long as the person she likes is with her. Nothing will stop her - neither the fact that he is married, nor the fact that he is her friend's boyfriend.

    She is selfish and calculating, she does not care about other people's emotions. The classic bitch is a dangerous thing. She looks great and takes care of herself. Lives strictly by his own rules.

    Why do bitches still scare men away?

    Men themselves are big egoists. They subconsciously feel that bitches don’t like them. Today she confesses her love, but tomorrow she doesn’t need you. Rarely does anyone accept that they love him only for his money. Who needs such a fate? Of course, there are extreme sportsmen among men. But most need a real, sincere woman's love and they will respond in kind.

    Who is considered a bitch?

    Sometimes we ask ourselves: why are there so many bitchy natures among female bosses? In fact, there is nothing surprising here. By nature, bitches are very powerful; they love to subjugate those around them to their will.

    Everyone has watched the film (more than once!) “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” about the search for love and the friendship of three friends. Which one is the bitch?

    Antonina Buyanova is the most modest of the company. The first one got married and is happily married to her beloved husband Nikolai. She doesn’t look like a bitch either externally or internally.

    Katerina Tikhomirova is the main character. Outwardly she looks like a bitch, but inside she is filled with willpower, kindness, and decency. She is trusting and honest. No, it’s not a bitch on the inside...

    Lyudmila Sviridova - bright and lively, cares only about her own appearance. She came to the capital for a good life, she is very ambitious and cheerful, she dresses according to latest fashion. The goal is to find wealthy man.

    She married hockey player Gurin, who gradually drank himself to death due to the lack of warmth, support, children and earthly love. But it could have been different! She's a bitch, but not evil. She's a good friend. More often than not, bitches are more “poisonous”.

    Is being a bitch good or bad? Women even go to special courses. Who is this woman bitch? Let's analyze the positive and negative aspects classic bitch:


    • Self-sufficient and independent
    • Well-groomed, even if she does not have an ideal appearance, she knows how to present herself
    • I am 200% confident in myself, at least outwardly.
    • Sexually uninhibited
    • Knows how to get his way by deftly managing people
    • Willpower, self-improvement
    • Monitors posture and figure (swimming pool, gym)
    • Well maintained view requires constant work
    • Optimism


    • There is no sincerity and warmth,
    • Cold calculation and subtle game,
    • Loves himself and only himself,
    • I’m ready to go overboard for the sake of the goal,
    • Playing on male instincts, she doesn’t care about the soul,
    • Meanness.

    Let's conclude: The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. The world is as you see it. Choose where to live and build your own world!

    “Our whole life is a game” - you can live and play different roles, put on masks. Be an actress for life. You can remain yourself, determine the values ​​of life and remember that life, unfortunately, is very short. And you need to live it in such a way that you are not ashamed of yourself and your loved ones.

    “And sometimes I want to be a bitch, to shake men’s wallets and nerves,
    Look with narrowed eyes, speak through clenched teeth,
    Not to be too cunning, not to be too stupid.
    But here’s the problem: for those who believe in feelings, bitchiness is an inaccessible art.”

    Dear readers, leave tips from personal experience or suggestions on this topic in the comments. Is the answer to the question clear in the article: Who is a female bitch? 🙂 Thank you!

    Don't be happy about the call when he should be happy that you answered it.
    Don't make concessions if it infringes on your interests.
    Don’t cancel your entire day’s plans because he “comes once a month anyway.”
    Don’t wait for a call in the middle of the night, even when you’re getting sleepy, turn off your phone and go to sleep.
    Don't fall in love with eyes that know how to blatantly lie to your face.
    Don't be sad when he doesn't call you, but he's online all night.
    Don't cry when he forgets your birthday.
    Don't think that he has changed since he started showing more attention because you have a new friend...
    Don't cry when it seems to you that he doesn't love you anymore.
    Don’t re-read his messages when you quarrel to make it easier.
    Feel free to put an end to it.
    The one who needs it will make sure that you don’t have to push your interests into the background.
    The one who needs it will come at least every day.
    Anyone who needs it, despite being busy, will find 5 minutes a day to hear you.
    The one who needs it will call early and ask you not to go to bed, because he will call you back.
    The one who needs it will not lie, if only because he has nothing to hide.
    The one who needs it won't let you sit online all night.
    The one who needs it will not only not forget about your birthday, he will spend it with you.
    The one who needs it will not allow you to make a new acquaintance.
    The one who needs it will not give a reason to think that he no longer loves.
    The one who needs it will not hang up until everything is cleared up and you make peace.
    The one who needs it will know by heart what you did/are doing/will do today.
    He will always be there, even if there are kilometers between you.
    He will be confident in you and will give you the same.
    Because he really needs it.
    Don't hang out with a loser.
    Not the only pebble on the beach. Comments: 4

    01/14/2011 at 19:53 Blog

    The truth about bitches. 5 lessons of stervology

    What does it mean if you are told “bitch”? Perhaps this is a compliment? What makes a woman a woman, at the sight of whom men cry at the same time from happiness and pain - they know that they will not feel so good with any woman, and they also know that their heart is already at the seams. Comparing historical facts, literary sources and personal experience, I was once again convinced that they idolize bitches, not sheep.
    And on this occasion I am going to tell you several lessons, consisting of theoretical and practical parts.
    Lesson one or “I” - the first letter in the alphabet

    Some men consider the word 'bitch' to be a dirty word. This is because they are powerless. Representatives of the stronger sex consider literate women and girls who know their worth well to be bitches. So we will use this term for the sole purpose of accustoming our ears to it and not being offended if someone calls you that.

    A bitch is not at all a disheveled girl in worn-out jeans who nags her boyfriend for an extra bottle of beer and inflicts petty executions on her girlfriends. Oh no! It's a girl highest quality- special, exotic, luxurious. And the most interesting thing is

    that in each, absolutely each of us there lives a bitch.

    A bitch begins with boundless self-love. She can't help but love herself. If she begins to treat herself badly, then her entire radiant appearance will deflate like a punctured balloon. Dear girls! The first step on the path to happiness is the ability to love yourself without offending others! If you want to be a queen always and everywhere, then remember: you have no right not to love yourself. To cultivate narcissism, you don’t need to be born the daughter of Rockefeller and look like Claudia Schiffer. In order to love yourself, you need to learn to live today, now, this minute.


    You promise that you will never think this way again:

    Tomorrow I will lie in the bathroom, tomorrow I will finally take off my jeans and put on a skirt that has been languishing in the farthest corner of the closet for three months, tomorrow I will go to the hairdresser, and perhaps the day after tomorrow, with oohs and aahs, I will still get ready for shaping. You will promise that there will be no more foggy tomorrows, only joyful today. Where are you - the most long-awaited guest, the best client, the most charming girlfriend. And forget, forget about everyone. At least until you get used to the idea that you are wonderful and good without any additions or corrections. When this happens, you may well give your loved ones a piece of your love.

    Lesson 2: catch your luck, that is, Pumpkin!

    You probably remember the fairy tale where Cinderella, thanks to a pumpkin, turned from a downtrodden little scoundrel into a first-class bitch who throws away expensive shoes and forces the unfortunate prince to crawl on his knees and try on her shoe for all the young ladies in the city. In general, the moral of this fable is this: your combat arsenal should always include only the best and most fashionable. You'll have to try hard with your clothes. But the result is worth it: first of all, you will know WHAT you are wearing. You will always be ready for unexpected turns of events: if you suddenly fall in love, if you are suddenly invited to a wedding (as a bride), then you will never have to bite your elbows because now you are wearing the wrong pants, the wrong boots and not the same stockings.


    First, you need to critically examine your entire wardrobe: from your jacket to your underwear. Everything that does not cause delight in you needs to be sent to the trash bin or by mail to the village of a second cousin (preferably a fourth cousin) somewhere in the village of Zakhukhaevkoe (or a more decent one). Before you start updating your wardrobe, go to our expensive stores and find out exactly what suits you, what is fashionable, what will go with what. Let this be only three things, but what ones! When you go shopping, don’t take your girlfriend with you - usually they persuade you to buy what they want, and not what really suits you. As for makeup, you have to approach it individually, so I can’t say anything. But remember: the price of both cosmetics and clothing does not guarantee quality, so see for yourself.

    Lesson 3: Hunting Super Bison

    So, when you have prepared mentally and physically for the role of a bitch, then it’s time to go after the super bison, that is, real men. As you know, simply bison, they are men, are an endangered species, and super bison, that is, real men, are generally something from the realm of fantasy. But we are not looking for simple ways, are we? So where do urban bison graze? In the area of ​​your interests. And these are all kinds of exhibitions about virtual swirls, bars, motorcycle clubs, saunas, shops men's clothing, office equipment stores and car dealerships. You have two huge advantages over other girls who are not bitches. Firstly, they are sure that the men themselves will come and catch them in nets, like a fisherman, so in men's area interests will never appear. And secondly, all the guys will be simply paralyzed with delight: they have long been tired of lonely bachelor parties, and the appearance of a beautiful girl who can distinguish a bumper from a trunk and at the same time wears translucent shirts, like a UFO phenomenon. Only beware of cunning bitches like you.


    You were noticed, as his glances, smiles, and words indicate. Answer him in the same way - interested looks, smiles, words. Just no mediocre ones: “I don’t know. Well, what can I tell you?” You don’t know what it’s like to blush, turn pale and giggle stupidly. Act as if you had known for a long time that he would come up to you to meet you. Intrigue with a sharp word, smart quote or with your curls, which you so gracefully straightened. Always end the conversation first. If you played your role flawlessly, then to the phrase: “I have to go,” he will respond with an invitation to a date.

    Lesson 4: How to tame a wild mustang?

    When you congratulate yourself on your first bitchy victory, don’t think that this is the same happy ending. It's too early to wallow in bay leaves. The hardest part is yet to come. You need to tame him so that he doesn’t even think about his freedom until you throw him out the door, and then he, like Eugene Onegin, exclaims: “Hateful freedom!” And then there will be letters with blurred lines and bouquets of red roses in front of the door every day. Bloodthirsty? And, in my opinion, it’s very nice.


    First, speak up. About him, his merits, talents, prospects, suits, about his computer and cats. Secondly, listen. His thoughts about His talents, about His prospects, suits and cats. If you are real woman, you will be able to ask the right questions, even without understanding anything about the subject he is hotly discussing. Try not to yawn and, as much as possible, concentrate on one representative of the male tribe. At least at this moment. Look like a sincere and understanding, but not compassionate mommy. Third, look him in the eyes. Silently. For a long time. Passionately. Calling. Fourth, hide your past, even if your friend was the first cloned man on Earth. Boys are jealous. And never ask him about past loves. Girls are jealous too. Why compare how he loved that one and how he loves you now? Everything for the first time, the very first time. Fifth, never engage in emotional striptease. Be frank, but don't lose your mystery. He shouldn't get to know all of you. As soon as you stop teasing his imagination, he will wag his tail and slip away, no matter how you look at him, no matter how silent you are, no matter how you seduce him. Sixth, please re-read all the above points again. And try to remember them better, so that when you put them into practice, you don’t look at the cheat sheet like a careless seventh grader.

    Never be white, affectionate and fluffy like Snow White. I'm good. Sounds like an excuse. All this nonsense that the way to the heart is through his stomach is completely unjustified. When you get married, then it will most likely make sense. And now these boys are not looking for a universal food processor, not a psychoanalyst, not an Emergency Nurse, but a Girl. If you think that he will appreciate that you neglected lectures for his sake, quarreled with your parents, stopped eating chocolate, walk in high heels and don’t sleep at night, then you are deeply mistaken. After eating your pancakes, he will say; "Nerd!" - and will go in search of something more peppery. And he will be right. It's better to be the worst person in the world than a dandelion girl.


    If, when he sees you, his eyes no longer burn with the flame of love, then you can conduct an experiment. So, he should come, and you have prepared a surprise for him. Candles, champagne, candies, pineapples and strawberries, two wine glasses. Cigarette bulls. You meet him a little drunk, drunk and damn beautiful. His eyes sparkled again; “Who was it?” - “Oh, an acquaintance!” - and not a word more... the fool will scream, and you will understand how wrong you were about him. Smart, and then your happiness will catch the hint on the fly. He will become attentive, seductive, but you don’t give in. You must again become a prize for him in the fight against an unknown opponent. And only when he - pitiful, in love, exhausted - asks for mercy, can you graciously caress him. Because you really love him...

    Comments: 14

    01/19/2011 at 21:24 Blog

    Bitchy expressions!!!

    1) I will play adult games with you if you like to lose...
    2) Have you been called an Angel? Or maybe you're just a miracle in feathers? 3)
    Before you say that your life is chocolate, make sure it is chocolate...
    4) The devils carefully examined my soul, then politely returned it back, and ran to wash their hands!
    5) Of course, I know that this is not modest, but God forbid everyone is like me!))
    6) The brain consists of 80% fluid. And not only is it sluggish, many people haven’t been specifically topped up yet...
    7) If I fall, don't laugh you idiot, make a wish, a star has fallen
    You don’t need to kiss my feet - I’m not proud... I’ll wipe them on you myself...
    9) I would save the world, but I’m already in my pajamas...
    10) When you are beautiful, plus you have brains, you can trip over the stacks of.....
    11) He: girl, it seems to us that we are on the same path. She: I don’t think so, I don’t give a fuck!
    12) If you feel guilty, the main thing is not to turn around, stand there and leave.
    13) Pay attention - SKIRTINTH...And remember - this is exactly your level!
    14) Beautiful girl always evokes the idea that she has someone. As a result, it either goes to no one, or to someone who is not capable of any thought.
    15) “I want a guy who’s like, “Ah!”, and all around him: “Oh, fuck...”
    16) Find my conscience and I will say that I am guilty))
    17) I'm so smart! I'll go buy myself something for this)
    18) I look and think, you’re a healthy closet, but the mezzanine is empty
    19) I can’t remain faithful for long, it quickly deteriorates
    20) I love flirting, I love to smile, say and hear compliments, leave light traces of hope in the hearts of men... But know, I haven’t cheated on any of my boyfriends...
    21) Treat me like a child, control me, teach me... I will kick, get angry, disobey, but if you succeed...... I will stay with you forever……….
    22) I will live the way you are embarrassed!
    23) Anyone can offend me... but not everyone has time to apologize
    24) So what if the wind is in your head?! But the thoughts are always fresh...
    25) If I live, I will see, if I live, I will know, if I live, I will take into account
    26) A woman should belong to the man who will solve problems and not create new ones.
    27) I know about my complex character... I don’t care!... You can either love me or hate me. Both of these suit me completely.
    28) Don’t destroy my nerve cells, my nervous tigers live in them...
    29) I want to turn away from the path of debauchery... But there are not enough turns
    30) My thin heel trampled your soul...Do you care? You will marry a cow...You will watch TV and drink beer. And I continue to live the same way... BEAUTIFUL!
    31) I don’t talk to strangers in bed.
    32) They say that everything passes, Well, come on, pass it already, you’re blocking my future
    33) Stupid girls drunk call their ex, smart girls call their future!
    34) Where can I get to you? It will take a very long time to go down...
    35) I understand that the house should be cleaned and there should be something to eat. I just don’t understand, what does this have to do with me?
    36) wonderful girls don’t lie on the road. they need to be taken away from idiots who don’t value them..]
    37) I’m a very polite girl... and even when I send a person to three places, I always call back and worry... did he get there successfully!)))
    38) There are a lot of missed messages on our mobile, simply because the bag is big and too lazy to look
    40)Thank you for having me..
    41) don’t follow him, it flatters him, take care of yourself, love yourself so much that you become envious
    42) My whim is your problem)))
    43) Don’t trust your lips that say “go away”, but believe your eyes that ask you to “wait”
    44) At night I cry, screaming in pain. And in the morning I get up, put on heels, a dress, a smile and move on with life...
    45) If beauty saves the world, then all hope lies only in me!
    46)My body is your reward, and my character is your punishment.
    47) It’s better to look good than to cook well
    48)Forget you? What you! I would like to remember you first.
    50) it’s probably very cynical to lie in bed with a man and say to yourself: “I’m sleeping in a new place, I dreamed about the bridegroom”

    If a Libra girl has a problem, she does not become angry and does not take it out on anyone. She is a sweet, peaceful angel who would rather be unhappy herself than allow others to be unhappy. She believes in justice, equality and harmony, even if it comes at her expense. She seeks to resolve disputes rather than provoke them. If you ever have problems with a Libra, it will be obvious to everyone that you are the bitch.

    1. Fish

    Soft, helpful and non-conflicting, Pisces are very sweet. They hate fighting and conflicts, meanness and gossip - everything that girls, as a rule, do among themselves in company. If you try to start a fight with a Pisces, they will simply turn around and swim away.

    1. Taurus

    The Taurus girl is patient and long-suffering. Sensitive to self-criticism, she never criticizes others. She is warm and generous, and will give you her last dime if you need help. If you try hard enough, her inner bitch will eventually come out and you'll have a hard time. That's why you shouldn't drive good people crazy.

    1. Aquarius

    Known for her friendliness and kindness, the Aquarius girl has no time for squabbles or scandals. She also has no time for cruel and insensitive people. But this does not mean that she will tolerate it when they try to wipe their feet on her - Aquarius is born a rebel and is not going to put up with cruel treatment. If you treat an Aquarius girl harshly, you will not receive birthday wishes from her, at least this year.

    1. Sagittarius

    Although she is prone to restlessness and impatience, the Sagittarius girl rarely allows herself to become hostile or aggressive - she is an optimist by nature, and this helps her enjoy life in a cruel and unfair world. If you misbehave, she won't grab you by the hair, she'll just zone out, shake her head and walk away.

    1. Twins

    As a rule, Geminis are pleasant, kind and sociable. However, they are prone to spreading gossip, which is where their bitchiness lies. The tendency to spread rumors about others, true or false, is its dark essence. If you want to see this side of her nature, expose her to all the false rumors she has been spreading. She will begin to be indignant so loudly that those around her will fall silent and open their mouths.

    A Cancer girl can be pleasant or irritable, depending on her mood. This is one of the most capricious signs of the Zodiac. If you catch her in good mood, she will hug, kiss you and tell you how good you are. But if you catch her in disheveled feelings, look for shelter. At such moments she becomes an uncontrollable bitch!

    The Leo girl is soft, friendly, forgiving and smiling. But hidden in the harmless, purring kitten is the heart of a lioness. When she gets angry, she may say something so insensitive and cruel that it is sure to bring you to tears. That's why it's best to be on time to feed and nurture this kitten, otherwise you risk running into an angry lioness.

    1. Virgo

    When a Virgo becomes bitchy, it doesn't express itself in physical violence or direct verbal abuse. No, she practices a much harsher, passive-aggressive form of criticism. She will make a couple of compliments that contain an insult. For example: “Finally, on you Nice dress and great hairstyle! God bless!"

    1. Aries

    The Aries girl is courageous, assertive, passionate and energetic. However, she is also an impatient, hyperactive, aggressive, stubborn, arrogant and bitchy person. The Aries girl is not the most bitchy among all the signs of the Zodiac, but she will not fail to prove the opposite to everyone.

    1. Capricorn

    The Capricorn girl is the ice queen of contempt when she decides to show her bitchiness. She has a lot of patience, but as soon as you anger or hurt her, you will feel a cold sweat engulf your body. She will not slap you in front of the public or cause a scandal, but she will spread such gossip about you among those around you that you will not be able to restore your reputation for the rest of your life.

    1. Scorpion

    Venomously stern, this is the kind of sign you don't want to anger at gunpoint, because he will take revenge with the calculation and composure of a serial killer. Looks like a Scorpio girl critical days never ends! She is combative, distrustful, angry and vindictive. Oh sure, she can be nice when you don't upset her. But if you ever make this mistake, never turn your back on her - as soon as you do, her giant scorpion tail will immediately be stabbed into you.

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