• 6th obstetric week of pregnancy woman's feelings. How does embryo development occur? weeks of pregnancy from conception


    In the article we discuss the 6th week of pregnancy. We will tell you how a woman feels at 6 weeks of pregnancy, what sensations occur in the body, and what the fetus looks like at this stage. You will find out what can go wrong at 6 weeks of pregnancy, whether there may be discharge, pain in the lower abdomen and toxicosis.

    6th week of pregnancy - signs and symptoms

    At 6 weeks of pregnancy, changes in the body are already noticeable

    There are two different concepts - these are obstetric and embryonic weeks. At the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy, the embryo is only 4 weeks old. Future mothers, be sure to focus on obstetric term, which is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. It is according to the obstetric period that gynecologists register and determine the expected date of birth.

    In the sixth week, the child develops by leaps and bounds. If a woman did not know about her pregnancy before this period, since many symptoms may be mild, then after 6 weeks from the moment of conception all the signs and sensations of the birth of a new life begin. During the 6th week of pregnancy, the breasts change, become more sensitive, and their size changes. All these symptoms occur due to hormonal changes in the body.

    It is at this time that many women first feel toxicosis, increased sensitivity throughout the body, and react acutely to any odors.. The sense of smell and touch changes, everything familiar becomes different.

    Heartburn may occur. The reason is the outflow of contents from the gastrointestinal tract into the esophagus. Unfortunately, this condition can accompany a pregnant woman throughout her entire pregnancy, but there is a way to get rid of it. To do this, you need to walk around after eating, and if possible try not to lie down. It is also recommended to take acid neutralizing agents. Frequent walks on fresh air, long, sound sleep, as well as a positive attitude will help push poor health into the background.

    Changes in the mother's body at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    During the sixth week of pregnancy, not only emotional but also physical changes occur in the mother’s body. The breasts enlarge, become denser, and the nipples may darken.

    The mammary glands may be painful to the touch, as hormonal changes prepare them for lactation.

    The size of the uterus changes at 6 weeks of pregnancy as the baby develops rapidly. The size of the ovum at 6 weeks of pregnancy will be different for everyone, since there is no clear norm. On average, if the period is calculated correctly, then by this time the embryo can reach 18 mm, but usually 11-15 mm.

    The woman’s blood test results for progesterone, hCG and other hormones also change. The norm of progesterone at the 6th week of pregnancy is 18.6-21.7 in ng/ml, 59.1-69 in nmol/l.

    In the sixth week from the moment of conception, the belly is not yet noticeable, but if you find that fat folds are appearing, then consult a specialist. Sometimes this happens due to hormonal changes, because fats are not distributed correctly in the body.

    Feelings in the sixth week of pregnancy

    The sensations intensify in the sixth week and it is at this time that you will feel all the delights of the birth of a new life. After 6 weeks, the cardiovascular and nervous systems are formed. In obstetric practice, the period of 4-6 weeks is considered the most dangerous and requires extreme control and compliance with the doctor’s instructions so that the child develops correctly. At 6 weeks, a woman may feel tingling in her chest and mood changes. Some women notice that their character, habits, and some actions have changed.

    Favorite foods can fade into the background, and something you would never eat becomes the most desired product. These changes are influenced by hormonal changes, which begin from the moment of conception, but do not always make themselves felt until 6 weeks. By the end of the 6th week, the woman is completely adjusted to bearing and giving birth to a child from a hormonal point of view.

    What happens to the embryo at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    At 6 weeks, changes occur in the formation of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. On an ultrasound, a heartbeat can already be heard at 6 weeks of pregnancy.

    The heart has not yet completed its formation, and part of its functions is performed by the liver. In particular - hematopoietic.

    At the sixth week, the neural tube closes completely, but this does not mean it is time to stop taking folic acid. Starting from the sixth week, the brain is actively forming.

    The embryo develops, at this stage organs are formed, the first blood vessels and cartilage appear, which will later become bones. At 6 weeks the baby makes the first movements, but for expectant mother they are not perceptible. At this stage, a woman should take care of herself and protect herself from the effects of negative factors.

    The child develops the rudiments of legs and arms, and the head takes shape. The prerequisites for the formation of eyes, nose and ears appear. The eyes become like small bubbles. The inner ear and larynx develop. The child’s sensations are already reduced to the ability to feel and respond to the influence of stimuli. This happens due to the appearance of the first nerve connections.

    What does a baby look like at 6 weeks of pregnancy in the photo:

    Ultrasound of the fetus at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    Ultrasound of the fetus at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    An ultrasound can be performed at 6 weeks of pregnancy, but it is not mandatory. The first general examination awaits the expectant mother in the period from 11 to 13 weeks, when she will undergo the first prenatal screening.

    At this stage, you can already see the embryo, its size, position. At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the photo of the embryo resembles a tadpole. At this stage, a change in the shape of the fetus occurs. On an ultrasound, you can see how development is happening, whether the pregnancy is frozen, what is the size of the embryo.

    Ultrasound examination is carried out using the transabdominal and intravaginal method. Most often on early stages preference is given to the so-called internal ultrasound. The diagnostician puts a condom on the sensor and examines the uterine cavity through the vaginal wall.

    When examining transabdominally, the sensor is placed on the abdomen, which is generously lubricated with gel, the view is through the anterior abdominal wall. This method is considered not the most successful for the sixth week of pregnancy, since the embryo is still so small that it is difficult to examine it through the dense layer of muscles.

    At 6 weeks, an ultrasound can determine whether the pregnancy is multiple. Early diagnosis is of particular importance for those women who become pregnant using IVF. In this case, it will be known how many embryos have taken root. Before going for an ultrasound examination, study the ultrasound photo of the fetus and its size during pregnancy 6 weeks.

    What you need to know about the sixth week of pregnancy

    In order for your pregnancy to proceed normally, you need to know how your baby is developing, the norm of hCG, progesterone and other tests. If you donated blood at 6 weeks of pregnancy and the test norms do not correspond to the stated period, then contact a specialist. In this case it will be installed exact date pregnancy and additional tests were performed. The hCG norm at 6 weeks of pregnancy is 50,000-200,000 IU/l. Each laboratory has its own criteria, so follow hCG norms exactly in the place where the blood was donated, since there are different units of measurement.

    HCG is taken not only to determine pregnancy in the early stages, but also at 3-7 weeks in order to clarify the diagnosis and to determine the condition of the child in order to ensure its normal development. When pregnancy occurs, the chorion hormone begins to secrete gonadotropin, the level of which increases very quickly. A special growth peak is observed in the first trimester, when hCG doubles in two days. Precisely because of how quickly it increases hCG level in the early stages, the doctor determines the full development of the fetus and whether there are delays.

    Lifestyle in the sixth week of pregnancy

    Carefully adjust your lifestyle in the sixth week after fertilization. During this period, be patient, learn to shift responsibilities not only to yourself, but also to your husband, relatives and other helpers.

    At this time, do not be nervous, take more vitamins, go for a walk and think about the upcoming birth of your child.

    If you have previously had bad habits, then you should decisively get rid of them. Smoking and alcohol are contraindicated for the baby; such poison can harm the proper development of the child.

    Nutrition at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    Pay special attention to your diet. At this stage, a pregnant woman needs to include dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese), dried fruits, fish, and eggs in her diet. To prevent the fetus from experiencing vitamin deficiencies, create a diet so that it contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

    At 6 weeks from the moment of conception, a woman begins to gain weight. On average, women gain from 1 to 3 kg during the first three months of pregnancy. At this time, many people complain of constipation, so include fiber in your diet, it helps improve intestinal motility and gives you a feeling of fullness.

    What can go wrong at 6 weeks pregnant?

    In fact, if you have healthy body, there were no prerequisites for miscarriages, premature birth, ectopic pregnancy, then the entire development of the baby and your well-being should go according to plan.

    Particular care and observation should be taken by those who have previously had problems conceiving, fertilization due to IVF, multiple pregnancies, or miscarriages.

    Therefore, if at the 6th week of pregnancy the lower abdomen feels tight, discharge appears, or signs of an ectopic pregnancy appear at an early stage of 5-6 weeks, then in this case you need to consult with your doctor.

    Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    Discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy may be different, but there is no need to worry ahead of time. Brown, white or reddish vaginal discharge is not always a harbinger of an ectopic, frozen pregnancy or miscarriage.

    Frozen pregnancy at 6 weeks

    A frozen pregnancy at 6 weeks can be due to many reasons. It is difficult to recognize a frozen embryo at a short period of time. The symptoms of a frozen pregnancy can be different, but basically, if you had toxicosis before and then disappeared, or you felt pregnant, even emotionally, and then suddenly everything changed, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Ultrasound diagnostics can detect a frozen pregnancy.

    Causes of frozen pregnancy:

    • chlamydia;
    • herpes;
    • toxoplasmosis;
    • Rhesus conflict;
    • genetic abnormalities;
    • stress.

    If a frozen pregnancy is suspected, a urine test is taken to determine the level of hCG, and an ultrasound is monitored.

    Toxicosis at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    Toxicosis at 6 weeks of pregnancy is not uncommon. Nausea usually occurs in the morning, but each woman may have her own times when it occurs. Toxicosis develops due to hormonal changes and is not considered a pathology. You should contact a gynecologist only in cases where vomiting occurs after eating and after drinking water, you cannot tolerate any smells, you have not eaten for more than a day, and you feel weak.

    If you have no toxicosis at all, then this indicates the well-coordinated work of the body during pregnancy and means that the expectant mother’s body tolerates the development of the embryo well.

    To regulate the manifestations of toxicosis, review your diet. In some cases, changing your usual foods helps you better tolerate a heightened sense of smell and nausea.

    Miscarriage at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    Miscarriage at 6 weeks of pregnancy can happen for various reasons. A miscarriage is judged if a pregnant woman notices bloody discharge from the vagina. The same symptom manifests itself as an ectopic pregnancy. Both conditions require hospitalization and specialist consultation. To minimize the possible risks of miscarriage, avoid the following situations:

    • Psychological rejection of pregnancy. Don’t think about possible difficulties and problems, tune in to pregnancy as your greatest happiness.
    • Eliminate any stressful situations as much as possible. Take care of yourself.
    • Even beginning toxicosis (if any) should not be a reason to cancel walks in the fresh air and a balanced diet.
    • Don’t hesitate to go to the doctor; the sooner your pregnancy is “checked” by the doctor, the better for you and the baby.

    Abdominal and lower back pain at 6 weeks

    If your lower back hurts at 6 weeks of pregnancy or your stomach, this may mean that you have a cold, there is a threat of miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy, or many women experience this in this way. PMS symptoms when pregnancy occurs, when the expected start date of menstruation approaches.

    Doctors explain painful sensations in the lumbar region by softening the supporting ligaments and discs under the influence of large quantity progesterone in the body. And in this case, lower back pain, characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy, disappears at the onset of the twentieth week.

    In any case, if you have pain in the lower abdomen, consult your doctor.

    Temperature at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    The temperature at 6 weeks of pregnancy is around 37-37.3. In most cases, this temperature is considered normal and occurs at the beginning of pregnancy. In medicine, such an increase in temperature is associated with the presence of the corpus luteum in a woman’s body.

    Particular importance should be paid to basal temperature. The expectant mother needs to keep a schedule, and if you notice a decrease in readings (below 37 degrees), this already indicates a threat of miscarriage and appropriate measures should be taken.

    In any case, consult a specialist and get tested. There is no need to panic when your temperature rises, especially if there are no other symptoms.

    Detachment at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    The placenta plays an important role in the development of the baby. When the placenta is in normal condition, it protects the embryo until birth. Detachment at the 6th week of pregnancy occurs mainly due to malfunctions in the woman’s body or due to negative influence environment. If measures are not taken in time, placental abruption in the early stages of pregnancy leads to miscarriage or other consequences.

    In 70% of cases, with timely treatment, the placenta can be restored with the help of drugs.

    Signs of detachment appear in the form of brown spotting discharge. If you feel unwell or have any vaginal discharge, be sure to consult your doctor.

    To minimize the possible risks of placental abruption, eliminate stressful situations from your life, do not lift weights, do not do complex, hard work, constantly change your position, do not stand, do not sit for a long time. By following a nutritious diet, correct mode day, you can protect yourself from possible placental abruption.

    Is it possible to have sex at 6 weeks pregnant?

    Many women expecting a baby are concerned about the question: is it possible to have sex at 6 weeks of pregnancy? If the attending physician has not given specific instructions on this matter, then sex at this period is not contraindicated. The main thing is to listen to your body. If you feel discomfort, emotional or physical, then it is better to refuse intimacy.

    For more information about the 6th week of pregnancy, watch the video:

    What to remember

    1. At 6 weeks, the embryo develops limbs and the first blood vessels appear.
    2. Before ultrasound diagnostics study what a photo of a fetus looks like at 6 weeks of pregnancy.
    3. For various discharges at 6 weeks, it is better to consult a specialist, as this could be a miscarriage, frozen or ectopic pregnancy, or other complications.

    Maria Sokolova

    Reading time: 22 minutes

    A A

    In this article you can find out how a woman feels and her future baby in the sixth week of an interesting situation.

    What is 6 weeks gestation?

    6 obstetric week - This is the fourth week from conception. We remind you that the obstetric period is not equal to the actual one, and is 280 days (or 40 weeks).

    That is, if until now you have been counting the period from a missed period and according to your calculations it is equal to 6 weeks, then, most likely, your real time is already 10 weeks and this article is not suitable for you to read.

    In the sixth week the human embryo looks like a tiny shell, reminiscent of a miniature auricle. It is surrounded by amniotic fluid.

    What happens in a woman’s body in the sixth week

    At this stage, signs of pregnancy become more obvious.

    • Might start weight gain. But if the expectant mother suffers from toxicosis, then she may even lose a little weight;
    • My chest continues to ache;
    • The uterus at this stage is so enlarged that the gynecologist will be able to determine the period during a routine examination and possibly calculate approximate date childbirth With the help of an ultrasound machine you can even hear the baby's heartbeat.

    Each person’s body is purely individual, so in the sixth week the signs of different women may also vary.

    Signs of pregnancy at 6 weeks

    For some, this is atypical for their character peace and tranquility, other's - drowsiness and fatigue, while others at this time suffer from toxicosis, a craving for certain foods appears (as a rule, this is something with a very specific taste, either very salty, or, on the contrary, too sweet).

    However, the most common signs are:

    1. Daytime drowsiness, lethargy;
    2. Increased fatigue;
    3. Salivation;
    4. Nausea and vomiting in the morning;
    5. Increased nipple sensitivity;
    6. The mammary glands become heavier;
    7. Frequent urination;
    8. Headache;
    9. Mood swings and irritability.

    In the sixth week, brown discharge may occur. If it is spotting, insignificant discharge that occurs on the day of the expected menstruation, then there is no need to worry, there is nothing wrong with that. The fact is that the fertilized egg is attached to the uterus; by the third month everything should return to normal.

    Feelings of the expectant mother at 6 weeks

    The sixth week is the time when hormonal changes in a woman’s body gain incredible strength. The body changes every day, adapting to the growing uterus.

    In most women in the sixth week it manifests itself to one degree or another:

    • Breast tenderness. Some women may experience a slight tingling sensation in the chest. This is due to the fact that the body begins to prepare the mammary glands for milk production;
    • Sensitivity to different smells and tastes, strange food desires, only a few lucky ones manage to avoid toxicosis;
    • Morning sickness and vomiting. The cause of this kind of ailment is hormones. But fortunately, this symptom usually decreases by the thirteenth week. Only a small amount of women spend their entire pregnancy with nausea;
    • Drowsiness, weakness, irritability. Physical illness is also associated with hormonal changes, in particular with a sharp increase in progesterone. Fatigue, in most cases, will stop bothering you by 14-15 weeks. However, it is likely to return in recent weeks.

    All the sensations experienced are associated with changes in the hormonal background, so all the most unpleasant things will pass as soon as the body adapts to its new role. As a rule, this goes away by 10-14 weeks.

    The sixth week may be associated with some completely unpleasant phenomena, such as a sudden cessation of toxicosis or nagging pain in the lower abdomen. If you experience something like this, then you definitely need to see a doctor. Abrupt cessation of toxicosis may be a consequence of fetal fading, and if a woman’s stomach feels tight, this may indicate a risk of miscarriage.

    Fetal development in the 6th week of pregnancy

    Fruit size at this time is 4-5 mm. By the end of the week, the baby's internal diameter will be 18 mm.

    Wherein its volume at this stage is 2187 cubic millimeters.

    The beginning of the sixth week is one of the most key moments in the development of your baby’s nervous system.

    This week will happen:

    • The process of complete closure of the neural tube (it will be covered with tissue). By the end of the week a simple pipe will have everything main features of the human nervous system;
    • The rudiment of the brain appears and the first neural connections emerge. From the thickened part of the neural tube the brain begins to form. Already at this stage, the formation of convolutions and depressions begins, the brain becomes similar to the brain of an adult. The skull begins to form;
    • The baby's heart and muscles are already carrying out work that is controlled by the brain. The heart, however, is not yet mature at all, but the circulatory process already works through the liver. It produces blood cells that go to different parts of the heart;
    • Appear rudiments of arms and legs, by the beginning of next week it will be possible to see the beginnings of fingers. The embryonic slits are still preserved, the face has not yet taken shape, but the eye sockets and mouth can already be seen;
    • The inner ear begins to form, and although your baby cannot hear or see anything yet, he's already starting to feel;
    • There are no bones yet, but there are cartilaginous structures, from which bones will subsequently begin to develop;
    • Begins formation immune system baby, the rudiment of bone marrow appears;
    • The heart on the chest of the embryo protrudes as a tubercle. During ultrasound examination the heartbeat is clearly visible;
    • The child gets the opportunity to move and respond to external irritation; the muscle and nervous tissue are already sufficiently formed for this. And thanks to the umbilical cord, which goes from the umbilical ring to the placenta, the child gains freedom of movement;
    • The genitals have not yet formed and are in their infancy. In most cases, it is still impossible to determine by the appearance of the baby’s crotch whether it is a boy or a girl;
    • Development continues internal organs: lungs, stomach, liver, pancreas. Also, it is during this week that the thymus gland, the most important organ of the human immune system, is formed;
    • The respiratory system will start working with the baby’s first breath; immediately after birth, his lungs will open and fill with air.

    In the sixth week, it is useful to know about the intensive development of the placenta. It is a special special organ that is responsible for nutrition, breathing, hormone production and protection of the child.

    Ultrasound, photo of the fetus and photo of the mother’s abdomen at 6 weeks

    Fetus at 6th week of pregnancy

    Many women who are already accustomed to their interesting position independently decide to go to Ultrasound out of interest in what happens to their unborn child.

    In fact, examination at this time is not considered mandatory. As a rule, the doctor sends the expectant mother for an ultrasound examination if there are any concerns, for example, suspicion of ectopic pregnancy, threat of interruption or other pathologies.

    Ultrasound - 6 weeks

    Ultrasound at 6 weeks

    Photo of a woman's belly at 6 weeks

    Video – 6th week of pregnancy

    But you can also give some general tips that may make things a little easier for you.

    • Necessarily take special vitamins for pregnant women. Particularly dangerous is a lack of folic acid, vitamins D, C, E and B12 and an excess of vitamin A. You should choose and take vitamins on the recommendation of your obstetrician. Try to take them at a time when you are not bothered by nausea;
    • Change your diet. You need to eat in smaller doses, but more often, about 6-7 times a day. Have dinner shortly before you go to bed. During this period, your body will surprise you, so foods that you hated until now can please you and reduce nausea;
    • Try to drink more. Along with nausea and vomiting, a lot of fluid is lost in the body, so it is important not to forget to replenish its reserves;
    • Avoid contact with strong odors. It is advisable not to use perfume. If you use cleaning products and powders with irritating odors at home, try to protect yourself from them;
    • Get more rest. Go to bed early; you don’t need to stay up late, especially at the computer. Also eradicate the habit of getting up before dawn. Do not overload your body, avoid overwork. All this can negatively affect your condition. Find out about ;
    • Take care of your emotional health. Stress loads are absolutely useless. Try to relax. If you can’t do this on your own, then there is nothing wrong with turning to a psychotherapist. A professional will help you get rid of accumulated stress and unload emotionally;
    • Sex is possible in the sixth week. But only if there are no medical contraindications and the well-being of the expectant mother is not in danger. Active lovemaking cannot harm the child, he is reliably protected by layers of connective, muscle and fatty tissue and surrounded by amniotic fluid;
    • Weigh yourself regularly, if necessary, measure the pressure; at this stage it may be low. Inflated readings are a reason to be wary; moreover, nervous experiences can increase blood pressure.

    Finding out that you are pregnant is always exciting for a woman. This is one of the most significant events in the life of future parents. Often the 6th week of pregnancy brings good news. It is during this period that a woman can more strongly feel the first changes in her body, starting with a delay in menstruation and ending with the appearance of toxicosis. Even if it is not there, other early signs of pregnancy can be noted.

    The fetus is already visible on an ultrasound, so you should register with a gynecologist and undergo a series of examinations. Early diagnosis flow intrauterine development the baby will prevent possible negative factors and prevent miscarriage.

    Future parents will be interested to know what happens to their baby at 6 weeks of pregnancy, and what the expectant mother should expect from her body. You should also find out what tests you will need to undergo and which doctors to visit.

    How to register?

    The 6th week of pregnancy requires the expectant mother to undergo a full medical examination. This will reveal possible deviations embryo development, prevent miscarriage.

    An ultrasound will help with this, because at this stage the fetus is already visible, as well as the changes that have occurred to it since conception. It should be noted that there are two reference systems that determine the duration of pregnancy.

    The first is considered unofficial. Mommies use it on early stages intrauterine development of the baby. This system counts from the moment of conception. Its disadvantage is that it is impossible to say exactly when fertilization and implantation of the egg occurred.

    Therefore, doctors officially use the obstetric counting system. The gestational age is determined from the first day of the last menstruation. There are no inaccuracies here as in the previous approach. In fact, the 6th–7th obstetric week of pregnancy is equal to the fourth week from the moment of conception. A visit to a gynecologist and a number of other specialists at this time is extremely important.


    The sixth week of pregnancy is very important to monitor the proper development of the embryo. It is this period that suggests the first ultrasound. If there is no period, but the pregnancy has not yet been officially confirmed, this will be done by an obstetrician-gynecologist after an examination and tests.

    It is important to assess the size of the fetus and its development. To prevent miscarriage in the presence of unfavorable factors, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. The gynecologist will direct the expectant mother to see the following doctors:

    1. The therapist examines the woman for the presence of common diseases, including chronic ones. If necessary, treatment is prescribed.
    2. An ophthalmologist assesses the likelihood of developing a woman’s vision pathology and makes recommendations.
    3. The dentist identifies the presence of investments in the oral cavity. Treatment of teeth and gums occurs. Without this, fetal development may not proceed properly.
    4. The otolaryngologist determines whether there are hidden or chronic investments in the ears, nose, and throat. They can also complicate pregnancy.

    A period of 6 weeks requires a woman to take a responsible attitude towards her health. How the fetus will develop depends on this. Therefore, the examination cannot be postponed.


    In addition to the medical specialists listed above, the woman undergoes a number of tests. On their basis, the condition of the expectant mother’s body, as well as the development of the embryo, is assessed. This allows you to identify negative factors in a timely manner and prevent miscarriage. The following tests are prescribed:

    1. General blood analysis.
    2. Blood type, its Rh factor.
    3. Coagulogram (blood clotting).
    4. Glucose analysis.
    5. Tests for HIV, RW (syphilis), hepatitis C, B.
    6. Analysis of urine.
    7. Vaginal smear.
    8. TORCH complex.

    This is standard procedure. If the lower abdomen hurts, pink, bloody discharge from the genital tract appears, this will be done without delay. Timely diagnosis will prevent miscarriage. Even if the mother’s health does not deviate from the norm, it is necessary to undergo all the necessary tests.

    Examination by a gynecologist

    In addition to ultrasound, tests and examinations from a number of medical specialists, a period of 6–7 weeks will require an assessment of some parameters of the course of pregnancy by a gynecologist. He conducts the following studies that can provide information about fetal development:

    1. The size of a woman's pelvis.
    2. Weight measurement to track weight gain.
    3. Blood pressure is assessed at the beginning of pregnancy for comparison in the future.

    All sensations, complaints of the woman, the presence of toxicosis, abdominal pain are noted by the gynecologist. It is necessary to know how a mother normally feels at 6–7 weeks of fetal development.

    What happens in a woman's body?

    The 6th week of pregnancy most often does not go unnoticed for the expectant mother. The delay in menstruation has already reached 1-2 weeks. The first sensations and manifestations of toxicosis may appear or occur.

    Some people don't show any early signs of pregnancy. But the likelihood of their appearance occurs precisely at 5–6 weeks of fetal development. What a woman can feel during this period, what sensations are considered normal, she should find out in more detail.

    How does the woman feel?

    Rarely at 6-7 weeks there are no manifestations of hormonal changes in the body. Most often, sensations intensify during this period. There is an increase in the concentration of hormones that contribute to the normal course of pregnancy.

    The first sign of change is the absence of menstruation. You should wait for toxicosis to appear. If it is not there, it is not considered a deviation. A woman may become sensitive to different odors.

    Mood swings are also a concern. This is quite natural. Sometimes there is a slight tug in the lower abdomen. Its size has not yet been increased. The first signs of fetal development other than toxicosis include selectivity or the emergence of special eating preferences.

    It happens that this period is remembered by strong manifestations of toxicosis. It becomes difficult to eat and even drink. However, if there is severe vomiting, water loss should be replaced. If it is difficult to drink liquid, you can replace it with juicy fruits.

    Quite often this period brings heaviness in the stomach and constipation. Urination becomes more frequent. This is normal, but you should adjust your diet. The first signs of pregnancy also include weakness and dizziness. By the end of the first trimester, everything discomfort will pass.

    Physiological changes

    At 5–6 weeks, the belly does not yet look big. But the uterus is already enlarging. Now it is the size of an orange. Under the influence of hormones, breasts swell and nipples may darken.

    Weight at this stage increases by 0.6–1.4 kg. The inexorably increasing level of hCG stimulates the growth of the corpus luteum. It is visible on ultrasound. It releases more and more progesterone. This is a pregnancy hormone.

    Immunity is reduced, which is necessary at this stage of embryo development. This process begins from the moment of conception. This protects the fetus from the influences of the mother's immune system. Without this mechanism, miscarriage would be almost inevitable. The lower abdomen sometimes feels tight and there is tingling. The uterus grows, blood flows to it more strongly. This is normal.


    Normally, the discharge at this stage is white and transparent. They do not cause discomfort, burning or itching. The light-transparent discharge has no odor. If light pink, bloody ointments appear from the genital tract, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy may portend a miscarriage. Especially if your lower abdomen hurts. Blood or light-bloody discharge at any time is considered a deviation from the norm and requires immediately calling an ambulance.

    Also, if the ointments from the genital tract have changed their character, become greenish, foamy, you should urgently consult a gynecologist.

    What happens to the embryo?

    An ultrasound at 5–6 weeks can tell a lot about the development of the embryo. The fruit during this period is only 4–6 mm in size. Its weight is 1–2 g. The embryo now looks more like a fish embryo. The fetus floats in a small amount of amniotic fluid.

    However, his mother cannot yet feel the movements of her baby. If her lower abdomen feels tight, it is not due to fetal movements. Its size is still too small for this.

    Ultrasound can also now track the heartbeat of the embryo. Normally it reaches 100–150 beats per minute. This is a serious breakthrough in the development of the baby. The ultrasound also shows the following changes from the moment of conception:

    1. Blood circulation is adjusted.
    2. Internal organs (spleen, kidneys, lungs) continue to form. There is no esophagus or intestines yet.
    3. The first facial features are taking shape.
    4. Handles and legs are formed.
    5. The thymus gland appears.
    6. The rudiments of bone marrow, pituitary gland, and muscles appear.
    7. The fetus receives development of the nervous system.
    8. The gonads are formed.

    This is a complex process. The life and health of the baby largely depends on the mother’s behavior during this period. Therefore, even in the presence of toxicosis, it is necessary to eat properly. Sex is possible at this time if there are no contraindications. If the gynecologist suspects a possible miscarriage, it is necessary to follow all his recommendations. Sex, physical activity, and stress must be excluded.

    What to fear?

    Having studied what is happening to the embryo using ultrasound, undergoing examinations and tests, sometimes conditions dangerous to pregnancy are identified. This period is marked by the following threats:

    1. The presence of severe toxicosis.
    2. Spontaneous miscarriage.
    3. Threat of miscarriage or fading of pregnancy.
    4. Ectopic implantation.

    This period of pregnancy is dangerous for various pathologies. If symptoms of its interruption appear (stabbing, cutting in the lower abdomen, reddish, bad-smelling discharge appears), you should consult a doctor. Sex, increased physical and emotional stress are contraindicated in this case.

    Even if there is no toxicosis, you should optimize your diet. Otherwise, the fetus will not receive enough substances necessary for development. It is dangerous to catch a cold during this period, suffer some infectious diseases. An increase in body temperature above +38 degrees is dangerous for the baby. Even a miscarriage is possible. You can’t even go to the baths or take too hot a shower. If there are contraindications, various threats, sex at this stage is unacceptable.

    In order for the fetus to develop harmoniously, you must adhere to the recommendations of your supervising doctor. He will select a vitamin complex taking into account the characteristics of the woman’s body.

    If nausea and vomiting are severe, you need to eat in small portions (this is also best done if there is no toxicosis). Food should be cold, and it is better to have breakfast without getting out of bed. Vomiting more than 2-3 times a day requires treatment.

    If there is a lot of pain or stabbing in the lower abdomen, you should call an ambulance. You need to sleep more (and during the day too), at least 9–10 hours. In order not to expose the fetus to threats and adverse effects, physical activity should be reduced. Sex is acceptable if there are no contraindications.

    When you want to eat or drink something unhealthy (beer, earth, whitewash), you should not give in to this feeling. Such manifestations indicate a deficiency of some substances in the body. It is necessary to eat properly and nutritiously.

    By registering in time and undergoing the necessary examinations, a woman can prevent negative factors affecting the development of the baby. By adhering to the recommendations of the gynecologist, the expectant mother will make the development process of her baby harmonious. This is important at all stages of pregnancy, and even more so in the first weeks.

    The 6th week of pregnancy is the second obstetric month of pregnancy. 36-42 days have passed since conception, according to. The 6th week of pregnancy from conception corresponds to four weeks of embryonic development of the fetus. Before this period, many expectant mothers may not even be aware of their “interesting” situation due to the absence of any signs. From the sixth week, intensive production of the hormone progesterone begins, against the background of which significant changes occur in the pregnant woman’s body and the first symptoms of malaise appear. The 6th week of pregnancy is no less important for the development of the fetus, since it is at this stage that the amniotic sac begins to form, which will subsequently protect the baby from any external mechanical influences.

    Signs and symptoms at 6 weeks pregnant

    At the 6th week, the manifestations of pregnancy are already quite obvious and it is impossible not to notice them. The main symptoms include the following:

    • delayed menstruation;
    • nausea not only in the morning or during the day, but also as a reaction to an irritating odor;
    • increased sense of smell;
    • producing large amounts of saliva;
    • weakness, severe drowsiness, apathy, dizziness;
    • frequent mood changes.

    All these symptoms of pregnancy at 6 weeks are a consequence of hormonal changes in the woman’s body, and, as a rule, there is no trace of them left by the end of the first trimester, that is, by the end of the twelfth week.

    Ultrasound at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    To confirm pregnancy, you can use the following methods: buying a test at a pharmacy, visiting a doctor and undergoing an ultrasound. According to statistics, most expectant mothers first go to the pharmacy for a test, and if there is a positive answer, they are sent to medical institution for ultrasound diagnostics. This procedure allows not only to establish the exact date of conception, but also to exclude the possibility of an empty fertilized egg, and to detect the first signs of a threatened miscarriage.

    The 6th week of pregnancy is the period when using an ultrasound machine you can only see ovum in the uterus and a tiny tadpole - the size of the fetus at the 6th week of pregnancy is no more than 5 mm inside it. At this stage of pregnancy, the embryo has only two main parts: the head and a small body in comparison with it, while the limbs are in their infancy.

    In addition, it is at the 6th week of pregnancy, if you have a good ultrasound machine, that you can see the first contractile movements of the heart muscle of the embryo, which at this stage is only a pulsation, presumably in the area of ​​the heart, while the organ itself is not yet visible.

    Photo of the fetus - ultrasound at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    Development of the embryo (fetus) at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    What does the fetus look like at 6 weeks of pregnancy? Despite the fact that the fetus (embryo) is very tiny at 6 weeks, it has already begun its external transformation into a real person. Already now the face is taking shape, on which two small depressions like black peas are visible - future eyes, as well as a mouth and small growths on the sides - the rudiments of ears.

    The 6th week of pregnancy is a very significant stage in the development of the embryo, since right now the rudiments of vital and important organs (bronchi, pancreas, lungs, stomach, intestinal tube, liver) and the baby’s systems (digestive, respiratory, excretory, immune, nervous) are formed ).

    In addition, at week 6 there is an active tightening of the neural tube of the embryo, which has a very important for further development of the baby's brain.

    It should also be noted that at 5-7 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus develops arms, legs and a small tail, which will later form the human tailbone.

    What happens to mom at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    The 6th week of pregnancy is a period when expectant mothers change not only psychologically and emotionally, but also externally. The breasts swell and enlarge slightly, around the nipples and the nipples themselves begin to darken and become noticeably sensitive. There is no belly yet, and there cannot be one, but the waist may have increased a little.

    In addition, many mothers who are 6 weeks pregnant may notice a significant deterioration in their facial skin. This is manifested by the appearance of pimples, blackheads, large pores, and in general the general condition and color skin leave much to be desired. It is important to understand that this is a temporary phenomenon, and the expectant mother’s body thus undergoes hormonal restructuring. There is no need to spend additional skin care products, since at this stage any, even the most effective remedy, will have no effect.

    Photos of bellies. Belly at 6 weeks pregnant

    6th week of pregnancy - sensations. How does the expectant mother feel?

    What a woman feels at this stage can be attributed to contradictory and unusual sensations, very different from those that were present before pregnancy.

    Many mothers note that the sensations at the 6th week of pregnancy have changed dramatically, even in the perception of the temperature regime of the environment. So, for example, if previously at a certain temperature a woman felt cold, now she begins to experience hot flashes, and vice versa. This is especially noticeable in the evening.

    This phenomenon is explained by hormone fluctuations and can accompany the pregnant woman throughout her entire pregnancy, but it manifests itself most strongly in the first trimester, starting from the 6th week of pregnancy.

    Uncharacteristic sensations in the 6th week of pregnancy, which can also be noted: absent-mindedness, drowsiness, regardless of the time of day, loss of strength and lack of air. When such sensations occur, it is recommended to try to alleviate your condition as much as possible, since it will not be possible to completely remove all the symptoms; they will go away on their own as soon as possible. hormonal background will come back to normal.

    So, for example, if there is a lack of air, you should walk outdoors as often as possible and ventilate the room at least once a day, and preferably twice: during the day and before bedtime. The desire to sleep can only be satisfied by sleep, but absent-mindedness will have to be endured.

    Why does the lower back hurt at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

    A slight nagging pain in the lower back at 6 weeks of pregnancy is normal. This is due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which has a strong relaxing effect on the muscles and ligaments of the back. However, there is a very fine line between normality and pathology regarding lumbar pain. If the pain is not severe, then there is nothing to worry about. If it does not go away after rest, has an increasing character, and even more so is accompanied by atypical discharge, then this may indicate a threat of miscarriage and other diseases of the genitourinary system.

    Why does the lower abdomen hurt or pull at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

    Like pain in the lumbar region, small, pulling, cramping pains in the lower and sides of the abdomen are also normal. This is due to the growth of the uterus and stretching of its ligaments. Abnormal pain is considered to be long-lasting and aching in nature, as well as pain that appears after physical activity and is accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract. IN in this case It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, since such pain and discharge can indicate only 2 abnormalities during pregnancy: the threat of miscarriage and fetal fading.

    If a miscarriage can be stopped by promptly seeking qualified help, then the frozen fetus must be removed from the uterus as soon as possible, since after freezing the embryo begins to decompose and poison the organs of the woman’s reproductive system, the consequences can be disastrous. In addition, it is important to remember that according to statistics, in the first trimester, starting from the 6th week and up to the 10th, miscarriages and fetal death are most often reported.

    Cold at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    The 6th week of pregnancy is a period when you need to monitor your health very carefully. The expectant mother's immunity decreases, and the body can no longer resist various forms infectious and viral diseases in full. It's important to know that heat(more than 38 degrees) at this stage is practically the death of the embryo, since the placenta has just begun its formation and the fetus is more defenseless than ever against infections.

    When the first signs are detected colds It is recommended to immediately seek medical help. Self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited, since many medications at this stage are contraindicated during pregnancy and only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.

    6th week of pregnancy - Discharge: norm and pathology

    At the 6th week of pregnancy, a slightly increased secretion from the genitals of a transparent, slightly whitish color and without a sharp purulent odor is considered normal.

    As a rule, the 6th week of pregnancy is a period when many mothers complain of the appearance of flaky discharge, accompanied by itching and irritation of the external genitalia. This is thrush, which is very common among pregnant women and develops as a result of hormonal changes in the body.

    It does not have any harmful effects on the fetus itself, but causes severe discomfort in women. This disease is easy to treat and you can get rid of this scourge very quickly. The necessary treatment can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist, since many medications, even if they were effective when used before pregnancy, can now have a detrimental effect on the fetus, thereby causing pathologies in its development.

    Another reason to visit a doctor is the appearance of discharge of atypical consistency and color, in particular green, yellow and purulent mucous. Such discharge indicates the presence of an infection, the type of which can only be determined by taking a smear and further examining it.

    Brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    The sudden appearance of profuse bloody or brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy indicates that pregnancy has begun. In this case, minutes count and the result depends on how quickly the service was provided. health care. In some cases, with a quick response, the embryo can be saved, but when large blood clots appear, we are talking about a miscarriage, which there is no way to stop.

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