• Affirmations for money. Affirmations for every day: for success, money and love Affirmations for happiness, attracting money


    In this article we will look at two main areas of affirmations for financial success, good luck and prosperity.

    The first direction of money affirmations is associated with working with human energy centers - chakras. There is a hypothesis that chronic financial difficulties are caused by improper functioning of the chakras, which you can try to correct with the help of affirmations.

    It's certainly worth a try. But it must be said right away: this direction of work is simpler, and therefore less effective, than the second - psychological, which we will discuss a little below.

    Working with chakras

    Sahasrara – crown chakra

    I believe that life works with me and it will show me everything I need.

    Sahasrara is the center of trust. This also applies to its influence not on your cash flows. It is very important to accept that you can never work alone in this world. There are always some higher forces that work with you. And who will show you everything that you need to see in order to become more successful and richer.

    It is important to realize that your money paths are not hidden from you. Those that are hidden are not yours.

    Ajna – third eye chakra

    I'm wise with money. I spend, save and invest wisely.

    Ajna is the center of wisdom. To improve your financial situation, you need to configure Ajna in such a way that it helps you spend money wisely. This affirmation helps to do just that.

    For many people, financial problems are associated not so much with low income as with unreasonable spending. Balancing Ajna helps to avoid unnecessary waste of money.

    Vishuddha – throat chakra

    I'm confident.

    Vishuddha is responsible for self-confidence. When it comes to money, Vishuddha complements Sahasrara, that is, it helps to grow confidence in yourself that life is working with you and helping you.

    People who are not sure that money can come to them do not come to them. Therefore, it is very important to work hard to balance Vishuddhi.

    Before pronouncing an affirmation for the throat chakra, it is good to put on beads or a pendant, made from which are associated with the ability to attract material well-being and at the same time strengthen Vishuddha.

    Anahata – heart chakra

    I love money and I am a generous person.

    Money grows only when it is spent wisely. Greed and stinginess never lead to increased income. Therefore, it is necessary to be a generous person and spend what you earn, and not put it in a box. Another thing is that we should not forget about proper operation Ajna, for money should be spent wisely.

    Manipura – solar plexus chakra

    I deeply appreciate everything I have.

    Manipura is the chakra of gratitude. You need to set it up in such a way that you feel sincere gratitude to the world for the material wealth that you have now. Even if it's small. If you don't appreciate what you have, you can lose it too. We must never forget about the “old woman at the broken trough.”

    Svadhisthana - sacral chakra

    I'm balanced. I give easily and receive easily.

    A properly balanced person is open to the world. He receives easily, but also gives easily. This is the only way to set up an abundant cash flow. Money should flow freely and then flow out in order to come back again.

    In fact, not everyone knows how to joyfully give and easily receive. Some people are unable to part with a penny. Someone feels extremely uncomfortable at the moment when they are offered something that they did not expect to receive.

    Both behavior patterns block cash flows. That is why working with Svadhisthana is one of the most important for attracting money and wealth.

    Maladhara – root chakra

    I'm disciplined. Every day I develop my body, mind and soul.

    Maladhara is the chakra of discipline. In terms of money, this means that you need to actively demonstrate your potential in various areas of life. Even those that at first glance are not related to money. And only then the money will come.

    A rolling stone gathers no moss. Cash flow even more so.

    Rules for pronouncing phrases for chakras

    1. It must be pronounced deliberately, and not mechanically. You can say them to yourself. But it's better to say it out loud.
    2. You need to start by working with the upper chakra – Sahasrara. Moreover, each recitation session should include work with all chakras.
    3. The course of working with chakras should last at least 30 days.

    Changing the wrong mental attitude

    You can blame the chakras for as long as you like and say that there is not enough money due to their imbalance. However, most psychologists are confident that chronic financial problems in a person’s life are not associated with blockage of the chakras, but with an incorrect mental attitude, irrational thinking, etc., which, fortunately, can be changed with affirmations for every day to attract money, wealth, prosperity.

    How to understand that you are thinking incorrectly?

    Read the statements below. If you agree with at least one of them, you can be sure that you have a pernicious irrational thinking that is preventing you from getting rich. Just work honestly, don’t prevaricate.

    • Hand on heart, I can say that I am satisfied with my financial situation. Maybe it seems unenviable to someone, but I don’t suffer too much from a lack of money. Basically that's enough for me.
    • I believe that I do not deserve wealth, even if I hide these thoughts from myself.
    • I don't think in mine life situation you can have more money.
    • I believe that wealth is evil. It's much more honorable to be poor.
    • To make money, you have to do bad things.
    • If I get rich, I might lose some of my friends.
    • I want to have money, but at the same time I feel that my deepest beliefs contradict this desire.
    • It's my parents' fault that I'm so poor.
    • Wealth does not bring happiness.
    • The only way I could get rich was by marrying a rich man.
    • I don't know how to make more money, and I'm not going to learn it.

    25 Powerful Affirmations to Attract Money and Wealth

    So, we have established that we have an irrational mindset that is preventing us from achieving financial success there. Now we begin to adjust our thinking. And we will do this with the help of powerful affirmations to attract money and financial success, which work well for both women and men.

    1. I'm a money magnet. Prosperity comes to me on its own.
    2. Money comes to me, both in expected ways and in the most unexpected ways.
    3. I change my poor man's mindset to a rich man's mindset.
    4. I deserve to earn more money.
    5. I am open to the ways of enrichment that life offers me.
    6. I am constantly discovering new ways of financial income for myself.
    7. I am ready to meet and accept the inexhaustible source of wealth in my life.
    8. I free money in my life from that negative energy, which may be on them.
    9. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
    10. I use money to improve my life and the lives of others.
    11. Wealth is constantly pouring into my life.
    12. My actions create the foundation for sustainable prosperity.
    13. I walk hand in hand with the energy of abundance.
    14. I constantly attract new opportunities into my life that bring money.
    15. My financial success is growing faster than I could have ever dreamed of.
    16. Money is the root of joy and comfort in my life.
    17. Money and high spirituality can coexist in harmony with each other.
    18. Money and love can be friends.
    19. Money is my servant.
    20. I am the master of my wealth.
    21. I know how to properly manage large sums of money.
    22. I am calm about the fact that I manage a lot of money.
    23. I handle my enormous financial success with ease and grace.
    24. Money expands my life and my life experiences.
    25. Money has a positive effect on my life.

    How to pronounce it correctly?

    You can combine affirmations for success, luck, happiness and prosperity with meditative practices. For example, use during .

    You can combine them with the process of visualizing desires. From this article you will learn all the details about it, including dreams of wealth.

    You can say affirmations at any free moment and even not completely free, for example, when you are doing household chores.

    This is not the main thing.

    The main condition for the success of affirmations is the absence of doubts in what is said. You must ensure that none of the phrases that attract money into your life cause you doubts.

    If you pronounce a phrase and at the same time feel that something in your mind opposes it, doubts its truth, it will not work.

    Therefore, you need to pronounce affirmations as long as possible and so persistently in order to completely convince your subconscious of the truth of what was said. Only then will your thinking change. And money will come into your life.

    When pronouncing affirmations, special attention should be paid to those phrases that cause the greatest internal resistance in you and most go against your inner beliefs.

    And successful? Who doesn't want to achieve financial independence? I think everyone! But, as a rule, all actions to achieve material well-being end in failure. What's the matter? It turns out that it's all about our attitude towards money. These are negative, negative programs that have formed deep in our subconscious. They are the ones who prevent us from being successful and rich.

    But the question arises: “Is it possible to get rid of these programs and replace them with more constructive ones?” Yes it is possible! You need to use a unique tool to reprogram your subconscious - reading affirmations. An affirmation is a short phrase containing a verbal formula that, when repeated many times, reinforces the required image or attitude in a person’s subconscious, helping to improve his psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes in life.

    Perhaps affirmations for money are the easiest and most powerful tool for influencing the subconscious to improve your material well-being. You can practice affirmations anywhere at any time. Just choose affirmations for yourself that express your desires and repeat them many times. And it doesn’t matter where you are now and where you want to go. It is important to correctly compose affirmations and regularly work with them, and the positive effect will appear very quickly.

    Affirmations are like seeds planted in the soil. Poor soil means poor growth. Rich soil means abundant growth. The more often you choose thoughts that help you feel better, the faster affirmations work.

    Louise Hay

    5 rules for writing affirmations for money

    First you need to know how to write affirmations correctly.

    The affirmation must be written in an affirmative form. In no case should you make affirmations with the particle “not”, as well as “no”, “never” and the like. You need to concentrate on what you want. According to the Law of Attraction, you get what you constantly think about.

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    I'm not a poor man - wrong

    I enjoy being rich - right

    Affirmations are written only in the present tense. The subconscious has only the concept of “here and now”. You cannot use the words “I can”, “I want”, “I dream”. And words meaning time: “soon”, “will be”, “tomorrow”.

    I will have 3 sources of income- incorrect.

    I have 3 sources of income- right.

    Affirmations for money should evoke positive emotions. You shouldn't have any internal discomfort. From simple reading There won’t be much sense, you need strong and vivid emotions.

    Money is good- incorrect.

    Money is love, health and success- right.

    Affirmation should be directed only at yourself. This is very important rule! They only show your thoughts and emotions. And they should not be comparable in any way to another person.

    My boss will give me a raise wages - incorrect.

    I'm the best employee in a month- right.

    Affirmations must be specific. The universe needs to know what you specifically want.

    I make a lot of money- incorrect.

    I earn 100,000 rubles- right.

    Affirmations for money

    This is a list of affirmations you can use today!

    Money is love. I like money.

    Money is happiness, health, success.

    Money brings me pleasure.

    Money keeps me going.

    Wealth is a free life, I accept wealth for myself here and now.

    I let money into my life.

    I attract money to me like a magnet.

    I let a powerful financial flow pass through me.

    I am in harmony with a large flow of money.

    I am swimming in a sea of ​​abundance and happiness.

    I am grateful for the ability to channel the energy of money through me.

    I feel financial freedom and independence here and now.

    My income is growing every day.

    I earn 100,000 rubles.

    I like to feel like a person who has a lot of money.

    I enjoy owning large sum money.

    I have the needs and interests of a rich man.

    Money always multiplies and increases in my life quickly and easily.

    Money comes to me from various sources, both expected and unexpected.

    Every day there is an opportunity to earn a large number of money.

    I love spending money on things that bring me joy.

    I feel like my bank account is full of money.

    I manage my money wisely.

    I give value to this world, and in return it gives me a lot of money.

    Affirmations for attracting money that I repeat attract money into my life

    You can choose any affirmations from this list. You shouldn’t take everything, only those that really evoke positive emotions in you. You can come up with your own, be sure to follow the 5 rules for writing affirmations.

    You will fail until you convince your subconscious that you are successful. This can be done using affirmations.

    Florence Scovel Shinn

    How to work with affirmations for money

    I'll give you some advice so you don't do it typical mistakes and your work with affirmations was more effective.

    1. Choose 10-12 affirmations that evoke the most positive emotions in you. Do not need anymore!

    2. Your own affirmations are more effective.

    3. Write or print out a list of affirmations.

    4. You need to say one after another slowly and in a confident, calm voice.

    5. The most important process in affirmations is the creation of a sensory-mental image!

    6. Say affirmations at least 2 times a day: morning and evening.

    7. The duration of one session should be no more than 5-10 minutes. It shouldn't look like a chore.

    8. Be consistent. Repeat them every day.

    I realized that if I said it often enough, I could convince the world that I was truly great...

    Muhammad Ali


    Reading money affirmations is an effective way. Money affirmations can be used in combination with visualization to increase the effectiveness of both. By visualizing your affirmations, you make them more real in your mind. Engage in mental visualization, using as many of your five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) as possible.

    And the biggest mistake people make when working with affirmations is that they lack patience. When you are just starting to work with affirmations, you need to break through the concrete wall of your current beliefs. It can take a month of hard work, and people try it for a couple of days and say, “They don’t work.” No tool will help you change your situation in a few weeks or even a month.

    Reading affirmations to attract money should be made a healthy daily habit. And, of course, do not fly in the clouds, but take actions in terms of earning money and creating various sources of income. Those. In addition to metaphysical actions, also do physical ones! Then the Universe will definitely help you and you will enjoy financial freedom.

    Are you ready for positive changes in your financial affairs?

    If you already feel that something is stopping you from getting more money or achieving success in your career or business, then when affirmations for money and success come to your aid.

    Using positive affirmations, you can change your attitude towards money and easily attract new cash flows to yourself!

    What are affirmations?

    These are powerful, short statements formulated to neutralize negative thoughts and change attitudes that block the flow of money and prevent you from achieving success in business. By repeating certain positive phrases, you can reinforce your new attitude and remove money blocks.

    How does affirmation work?

    Thanks to affirmations, you can tune your consciousness to a “wave” of positive perception of the world, replacing negative thoughts positive about money. These statements can only work if a person regularly pronounces positive affirmations.

    To activate them, a calm environment is necessary: ​​the person must be in a good and calm mood. But the main thing is faith in the power of affirmations for money and success.

    Examples of successful positive affirmations for money

    • Money is falling from heaven, I want big miracles!
    • Money comes to me easily!
    • Money is flowing to me like a river!
    • I choose a good relationship with money!
    • I am a money magnet!
    • Money comes to me constantly: there is more of it every day!
    • I was born to be rich and successful!

    Choose the most suitable affirmation for yourself!

    How many times a day should you repeat affirmations? At least 2 times, but it’s even better to consolidate a new attitude if you notice confirmations of affirmations every day at least 5-7 times.

    Bad Examples of Affirmations

    • I Not I will be poor, my calling is Not become a beggar and be rich.
    • I'm financially Not dependent.

    Try not to use “not” particles in your affirmations! The clearer you formulate your desire, the easier it will be accepted by your brain and will not present you with surprises!

    What to do if affirmations don't work?

    If you regularly say positive affirmations, but the desired result is still far away, do not despair. Affirmations take time to work. On average, it takes more than 21 days to form a new habit.

    If your attitude towards money and prosperity has been negative, don't expect quick changes. Only in a month (and with strong negative attitudes it will take several months) you will feel positive changes.

    Another important nuance that no one talks about. Once you form a new habit (and feel positive changes), it must be reinforced for 3 months, otherwise your old attitudes will begin to influence you again. And you will return to the “old” rails.

    How to strengthen the effect of affirmations?

    To accelerate change for the better, try flow meditation (listen to the video below). Practice 2-4 times a week - you will soon notice positive changes in all areas of your life. To enhance the effect of affirmations, you can listen to affirmations for money alone and relax in meditative practice.

    Say affirmations every day. At one time you need to repeat the affirmation 3, 6, 9 or 12 times. This will make your desires powerful and give you the desired result.

    How to learn to pronounce affirmations correctly?

    Sometimes affirmations don't work if a person doesn't know how to formulate positive statements correctly. For “money-attracting affirmations” to really work for you, it is important that you agree at the body level with what you are saying.

    If you talk to the right attitude and creative thoughts, you can achieve desired results in a short time and unexpectedly, you will notice previously unprecedented changes for the better, which you had previously only dreamed of.

    How to formulate your affirmation for money and success?

    If you want to create your own positive, powerful statement, watch the video “affirmations for money” and follow the rules for creating affirmations:

    1. Friendly mood.
    2. Absence in the statement of words with a negative connotation, without the particle “not”.
    3. Conciseness and content of the affirmation.
    4. Formulate all statements in the present tense (I was born to be rich and financially successful)
    5. If your faith is Orthodoxy, then add at the end of each affirmation: “Amen!” This word is a seal that confirms the authenticity and truth of your desire.

    You can learn more about the influence of attitudes on attracting money from the video “Attitudes for Wealth”:

    Svetlana Kulish specially
    for the project “Psychology of Relationships”

    Mikhail and I have been friends since childhood, we went to school together kindergarten, school, university, but after that our paths diverged. And while I have a stable job and income, things are different for Misha.

    I won’t say that my friend is lazy and untalented, but he has no luck with work, much less with income. If he got a job before, he stayed there for a short time due to inflated demands and low wages, which were often delayed for a month or even two.

    This state of affairs did not suit Mikhail, he became gloomier and completely stopped believing that he would someday boast of a stable income, his own apartment and car.

    I decided to help him and advised him to go to an appointment with a psychotherapist, who explained to Misha that all his troubles are from negative thinking: every day he screws himself up, imposes negative beliefs on his own subconscious, naturally, his life does not develop in a positive direction.

    The consultation changed Mikhail. He became more cheerful and cheerful. One day I noticed how Misha, standing in front of the mirror, repeated the same phrase and smiled contentedly.

    What are you doing here? – I asked.

    I repeat the affirmations. – Misha quickly answered and continued reading his mantra.

    These are the beliefs with which I tune my own subconscious to positive thoughts.

    And how does it help?

    Certainly! “I am rich and my income is growing daily”!

    His life really got better. Mikhail found a stable job and never needed money. And even after that, he did not stop repeating affirmations for money; for him it turned into a kind of obligatory ritual before going to bed and after waking up.

    How to work with affirmations

    Affirmations effective method attracting money. It is known how important it is to think positively, and it is affirmations that help maintain positive attitudes in the human mind. Force positive thinking is huge, it perfectly helps to achieve success and wealth.

    By repeating the correct money affirmations, a person will easily tune his own consciousness to the wave of wealth, and he himself will not notice how he will begin to receive good cash income.

    Using affirmations is not difficult, but you need to adhere to some rules that are important to consider in order to attract money successfully.

    The first thing to remember is this is the time to practice affirmations. The best period for this is the morning immediately after waking up or the evening 15-20 minutes before bedtime - at this time the subconscious is open and receptive to suggestion.

    It is like a sponge, greedily absorbing all the information that is offered to it. It is advisable to start working with beliefs about the rise of the moon.

    From the list of possible affirmations, you should select 2-3 phrases and repeat them regularly.

    A positive statement must necessarily be formed in the present tense or as something that has already happened. For example: “I am rich or I am getting rich” or “I am already rich.”

    There is no need to use the particle “not”, since the human subconscious does not perceive it. You need to say affirmations out loud or silently, but at the same time you should be in such a mood as if what you want has already happened. This helps to charge phrases with positive energy.

    Affirmations should be used for the benefit of yourself or loved ones, they are not aimed at causing harm, but otherwise The Universe will not begin to embody such statements.

    Every day you need to pronounce your beliefs several times, and after a week of regular repetition, the subconscious will begin to change its usual way of thinking. For greater success, it is advisable to say phrases out loud and keep a special diary to record your own thoughts, feelings and images.

    Using both hands is beneficial, as it develops both hemispheres: write 10-20 clearly formulated affirmations a day with your left and right for 3 weeks, then take a break for a week and continue again, the last week control.

    You need to formulate affirmations on your own behalf - “I”, “me”, “me” - and talk only about what is bothering you at the moment. It is not advisable to use the word “can”. Art therapist Lyudmila Evtushevskaya says about this: “The phrase “I can earn a lot of money” will not have the desired effect on income.” Not only the word “can” raises doubts, but also “a lot”, which is very unreliable.

    The more clearly the thought is formulated, the more successful the result will be.

    You should remember and tune in only to yourself: “I am successful at work,” “MY income is growing daily.” The narrower the focus, the faster the statement will be directed at the one who pronounces it.

    Sentences should be short, so don't try to put all your wants and needs into them. You only need to work with one thing: health, love, happiness or wealth. And there is no need to change affirmations until the goal is achieved.

    Often affirmations do not have the desired effect. For this reason, many people refuse them and do not even try to understand the problem, because in most cases it is people who are to blame, as they make a number of common mistakes. Why might affirmations not work?

    1. Internal resistance - a person hammers a certain statement into his head, but his subconscious resists and does not want to give in, and then the process of self-programming turns into self-persuasion and even worse. You need to relax and drive away any extraneous thoughts that could confuse you. If you need money, then you should say: “I am rich,” and do not be distracted by an inner voice telling you the opposite.
    2. Irregular work with affirmations - working with the subconscious takes time, it is not enough to repeat phrases for several days and forget, then there will definitely be no result. If patience is not enough or affirmations are perceived as “nonsense,” then it is better not to start at all. Consistency and patience are important in this matter.
    3. Inaction - you don’t need to think that wealth will come by itself simply by repeating a few phrases before going to bed. As the saying goes: “Water does not flow under a lying stone.” An important condition for the fulfillment of desires is action. No one can achieve what they want by sitting in one place. By doing something to become richer, a person will demonstrate to the Universe his firm intention to fulfill his dream, then it will meet him halfway. The Universe always helps those who help themselves.

    When you remember all the basic rules for working with affirmations, start using them. All that remains is to select those that seem most effective.

    Powerful affirmations for money

    From the list of possible affirmations for money, you need to choose beliefs that will not cause discomfort when working with them.

    20 powerful affirmations for money

    1. I am rich in the Wealth of God.
    2. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
    3. I attract money like a magnet.
    4. Money loves me and I love money.
    5. My income is constantly growing.
    6. My job provides me with sufficient income.
    7. I constantly discover new opportunities that bring money.
    8. I let a lot of money into my life.
    9. Wealth is the norm in my life.
    10. My financial success is growing faster than I could have ever dreamed of.
    11. I am the master of my wealth.
    12. I am open to monetary abundance and easily attract material wealth.
    13. I have clean cash flows open to cash inflows.
    14. Money luck is favorable to me.
    15. I'm taking action. I set financial goals for myself and achieve them with ease.
    16. Money comes to me and I gratefully accept it.
    17. I have a successful and thriving business.
    18. I always have money.
    19. My life is a Cornucopia.
    20. I have endless opportunities to increase my capital, and I happily use them for the benefit of myself and those around me.

    As you know, the poetic form is more easily preserved in the subconscious. Therefore, you can compose your own poem to attract money or use ready-made options.

    1. Money is attracted to my home.

    My income is multiplying.

    1. Cash flows are opening up.

    Wealth is easily attracted.

    1. My wishes always come true

    And financial goals are achieved.

    1. Luck and success are always with me

    On the path to a true dream.

    Another famous and effective way To attract wealth, the money mantra of Ganesha is considered:



    Along with speaking, it is advisable to listen to special audio recordings for money to consolidate and improve the effect.


    By repeating such beliefs several times daily, you can easily change the habitual way of thinking of your subconscious. The results of the work will be noticeable within a week after regular use. Affirmations are perfect for those who want to change their life, achieve goals, happiness, love, health and well-being.

    Very soon you will notice the first results of your work, gradually your usual life will begin to change better side- towards wealth and material well-being. And in order not to delay this moment, start working with affirmations right now.

    Recently I realized that I urgently need to change something in my life. I need money. A friend advised me to read information about affirmations for attracting money. I, of course, heeded her advice and turned to the Internet.

    1. I can be a rich man because I am no worse than others!
    2. I know how and where you can make money!
    3. Water and air consist of invisible, but large money!
    4. Money is just a river flow that never leaves me!
    5. I associate myself with a money magnet!
    6. I have enough money coming into my life right now!
    7. Money will never leave me important points life!
    8. I am able to save money!
    9. I love getting discounts on various products!
    10. I let go of all doubts and uncertainties that somehow relate to money!
    11. I have every right to good luck and financial well-being!
    12. I have always valued money for the things it “brought” to me!
    13. I always have the amount of money I need!
    14. I feel true love to money and attracting it to me!
    15. Money must come to me because I spend my precious time meeting with it!
    16. I am sincerely grateful to the power of heaven for the opportunity to attract money into my life!
    17. Only when I have huge amounts of money do I feel very comfortable!
    18. How I love winning lotteries!
    19. My wallet is bursting with the amount of money!
    20. Financial opportunities await me at every step!
    21. I know how to manage my financial resources wisely!
    22. I deserve to have money swirling around me all the time!
    23. Dear money, I invite you into my life!
    24. My money is always enough for the things I want to buy!
    25. I choose a rich, fulfilling life and do it consciously!
    26. My financial income is growing in accordance with the growth of my needs!
    27. Instead of raindrops, cash flows fall on me!
    28. Money feels comfortable next to me!
    29. I always say goodbye to money easily, because I know that it will come back to me soon!
    30. My money will last me a lifetime!
    31. I'm not bored with money!
    32. I am the owner of a million dollars!
    33. Wealth is my usual, natural state!
    34. Money comes (arrives, stays) to me at my first call!
    35. I recognize myself as the center of attraction for huge amounts of money!
    36. I will always be swimming in money!
    37. I can make money practically out of thin air!
    38. Poverty has nothing to do with me!
    39. I consider myself rich!
    40. I have so much money that I can easily lend it to all my acquaintances and friends!
    41. Money is my friends, my support, my support!
    42. I know that money should be loved, respected and adored!
    43. My faith in abundance grows every day!
    44. Me and money are a beauty that exists only when we are together!
    45. I get great pleasure when I hold a large amount of money in my hands!
    46. My family is rich (for the benefit of the entire universe)!
    47. My thoughts about money constantly attract finance into my life!
    48. Every road I walk is littered with good money!
    49. I love to think about how incredibly fast my bank account is filling up!
    50. I am completely freed from fears and doubts regarding money!

    I really liked these affirmations. I bought a notebook with a cute flower so I could write them down (in neat and legible handwriting).

    This is incredible!

    I recently read that even very little money can bring huge financial income if a person uses all the possibilities of affirmations! I re-read the information about this several times to make sure that I was not imagining anything.

    You know, one thought scared me last night. It seems to me that I will be spoiled by the money that will appear in my wallet (very soon).

    No, I don't need a lot of money! I want to have enough finances for everything I need. I remember how my mother wished me more “average” money. That's exactly what I want!

    Receipt attracting money

    Mom found out that I began to “get carried away” with affirmations. Her employee gave her something that I was very interested in…. A receipt that is filled out for the sake of making money! Have you heard anything about her? I wouldn't be surprised if not.

    What's on this receipt?

    Now I’ll rewrite it so that you can try to create a similar “thing”:

    1. Date of completion.
    2. Own name (full).
    3. Receipt number.
    4. Signature.

    You must leave a space between the second and third points so that you can then enter the desired amount of money into the “invisible” point.

    This is the receipt we got! Didn't work out? Then don't think about her. There are a million ways to attract finance. But affirmations will never hurt you! This is why you should pay special attention to them.


    Ritual affirmations for effectively attracting money

    Ritual "Financial Bath"

    Mix one spoon of ground cinnamon. Add four tablespoons of parsley. Brew with five glasses of water. Store the resulting decoction in the refrigerator (with the lid tightly closed). Add the infusion to your bath water every time you take a bath. Say the following words: “money floats to me like a river of money, so that it can always be with me, with me, with me!”

    Ritual "Magic Pot"

    Take any one flower pot. Write the word “cabbage” on it (with a marker). Plant some flower. Place a few coins (one gold and one silver) under the pot. Say the following words: “I’ll water the cabbage now, let it grow thick and thick!” Say these words every time you water the flower.

    In custody

    Of course, you can read affirmations, listen, watch videos, use frame 25, but know the main thing - nothing will help if the monetary desire is insincere. Help always comes to a person who is in dire need of it.

    Where can I get money? -

    A man can help... -

    Earn... -

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