• Read conspiracies against alcoholism at home. Alcohol conspiracy. Reading the simplest plot


    Vanga taught how to wean her husband off alcohol without his consent by telling a conspiracy against alcoholism that needs to be read every day in the photo drinking husband. By performing this ritual, you can once and for all wean your husband from drunkenness without his knowledge. Vanga's conspiracy against drunkenness is made using a photo of her husband, holy water and 3 yellow wax church candles. At home, where a person suffering from alcoholism lives

  • This is a very old and effective rite of weaning from alcohol. After it is carried out, any person suffering from alcoholism and craving for alcohol will stop drinking strong alcoholic drinks and quickly come out of the binge. A conspiracy against alcoholism is read while drinking; to do this, they quietly take away an unfinished glass from a person with alcoholism and pour vodka into the village toilet with

  • Conspiracies and prayers help cure a person’s alcoholism and bring him out of a long-term binge. The “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon has proven to be especially effective in the treatment of alcohol addiction and drunkenness. Even the church recognizes a person’s alcoholism as a demonic influence on his will. If you don’t have an icon, print it from the Internet or buy it at a church, and you should also buy a church candle there.

  • If you urgently need to wean a person away from alcohol, read the old alcohol spell, after drinking it, the drunkard will stop drinking once and for all, and every time he takes up alcohol, he will be severely “thrown out.” A strong conspiracy against drunkenness and alcohol addiction is read only once and strictly at midnight on the full moon. Effective conspiracies against drunkenness and alcoholism can be read in those

  • There is one good prayer to the holy martyr Boniface of Tarsus, healing from drunkenness and severe alcohol addiction and even drug addiction. Like all prayers, the prayer against drunkenness is read in front of the icon of St. to the martyr Boniface and here is its text: O holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the Heavenly King, despising earthly voluptuousness and ascending to the Heavenly Jerusalem through suffering,

  • A strong prayer that must be read in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon will help to wean your husband or son from alcoholism and completely get rid of drunkenness. Already after the first reading of the prayer, the man for whom they prayed will have a decrease in alcohol dependence and the craving for drinking and alcohol will disappear; of course, he will not immediately stop drinking or come out of the binge. To get this result

  • This old Vanga conspiracy to discourage alcohol and relieve alcohol addiction will quickly help a person quit drinking alcohol while drinking, causing a strong disgust from alcohol. A strong conspiracy to get rid of alcoholism is read about water that should be given to a drunkard to drink. As soon as a person with an addiction to alcohol drinks water that has been charmed for drunkenness, the spell

  • A spell read on the day of Elijah the Prophet (Perun’s day) will save a person from alcohol addiction and quickly bring him out of binge drinking. 2 major holidays are celebrated on one day: the day of Elijah the Prophet and Perun’s day, and it is on this day that water charmed against drunkenness has enormous magical power and is capable of using magic to force a person to stop drinking alcohol and more

  • Conspiracies against alcoholism are considered the most effective against drunkenness. If your son, husband or other loved one is overtaken by the disease of alcoholism, do the following ritual yourself, which is aimed against alcohol addiction and heavy drinking. During the ritual, the mother or wife must read the most strong conspiracy on water and blood which

  • Using the magic of prayer, to make a person stop drinking and completely get rid of alcohol addiction once and for all, proceed as follows. Take a check and, after reading a prayer on it, the words of which will later go to church with alcohol to defend the service there. In the same church, order a magpie for the health of a person from whom you need to remove the craving for alcohol.

  • A conspiracy against binge drinking is read on water that is given to a person suffering from alcoholism. After drinking water that is charmed against binge drinking, a person who has not stopped drinking for several days will feel disgusted with alcohol and will voluntarily quit the binge. The conspiracies will now tell you how to use magic and prayer to get a person out of a long-term binge. Pour cold water into a mug,

  • Prayers and conspiracies against drunkenness often help when treating a loved one on your own, when a long and expensive stay in the clinic, consultations with a narcologist and coding for a destructive habit are powerless. Faith is the main component of healing from any disease, including alcoholism. The created prayer is the expressed hope for recovery, the conviction of the correct choice of the method of getting rid of the vice that destroys the lives of the drinker and those around him.

    What is important to know?

    Rituals and prayers aimed at aversion to drunkenness can be carried out at home, without involving third parties in the circle of your difficult problems. It is important to know a number of rules, subject to which the treatment will be as effective as possible.

    1. Patients suffering from alcoholism should be treated on the days of the waning moon, unless specific dates for reading akathists have been agreed upon.
    2. Conspiracies during Lent, on the days of major patronal holidays, are not read on Sundays.
    3. The ritual must be approached with the utmost seriousness and a sincere desire to help.
    4. Words of prayer pronounced for the sake of dubious amusement will not only not bring desired result, but will also aggravate the disease.
    5. Conspiracies against alcoholism in men should be read on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On other days, a ritual is performed for female drunkenness.
    6. If water is used according to the conditions of the ceremony, it must be clean, fresh, unboiled and undrinkable. When water is used that is not from a spring or well, it must be allowed to settle.
    7. Initiation of plans for holding rituals by outsiders who are not involved in the problem is extremely undesirable.
    8. You cannot be distracted or interrupted while reading prayers and pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.
    9. If a woman says prayers, her head should be covered with a scarf.
    10. Anyone who reads prayers for drunkenness not on himself should not have tattoos.
    11. If the request for help is a conscious action of the patient himself, before starting treatment with prayers, the alcoholic must fast for several days and abstain from smoking and alcohol.

    How to wean your husband from binge drinking without his knowledge?

    When a husband drinks, not realizing, not accepting the fact of his dependence on alcohol, not even wanting to hear about any treatment, rituals of aversion from drunkenness can be performed without the knowledge of the patient.

    Conspiracies without the presence and consent of the husband are carried out on

    • photograph,
    • water,
    • wax.

    One of the most powerful is the ritual using water blessed in the temple. At midnight they read three times over the holy water:

    “You, healing water, holy water, help the servant of God (name) with his severe addiction, his destructive habit. Let his body not accept alcohol, let him reject any alcohol, from this day until the end of his days. As seven nights pass, the craving of God’s servant (name) for vodka will go away forever. May what is said come true. Amen."

    For a week, the spoken water is added daily to any drink the patient drinks.

    Stand over your sleeping husband and whisper into the wax of a church candle:

    “Dawn is a lightning, a red maiden, mother and queen, the moon is bright, the stars are clear, take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight owl. In the middle of the night, come to me, even as a beautiful maiden, or as a mother - a queen. And take away from me, and take away the cursed power from me, and give me the hand of Savior, the castle of the Mother of God. My angel, my Archangel, save my soul, strengthen my heart. Enemy, Satan, abandon me. I am baptized with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, I call on the angel with the cross, I drive away the evil one with the cross. I know the holy signs. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    Sew the wax into your husband's clothes, which he wears without frequent washing.

    To perform the ritual over a photograph, they choose photographs taken not so long ago, in which the husband is depicted alone, with a natural expression on his face. First you should go to church and ask the priest to pray for the servant of God (such and such). Arriving home, light the candle purchased that day in the temple and say over the photo until it burns out completely:

    “As the moon wanes, so does the alcohol addiction of God’s servant (name) recede, move away and completely go away. I said - the moon did. Amen."

    If the ritual does not give the quick expected result, it is repeated a month later.

    Orthodox prayers, the reading of which gives the most powerful positive result even with severe, chronic drinking bouts, turn to the Lord God, the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    Strong prayers for husband's drunkenness

    If your husband drinks, they ask Nikolai Ugodnik to get rid of his illness

    “Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to you with a prayer. Generously have mercy and deliver my husband from demonic drunkenness. Against his will, they found disgust and devastated his craving for drunken libation. He will not sip, swallow or pour out harmful drink without a shudder. And he will sip and pour the property into the belly of holy water. Thy will be done. Amen."

    You should pray alone, with church candles burning. Once every 10 days, the church submits health notes indicating the name of the drinker in the accepted church spelling.

    To get rid of cravings for alcohol, the head of the family often prays to the Holy Matrona of Moscow. This ritual has its own characteristics.

    For prayer, they buy 9 church candles and fill the container with holy water. Three lighted candles are placed next to the images of the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, Jesus Christ, and St. Nicholas, and a vessel with holy water is placed next to it. First, they read the “Our Father” prayer three times, repeatedly, take 3 sips of water and begin to read the prayer:

    “Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Protect my husband from painful drunkenness and wash his lips with holy water. Let her drive away the craving for alcohol and calm his satanic trembling. As soon as you take a sip, you will sober up a little. When he does two, drunkenness will come out in full. Thy will be done. Amen."

    Read throughout three days. Water prayed in this way can be added to your husband’s drink.

    Home prayer to the Martyr Boniface for the deliverance of her husband from drunkenness is also carried out according to certain rules. Each icon of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Martyr Boniface is placed with 3 burning candles and a container of holy water. Three prayers to Saint Boniface are read at least three times in the following order.

    “Bonifatius the Martyr, Defender and Savior. I bow my head with faith in you, please forgive me for making you angry, I pray. Have mercy, to calm down the alcohol, and save your husband from drunkenness. Let him reject his destruction, Saint Boniface, I pray three times. Thy will be done. Amen."

    “Saint Boniface, the demon tempts us, he drives our husband to the grave through drunkenness. We deserve your punishment, but still I pray on my knees. Ask God for forgiveness, without Him we will not deserve humility. Let the alcohol that my husband drinks immediately pour back out of him. Thy will be done. Amen."

    “Martyr Boniface, Messenger of Christ. Accept repentance for me and my husband and reduce the severity of holy punishment. The demons of drunkenness entered the spouse and found a weak soul for grief. I beg you to forgive your sins and sprinkle him with holy water. As alcohol takes hold of him online, let the demon come out of prayer. Thy will be done. Amen."

    Often a man, being weak-willed and under the influence of drinking friends, cannot cope with the craving for alcohol on his own, although he is aware of his alcohol addiction. In this case, in addition to prayers, a spell using 13 candles will help. They should be purchased in an Orthodox church without participating in a church service. When leaving church, you need to turn around and say to yourself:

    “Ahead of me is male constancy, behind me I leave drunkenness. Amen."

    When you get home, light the candles and imagine in your mind the image of your husband who is disgusted with alcohol. Next, repeatedly emotionally recite the words:

    “As the face wrinkles from bitterness, let my beloved man not drink. I send a curse on alcohol, it will be like an eternal seclusion. It will distort him, stir him up, this conspiracy will prohibit him from drinking. Persuasion will not lure him, and his friends will not force him to take a sip. From now on, there will be an end to drunkenness, my good fellow will wean himself off. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

    The energy intake should be repeated before the feast, when alcohol consumption is expected.

    Healing my son

    When the son is drunk they read:

    “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I beg you to spare my child and save my son from sinful drunkenness. Forgive me for my evil indulgences and for all humiliations. Destroy the vile addiction and bring daring will upon your son. Let him not touch the drink, and his cravings will calm down. Let the water be glorified by them, and faith remain forever. Thy will be done. Amen."

    A mother’s prayers for a son who drinks bitters help get rid of the vice of drunkenness. It is effective to read prayers for aversion to alcohol and universal prayers for health.

    I beg you, Lord God, and ask for holy absolution. Help my drinking son get rid of his craving for alcohol and protect him from imminent death. Thy will be done. Amen.

    Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Grant my son good health, reason and will, strength and spirit. Protect him from harmful influences and guide him on the path leading to Orthodoxy. Thy will be done. Amen.

    A conspiracy against an alcoholic son carried out on Maundy Thursday is considered especially powerful. All windows in the house are thoroughly cleaned. The water remaining after washing the glass is poured onto the son’s back, saying:

    “Just as I gave birth to you, fed you with my milk, so you, servant of God (name), would not drink alcohol, mash, or pour wine into your mouth. The windows have been washed and you are clean. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    Prayer to the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice

    Orthodox Christians, wanting to get rid of the disease of drunkenness, most often turn to the Holy Mother of God, depicted in the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice. This is a strict and therefore especially effective ritual.

    1. It can be performed at any time, but the prayer will be most effective if offered on May 18, the Day of the Celebration of this icon.
    2. Before the ceremony, you must undergo a 40-day fast and abstain from alcohol and smoking.
    3. It is necessary to serve prayers to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, Martyr Boniface and Panteleimon the Healer with the blessing of water.
    4. Drink holy water every day before eating.
    5. Say the prayer while standing, only in front of the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice, with a lit candle.
    6. The entire text of the prayer must be said 12 times.

    If the prayer is said by the person suffering from alcoholism, it will be more effective:

    “I ask you, my Lord Jesus Christ, for help. Help me change my cruel fate and show me the path to liberation from liquid poison. For he takes away my strength and my mind, and corrodes my soul. Send Heavenly Fire, Lord. I have no joy in drinking. I suffer only from drinking intoxicated drinks.
    I pray to you, Heavenly Father, for deliverance from addiction. Let life force It will come back to me when I stop taking the bitter poison. Let the joy of renewal come, and life be filled with new meaning. And the burning thirst for damned vodka will leave me. Amen."

    If the prayer is read by someone close to you, the following version is used:

    “Oh, Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and guide and lead them to saving abstinence. Ask Christ our God to forgive us our sins and strengthen us in chastity and sobriety. Accept, Mother of God, the prayers of mothers, wives, children, the lost, those who drink bitter vodka, those abandoned, and all of us who fall at Your feet. And may our cry and cry, through Your prayers, reach the Throne of the Most High. Amen."

    The same prayer is also read after healing, so that the illness does not recur.

    Conspiracies for alcoholism

    To help prayers against drunkenness, conspiracies are often additionally used. From a huge number of them, you need to choose those that your heart is most drawn to, or the implementation of which will not cause difficulties. Conspiracies for food, alcohol, and a towel are considered the most effective.

    Here are some of them:

    You need to catch or buy fish, the main thing is that it is alive. Pour red wine into it for a few minutes. Then pour the wine out of the fish, and then cook it in any way. Before feeding this fish to an alcoholic, they say:

    “How this fish fluttered and suffocated from the wine, so that you, the servant of God (name), choked at the sight of wine, and did not touch wine for centuries. Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

    They slander alcohol three times during the waning moon at midnight:

    “Just as a dead person does not rise from the grave and does not drink green wine, so you, servant of God (name), do not drink either from dawn to dawn, or from noon to day, or from evening to night. Amen."

    Read on a new towel, which is then given to the patient for use:

    “Lord, the royal robe is on the shoulders, sleep and peace to meet the servant of God (name). Cover, Lord, his consciousness, strengthen, Lord, his body. Save, Lord, his soul. Lord, just as Mother washed and cleaned you in childhood and dressed you in clean clothes, so you, merciful Lord, strengthen the servant of God (name) in the pure consciousness. Amen."

    After seven days of use, the towel is buried in the ground or burned away from the house.

    Conspiracies related to the burial places of the deceased and cemetery land are dangerous. Such rituals are carried out by trained and experienced people: the slightest inaccuracy or mistake can affect those involved.

    After performing rituals associated with cemetery paraphernalia, you should order services in the temple and recite the “Our Father” many times. Despite this, it is better for true believers and those who have just begun to try their hand at self-healing to adhere to traditional Orthodox rituals, reading canonical prayers aimed at getting rid of drunkenness.

    Will not negative consequences from the use of rituals, if they are performed correctly, sincerely, with confidence in a successful result. Conspiracies are not a combination of random phrases. The selection of sounds, their height and alternation enhance the effect and direction of the word.

    A person who gets rid of drunkenness with the help of prayers, just as with medical treatment, may experience both physiological and psychological problems characteristic of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. At these moments, it is important to increase support and motivation for the patient, remembering that all family members should pray for the healing of a loved one.

    No disease can be cured instantly. Therefore, if something does not work out after the first ritual, do not give up. You need to maintain a positive attitude and believe in the power of words. What kind of prayer will be read is not so important, the main thing is purity of intentions. Only under such conditions is it possible to achieve recovery, preserve the mental and physical integrity of a loved one, and return peace and goodness to the home.

    Many people wonder how to help an alcoholic if he does not want to get rid of his craving for alcohol. A drunken husband will always find an excuse for his bad habit. A conspiracy against drunkenness will help you independently pull your husband or drunken son-in-law out of the quagmire. White magic works wonders, and a caring wife may well benefit from the experience of her ancestors.

    People resort to conspiracies against drunkenness in different cases. Sometimes the heart hurts for a caring mother who wants to save her son from drunkenness. Your husband can suffer from alcohol, and sometimes you need to pull a woman out of the bottle. A powerful magic spell on vodka will be effective in any case. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

    Healers have developed a set of rules to make a conspiracy against alcoholism effective. Even if a man does not want to give up his bad habit, you can wean him off wine forever. It’s easy to read conspiracies against alcoholism at home. Here are some basic recommendations:

    • the woman casting the spell must keep her actions secret from strangers;
    • successful prayers and spells against drunkenness are not read every day;
    • women are spoken to on Saturdays, Wednesdays and Fridays;
    • you can treat your husband on Tuesday, Monday or Thursday;
    • It is strictly forbidden to read conspiracies and prayers against drunkenness on Sunday;
    • the most powerful anti-alcohol ritual is performed on a sleeping person;
    • The days of the waning moon are considered a good time to whisper a conspiracy against binge drinking.

    Free your husband or other relative from the addiction secretly. Usually a person does not admit to being an alcoholic, although he returns home drunk every day. Conspiracies for alcohol addiction, read on the 19th, work well. Whisper prayers in the photo, ice and spring water- these objects are considered powerful magical conductors.

    Water spell

    Charmed water helps well against alcoholism - drink it once before bed. Get some holy water and light a church candle. To ensure that a person quits drinking, perform magic at night. Cross the glass and say a spell against alcohol:

    “Strong candle, baptized water, help God’s servant (name) free himself from vice. Take the glass away from him, make sure that the grief leaves the house. A person drinks holy water, and the addiction leaves his body. The fire will go out, and sin will disappear during the day. Amen".

    Conspiracy for hops

    An effective spell for alcohol is whispered using hops - you can get this plant at any pharmacy. Crushed hops are not suitable for alcoholic rituals. A tablespoon of this herb is enough to save a follower of the “green serpent.” Algorithm of actions:

    1. Get vodka or another drink that the drunkard did not have time to consume.
    2. Soak the hops in this liquid.
    3. Dry the plant.
    4. Wait until the full moon, take intoxicating cones in your hand and whisper a conspiracy against drunkenness (three times).
    5. Grind the hops.
    6. Start regularly adding the plant to your alcoholic's tea.

    When brewing a drink, whisper “Our Father,” but do it so that your husband does not notice it. The ritual lasts for three days, and the prayer must be read 9 times. Make sure the drunkard drinks the healing decoction. The text of the conspiracy so that men do not drink is as follows:

    “Go away, evil hopper, from my relative (name is mentioned) into the dense forest with your feet. There are no snakes or birds there, no fierce wolves roam there. Get out into the fast water, where there is no washing, no fish or other living creatures. A person does not bathe, the sun does not warm, the clear moon does not shine. Go, drunken one, to the winds, quicksand, distant countries, foreign shores. They don’t want you there, they don’t wait for you, kind words they won't say. Be bewitched by a bad person, whose thoughts are black, his eyes are empty, and there is no truth in his deeds. Amen".

    Learning to talk yourself into a conversation

    If you have started having alcohol problems, you can read one of the anti-drunkenness conspiracies for yourself. First, take a steam bath in a bathhouse, dress in everything clean and get some undrinkable water. To stop drinking, wake up before everyone else, draw some well water or melt a piece of ice.

    This is a powerful anti-drunkenness spell that many mothers use for their sons. Only they change the words of the spell, and mix the liquid into tea or coffee. When you cast a spell for drunkenness yourself, you need to drink the water immediately and entirely. The text is:

    “Brazh and hops, go to the grave. Be gone, craving for wine and alcohol! Wild wind, calm down the wild passion, don’t let me disappear into the bottle. I’m reading a conspiracy so that black birds will take away the attack, so that fierce beasts will tear it to pieces. Tell me, Lord, what to do, how to get my old life back. Dashingly, leave me alone, switch to bad people. Amen".

    Powerful ritual with soap

    Among the conspiracies from female alcoholism the best are those that use cosmetical tools. Do you feel a painful craving for a bottle? When you read the spell on soap, the disease will pass safely. You need to wash with enchanted soap for three weeks, and throw away the soap at the crossroads. You can talk yourself out of drunkenness with these words:

    “Hear me, heaven, restore your mind, heal your soul. Help God's servant (your name) return from the dark pit. Above there is a young month and a bright sun, but in my hole there is no bottom and no doors. The distant stars will illuminate my cup, Mother of God cherished word whisper. The stars spoke to the moon and told me not to drink anymore. Key with lock, deep sea and clear field. Amen".

    Making a Lapel Potion

    Conspiracies against drunkenness using water are quite simple, but has anyone ever thought about a turnaround potion? A spell against drunkenness combined with the preparation of an elixir is a complex thing. You will need 7 ingredients:

    • crayfish caught under the full moon (dried, ground into powder);
    • weeping grass root (after cleaning, wash and dry thoroughly);
    • grass taken from a bird's nest (birds must leave their habitat);
    • inflorescences and seeds of wormwood;
    • overcome-herb (dried root);
    • white snowdrop flowers;
    • thyme.

    Components for the treatment of alcoholism are ground to a powder by hand. The ritual itself is carried out on a day corresponding in numerical value to the day on which the drunkard was born. Get water from three different dwellings and start preparing the decoction.

    Spell for potion

    All components are free, but water will have to be obtained secretly. While the person is sleeping, the broth must be cooled (if you are preparing the elixir at night). In the morning, wash the drunkard with the prepared liquid and make him drink 12 full sips.

    Your relative will stop drinking alcohol if he gets sick from drinking the elixir. Some patients complain of itching and tingling. Here is a powerful spell that will enchant your potion:

    “I conjure the blood and saliva of God’s servant (name of the object), saving his body from harm. I enchant joints and brain, breath and blood, heart and veins. The son (or the husband) drinks, but his mother will protect him. I drive away day, night and dinner hops. You should not drink (name) away and at home, in foreign lands and oak chambers. The Lord created the universe in a week, and I will protect all your seven bodily parts from drunken stupor. Let it be so. Amen".

    Rituals of Siberian healers

    Conspiracies are especially popular Siberian healer from drunkenness. We are talking about the healer Natalya Stepanova, who saved a lot of people from alcoholism. Best time To read the classic conspiracy against drunkenness - night. Sneak up to the sleeping alcoholic and quietly whisper the magic text:

    “Mother Queen, dawn lightning, remove the accursed power from God’s servant (name), do not destroy him by drinking. Untie your drunken passion, tie it to the gravestone. Intoxicated girlfriends and friends, leave this house, forget the way here. My word is strong. Amen".

    Cemetery dust against glass

    Beginner sorcerers think that ice spells are the most effective. However, there is a more powerful thing - cemetery dust. Go to four different cemeteries and collect some dust at the intersections there. Find a grave containing a dead man with a name like an alcoholic. Place the collected dust on the gravestone and recite the spell:

    “A dead man doesn’t rise, he doesn’t know how to wander through crossroads. And you (name is called) will no longer be able to lift the glass. If you don’t take hops into your mouth, you won’t miss it. Let it be so. Amen".

    Working with photography

    1. Place the photo behind the glass.
    2. Looking at the image through the water, read the plot.
    3. Sprinkle the charmed water on the photo.
    4. Cross your loved one.

    It is better to cast spells in secret from the object. Put the photo away - random people should not hold it in their hands. The remaining water after the ritual must be given to the dependent sufferer. Text of the hex:

    “The spirit is cleansed, God’s servant (name) gets rid of an evil habit. The holy saints did not taste alcohol, and you must forget this taste. Let holy water be sweeter than aged wine. The Lord will help, the attack will disappear. Amen".

    Charming the fish

    A very exotic ritual, since first you will have to go fishing (you cannot buy fish in the supermarket). Two more important conditions - the fish must be freshwater and alive. At home, pour wine into a pan, put the fish in it and read the plot. After the ceremony, the fish will have to be fried and fed to the alcoholic. The text is like this.

    Alcoholism in our time is gaining terrifying proportions and often leads to tragedies in many families. General alcoholism is a disease that must be combated using all existing methods. Reading conspiracies against drunkenness and alcoholism has proven to be effective - a special magical effect, the purpose of which is to eliminate the addiction. Even in the old days, they helped out families, somewhere someone suffered from alcoholism.

    Conspiracies against drunkenness have survived to this day - many people turn to them who want to help their to a loved one who fell into the grip of alcoholism. Conspiracies against alcoholism are very popular; they need to be read with water. They are characterized by sufficient ease of execution, the ability to perform the ritual without the knowledge of a person with alcoholism, and a positive, in most cases, result of treatment.

    These qualities serve as a guarantee of their relevance and make such conspiracies very in a convenient way eradication of alcoholism, because often even binge drinkers refuse to admit their destructive addiction to alcohol, which makes voluntary treatment impossible.

    Conspiracies against drunkenness, read on water, are good because their action is based on the use of water, which well receives, conducts and transmits any information. A certain combination and selection of words in a conspiracy is information, a kind of program that affects human consciousness at the energy level. Influencing human consciousness, the conspiracy rebuilds it in such a way that it begins to work towards achieving the goal inherent in this conspiracy, in in this case- to get rid of painful alcohol addiction.

    As practice shows, water spells against drunkenness work well on alcoholics. However, any ritual, even the most powerful, does not promise a 100% result if the conditions of use were not met when pronouncing it. First of all, this concerns the main element - water. The water used in the spell should preferably be consecrated, or taken from a natural source (spring) or well. If this is not available, you can probably use the usual one, from the tap, but before performing the ritual, it must be infused for 7 days in a dark place, hidden from prying eyes.

    Depending on the gender of the drunkard, the ceremony is carried out either on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - for women) or on men's days (Monday, Tue, Thursday - for men). The phase of the moon also matters: the period suitable for casting spells is the waning or full moon. However, even a conspiracy pronounced at the right time will not lead to the desired goal if the performer does not believe in its action, or turns to magic out of a desire to check or curiosity - in this case, on the contrary, there is a high probability of the opposite result. You should not tell anyone about using a conspiracy, including the drunkard himself, especially if he stubbornly refuses to be treated.

    It is also important to take care of the company that will surround the alcoholic after the anti-drunkenness ritual. Comrades in the form of drinking buddies can greatly weaken the effect of a conspiracy, and in some cases, completely nullify it. Therefore, a drinking person must be protected from them in every possible way.

    Effective spells against drunkenness using water for home use

    Conspiracy against drunkenness on water

    This prayer is read over water, which the drunkard should then drink (can be mixed into tea or coffee). Text:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. One man was born, lived and died. As dead as he is (name of the drunkard) does not take alcohol into his mouth, does not drink. Just as one’s hand is dead, so another’s hand will not pour wine, will not bring it to its lips, will not pour vodka into its own mouth. (Name of the drunkard) He doesn’t pour any more wine into the cup, he doesn’t drink alcohol. I am baptized(own name) , with a cross, I protect myself with a cross, I save myself from alcohol. Baptist, help the servant of God(name of drunkard) be a deliverer from wine. My word is strong, no one can interrupt it. Amen(3 times) !”

    Another effective conspiracy against alcoholism

    The peculiarity of this conspiracy is that it is read on the water only on the 19th day, in any month. The charmed water is mixed into any alcoholic's drinks and liquid dishes. Text:

    “Just as the Lord God Christ did not know vodka, did not drink it and did not tolerate it, just as the Most Holy Mother of God and all the saints did not know booze, did not drink and did not tolerate it, so are you, God’s servant (name of drunkard) , give up drinking and rock out forever. Amen!"

    The effect of the spell can begin after a single dose, in some cases it requires repetition until the desired result first appears.

    An ancient spell against drunkenness using a glass of water

    This conspiracy can be read by the alcoholic himself, who wants to overcome his addiction, and by the relatives of a drinker who refuses treatment. The charmed water must be drunk to the last drop (alternatively, serve a glass of liquid during a hangover). The words of the conspiracy are read three times:

    “Intoxicated, prince, your little head is wild. Don’t let your hair fly down, but let it fall down. I don’t know you, I haven’t been to your place. Climb to the top of the damp tree to the sovereign, through the honey and beer barrels. Let them not lie on a person (name of the drunkard) your words are wicked and your deeds are evil. Let him drink this cup, and the hangover will disappear from him. Hmela, prince, sit at home, just like a king sits on his kingdom, but don’t come to my house!”

    See 5 more ways to recover from alcoholism using magical rituals from traditional healers:

    Alcoholism is a terrible disease that makes both the patient and the people around him suffer. Drunkenness prevents a person from being a full-fledged member of society and prevents him from building healthy relationships and career. In order to save a loved one from addiction, women go to great lengths: medications, coding, hypnosis, scandals and hysterics. When nothing helps and even love spells are powerless, others come to the rescue good methods. These are effective conspiracies against drunkenness and alcoholism that you can carry out on your own. In this article we have collected the best rituals, according to user reviews.

    Conspiracies against drunkenness are prayers or appeals to higher powers with a request to rid a person of an addiction. In order for them to act quickly and effectively, you need to pronounce them very seriously and correctly. Under no circumstances should you commit a conspiracy for the sake of laughter or entertainment. For women, the conspiracy against drunkenness is read on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and for men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

    Conspiracies for drunkenness and alcoholism come in a variety of forms. There are spells for wax, for water, for photos, cemetery plots and rituals for a husband’s drunkenness. All you have to do is choose the one to which your soul lies and thoughtfully carry out the ritual. So, here are the basic anti-drinking spells that will help you and your family regain peace and tranquility.

    Conspiracy against drunkenness on yourself

    It is best when a person addicted to alcohol realizes his addiction and wants to be treated himself. In this case, the treatment is more effective, and the spells work faster. If you are the one who is faced with the problem of alcoholism, then you can talk yourself out of drunkenness. To do this, you need to fast for several days, then be sure to go to the bathhouse and put on clean underwear. Take clean, undrinkable water (it’s good if it’s water from a stream or spring). Then read the spell over it three times and drink, while imagining how your addiction is leaving you:

    Conspiracy against drunkenness on water

    A very strong conspiracy against drunkenness on water must be performed on the 19th of any month. To do this, say the following text over a container of water:

    This water then needs to be added to tea, coffee, compote, soup and any other liquid dishes. Such a spell can take effect immediately, or it may take some time and several containers with charmed water.

    Another spell for water against drunkenness is suitable for mothers who want to help their sons get rid of alcohol addiction at home. On Maundy Thursday, you need to wash the windows with clean water, and then pour this water on your son’s back seven times with the words:

    Water spell against female drunkenness.
    They read over water that an alcoholic woman drinks. You can also read over food or other liquids (not alcohol).

    Conspiracies against drunkenness using photographs

    Also very effective and popular folk conspiracies from drunkenness according to the photograph. In this case, conspiracies and prayers against drunkenness are not pronounced over water. They are read over a photograph of a person who needs to be saved from an illness.

    A strong conspiracy against drunkenness from a photograph must be pronounced on the waning moon. Above the photograph of the patient you need to say:

    There are other conspiracies against drunkenness based on photos. You need to read three times over a photo of an alcoholic.

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen! Leave the hops and wine from the servant of God (name) into the dark forests, where people do not walk and horses do not roam and birds do not fly.”

    Below are other effective conspiracies for alcoholism. Before performing them, you need to take a shower or bath, and best of all, go to the bathhouse. In addition, you need to fast for several days (this is also relevant for fulfilling a plot to sell an apartment).

    Food spell

    They say it over any food, the main thing is not to talk about the perfect conspiracy to the person for whom it is being committed.

    Conspiracy to fire

    On an odd day, you need to collect brushwood in the forest, light a fire from it and draw a circle around the fire. Then sit behind this circle and read the plot, without taking your eyes off the fire. The tears that come out cannot be wiped away either.

    Conspiracy against drunkenness by Natalia Stepanova

    Pronounced over alcoholic beverages that an alcoholic drinks. Usually, after a person drinks the charmed alcohol three times, alcoholism disappears without a trace. Conspiracy text:

    Wax spell

    You need to make sure that a drunken person bites a piece of wax when he drinks or has a snack. Then they take this piece and read a conspiracy over it. After this, a piece of wax is sewn into the alcoholic’s clothes. Conspiracy text:

    Ring plot

    Difficult to do, but very effective conspiracy on the widow's ring. Have to take wedding ring a woman who buried her husband not more than a month ago. On the waning moon, the ring is placed in the water and a spell is cast upon it. This ritual must be performed three times, after which the person’s craving for drinking will go away.

    At midnight you need to chant wine, vodka or any other three times alcoholic drink which your loved one drinks.

    “Just as a dead person does not rise from the grave and does not drink green wine, so you, servant of God (name), do not drink either from dawn to dawn, or from noon to day, or from evening to night. Amen."

    Alcoholism spell on a towel

    This spell is read over a clean new towel, which is then given to the drinking person to use. It is important that the person does not know that this towel is under a spell.

    Old Russian conspiracy

    Old Russian conspiracy against excessive alcohol consumption. With the help of this prayer, alcoholics were treated in Ancient Rus' and, I must say, quite successfully. To perform the ritual, buy an ordinary lock. This must be done on Friday on the waning moon. Take the glass from which the person you want to talk drank. There should be at least a couple of drops of alcohol left in it after he drank. Pour these remains into the keyhole, while saying:

    “You, (person’s name), are a libertine and a drunkard. Just as this castle is closed, so should you always keep the doors of pubs closed.”

    After this, the lock must be closed two turns and hidden well so that no one finds or sees it.

    Cemetery Plot

    You need to take a bottle of alcoholic drink, which the person being charmed usually drinks, and go with it to the cemetery. There, stand at the gate and wait until the funeral procession passes by. As soon as you see people going to bury a dead person, immediately say the words:

    “Just as a dead person does not live among us, so a slave (name) does not drink intoxicants. Amen"

    At home, place the charmed bottle where he can see it. drinking man, but don’t offer him a drink yourself. When he sees the bottle himself, pours from it and drinks, the conspiracy will begin to take effect.

    It happens that a drunkard categorically refuses treatment and becomes very aggressive when you bring up the topic of his bad habit and treatment. In this case, it is best to hide the conspiracy ritual from him. Go to a grove, forest or garden and collect a broom from trees and herbs. To charm a woman, the broom must contain plants with feminine names (viburnum, rowan, birch, mint). And to charm a man - plants with masculine names (maple, oak, ash, St. John's wort). When you come home, sweep all the corners in the house with this broom, while reading the prayer:

    After all the corners have been swept, dig a hole behind the house that will accommodate your broom and bury it. By the time the broom rots, the patient should give up alcohol. After this, you may need a spell to work.

    Conspiracy against childhood alcoholism

    Unfortunately, recently the trend of regular alcohol consumption among children and adolescents has been rapidly developing. Looking at adults, they begin to adopt their habits, including very harmful ones. In order to rid your child of alcoholism once and for all, you need to buy cow's colostrum. Now it is easy to get it in any village or market. On Wednesday, on an even day, the prayer to the Mother of God is first read over the colostrum. It can be read in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, which is considered an assistant for alcoholism. Then they read the following plot:

    This colostrum is given to eat drinking child or a teenager. It happens that this conspiracy also helps adults, but this happens extremely rarely. We really hope that you will never need conspiracies against alcohol and drunkenness. But if such trouble has overtaken your family, use conspiracies wisely, do everything accurately and without mistakes. Remember that games with magic do not end well and the effect of a conspiracy can be completely opposite.

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