• How long can you take anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin? Immunoglobulin during pregnancy - recommendations and doses


    When pregnancy occurs, serious changes begin in the body, and all its systems begin to work differently. This also applies to the immune system. Many people think that a pregnant woman's immunity should automatically increase to protect the fetus from infectious diseases, but this is not so. Due to increased stress on the body, it weakens, which becomes dangerous for the baby.

    If a severe weakening of the immune system can pose a threat to bearing a child, then the woman is given an injection of immunoglobulin during pregnancy. This medicine is of natural origin - it is obtained from human plasma. An active substance is released from it, which is well purified and concentrated in a special way. Immunoglobulin during pregnancy helps the body fight viruses, bacteria and infections. But is it as safe as it seems at first glance?

    Human immunoglobulin for pregnant women

    There are two types of immunoglobulin:

    • human;
    • anti-D immunoglobulin.

    These drugs have different effects on the body and are prescribed for certain health conditions of the expectant mother.

    Human immunoglobulin is prescribed during pregnancy to protect the fetus from viruses and bacteria. This drug strengthens a woman’s immune system and helps it cope with any infectious agents. An immunoglobulin injection during pregnancy is also prescribed to reduce the likelihood of premature birth or miscarriage.

    But immunoglobulin is not safe for pregnant women. Even if there are all indications for the use of the drug, some side effects are observed after the injection:

    • weakness;
    • chills;
    • temperature increase;
    • cough,
    • a sore throat,
    • dizziness,
    • pain in the back of the head or temples.

    An immunoglobulin injection during pregnancy can also cause more serious complications. A woman may experience vomiting and diarrhea, aching joints and lower back pain. After the injection, tachycardia is often observed and the pulse quickens.

    But the worst thing is that it has not yet been definitively established how this drug affects the fetus. An immunoglobulin injection during pregnancy can pass without a trace for the unborn baby, or can cause the development of serious diseases.

    Indications for the use of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin during pregnancy

    If the father positive Rh factor, and the mother is negative, then a Rh conflict arises, which poses a serious threat to the fetus. The fact is that the woman’s body begins to produce antibodies in order to get rid of the fetus, which she perceives as foreign body. When antibodies are produced, the fetus may develop blood diseases, and there is also a high probability of pathology occurring in the newborn.

    To reduce the production of antibodies that are dangerous to the child, a woman is prescribed anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin during pregnancy. This therapy allows you to save the child and carry it to term. Anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is also prescribed for the second pregnancy, if the first one ended in abortion.

    Anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin during pregnancy is less dangerous than “human” immunoglobulin. After using it, the temperature may rise and itching of the skin may appear. Nausea, vomiting and stomach upset occur less frequently. This medicine has virtually no contraindications - it is prohibited for people with individual intolerance to the drug.

    How to take immunoglobulin for pregnant women

    This drug is available in liquid or powder form. It should not be taken without medical prescription. Only a doctor, after studying the tests, can decide whether you should be treated with this drug or not. He also calculates the dosage - it depends on individual characteristics the body of each patient. Immunoglobulin can be administered intramuscularly through a syringe and intravenously through a dropper. The method of introducing the medicine into the body is also determined by the doctor.

    During pregnancy, doctors recommend avoiding taking any, even the most harmless, medications, not to mention immunoglobulin, which can be beneficial or harm the health of the unborn baby. Taking an anti-Rhesus drug is a necessary measure - it is difficult to maintain a pregnancy without it. But taking human immunoglobulin should only be started after everything folk remedies boosting immunity has been tried. Because the final effect of this drug on the fetus has not been studied, and no one can say for sure what complications its use can cause.

    Every pregnant woman's immunity decreases several times. This is how the body protects the fetus from possible rejection by the body. If a woman becomes very ill while carrying a child due to constant weakness and fatigue due to the fact that her immunity is reduced, the doctor prescribes immunoglobulin for her during pregnancy. This drug is available in powder form or in ready-made injection solutions. Dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. In this article we will talk in detail about why a pregnant woman is injected with immunoglobulin, how it affects the child and the woman’s condition.

    Immunoglobulin is a biological product that consists of many antibodies from purified donor human blood plasma. Its main task is to resist viruses, bacteria, strengthen immune system.

    There are 2 types of this drug:

    1. Human immunoglobulin, which during pregnancy can be prescribed to absolutely any woman who has encountered infectious disease. It should be noted that this happens in very rare cases when:
    • the expectant mother’s body does not react in any way to the antibacterial drugs that are administered to her for treatment;
    • the woman is at risk of miscarriage;
    • The pregnant woman feels so bad that she loses consciousness.
    1. Anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin - during pregnancy it is mainly injected into women who have negative Rh factor. However, the administration of immunoglobulin during pregnancy of this effect is prescribed to a woman only in special cases:
    • if a woman has Rh negative had an abortion, she had an abortion spontaneous miscarriage, amniocentesis was performed, which can provoke the penetration of the mother’s blood into the child, which is very dangerous for the life of the fetus;
    • if a woman is diagnosed with Rh-conflict (when the baby and mother different Rh factors, due to which the fetus can be rejected by the woman’s body);
    • if a woman has an immunodeficiency, anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is also prescribed.

    Depending on what is happening to the expectant mother, the doctor prescribes which immunoglobulin to inject during pregnancy and in what dosage. Some women receive it intramuscularly, and some intravenously. It depends on how the expectant mother tolerates immunoglobulin.

    Indications for immunoglobulin injection during pregnancy

    Rh immunoglobulin during pregnancy or ordinary human immunoglobulin is administered to a woman who is carrying a child and has a negative Rh factor, although the future father has a positive one. Therefore, every woman expecting the birth of a child should definitely ask her doctor whether immunoglobulin is needed during pregnancy in her particular case or whether she can do without it.

    As a rule, immunoglobulin is administered to a woman during her first pregnancy if she is at risk of developing a Rh conflict either during pregnancy (in the second trimester) or immediately after she gives birth (within 3 days). This is necessary so that the woman does not have problems with carrying her second pregnancy and each subsequent one (in this case, the woman will no longer need to inject immunoglobulin).

    If a woman is at risk of miscarriage at the end of the second trimester, she is prescribed immunoglobulin at the 28th week of pregnancy. Thanks to this drug, red blood cells that enter the mother's blood from the fetus are destroyed because the antibodies necessary for this enter the mother's blood. The effect of immunoglobulin will last for 3 months - just until childbirth. However, in this case, the expectant mother will have to stay in the hospital for some time under the supervision of doctors so that they can monitor whether the pregnant woman responds normally to immunoglobulin. The fact is that this issue has not yet been fully studied by doctors, so many things can happen. side effects.

    Consequences of immunoglobulin during pregnancy

    Researchers on the issue of immunoglobulin during pregnancy have arguments both for and against administering the drug to the expectant mother. First of all, this is due to the large number of side effects that can overcome expectant mother. These include:

    • shortness of breath occurs - a woman simply cannot do even a few simple steps, she will have difficulty breathing;
    • she will begin to experience severe pain in all joints, and especially in the chest;
    • the expectant mother will feel sleepy and constantly tired;
    • according to reviews, immunoglobulin during pregnancy can even provoke an increase in blood pressure and body temperature;
    • in addition, the drug can have a negative effect on the skin - rashes will appear, which will be very itchy;
    • an intestinal disorder may occur, accompanied by vomiting and nausea in the expectant mother;
    • a pregnant woman may begin to cough (she may even experience bronchospasm);
    • immunoglobulin can also affect the normal functioning of the heart (most often, pregnant women develop tachycardia after administration of immunoglobulin at any week).

    Prevention of Rh conflict using immunoglobulin

    As a rule, women with a negative Rh factor are vaccinated with immunoglobulin long before pregnancy in case she has to:

    • have an abortion (or the pregnancy will fail arbitrarily);
    • undergo an invasive intervention;
    • do an urgent blood transfusion.

    The most important task of this vaccine is to prevent the development of Rh conflict during pregnancy. But keep in mind that even if you have such a vaccination, your doctor will still direct you every month to take a blood test to detect antibodies. If they are determined, then you will be prescribed immunoglobulin, as well as many other studies that will monitor the child’s condition.

    There are many women with a negative Rh factor who have successfully given birth to not just one child, but several. All this suggests that you should not worry too much about the fact that you will have to be under special medical supervision for 9 months. You have a very high chance of giving birth to healthy and strong babies if you follow all the doctors’ orders. We wish you easy pregnancy and safe birth! Be healthy and take care of your children!

    Video: “Anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin during pregnancy”

    Rh conflict and antibody analysis - how the vaccine works.


    a little off topic, but since I was in the CPSR with girls with severe Rh-conflict, it became close. The illiteracy of our aunts in the residential complex is simply shocking - I (shout out to the young man/woman) was once sent to the CPSR for an urgent examination, only because at the ultrasound at 16 weeks or so they thought there was something there, but in reality it turned out to be just a picture from a textbook on child development, and it also turned out that my blood type was incorrectly assigned already at birth!!! I had to prick a vein twice - it was not a pleasant pleasure, so that the doctors would believe that my blood was second - positive... and you say - antibodies... But what is not done is all for the better, as a result I did not go in the residential complex, and once every 2 weeks I went to the CPSR for an appointment and gave birth to a wonderful Lyovochka!))

    The fact that antibodies appear after vaccination is written on every corner of the Internet. You should be more attentive to the information about what you will be injected with, why and with what consequences

    Among all kinds of troubles that can happen during pregnancy, Rh conflict occupies a special place. It happens when a pregnant woman is Rh negative and the fetus is Rh positive. What actions should be taken in this case?
    Since school, we know what an important role red blood cells - erythrocytes - play for humans. When the red blood cells were studied in sufficient detail, it turned out that these red blood cells...


    ...It destroys those red blood cells of the child that entered the mother’s blood at birth. Moreover, it destroys very quickly, even before the mother’s body’s immunity has time to produce antibodies. Thanks to this, the danger of Rh conflict in the next pregnancy is reduced to nothing.

    The same immunoglobulin is administered to a Rh-negative woman no later than 72 hours after a transfusion of Rh-positive blood, after a miscarriage, abortion, and in some other cases. Today, for prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to be administered to all pregnant women with Rh-negative blood - even in the absence of antibodies to the Rh factor - at the 28th and 34th weeks of pregnancy.

    The risk of developing Rh... Much has been written about what the first pregnancy threatens with a positive child for a negative mother. I would like to know what the fifth threatens, if in the fourth before the birth (about a week) there was a conflict. And I have never been vaccinated. I will be very happy with the answer. In the second and third trimesters, intrauterine damage to the fetus with the development of defects is unlikely and it is not important to terminate the pregnancy. Prophylaxis with immunoglobulin during pregnancy is not recommended. Jaundice caused by hepatitis group B does not have a negative effect on the unborn child. However, the baby can become infected from the mother during childbirth. Prevention: immediately after birth, the child must be given an injection of immunoglobulin and at the same time vaccinated against hepatitis B. Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease..., detachment of the chorion (placenta). In these cases, an examination is carried out for genital...


    I have recurrent miscarriage, AFS. Now I am 4 weeks pregnant and have discharge. Doctors are discussing whether it is possible to use Octagam at this time. I am hope for your help. Waiting for an answer. Thank you in advance.

    12.03.2008 23:21:47, Victoria Ivanova

    Rh conflict during pregnancy


    Strange to hear from a doctor highest category such a phrase "... no matter how the pregnancy ends (childbirth, spontaneous or induced abortion), the “negative” blood of a woman will inevitably get the “positive” blood of the child she is carrying." Why is it inevitable!? If the baby’s skin is not damaged during childbirth, then the components of his blood will not enter the mother’s blood and antibodies will not be produced, accordingly will be. And in the womb, as you know, the blood of the fetus and mother do not mix. I ask the author to edit his article!!

    Infertility is a serious problem that many families face. The reasons for it can be varied. In this article we will talk about one of the most “mysterious” ones related to the “behavior” of the immune system.


    Hello! I have blood type 4, Rh factor, Rh negative. My husband is 2 positive. My pregnancy was terminated at 21 weeks of pregnancy, because I was diagnosed with very a large number of antibody titer 1:256. The fetus has severe ascites, hemolytic disease of edematous form. At the age of 13 I had sepsis and received a blood transfusion. The first pregnancy was stupidly terminated at 6 months of pregnancy, after which I had 2 medical abortions early stages.and I was never immunized. But I had no idea that it would all lead to this. Can I have children with such a high number of antibody titers in the future? And what is the probability of carrying a child to term?

    03/03/2017 17:22:44, Lyazzat

    Hello. I have rh(-)1 husband rh(+)1 two children died. The second child who died was tested and an expert was done, as a result they showed that the causes were Rh conflict. The first child was born in 2010. the second after 2 months, but had an abortion because I had a miscarriage. When I found out that I had rh(-)1, they did anti-rhesus immunogloblin rogam. After 9 months, I became pregnant. The pregnancy was assessed as good, I did antibody tests once, nothing came of it. The time has come, February 17, 2012. but there were no contractions, they did a backdrop because of varicose veins, the doctor did a cesarean section. The child was Rh negative. Again they did anti-Rhesus immunogloblin, the child died 3 days after the first baby died. Now I’m pregnant by accident. pregnancy 3-4 weeks. I don’t know what they’re doing. I really need your help, I live in Azerbaijan. Sincerely, Fidan

    11/14/2012 01:01:41, fidan

    Rh conflict during pregnancy, how to avoid problems. Negative Rh factor


    I am the owner of the 4th blood group and Rh negative factor. I gave birth to two children. A daughter on December 25, 1992 and a son on January 6, 2011, exactly 18 years later. My daughter has type 2 Rh blood factor is negative, and My son’s blood group 4 is Rh factor positive. Both pregnancies proceeded wonderfully, antibodies were present in negligible quantities, there was no Rh conflict in either the first or second case. My daughter inherited her father’s blood type, and my Rh factor, but my son is the opposite father's rhesus my group. Children have different dads. This is how it happens, I’m probably the lucky one!

    The doctor prescribed immunoglobulin for us. She said that it prevents detachments (I had a small discharge not long ago) and is generally good for boosting immunity, which is very important during pregnancy. 1 such dropper costs 6,000 rubles. You need 2 droppers - every other day. That is, 12,000 rubles for 2 days. I don’t feel sorry for any money, as long as everything goes well. But I think, is all this really so expensive? How do other pregnancies fare if there is no way to pay such amounts? By the way...


    I dropped immunoglobulin (intraglobin) 3 times every other day in the 6th week, then every 4 weeks, 1 dropper. It was very worth it big money. But in the end, I carried and gave birth to a wonderful son (2 previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage - a problem of compatibility with my husband). So in my case it was very, very critical. They twisted and found money. In addition, I almost constantly injected Fraxiparine (this is also about 3000 each course).
    If in doubt, consult another doctor. Good luck and have an easy pregnancy!

    and where do you watch?

    Girls, is it possible for pregnant women to inject immunoglobulin for a herpes virus infection, the doctor prescribed it, but there are many opinions that it is harmful, etc. Tell


    possible and necessary during exacerbation

    my friend had three IVs on Oparin during her pregnancy (also, in my opinion, it was associated with infections), if not more, and after giving birth 2. She believes that they brought her and her daughter great benefit


    I was given octagan in the very early stages, 3 droppers. I guess it depends on what for.

    So I have more than the norm for antibodies, especially herpes, 1: 3200, and a little more than the norm for CMV, 1: 1600. The doctor prescribed immunoglobulin injections in my butt, but I decided not to undergo this course of treatment and did not do those 5 injections. Maybe I shouldn’t have undergone treatment because of my fear of getting injections in my butt? I sit and think. :(

    It is necessary to instill 50 ml per day for 4 days... Under what conditions is it prescribed, can it be avoided? I left the doctor in a fog, I didn’t understand anything


    They prescribed it to me several times, but I “forgot” each time...
    was prescribed in connection with regular exacerbation of herpes (not genital, but ordinary) during pregnancy.
    BUT since this is a common occurrence for me in winter, I ran ;-)))

    At least tell me something about yourself... what is the diagnosis? In general, they usually drip every other day.

    Girls, has anyone taken immunoglobulin in the early stages of pregnancy? During our first pregnancy, we got by with three injections in the butt at 30 weeks, but now the doctor insists on giving the first IV on Friday.... Now I’m wondering how long this procedure lasts? Isn’t it too early to do this at 7 weeks? Thanks for answers:)


    Excuse me. Was it prescribed to you for genital herpes..? Or is it also prescribed for oral use?

    04/14/2005 13:00:48, Lia

    I was dripping. though not in the early stages, but at the preparation stage (last month). If there are problems with pregnancy, many are prescribed them both during preparation and then up to 12 weeks. For many girls, droppers help maintain B. I dropped imported immunoglobulin (Octagam), for about 40 minutes. Domestic drops took longer - about an hour or even longer. They usually tolerate it normally, they may feel a little dizzy, but if you reduce the dripping speed, it will go away. Can I ask you where you are being observed? which doctor prescribed it for you?

    Second pregnancy, no antibodies. It seems that I need to inject soon and the doctor is for it, but today at the appointment she said the phrase that if there are no antibodies, where will they come from? And the cockroach settled in:((. During my first pregnancy I didn’t inject anything, well, it was clear there was nothing there, but now I don’t even know. There’s nowhere else to consult, so I don’t know. Girls with negative rhesus and not their first pregnancy - speak out plz.


    They don’t offer me anything... for the fifth time already, they just give me an injection after giving birth, but all four children are Rh positive. I have an appointment on April 12th, I will be torturing the doctor about this topic.

    I will do it. Because they say that they usually appear just after the 30th week. I don’t want to risk it. Moreover, with the second and third the risk is higher than with the first. This is my third Pregnancy, so I will take injections.

    Second pregnancy, Rh negative, no antibodies. The doctor said that at 28 weeks I need to give this injection. I didn't do anything during my first pregnancy. Is it really needed now? And the doctor called this drug HyperRow, which seems to cost 6-7 thousand. Has anyone stabbed him? Is it really as good as it costs? Or maybe there are analogues for a reasonable price?


    I am Rh negative, both children are positive, there were no antibodies, they didn’t inject anything.

    My sister was injecting. But this is her first pregnancy and she had problems from the very beginning, so she strictly carries out any appointment, no matter how much it costs. If anything, then I can order without a pharmacy markup, i.e. at a wholesale zero price. And not only this drug :)

    I don’t understand something... last time I bought immunoglobulin after childbirth (my husband bought it) in a regular pharmacy in the city of Lyubertsy for 100-200 rubles... we left it in the maternity hospital then, like we had nowhere to put all the packaging. Now I need an injection (although every time after giving birth I was given one), they called from the clinic and said that they did not have the drug - there was a problem with the supply. But I can’t find it and the price surprises me....7 thousand. How could the price go up like that, I don’t understand????????????

    Tell us who dug - the sensations, the consequences, etc. Many people write that they didn’t start dripping because... the condition is like a severe flu, but for those who did get it, how is it in reality? Plz, share your experience, otherwise it’s kind of scary for the consequences... And also, did you take the drops in a hospital or on an outpatient basis? The doctor says that we need to go to bed, but maybe it’s not so scary? Thanks.


    I heard that Immunovenin is better than Immunoglobulin. The first drug is more modern. Here it costs about 900 rubles. per jar. And I also know that they usually go to the hospital to get it treated. They drip three times during pregnancy (three times, three sessions), so estimate the final price. I think there is no need to worry about the consequences; it is often prescribed to pregnant women, mainly because of infections and to boost immunity.

    I’ve already been given 2 courses because of infections, both times in the hospital where I was hospitalized for other reasons, and immunoglobulin was given at the same time.
    1 bottle (25ml + glucose) three times every other day. no discomfort I didn’t have an IV either during or after, I would have gotten behind the wheel right away :-)

    costs around 850 rubles for a 25 ml bottle.

    hi girls...I’m completely puzzled here. In general, I have Rh negative husband is positive. In my LCD, the gynecologist doesn’t really know anything about immunoglobulin, which is administered in this case at 28 weeks... she told me: if you buy it... we’ll give you an injection... if you don’t buy it... you don’t have a titer for antibodies... it means you are the child’s parent with Rh positive, then within 72 hours we will give you this injection. As a result... I’m shocked... I don’t know what to do... the people on the forums are different (someone gives such an injection...


    I have the same problem :))) but after the first birth in the maternity hospital they gave me immunoglobulin. And now, the same words in the LCD as yours. If I find BeyRoDe, I’ll do it at 27-28 weeks, if not, then no... the tests are still ok, tttt.

    I have never been injected, neither during pregnancy nor after.

    I have 6 weeks. Based on the results of the tests and the fact that HSV1 is active, the doctor prescribed 3 droppers of normal human immunoglobulin, 25 ml each (they are still not cheap at all). Has anyone done this? is it worth doing this?? The Internet has the most different opinions on this score.


    I have been observed for many years at the Herpetic Center; I have been injected and injected with immunoglobulin many times, including during pregnancy. If viruses are active (HSV or CMV), then this is our only way to protect our body and fetus by adding foreign antibodies to ourselves. Only my doctor at the GC recommends not injecting general immunoglobulin into a vein, so to speak, but injecting intramuscular immunoglobulin titrated to HSV and CMV, that is, antibodies to these viruses are added there. Judging by the tests (which I took many times over 9 years of observation and a pregnancy and a half), it helps. By the way, it costs 2500 rubles for 10 ampoules (full course) at the GC. Relatively inexpensive.

    A friend recently had her blood pumped. She also thought for a long time and found out whether it was worth doing. But various doctors strongly recommended it. She bought a domestic one for 3200 per bottle, the regimen was 3 times every other day. Now he will be tested again and will probably be prescribed 2 more times.

    who did or didn’t do it and why. I'm interested in the injection that is given during pregnancy. During my first pregnancy, I did it both during pregnancy and after childbirth, because... the baby was Rh positive. Now in doubt..



    Here is an excerpt from the article:
    If you are expecting a baby (and you have a negative Rh factor), then get ready to donate blood from a vein quite often - this way doctors will be able to monitor whether you have antibodies, and if they are detected, how their number changes. Until the 32nd week of pregnancy, this analysis is carried out once a month, from the 32nd to 35th - twice a month, and then until the birth - weekly. This procedure, of course, is not the most pleasant, but absolutely necessary.
    Besides, it takes so little time that you won’t have time to get upset. Based on the level of antibodies in your blood, the doctor can draw conclusions about the suspected Rh factor in the child and determine possible start Rhesus conflict.
    Do not be afraid.

    As a rule, during the first pregnancy, Rh conflict rarely develops, since the mother’s immune system encounters foreign erythrocytes (red blood cells) for the first time, and, therefore, few antibodies harmful to the fetus are produced in the mother’s blood. With subsequent pregnancies, the likelihood of problems increases. After all, in the blood of a woman who has given birth, protective antibodies (“memory cells”;-) left over from previous pregnancy. They break through the placental barrier and begin to destroy the red blood cells of the unborn baby. You already know what this can lead to.
    Nowadays, the development of Rh conflict can be prevented by administering a special vaccine - anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin - immediately after the first birth or terminated pregnancy. This drug binds aggressive antibodies formed in the mother’s blood and removes them from the body. Now they will not be able to threaten the life of the unborn baby. If Rh antibodies were not administered prophylactically, this is also done during pregnancy. You should also know that it has now become common practice to give this vaccine to every Rh-negative woman shortly (up to 72 hours) after giving birth or having a miscarriage in her first pregnancy.
    The article itself is in full at the link

    Please remember who received the drops just in case and according to indications for infections. In what quantity? 100 ml 200 ml once or twice?


    I was given drops in the first B according to indications 3 times (every other day, I think), I don’t remember the dose, but it feels like it’s even less than 100...

    I was treated with herpes during my second pregnancy because of herpes, which came out very often and was even found to be of the second type (for the first time in my life). Dropped 1 bottle (I think 200 ml) and 1 time.


    Before planning, I did blood plasmapheresis, the antibodies decreased. I was on prednisone until 25 weeks, tested every month, and the antibodies did not increase. Initially, antibodies were six times higher than normal.

    1. before pregnancy with the first child, metipred 2 months before the start of planning, in the planning cycle 3 times intravenous immunoglobulin, a month before the start of planning chimes for 3-4 weeks, and folic supplements in abundance, after globulin the antibodies dropped and hemostasis became normal . Before pregnancy with the second child, only metipred and folic acid, but hemostasis was normal and antibodies to phospholipids were weakly positive.
    2. with the first hemostasis monthly, with the second 3-4 times
    3. metipred almost to the end both times, after the second birth fraxiparine for a week
    4. before the first child in the Center for Children's and Rural Affairs, with the second in the residential complex from a trusted doctor, and ultrasound and tests for your own peace of mind on your own initiative
    5. It’s difficult to say how much it will cost you, my antibodies dropped significantly after the immunoglobulin, and it was important for me to overcome this at the beginning of pregnancy, although I also estimated how much immunoglobulin and fraxiparin would cost throughout the entire pregnancy, yes, I was observed at the center for free , I’m sure that I can attach myself somewhere in the region for consultations

    The doctor said that my herpes titers have increased since last time and I need to inject immunoglobulin intramuscularly every other day and told me to buy it at the pharmacy, in ampoules. Who was injected?


    With immunoglobulin, in my opinion, doctors have a mess in their heads. half are its ardent supporters as a means of increasing immunity, and the second half are ardent enemies, because immunoglobilin is considered a foreign protein that disrupts the balance of the body...
    I had a similar story. While testing for infections during the planning period, the infectious disease specialist discovered an increased titer of herpes and recommended immediate treatment with immunoglobulin. The doctor was from a very cool clinic (JSC "Medicine"). I didn’t understand anything about it then and didn’t take the course only because I became pregnant almost immediately after it.
    Then, at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, I caught a bad cold (temperature above 38.0, etc.). The gynecologist (from the same cool clinic) said that this is dangerous for the child and I need to instill (vein) immunoglobulin. I rushed to buy it in horror, and even managed to make the first infusion. At this time, I entered into an agreement to manage my pregnancy at the “Healthy Generation” specialized center, which is also famous for its quality doctors. While telling the doctor there my stories of colds and titres, she mentioned that I was taking immunoglobulin drops. The doctor told me to stop immediately and not think about it anymore. As I understand it, the protein is still foreign, and the immune system can become indignant and go into mode of destroying everything foreign, incl. and embryo. In addition, at the beginning of pregnancy, the activity of the immune system is muted by the body so that the embryo can take root, and it does not need extra stimulants.
    In short, I didn’t dig in anymore. It’s already been a long time, no threat has arisen, no abnormalities have been recorded in the baby in utero yet.

    Cytomegalovirus infection(CMVI) is the most common intrauterine infection, one of the causes of miscarriage and the occurrence of congenital pathologies. In Russia, 90%-95% of expectant mothers are carriers of the virus, many of whom have virtually asymptomatic disease. Vasily Shakhgildyan, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS Federal Budgetary Institution "Central Research Institute of Epidemiology" of Rospotrebnadzor: "Cytomegalovirus...

    Delicious, aromatic pork tenderloin cooked in foil. The method of preparing tenderloin is varied: in the oven, over a fire, in a slow cooker, and steamed. Ingredients pork tenderloin 800 g garlic cloves 3 pcs. rosemary 0.5 tsp. mustard seed 0.5 tsp. black pepper to taste ground ginger to taste salt to taste Preparation Step 1 Wash the pork tenderloin. Step 2 Pass the garlic through a press. Step 3 Add spices and salt. Step 4 Make cuts in the meat with a sharp knife and rub with spices and salt...

    Amnishur [link-1] According to various authors, the frequency of premature births ranges from 5 to 12% per year and has tended to increase over the past 20 years, and this despite the rapid development of medicine. About 40% of all preterm births are the result of early rupture amniotic fluid, which leads to functional underdevelopment of organs and systems, perinatal mortality and, in more than half of cases, to intrauterine infection of the fetus. However, you can avoid all unwanted...

    Chronic virus carriage is characterized by an asymptomatic form or is accompanied by the development of persistent and chronic active hepatitis B. The duration of virus carriage depends on a number of reasons, primarily on the age at which the person became infected. Hepatitis B can cause a risk of developing a chronic form of the disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. With chronic carriage, the probability of transmission of the virus from mother to fetus is observed in 20-30% (Beasley R. P. Et al...


    Everything is correct - unfortunately, virus carriage, which is dangerous both for others and for the person himself, is quite common. Due to the absence of symptoms, a person does not receive timely treatment, which can lead to severe liver changes before the doctor and the patient himself know about it. Therefore, when scheduling an examination, it is very important not to refuse, but to carry out everything necessary research at all stages of pregnancy and subsequently in children

    At the moment, there is no single point of view regarding tactics, and there are no clear contraindications to invasive procedures in pregnant women with HBsAg. Amniocentesis and cordocentesis carry the potential risk of transmitting infectious agents through blood. Transplacental blood may occur through repeated collection of villous samples (if the needle penetrates the placenta) or fetal blood samples. Alexander G.G.M. et al., Grosheide et al., 1994, did not find an increase in risk...


    Yes, indeed, this medal has 2 sides.
    On the one hand, invasive methods are very informative, helping to make a diagnosis and assess the condition of the fetus.

    On the other hand, there is a risk of infection.
    Thus, the decision on invasive methods of examination is made only by the attending doctor, and he must do this very carefully - prescribing such an examination only if it is really necessary.

    Question from a group member: “Good afternoon, please tell me about the administration of immunoglobulin. The mother is HBSAG positive, the child is a newborn, and as a preventive measure, it is recommended to administer it in the first 12 hours after birth. Do you think such prevention is really necessary? Need doctor's advice? [link-1] Questions and comments exist for educational and explanatory purposes, and should not be used for self-diagnosis and treatment, and do not replace face-to-face...


    As stated in official instructions, newborns from mothers who are carriers of HBsAg or patients with acute hepatitis B during the period of delivery are given 1 dose of the drug (100 IU) in the first 12 hours after birth simultaneously with the hepatitis B vaccine, but in different parts of the body (later children are subject to vaccination with hepatitis B vaccine at 1, 2 and 12 months of age)
    However, remember that each situation is individual, so the doctor decides on the need to administer immunoglobulin and its dosage in each specific case

    Any person who is preparing to become a parent wants his child to be healthy and to make the pregnancy as calm and easy as possible. AND possible threats come not only from external negative factors, but also from internal ones, and one of them is genetics. All biological characteristics that are inherited are contained in the 46 chromosomes that make up the genetic makeup of each person. These chromosomes contain encrypted information about many, many generations of the family...

    The process of preparing a married couple to conceive and bear a healthy baby is called pregnancy planning. This is psychological and physiological preparation for the role of parents, undergoing an examination of the body of both the expectant mother and the expectant father. It is important, even before conception, to identify and treat some diseases that can harm the health of both the mother and the unborn baby. To carry and give birth healthy child- this is a huge work and a great responsibility, which is entirely...

    Allergy tests. Simple tips! This question interests many parents, especially the frequency allergic diseases constantly growing. I want to illuminate next questions: 🔸What tests are taken? 🔸What can show general analysis blood? 🔸What is the determination of the level of total IgE? 🔸 Why do you need to determine specific antibodies? 🔸 Where do they donate blood for allergy testing? 🔸 When are skin tests done? 🔸How are skin tests done? The most...

    Nutrition for children in the first year of life performs several functions. The first is to give the child the substances necessary for growth and development. The second, no less relevant, is to ensure the prevention of allergic diseases or, if an allergy has already manifested itself, to minimize its manifestations by selecting low-allergenic products. And the third is to promote the skills of swallowing, chewing, and the formation of a eating routine. How to feed a child of the first year of life if he has allergies? Breast-feeding. For...

    Very soon the long-awaited blooming and sunny April will come, and with it its faithful companion, allergies. Where is the justice? Many people rejoice at the arrival of spring, the first thawed patches, leaves and flowers. A quarter of the population awaits her arrival with horror, and over time begins to cry, and also sneeze, itch and cough. This spring is like a bone in their throat for them; it would be better if it never came. What is an allergy in spring, or hay fever? To put it simply, an allergy is an increased...

    Immunoglobulin is a fairly active and potent drug; its use during pregnancy cannot be of a purely preventive nature; it must be prescribed in strict accordance with the health status of the expectant mother.

    The likelihood of a negative body reaction to pregnancy

    The physiological reaction of the body to any changes has nothing to do with psychology and worldview. The main task of the human immune system is to provide maximum comfortable conditions and eliminating any factors that can weaken the body.

    This mechanism of action allows the body to independently fight viruses, pathogenic bacteria, and cope with emerging diseases. At the same time, the focus on self-preservation can sometimes lead to undesirable consequences.

    For example, if a pregnant woman’s body is weakened, then the immune system perceives the fetus as a factor threatening human life and health. Accordingly, the self-preservation mechanism tries to get rid of the danger.

    If adequate measures are not taken in time, the result may be miscarriage or premature birth. In order to support the immune system of women during pregnancy, special medications are prescribed.

    Types of immunoglobulin prescribed during pregnancy

    There are a large number of varieties of immunoglobulins. It makes no sense to get acquainted with each of them in detail; it is enough to consider the medications that are prescribed during pregnancy. It should be noted that these types of immunoglobulin are completely different drugs, differing primarily in their mechanism of action on the body. They cannot be considered interchangeable!

    This drug is a concentrated purified substance isolated from human donor plasma. It performs immunostimulating and immunomodeling functions, thereby increasing the body’s ability to fight pathogens various diseases, bacteria and viruses. Human immunoglobulin normalizes the amount of IgG antibodies in the body.

    Human immunoglobulin is available as a separate drug, which is a powder for the preparation of injection solutions. In addition, it is part of complex medications, including pentaglobin, octagam and others.

    Rh conflict during pregnancy is considered a risk factor, and therefore is an indication for therapy with anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin (Rho(D)). The use of this drug reduces the likelihood of complications and fetal rejection in mothers with negative Rh blood if the child is Rh positive. The price of domestic anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is significantly lower than that of similar imported drugs. At the same time, their effectiveness and mechanism of action on the body do not differ.

    In most cases, anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is necessary for a woman with negative Rh blood during her second and subsequent pregnancies. During the period of bearing the first child, the mother’s body in the vast majority of cases does not have time to produce antibodies, which can cause damage to the child’s brain or central nervous system, or provoke the occurrence of hemolytic jaundice or other diseases.

    Immunoglobulin administration procedure

    Self-medication with immunomodulating drugs is strictly prohibited. A course of therapy with one or another immunoglobulin drug should be prescribed by a doctor, after first conducting a thorough examination. This is especially true if immunoglobulin is prescribed to a pregnant woman.

    Despite the fact that theoretical research and laboratory research do not provide any reason to assume the likelihood negative influence immunoglobulin, it is believed that the effects of such drugs on the body during pregnancy have not been sufficiently studied. In this regard, experts are of the opinion that a course of treatment with immunoglobulin is prescribed to pregnant women only in cases where there are compelling reasons for using the drug and there is a threat to the health or life of the mother or fetus.

    Immunoglobulin is prescribed in the form of injections or droppers, and it is important to follow not only the dosage of the drug, but also the method of administration recommended by the doctor.

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