• Antisocial behavior, its causes and prevention. Who can be classified as an antisocial personality type?


    The word asocial in English letters (transliterated) - asotsialnyi

    The word asocial consists of 11 letters: a a i y l n o s t s y

    Meanings of the word asocial. What is antisocial?

    ASOCIAL. 1. Not related to society or social problems. This meaning is used to describe situations, events, behavior or people independent of social values ​​and customs...

    Oxford Dictionary of Psychology. - 2002

    Asocial - (a + lat. socialis - public) - 1. not related to society, social problems, not related to them; 2. lack of sensitivity to social norms, traditions, and customs.

    Zhmurov V.A. Large explanatory dictionary of terms in psychiatry

    ASOCIAL (from Greek a - negative particle and Latin socialis - social) a person who is internally indifferent and externally passive in relation to society.

    Asocial (and lat. socialis - social) - 1. not related to society, social problems, not related to them; 2. lack of sensitivity to social norms, traditions, customs or lack of ability to accept them...

    ASOCIAL (from Greek a - negative particle and Latin socialis - social) a person who is internally indifferent and externally passive in relation to society. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. 2010.

    Antisocial behavior (gr. - against social) is behavior that does not correspond to existing social and legal norms in society, goes against the customs and traditions of that social or national group...

    Bezrukova V.S. Fundamentals of spiritual culture. - 2000

    ASOCIAL BEHAVIOR is a type of deviant behavior that is harmful to society. Unlike antisocial behavior (theft, hooliganism, etc.), antisocial behavior is not directed against existing public relations.

    Terminological juvenile dictionary

    Asociality is behavior and actions that do not correspond to the norms and rules of behavior of people in society, public morality. Since 1938, Management social security Germany called on the police to arrest “asocial” individuals. Instead of helping, the needy and homeless were rounded up and destroyed by the authorities.

    Personality disorder with a predominance of sociopathic or antisocial manifestations

    Sociopathic or antisocial personality disorder (ICD 301.7) is a personality disorder characterized by neglect of social obligations, lack of empathy for others, and blunt or cruel indifference.

    A short dictionary of psychiatry. - 2002

    PERSONALITY DISORDER WITH SOCIOPATHIC OR ASOCIAL MANIFESTATIONS (ICD 301.7) - a personality disorder characterized by neglect of social obligations, lack of empathy for others, and dull or cruel indifference.

    Dictionary of psychiatric terms

    Sociopathic or antisocial personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by neglect of social obligations, lack of empathy for others, and dull or cruel indifference.

    Karmanov A. Psychological Dictionary

    Antisocial; cr. f. - flax, - flax.

    Orthographic dictionary. - 2004

    Usage examples for asocial

    The trio led an asocial lifestyle: the men did not have passports, permanent residence or work.

    Antisocial personality

    Characteristics of an antisocial personality

    Painful reactions, frustrations to the state of one’s own displeasure.

    The desire for immediate relief (and relief at any cost) from unpleasant sensations.

    Impulsiveness, tendency to live in the moment.

    The extraordinary ease of lying.

    They often play roles very skillfully.

    The need to excite oneself (get excited).

    Inability to change behavior as a result of punishment.

    People around them are often perceived as attractive, intelligent, charming people.

    They easily come into contact, especially easily on the basis of entertainment.

    Lack of genuine empathy for others.

    No feeling of shame or guilt for your actions.

    Below are three groups of factors contributing to the development of an antisocial personality: biological determinants, characteristics of the relationship between parents and child, and thinking style.

    Biological factors

    Adoption studies show that the crimes of adopted boys are similar to the crimes of their biological fathers.

    It is also noted that antisocial individuals have low excitability, which is why they, through impulsive and dangerous actions, strive to receive stimulation that causes corresponding sensations.

    Family factors

    Children who are often left unattended or poorly supervised for long periods of time are much more likely to engage in patterns of criminal behavior.

    Also, children whose parents are not involved in their Everyday life, more often become antisocial.

    Biological and family factors often coincide, which enhances their effect. Children with behavioral disorders often have neurological psychological problems resulting from maternal drug use, poor intrauterine nutrition, toxic exposure before and after birth, abuse, complications during childbirth, and low birth weight. Such children are more often irritable, impulsive, awkward, hyperactive, and inattentive. They are slow to learn material at school, which over time leaves a strong imprint on the child’s self-esteem.

    Thinking style

    Unable to behave assertively, the child eventually comes to the conclusion that aggression is the most reliable and effective tool.

    The responses of others to the child’s aggression usually only lead to strengthening the idea of ​​the need for aggression.

    Thus, a vicious circle of interactions develops, supporting and inspiring the child’s aggressive and antisocial behavior.

    What does the term "asocial" mean? Is it a character trait or a mental illness?

    Is being different from others good or bad? Some might say that this defines a person as an independent person. And someone will insist that you can’t be different. In fact, both are right: a person is not always different from others in better side, and such a person is awarded the epithet “asocial.” This means a person who opposes the norms and rules of society. This will be discussed in the publication.


    The meaning of the word “asocial” has several characteristics. If translated literally from Greek, we get the following definition: a person who is indifferent to society, who does not take active actions in the life of society, that is, an antisocial individual. Also, the word “antisocial” means behavior that is contrary to accepted norms and rules in society.

    In fact, this concept has two opposing definitions. On the one hand, an antisocial is a person who acts contrary to established rules, but on the other hand, he is an individual who is not interested in interacting with society. If he has motivation, it is mainly aimed at single actions.

    How is this term used?

    Asocial is a term that came into use at the beginning of the twentieth century. Initially, it was used by politicians in their speeches, meaning by this word all disadvantaged people, that is, the underclass. During World War II, in the camps of the Third Reich, antisocial elements wore the same identification marks as mentally retarded people.

    WITH positive side asociality is considered in religious dogmas. Some monastic traditions encourage asociality, believing that a person who is away from society is closer to God.

    Introverts, people who do not take active positions in society, can be called antisocial. But the extreme form of asociality is considered schizophrenia, which is characterized by the inability to empathize and establish contact with other people.

    Another personality

    Based on all of the above, a logical question arises: what is she like, this antisocial personality?

    So, an antisocial personality. The definition of this term will sound like this: an antisocial personality in psychology means a person with a perverted (underdeveloped or absent) sense of responsibility, who operates with low moral values ​​and does not show interest in his own kind.

    Such people are easy to recognize by their behavior. They can react painfully and quite violently to the feeling of their own dissatisfaction and always strive to quickly get rid of objects or situations that bring discomfort. They are impulsive, tend to “put on masks”, and lie skillfully. But quite often they are perceived by those around them as intelligent and charming people. Antisocial people can find contact with others based on common interests, but they do not know how to show empathy and care.


    Asocial is different. Everything is wrong with him: from the habit of tying his shoelaces to his perception of reality, what can we say about his behavior? As already mentioned, such behavior differs from the norms and rules accepted in society. Depending on what the researcher considers to be the norm, the opposite action will be considered antisocial behavior. For example, if we examine the adaptation process, then maladaptive behavior can be considered antisocial.

    Thus, the concept of “antisocial behavior” will have the following definition:

    • This is one of the types of deviant behavior that causes damage to society. This behavior is not aimed at social relationships, but has a wide range of actions: from infantility to mental disorders.

    Antisocial behavior cannot always be considered a negative quality; there is evidence that people of the antisocial type have brought a lot of new things to the development of society. Although this is just an exception to the rule. In addition, one should not confuse antisocial behavior with antisocial behavior, since the latter is associated with criminal, illegal and immoral actions. Antisocial behavior originates from avoidance of other people and the inability to build relationships with them, which, in fact, ends with mental disorders.

    Appropriate measures

    Often, the prevention of antisocial behavior is carried out in clubs or educational institutions. Its main methods are aimed at helping to set the right priorities, change a value system that has not yet been formed and, of course, promote a healthy lifestyle. Preventive activities can take the form of lessons, games or tests.

    In general, prevention is divided into several types, depending on the complexity of the deviation:

    1. Primary. All actions are aimed at eliminating the factors that provoked the emergence of antisocial behavior and, while staying away from these factors, forming the individual’s resistance to their influence.
    2. Secondary. This includes working with a risk group, that is, with individuals who have had neuropsychic disorders, or with those who have a tendency towards antisocial behavior, but have not yet manifested it.
    3. Tertiary. Direct intervention by doctors with further treatment.

    Summing up

    Asocial is different. He is distinguished by isolation, taciturnity, emotional instability and a desire to be alone with himself. Antisocial personalities want to stay away from society. What provoked such zeal? Wrong value system, difficult circumstances or simple non-acceptance of the main part of the rules and regulations? There is no reliable answer to this question. After all, on the one hand, an antisocial person can be dangerous and mentally unbalanced, but on the other hand, he can be an ordinary person who wants to change this world for the better, and he has no desire to refuse communication, he simply does not have enough time.

    Antisocial behavior

    Pedagogical terminological dictionary. - St. Petersburg: Russian National Library. 2006.

    See what “Asocial behavior” is in other dictionaries:

    Antisocial behavior- (gr. - against social) - this is behavior that does not correspond to the social and legal norms existing in society, goes against the customs and traditions of the social or national group to which a person belongs.... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher )

    ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR- behavior that is contrary to social norms and principles, appearing in the form of immoral or illegal acts... Modern educational process: basic concepts and terms

    Antisocial behavior- behavior that is contrary to social norms and principles, appearing in the form of immoral or illegal acts... Dictionary-reference book on educational psychology

    ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR- behavior that is contrary to social norms and principles, appearing in the form of immoral or illegal acts... Dictionary of career guidance and psychological support

    Antisocial behavior- behavior that is contrary to social norms and principles, appearing in the form of immoral or illegal acts... Dictionary of educational psychology

    ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR- – a type of deviant behavior that is harmful to society. Unlike antisocial behavior (theft, hooliganism, etc.), antisocial behavior is not directed against existing social relations. To A.p. refers to a wide... ... Terminological juvenile dictionary

    Deviant behavior, antisocial behavior- behavior that does not comply with the rules and norms established officially or traditionally established in society (group). D.p. manifests itself in the form of alcoholism, drunkenness, homelessness, drug addiction, juvenile delinquency... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Antisocial behavior- behavior of individuals and groups, manifested in violation of moral norms, traditions, community rules existing in society, in antisocial acts that cause harm to individuals and social communities... Sociological Dictionary Socium

    SOCIAL BEHAVIOR- Human behavior (Behavior), which is formed, develops and manifests itself in conditions public life, and therefore has a socially determined character. P. as such is a set of externally observable actions and actions... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

    Antisocial behavior- forms social life people determined by socially negative motives and causing inconvenience or harm to other members of the group, society... Dictionary of terms for general and social pedagogy

    Definition of the concept of “asociality”

    at the Women's Club!

    The adjective “asocial” is used in relation to a wide range of concepts: asocial lifestyle, asocial personality, asocial families...

    In all these cases it is meant that certain person(or perhaps a group of people) to one degree or another does not comply with the norms accepted in society. After all, “asocial” is literally “antisocial”, denying society, not taking into account the needs of its members.

    Personality type

    Psychologists distinguish the so-called asocial personality type (otherwise it is called the sociopathic type or simply a sociopath). This type of characteristic usually consists of the following main features:

    • Inability to express your emotions.
    • Ignoring the public and unspoken rules that have developed in society.
    • Ease of manipulating others, convincing role-playing, lying in one's own interests.
    • Aggression as a universal response to external stimuli.
    • Lack of shame and remorse, inability to understand that his actions bring suffering to people around him.
    • Confidence in the correctness of your behavior.
    • Impulsivity, the desire to satisfy needs immediately, here and now.
    • Selfishness. One’s own needs always come first, above the needs and wants of others, above any social restrictions.

    In general, it is worth noting that asociality can take a wide variety of forms; accordingly, there is no clearly limited set of features inherent in the character of a sociopath. Nevertheless, in an attempt to highlight the most striking features that allow us to speak with great confidence about an antisocial personality type, a list of four points was compiled.

    Firstly, this is the already noted impulsiveness. An antisocial personality lives for one second, is not able to think about decisions for a long time and weigh the pros and cons, and most importantly, craves the lightning-fast fulfillment of his own desires.

    Secondly, such a person cannot love sincerely, cannot show tenderness and sensitivity to his partner. It is paradoxical that at the same time, antisocial people are often outwardly attractive and charismatic and, as a result, are surrounded by fans. However, the maximum that these fans will receive is superficial relationships, short-term connections.

    Thirdly, antisocials do not use past negative experiences in any way. In other words, it is useless to hope that a sociopath will remember how much suffering to others and (or) inconvenience this or that action brought him, and will not repeat it.

    Finally, and this trait has also already been noted, an antisocial person will never feel guilty or suffer from remorse. He simply cannot understand why he is being condemned.

    Sociopathic child

    The mentioned features, as a rule, become noticeable quite early. Antisocial children are capricious, irritable, often hyperactive, strive to control adults and achieve what they want at any cost. They are cruel to their peers, often insulting or humiliating them.

    Antisocial behavior of adolescents manifests itself in an interest in a forbidden pastime that is condemned in society. The use of alcohol, drugs, early and promiscuous sex, membership in criminal gangs and other typical types of antisocial behavior become commonplace for such young people.

    By the way, an interesting observation: for members of a criminal gang, the rules that operate within it are usually of great importance, including, for example, rules prohibiting the betrayal of other gang members, requiring respect for the leader, and so on. These rules require accepting and taking into account the needs of others, while antisocial individuals will never act in this way.

    It is important to understand that one-time antisocial behavior does not mean that your son or daughter has antisocial personality disorder. But if all the described phenomena are observed regularly, and the conclusions of specialists are appropriate, then most likely the child really has a tendency towards asociality.

    It is not 100% likely that a child predisposed to sociopathy will develop into a completely antisocial personality. How do antisocial tendencies arise in general, and is it possible to fight them? In other words, is asociality congenital or acquired? Let's look at the causes of antisocial disorder.


    There are three interrelated groups of factors under the influence of which a sociopath is formed.

    The first group includes biological factors. Indeed, asociality can be inherited, this mainly concerns criminal tendencies. In addition, it can be caused by various chromosomal abnormalities in the development of the fetus, the mother's use of alcohol or drugs during pregnancy, and complications during childbirth.

    The list of social factors includes, for example, rude or aggressive treatment of a child in the family, indifference towards him, and lack of attention. So destructive for the psyche - even of an adult, and not just a growing person! - the situation is often typical of families where the parents themselves have psychological problems, so we can say that social factors often overlap with biological ones, and consequently, the likelihood of developing and strengthening sociopathic personality traits increases.

    Such asocial families need supervision from guardianship authorities. In extreme cases, it is necessary to separate children and parents so that the child sees other examples, values ​​and guidelines. Also, the prevention of antisocial behavior may include other measures, among which the most common are the following:

    • Involving children with antisocial tendencies in sports, creative or other extracurricular activities (to provide the necessary burst of energy).
    • Propaganda healthy image life and socially approved behavior.
    • Psychologist's conversations with both parents and children.

    Prevention of antisocial phenomena, of course, will give the desired result only if it is carried out both at school (or other institution that the child attends) and at home.

    An antisocial child has a special type of thinking, and this is a personal factor that contributes to the development of sociopathic tendencies. The type of thinking in question involves an inadequate assessment of the social situation.

    A person is determined in advance that all the actions of others that he does not like are committed specifically to cause inconvenience to him. He expects that people around him will show anger and aggression towards him, and he himself intends to respond in kind.

    And when peers or adults get really irritated, shout or even use physical violence, a person predisposed to asociality only becomes stronger in the correctness of his views. A vicious circle that is extremely difficult to break.

    Thus, the causes of antisocial behavior can be explained by biological, social and personal factors, and most likely, a combination of several of them.

    And the most important advice

    Antisocial personalities and their problems

    "If you sow character, you will reap destiny"
    (folk wisdom)

    Let's try to look at a special group of people who are called “asocial personalities” (sociopaths). They are irresponsible, they have no morals, and they are completely uninterested in other people. They have ugly behavior aimed solely at one's own needs. Ordinary people already from early childhood know the norms of behavior and understand that sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice their interests for the sake of the interests of another person, but not in the case of asocial individuals. They never take into account the interests or desires of other people, only theirs is important to them own wish. They try to get their needs met immediately, no matter what..

    It should be said that the term “asocial personality” does not apply to people who commit any antisocial actions. The reasons for antisocial behavior, of course, can be criminal groups and some kind of criminal company, but there are people who are generally unable to control their impulses. Asocial individuals do not experience any feelings for other individuals: neither compassion for the pain they caused, nor remorse.

    Another characteristic of an antisocial personality is that they can lie easily, they get excited, and do not change their behavior at all. After punishment, they sincerely ask for forgiveness and swear that they will never do this, but all these are just words. When meeting them, they can most often be mistaken for an intelligent, attractive person; they easily communicate with others. They can easily get a job, but, as a rule, they do not stay there for long, as they are betrayed by their impulsiveness and hot temper. Such people do not sympathize with other people at all and do not show any interest in them, they have no sense of guilt or shame at all.

    Currently, several groups of factors that shape an antisocial personality are distinguished: biological determinants, parent-child relationships, thinking style.

    The causes of antisocial behavior can be considered at the genetic level. For example, the likelihood of inheriting criminal behavior in twin children is very high.

    Children with problem behavior have been found to have mental disorders caused by the mother's drug use, malnutrition during pregnancy, and so on. These children are irritable, impulsive, they are very active, and at school, as a rule, they are inattentive and lag behind their peers academically. Poor academic performance increases risk bad attitude parents to such children.

    The third factor is the individual psychological characteristics of children. These children expect only aggressive behavior towards themselves and behave in the same way; moreover, such children believe that aggression directed at them is not at all accidental.

    Have you ever encountered pronounced sociopaths?

    In modern psychiatry, “personality” does not mean the same thing as in sociology, but a way of thinking, perceiving and behaving that characterizes a person in his ordinary way of life. It follows that a personality disorder is some kind of disturbance in behavior, intelligence or emotional sphere.

    Personality disorders

    Antisocial personality disorder is just one type of many. In general, all personality disorders have a lot of variations. These are congenital psychopathy, which lead a person to various kinds of breakdowns, pathological reactions to ordinary situations, etc. Disorders that are weaker in severity are called character accentuation - these are breakdowns that manifest themselves in certain areas of life and, as a rule, do not lead to too disastrous results, and therefore are not considered as a pathology.

    The main symptom of this type of personality disorder is neglect and sometimes violence towards other people. Previously, such a disorder was called differently: congenital criminality, moral insanity, and constitutional psychopathic inferiority. Nowadays, this disorder is usually referred to as an immoral or deviant disorder, or, in one word, sociopathy.

    The antisocial personality type clearly differs from the others in a number of ways. First of all, in in this case behavioral disturbances are observed - social norms do not seem obligatory to a person, and the thoughts and feelings of other people are simply ignored.

    Such people tend to manipulate others as much as possible in order to achieve some personal goals - power over someone gives them pleasure. Deception, intrigue and simulation are quite their usual means of achieving what they want. However, their actions, as a rule, are carried out under the influence of impulse and rarely lead to the realization of a certain goal. An antisocial person never thinks about the consequences of his actions. Because of this, they often have to change jobs, environments, and even places of residence.

    When counseling antisocial individuals, their excessive irritability, inflated self-esteem, and insolence are usually noticeable. They are even inclined to use physical violence towards loved ones. They are not interested in their own safety or the safety of the lives of their loved ones - none of this is of value.

    In psychology there is a large-scale concept of society. This is the society in which we all live and whose laws we must obey. Social personalities do “everything right,” follow laws and regulations, and observe moral principles. Asocial individuals live according to their own ideas.

    Who are antisocial people? These are those who follow their impulses and desires. They are not interested in the public and generally accepted rules. The main thing is to satisfy your needs, even contrary to the wishes of others. Their characteristic features are unscrupulousness, deceit, impulsiveness, excitability, insensitivity, and lack of conscience. Asocial individuals are not influenced by the assessment of close people and friends, if any.

    Individuals with deviant behavior perceive society as evil. This is an obstacle to achieving certain goals. There is a threat coming from society. An antisocial personality wants to live according to his principles, and if society does not accept his opinion, aggression arises. In asocial men this is expressed by violence, in women – by deceit and cunning. These people commit deception without feeling guilty.

    These comrades are not capable of love. They can only take without giving anything in return. They are prone to partner manipulation and blackmail.

    Typically, these personality disorders stem from a genetic predisposition. It is also possible to influence dysfunctional family. Indifference and hostile relationships between parents leave their mark on the child’s consciousness.

    Now let's look at who can be classified as asocial types personalities?

    1. Criminals, murderers, rapists, thieves. All those people who commit crimes against individuals. They may not be aware of their criminal actions. It’s just that at that moment they wanted to do exactly that: kill, rape, steal.

    This also includes serial maniacs. They are also driven by a certain need. Desires can be different; in psychology there is a clear distinction between them. Some people are driven by the goal of making the world a better place. To rid him, for example, of females who visually remind the criminal of his mother. Someone experiences sexual dissatisfaction. Others allegedly act under the influence of higher powers, which “order” them to perform this or that action.

    This type of famous asocial personalities includes Andrei Chikatilo, Jack the Ripper and other less famous maniacs.

    2. People with various mental disorders. Of the most bright examples You might remember Billy Milligan. A man with many personalities. In total, 23 personalities lived in his head, 10 of which were the main ones. Depending on the life situations, one or another representative of Billy came to the fore.

    3. Alcoholics, drug addicts. People leading an unhealthy lifestyle, prone to deviant behavior due to the drugs and doping they take. This type includes Uncle Petya from the next door, who has been “not drying out” for 10 years and at 40 years old looks 60.

    4. Prostitutes. Ladies who are promiscuous sex life. They produce children they don’t need and give them to the state to raise. According to the ubiquitous grandmothers on the bench, Svetka from the 3rd entrance belongs to this type. Although Svetlana may not be a prostitute at all, but a young woman in search of her happiness.

    What is an antisocial person?

    1. Evgeniy Usenko is ignorant on this issue. Considers the issue one-sidedly, one-sidedly.
      Asociality is the fact of having an indifferent attitude towards social norms.
      For what reason an individual is indifferent to this or that social norm does not matter. The very fact of indifference makes him asocial.
      Both highly intelligent people and low-intelligent human individuals can be antisocial.
      An example of highly intelligent antisocials are hackers, cyber criminals, and counterfeiters. Those who violate social norms expressed in laws through their crimes.
      There are “homeless people” - who spit on social norms in the employment of society. Prostitutes spit on moral standards.

      Thus, asociality is not always bad and not always good. This is simply a fact of indifference to social norms.

    3. There is a well-recognized type of people, the so-called Asocial type. Its main feature, the axis that permeates the entire personality, behavior, and actions of the Asocial, is the satisfaction of his instinctive needs.

      But this is a special satisfaction, without brakes. Without an internal struggle of motives, without doubts. Not accepting any obstacles. Neither in the requirements of society developed over centuries, nor in generally accepted moral norms, nor in the condemnation of friends or loved ones, nor in possible punishment, nor in the expectation of retribution, remorse.

      The antisocial personality manifests itself already in early age. It could be aggressive behavior, early promiscuity (promiscuity), a special mechanical view of sex (pleasant, good for health), a tendency to abuse alcohol and drugs.

      Depending on the time, place of residence, and environment, either individual of the listed signs appear, or all of them in combination.

      A person with an asocial core does not have a sufficiently developed part of self-awareness that would allow him to evaluate, take into account and reckon with the convenience and safety of others. For the Asocial, those around him are viewed in only two positions: a source of danger, a source of pleasure.

      Own impulses, born from simple instinctive needs, are felt by the Asocial as urgent, the delay in the implementation of which is unthinkable. And if a delay does occur for some reason, then the Asocial will give a reaction of aggression, which sometimes manifests itself as cruelty.

      A kind of gender determinism may manifest itself here. An antisocial man, especially if he is not burdened with high intelligence, can express his aggression directly, in the form physical violence, causing bodily harm to someone who is interfering with something, or by smashing and breaking surrounding inanimate objects. A woman of an asocial type can show her aggression in cruel slander, especially sophisticated deceit towards an ill-wisher.

      An antisocial person, establishing close interpersonal relationships, focuses exclusively on himself, on receiving attention, warm feelings, care and love. Giving nothing, or almost nothing, in return.

      As a result, the impossibility, inability of a person of an asocial type to maintain close and meaningful interpersonal relationships. Relationships that involve the presence of qualities that are absent in the Antisocial.

      When communicating with the Asocial, those around him, over time, usually read his main characteristics. Increasingly experiencing sensations: misunderstanding, dissatisfaction, tension, irritation and, as a result, breaking off the relationship.

      Only the closest relatives (parents, brothers, siblings, children of the Asocial) can remain captive for a long time to the usual illusions that quietly and smoothly arose as a result of long-term cohabitation and a skewed system of intra-family relations. Also, for a long time, a person of the Dependent personality type may turn out to be the object of manipulation of the Asocial (for a description, see Characters. DEPENDENT PERSONALITY TYPE.).

      Asocial types are prone to deception, to manipulation of their interlocutor, close people, and, using their charm, imaginary goodwill, they sincerely do not see, are not able to feel the consequences, the human pain that arises in someone as a result of their actions. This is the nature of the Asocial.

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