• Church wedding rings. What should a wedding ring be like?


    So, you have decided to get married, congratulations! Let's try to give you some tips on which rings are best to choose.

    What rings are needed for a church wedding?

    First of all, even if you have been married for many years and want to use your wedding rings, then most likely in the church, during the preparatory conversation for the ceremony, you will be advised to buy new ones. You can refuse and still come with your own, but, of course, you need to take into account that the Orthodox Church does not encourage pretentiousness: they are better suited as wedding rings. You can wear something more impressive outside of church. There shouldn’t be any stones or designer delights if you don’t want them to refuse to marry you because they don’t want to bless your rings. There should also be no flowers, patterns of multi-colored stones, wavy lines, or inscriptions in foreign languages. Not the case!

    Orthodox traditions

    You can also choose special rings for the occasion, which are sold in shops in almost any church. Just keep in mind that Orthodox tradition the groom must have Golden ring, and the bride’s is silver. After all, the husband is the Sun, and the wife is the Moon.

    Most likely, in the church they will be smooth and with various Orthodox patterns, with a cross either inside or outside. It is believed that if the rings are smooth, then the life of the young will be smooth without quarrels, anxieties, betrayals and grief. Whether to wear this jewelry or not ordinary life- you decide. Often, of course, such rings are kept as a memory, but in the ritual they play a rather large role.

    And don’t be surprised that wedding rings are placed on the left hand of the bride and groom. ring finger. The decorations will be blessed first.

    If you have lost your wedding rings

    We hope this happened not before the event itself, but later. This, of course, is a nuisance, but it is not at all considered some kind of bad omen, so you should not attach much importance to it. There is no reason to be upset, especially since you can always buy new gold rings and ask to consecrate them separately.


    What do we get? If you come to church with your ring, there should be no pretentiousness or fancyness; If you come empty-handed, choose on the spot. If you always approach any issue responsibly and prepare in advance, remember that in modern world Only you can decide what your wedding rings should be.

    A wedding is one of the most beautiful and touching church ceremonies. During this sacrament, two sincerely loving people unite their destinies and hearts in the face of God. The main symbol of their love, loyalty and devotion to each other are wedding rings. The portal site will tell you how to choose the right rings for a wedding in the Orthodox Church.

    Rings for church weddings: essence and meaning

    The Orthodox Church strictly adheres to all established rules and traditions. Rings are absolutely necessary for a wedding ceremony, because they are one of the main attributes of the sacrament. Don't take them as normal jewelry. They carry a deeper sacred meaning. If you want to comply with all customs and canons, then you need to choose two rings from different metals, but in the same style. The product is intended for a man to be made of gold, and for a woman to be made of silver. There are two explanations for this:

    1. According to the first interpretation, gold is considered the personification of the sun. It symbolizes a man as the head of the family. Silver is a symbol of the moon, which reflects the rays of the heavenly body. This denotes fidelity and submission to the spouse.
    2. The second interpretation is based on the statements of the Apostle Paul. He compared the union of two people with the relationship between Christ and the Church. In marriage, the spouse represents Jesus Christ, and the spouse represents the church. And, as you know, it is gold that reflects the Divine essence of Christ and Jerusalem, and silver is a symbol of church grace, purity and spiritual light.

    Also, many newlyweds are interested in the question “Which finger to wear the wedding ring on?” According to Orthodox church canons, wedding rings for weddings are worn on the right hand, on the ring finger. Because Christians are baptized with this hand. Everything on the right is considered correct.

    Difference between wedding and engagement rings

    When preparing for painting at the registry office, the bride and groom can buy absolutely any rings, unlike wedding rings. Jewelry stores offer a huge selection of such products, from simple budget options to unique designer rings with magnificent ornaments, original elements and scatterings of precious stones. After all, many newlyweds do not attach serious importance to them, more often perceiving them as ordinary jewelry. Some people stop wearing wedding rings altogether after marriage.

    But the church gives a clear idea of ​​what rings are needed for a wedding. Since Orthodoxy does not recognize attachment to material values ​​and perceives rings as a necessary attribute of the ritual and a symbol of the marital union, they should be modest, as simple and concise as possible. Rings with precious stones and various patterns. This is the main difference between wedding and engagement rings.

    Church wedding rings: models and materials

    There are several models of wedding rings:

    As for the material, today many people stop adhering to the canons and choose either two silver or two gold wedding rings. The most popular option is classic gold products. After all, it is easy to care for, strong and durable. White gold models look noble and gentle.

    Silver products are more affordable, but inferior in quality. After all, silver needs care and cleaning, and can also darken over time.

    Remember that rings must be made of precious metals. Costume jewelry is not allowed for a wedding ceremony.

    Signs associated with wedding rings

    There are several signs regarding weddings and wedding rings:

    • According to tradition, both rings must be purchased at the same time and in the same place.
    • Products must be new. You cannot use other people's rings, even if they are a family heirloom.
    • You need to choose accessories made from the same metal. For example, silver wedding rings cannot contain inclusions of gold, and gold jewelry should not contain silver.
    • It is not recommended to let anyone try on your ring.
    • On a special day, you should not wear other rings.
    • It is generally accepted that what wedding rings are like, this is how family life should be. Therefore, it is recommended to buy simple decorations without patterns and stones, so that in life everything would be smooth and even.
    • During a wedding, the ring is not worn on a gloved hand. If you chose as accessories for a wedding or

    Getting married is the most serious step for young people, requiring certain preparation. And most importantly, it must be thoughtful. During the sacrament, the bride and groom promise before God and the Church to love each other, remaining faithful. The Church blesses the newlyweds for a long life happy life, and procreation.

    IN ancient Rus' in the church, a wedding was a single act recognized as marriage from the spiritual and legal sides. Over time, many customs undergo changes, and some disappear altogether. So, for example, in the recent past, betrothal and wedding among the Slavs were two completely different rituals, but now almost no one distinguishes between wedding and engagement rings.

    Necessary for performing a civil ceremony. They were used in the 10th century to officially document voluntary marriage. However, soon in the 11th century official part fell on the shoulders of church ministers and for the ceremony they began to attract witnesses who helped in the ceremony and with their signatures certified the voluntariness of the civil marriage. After the official registration of the church was transferred, engagements began to take place at home. It was from that time that today's tradition of matchmaking appeared.

    Previously, matchmaking consisted of introducing parents and matchmakers. At this moment, the guy and girl exchanged rings and became the bride and groom and began to prepare for upcoming wedding. This matchmaking ritual also exists in Western culture. However, there it passes with the difference that only the groom gives it to the bride. Inlay with a diamond is welcome, which is a symbol of the pricelessness of the bride, the sincerity of the groom’s feelings, as well as a demonstration to the bride’s parents of his wealth, which will allow him to support his future family. Wedding rings used in the church during the sacrament of marriage. Previously, in accordance with ancient traditions, wedding rings were made from different materials. The groom had a gold ring and the bride's ring was silver. The Apostle Paul considered marriage consecrated by the Church to be similar in sacrament to the relationship between Christ and the Church, and therefore it is believed that, according to Church canons, in marriage the man personifies Christ, and the woman the Church. It is from this that the difference in materials used for making wedding rings follows. Gold symbolizes the Divine glory of Christ, and silver symbolizes heavenly grace, purity and spiritual light. Nowadays, wedding rings are bought the same or with different decorations, which is not prohibited at all church statutes. Thus, a man and a woman once again emphasize their equality in marriage, which did not exist until the 19th century.

    Wedding rings Church ministers recommend purchasing ones that are quite modest and simple in execution, without unnecessary pretentious elements and expensive stones. You can put the words of prayer on the inside of the product. Wedding rings have long been worn on the right hand on the ring finger, justifying this by the fact that it is through this finger that the artery leading to the heart flows. But the church does not have strict requirements for wedding rings, so jewelers create very beautiful and original jewelry. After all, wedding rings will serve for a long time as a reminder to the married couple of their choice and testify to mutual feelings. In jewelry stores and on the website of jewelry manufacturers, there is a great variety of different options for wedding rings for every taste and huge ones, depending on different material possibilities, from white, yellow gold, silver, platinum, combined materials, engraved, smooth, grooved, inlaid precious stones. But when choosing, you should remember that this beautiful piece of jewelry serves as a symbol of mutual feelings.

    Young people wishing to get married must be believers and baptized Orthodox Christians. Only then for them wedding rings are very important as a symbol mutual love and fidelity of spouses, willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of your beloved soulmate, to be together at all times until death do us part loving friend friend of the heart.

    Engagement and wedding rings from the Tver-Jeweler company:

    Other rings:

    Other gold products:


    You should immediately think about such an important accessory as rings. IN Orthodox faith they are considered a symbol of the inextricable connection between two loving hearts.

    Differences between wedding and wedding rings

    When talking about wedding rings, they should not be confused with wedding accessories. If the newlyweds wear the latter when registering their marriage at the registry office, then the wedding ring is put on during the church ritual. They perform different functions and therefore must be different from each other. And if, for example, the registry office may allow you to get married without exchanging jewelry, then church officials will definitely not allow this.

    Orthodox customs

    According to the charter, in the Orthodox Church the groom wears a wedding ring made of gold, but special silver jewelry is sold for brides. As the Apostle Paul said, the wedding ceremony should be similar to the sacrament of the relationship between Christ and the Church. The man is the personification of Christ, which means he must wear gold - it is this that symbolizes his Divine Glory. But a woman is considered the image of the Church, and she, like silver, should radiate purity, light and grace.

    There are also other interpretations of precious materials. For example, it is believed that silver is the personification of femininity, like the moon. But gold, like the sun, symbolizes leadership and masculinity.

    During the wedding ceremony, a man and a woman exchange rings three times, and in the end, as a guarantee of their love and fidelity, the silver wedding ring remains with the groom, and the gold one with the bride. A man accepts this accessory from a woman as a sign of her love, devotion, fidelity and willingness to accept help. And the man puts a ring on his wife as a symbol of the fact that he is always ready to sacrifice everything for her and help throughout their life together.

    The wedding ring is usually worn on the ring finger of the right hand. Since ancient times, it was believed that it was through this finger that an artery passed straight to the heart. And they wear it on the right hand, because it is with this that it is customary for Orthodox Christians to be baptized.

    Which ring is better to choose?

    If you are planning not only to sign at the registry office, but also to undergo a church ceremony, you definitely need wedding rings. What should these decorations be like?

    For a wedding, it is recommended to choose modest rings. So, if for an engagement or registration at the registry office there is no limit to imagination in choosing jewelry, then there should be no carvings or stones on the wedding attributes. Otherwise, the church may even refuse to sanctify your marriage, considering the selected accessories to be jewelry.

    It has always been popular to engrave rings - cut out some phrases, words, initials or dates. Previously, they mainly used words from prayers, but now they are most often decorated with the names of the newlyweds.

    In addition to ordinary rings, there is also such a thing as wedding rings. In shape they resemble a cross, along the contour of which the inscription “Lord, crown us with your protection” is engraved. Such rings were made back in the days of Ancient Byzantium, and they have survived to this day. This ring has several more inscriptions:

    • On the side - “Consent from God.”
    • On the inside - “Health” and “Grace”, accompanying the newlyweds throughout their lives.

    Another difference between a ring and an ordinary ring is that it combines two precious materials at once. A silver ring with a gold insert in the middle is made for the bride, and vice versa for the groom.

    Basic signs: what you need to know when choosing wedding rings

    You should buy jewelry for the bride and groom in the same store, and you should definitely do it together.

    To spend your whole life next to each other, choose the same ring models. And for life to be smooth and without problems, accessories must have a smooth surface, without patterns or stones.

    You should only choose precious metals. No jewelry - the church does not consider it a symbol of love and marriage worthy of consecration.

    Wedding rings: what kind of jewelry newlyweds should have

    Nowadays, prices for silver wedding rings vary. The most modest jewelry without engraving is available to everyone. In addition, silver is cheaper than gold, so wedding rings will cost less than jewelry for registering a marriage at the registry office.

    Recently, the church has not set strict restrictions on the choice of wedding rings. Often identical jewelry made of gold or silver is allowed. It is also permissible to use the same rings as when registering a marriage at the registry office. In stores you can find accessories of any thickness, with inserts of stones or with ornaments.

    However, if for you a wedding is really an important event in life, it is better to stick to traditional church rules. And then yours living together will have a long and happy life, because you will be under the protection of the Church and Christ.

    A church wedding is a sacrament through which newlyweds receive a blessing for a long and happy family life and prosperity in relationships. Many couples consider this a convention or an outdated tradition, but there are also those for whom this is important.

    According to the charter of the church, it is believed that the married couple enters into a marriage in heaven and from now on they will be bound not only by a stamp in their passport, but by something more. Choosing wedding rings is the first thing newlyweds should do when preparing for the sacrament.

    Orthodox customs

    A wedding is a procedure that carries a sacred meaning. It is worth understanding that the ring, which is the main attribute of the sacrament, does not in any way belong to the category of ordinary wedding rings, which the bride and groom exchange at the registry office.

    A wedding ring is a symbol of love, fidelity, and readiness for self-sacrifice. It is not recommended to perceive this item as decoration and to buy luxurious and rich products. According to church laws, a wedding ring should be as simple as possible.

    Traditions are an integral part of church culture. According to custom, newlyweds must purchase rings made of different metals, the groom - gold, and the bride - silver. The interpretation of this tradition says that gold is the Sun, which illuminates family life and indicates Right way, and silver is the Moon, which is a satellite of the Sun and its reflection.

    There is another interpretation that says that gold is a symbol of courage, strength and leadership. Silver is the personification of beauty, softness, and femininity.

    The wedding ring should only be worn on the right hand, on the ring finger. For a very long time there has been a belief that it is middle finger responsible for heartfelt feelings. According to Orthodox canons, one should be baptized right hand, therefore, she should also wear the ring. Once you put on the ring, you no longer need to take it off; this product is worn constantly.


    There are not many types of wedding rings. Basically, these are simple, laconic products without any frills, because in the church it is not welcome great love to material values.


    Wide models are one of the most classic options. These rings are perfect for girls with chubby fingers. The product usually looks like a wide flat headband, it is convenient to put on and wear every day. Many wedding rings of this type are additionally decorated with small diamonds; nowadays there are no such strict rules as before. However, you need to remember that the priest may refuse to perform the ceremony if the ring is elaborate or has large stones.


    A thin narrow ring is an excellent alternative to wide bezels. These models are best suited for girls with long fingers. Time and traditions do not stand still, so a woman’s ring is no longer only allowed in a silver version. Beautiful items made of white, rose and yellow gold, trimmed with tiny diamonds or diamond chips, will appeal to all girls.

    With engraving

    Products with internal engraving are quite suitable if the inscription contains oaths of love and fidelity, the names of the newlyweds, or excerpts from sacred texts. Very popular in in this case are rings with prayer. Once in a jewelry store, you can choose from a wide range of ready-made rings with an inscription. However, if you want the words to be unique, intended only for you, then any master can make beautiful engraving.

    Paired rings

    Such rings are a true symbol of the complete unity of spouses. Like the wedding rings of this model, the wedding rings are an exact copy of each other, the only difference being the size. Sometimes paired decorations are not exactly the same; only the decorative elements, material or shape are uniform.

    The popularity of double rings is explained by the fact that many perceive them as a reflection of harmony in marriage - spouses complement each other, help in personal development and growth, and provide support in difficult times.

    Wedding ring

    Unlike standard wedding rings, the ring has its roots in Ancient Byzantium. Usually this is a large, massive accessory that looks like a cross. Along the contour of the product, on the sides and on the inside, inscriptions or prayers are engraved that will help the newlyweds in family life. Jewelers combine two metals at once in such rings. The female version implies silver product with gold insert.


    Gold is one of the metals popular in the manufacture of not only ordinary and wedding models, but also wedding rings. Today, many are moving away from the Orthodox canons, not wanting to wear a simple silver ring every day. As a material, gold has several significant advantages. It is stronger, very durable and easy to maintain. In addition, if you decorate the ring with stones, they look more interesting on a gold background than on a silver one.

    Among the assortment of gold rings Special attention It is worth paying attention to models made of white gold. Such wedding rings look both delicate and noble; they can be additionally trimmed with small stones. It is best if these are diamonds or diamond chips, but small rubies, sapphires, emeralds and amethysts are also allowed.

    Models made of yellow or rose gold are also suitable as daily decoration. Yellow more classic, so if your soul is more towards this type, you can choose something interesting.

    Among the many models of silver rings, blackened jewelry has gained immense popularity. Products made from this material resemble beautiful antique jewelry, and blackened rings will be an excellent choice when purchasing wedding paraphernalia. It is on silver rings that most often there are ready-made engravings and inscriptions. Cubic zirconia, small diamonds, and rubies are suitable as additional decoration. Can be picked up silver ring with gold inserts.

    Compared to gold, silver is a fairly democratic metal. Products made from it will cost much less than gold jewelry with diamonds. The only drawback is that silver jewelry is not very durable. They should be protected from excessive moisture, salt water and direct sunlight. Over time, such jewelry darkens, so it is worth remembering that silver needs regular care - polishing and cleaning.

    As for costume jewelry, according to church laws, such models are prohibited. You should not buy even the most beautiful rings if they are not made of metal. You must remember that beauty does not always depend on the amount of decor. After all, its strength lies in the simplicity and severity of the wedding ring. Orthodox priests believe that it is simple rings testify to the most sincere and bright feelings.

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