• What happens if you dye bleached hair? How to dye your hair light brown from blonde or brunette


    Hair that has been lightened often loses its shine and attractiveness. Having received such a result, many ladies strive to restore the beauty of their hair and its previous shade, which is very difficult. It is especially difficult to dye bleached hair dark color.

    Professionals agree that radical changes in hair color should be avoided, since such an aggressive chemical effect as bleaching changes the structure of the hair, making it weak and lifeless, this will even be felt to the touch. But if your hair is already bleached and the task is to dye the strands a dark color, you need to act in stages, trying not to further harm your hair.

    Do not paint freshly bleached hair with permanent dyes, this will only increase the degree of damage. After bleaching, hair requires a break of at least 1-2 weeks to restore its protective functions. At this time, intensively moisturize and nourish your curls with various masks.

    Choosing a dye for bleached hair

    Carefully study the color of the bleached curls and choose a suitable dark dye. The fact is that bleached hair is not strictly white, but can have a yellow tint, pinkish, bluish, pearl, ashen, etc. Therefore, so that the colors do not come into confrontation and a completely unexpected shade does not turn out on the head, you need to take into account the compatibility and color overlap.

    For example, if you have blonde hair with a yellow tint, dyeing your hair with blue pigment will most likely result in a greenish tint to your hair. But the purple pigment compensates for this yellowness, so the coloring result will be better. Study the palette list to determine the base color. The base color is indicated on the paint package (purple, violet-red, red, blue, blue-violet, etc.).

    Depending on how long you want to be a brunette, choose the type of dye:

  • Permanent dyes stay on the hair for a long time and give it a rich color. However, the active components they contain can further damage the structure of bleached hair. In addition, to obtain a long-lasting effect, you will have to keep the paint on your head longer. Permanent dyes come off after 20-25 shampoos.
  • Semi-permanent dyes are less stable and are washed off after 10 washes. They usually do not contain hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, so they are much less harmful to the hair. The shade obtained with them is more natural, for example chestnut.
  • Washable paints are good to use when you don’t know exactly which color will suit you best and want to experiment with various shades. Such paints are available in the form of sprays, mousses, etc. They color upper layer hairs, without penetrating deep, and disappear after 2-3 washes. With such products it is easy to get light brown.
  • Dark hair dyeing procedure

    The day before dyeing, do an allergy test. Apply some paint to the skin behind your ear. If after a day there are no manifestations of an allergic reaction (rash, itching, redness, burning), you can start dyeing your hair. Before the procedure, protect your skin from paint: put on gloves and apply Vaseline along the hairline on your face and décolleté.

    Pre-moisturize bleached hair with conditioner. You can do this 1-2 days before dyeing. To keep your color as long as possible, add protein hair filler to your dye. If you decide to apply permanent color, mix it with activator according to the instructions on the package.

    Separate a small section from the neck. Starting from the roots, apply the prepared paint along the entire length of the strand using a brush. Wait for the time specified in the instructions (usually 20 minutes). Rinse the strand or wipe with a white towel and evaluate the result. Perhaps you need a little more time to achieve the desired color, or it may turn out that the result is radically different from what was planned. When colors are combined incorrectly, yellowness or a dirty tint often appears. Adjust the paint composition or exposure time.

    Apply the dye to all your hair, first dividing it into four parts. You also need to apply paint from the roots, moving to the ends and carefully painting the strands. After processing all 4 parts, spread the dye through your hair using massaging movements with your fingers, as when washing your hair.

    Leave the paint on for the required time, then rinse your hair with clean water. The water should be warm. Apply the conditioner included with the dye to your curls. Keep it on your hair for the amount of time indicated in the instructions, then rinse.

    Pat your hair dry with a towel and let it dry on its own. Try to avoid blow-drying; hair damaged by bleaching and dyeing should not be dried out further.

    Hair care after coloring

    After dyeing, do not wash your hair with shampoo for 2-3 days. During this time, the dye will penetrate the hair and set. Sometimes bleached hair does not hold even permanent black dye at all, and it is washed off the next time you wash your hair. In this case, you should not try to correct the situation yourself; you need to seek help from a hairdresser.

    After dyeing bleached strands dark, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the care and maintenance of damaged hair. They will become even drier and brittle, so they need deep hydration. Use hair conditioner for this at least once a week, leaving it on your hair for at least half an hour. For better results, you can prepare nutritious conditioners yourself, using healthy and fresh ingredients. However, such products should only be used when they are freshly prepared.

    To maintain your hair color, touch up your hair color every 6-8 weeks. However, if possible, try not to repaint the entire curls, but only the regrown ends with a natural color if they stand out strongly against the general background. To achieve a smooth transition, apply color with a brush only to the roots and comb your hair with a comb to the ends. After complete hair regrowth, it is advisable to give it a rest and not dye or bleach it for at least a year.

    With the modern abundance of colors and hair coloring techniques, it’s so easy to turn into a blonde! But what to do if you didn’t like the result or simply started to get bored? Change again!

    Many of us, following fashion or the call of our hearts, have lightened our hair at least once. Someone wanted to achieve , and someone - try tender . But sooner or later we all found ourselves in the same situation - we have light yellow hair as a base, we are tired of maintaining the color and want something more permanent. Sound familiar? Then read on.

    The best way to get rid of bleached hair is to gradually dye it darker and darker.

    How does hair bleaching happen?

    Under the influence of a lightening agent (blonding powder or clarifier), the pigment in the hair is destroyed. This process occurs gradually. As a result of a single lightening, hair, in most cases, does not completely lose pigment.

    Particles of the red spectrum are destroyed first, then orange, and lastly yellow. This is why hair often takes on a yellowish-red tone after bleaching. This is why the fight against yellowness is familiar to many blonde lovers.

    If you used natural dyes, such as henna or basma, before lightening, lightening may give a very unexpected result in the form of blue or greenish strands, so be sure to consult a specialist before starting the procedure. In case of unexpected shades, you should refrain from dyeing for 2 weeks, during which it would be reasonable to work on restoring the health of your hair.

    Light colors look very cool, but even they can get boring.

    How to Dye Bleached Hair Blonde

    If the bleaching went well, all you have to do is tint your hair in the chosen shade and be ready to maintain the color . If your goal is cold blonde, the ideal option would be . The shampoo contains violet pigments that eliminate unwanted yellowness and enhance the radiance of cool tones. However, if your roots are severely branched or exposed to water, sun and , the bulk of the hair has acquired a yellow tint, you will have to turn to lightening and toning again.

    If you don't want to bleach your hair frequently or are trying to gradually return to your natural color, we recommend trying bronde dyeing, which will provide a soft transition to your natural color. Added bonus: it only needs to be updated every 6 months. If you want to stay blonde for as long as possible, pay attention to warm shades, they stay on your hair better.

    If your natural color dark, make sure you play around with lighter shades.

    How to dye bleached hair dark

    To go from blonde to dark colors, it is better to wait some time and devote it to restoring and nourishing the curls. The safest option is gradual dyeing in increasingly darker shades.

    Remember that it is not very damaged hair It is not recommended to use permanent dyes, as they will weaken already tired hair. If you want the maximum quick results, shades from the light brown range will be the optimal solution. If you later want to paint it chocolate or black, it will be easier to do so. The staining procedure may need to be repeated several times. Definitely at intervals of several weeks.

    It is worth noting that even dark dye is washed off quite quickly from bleached strands. To fix a new shade, you need to use by special means for colored hair. Products from the “Radiance of Color” series from Dove helped us out. With regular use shampoo

    How to dye bleached hair red

    The red color is durable, since it is the red pigment that “sits” most firmly inside the hair. Therefore, if you want to get the most long-lasting color on bleached hair, red shades are a great option. Red is easy to tint and the range of shades is very diverse.

    However, remember that red shades are very capricious and only really suit very fair-skinned girls. If you get tired of the red color, the transition from it may be difficult, and you will have to dye your hair a darker color to cover up the red color, which will still show up in the sun. But don’t despair, progress does not stand still: hair coloring and care specialists are constantly developing new procedures and products, and you will definitely be able to get exactly the shade you dream of.

    Most women have tried to change their appearance at least once in their lives by dyeing or lightening their hair. It is not always possible to achieve the result that was planned. Often the hair becomes somewhat lighter or, conversely, darker than expected. It happens that completely unexpected tones overshadow. How to fix everything without harming your curls? Is it possible to dye your hair immediately after bleaching or should you wait? Let's take a closer look at the question that worries many.

    When to dye after lightening

    Under the influence of aggressive components, the pigment in the hair is destroyed. This process is not instantaneous, it happens gradually. As a result of a single procedure, curls are usually not able to lose pigment completely.

    First, particles of the red spectrum are destroyed, then orange, and lastly, yellow. This is why hair often takes on a reddish tone after bleaching. The struggle with yellowness is familiar to many dyed blondes.

    Important! After bleaching, hair that has an unnatural color can generally acquire completely unexpected tones. Green and blue colors are revealed. This occurs due to the mixing of shades of opposite spectra.

    Not everyone will dare to walk around with an unnaturally red or green head of curls, so it is necessary to urgently dye newly bleached hair. As a rule, after bleaching, curls do not arrive in at its best, and subsequent color changes can worsen the problem.

    Good The master will refrain from dyeing immediately after lightening the hair; he will recommend waiting about 2 weeks. During this period, it is necessary to try to bring the curls damaged by bleaching into proper form.

    How to color after bleaching

    The depressing state of bleached hair is not uncommon. Dry, thin strands and split ends are half the problem. Scorched hair breaking in whole bunches can be found quite often. Especially if the lightening was done at home. Amateurs often make mistakes, so mistakes with the resulting shade quite often darken the picture.

    Knowing how long after bleaching you can dye your hair, you can avoid further reckless actions. Depending on whether the results correspond to expectations, they act in different ways.

    Unforeseen cases

    After bleaching, hair can acquire a completely unexpected tint: yellow, blue, green. Is it possible to dye your hair after getting this effect? It is best to focus on the condition of your hair.

    A very obvious yellowness appears if dark curls are lightened. Excessive greenery appears when moving away from the artificial shade. A particularly obvious “swamp” on the head occurs when trying to bleach hair saturated with basma or henna.

    Painting such a disgrace cannot be delayed. The use of permanent dyes is not recommended. The most effective, harmless way is a tonic, tinted anti-yellowness shampoo.

    You should not try to saturate your long-suffering hair with a more intense tone. A light touch is enough. Perhaps the procedure will last for 2-3 stages, but between them you should take a break of several days.

    Harmless effective methods- folk remedies. You can help save the situation: tomato juice, baking soda, Apple vinegar, lemon juice, kefir, acetylsalicylic acid.

    In such cases, a professional master will do acid remover, but it is not recommended to do this at home on bleached hair.

    An excellent solution would be darker paint. Here it is necessary exact calculation. A professional knows best how to dye bleached hair with visible problems; doing it on your own will only do harm.

    Transition to a lighter shade

    It often happens that lightening did not give desired result. I want it even more intense, whiter. Exit from dark color has to be carried out in several stages with a week's break. We told you earlier how to lighten dark-colored hair without loss. People with fair hair often encounter yellowness.

    Shampoos and tonics will help you achieve a lighter shade. The action of the products is quite gentle, but you should not expect instant results. Choose an ammonia-free dye - good option. Which palette is right? Brown. Yellowness predominates - ashy shades are a reliable salvation. In the salon, the specialist will suggest gentle tinting using a low concentration oxidizing agent.

    Using home recipes is also acceptable to try to make the transition to more light color. Depending on the original shade choose cinnamon, rhubarb, onion skins - dark-haired, kefir, lemon, honey - blondes.

    An excellent solution is to highlight, then you will be able to refresh the image, acquire a lighter shade (at least partially). The color will fall more naturally and there will be less damage to the hair.

    Attention! Sometimes, after repeated bleaching with high-concentration compounds, the pigment is “brewed” and changing the resulting color to “snow-white” forever becomes an unattainable dream.

    Transition to a darker shade

    There are situations when bleaching is perceived completely negatively. I would like to quickly return everything to its place or at least acquire the darkest shade.

    It would seem that it would be easier to repaint it back. But bleached curls are extremely reluctant to accept color saturation, the shade applies unevenly, does not hold well, and is washed out.

    Decide when you can dye your hair is absolutely necessary. If the discoloration did not cause any particular harm - in 1–2 weeks. Instant coloring in darker shades can give an unpredictable result. Different chemical compounds react, producing an unexpected effect.

    It is best to wait a while and additionally nourish the curls. It is not recommended to radically change the color. Choosing shades from the light brown range will be the optimal solution. The dye does not apply immediately to bleached strands. You will have to perform the procedure 3-4 times before the shade can set properly.

    It is not recommended to use permanent dyes to change the color of bleached hair. Such compositions excessively injure already weakened strands.

    Experiments with natural dyes may end in deep disappointment. Henna and basma will behave inappropriately on bleached hair. It is better to use a strong infusion onion peel or regular tea leaves.

    They will give a golden reddish-brown tone.

    Each girl should decide how long after bleaching her hair can be dyed on her own. It is necessary to realistically assess the condition of the hair. The prospect of losing your curls is worse than a few days of having an unacceptable shade.

    Useful videos

    Hairstylist Christina will tell you in detail about the consequences of unsuccessful lightening and show you how to fix it.

    How to adjust the color of dyed hair.

    I myself did not expect such a result, but repeatedly bleached hair can be dyed with ammonia-free dye at home! What was originally: For many many years I have lightened my Brown hair

    , and approached this issue thoroughly and a little cruelly, i.e. I wasn’t embarrassed by the use of very strong lighteners. This is the color my hair has almost always been: Since female nature sometimes craves change, from time to time I tried to dye my hair dark shade

    various paints and once even henna. The exhausted hair, especially at the ends, did not want to absorb the color and I had to wash it and go back to bleaching again. About six months ago, I probably grew up and decided not to torture my hair anymore, to try to grow it longer (I think many people are familiar with this impulse) and for several months I dyed it with ammonia-free dyes of a fairly light shade in the region of 8.

    Perhaps this is the key point why it was possible to paint the hair completely evenly. They absorbed at least some color for six months What happened:

    For the experiment, I chose shade 323 Black Ginger. See for yourself what happened: the color is uniform along the entire length, the ends are perfectly colored and are not split. It's a pity that it's so bad now short days

    that I don’t have time to take photos in daylight. This would clearly show the dark red tint, just like on the paint box.

    It's been a month since painting

    And now about the sad thing:

    My hair became terribly tangled. Yes, of course, I haven’t cut off my split ends for a long time, and in general I haven’t worked on my hair for a long time. But before I painted it with this paint, their condition was stable. Now just cry. I braid my hair at night, but in the morning I can’t comb it - some monstrous knots form, and in the middle of the hair length.

    I wore this dye about five times in my entire life, and each time, after a while, my hair lost its normal state, but for some reason I associated this with anything, but not with her. Of course, this is L'Oreal and the paint is ammonia-free.

    Bottom line: this painting was the last straw, I swear I won’t buy the Casting again.

    It takes skill and skill to cover grays or dye your hair blue, purple, hot pink or other colors. By bleaching your hair, you disrupt its natural pigment, thereby preparing your hair for dyeing a new color. This can be a long process that requires concentration, so choose a time when you are not overwhelmed and can focus on getting the results you want.


    Using store-bought hair dye

      The bleaching composition disrupts the structure of the hair and its top layer, lifts the hair scales to penetrate deeper. Then the natural pigment dissolves under the influence of the oxidizing composition and, as a result, the hair lightens. Depending on your natural color, your hair will turn yellow, white or reddish after bleaching. Now your hair is ready to be dyed in the desired shade. You can choose natural shades such as shades of brown, black, red or blonde. You can also choose cherry red, blue, purple, pink and so on. For a more natural color, choose a shade that is 1-3 shades closer to your natural color. .

      Think about how long you want to wear this color. There are many different colors: permanent, semi-permanent and wash-off. Each of them lasts a different amount of time. They can be purchased both at pharmacies and cosmetics and perfume stores.

      Pre-treat your hair with conditioner. 1-2 days before coloring, moisturize bleached hair with hair conditioner. There is a huge variety of air conditioners in different price categories. You can find many recipes for making your own food-based conditioner. Search the Internet for recipes for hair masks using bananas, avocados, mayonnaise, yogurt, eggs, coconut oil etc. This step will help hydrate extremely dry and brittle hair from bleaching. Ideally, you should condition your hair with conditioner before bleaching, but if not, do so before coloring.

      Use protein hair fillers. Protein helps maintain color. It can also be added to hair dye. To apply the protein directly to your hair, first squeeze out a small amount of filler in the palm of your hand, then spread it with your palms along the entire length of your hair. There is no need to rinse your hair before applying the dye. Or you can add a little protein mask to the paint (if you add too much, the paint will become liquid).

      Do an allergy test. This step seems time-consuming, especially if you want to start coloring your hair faster. But this is an important step that will help you avoid skin rashes if you suddenly discover that you are allergic to one of the components of the paint. To test, apply a little paint to the area of ​​skin behind your ear. Leave the dye on for 24-48 hours, then check for any allergic reaction such as rash, itching or burning. If you have even a slight allergic reaction, then change the paint. Paint from another manufacturer must also be tested for allergies.

      Chemical hair dyes can easily stain your skin and hands, so protect them from the dye. Put on gloves and drape an old towel over your shoulders. Apply a small amount of Vaseline along your hairline and décolleté to prevent staining. Keep a bottle of facial toner handy alcohol based to remove paint from leather, countertops and parquet.

      If you are using permanent dye, mix it with an activator. Follow the instructions on the package.

      Separate the strands. Separate a small section of hair from the neck. Using a brush, apply color to this strand, starting from the roots and moving along the entire length of the strand. Record the time specified in the instructions (about 20 minutes). Rinse or wipe the dye off this section with a white towel. This step will help you decide if you like the end result before you paint your entire head. You can also determine how long you need to leave the paint on to achieve the desired shade.

      Apply dye to your hair. Divide your hair into four sections. It is necessary to apply the dye from the roots and move towards the ends of the hair. Once you have colored all 4 sections, massage the color through your hair as if you were applying shampoo. Before painting, be sure to read the instructions that came with the paint.

      Note the time. Typically, you will need to leave the dye on your hair for about 20 minutes or more after the coloring process is complete.

      Rinse your hair and apply conditioner. Gently rinse your hair with warm water until the water runs clear. Then open the packet of conditioner that comes with the dye and apply it to your hair. Leave it on for the amount of time recommended by the instructions and rinse off.

      Dry your hair with a towel or let it dry on its own. Blow-drying will further dry out hair that has been damaged due to bleaching.

      Water, soap and heat remove paint. After 2-3 days, the dye will penetrate the hair cuticle and set. If the dye washes off after the next wash, you can dye your hair again, but remember that you will damage it even more. If you find that your bleached hair does not hold the dye, then it is best for you to visit a hairdresser who will give you professional advice.

      Take care of your hair. Your hair will become even more brittle and dry after coloring. Hair needs deep hydration. Use hair conditioner at least once a week, leaving it on your hair for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse off. For better results, you can use a hairdryer to heat your conditioned hair. If you make your own food-based conditioner, make sure it hasn't spoiled. Home air conditioner for hair should not be kept for more than a few days.

      Dye your hair every 6-8 weeks, especially if you like the color. Even permanent dyes wash off over time and hair grows back, so every 6-8 weeks you need to refresh the dye. There is no need to completely recolor your hair; you can only color overgrown hair roots. Apply the dye to the roots, and finally comb your hair with a comb to the ends.

      Separate a small section of hair from the neck. Immerse this strand in the Kool-Aid. Time it for 20 minutes. If you think that the color is not yet saturated enough, then leave it longer. Rinse or wipe the dye off this section with a white towel. This step will help you decide if you like the end result before you paint your entire head. You can also determine how long you need to leave your hair in the dye to obtain the desired shade.

      Tie your hair in ponytail and immerse the ends of this tail in the Kool-Aid. You'll have to sit still for 30 minutes, so have a book or movie on to help make the wait time pass by.

      Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water until the water runs clear and you have removed any remaining dye.

      Avoid washing your hair for 2-3 days. Water, soap and heat remove paint. After 2-3 days, the dye will penetrate the hair cuticle and set. After the dye begins to wash off, the hair can take undesirable shade. For example, if you dyed your hair bright red after bleaching, then after washing off the dye, your hair may turn orange.

    Using coffee as hair dye

      Dye made from coffee will help color your hair a rich chocolate shade. Mix 1 cup of brewed coffee with 2 cups of leave-in conditioner in an empty shampoo bottle. Add 2 tbsp. spoons ground coffee and shake.

      Apply dye to your hair. Divide your hair into four sections. It is necessary to apply the dye from the roots and move towards the ends of the hair. Once you have colored all 4 sections, massage the color through your hair as if you were applying shampoo.

      Put on an old shower cap and leave for about one hour. Start counting after completing the coloring process.

      Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water until the water runs clear and you have removed any coffee residue.

      Dry your hair with a towel or turn on a hair dryer. Since you didn't use chemical dyes, your hair won't be very dry and brittle, so you can blow dry it.

      Avoid washing your hair for 2-3 days. Water, soap and heat remove paint. After 2-3 days, the dye will penetrate the hair cuticle and set.

    We use herbs and plant-based dyes

      After bleaching, you need to choose what color you want to dye your hair. The bleaching composition disrupts the structure of the hair and its top layer, lifts the hair scales to penetrate deeper. Then the natural pigment dissolves under the influence of the oxidizing composition and, as a result, the hair lightens. Depending on your natural color, your hair will appear yellow, white, or reddish after bleaching. Dyeing your hair with plant-based dyes will not harm your health. Teas, henna and other herbs are beneficial and effective means for hair coloring. Tea dyeing can produce a wide range of colors, from brown or black to blonde or red. Use black tea for dark colors, chamomile for light colors, and red or rooibos tea to get red hair color. Henna dye hair dark rich colors. Henna will improve the hair structure and make it thicker.

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