• Pension calculation ufsin calculator. Federal Pension Pension Calculator: exact calculation and comments


    The job responsibilities of FSIN employees include working with convicts, which presupposes the constant presence of some degree of danger to the employee’s life and the specific nature of the environment. When calculating a pension, the volume of monetary allowance (DS) and length of service are always taken into account (Article 14 of Law No. 4468-1 of 02/12/1993). Thus, significant pension payments are received by those employees whose service life has reached the required number of years.

    All citizens who work directly with prisoners are considered employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service (Federal Penitentiary Service). These are security guards, supervisors of compliance with orders, social workers, psychologists, educators, etc. All of them are involved in Russian departments and penal authorities, correctional institutions, training centers, and inspections. Such work activity is considered to be military service, which implies the establishment of a long-service pension if a specific threshold of length of service in law enforcement agencies has been developed.

    Upon retirement, such an employee has the right to use certain preferential programs. They are often prescribed two varieties at once. pension provision. However, such payments are determined by various sources of financing, so their joint establishment has its own characteristics.

    Types of pensions for FSIN employees

    The establishment of pensions for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, as well as for military personnel, is regulated by Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, which provides for very specific types of pension provision through departmental structures:

    • for length of service;
    • on disability;
    • by old age.

    If the former FSIN employee continued to officially work, and the organization regularly paid insurance payments to the Pension Fund, the pensioner has the right to receive an insurance pension.

    It is also noteworthy that in the event of the death of a FSIN employee, his relatives are entitled to the assignment of state benefits due to the loss of a breadwinner. The table below presents the criteria for calculating two types of pensions.

    Type of pension payment Conditions of appointment Peculiarities
    For length of service 1. The total length of service in the Federal Penitentiary Service is 20 years.

    Or the following criteria are put forward:

    1. Age: 45 years and older.

    2. Lower threshold of length of service: 12 years 6 months.

    3. General seniority from 25 years old.

    According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 941 of September 22, 1993, when calculating length of service, the following periods are taken into account:

    · internship in departments of the Federal Penitentiary Service;

    · being at military training camps;

    · army service (contract/conscription), etc.

    Such a payment is due only to personnel and is deducted from the state budget, so it is not assigned to an employee working in civilian life.

    For old age (Article 8 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013) Accrual conditions:

    1. Insurance experience outside law enforcement agencies - from 9 years.

    2. Retirement age(for males ─ 60 years, for females ─ 55 years).

    3. Number of pension points – from 13.8.

    This pension is assigned according to general rules. The minimum number of pension points increases every year in accordance with transitional provisions (Article 35 No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013).

    Source of funding ─ Pension Fund RF.

    Service in the FSIN is taken into account as follows: 1 year of work here is equivalent to 18 months of experience. If we are talking about a special purpose correctional facility (for example, the stay of infected convicts, persons with life sentences), then 1 service year corresponds to 2 two years of service.

    Principles for calculating pension payments

    So, the pension for FSIN employees for length of service (state pension) in 2018-2019. is calculated taking into account the entire period of work experience and the amount of DD received.

    For 20 years of service, the calculation is as follows:

    In general insurance experience from 25 years of age and 12.5 years of service, the following calculation form applies:

    When using the DD indicator in the calculations, a reduction factor of 72.23% is applied (Law No. 430-FZ of December 19, 2016). In addition, certain categories of FSIN pensioners are entitled to additional payments. Such citizens include:

    • Pensioners aged 80 years and older or having I gr. disability. Supplement rate ─ 100% of the amount pension accruals.
    • Non-working pensioners with dependent dependent relatives. If we are talking about one dependent, the amount of the supplement will be 32%, two ─ 64%, three or more ─ 100% of the state pension. Mandatory criterion: the dependent must not receive any pension payments.

    The increase in the size of the state pension is directly dependent on the annual increase in personal income, the indicator of which is used in settlement transactions. For example, in 2018, the size of the DD increased by 4%. Accordingly, there was an increase by the same amount military payment. On April 1, the old-age pension is also subject to an annual planned indexation equal to last year’s inflation threshold. If there are sufficient funds in the Pension Fund, re-indexation can be organized on April 1. On January 1, 2018, there was an increase in insurance pensions for military personnel working “outside civilian life” and law enforcement agencies.

    Today, many online resources offer the use of special “Pension calculators” absolutely free of charge. Thus, a FSIN employee can find out the amount of future government pension payments himself. As a rule, using such a calculator does not present any difficulties for the user: the necessary information is entered into the fields, after which the system performs calculations automatically. But it is worth remembering that the data obtained may have some error, because when assigning a pension, all the features and details of the service are always taken into account.

    Establishment of pension provision

    To assign a state pension, you must visit the pension division of the Federal Penitentiary Service; for an insurance pension, visit the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In all cases, payments are made monthly. The review period is 10 days from the date of submission of the corresponding application with a ready-made package of collected documentation. Pension payments are assigned to a person from the date of termination of employment at the place of service. By the way, a citizen has the right to choose a convenient option for delivering them:

    • Russian post office (in the organization itself or at home);
    • courier service (in the company itself or at home);
    • banking institution (at the cash desk or by card).

    It is possible to change the delivery method at any time by submitting an appropriate application to the nearest department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. A long-service pension is paid even if the pensioner continues to work in civilian life or is engaged in business. However, with further work in law enforcement agencies, such payment ceases for the entire duration of employment.

    Below is a table with lists of required documentation for each type of pension provision:


    The calculation of pensions in 2019 is identical to the principles of calculations in 2018. As before, the state pension for long service is calculated based on the length of service and the amount of DD received. At the same time, the person may be accrued insurance pension, if after serving in the FSIN he continued to officially work, and the organization made monthly payments to the Pension Fund. The media has repeatedly covered the topic of the authorities’ intention to raise the minimum retirement threshold for FSIN employees to 50 years (currently 45), as well as to increase the length of service to 25 years. However, so far no such bill has been adopted by the State Duma.

    Employees employed in the penitentiary service system are assigned a FSIN pension. True, as with any pension of law enforcement agencies (,), the state will provide such a right subject to certain conditions.

    In fact, the FSIN pension is a type. The right to such a pension is regulated by Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993.

    The right to receive a pension for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service

    Currently, the FSIN system employs more than 300,000 employees. These include territorial departments of the central apparatus, bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, correctional institutions, inspectorates and even training centers. As in any other government structure, personnel are divided into rank and file and commanding officers.

    Issues regarding the implementation of state pension provision for this type of pension are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Penitentiary Service. This means that registration and payment are carried out within the personnel departments at the last place of work. It is the employees of the personnel department who check the data on service and confirm that they count the length of service. But the calculation itself is consistent with the pension authority. In addition, an application for a pension must be submitted to the pension authority. As well as a number of documents received from the personnel department. The decision to grant a pension is approved by the head of the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Or his deputy.

    The FSIN pension is divided into pensions for length of service, disability and loss of a breadwinner. The right to assign such a pension belongs only to the personnel. Workers and employees, as well as persons working under civil contracts, are not employees of the FSIN system.

    Pension of the Federal Penitentiary Service according to length of service

    Persons passing public service members of the Federal Penitentiary Service have the right to receive a long-service pension in 2 cases:

    1. On the day of dismissal, the employee has a total length of service of 20 years or more. Length of service includes various periods. This is military service, service in the police. Direct service in the bodies and institutions of the penal system. And work in other law enforcement agencies. The procedure for calculating length of service is determined by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation (09.22.1993 No. 941). The period of service in the army under conscription and under contract will also be counted towards the length of service of personnel. As well as undergoing military training (since 1991). And what’s nice is the time spent working in the Federal Penitentiary Service as an intern. Service in the Federal Penitentiary Service is counted toward length of service on preferential terms: 1 year of service is counted as 1 year and 6 months. And if a person served in correctional institutions for the maintenance and treatment of infectious convicts, or persons with a life sentence, then the length of service is calculated: 1 year of service is equal to 2 years of service. List of periods calculated in different ways and included in the length of service is quite extensive. Any employee has the right to contact the personnel department and obtain information about his/her length of service. And in case of disagreement, go to court with a claim against the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.
    2. On the day of dismissal, the FSIN employee does not have 20 years of service. In this case, he must have a length of service calculated in accordance with the above Procedure in the amount of at least 12 years 6 months. And also reach the age of 45 years and have a total of at least 25 years. The reason for dismissal will also be taken into account. The wording of dismissal must be related to illness, health status, achievement age limit or carrying out organizational and staffing activities.

    Pension amount for FSIN employees based on length of service

    The monetary allowance for the assignment of a FSIN pension based on years of service includes:

    • salary for last position+
    • by special rank on the day of dismissal+
    • monthly bonus for length of service (calculated based on last salaries).

    The calculation of the FSIN pension based on years of service is similar to the calculation military pension and pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To assign a pension, the dismissed employee provides an application, a calculation of length of service (prepared and agreed upon with the UPFR by the personnel department), a monetary certificate, an IHC conclusion, and an extract from the dismissal order.

    If, after the assignment of a pension, an employee is rehired in law enforcement agencies, the payment of the pension is suspended. When he works in “civil” organizations, then no.

    If the length of service for the assignment of a FSIN pension is not enough, a citizen has the right to apply on a general basis.

    The FSIN disability pension and the FSIN survivor pension are similar in legal regulation relevant types of military pension.

    Just last year, Russian media reported on the Russian government’s intentions to increase the length of service required for security forces and military personnel to retire. Now the authorities against the backdrop of general perestroika pension system, it seems, have returned to this idea again. FSIN employees may also be under attack in 2019.

    Hidden threat

    Work on the preparation of the new law has been carried out since the beginning of last spring on behalf of President Vladimir Putin. All departments related to military service participated in the development of the bill - however, in order to make any decision on this issue, of course, it was necessary to hold consultations with the financial, economic and social blocs.

    Now that the next presidential election is behind us, it seems the time has come to act. The active cooperation of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense in this matter was recently confirmed by Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov, which means that increasing the amount required for retirement, including for FSIN employees, is probably only a matter of time.

    However, last news But for the majority of Russians, the military and security forces have not yet been touched upon - this fact was also noted by Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy Tatyana Golikova. Not least of all, this delay is caused by the fact that the maintenance of millions of military personnel for an extra few years will require hundreds of billions of rubles, which still need to be found.

    One of the most obvious solutions to this problem is row cleaning. It’s no secret that many of our security forces are busy mindlessly shuffling papers around. They are planned to be cut, and the Ministry of Finance even gives an exact figure: up to 10% of civil servants may be left without work. The department hopes to send them to other sectors of the economy.

    What will change

    Currently, FSIN employees receive the so-called if they have 20 years of service; This length of service also includes military service, military training, and studies at a specialized university. You can become a FSIN pensioner even after 12.5 years, but only in a number of cases:

    • if there is a disability as a result of an injury or illness received in the service;
    • upon dismissal due to staff reduction or reaching retirement age;
    • as a result of death occurring in the performance of official duties;
    • upon reaching the age of 45 years with general experience at 25 years old.

    Despite the rule on a gradual increase in pension payments, in fact this has not happened in sufficient quantities since 2015. So, last year, with an increase in pensions by 5.4%, security forces received only about 4%, which does not even cover inflation.

    Now it is planned to change the required length of service threshold to 25 years. According to some reports, this may happen as early as January 2019. However, it is more likely that minimum experience will be raised more carefully and gradually: drastic measures may scare away promising young employees, and the regime clearly does not want to spoil relations with its main support.

    However, the issue is now unlikely to be removed from the agenda and can always be addressed if the economic situation becomes particularly difficult. Pensions for security forces are paid directly from the budget, so another drop in prices for hydrocarbons, on which the filling of the Russian treasury largely depends, could provoke a new wave of interest from the authorities in carrying out such a reform.

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