• What to do if dad drinks every day? What should a family do if dad drinks?


    One can only guess what feelings a child experiences when he sees his dad drunk. It seems strange and incomprehensible how this man, who does not remember what he does and says, behaves inappropriately and sometimes hits his family, can be your father. If dad drinks, then this situation seems hopeless to the child, he does not know who to turn to, he tries to hide the situation in the family from others. But there is always a way out, and even the child himself can do a lot to protect himself and help his father stop drinking.

    Alcoholism problem

    Many people know how to live with an alcoholic, since alcohol addiction in our time is a fairly common disease that affects children in the family. Alcoholism occurs due to prolonged and frequent consumption of alcohol. This disease is characterized by mental and physical dependence. Often drinking man He doesn’t even realize that he suffers from alcohol addiction.

    If the father drinks, quarrels, conflicts, scandals and even fights often arise in the family. Children primarily suffer from this. If nothing is done in time, the disease enters a deeper stage, a person’s life goes downhill, the family breaks up. It’s even harder for children whose mother drinks or both parents drink.

    However, ordinary everyday drunkenness should not be confused with alcoholism. In the first case, it is enough to simply talk to the person. Perhaps everything will stop when the father’s problems are solved or his financial well-being improves. But often it is everyday drunkenness that smoothly turns into alcoholism. The question arises, how to determine that a parent is an alcoholic?

    Signs of alcoholism

    If the father drinks, then you need to pay attention to his behavior. The following signs indicate incipient alcoholism:

    • the person is often intoxicated;
    • he often feels unwell;
    • if he cannot drink, he is irritable and angry;
    • when intoxicated, a person is often aggressive;
    • even after drinking alcohol for a long time, my father has neither nausea nor vomiting.
    • manifestations of withdrawal symptoms (after drinking, dad feels very bad in the morning);
    • he often treats poor morning health with a new dose of alcohol (he gets hungover);
    • when the father drinks, his sleep suffers and insomnia appears;
    • a person experiences anxiety, fear and anxiety.

    At this stage, the father needs urgent treatment, since mental disorders will soon appear. Strong addiction alcohol can make a man impotent, he develops cardiovascular diseases and other diseases internal organs. All external manifestations of alcoholism are clearly expressed:

    • hand tremors;
    • swelling of the face and limbs;
    • profuse salivation.

    Your actions

    Many unhappy children wonder what to do if dad drinks often? To get started, you need to do the following:

    1. Try to calm down and assess the situation. Maybe the father drinks not so much and often, and is not an alcoholic at all. Sometimes a child, out of worry about his mother, his life and family, can exaggerate the problem. In such a situation, after you calm down, you need to tell your mother or someone from your family about your feelings. It is important to consider how much and often the father drinks. If this is a bottle of beer after work sometimes, and not a strong alcoholic drink every day, then there is no cause for concern yet.
    2. There is no need to tell your father that you think he is an alcoholic. This will not make him stop drinking, but will only make him very angry, even if he is sober at that moment.
    3. It is very difficult for many children to say to someone: I live with my father who is an alcoholic. People often keep silent about the problem because they are ashamed of their parents. But you need to tell one of the adults about the situation in the family. You can turn to people you can trust. These could be relatives, acquaintances, friends or parents of friends. First of all, after this the child will feel better. In addition, they can advise what to do in this situation, since it is very difficult to solve such a problem yourself.
    4. To get dad to stop drinking, you can ask someone the dad trusts to talk to him. These could be dad's parents, your grandparents, his friend or brother.

    Attention: you should not invite strangers to talk with your dad and completely strangers. This will not help the father stop drinking, but will only make him angry, ruin his reputation and create the impression of a dysfunctional family.

    1. When answering the question of what to do if the father drinks often, the child can be advised to talk to a sober dad. Just don't do it when he's drunk. There is no need to tell my father in a conversation - I live with an alcoholic. It is important to express your concern about your dad’s health without moralizing, reproaching or blaming. It’s better to structure the conversation along these lines:
    • you can start with memories of a joint trip, hike or games;
    • then praise dad for his sobriety, tell him how much you love him;
    • then find the reasons and explain why you like it so much when he is sober;
    • at the end, try to put pressure on pity and burst into tears from the memories of what happened when dad was drunk (it is important that your tears and words are sincere, no parent can stand the tears of their beloved child);
    • ask him not to drink.

    Actions in an emergency

    You need to think in advance what to do if the father is on a drinking binge. If dad does not stop drinking for several days in a row, then in this state he can be dangerous to others and you. If your mother is not at home and you are alone, then it is better not to take risks and not stay in an apartment with a drunken, inadequate father and his drinking buddies. In this case, you should listen to the following advice:

    1. There is no need to forcibly take alcohol from dad or hide the bottle. This can cause an inadequate drunk person to become aggressive and harm you.
    2. Talking to your father and drinking buddies, trying to convince them to leave, is also pointless.
    3. It's better for you to leave home for a while. Just not just on the street, but to go to family or friends.

    You should also be aware of a serious condition called withdrawal syndrome. It occurs in alcoholics after alcohol withdrawal. That is, if a person drank for several days in a row, and then he stopped drinking or he ran out of alcohol, then he becomes very ill. In this case you need to call ambulance, since severe withdrawal can result in coma, heart attack, stroke or even death.

    No matter how hard it may be for you to contemplate a drunken father, you should understand a few simple truths and adhere to the following recommendations:

    • Alcoholism is a disease, not own wish person. You shouldn’t be offended or judge him.
    • Don't turn away from your father. If his family and relatives abandon him, he will simply get drunk and die. Such a patient needs to be supported in every possible way and helped to get out of this state.
    • When dad recovers from drinking, he feels very bad (withdrawal syndrome). In this state, you don’t need to leave him alone, be always there and support him, so that he sees that someone else needs him and understands that in this life he still has something to fight for.
    • All his attempts to quit drinking should be encouraged and supported on the path to a sober life.

    If the child is already an adult

    An adult son or daughter living their own life can provide much greater help to their drinking father:

    1. To quickly stop your father’s binge drinking, you can call a narcologist to your home. He will detoxify the body and dad will feel better.
    2. As soon as the father is sober, you need to immediately contact a psychologist who will help identify and eliminate the cause of drunkenness.
    3. If the father does not mind, he can be sent to a drug treatment clinic, where he will undergo subsequent rehabilitation.
    4. When dad makes a firm decision to take the path of sobriety, you can help him put his life and apartment in order.
    5. Under no circumstances should you join your father in drunken feasts. This is dangerous for you because you have bad heredity and can also join the ranks of people with alcohol addiction. If you think that dad will drink less alcohol with your participation, then he can easily find an additional dose elsewhere if he wants.
    6. After the father is on the path to a sober life, all alcohol must be removed from the house. Even family feasts and holidays should be celebrated without alcohol.

    It’s very unfortunate and very bad when the child’s father not only drinks on holidays, but drinks and drinks so much that he drinks everything away. family budget, does not participate in raising a child, completely forgot what a family is, lives only as a fiery serpent, etc. In this topic we will talk about what to do if the child’s father drinks and drinks heavily. We recommend that you read


    FIRST: The most important thing to do, or rather to do, is to monitor your child very closely and, from childhood, to promote the harm of alcohol and drugs, since alcoholism is inherited very, very well. The main thing here is to show the child with all your appearance that drinking and drinking is very bad, you may have to completely give up alcohol yourself, even on holidays, so that the child sees your sober lifestyle, is proud of it and imitates it. We recommend that you read

    SECOND: This, of course, is not the most important thing, but one of the important conditions is that the child does not see his father’s drunkenness and does not strive for the same, but this consists in completely separating the child from his father. IN otherwise, the child will be raised as an alcoholic and will think that since dad can do it, so can I, since dad drinks, it means it’s normal, I’ll drink too.

    THIRD: If the child’s father drinks, you must strictly follow point number two, and for this, most likely, you will have to live separately with the child’s father. That is, simply put, you will have to get a divorce or simply separate.

    We recommend that you read FOUR: If the child’s father drinks, try to cure this careless father, for which you contact medical care

    to narcologists, whether the father wants it or not. Perhaps they will help him come to his senses and become a normal person, but, unfortunately, this happens very rarely. Yes, there were cases when a woman picked up an alcoholic, cleaned him up, put him on his feet and made him a real man and an influential person. But only a strong-willed woman and a man who has not yet completely drunk his brains out are capable of this. RESULT: If the child’s father drinks and drinks, think a hundred times and only cut once, but be sure to try to raise your child from an alcoholic husband normal

    strong man

    ru Find.

    It is the child who has the hardest time in a family where the father drinks. Drastically changing behavior, unpredictability of reactions, aggression, quarrels and scandals hurt the psyche of children. They cannot help but love their parents, so they are looking for ways to save the family from trouble. It is difficult for grown children to understand and accept the fact of alcoholism of the father if the addiction to alcohol appeared in

    mature age

    Onset of the disease

    Emotions experienced in childhood are acutely and painfully imprinted on the mind; children of drinking parents always differ from children from prosperous families.

    A drinking dad is very shameful, it can bring trouble, it is a constant threat of scandal, but you can’t tell anyone about it. Often, children of drunkards perceive what is happening this way and do not know what to do or who to turn to for help. They learn early to hide their emotions, remain silent about the fact that dad hurts them and mom, but all this leads to the destruction of their personality. Next to the child there should be a wise and understanding person who can be completely trusted - a relative, teacher, psychologist

    Causes of addiction

    The state of intoxication is very similar to illness. Coming after this hangover syndrome leaves no doubt in the child’s mind that dad is seriously ill.

    As the child grows older, he begins to blame himself for what is happening:

    • brought bad grades;
    • failed to complete the assigned task;
    • I couldn’t do as many pull-ups as my dad wanted.

    Important! In fact, the reasons why the head of the family began to pawn by the collar have nothing to do with the child. The root of evil is in the alcoholic himself, the rest is speculation in attempts to justify himself.

    Dad may drink for the following reasons:

    You can find many more reasons to explain alcoholism. But the main thing is weakness of will, unwillingness to solve problems, search for the easiest way. A man tries to forget himself and not think, he believes that the problem will solve itself or will stop bothering him.

    How to react

    Quite a lot scary stories Anyone who finds themselves in the same house with an alcoholic father can remember. Often children hate their fathers, cross them out of their lives, subconsciously feeling guilty for not being able to save them.

    But what if dad drinks? Any attempt to stand up for yourself or your mother turns into beatings or reproaches, your mother forgives your dad and gives him chance after chance, but with each drunkenness the father becomes more and more terrible.

    There are several important things that children from such families should know:

    • there is no need to provoke a drunken father, shout at him or appeal to his conscience - he still won’t understand;
    • drunkenness and alcoholism are a disease that changes a person’s personality, but it is treatable;
    • to abandon your father just because he drinks, without trying to fight, means to betray him;
    • there is no need to take seriously everything that a parent says while intoxicated - the illness speaks for him;
    • aggressive behavior, attempts to hit - this is a life-threatening situation, but there is no shame in running away to call someone for help;
    • if the father tends to show aggression, you need to keep any piercing or cutting objects as far away as possible so that the man does not injure himself or others.

    A quiet or angry alcoholic father is equally scary, and it equally requires adult intervention.

    We need to try to explain this to the mother before child protection specialists intervene, and together persuade the father to accept help. Doctors can help save the father by prescribing treatment in specialized clinics or at home. There are effective medications and techniques for this.

    But if there is no one to save yourself, treatment will not help. Therefore, the family should support the person who is drinking alcohol and his attempts to recover, and not turn away from him.

    How can you help?

    If your father suffers from alcohol addiction, this is a serious problem. But they say love works wonders. Even a child can try to help his father if he gets through to his consciousness.

    Spree every day

    Psychologists often talk about the anxiety and emotional problems of a child who sees how dad suddenly started drinking a bottle of beer or a shot of cognac every day.

    A frank letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
    I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little at a time, go to a bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to return every day very drunk, he was rude, and drank away his salary. It really became scary when I pushed him for the first time. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and... beatings. And in the morning we apologize. We tried everything, we even coded it. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, we began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he was late at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And after about two or two and a half months, I came across an alcoholic on the Internet. At that time, I had completely given up, my daughter left us altogether and began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and descriptions. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there was nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?!! I started adding drops to my husband’s tea in the morning, but he didn’t notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later I began to look more decent and my health improved. Well, then I admitted to him that I was slipping the drops. When I was sober, I reacted adequately. As a result, I took a course of alcotoxic medication, and for six months now I have had no problem with alcohol, I was promoted at work, and my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Will save families and even lives! Read about the cure for alcoholism.

    Neither mom nor dad even thought to explain to the child that the father watches sports programs and thus “roots” for his favorites, or that doctors recommended this way to relax before bed, or that a drink with the smell of alcohol is just one of the medicines.

    In this case, help is required for the child with his vivid imagination and reluctance to share his experiences with his parents. It is important to explain to him that if nothing has changed in the family, if the father’s behavior remains the same, as well as his attitude towards family members, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

    It’s good if the situation is not as terrible as the imagination of the receptive and emotional child. A simple frank conversation is enough to calm him down.

    Problems in vodka

    The situation is different if the younger members of the family understand perfectly well that dad drinks vodka. Seeing your drunk father every day is a real challenge. But even binge alcoholics have periods of enlightenment, when they can simply explain how their loved ones feel, how difficult it is to look at a man going downhill, and try to persuade them to seek help.

    You should not immediately blame your father for alcoholism, because only a doctor can make a diagnosis. A conversation with a respected person who inspires trust, a frank conversation with the head of the family will help to achieve consent to provide assistance.

    Sudden breakdowns

    Sometimes grief or stress plunges a person into despair. He begins to drink often and a lot, trying to forget himself. In this situation, it is important to find the reason for what is happening, to make it clear that there are people nearby who care about the man and who are ready to help.

    The father may not understand how strong the addiction has become, but this can be explained quite simply:

    Of course, you definitely need to choose right moment when dad is sober, he is not aggressive. In a family where everything was fine before, such methods help to break through to consciousness and return a person to normal life.

    Fathers and Sons

    It can also be difficult when the father started drinking in adulthood. Realizing that he has grown old and is not needed by his children and loved ones, that now they get along just fine without him, Old man may start drinking alcohol.

    At any age, parents need attention and constant confirmation that they are needed. A favorite activity or hobby saves you from addiction: walks in the forest, travel, working with wood, clay or iron. We need to help my father find what he likes.

    Dad may also miss regular communication. It’s worth teaching him how to use a computer, showing him groups and forums with topics that interest him, social media, in which he can find old acquaintances.

    Treat or support?

    Common abuse can be stopped with persuasion and psychological help. But when the father honestly says that he cannot stop himself, you should think about drug treatment. Especially when it comes to an older person.

    Before starting treatment for alcoholism, it is necessary to consider the following nuances:

    1. Alcohol destroys all organs and increases the risk of premature death from heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, treatment must be comprehensive.
    2. Self-medication and abrupt cessation of alcohol can also cause irreparable harm.
    3. The joint work of psychologists, cardiologists, and therapists will help reduce the likelihood of serious complications.
    4. Psychological support and care will be required for the rest of your life.

    Important! You should never lose hope and panic. Even children should know that they should not be afraid to ask for help; they must sound the alarm as early as possible in order to save the head of the family.

    Special Video: The Power of Prayer

    In addition to support and patience from loved ones, as well as special treatment, there are other options for dealing with alcoholism. It is believed that sincere prayers for loved one can help a lot. Watch the video to learn how best to do this.

    The main thing is not to give up and not to despair. Then the problem will definitely be resolved.


    When dad drinks, it’s bad, but not shameful, it’s no one’s fault. Alcoholism is a disease that requires treatment. Awareness of this will help to cope with pain and prejudice, to achieve attention to the problem of both family members and specialists who can pull the man out of the clutches of the green serpent.

    Parents are not chosen, and our mothers and fathers are sometimes far from ideal. When parents are unhappy, we are unhappy. Hence the attempts of adult children to change the lives of their parents. What to do if your father drinks? How can I help him? And how to improve relations with your father in such a difficult case? Our psychologist will answer.

    What to do if your father drinks

    "Good afternoon. I really need advice. My father drinks, and lately he drinks more and more often. He (58 years old) says that he has lost his purpose in life, that we have turned our backs on him, that his mother took away the children (we are 27, 20 and 18 years old). When he drinks, he becomes very aggressive, he can hit, and threatens with a knife.

    I am the eldest, I have an apartment, but out of fear for my mother, I have been living with my parents lately. Yesterday at three o'clock in the morning my father tried to kick us out of the house, we left with my mother in the morning, but my brother stayed behind. My sister is now studying in another city.

    We are scared to leave our father alone, because when the father drinks, he has absolutely no control over his actions. I feel sorry for my brother. Two months ago the situation reached a certain limit.

    My father threatened that he would kill us all and then do something to himself, he would meet us after work, threaten us over the phone, and could call us several times in the evening and drive us into hysterics. He could come to me at 4.00 in the morning and demand some kind of explanation. For almost six months now the whole family has been living in some kind of nightmare.

    When he’s sober, he’s a good person, but when he’s sober he doesn’t want to talk about our common problem. My father drinks and does not want to be treated for alcoholism. He says that he is healthy, and if I am sick, then I should go to the doctor.

    I really want to change our family relationships. Of course, I’m unlikely to love him like I once did, after everything that happened, but I wanted us to at least remain friends. Polina Krivonos."

    What to do if your father drinks, answers psychologist Elena Poryvaeva

    It is really very painful when this happens to very close people, and even when you realize your complete powerlessness. According to unofficial information, 80% of men suffer from alcoholism in our country to one degree or another, and this usually begins after the loss of purpose, the meaning of life.

    It is very difficult to live with this feeling, so they drown out this pain. You yourself understand that your father is really sick (the first indicator is that they do not consider themselves sick, much less alcoholics). Second, alcoholism is incurable, like diabetes, for example. You can beat alcohol and be a non-drinking “alcoholic”.

    But to do this, you must at least admit that you need help, that you can’t cope on your own, and want to change. And his situation, it seems to me, is comfortable for him - why change anything: I can drink, drive everyone away, express my feelings, push everyone around. Moreover, everyone around me is convinced - they want to help, they understand, they don’t defend themselves, do what you want.

    Therefore, the first step if your father drinks is to protect yourself, to feel your strength, that it is you who control the situation, not him. The most effective thing, in my opinion, is to contact the Alcoholics Anonymous community - they also work with families of alcoholics: their spouses, children, parents. You need to calm down, and in a calm state you can decide for yourself what to do, and perhaps dad, feeling and recognizing your strength and confidence, will agree to help.

    How to improve your relationship with your father if he drinks

    “I have developed difficult relationships with my dad. I love my father and want to help him. But I feel like I'm completely powerless. I live in constant fear. And I expect troubles from life. My father is in a conflicting relationship with my mother.

    This has been going on for as long as I can remember. Currently he feels lonely and finds solace in alcohol. We often meet with him and talk for a long time, and he pours out all his grievances about life and about my mother on me. I'm tired of being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    My father drinks, is currently not working, he is sick, and lives on a pension. And I often come to him from another city to look after him. My visits are always the same. He insults me and behaves aggressively, threatening to kill his mother and commit suicide.

    I understand that I am not the cause of his suffering, but it is I who get it, since I am next to him. He threatens to disinherit me and has rewritten my will several times. He attracts me to collect documents and certificates, and then he takes out his anger on me. Now I am torn by contradictions.

    I am not confident in myself, I have become isolated in negative experiences and have lost my peace of mind. I'm afraid to be myself. I began to communicate unnaturally with people, hiding my problems, feelings, emotions, experiences from them... I am worried about my relationship with my father.

    I just need the smallest thing - to sort everything out and find the cause of my suffering. I want to be happy. I want to live like all normal people. Help me. Where do I begin? Victoria Solovyova."

    How to establish a difficult relationship with your father if he drinks, answers psychologist Elena Poryvaeva

    The essence of your letter suggests that the basis of your problems is somewhere in your unconscious, and adequately expressing these problems in writing is a very, very difficult task.

    And if you need advice on how to be happy, then first you need to figure out what exactly happiness will be for you. And you can only be helped to “put everything into order” in a real dialogue.

    And one moment. The order “to live like other normal people” is unlikely to be fulfilled, because people are all different. And even the norm is different for people.

    It is difficult to describe the feelings that a child experiences when he sees his father drunk, when his beloved father not only does not understand what he is doing and why, but also begins to make trouble for no reason, demand incomprehensible things, and sometimes even beat people close to him. At such moments, it is difficult to believe that this inadequate person can be your father. The situation is difficult and sometimes seems hopeless, because you simply don’t understand what to do: where to call, who to call, what to say and what to do in general. Who can help when the father drinks?!

    As a rule, the child experiences wild fear that biological father became a deranged person, not at all the same as he was known before. Endless worries about your mother, brother, sister and yourself are driving you crazy. It seems that no one can help... However, this is not so! Understand that if your father drinks, this does not mean that the end of your quiet life or the family as a whole has come. It is enough just to look at what is happening with different eyes.

    Calm down and soberly assess the situation

    The hardest thing now will be to calm down. I understand that it will be very difficult to do this, because the life of the father and the future of your family can be said to be at stake, but only calmness and a “cold mind” can suggest a way out of this situation. To calm down, just leave the house, take a walk fresh air, chat with friends and, as a last resort, have a drink sedative(preferably in the form of syrup, because in this case it is difficult to confuse the dose and it is not at all dangerous to health).

    After you calm down, soberly assess the situation you find yourself in; perhaps not everything is as bad as you might think. After all, everyone’s cases are different: someone’s father drinks liters of vodka, and someone’s father drinks a bottle of beer in the evening. In addition, take into account the father’s health; if he gets sick quite often and has a weak body, then, in principle, any dose on the body will have a negative effect.

    Often children can exaggerate, make mountains out of molehills, i.e. It is unreasonable to accuse the father of being an avid alcoholic. Such reproaches can naturally cause aggression towards oneself, regardless of whether one is drunk or not.

    Tell family and close friends about the problem

    Remember that for your father you will remain a child at any age, that is, he is unlikely to follow your advice, so you will need the help of an adult: a relative or close friend families. In addition, no one may even know about your problem, so if you want to help your dad quickly get rid of this addiction, then be sure to call for help. It is better that this is a man close to your family, because he will help you in this situation like a man, while women in this case are usually powerless.

    However, it is worth considering here that you should only tell really close relatives and family friends about this, but in no case to neighbors, acquaintances and other people who are not related to your family. Otherwise, you will simply ruin the reputation of your family; they will think of it as dysfunctional. In addition, gossip can cause problems at dad's job.

    Have a serious talk with a sober father

    Of course, it’s impossible to explain something to your father when he’s drunk, but when he’s sober, there’s a chance! However, do not try to moralize, as this is very annoying, especially when you hear this from your child. It’s better to do this: praise him for his sobriety, find and tell him the reasons why you love it so much when he doesn’t drink, and then press for pity - cry, remembering what he did.

    There is one very important nuance here: your words and tears must be sincere. No parent can stand the tears of a child. If it’s difficult to start a conversation with your dad, then start with memories of how you went somewhere together, walked or played.

    Consider your actions in case of emergency

    Understand that if your father drinks often, this is a sign of illness, not his whim. Alcohol causes a very wild addiction, called addiction, this cannot be compared with anything, except perhaps with a lack of oxygen, but only in a slightly different form. You can’t just get rid of alcoholism (you need to have great willpower), and only coding will help here.

    If the father is not coded, but is allowed to continue drinking, then first of all you need to fear for his health. Alcohol is very dangerous for the body, it can even lead to cardiac arrest, so when your father drinks, try to be nearby (in the same apartment) so that in an emergency you can either help him yourself (for example, perform chest compressions) or call an ambulance help.

    How can you help your dad: if a person drinks a lot of alcohol at first, then a sudden refusal can cause cardiac arrest, that is, you need to move away from prolonged drinking gradually, so when your father asks you to buy/bring him at least a sip of alcohol and you see that If he really feels bad (pale face, weakness, strong trembling of hands), then don’t be lazy and bring him some alcohol. In addition, when drunk, dad can simply fall, choke, choke, etc. Therefore, at such moments, treat him with attention, do not abandon him!

    I personally experienced the bitterness of living next to a father who drinks. It was difficult, or better yet, unbearably difficult, to see dad like this. I didn’t know what to do at that time, but time has passed and now I can give advice from personal experience on this occasion. So, if your father drinks, then:

    • you cannot turn away from it, but on the contrary, try in every possible way to help get out of this state (as soon as you can);
    • You can’t be offended by him, because... this is a disease, not a whim;
    • to always be there (especially in those moments when he “moves away” from drinking) so that he sees and understands that someone needs him in this life, which means he needs to fight;
    • encourage in every possible way all his attempts to stop drinking and healthy image life.

    I wish you that such a problem as alcohol addiction never affects your family!

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