• What do Arab women wear under their black abayas? Arab women and men: how an ordinary Arab family lives in the UAE


    The wealth of Arab sheikhs is legendary. Their life is compared to a fairy tale. However, not all residents of the United Arab Emirates are sheikhs, and, of course, in addition to fairy tales, there are also gray everyday life.

    Eastern culture, of course, is strikingly different from European culture. The traditions and laws of the Arab world sometimes cause nothing less than shock and confusion. Editorial today "website" will try to sort out some of the features of Eastern culture.

    Many people are probably interested in knowing how ordinary Arab families live. It's no secret that UAE residents put family first. The woman here is considered the keeper of the home and, despite popular misconceptions, is respected by Arab men.


    An Arab girl almost never marries a European. For marrying an infidel, she could be permanently barred from entering the country. In contrast to women, young men from the UAE quite often marry European women. The fact that a European woman married an Arab sheikh does not mean at all that she will live like God in her bosom. The bride is unlikely to receive citizenship, and if the marriage does not work out, her children will most likely be taken away from her.

    The decision to marry is usually made by the groom's family. True, if a girl flatly refuses to agree to the proposal, no one will force her to take this step.


    Today, not every Arab can afford polygamy, since maintaining a harem requires large amounts of money. That's why traditional family from a husband and a harem of wives is still the privilege of sheikhs and wealthy people.

    For Arab countries, a wedding contract is the main condition for marriage. Instead of the bride, the contract is signed by her two relatives. By law, the wedding celebration itself must take place within a year after signing the contract.

    It is interesting to know that the groom has the right to see his beloved only in the presence of her relatives. For the bride, the groom's family pays a dowry - a ransom that is received by the bride's parents or relatives. The ransom amount can sometimes reach hundreds of thousands of dollars, so it is more profitable to give birth to girls.

    An Arab wedding is a truly grandiose event: the table is bursting with treats, and the guests are having fun until they drop! The hosts are trying their best to demonstrate their hospitality and generosity.

    Family life

    Everyone knows that in any Arab family a woman must obey her husband, but few people know that in many cases the wife makes important decisions almost equally with her husband. Arab families living outside the Muslim world rarely adhere to age-old traditions.

    In general, Arab beauties can afford to wear anything: a miniskirt, and even short shorts that resemble lingerie. The main thing is that she wears a black cape down to her toes and covers her face with a black scarf. An Arab woman in jeans and a tunic is a fairly common occurrence. But what you rarely see is a woman with her head uncovered.

    Arab women have a special passion for gold, so men give them precious jewelry instead of flowers.

    It is believed that a polygamous husband should treat all his wives equally. The family establishes a clear visiting schedule. The husband builds a separate villa for his new wife (not cheaper, but not more expensive than the previous wife). Money is distributed equally between wives.

    By the way, Emirati women often receive education at the best higher educational institutions in the world, but educated women are still in little demand here. Therefore, many girls, having received their education in Europe, decide to stay there to build a career.

    Mutual support is highly valued in an Arab family. If, for example, a woman is widowed, her husband's brother will consider it his duty to marry her.

    A woman in the UAE can file for divorce in two cases: if her husband cheats and if her husband does not provide enough for her.

    All these facts debunk the myth that in United Arab Emirates women live like in prison. If you learned new information, share this article with your friends.

    In the past, it was a poor seaside village where the aborigines barely survived. Traditional activities include fishing and growing dates. Today, the most beautiful city will turn into the business capital of the world in the near future, as entrepreneurs believe. From a financial, commercial, and architectural point of view, the interest in this region is serious, judging by the numerous tourists. True, the weather in Dubai is not sweet.

    Creation of a country

    The UAE is a Gulf state. In the depths of the earth there are oil reserves, which made the region wealthy and “doomed” to prosper. The state is young; just fifty years ago it was a lifeless desert with a lack of infrastructure. The emir is the monarch at the head of seven territories. In December 1971, a merger took place into a state called Sheikh Zayed, the leader of Abu Dhabi, became the head of the union, and is popularly revered as a politician. This emirate is larger than others, which means that the head is the head of state. This decision was made.

    Sheikh Zayed realized that success could not be achieved with crude oil alone. It would be better to organize production, processing, and transportation. Developed infrastructure, jobs, housing are the engines of progress. Trade in petroleum products is where the prosperity lies. The emir attracts proven foreign professionals who have helped transform the desert into an oasis.

    How do native Arabs live?

    There are 8.5 million people registered in the emirates. Citizens of the country (the population of Dubai) are a minority, the remaining 88.5% are hired workers from Asia and other countries.

    There is no point in working for indigenous citizens; they do not need funds from birth.

    Local residents in Dubai are represented by government officials and businessmen. With the beginning of the construction of a miracle city in the desert, the indigenous population left this gigantic construction site. They went to live in other countries where it was comfortable and calm, and they would return home whenever they wanted. This is the standard of living in Dubai. Arabs work only in government agencies.

    They run their own business, this is even encouraged. At his first job, an Arab earns $4,000. He already works part-time as a schoolboy. After graduating from university, the minimum salary is already ten thousand dollars. Women have the same right. A local resident will work, experience will accumulate, qualifications will increase, and monthly remuneration will increase. An Arab retires with a salary of $100,000. These are not fairy tales.

    A stranger will not become a citizen of the country; this is possible only by inheritance.

    Life in Dubai for local residents is like this: everyone receives state income from the sale of petroleum products, upon the birth of a child, a plot of land is allocated for him, and the family is credited with 60 thousand dollars.

    Public guarantees

    Education is free: secondary, higher. An advanced student at a local university, if he completes the first year with excellent marks, is given the right to choose to continue his education at a university of his choice from the world list.

    The state pays for studies and rent abroad. An apartment is rented for the student and a monthly stipend of $2,000 is provided.

    Medicine is free, including treatment and operations outside the country.

    Upon reaching the age of 21, an Arab is allocated land and money to build a house. This does not apply to women.

    First marriage between citizens is encouraged by a loan. After birth of three children's loan is repaid.

    An Arab is allowed to have four wives. To do this, two conditions must be met:

    • each missus is provided with a house, servants, and gifts worth at least 35 thousand dollars;
    • It’s not easy to take a new wife - you need the support of wives who are already available.

    Local ladies dress uniformly, prefer black robes and cover their heads, often in a burqa. There are strict clothing requirements here. The shoulders need to be covered, and the sleeves need to be long. This also applies to foreigners. No matter what the weather is like in Dubai.

    Economic policy

    The growth of the national economy became possible thanks to the extraction, processing and export of petroleum products and raw black gold. This industry is the main one. The government nationalized petroleum and blue fuel from the mid-70s, and from the 81st sales: gas stations, transport, storage facilities. Funds are being invested in the development of the gas spur; a special investment program is in place. Behind the main one there are branches: energy, water desalination, aluminum industry, and some other types. The emirates have an established road network and 6 airports of international importance. The economy of Dubai does not stand still; rapid movement is a thoughtful process for the long term. Developed infrastructure and an enviable standard of living are a guarantor of economic inviolability. Attractive taxation offers a list of favorable conditions. Funds from the sale of oil products are used to ensure that the country becomes the largest international center of services, primarily of a financial and economic nature, and tourism. World experts assess investment in travel and construction as promising. Thanks to the climate, perfected local services, the interest of vacationers will be year-round. Life in Dubai shows that predictions are coming true.

    You can feel the difference

    The tariff for passport holders applies. Citizens are paid differently, even though they do the same work. No equality. Life in Dubai shows this. Pale-faced people are people, albeit hired ones. Asians are the workforce, biomass, who fulfill the whims of the employer. Forget about moving your family. Not everyone can afford this. Among the migrants, of course, there are personnel with qualifications from Europe who receive agreed remunerations. They rent luxury apartments, use maids, and bring their family with them.

    6 days. Closed on Friday. In cities shopping centers work without rest. The size of the shopping and entertainment giants is amazing; they serve as a place to relax on weekends. Representatives of numerous nations delimited spheres of influence. It so happened that Indians and Pakistanis are taxi drivers. Filipinos are nannies, the Chinese run restaurants and snack bars. Work in Dubai for Russian speakers is offered as managers, salespeople, and administrators. It is impossible to change your place of work. The terms of the contract are fulfilled during the period of the work visa. Our compatriots are willingly hired by trade and travel companies. Many people from the CIS come to the UAE to relax and go shopping.

    For information

    It is important to comply with local laws. Alcohol is prohibited and is not sold in stores. To purchase strong drinks you need a special license. In hotel bars, where it is expensive, but you can drink, there is alcohol. You can't kiss on the streets. Living in Dubai is an expensive pleasure, the cost is beyond reasonable. Some employers pay employees' rent and some utilities. If you are searching on your own, get ready to be “unfastened”. The cost of real estate for temporary use is exorbitant. Medicine is expensive, if something happens, it’s better to go home. There is no standard mail as we understand it. The owner of the car is aware that if he forgets to pay the fine, he will be deprived of the car. Few green spaces and animals.

    There are more and more poor people who need to pay for housing. People sleep in cars. This is prohibited at the legislative level. Police raids take place periodically.

    Another sad phenomenon is divorces, which are steadily growing and account for a third of all marriages. This is a clear indicator of the instability of family relationships.

    The climate is hot and arid. Temperatures in summer are in the forties, in winter - 20 degrees Celsius.

    but on the other hand

    You can get citizenship if you marry an Arab. In three years, when the spouse agrees, citizenship is in your pocket. The union will take place only when relatives from the head of the family give consent to this. The bride refuses to be a member of her previous citizenship, receiving something in return: free healthcare and a pension. Children from the marriage of a citizen and a foreigner are entitled to something, but without benefits. A union between a native woman and a foreigner is suicide.

    The concepts of “citizenship” and “passport” are separate: citizenship is passed on only by inheritance, and you can obtain an official UAE document. A person who comes for permanent residence, after 5-6 years, claims the coveted crusts. For our compatriots from the CIS countries, they will receive it only after 15 years.

    Many who come to Dubai in search of a better life feel like strangers here.

    The immigration policy is to attract powerless newcomers to work. There is nothing to be afraid of - he will never become “one of our own”. A migrant worker is dust, not a person, the muscle power of a giant construction site, the population of Dubai.

    It's important not to forget

    The Emirates is a Muslim country and exists under Sharia law. Living in Dubai has pros and cons in abundance. Lots of taboos. Visitors must strictly comply with local requirements. Alcohol is prohibited in the emirates. If you get involved with drugs: independent use - prison, distribution - death penalty. IN in public places It is not recommended to eat food, smoke, litter, or behave inappropriately. Non-Muslims are prohibited from entering mosques. You can’t fight - immediate deportation, obscene speech is prohibited. It is not allowed to take photographs. This is for execution.

    The standard of living is high, with only Switzerland and Liechtenstein ahead. Many advantages. Positive points: it’s easy to get a visa here, official salary, no taxes. There will be permanent work in Dubai for Russian speakers. You can make a career, there are many examples of this here. The streets are safe, laws are respected and enforced, and women's rights are respected. It's a paradise for car enthusiasts: water is more expensive than gasoline, cars are cheap, there is no traffic police. Summer all year round. Civilized level of services and personal safety. The owner of the property automatically receives a residence permit in the UAE along with his family if the purchase price is over 300 thousand dollars. However, this purchase is unique: the owner will own the property for only 99 years. This is a long term rental.

    Additional Information

    Public transport in Dubai works, but a car is better. Rentals are in demand. There are highways and cheap gasoline. You can rent a car immediately at the airport or at any rental company in the city and hotels. There are various brands of iron horses, from cheap to not so cheap. To register, you need to show the required documents. When returning the vehicle, you should not be surprised if you have to pay fines for speeding, not wearing a seat belt and talking on mobile phone during control.

    There are many cozy Arabic coffee shops here. The menu includes traditional oriental sweets and hookah everywhere. These establishments are popular with local residents who enjoy a leisurely pastime, contemplating the world, play backgammon and smoke hookah.

    When in a Muslim country, it is not necessary to wear the national uniform. In public places, it is recommended to wear clothing that covers the body as much as possible. Transparent models and T-shirts with offensive sexual content should be avoided. It is forbidden to bare your breasts on the beach. In restaurants, classic style is encouraged, and not shorts with a T-shirt, which will cause confusion among others. Especially in a complex hotel complex. The simpler the attire, the easier it is to communicate with local residents.

    What lies behind beauty

    Dubai is the main commercial and administrative center of the Middle East. It amazes with its gloss, chic, and sophistication. It attracts you, a fairy-tale city in a scorched desert. What is behind the glitz and luxury of Dubai?

    Guest workers, the majority of whom are representatives of Asian countries. Complete lack of rights, working almost for free in the wildest climate conditions, living in landfills.

    There are endless construction projects all around – this is the norm of the current global crisis. Due to the fall in oil prices, property values ​​have dropped significantly, the economy is adapting to this. The construction of many facilities is frozen or stopped altogether.

    Ecology. Despite their advantages, the emirates are ahead of the planet in terms of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. The construction of artificial islands, the displacement of coral colonies or their complete destruction affects the ecology. The decomposition process progresses, the water begins to “bloom,” and an unpleasant odor appears.

    Previously, there was a problem with waste. But as soon as the issue with fresh water and electricity was resolved, everything returned to normal.

    The local climate is harsh. Photos don't do justice to the killer heat. It is impossible to exist here as usual, moving on foot is unrealistic. Life in Dubai is not easy for Russians. Reviews show that it is the climate that they tolerate the worst. For many this is a problem. Therefore, wherever possible, air conditioners are installed: in cars, at bus stops public transport. However, the desert will always be there, and there is no escape from it.

    Our compatriots come to the UAE because they are unable to earn good money at home. Life in Dubai is attractive, but after being here, Slavs leave home without regret.

    Many years ago, the purpose of an Arab girl was only to be a wife and mother. How do women live in Dubai now, many years later?

    Clothing of Arab women in Dubai (with photos and videos)

    The United Arab Emirates is a Muslim country where deeply religious people live. They honor their traditions, if violated, a person will face severe punishment.

    Arab women in Dubai and other emirates, according to the Koran, have the right to show only their feet, hands and face to strangers. Sometimes you may not even see the faces of these beautiful Arab girls, because in especially religious families they leave only their eyes open.

    If you look at the photos of women in Dubai, you can see that they are all dressed in black clothes, this is the color that is traditional for women's outfits emirate:

    Everyone knows how women dress in Dubai and other emirates. At first glance, visitors to the UAE may think that girls suffer from wearing such long and dark clothes, because in summer the air temperature often reaches 50 degrees. In fact, it is not hot in such vestments, because it is made of high-quality silk, which, on the contrary, creates a cool effect. In addition, in the UAE no one walks in the heat, and every car has air conditioning.

    Clothing for women in Dubai can be quite revealing. If desired, a married Arab woman can wear short shorts or a miniskirt, but on top she must cover everything with a long silk black cape that reaches her toes. There are big fashionistas living in Dubai, but they can only show off their outfits in front of their husbands.

    Emirati girls wear a lot of gold. This feature has its own history: previously, an Arab man could divorce his wife by telling her the word “talaq” three times, which means “go away.” After these words, the woman had to collect all her things and leave her husband’s house. That is why, in order not to be left with nothing, they wore all the gold jewelry on themselves. This habit has been preserved in the Emirates and now, however, only the wives of wealthy Emirates have gold jewelry.

    By watching a video about Arab women in Dubai, you can learn in more detail about the life of Muslim girls in the UAE:

    Life of Arab wives in Dubai

    Arab women are not without rights: they can study, work and even drive a car. However, they are strictly forbidden to show at least part of their body to strangers, much less marry a foreigner. If an Arab girl marries a foreigner, her husband and children will not have UAE citizenship. In addition, she may even be evicted from the country.

    When a foreigner becomes the wife of an Arab, everything looks completely different: after a certain period of time, the visiting girl can receive local citizenship, however, if her husband agrees to this. However, if family life If it doesn’t work out, after the divorce the European woman will be sent to her country, and the children will remain with their father.

    In principle, if the marriage is successful, life with an Emirati husband is very pleasant. According to the law for women in Dubai, no matter what kind of Arab wife she became, she is given her own home and a generous allowance. A man should give equal attention to each of his wives. Today, not every Arab can afford polygamy; only wealthy Emiratis have several wives. Islam allows you to have up to four wives, but you need to have a lot of money to maintain a harem. For several years now, the traditional UAE family, which consists of one husband, several wives and a harem, has been the privilege of sheikhs and wealthy Emiratis.

    Discrimination in relationships Arab man and women are a bit exaggerated. How to live in Dubai arab wives and women, you can only understand by talking to them personally or observing the relationship of a married couple. Indeed, an Arab woman must obey her man, but at the same time she also takes part in solving important family issues.

    For Arab men, family comes first, with the woman acting as the guardian family hearth. According to Arabs, the more children a family has, the happier it is. The decision to start a marriage is made by the groom's family. Now the rights of women in Muslim families are practically equal to those of men, so if the bride does not like the groom, she can refuse to marry.

    Foreign women who aspire to become the wives of Arabs must understand that for an Arab man a wife cannot be a friend, a sister, and a psychologist in one person. Rather, she is seen as a sex object and homemaker.

    A woman can divorce an Arab husband in Dubai only in one case: if the man does not provide enough for his wife.

    Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is the 35-year-old heir to the throne of the Emirate of Dubai. Sheikh Hamdan is a true eastern prince: he is fabulously handsome, owns a huge fortune and enjoys such typical royal things as falconry, equestrianism and Formula 1 racing. His fortune is estimated at over $18 billion.

    Let's tell you about the life of a young billionaire.

    1. Arab Sheikh Hamdan has lived in incredible luxury since birth. He was born into the family of the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. He also has 6 brothers and 9 sisters. In the United Arab Emirates, Hamdan is a very popular person due to his versatile image and apparent “closeness to the people.”

    2. In fact, Hamdan spent most of his life not in his native United Arab Emirates, but in Great Britain, where he received an excellent education. First, he studied at the elite military school of the ground forces at Sandhurst, which is often chosen by English aristocrats for their beloved children. Then the sheikh moved to London, where he studied economics. After several years spent in Foggy Albion, Hamdan still had to return to his homeland - matters of national importance were already awaiting him there.

    4. In ordinary life, Sheikh Hamdan looks a little different - he loves baseball caps with Formula 1 symbols, sports T-shirts and shorts. And the prince is to some extent far from politics - he is quite romantic in nature, loves travel, falconry and horse riding.

    5. The prince is an excellent horseman, he is very interested in equestrian sports, has his own stable and once won the Arab Olympic Games thanks to his skill in the saddle.

    6. The Sheikh of the United Arab Emirates is not at all like the British princes Harry or William, although he lived in England for several years. Very little is known about Hamdan’s personal life, unlike his famous “colleagues,” and what is known is only rumors and guesses. One thing we know for sure is that the image makers of the royal court are constantly working to ensure that the image of the sheikh is impeccable.

    7. Judge for yourself - Sheikh Hamdan is constantly photographed with children, his many nephews and nieces and at the same time looks like an absolutely charming and kind uncle. At the same time, the sheikh does not let anyone forget that he lives in luxury - on the Internet you can find a lot of photographs of Hamdan with tiger cubs (he can afford to have a pet tiger instead of a modest cat!), falcons, Arabian horses, luxury cars, in interiors a magnificent palace... In a word, the sheikh is constantly in an aura of power and wealth.

    8. Of course, one of the richest people in the world cannot help but engage in charity work - Hamdan oversees several foundations, and sometimes he himself comes to visit people in need of help.

    9. His personal life and relationships with women in the UAE are talked about only in whispers. Answering a question about his possible marriage, the prince said that he had been engaged to a maternal relative since birth, so there were no problems with choosing a bride - everything was decided long before he even entered conscious age. Several times his photo with an unknown woman appeared in the media, but we will never see her face - Hamdan's alleged bride (or wife?) wears a black burqa, showing the world only her eyes. Everything else is for the husband.

    10. However, the sheikh has the right to have as many wives as he wants, so it is quite difficult to talk about the prince’s romantic affections. By comparison, Hamdan's father, Sheikh Mohammed, is rumored to have around five wives. We say “about” because the exact number is really unknown - there are only eyewitness accounts and guesses.

    In a word, even girls from aristocratic families have no opportunity to get closer to the mysterious eastern prince, since everything connected with his personality is confidential information, and the influential Hamdan clan is unlikely to leave the choice of wives to his own discretion. This does not prevent the sheikh from having a lot of fans of his attractive appearance and various talents - after all, no one forbade him to watch and believe!

    11. Nowadays, the 32-year-old sheikh works as chairman of the Dubai City Council and president of the Dubai Sports Committee.

    12. Like his father, Sheikh Hamdan writes poetry. The main motives of poetry are family, homeland, romantic relationships.

    13. The prince is a skilled horseman. He received gold medal in horse riding at the Asian Games.

    14. His Highness is also interested in breeding camels, which requires considerable expenses.

    15. The prince is on a private jet.

    16. Scuba dive with the world's only swimming elephant.

    17. Hamdan works on charitable projects, such as advocating for people with disabilities.

    18. Hamdan's pet.

    19. The prince’s hobbies include cars...

    20. ...jumping from heights...

    22. ...mountain climbing...

    23. ...falconry.

    The way of life of Arab women has always aroused intense interest among Europeans, as, indeed, everything unusual and outlandish. Westerners' ideas about it often consist of prejudices and conjectures. Some people see an Arab woman as a fairy-tale princess, basking in luxury, while others see her as a weak-willed slave, locked at home and forcibly dressed in a burqa. However, both romantic ideas have little to do with reality.

    Woman in Islam

    Islam largely determines a woman’s way of life. Before God she is equal to a man. A woman, like the stronger sex, is obliged to observe Ramadan, perform daily prayers, and make donations. However social role hers is special.

    The purpose of a woman in Arab countries is marriage, motherhood and raising children. She is entrusted with the mission of guardian of the peace and religiosity of the home. A woman in Islam is a righteous wife, respectful and respectful towards her husband, who is ordered to take full responsibility for her and provide for her financially. A woman should obey him, be submissive and modest. Her mother has been preparing her for the role of housewife and wife since childhood.

    The life of an Arab woman, however, is not limited to just the home and household chores. She has the right to study and work if this does not interfere with family happiness.

    How does an Arab woman dress?

    Women in Arab countries are modest and chaste. When leaving the house, she can leave only her face and hands exposed. In this case, the robe should not be transparent, tightly fit the chest, hips and waist, or smell of perfume.

    Arabic clothing for women has a specific appearance. There are several basic wardrobe items designed to protect a girl from prying eyes:

    • burqa - a robe with long false sleeves and a mesh covering the eyes (chachvan);
    • veil - a light veil that completely hides the figure of a woman with a head part made of muslin fabric;
    • abaya - long dress with sleeves;
    • hijab - a headdress that leaves the face uncovered;
    • niqab is a headdress with a narrow slit for the eyes.

    It is worth noting that hijab also refers to any clothing that covers the body from head to toe, traditionally worn by Arab women on the street. A photo of this robe is presented below.

    Dress code in Arab countries

    Her appearance depends on the country in which a woman lives and the morals prevailing there. The strictest dress code in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. In these countries, girls and women move along the streets in black abayas. This wardrobe item is usually decorated with beads, embroidery or rhinestones. By the decoration of the abaya, you can easily determine the level of wealth in her family. Often in these countries, girls do not wear a hijab, but a niqab. Sometimes you can see Arab women wearing a burqa, although this item of clothing has become less and less common over the years.

    Freer morals reign in Iran. Young girls prefer jeans, raincoats and headscarves. Especially religious ladies, no matter what, wear the veil.

    In liberal states such as Tunisia, Kuwait or Jordan, many women do not cover themselves at all. They look like typical Europeans. However, this phenomenon can only be found in large cities. In the provinces, women wear the traditional hijab to hide their beauty from prying eyes.

    Beautiful Arab women: stereotypes about appearance

    Westerners have many stereotypes about what Arab women look like. In their minds, they are necessarily curly, dark-eyed, plump and have chocolate skin. However, the appearance of these women does not completely fit the template described above, since African, European, and Asian blood flows in their veins.

    Large almond-shaped eyes Arab women can be bright blue or black. They are mostly brown or greenish. Their hair is dark brown, chocolate, black, and not only curly, but also straight and wavy. Arab women rarely give preference short haircuts. After all, long ones look much more feminine.

    The skin color of oriental beauties varies from milky white to chocolate. The face of Arab women is usually oval, but in Egypt and Sudan it can also be elongated. They are well built, and if they tend to be overweight, it is only a little.

    Beauty is not for everyone

    What Arab women look like without a burqa or other street clothes, only relatives, husband, children or girlfriends know. The black, loose robes often hide the most common European clothing: jeans, shorts, miniskirts or dresses. Arab women love to dress fashionably and stylishly. Like Western women, they enjoy showing off their latest new clothes, but only to close people.

    At home, an Arab woman is no different from a European woman. However, if male guests come to her husband, she is obliged to cover herself. Even her husband’s closest friends should not see what an Arab woman looks like, and she, contrary to the speculation and prejudice of Westerners, does not feel inferior at all. On the contrary, the woman is comfortable and comfortable, because she was taught to be modest from childhood. Abayas, hijabs, niqabs that hide fashionable outfits are not shackles, but those items of clothing that Arab women proudly wear. Photo oriental beauty one of them is presented below.

    Arab women: education and career

    Shopping and household chores are not the meaning of existence for Arab women. They engage in self-development, study and work.

    In progressive countries such as the UAE, women receive a good education. After school, many enter universities created specifically for them, and then get a job. Moreover, women are engaged in the type of activity that they really like. They work in education, in the police, hold important positions in government departments, and some have their own businesses.

    Another country where Arab women can realize themselves is Algeria. There, many representatives of the fair sex find themselves in law, science, and also in the healthcare sector. There are more women working as judges and lawyers in Algeria than men.

    Problems of self-realization

    However, not every Arab country can provide such attractive conditions for training and professional development.

    Sudan still leaves much to be desired. In schools only the basics of writing, reading and arithmetic. Only a tenth of the female population receives secondary education.

    The government does not approve of the self-realization of Arab women in the labor sphere. Their main way of earning money in Sudan is agriculture. The workers there are severely oppressed, not allowing them to use modern technology and paying meager salaries.

    However, no matter what country a woman lives in, she spends the money she receives exclusively on herself, because, according to the canons of Islam, material care for the family lies entirely on the shoulders of the husband.

    When do Arab women get married?

    An Arab woman gets married on average between the ages of 23 and 27, often after graduating from university. However, life situations there are different ones. In many ways, a woman’s fate depends on the views held by her family and the morals in the country where she lives.

    Thus, in Saudi Arabia there is no clearly defined minimum age for marriage. There, parents can marry a ten-year-old girl, but the marriage will be considered formal. This means that she will live in her father's house until puberty and then move in with her husband. In Saudi Arabia, formal marriage is rarely practiced.

    And in Yemen this problem is quite acute. The country has recorded a fairly high percentage early marriages. They are often concluded if they are financially beneficial to the parents of the young bride.

    Early marriage (before 18 years of age), however, is not a modern trend, and in most progressive Arab states it is considered an exceptional phenomenon. There, parents are guided by the desires of their daughter, and not by their own benefits.

    Marriage in Arab countries

    The search for a future spouse falls on the shoulders of the father of the family. If a woman does not like the candidate for husband, then Islam gives her the right to refuse marriage. Whether he is suitable for her or not, the girl decides during several meetings, which necessarily take place in the presence of relatives.

    If a woman and a man agree to become spouses, they enter into marriage contract(nikah). One of its sections indicates the size of the dowry. As a mahr, as Muslims call it, a man gives a woman money or jewelry. She receives part of the dowry at the time of marriage, the rest - in the event of her husband’s death or divorce, which he himself initiated.

    The contract is signed not by the bride, but by her representatives. This is how the marriage is formally concluded. After Nikah, the wedding should take place. Moreover, the solemn event can happen the next day or a year later, and only after it do the young people begin to live together.

    Married life

    In marriage, an Arab woman is soft and compliant. She does not contradict her husband and does not enter into discussions with him, but she actively participates in the discussion of important issues. All responsible decisions are made by the man, because he is the head of the family, and the woman’s concern is raising children and comfort in the home.

    There she always has cleanliness and order, her wife has a hot dinner waiting for her, and she herself looks well-groomed and tidy. A woman tries to take care of herself: she visits beauty salons and gyms, buys beautiful clothes. In return, the husband is obliged to show her signs of attention, give her compliments and gifts. He regularly gives his wife money for shopping, but the Arab woman rarely goes grocery shopping. Carrying heavy bags is not a woman's job. All housework, which is difficult for a girl to do, falls on the shoulders of her husband.

    An Arab woman goes outside without her husband's accompaniment only with his permission. However, this rule should not be considered as an infringement of women’s rights. It is not always safe to walk alone on Arab streets, so the husband considers it his duty to protect his wife.

    When is an Arab woman not protected?

    An Arab woman does not glance towards other men. Such behavior could disgrace her. Moreover, a woman will never cheat on her husband, otherwise she will become a sinner and will be punished for adultery. Women in the United Arab Emirates, for example, can go to prison for adultery, and in Saudi Arabia they can become victims of stoning. In Jordan, despite liberal morals, so-called honor killings are practiced. Sharia courts treat men who commit them leniently. The murder itself is considered his “private matter.”

    In Arab countries, like nowhere else, the problem of sexual violence against women is acute. An Arab woman who is violated by a man usually does not report the incident to law enforcement agencies. After all, she could be convicted of adultery.

    Physical and psychological are especially common in Iraq. Moreover, a man can easily get away with unworthy behavior. Only some countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, provide criminal penalties for beating a woman.

    Is polygamy a problem?

    Residents of Europe are horrified not only by the issue of violence, but also by polygamy, which is officially permitted in all Arab countries. How can a woman tolerate such chaos?

    In reality, this problem practically does not exist. To marry another girl, you must obtain the consent of your current wife. Not every Arab woman, even taking into account her upbringing, will agree with this state of affairs.

    In principle, men rarely take advantage of their privilege to have several wives. It's too expensive. After all, the living conditions for all wives should be the same. If this rule is not followed, then the wife, whom her husband infringes financially, can file for divorce, and the trial will end in her victory.

    Rights of an Arab woman during divorce

    Arab women are financially protected from all adversities that may befall them. She can lose everything only in the event of a divorce, which she dares to do of her own free will and without a good reason.

    A woman can separate from her husband without losing her mahr only if he does not provide her adequately financially, has disappeared, is in prison, is mentally ill or childless. The reason why a European woman might divorce her husband, for example, due to lack of love, is considered disrespectful for a Muslim woman. In this case, the woman is deprived of all compensation, and her children, upon reaching a certain age, are transferred to be raised by their ex-spouse.

    Perhaps it is precisely these rules that have made divorce an extremely rare occurrence in the world. After all, in fact, it is disadvantageous to both spouses. But if it does happen, then the woman can remarry. Islam gave her this right.


    The life of Arab women is so complex and ambiguous. It has special laws and rules that may not always be fair, but they have the right to exist. In any case, the Arab women themselves take them for granted.

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