• What to give for Christmas? Christmas gifts can work wonders


    Christmas is one of the most significant and great holidays for Orthodox Christians. On this day, or rather on the night of January 6-7, Orthodox people not only attend a special holiday liturgy and break their fast with kutya after a long and strict fast, but also congratulate each other on the holiday and give a variety of gifts.

    This great holiday always falls on the same date, since it does not depend, for example, on the calculation of time from the previous event of the Orthodox calendar.

    The gifts that parishioners give each other can be very different, both practical and completely useless, but pleasant for the soul and heart. The same applies to gifts within the family, if it is your tradition to give gifts to relatives on January 7, 2018. For some, Christmas is a great holiday and gifts are accordingly impressive. For others, it is more of a religious date and they make do with small souvenir gifts. In fact, there is no and cannot be an exact indication of what gifts to give at Christmas, since a gift is, first of all, a sign of attention and a way to please your neighbor. However, there is universal tips by choosing a gift for this date.

    On Christmas night they usually give:

    1) sweets;
    2) books;
    3) icons;
    4) calendars;
    5) cards with good wishes;
    6) holiday symbols in the form of magnets and memorable cards, as well as much more.

    It is worth noting that the holiday implies, first of all, the highlighting of a special event - the Nativity of Christ, and is not a reason for general fun, eating savory food, as well as giving gifts to all acquaintances.

    That is why a gift given at Christmas should be:

    1) modest;
    2) inexpensive;
    3) having symbolic value;
    4) given from the heart.

    Some Orthodox people also believe that the most important and pleasant gift for the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ is Friendly family, peaceful life and health of relatives. This is where the tradition of arranging rich Christmas dinners came from, to which absolutely all relatives are invited, without exception.

    And on this day, among believers, it is customary to make peace and ask for forgiveness from everyone whom a person has voluntarily or unwittingly upset. This is done in order to visit God’s temple with a pure soul and a light heart and find peace there in prayer, as well as feel all the grace sent down.

    Thus, if the question of what to give for Christmas and how to choose the right future gift comes first to your mind, then you shouldn’t think too much. It is enough to give symbolic gift and a lot of warmth, care and love to your family and friends. They will probably appreciate such a gift very dearly and will be very happy about it.

    In addition, according to the precepts of the Orthodox religion, material gifts do not always surpass spiritual gifts in their meaning; it is worth remembering this when choosing a gift for Christmas.

    More than two thousand years have passed since the great Nativity of Christ, but the tradition of giving gifts to others has been preserved. Christmas was and remains a great holiday, and on this day it is still customary to give gifts to your family and friends.

    Gifts of the Magi

    Magi in the Gospel are called wise men who believed in the power of the stars, waiting for a sign when an extraordinary baby, the future Savior, would be born. They were the first to come to greet the born Christ and brought him gifts. According to legend, they later accepted the faith of Christ and were killed or died in agony. Now the relics of the Magi are in the cathedral in the city of Cologne, where they were brought from Constantinople.

    Baby Jesus was given myrrh (tree resin), frankincense and gold for Christmas, which meant three things: he was destined to die, he was God and King on earth. Some of these gifts were preserved and scattered throughout the Christian world.

    It was from this important event, from the bringing of gifts by the Magi, that the tradition of the entire Christian world began to exchange gifts at Christmas. In Orthodox Christianity, this tradition has also been preserved to this day.

    The best gifts for Christmas

    Nowadays, it is customary to give a lot of things, and it is easier to immediately say that you should not give as a gift, since there are still some rules. So, it’s better not to give:

    • any things that are not spiritually connected with the holiday (money, hygiene items)
    • items associated with bad habits and abuse (alcohol, tobacco)
    • things that are offensive to Christmas (talismans, books with anti-Christian propaganda)

    As for desired gifts, there are no restrictions. You can give something that will resemble the gifts of the Magi - perfume, gold, scented candles, or even incense itself. It is also customary to give Christmas cards, icons, figurines in the form of angels or saints, and much more. God-pleasing gifts to give at Christmas are items you make yourself. In some countries, it is even customary to always make presents with your own hands.

    You can give something closely related to religion, and this will be the most preferable option. For example, when going to visit a married couple, you can purchase small child children's Bible with illustrations.

    One way or another, try to ensure that your gift is warm and heartfelt, and also matches the theme of the holiday - the birth of Jesus, the Son of God. Don't forget to read the holiday prayers for the health of your loved ones. You can ask the priest in the church whether your gift is appropriate. We wish you health, strength and strong faith, and do not forget to press the buttons and

    21.12.2015 00:20

    Christmas is great Orthodox holiday. On Christmas night, Christians all over the world glorify the birth of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, ...

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    Christmas: customs and traditions

    A week after the New Year, one of the most significant holidays of all Christians - the Nativity of Christ - is celebrated by Orthodox believers. An Orthodox xmas, customs and traditions which differ from Catholic ones, implies an internal, spiritual state of joy, and not an emphasis on the external attributes of celebration. But this does not mean at all that it does not have its own bright and colorful traditions.

    How they celebrated Christmas in Rus'

    Christmas, the customs and traditions of which have rich history, has been celebrated in Rus' since about the 10th century. Celebrations began on the evening of January 6 - Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve gets its name from the traditional dish of boiled wheat and honey - sochiv. After the first star rose in the sky, the pre-holiday fast ended. At this time, the family gathered at the table for a quiet meal, consisting of 12 Lenten dishes - in honor of the 12 apostles. Among them, the most important were considered:

                      • vzvar, also known as uzvar;
                      • cabbage pie or cabbage pie;
                      • cabbage rolls with rice;
                      • vegetable pickles;
                      • baked fish.

    It has long been believed that on the night before Christmas, the forces of good and evil reign equally over the earth. Good spirits encouraged people to enjoy the holiday and give each other gifts for Christmas. But the forces of evil sent all kinds of evil spirits - devils, witches, who were supposed to harm the human race.

    In those days, Christian and pagan traditions were intertwined in Rus'. Just like today, Christmas services were held in churches that night. Young girls cast spells and told fortunes. And groups of boys and girls dressed up in costumes and caroled in every yard, expecting a gift from the owners.

    The bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ today

    Many Christmas traditions continue to this day. Some girls still wonder about their future husband, and young people sing carols on the thresholds of apartments. Relatives gather at the festive table and give each other gifts for Christmas- a symbol of the gifts that the Magi brought to the cradle of Jesus.

    Speaking of Christmas gifts- today they can be very diverse: a bottle of good red wine, sweets, sets of holiday candles or aromatic oils, colorful calendars of Orthodox holidays. The main thing is that gifts for Christmas are made from the heart and with the best thoughts about who they are intended for. A courier delivery service will help you deliver gifts to family and friends in another city or country.

    The Nativity of Christ is one of the brightest church and family holidays. An item given on this day with soul and good thoughts and intentions will warm whole year. You don't have to buy an expensive gift. It is enough to approach this creatively and a joyful Christmas mood will be ensured for both you and your loved ones.

    What to give a child for Christmas

    The most common Christmas gift for children is sweets. To prevent such a gift from looking banal, it is enough to buy or prepare sweets with Christmas symbols. An excellent option would be gingerbread cookies in the shape of figurines - an angel, a Christmas tree, a heart. Some companies sell ready-made culinary templates so that curly gingerbread cookies can be made in home environment. So if you like to cook, this option is for you.

    DIY Christmas cookies

    To turn the candies into a Christmas gift, they can be put together to form a bouquet of flowers or a Christmas tree. To do this, you can use tape, slats and colored wire. Creating such a gift will require considerable effort, but the joy and delight of the children will be guaranteed.

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    Little princesses can be pleased with the charming porcelain doll. Now big choice ceramic dolls (namely dolls, not figurines) in traditional Russian outfits. In addition to dolls, girls love toy items for women's use: strollers, kitchen sets, cribs, etc.

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    When choosing a gift for Christmas, you don’t have to stick to a religious theme. It is enough to focus on the interests and hobbies of the child: skates, skis, balls, bicycles, board games (football, hockey, lotto), etc. You can give it to a boy children's set for chemical or electrical experiments. But a bicycle or scooter is not always appropriate in winter. Both boys and girls can buy musical toys with a Christmas melody. No less good a large one will do a set of felt-tip pens, paints, colored pencils or crayons.

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    With the phrase “book - best gift“It’s customary to grin ironically, but in vain. There is a lot of interesting children's literature that will captivate the little reader, allowing him to learn a lot of new and interesting things. But what should not be given for Christmas are gifts that symbolize aggression: soldiers, police officers, monsters, pistols, armor. Christmas is a holiday of peace and kindness.

    What to give a woman for Christmas

    The woman is Small child dreaming of receiving the most desired gift on Christmas night. Therefore, when choosing Christmas gifts for women, you should carefully study the preferences of each of them.

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    Statistics show that women are partial to the following categories:
    1. Jewelry - silver earrings, bracelets, chains, pendants, etc. It is not customary to give gold jewelry on this holiday.
    2. Gift cards (certificates) are a great option for those who don’t know what to give. It can be purchased in almost all major stores of cosmetics, clothing, household appliances, etc.
    3. Electronic devices: mobile phone, tablet, laptop, etc. The main thing here is to determine in advance whether she has the same thing. Otherwise, it may turn out that an expensive gift is given, but it is the second or third in a row.
    4. Perfumes and cosmetics. A gift in this category should be chosen if you are absolutely sure that it will really suit you. For such a gift, you need to know a woman for more than one year and be aware of her preferences.

    How about something practical?

    Other Christmas gift ideas for women include a jewelry box and a pocket mirror decorated with rhinestones.

    For those who like to create their own Christmas gifts, here's another idea: buy a quality set of unpatterned glassware and make your own Christmas-themed decor. Believe me, such a gift will remain with a woman for a long time. long years, and they will use it exclusively on Christmas evening, remembering you.

    What to give a man for Christmas

    Christmas gifts for men should have practical benefits. After all, the strong half of humanity thinks rationally and men do not always like beautiful trinkets.

    Original USB cufflinks

    Traditional gifts include stylish tie clips, a business card holder, a document cover, a Christmas themed mug, a pen holder, etc. For a young guy who is passionate about electronics, a great gift would be headphones, a wireless mouse, miniature speakers, a decorated flash card, etc.

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    On Christmas Eve, warm clothes would be an appropriate gift. You can buy them, but if you sew or knit them yourself, the gift will become memorable and especially valuable. Every time he puts on a wool scarf or sweater, a man will remember you with tenderness.

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    You can take a closer look at car accessories. This could be a car radio or an inexpensive air freshener, seat covers or foot mats. The main thing, again, is to find out in advance whether the motorist needs this gift.

    Universal charger-inverter

    For fishing enthusiasts, you can buy equipment for winter fishing or give them a special fishing suit. In such uniforms, a man will not be afraid of wind, cold, or splashes. It will be original if you choose a suit unusual color: bright red, orange, etc. And if a man loves to tinker, you can present him with a set of tools. Moreover, it is not necessary to decorate all this in a Christmas style: men are usually indifferent to the subtleties of decoration.

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    Orthodox gifts for Christmas: how to choose them?

    If you want to give Orthodox gifts for Christmas, the choice is quite large. Just remember that when choosing a gift, you put a piece of your soul into it. This is its spiritual meaning. Among Orthodox gifts, for example, is a gold or silver figurine in the form of an angel. The gift of a golden image of St. Nicholas will be original. If you consider yourself a believer, the icon must first be consecrated in the church.

    However, you can even give a Christmas card. It will be especially valuable if you make it yourself and then write down wishes for a person dear to you. Such postcards are stored for years, and sometimes can live forever in the family archive.
    Another similar gift is an embroidered Christmas-style napkin or even a whole tablecloth. Believe me, such a gift will take its rightful place in the house.

    Christmas present in the form of angels

    It is worth noting that many countries have Christmas traditions. For example, in Holland it is customary to present gingerbread cookies, shaped cookies, and homemade cupcakes. In France, it is customary to make Christmas gifts your own. In Italy, gifts are hung on the bedroom door, but initially each family member pulls out their own piece of paper with the name of the gift from the common pile of pieces of paper.

    In Spain, products made from natural wood or paper are presented. In this country they like to visit guests and give each other wine and Iberian jamon, the very High Quality. In Greece, gifts are placed near beds. Adults give each other pies with a gold coin baked inside. Children in this country are given sweets and toys. In Great Britain, gifts are placed in stockings hung on the mantelpiece.

    Traditional English New Year's cookies

    In the Scandinavian countries, fish and a pork dish are prepared for the holiday, and just like everywhere else, handmade gifts are valued - cards, candles in a cup, homemade jam. In Poland they give New Year's toys made with your own hands. In Mexico, children are traditionally given clay vessels filled with fruits and sweets. Adults give each other fiery Spanish dances or a trip to a bullfight.

    Choosing a gift is a painstaking process, but very interesting. First, determine the person’s hobbies, try to find out what he lacks and what he would like to receive. And only after that go shopping. Such a gift will be truly practical and dear to the soul. And remember: the main thing is not the price, but the attitude with which the Christmas gift is presented. Good luck with your choice!

    In pre-revolutionary Russia, Christmas was the main winter holiday. After 1917, the focus shifted to the secular New Year, and accordingly, gifts are now given precisely from December 31 to January 1. IN last years The tradition of wishing each other Merry Christmas is being revived. True, the idea of ​​who to give what for Christmas has not yet been fully formed. This largely depends on whether the person is a believer or not, on family traditions, but there are also common places, so we’ll talk about them.

    In this article:

    Traditional Christmas gifts

    At Christmas, the emphasis should be on symbolism, spirituality and pleasant emotions, because this holiday is bright and, above all, spiritual. In the old days, those who could afford it gave expensive gifts and generous donations. But now the main material gifts remain for the New Year, and on Christmas it is worth presenting something that will preserve your love and affection and remind the recipient of this.

    A candle is one of the most symbolic Christmas gifts, because it symbolizes light, warmth and faith. On January 7, it is customary to light candles and place them near the window, thus asking to bless your home. A candle also means comfort, tranquility, and magic.

    The selection of candles is huge. There is a theory that a candle of a certain color expresses your wishes for the holiday. So a white candle symbolizes purity of thoughts, a red candle symbolizes courage and masculinity, a yellow candle symbolizes femininity, and a blue candle symbolizes serenity. The best souvenir will be a simple candle, decorated with your own hands. For example, cut out a design from a napkin you like and use a heated spoon to “stick” it to a candle - you will get an original present.

    Symbols of faith and Christmas

    Classic gifts include figurines of angels, icons, the Bible and other spiritual books. It is better that such souvenirs are small; try to find out in advance how those to whom you are going to give something feel about Christmas and Orthodoxy in general. And if you can choose a figurine of an angel to your taste, then the church shop will always tell you about an icon or spiritual literature.

    Christmas sweets

    Since Christmas is preceded by a fairly long holiday, treats and sweets have always been part of the celebration. Recently, many Western traditions have been coming, including very beautiful gingerbread cookies in the form of men, lollipops, etc., and other sweets. Of course, if you have the opportunity and desire, it is better to bake sweets yourself. Even if you don't decorate them.

    Traditionally Russian sweets were gingerbread, pies, and candied fruit. And on festive table there definitely had to be. So whether to give a real honey gingerbread or a multi-colored gingerbread man is up to you.

    Christmas souvenirs

    If we recall Russian literature, it turns out that the bell is another constant companion of Christmas. You can decorate a Christmas tree with bells or spruce branches and candles. This is a universal gift that will always please.

    For people who are not very religious, you can choose a Christmas-themed photo frame or some other decoration for your home.

    A great gift for Christmas, fully in keeping with the spirit of the holiday -. The main thing is to sign it by hand. After all, this is a holiday of kindness, mercy, and helping loved ones. A card is a great way to show that you love and always remember those you give it to.

    Spruce wreath

    Another newcomer from the West has firmly taken its place in Christmas paraphernalia. After all orthodox churches Since ancient times, they have been decorated with spruce branches or compositions made from them. The wreath has a deep spiritual meaning, because... circle - immortal life, green is the color of life.

    The wreath can be hung on the door or decorated with it on the table. A wreath with 4 candles is considered traditional. But you can make it yourself, decorating it with something that the recipient will like and will be meaningful to him.

    What to give a woman and girl for Christmas

    An excellent gift for a girl would be one of the following things:

    • Jewelry

    If the girl is a believer, you can choose a pendant, charm or bracelet with the words of prayer.

    • Bouquet of fruits

    Let the fruits be sold now all year round, but such a bright and juicy gift will warm the heart of any lady on this holiday.

    • Cooking supplies

    If you know for sure that a woman loves to bake, give her some baking dishes. bright colors and unusual shapes. Surely she dreams of them, but it seems unreasonable to her to buy them if she has ordinary ones.

    Gifts for a guy or a man

    • A warm scarf or gloves (especially if they are touch sensitive) will please a man and will always be useful.
    • Sweater

    True, we must act carefully. You should not choose something with a huge deer. It is better to give preference to quality, find out what colors a man likes. And if you choose a sweater with Christmas symbols, then it should be almost invisible.

    • Hobby

    If you know well about a man's preferences, please him with something that will be useful to him. An accessory for your favorite car, accessories for gadgets, a thermos or a new spinner - depending on your hobbies.

    • Thermal mug

    A useful present. There are, for example, car thermal mugs with a USB connector. However, if you don't already live together, make sure that under the bed/in the closet, etc., your boyfriend doesn't keep a box with a dozen of these mugs.

    Christmas gifts for children

    If Santa Claus has already brought children new toys or gadgets for the New Year, then Christmas gifts should be meaningful and age-appropriate.

    • Even the little ones will appreciate a beautiful edition of a book with their favorite fairy tales or a children's Bible with colorful illustrations.
    • An older child will be happy with the new board game or a set for chemical/physical, etc. experiments.
    • Handicraft or handicraft kits will also make a good and pleasant gift.
    • For children under one year old, you can give some kind of educational toy - soft cubes with pictures, pyramids, musical sorters (after 6 months).
    • One more a universal gift there will be a glass ball with an angel inside, shiny snow and music. Suitable from 0 to infinity.

    Gifts for friends for Christmas

    You can please your friends with Christmas symbols or a beautiful composition of pine needles and candles. You can also collect or buy a beautiful basket with sweets, fruits and drinks.

    If you know that your friends are dreaming of something useful and you can afford it, go for it. Angels and frames are good, but the space in the apartment is not rubber. And a slow cooker or sandwich maker, for example, will bring more joy, and you will have an extra reason to come for a treat.

    What to give to parents (mom and dad)?

    It's always difficult to choose a gift for the most important people in life. If there is no exact knowledge or all desires have been fulfilled New Year, then mom will certainly be delighted with a box for jewelry or memorable little things, decorated in a Christmas theme.

    You can also please your mother with a beautiful Christmas set. Or a new handbag.

    It is believed that sweets and chocolate are gifts exclusively for women, but dad will also be happy with a set of good quality chocolate or a bottle of expensive strong drink.

    You can choose a gift certificate for both mom and dad and give them unforgettable experience. The main thing is that if the parents are not extreme sports enthusiasts, do not give them skydiving or a loop flight.

    Gifts for your son or daughter on Christmas night

    For parents, children at any age remain children, so even if the children are adults, you still want to congratulate them on Christmas with something special.

    If the children are teenagers, then you can, following the old Russian tradition, give them some money or write homemade certificates for Extra time watching TV, playing on the computer.

    For adult children, you can simply write a congratulation and invite them to a beautifully and deliciously set table.

    remember, that Holy holiday– family and it’s not so much the gifts that are important, but the attention. May Christmas 2020 be good and happy!

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