• Depilation of the intimate bikini area - methods and tips


    Hair removal of intimate areas is a procedure associated not only with external attractiveness, but also with culture, hygiene and the health of the human body. But not many people know how to properly remove excess hair without causing severe damage to the skin.

    Opinions are divided on whether intimate areas should be epilated. Some people are confident that the hair in these places protects the vagina from the penetration of bacteria and germs. But that's a lie. The vegetation in this area creates an excellent environment for microbes to live and function. In addition, hair in the intimate area is the main cause of unpleasant odor.


    The most affordable, instant and easy method of removing unwanted hair. Modern manufacturing companies never cease to amaze with their range: some differ in the number of blades, others have a strip with moisturizing components that make the device easier to glide.

    Epilation of intimate areas with a razor should be carried out after steaming the pubic area and pre-trimming long hairs. Next is applied special remedy and the removal of excess vegetation begins. To avoid irritation, you need to shave your hair according to its growth. At the end of the procedure, the pubic area is rinsed with cool water and baby oil is applied.

    The advantages of shaving include affordable price, ease of execution, speed and painlessness of the procedure. This method has many disadvantages: the formation of irritations and cuts, a short-term effect, the gradual formation of stubble and ingrown hairs, and, finally, the inability to carry out deep hair removal(area between the buttocks).

    Use of creams and reviews of their effectiveness

    Chemical hair removal of intimate areas is represented by the use of special creams, gels and aerosols. Each product consists of a substance that provokes the breakdown of hair protein. As a result, separated from the bulb, it falls out.

    Using an epilator

    Epilation intimate area at home, it is often carried out with an epilator equipped with small tweezers that grab and pull out hairs by the roots. The procedure is very painful and there is severe redness in the bikini area for several hours. But, fortunately, it goes away, and the effect of smooth skin lasts up to 4 weeks.

    Intimate epilation of the bikini area using an epilator is an unpleasant and painful procedure, and to reduce pain modern manufacturers The devices are equipped with special cooling devices.

    This hair removal method has a number of advantages and disadvantages and is only suitable for removing hair from the pubic area. The advantages include maintaining the result for a long time, the ability to carry out the procedure at home and independently.

    The main disadvantages of using an epilator, according to women, are pain, a large waste of time, the appearance of ingrown hairs and the high price for a high-quality epilator.

    Waxing (waxing)

    Before the waxing procedure, hair in the intimate area is grown to a certain length. There are three types: warm, hot, cold. We will talk more about cold wax hair removal later, but now let’s look at the first two types.

    Warm wax is preheated in a water bath. It is applied in the same way as all types, that is, according to hair growth, and removed against hair growth. After epilation, the treated skin feels tight. It's all about wax residues on the epilated area, which is what causes discomfort.

    Hot wax is heated to 42 degrees in a wax melter and applied using a spatula. The steaming effect makes the procedure for hair removal of intimate areas less painful and faster.


    Electrolysis is one of the most painful, but effective ways hair removal in any area, including intimate ones. During the procedure, a needle electrode is inserted into the hair follicle. The main disadvantage of this method: the possibility of scars appearing.

    Photo and laser hair removal

    Laser and photoepilation are similar in principle, since in both cases the effect on the skin is carried out using light fluxes. In the first case, the beam affects the melanin contained in the hair, damages the follicles, thereby causing their loss. To treat 2 cm of skin, one epilator flash is sufficient. The procedure is most effective for fair-skinned brunettes.

    Full laser hair removal intimate areas is limited to 5-7 visits to the beauty salon with an interval of 6-8 weeks.

    Epilation of the intimate area at home

    Of course, the most reliable and common way to remove hair in the bikini area is to use an epilator. But it has a significant disadvantage - the procedure is very painful. Agree, not everyone can cause such suffering to themselves, and sometimes there is not enough time or finances to go to beauty salons.

    IN last years Sugaring has become a popular method of hair removal in the intimate area. This method is old, less painful, reliable and accessible. Sugaring can be done by women with sensitive skin and different types hardness In addition, sugar is hypoallergenic and has an antimicrobial function, so there will be no inflammation or irritation during and after the procedure.

    Men's intimate hair removal

    The procedure for removing hair in delicate places is in demand not only among the fair sex, but also among the stronger. Removing vegetation in an intimate area for men is different in that the hair in this area grows faster and has a dense structure.

    Hair removal of intimate areas for men is carried out using the same methods as for women. But since the stronger sex is prone to the fear of pain (especially in such a delicate place), in most cases preference is given to the old and proven method - shaving. But this gives rise to the following fear: the possibility of injuring the skin or getting irritated, after which your hands will constantly ask to go there.

    That's why, dear men, in order to make your intimate area clean and tidy, go to a beauty salon. Forget about embarrassment and discomfort, because for the master you are an ordinary client, and there is nothing terrible and certainly not shameful about it.

    Proper care of the intimate area after hair removal procedure

    How to do hair removal in the intimate area in the salon and at home is now clear, it remains to consider the last, no less important issue regarding proper care behind the skin field of the procedure for removing excess vegetation.

    To begin with, during the first days after the procedure, you need to provide the delicate area with special care, that is, use special gels. If pimples form on the skin after hair removal, treat them with calendula tincture or salicylic solution, but under no circumstances squeeze them out.

    And finally, do not forget to use caring and restorative products, and then you are guaranteed a wonderful result in the form of smooth and soft skin!

    There is no woman who does not face the problem of intimate parts. Excess hair, which brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort, has to be removed quite often, especially during the beach season and vacations. By choosing a painless method, we are forced to put up with the fragility of the results of the procedure, and by choosing a method, after using which we don’t have to think about excess hair for several months, we are forced to endure quite severe pain.

    An equally simple and painless method is to use a special product for depilation of intimate areas, which can be in the form of a gel, cream or lotion. The procedure using these products will take a little longer, but the results will last a little longer. Before the first use, it is advisable to test a cream or gel for depilation of intimate areas on a small area of ​​skin for sensitivity to the active components.

    Use data cosmetics It’s quite simple, you just need to apply cream or gel for depilation of intimate areas on unwanted hair and wait the time indicated on the package. Then you need to use a special spatula to remove the product from the skin along with the softened hairs. Depending on the brand of the cream and its composition, the effect can last from three days to three weeks.

    Procedures such as depilation of intimate areas at home with wax and heated sugar have recently become very popular even though one cannot count on any painlessness at all. Apparently, the longevity of the results does its job and women are ready to endure the pain in order to forget about the hated hairs for several months.

    The procedure is simple - wax for depilation of intimate places is applied to the area of ​​hair removal in a warm state and is sharply removed after hardening along with unwanted hair. The method is very painful, so it is almost impossible for women with a low pain threshold to endure such a procedure.

    In order to prevent the appearance of irritations on the skin and slow down the growth of new hairs after the depilation procedure, it is advisable to use a cream after depilation of intimate areas, which will soothe the skin and effectively moisturize it. For many girls, the problem is that new hairs grow under the skin, after which inflammation often occurs.

    To prevent ingrown hairs, if possible, follow a few tips:

    • before depilation (epilation), immediately after it and then at least once every 2 weeks, do a peeling scrub - this will remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, it will become thinner and it will be easier for growing hairs to break through to the top;
    • Make movements of the razor only according to hair growth, in no case against hair growth;
    • constantly moisturize the skin with cream - this softens the surface layer of the epidermis;
    • use special products against ingrown hairs;
    • be sure to change the depilation method if, after the previous one, hair begins to grow in;
    • don't wear tight clothes underwear from synthetic fabrics.


    Proper depilation of intimate areas using an electric depilator is a very effective, but also quite painful way to fight for a smooth body. It gives good results that last long time. In order for the procedure to be as comfortable as possible, before it is carried out, it is recommended to thoroughly steam the body, for example, lie in fragrant bath or at least take a shower. After this, it is necessary to disinfect the place of manipulation and apply emollient oil to it.

    The machine for depilating intimate areas must move against the hair growth, otherwise new growing hairs will begin to grow into the skin. To further reduce sensitivity, you can first apply an ice bag to the procedure site for 5-10 seconds and lightly stretch the skin while plucking. After electrolysis, the skin should be allowed to rest and breathe for a while, then apply a moisturizing and skin-soothing cream.

    Laser hair removal and photoepilation are very expensive procedures that are carried out exclusively in beauty salons. Photoepilation takes less time, is a more effective and expensive procedure. With this method of exposure, several hair follicles are destroyed at once using a flash of light, while with laser hair removal Each hair has to be treated separately.

    Typically, you need to complete a course of 3-6 procedures to completely get rid of hair for a period of up to a year. These types of hair removal are not suitable for everyone as there are a number of contraindications, which include: diabetes, skin irritations, epilepsy and varicose veins veins

    If you have not yet decided on the choice of hair removal method in the bikini area, then by watching a short video, you will find out the doctors’ opinion about which method of depilation is the best from a medical point of view:

    Oriflame offers a whole arsenal of products for depilation and hair removal, as well as for skin care after these procedures:

    • 23783 — Women's razors (disposable) — a triple blade and a strip with aloe extract will provide you with a comfortable shave;
    • 22932 — Shaving gel “Silk Orchid” is rich in silk proteins and orchid extract, softens and soothes the skin;
    • 23949 — Wax strips for depilation “Silk Orchid”;
    • 22691 — Gel against ingrown hairs “Silk Orchid” contains salicylic acid and the Hair Minimising complex, silk proteins and orchid extract, will significantly reduce the number of ingrown hairs;
    • 21665 — Body lotion “Silk Orchid”. Arnica and witch hazel in the composition will relieve irritation, soothe the skin, and the Hair Minimising complex slows down hair growth.


    Even in ancient Greece, women got rid of excess hair all over their bodies. Modern people There is an even greater choice of methods to help you perform high-quality depilation. Not everyone will decide to put themselves in the hands of a master to perform such an intimate task. For many, the most acceptable option is depilation at home.

    How to do bikini depilation at home

    The depilation procedure involves removing the top part of the hair. In this case, the rod grows faster than when exposed to the root zone. There are methods by which repeated hair removal in intimate places It is not needed at home very often. This pleases women who, for some reason, do not dare trust a stranger in the salon. To remove excess hair you will need suitable means, patience and time. It is important to know exactly how to use the chosen method so as not to harm the sensitive area.

    Which product for intimate area depilation should you choose?

    Exists big choice body care products. You can purchase the simplest and cheapest ingredients and tools for depilation of the intimate area at home. It’s also easy to choose from the available tools. Important: expensive products do not always give the best or painless results. Everyone is free to choose for themselves how to care for the sensitive bikini area. Understand the most common tools and methods.


    Waxing is performed using a cartridge (containing this ingredient) with a narrow roller. This is a special device for comfortable use in bikini areas. Advantages of this method:

    • The narrow roller allows you to apply wax to small areas of the skin.
    • Waxing works after heating with a special device that can be found on sale. Without it, they resort to a water bath or microwave oven. The hot product expands the pores, which helps reduce pain.
    • After giving the wax the required temperature, it is applied to the desired bikini area. You can decide for yourself whether you will work with small or large areas.
    • After hardening, the wax is removed using strips. Some people find it more convenient to get rid of hair in one jerk, while others do it gradually. You choose the desired mode yourself.


    Sugaring (popularly known as sugar depilation) is preferable for many girls who want a long-lasting effect. Advantages this method:

    • Availability of ingredients for all women. Every home has sugar, honey, chamomile infusion and a little lemon juice. Another walnut infusion is added, which burns the hair follicle.
    • Minimum contraindications ( diabetes, allergy to honey). Sugaring is safe even for sensitive skin.
    • Sugar does not cause irritation or inflammation.
    • Can be used to remove even very coarse hair.

    Depilatory cream for hair removal in intimate places

    The most famous brands of depilators for intimate areas are Veet, Velvet, Epilex, Eveline, Sally Hansen. Often women's choice falls on the first option, since it is the easiest to use. Its advantages:

    • no need to apply a large layer, it is economical;
    • the waiting time after applying the cream is no more than 7 minutes, it’s fast;
    • the effect is noticeable within 1.5-2 weeks, it’s convenient.

    Important when using hair removal creams:

    • follow instructions;
    • do not overexpose the composition to the skin;
    • do not apply to mucous membranes;
    • For sensitive skin, use gentle products, although they may be more expensive.


    This method is rejected by many women; it is considered painful. The quick plucking of hairs with an electric clipper really cannot be called pleasant. For coarse hair, the procedure using an epilator is completely contraindicated. The pain will be very severe. Those with fine hair in the bikini area can resort to tricks to avoid severe discomfort. These include:

    • preliminary steaming of the skin;
    • carrying out the procedure in water;
    • smooth movements of the epilator against hair growth;
    • slight stretching of the skin under the machine;
    • caring for the sensitive area after the procedure using special products;
    • wearing loose underwear for the next 24 hours.


    Using tweezers you can remove hairs that are difficult to reach with wax or cream. Even those that were simply not noticed and missed using other methods break out. There are special intimate haircuts that require the use of such a simple device. For example, if you only need to thin out the overall hairline or free up some areas to design a pattern with curved elements. Removing unwanted hair with tweezers is considered an excellent way to care for your intimate area. Advantages:

    • simplicity and accessibility;
    • the same result regardless of hair type and structure;
    • slow regrowth of the rod.

    How to properly depilate the bikini area

    A woman can do both regular and deep depilation. The first case is limited to removing hair from the pubic area. The second differs in that the labia area is also treated. The entire perineum is depilated, as a result the woman receives velvety skin in the bikini area. You can correctly apply both methods at home by taking into account a few rules. All of the above methods will help remove hair from the intimate area, but deep and regular depilation have their own characteristics.


    The basic rules and features of deep hair removal are as follows:

    1. Prepare your bikini area. Wash, apply scrub. This is necessary to soften the hair follicle and reduce the pain of the subsequent process. Dry your intimate areas with a towel, do not rub.
    2. Hair should be no more than 7 mm long, otherwise It is recommended to trim them.
    3. Apply a mixture of sugar (for sugaring) or wax (for waxing). It is better to use tolerably hot products. Apply a special strip on top, which you will then use to remove the frozen applied layer along with the hair.
    4. Do not allow the working product to come into contact with the mucous membrane.

    For pubic hair removal

    If you want to remove unwanted hair only on the pubic part, this simplifies the matter. This is easier to do on a hard surface than on soft, sensitive lips. Tearing off a wax or sugar strip will not be so painful. Features of depilation in the pubic area:

    1. Availability of the required area. A woman can clearly see where else she needs to apply wax, cream or pluck with tweezers.
    2. Selectivity. Using a machine or tweezers you can form a beautiful intimate haircut. Numerous photos will help you choose a suitable “hairstyle”.
    3. Simplicity. There is no need to be afraid that you will apply a depilatory product to a particularly sensitive area, such as the mucous membrane between the lips.

    For men

    Modern representatives of the stronger sex are no strangers to depilation in intimate places, as well as under the armpits. If we talk about home care, then the man is more likely to choose Shaver, not wax or sugar. The procedure in this case consists of the following points:

    • preparing the skin in the groin area (steaming);
    • reducing hair length with scissors;
    • applying shaving gel or foam;
    • careful movements of the machine along the hair growth, with the obligatory stretching of the required area of ​​skin;
    • washing off the remaining foam from the male genitals, removing the moisture with a soft towel;
    • gentle application sensitive skin cream, if necessary - powder.

    Depilation of the intimate bikini area– this is a procedure familiar to every girl. Exists a large number of a variety of ways in which you can remove unwanted hair in the intimate bikini area at home or in a salon. In addition, depilation is a fairly important procedure for the female intimate area, since a large amount of hair creates an excellent environment for bacteria to reproduce. This is why you should regularly wax your bikini area.

    Depilation of the intimate area can be deep or superficial. During deep depilation of the bikini area, hair is removed in the labia area, as well as between the buttocks and on the pubic area. Superficial depilation of the bikini area involves removing hair only from the pubic area and the groin area that is visible when wearing a bikini. Moreover, such depilation can be for both women and men.

    You should understand that the intimate area has especially delicate and thin skin, so if you choose the wrong depilation method, you risk getting itching and pimples, as well as irritation in the bikini area. To help you choose the right hair removal method, we will tell you about depilation methods that you can try in a salon or at home. Prices for such services can vary significantly, and besides, it won’t hurt you to read reviews about the chosen depilation method.


    Waxing is one of the most common and popular methods through which women get rid of unwanted hair. You can easily carry out this procedure both at home and in the salon.

    For waxing There are special strips, but you can do without them. You will only need special wax for depilation of the intimate area, as well as flaps of dense fabric. This procedure looks like this:

    • Depilatory wax must be heated. You should only remove hair in the bikini area with hot wax, but do not overdo it so as not to leave burns on the skin.
    • Hot wax is applied to the skin in the direction of hair growth, then a strip of fabric is placed on it.
    • After a few minutes, the fabric is abruptly torn from the skin along with the hair.

    It is not surprising that this procedure is quite painful. When waxing the intimate bikini area, you can use a numbing cream.

    Brazilian depilation is a type complete removal hair waxing, in which hair is removed from the entire surface of the intimate area, including the mucous membrane and labia. Pain relief is usually not included in the price, so you should clarify this issue with your specialist in advance.

    Hair after such depilation begins to grow only after two and a half to three weeks.


    Laser Depilation is considered one of the best and most durable methods of hair removal in the intimate bikini area. This procedure is not as painful as waxing or sugaring, however, girls with a low pain threshold may still need pain relief.

    Laser hair removal can take place in several stages. This depends on the length and thickness of the hair in the intimate area, as well as its color. It is known that the laser best removes hair of a dark shade with a length of five millimeters.

    This procedure, unlike all others, can only be carried out in a salon where there is special equipment.

    Laser hair removal in the bikini area can rid you of hair for a period of two years to infinity. The cost of the procedure depends on the area where hair needs to be removed.

    Sugar depilation (sugaring)

    Sugaring- This is an excellent option for depilation of the intimate area at home. You can prepare sugar paste for sugaring yourself or purchase ready-made sugar paste in the store. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to cook pasta at home, as there is a possibility of spoiling the food and wasting your time. IN Moreover, if you follow the recommendations exactly, you can prepare sugar paste for depilation yourself quite quickly. To do this you need:

    • Mix kilogram of sugar with half a glass of water, add lemon juice and place the container with the contents on the fire.
    • You need to cook the mixture on maximum heat for about three minutes.
    • After this, cover the container with a lid and leave for ten minutes.
    • Stir the mixture and leave to cook for twenty minutes.
    • When you see that your paste has turned an amber color, turn off the heat and let the mixture sit.
    • After the mixture has steeped and cooled slightly, you can use it for its intended purpose.

    When sugaring the intimate bikini area, you must use gloves to make the work process as comfortable as possible. Also remember to take the most comfortable position possible. Apply sugaring paste to the skin of the intimate bikini area, then place a piece of dense fabric on top and after a few seconds, sharply rip it against the hair growth. Do the same with the rest of your hair. Learn more about this method in the video below.

    After you finish depilating your bikini area, you need to treat your skin with a moisturizer or anti-irritant. Hair will begin to grow no earlier than two weeks later.

    Depilatory cream for intimate bikini area

    Cream for depilation is the most convenient and painless way to remove hair in the intimate area. There are a large number of different creams, but the most popular at the moment are Veet and Velvet.

    The depilatory cream has a unique composition: thanks to it, the hair loses keratin and becomes incredibly brittle, so it can be removed with a special scraper that comes with the cream.

    This method of depilation of the intimate area will allow you to lose hair without irritation and pain. However, do not forget to carefully read the instructions for using this cream to avoid any troubles. You should also understand that by depilating with cream yourself and using the machine incorrectly, you can contribute to the appearance of ingrown hairs.

    To prevent this from happening, you need to buy a special product against ingrown hairs and use it every time after depilation. Depilation of the intimate area using a special cream is one of the most best options , because soft skin


    in the bikini area is not exposed to aggressive effects. Depilation of the intimate area using epilator

    is a classic way to remove hair at home. It is quite painful, but if you use an anesthetic gel, this procedure will not cause discomfort. The epilator can be used even during pregnancy, and is also perfect for the first depilation of the bikini area. You just need to turn on the machine and run it against the hair growth. Special attachments will gently remove hair along with the root, so your intimate area will remain smooth for several weeks.


    Phytoresin for depilation of the bikini area - this is the most best way out, since after using the phytoresin there is no irritation. However, it should be noted that depilation with phytoresin is a rather painful procedure, so you need to be patient or purchase a special gel with an anesthetic effect.

    Depilation with phytoresin proceeds as follows::

    • A small piece of phytoresin is torn off from the total mass and kneaded thoroughly in your hands until it becomes elastic.
    • After kneading a piece of phytoresin, apply it to the skin. against hair growth.
    • When the phytoresin hardens, tear it off in the same direction.
    • One piece can be used until it loses its elasticity.

    Phytoresin can be purchased both in jars and in cassettes. The cassette method is more often used for depilation of arms or legs, but manual phytoresin is more suitable for the intimate bikini area.

    Contraindications for depilation are as follows: girls with an excessively low pain threshold should not use this service. Also, some types of intimate area depilation cannot be used by pregnant women. First, consult your doctor and cosmetologist.

    The abundance of hairs in the bikini area not only prevents a girl from feeling confident and attractive. Also, “vegetation” is an ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria, which causes bad smell And various diseases genitals. Therefore, hair removal of intimate places is a mandatory beauty procedure for women. different ages. Shaving and using depilatory cream can get rid of hair in the intimate area for only a few days, but every woman wants to achieve a lasting effect from removing “vegetation.”

    Epilation at home

    You can easily do bioepilation of the bikini area at home. Thus, wax and sugar paste are successfully used to remove hair. Many women perform bioepilation of the bikini area on their own, as it is a simple task. But still performing wax and sugar hair removal at home requires compliance with certain rules.

    Wax intimate hair removal at home requires the use of melted wax (it is advisable to purchase one that is designed for removing hair from intimate places). You also need to prepare a spatula, talc, chlorhexidine (disinfectant), wipes for removing wax or oil, tweezers, nutritious cream. A few days before epilation of the bikini area, grow hairs at least 3 millimeters long. Before epilation, you need to perform hygiene procedures. If the hairs are very long, to simplify the procedure they need to be shortened to 4 millimeters.

    Intimate waxing is correctly performed as follows:

    1. You should take a comfortable position (put one foot on a high chair or on the bathtub bar).

    2. Before applying wax, wipe the skin with a cotton swab soaked in chlorhexidine and apply talcum powder.

    3. Melt the wax in a water bath and apply it in an even layer to the skin using a spatula (strictly according to hair growth). There are 2 hair removal techniques:

    • bandage: fabric or paper strip applied to the wax, after which it must be sharply removed against hair growth;
    • manual: wax is applied along the hair growth with a spatula, and removed in the opposite direction with your fingers.

    4. After epilation, correction should be performed - the remaining hairs should be pulled out with tweezers.

    5. Wax residues are wiped off with napkins, and cream is applied to the skin.

    It will not be possible to remove hair forever in this way, since hairs begin to appear again 3-4 weeks after hair removal. However, waxing negatively affects hair growth - they become sparse and thin. It is worth considering that after waxing, new hairs can grow into the skin, so to prevent this problem, it is recommended to treat the skin of intimate areas with a scrub once every three days. Waxing should not be done if you have varicose veins in the groin, an allergy to bee products, or an exacerbation of genital herpes.

    Intimate hair removal at home is known to many ladies as sugaring. If a girl, before carrying out such hair removal at home, removed hairs from her bikini area with a razor, after which they became stiff, it is recommended to undergo several waxing sessions. The paste may not grip thick and thick hairs well, so the bristles need to be “loosened.”

    To do sugaring at home, you should take care of high-quality sugar paste. You can not only purchase it, but also prepare it yourself using this recipe:

    1. Take 10 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 3 tablespoons of water and juice from half a lemon. All products are placed in a metal pan.
    2. Place the dishes on low heat and cook the pasta, while not forgetting to stir it.
    3. As soon as the mass acquires a shade of caramel or honey, remove the bowl with the paste from the heat.
    4. The paste is poured into a plastic container and wait until it cools down.

    Before sugaring with paste prepared at home, you should check its consistency. Normally, the material for doing bikini sugaring yourself should easily roll into a ball. If the paste is too thick or, conversely, liquid, you should not do hair removal with it.

    Sugaring experts recommend using several types of pastes to perform Brazilian hair removal. For example, to remove hair along the panty line, on the pubis and labia, a moderately dense one is suitable. To remove hairs between the buttocks and around the anus, you should use a thick paste.

    The duration of the procedure depends on how radically hair is removed from intimate areas. Thus, designing a bikini line takes no more than 10 minutes, but in order to completely remove hair, you will have to spend 40 minutes or more.

    Before performing sugaring, you should disinfect your skin. If the hairs are more than 5 millimeters long, they should be shortened with a trimmer, otherwise the paste will simply get tangled in thick “vegetation.” To control the hair removal process sugar paste, you need to squat in front of the mirror or put one foot on the edge of the bathtub.

    There are 2 basic sugaring techniques:

    1. Manual: the essence of this technique is that only the fingers are used to carry out the procedure (hands can be with or without gloves).
    2. Bandage: according to this technique, the paste is applied to the skin using a spatula, strictly against hair growth. A strip of fabric or paper is glued onto the paste, after which it is sharply torn off the skin.

    After epilation is completed, the skin is rinsed with water, washing off any remaining paste. To prevent irritation and pustules from appearing, you need to apply a soothing agent to the skin. To protect yourself from irritation and pustules, in the first few weeks after hair removal you should not visit the pool or sauna, or swim in bodies of water.

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