• If your stomach hurts during pregnancy. Abdominal pain during pregnancy: what it means and how to reduce it


    In this article we will analyze in detail the characteristic painful sensations expectant mother.

    Stomach pain during pregnancy

    Abdominal pain is a fairly common pregnancy companion. Sometimes this pain simply indicates that it is time for the expectant mother to rest, but in some situations it indicates a serious danger that can be avoided if you consult a doctor in time.

    Let's look at the types of abdominal pain in more detail.

    Lower abdomen hurts

    Periodic, cramping pain in the lower abdomen above the symphysis pubis may indicate the beginning of the labor process. If this occurs at 37 weeks of pregnancy or more, we can talk about natural beginning childbirth It's time to get ready for the maternity ward.

    But some features are possible:

    1. Pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by slight dark bloody-mucous discharge.

    Sometimes this happens during the period of shortening and dilation of the cervix. If you are already at your due date, this is most likely not a dangerous phenomenon, but there is general rule– the appearance of any bloody discharge at any stage of pregnancy requires immediate consultation with a doctor. It’s better to play it safe, go to the emergency room of the maternity hospital, and make sure that this is a natural development of the birth process.

    2. Bright and/or profuse bleeding from the genital tract poses a huge danger to the life of the expectant mother and her baby.

    We will not take into account the presence or absence of pain in this situation - you need to short term be in a maternity hospital near you. Unfortunately, such spotting indicates a serious problem - most often it is a placental abruption.

    Premature placental abruption requires not only your immediate hospitalization, but also a super-quick response from medical personnel. Therefore, in such a situation, ask your relatives or call the maternity hospital where you are going from the car and briefly provide the following information:

    Your gestational age, presence of heavy bleeding, estimated time of arrival.

    3. The pain is accompanied by transparent watery discharge.

    Most likely, we are talking about the discharge of amniotic fluid. Leakage of amniotic fluid at the very beginning labor activity is called early, and happens quite often. In most cases, the child does not suffer in this situation, because usually not everyone pours out amniotic fluid, and the so-called “front” waters, located in front of the presenting part of the baby (head, pelvic end, legs). The “back” waters can remain in their proper place.

    Come calmly to the maternity hospital of your choice. Specialists will assess the condition of the baby, the degree of dilation of the cervix, the stage of your labor and the amount of amniotic fluid remaining in the amniotic sac. If the baby and mother are not suffering, feel comfortable, and there are no signs of infection in the mother’s genital tract, childbirth will proceed as usual.

    If any complications are diagnosed, in the interests of the health of the mother and child, the birth may be accelerated, delayed, or completed by caesarean section.

    Pain in the pubic area

    Most often, sharp pain in the pubic area appears when getting out of bed, walking or changing body position. The sensation resembles a piercing tingling sensation, some women characterize it as an “electric shock.” Subsequently, the pain may take on a constant aching character.

    Characterized by increased pain with certain movements and body turns. Most likely, in in this case We are talking about symphysitis - a fairly common companion in the third trimester of pregnancy.

    If we omit the 16 components that the concept of symphysitis includes, then in simple words it is swelling and excessive stretching of the cartilage layer in the area of ​​the pubic symphysis. Before pregnancy, the symphysis pubis was in a fixed position.

    As the uterus grows, and especially during the period of maximum pressure of the baby's head on the pelvic bones, the cartilaginous layer between the pubic bones of the pelvis seems to stretch. Thanks to this “stretching,” the volume of a woman’s pelvis can increase by 1-4 cm.

    Until now, doctors cannot come to a consensus about the reasons that cause inflammation of the cartilage layer in the pubic area. Most likely, symphysitis occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, calcium deficiency and microtraumas that occur during the natural “extension” of the pelvic bones during long periods of pregnancy.

    As a treatment, a pregnant woman is recommended to take multivitamins and limit movements that cause pain. Sometimes applying heat to the area of ​​discomfort helps (a “soft” shower, an ironed towel, a small plastic bottle with warm water).

    Pain in the upper abdomen in the center of the epigastric region

    Sensations ranging from dull and aching to sharp and cutting, concentrated in the upper and center of the abdomen. The pain is more pronounced on an empty stomach (“hunger pain”). Sometimes this symptom indicates manifestations of early toxicosis. But if the condition progresses, we can talk about inflammation of the gastric mucosa - gastritis.

    The disease develops due to the following reasons:

    Poor nutrition, often associated with insufficient chewing of food and the habit of quickly swallowing food; Long breaks between meals or fast food; Abuse of hot, spicy, fried, pickled foods; Smoking and alcohol; Long-term use of certain medications; The presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the body.

    Report your feelings to the observing obstetrician-gynecologist, he will prescribe treatment that will not harm either you or the baby.

    Cramping pain in the middle abdomen and navel area

    If acute cramping pain is accompanied by stool upset, nausea or even vomiting, we may be talking about a serious intestinal infection. Such situations are sometimes accompanied by an increase in body temperature, in some cases by a significant increase in temperature and chills.

    When an infectious agent enters the gastrointestinal tract, damage occurs to both the stomach (gastritis) and the intestines (enteritis and/or colitis). The most dangerous are salmonellosis and dysentery.

    At any stage of pregnancy, this situation requires urgent consultation with a doctor, and often hospitalization. The fluid that a pregnant woman loses in the event of stool upset and/or vomiting requires immediate replenishment. When the body becomes dehydrated, there is a serious threat to the life of both mother and fetus.

    The upper abdomen on the right constantly hurts

    Pain, the focus of which is located above and to the right, most likely indicates inflammation of the gallbladder - cholecystitis or stagnation of bile (cholestasis of pregnancy).

    Sometimes in gallbladder There are stones that obstruct the natural flow of bile, and this is also a possible cause of abdominal pain.

    In the latter case, the pain can be very pronounced, cramping. Sometimes the color of the skin and sclera may change (jaundice appears), and the stool becomes pale. Often such abdominal pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

    The disease progresses if the expectant mother before and during pregnancy:

    She eats irregularly, overeats, has led and continues to lead a sedentary lifestyle, and suffers from constipation.

    In this case, a visit to the doctor is mandatory, since diseases of the liver and gallbladder cannot be self-medicated, and if not treated in a timely manner can lead to serious consequences. Depending on the severity of the disease, one or another is prescribed drug treatment. Fortunately, it is rare, but it happens that the situation can only be resolved through surgery.

    Pain on the right side periodically, the pain is associated with fetal movements

    Such phenomena may be the result of your baby moving too actively. Most often, fetal kicks annoy the expectant mother at the end of the second - beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy. This happens precisely during the period when the child’s movements are most intense.

    To relieve unpleasant symptoms, sometimes it is enough to change your body position. Thus, you seem to “move” the baby and shift his kicks to a less sensitive area.

    The knee-elbow position for 15-20 minutes is most likely to help you. You can warm the belly with your hands, or you can try to “ask” the baby to be more careful.

    In this situation, no specific treatment is needed.

    Abdominal pain on the left and right sides

    Most often it hurts in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, when the uterus is actively growing. This pain is a consequence of tension in the uterine ligaments. These sensations are not constant and may occur several times a day, more often when you move or shift your body position.

    Sometimes it is enough for the expectant mother to lie down and rest a little for the pain to go away.

    You can warm your tummy with your hands or with an ironed towel. Avoid movements that cause you discomfort. Such manifestations may appear again and again, and you will have to get used to them. Regular gymnastics classes for expectant mothers, yoga or water aerobics make the situation easier. Read more about suitable types sports in the article Sports for pregnant women.

    No additional treatment is required.

    Lower back pain during pregnancy

    Pain in the lumbar region is observed in almost every pregnant woman, and the unpleasant sensation may first appear both in the early stages and after the 20th week.

    There are several reasons why lower back pain occurs during pregnancy. Among them, experts highlight the following:

    The result of the hormone relaxin.

    A few days after successful conception The female body devotes all its strength to maintaining pregnancy, preparing for future births and breastfeeding.

    For this reason, the active production of relaxin begins, a hormone that is responsible for the relaxation of cartilage tissue, pelvic ligaments, pelvic bones, etc.

    This process is the key to subsequent mobility of the maternal pelvic bones, and this in turn ensures the unhindered birth of the baby after moving through the birth canal. The expectant mother's level of relaxin is 10 times higher than normal.

    Despite the fact that during pregnancy, the divergence of the pelvic bones is an absolutely normal phenomenon, the deformation of the skeleton, although slight, causes pain in the lumbar region.

    Weight gain.

    Significant weight gain, which is almost always inevitable during pregnancy, puts additional stress on the back muscles. Pain in the lower back for this reason is a manifestation of weakness of the back muscles.

    Now they have to “bear increased weight” and be under constant tension. The situation is aggravated if the woman did not play sports before pregnancy or suffered from spinal curvature (scoliosis).


    If back pain is caused by a decrease in the elasticity of the intervertebral discs, most likely the woman was familiar with the manifestations of the disease even before pregnancy and already knows what specific actions or medical prescriptions caused relief.

    BUT, it is very important that during the period of bearing a child you should not take anti-inflammatory and painkillers. The same applies to the use of creams and ointments. Only a doctor can prescribe any medications in this situation.

    Pyelonephritis in pregnant women.

    A woman can know that her kidneys are not functioning well by characteristic pain in the lower back, and depending on which kidney is inflamed, that side hurts.

    Sometimes pyelonephritis spreads to both kidneys, then the pain covers the entire lower back. Quite often this symptom is accompanied by frequent urination, cloudy urine, headache. If lower back pain is accompanied by a rise in temperature and an increase in blood pressure, you need to urgently call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital.

    Inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

    Some expectant mothers complain that they periodically experience sharp pain in the lower back that shoots down one or both legs. One can only sympathize with pregnant women who are faced with such a problem.

    Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get rid of such an ailment during pregnancy, and after pregnancy, the sciatic nerve most often returns to normal by itself. In situations where a woman is unable to cope with pain, consultation with a neurologist is recommended.

    General increase in load on the back muscles.

    In this case, we are talking about the fact that in addition to the increased weight, the load on the back muscles is also added to by the fact that the center of gravity in the female body changes. In particular, a “duck walk” appears.

    The belly grows and so does the chest, it is quite difficult to carry such a load, so the expectant mother reflexively bends her back inward. So she tries to sit and walk. But if the back muscles relax while the pregnant woman is sitting, then during walking they are tense to the limit.

    Most often, lower back pain, caused by a general increase in load on the back muscles, manifests itself at a later date.

    Chronic diseases.

    It must be said that if a woman had displacements, sprains, cracks or fractures before pregnancy, they can remind themselves of themselves during pregnancy.

    This is due to the fact that the body experiences almost a double load, and everything that was weakened suffers to a greater extent.

    Threat of miscarriage.

    In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s body prepares for the upcoming birth with even greater zeal than before. Unsystematic contractions appear, which are usually called training contractions (Brexton Higgs). A contraction is a compression of the uterus for several seconds, sometimes such contractions are accompanied by gentle stretching in the lower back.

    If this phenomenon is sporadic, does not increase and does not become more painful, there is no need to worry.

    But if you notice that contractions become periodic, and the nagging pain in the lower back, similar to that that occurs during menstruation, gets stronger, immediately inform your doctor. Now it is important to avoid premature birth and maintain the pregnancy, especially if there is still a lot of time before the due date.

    The expectant mother needs to leave everything and lie down, possibly with a decrease in physical activity the pain will subside, but consulting a doctor in this situation is extremely necessary.

    The beginning of labor.

    Nagging pain in the lower back at a time close to the end of pregnancy can be nothing more than one of the signs of the onset of labor. The pain starts from the lower back and is localized in the sacral region.

    If such sensations are accompanied by periodic spasms of the uterus, this only indicates that the meeting with the baby will take place very soon. Get ready for the trip to the maternity hospital and gain strength and patience.

    How to relieve lower back pain?

    First of all, you need to ensure that you alternate good rest with harmonious physical activity.

    Naturally, it is necessary to start physical training at the stage of pregnancy planning. The most balanced exercise for pregnant women can be provided by swimming, water aerobics and yoga.

    These activities strengthen muscle tone, relax the spine and do not require sudden movements or excessive muscle tension. The woman moves smoothly, at her own pace and does not risk injury.

    Of course, it is impossible to carry it out in a standard position, lying on your stomach, and it is unlikely to work. But rhythmic stroking, tapping and slight pressure in painful places causes temporary relief.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve long-term relief from lower back pain with massage alone. Since this pain is not focal, but is associated with general changes in the woman’s body.

    The expectant mother needs to pay attention Special attention the surface on which she sleeps.

    A sagging mattress and an uncomfortable pillow do not allow the spine and cervical region to relax, thereby exacerbating the pain. Therefore, during pregnancy you need to sleep on an orthopedic pillow and a flat surface.

    Ideally, purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, which allows a woman to go to sleep as comfortably as possible, despite her rounded belly.

    If a pregnant woman’s work involves staying in one position for a long time, for example, sitting at a table or standing, it is necessary to take a break every half hour.

    Don't be lazy to get up if you were sitting and walk around the office or street. If you have to work while standing, do not hesitate to sit down for a few minutes with your feet on a raised platform, or even better, lie down.

    Of course, in modern conditions such frivolity may seem impossible. In fact, here, as in many other moments, the main thing is desire, so go for it!

    At 5 months or more, you can start wearing a bandage.

    This simple device supports a large belly, thereby reducing the load on the back muscles. Of course, in each specific case the use of a bandage is recommended by a doctor.

    Experts also advise expectant mothers to take the knee-elbow position more often.

    At this moment, the stomach sags, like in a hammock, and the back muscles relax completely. In addition, this pose helps cleanse the kidneys and improves digestion, since the internal organs no longer experience pressure from the uterus.

    Headache during pregnancy

    Complaints of recurrent headaches are quite common during pregnancy. And the appearance of pain in the head of the expectant mother has its own reasons. Chronic fatigue

    Most often, headaches occur for this reason. To the general malaise experienced by a pregnant woman, one can add insomnia, excessive anxiety at work, stress, overwork, a sense of increased responsibility, and irritability and nervousness. All of the above points make the expectant mother experience constant nervous tension, and this cannot but affect her health. Hence the headache.

    Psychological component

    During pregnancy, a woman may be visited by very sad thoughts and conclusions about her own unattractiveness, the appearance excess weight and cellulite, manifestations age spots, stretch marks and other “imperfections”. For this reason, the pregnant woman’s mood is seriously spoiled, and if “sadness and melancholy” consume the expectant mother for a long time, a headache is added to the general sadness.

    Vascular problems

    The point is that general changes in the body of a pregnant woman, affect absolutely all organs and systems, including the cardiovascular system. Since blood volume increases significantly during pregnancy, venous pressure also increases, which causes discomfort in my head.

    Hormonal changes

    The hormonal storm, which begins in the pregnant woman’s body literally from the first weeks after conception, also affects the nervous system of the expectant mother. This results in excessive tearfulness and irritability, and therefore headaches.

    Severe neck muscle tension

    To put it simply, due to constant tension in the cervical spine, blood flow in the vessels is disrupted, and the brain does not receive enough oxygen. Pain caused by this reason can develop in those expectant mothers who are forced to sit or stand for a long time, in an uncomfortable position, for example, constantly tilting their head (working at a computer, salesperson jewelry from a shop window, architect, etc.).

    Low pressure

    Most often, headaches for this reason occur at the very beginning of pregnancy, when a woman experiences general weakness, drowsiness, and dizziness.

    High blood pressure

    Perhaps one of the most dangerous reasons the appearance of headaches during pregnancy. Most often, an increase in pressure occurs in the 3rd, and sometimes in the 2nd trimester. This suggests that a pregnant woman may develop gestational hypertension (preeclampsia), followed by eclampsia - these phenomena are extremely dangerous for both the mother and the fetus.

    This is perhaps one of the most painful headaches in terms of its manifestations. Firstly, migraines last for quite a long period of time. Secondly, the pain in the head is always one-sided, it can be burning and growing as monotonous physical activity increases.

    Only a doctor can diagnose this disease; he draws a conclusion about the appearance of migraine if headache attacks make themselves felt at least 5 times and last from 4 to 72 hours.

    It must be said that migraine is a fairly common disease, and its activity during pregnancy is not surprising. The fact is that women, by nature, are more susceptible to migraines than men. And the peak occurrence of migraines occurs during active childbearing years.

    Therefore, if migraine first made itself felt only with the onset of pregnancy, this can only mean that it would have appeared anyway outside the period of gestation.

    Despite the fact that migraine seriously damages the nerves and general condition of a pregnant woman, there is no negative influence It does not affect the fetus or the course of pregnancy.

    Sometimes, headaches are a manifestation of serious illnesses, such as bleeding disorders, brain tumors, damage to the central nervous system, infections and even AIDS. BUT, such situations most often have nothing to do with pregnancy and happen extremely rarely, so it is likely that pain in the head of the expectant mother is either a consequence of her overwork, physical or mental, or a manifestation of migraine or osteochondrosis.

    Treatment of headaches during pregnancy

    If the cause of the pain in the head does not have serious reasons, there is only one way to get rid of it - rest, rest and rest again.

    Be sure to analyze your condition and determine exactly when and after what the headache occurs.

    You may be surprised, but it happens that the catalyst for pain in the head is the same situation, or the same person.

    There are several simple ways reduce headaches during pregnancy:

    A pregnant woman needs to be outdoors more often, take long walks, sleep a lot (at least 8 hours a day), avoid stressful situations and communication with people on whom the expectant mother is forced to waste her energy and nerves. Of course, there are many reasons why it is quite difficult for a woman to do this, but here, as they say, you have to choose. Either endure the pain and continue to be in a state “on the brink”, or think that the child is also suffering and change your lifestyle. The simplest way to deal with headaches can be ordinary compresses, both warm and cold , which can be periodically applied to the forehead, neck or temples. Breathing exercises and meditation are considered an excellent assistant in the fight against headaches. The complete relaxation of the body that occurs as a result of such exercises has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a woman, including her mental health. If the pain is a consequence of osteochondrosis, a neck massage can be recommended as a relief. Moreover, you can do it yourself, or with the help of a partner. But most the best way out may be a trip to a professional massage therapist or manualist. It is advisable that the massage therapist properly work on the so-called problem areas of the cervical and shoulder regions, as well as the back muscles. But, the choice of this specialist must be very careful, since he must have experience working with pregnant women.

    If you experience headaches frequently, you should definitely tell your doctor about it. The doctor will clarify the following points:

    Did the woman suffer from headaches before pregnancy? What kind of pain is bothering her now (throbbing, pressing, spasmodic, etc.)? Under what circumstances does a headache start? At what time of day do pain attacks occur? How often and with what intensity does the headache occur?

    Drug treatment for headaches “in their pure form” can be prescribed to an expectant mother only after a detailed diagnosis and the exclusion of serious diseases.

    Never self-medicate a headache. Because during pregnancy you cannot take the usual medications that relieve spasms! The only medicine allowed for the expectant mother to take is paracetamol, and then only in a clearly indicated dosage, which should not be exceeded in any case.

    All other medications that are commonly prescribed for the treatment of headaches, including migraines, are aimed at narrowing the vessels that carry blood to the internal organs. During pregnancy, the effect of these drugs also extends to the vessels that provide blood flow in the uterus and placenta, and their narrowing is extremely undesirable for the fetus.

    It must be said that, to the great relief of expectant mothers, the headache most often goes away by the beginning of the second trimester.

    Breast pain during pregnancy

    The expectant mother may complain of pain in the chest even before she finds out about her interesting situation. The reason why breasts hurt during pregnancy is that under the influence of hormones, processes begin in the mammary glands that prepare them for future feeding of the child. And that's completely normal.

    As a rule, most women, but not all, complain about chest pain when describing unpleasant pregnancy companions. Painful sensations can manifest themselves either individually or all at once; they can have different intensities or not be felt at all.

    Most often, pregnant women complain of the following symptoms:

    Feeling of heaviness. The breasts seem to swell and become heavier, the usual underwear becomes tight, and because you are not used to “carrying” the heavier breasts it becomes uncomfortable. This is due to the fact that the body “stores” the fat layer. Also at this time, additional milk lobes are formed. Female body as if it is further developing in order to qualitatively fulfill its main function - childbearing. Tingling, burning, pulsation in the chest - all this is the result of changes that occur in the mammary glands during pregnancy. Itchy breasts. This is how overstretching of the skin makes itself felt. Swelling of the nipples. They increase in diameter, become loose and fleshy. Small nodules appear around. Darkening of the areola. The nipples acquire a brownish tint. Increased sensitivity of the breasts and nipples. Pregnant women complain of burning or tingling. Some women find it difficult to tolerate their husband's caresses in the chest area, or say that they find it unpleasant to wear normal clothes, since touching the nipples causes severe discomfort. The appearance of blue venous lines on the mammary glands, which are visible through the skin. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the increase in the total volume of blood that occurs in the body of every pregnant woman. The appearance of colostrum. White or translucent discharge from the nipples is nothing more than a prototype of future breast milk. But not all pregnant women experience it. The fact that there is colostrum or not does not in any way affect the success of breastfeeding. Sleeping on the stomach, which has not yet expanded in the early stages, becomes impossible because the chest hurts. And indeed it is. In this situation, the only salvation is sleeping on your side. Unfortunately, you will have to put up with this sleeping position, because it will persist until the end of your pregnancy.

    Usually, increased sensitivity subsides after the 12th week of pregnancy, but sometimes touching the breasts causes discomfort in a woman until the end of pregnancy. Enlargement, heaviness of the mammary glands, pigmentation of the nipples and venous “web” will remain until breast-feeding won't stop.

    How to reduce chest pain?

    First of all, solve the problem with heaviness in your chest.

    Most likely, the unpleasant sensations are due to the fact that the woman is still wearing her usual “pre-pregnancy” bra size. Even if the breasts have visually increased slightly, it is worth either adjusting, namely loosening the straps and clasps in the old bra, or changing the underwear to new ones (1-2 sizes larger).

    It is best to choose a bra that will fit snugly enough and not put pressure on the skin or mammary glands. In this sense, it is better to buy underwear without wires, but with a wide fastener and straps.

    If before pregnancy a woman preferred not to wear a bra due to her small breast size, it is time to purchase this previously “unnecessary” item.

    Under the weight of the mammary glands, and they will certainly increase, there is a risk of stretching the breast skin and the formation of stretch marks (striae). And remember that breast size does not in any way affect the quality of breastfeeding.

    Sometimes changing your underwear is enough in terms of fabric choice.

    The fact is that discomfort in the chest can be caused by the nipples touching the lace or internal seams. This doesn't mean you have to wear some ugly lingerie that has no sex appeal to your partner.

    No, pregnancy should be aesthetic, so buy a new, smooth bra without decorative inserts, or put special breast pads in your old one. They are made of soft materials and reduce nipple friction.

    You can try leaving your bra on even at night, so that your sensitive nipples do not come into contact with the surface of the sheet or blanket. If your breast skin itches and itches, then it’s time to start using special means for pregnant women against breast stretch marks.

    These creams and cosmetic oils have a soothing effect on the skin, moisturize it and help maintain elasticity. Unfortunately, not all expectant mothers are able to avoid the appearance of stretch marks.

    Stretch marks (striae), to a greater extent, are the result of a genetic predisposition, and not how much cream or oils you used. However, timely use of special cosmetics is an excellent prevention of future stretch marks.

    As for your partner's caresses, which can cause discomfort.

    Perhaps the situation will improve if your man changes the nature of the stroking and touches the chest not with his fingers, gently moving them over the skin, but with the entire inside of his palm.

    Most often, women complain that it hurts from targeted, gentle strokes, but light coverage of a large surface at once is much more pleasant.

    Of course, if a woman is generally uncomfortable, she will have to completely give up caressing her breasts and stimulating her nipples with her fingers or lips for a while. If colostrum leaks, be sure to stock up on the same breast pads.

    You can buy them at any pharmacy and many stores selling hygiene products and cosmetics. They will save your underwear from greasy stains and protect your breasts from chafing. Such liners need to be changed regularly as they become dirty.

    The fact is that colostrum is a fermented milk medium, which means microorganisms can multiply in it, and this can lead to the development of infection. Be sure to wash your breasts with water to wash away any remaining colostrum, but do not get carried away with shower gels or soaps, they dry out the skin.

    It is very useful to “walk” your breasts in the fresh air, namely, to give your body the opportunity to remain without clothes for some time.

    You can do this at home, in an apartment on a balcony or in a country house. It is best to lie down or sit in a chair, leaning back, so that your chest does not sag under its own weight. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the skin and general condition of the expectant mother.

    If your chest feels burning or tingling, you can apply cool, but not cold, compresses.

    Simply place a wet cloth or towel on your chest and lightly wipe it.

    You can offer a contrast shower as relief, when jets of cool and warm (not hot) water are alternately directed at the mammary glands. A warm bath also helps relieve discomfort. Advice that you should “train” your breasts by regularly massaging your nipples with a rough towel makes no sense.

    Firstly, because it is unpleasant, and secondly, no matter how you “train” your breasts and prepare them for breastfeeding, they will still hurt for some time after childbirth. And this does not depend on how much and with what frequency the woman tormented her breasts before giving birth.

    In this matter, you need to rely on Mother Nature, learn how to properly attach your baby to the breast and be patient a little. Once breastfeeding is fully established, and this will happen 1.5-3 months after the birth of the baby, all pain will disappear.

    In fact, the chest needs training, but not the kind discussed above, but the most ordinary physical one.

    This means that the set of exercises for pregnant women also includes those physical activities that help strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the chest. Regular exercise reduces the risk of breast sagging and also ensures high-quality lymph drainage from the mammary glands.

    As you can see, pregnancy and the sensations that accompany it may not always be pleasant. But what is this compared to the fluttering of a baby, his first smile, laughter and his entire subsequent happy life?

    Modern media allow everyone who has a specific goal to have the necessary information.

    And pregnant women are no exception here; rather, on the contrary: the expectant mother is interested in good health of her baby, even the slightest discomfort is perceived by her as a probable danger. When your stomach hurts during pregnancy, this should alert you, forcing you to listen carefully to your body, and also, if necessary, visit your doctor to prevent the danger of pregnancy.

    Remembering that it is harmful for a pregnant woman to worry and experience stress, it is useful to know that pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy does not always mean something exclusively bad. After all, pregnancy is a natural process that is repeated in nature an infinite number of times; this process is controlled in most cases by the woman’s body itself.

    However, you should understand why abdominal pain may occur during pregnancy. Let's list the main ones.

    Causes of pain in a woman during pregnancy in the abdominal area

    • Sprain of the ligaments and adjacent muscles - since as pregnancy progresses, the fetus increases in size, and the uterus itself increases in size. It becomes heavier, and this puts additional stress on the muscle groups and ligaments that surround it. Also, pain when stretching muscle fibers and ligaments can be felt when a woman coughs, sneezes, or makes sudden movements. This condition is not dangerous for the health of the expectant mother, but it is recommended to be as careful as possible and try not to make sudden and careless movements.

    • Digestive problems – like any other person, a pregnant woman can make certain mistakes in her diet. But right now you should adjust your diet so that the expectant mother and her baby receive all the necessary nutrients. You should also pay attention to the fact that different foods are digested and absorbed differently by the body of a pregnant woman. If a woman is bothered by pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy, it is recommended to exclude from her diet or reduce the amount of foods that cause flatulence (excessive gas formation), which can cause pain, especially as the uterus enlarges as pregnancy progresses.
    • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can appear due to some gynecological diseases. This can include inflammatory processes of the ovaries, appendages, adnexitis, as well as the threat of miscarriage. Typically, such manifestations are accompanied by discharge mixed with blood and are dangerous symptom. Here you should definitely see a doctor.

    If there is a threat of miscarriage, the woman should be urgently taken to the hospital, where she will be examined for hormonal imbalances, existing infections, the degree of development and condition of the fetus. Next, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

    • Surgical diseases can also cause pain during pregnancy. This should include appendicitis and exacerbation of cholecystitis. Only surgery will help here.
    • There is also a risk of placental abruption, which can also cause abdominal pain during pregnancy. This condition is very dangerous for both the woman and the child, since there is a danger of rupture of blood vessels with subsequent bleeding. In this case, it is mandatory to call an ambulance and quickly carry out labor to stop the woman’s bleeding.

    • Often, a situation also arises when the lower abdomen hurts after sex. There are also several reasons that caused such unpleasant sensations. Firstly, careless or excessive sex, which can disturb the fetus and worsen its condition. Secondly, the threat of abortion may arise if there is already a predisposition to spontaneous miscarriage: This may be a hereditary factor or an excessively low position of the fetus.

    The listed reasons explained to us why the stomach hurts during pregnancy; Now we should study methods of preventing situations that cause such an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous condition. Let's look at them in more detail.

    The examples listed above of the causes of pain in a pregnant woman can help you understand what measures should be taken to prevent this condition from occurring.

    First of all, this is, of course, regular visits to the gynecologist. Detecting the onset of a disease is always better than subsequently treating it. Especially during pregnancy, when it comes to the health of both the pregnant woman and her unborn baby.

    The second most important recommendation should be considered a reduction in both physical and psychological stress. It's no secret that pregnancy changes hormonal background women, the perception of the surrounding reality becomes more acute, while a woman can take even the most insignificant things at first glance too close to her heart. Therefore, when the left side of the lower abdomen hurts in women, and the cause of such pain is elementary excessive eating or deterioration of digestion plus flatulence, a pregnant woman may be so afraid of the threat of miscarriage that her condition will sharply worsen and it will become necessary to call a doctor.

    Constant monitoring of the pregnant woman’s condition, conducting examinations and paying close attention to her health are all simple recommendations known to everyone, the implementation of which will allow the pregnancy to end successfully and preserve the health of the mother and child.

    How can you help a pregnant woman improve her condition and reduce pain?

    To relieve abdominal pain during pregnancy, it is not enough to take an analgin tablet, as you would do for a headache. After all, there is a question of the health of both the woman and her baby. Therefore, you should be very careful about this condition and react to it correctly.

    We list the points that you should pay attention to in order not to harm the health of a pregnant woman.

    1. If a pregnant woman starts bleeding, you should definitely call ambulance- this indicator may indicate the presence of some serious disorder or the threat of miscarriage, especially if the bleeding is severe and continues for some time.
    2. Nagging pain in the right side of the abdomen, especially in the first half of pregnancy, often only indicates a severe sprain of the ligaments that support the growing uterus. This is not scary, you should give yourself rest more often and not increase physical activity. More frequent rest and less stress are the main treatments for this condition. A light back massage and a short, non-hot bath will also help here.
    3. The occurrence of abdominal pain in the first trimester of pregnancy, as a rule, is not dangerous either for the health of the baby or for the expectant mother, since during this period the body adapts to changes in hormonal levels, the uterus begins to increase in size, and the load on the ligaments, muscles and joints increases , which can cause various types of pain.

    During pregnancy, a woman sometimes feels discomfort or pain in the abdomen. This is also associated with hormonal changes in the body, with the growth of the tummy, with the exacerbation of diseases that in the normal body were in a “dormant” state. A pregnant woman is most anxious when discomfort or pain occurs in the abdominal area - an organ that is directly connected to the baby. The stomach, compared to the heart and liver, is not a single organ. In his “department” there are many organs, tissues, etc. If something is sick, it is hardly possible to determine on your own what exactly it is. Therefore, you need to urgently go to the doctor. You should familiarize yourself with the types of pain that occur in the abdomen and what they signal. The sensations that appear in the abdomen when carrying a baby are conventionally divided into obstetric and non-obstetric. When they say “obstetric,” they are referring to the sensations that occur in a woman’s body due to pregnancy. For example, the baby’s movements on later or short-term pain in the side. Such symptoms are considered harmless and do not require the intervention of medical professionals. At the beginning of pregnancy, moderate pain is not considered a signal for alarm, but is caused by physiological changes: the tissues that make up the supporting apparatus of the uterus soften, they stretch and shift as a result of the growth of this organ. Often, such pain bothers expectant mothers who had painful periods before pregnancy. But, you need to remember: if a pregnant woman feels a nagging or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, or “aches” in the sacral area, she must consult a specialist. This may signal the onset of a miscarriage. The probability increases induced abortion if the pain is accompanied by discharge. If measures are taken in a timely manner, an accident can be avoided.

    In addition, hormonal changes in the pregnant body cause the intestines to function more slowly, which leads to stagnation of the contents in it. An environment favorable for the growth of bacteria is created. To alleviate the condition, it is advised not to overload the intestines: eat wisely (several times a day in small portions). Pain sensations can also be caused by stretching of the intestines, which are compressed by the enlarged uterus. A decrease in immune defense, as well as changes in blood circulation in small vessels of internal organs, also lead to conditions that contribute to the development of inflammation. As a result of the displacement of organs, the greater omentum, which should delimit inflammatory processes in abdominal cavity, is shifted by the uterus, making poor contact with the internal organs, which leads to the rapid spread of the inflammatory process to nearby organs, causing their inflammation. In another case, if we talk about non-obstetric sensations, we mean those that are inherent to every person, regardless of gender and age.

    Thus, abdominal pain can be signs of the most various diseases. Here are the main ones.

    Types of abdominal pain during pregnancy


    It happens very rarely in pregnant women; it causes severe pain near the navel, in the right hypochondrium, and right side. At the same time, high fever, nausea and vomiting appear. During the second trimester, there are cases of acute appendicitis that require urgent medical intervention. In this case, the pain appears sharply and manifests itself in sudden strong attacks, gradually acquiring a regular aching character. As with simple appendicitis, it can be accompanied by nausea and increased body temperature.


    Inflammation of the bladder manifests itself as characteristic nagging pain, as well as a feeling of heaviness over the womb. During filling of the bladder, the pain intensifies, becoming sharp and cutting, and reaches its greatest intensity at the end of urination. A woman who suffers from cystitis always wants “small”, but urine is released in small portions. Sometimes there may be blood at the end of urination.


    This is an inflammation of the gallbladder, which manifests itself as pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. In this case, the pain can be both dull and aching, and sharp, cramping. In the first case, chronic cholecystitis occurs, in the second - acute. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, vomiting, belching, and bloating. As a rule, an attack begins after non-compliance with the diet (when consuming fatty and fried foods) or can be triggered by shaking while driving. This is especially fraught with the presence of gallstones.


    If a woman has already been diagnosed with chronic gastritis before conception, it is quite possible that while she is expecting a child it will worsen and manifest itself with greater force. In this case, the woman feels discomfort in the upper abdomen. To avoid this, you need to avoid eating too spicy and salty foods and overeating. In addition, some medications (paracetamol, Nurofen), especially hormonal ones, are unsafe.


    This disease manifests itself as acute pain in the upper abdomen (episgastric region, right or left hypochondrium). Along with the pain, the patient complains of vomiting, stool disturbances, and low blood pressure.

    Duodenal disease

    An intestinal infection is indicated by pain near the navel, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes there may be an increase in body temperature. During the period of bearing a baby, this is dangerous because the tone of the intestines contributes to the tone of the uterus. In addition, an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria can provoke a threat of termination of a woman’s pregnancy. Under the influence of hormones, intestinal motility may be impaired, which leads to constipation. Then the pregnant woman experiences not at all pleasant sensations in the lower lateral areas of the abdomen. To avoid constipation, you need to take a number of measures that make the large intestine function. For example, eat vegetables or fruits, bread with wheat bran. Physical exercise will be helpful.

    Foodborne illnesses

    It happens that abdominal pain is caused by poisoning, or rather, toxic food infections. This occurs if microorganisms enter the gastrointestinal tract, causing intoxication of the body. The most probable reasons contamination is considered to be dirty water, food or unwashed hands. When infected, the patient experiences nagging or cramping pain near the navel, loose stools, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. There may be an increase in temperature. In very severe cases, body weakness, pallor, decreased blood pressure, and rapid pulse are noted. In this case, the person is sent to a hospital for treatment.

    As you can see, a wide variety of diseases can cause pain in the lower abdomen, so if such symptoms occur, it is important to seek help from a doctor as quickly as possible. If you experience pain that you have never experienced before, you should immediately call an ambulance. In some cases, it is possible to cope with the ailment at home; sometimes tests, consultations with doctors and treatment in medical institutions may be required.

    Lower abdominal pain, pulling sensations in the lumbar region - almost every woman who is expecting a child faces this. You shouldn’t panic right away; sometimes unpleasant sensations do not pose a threat, but in some cases they can become an alarming signal.

    Causes of pain during pregnancy

    The most common cause of abdominal pain during pregnancy is a sprain of the ligaments that support the growing uterus in the correct position. As the baby grows, the ligaments become more tense, which causes pain. Typically, pain associated with a sprain occurs with a sudden change in position, physical activity, coughing or sneezing. In order to get rid of pain or reduce it, you should wear a bandage and lie down more.

    Pain due to spasm

    Another common cause of abdominal pain is intestinal cramps. This often happens as a result of poor nutrition, excessive consumption of fatty and heavy foods. During pregnancy, intestinal motility decreases due to the pressure of the growing uterus, so if a woman is prone to bloating and abdominal pain, she should follow a diet. For severe dull pain, you can use activated charcoal and antispasmodics.

    Constipation can cause abdominal pain

    Constipation can cause abdominal pain. In order to avoid constipation, it is recommended to drink more fluids and eat foods that relax the intestines, vegetables, dairy products, and bran.

    These pains are not dangerous, but in some cases the pain can be a symptom of serious health problems or even indicate a risk of pregnancy.

    Pain sometimes indicates abdominal diseases such as pancreatitis, appendicitis or intestinal obstruction. If she is very worried, you must immediately call an ambulance. Pain associated with any disease is accompanied by other symptoms: nausea, loose stools, high temperature, general malaise.

    One of the worst causes of abdominal pain can be the threat of termination of pregnancy. In such cases, the pain is localized in the lower abdomen, has a cramping nature, and is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower back. If discomfort is accompanied by bloody discharge, you should urgently seek medical help. There is no need to waste time; in such cases, every second counts. Fortunately, in most cases, pregnancy can be saved.

    Pain during ectopic pregnancy

    Severe pain can occur with an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, it is released in the rectum. In this case, there is a general deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman, vomiting, bleeding, and sometimes fainting. Basically, an ectopic pregnancy is terminated at about 7 weeks, but if such symptoms appear earlier, you should urgently consult a gynecologist. If the pain appears suddenly and increases quickly, you should not hesitate to call an ambulance and not refuse hospitalization.

    When pain appears, you should not immediately think about the worst, but, nevertheless, you should not treat pain negligently. And, under no circumstances should you use painkillers without first consulting your doctor. If the pain is not severe and there are no other threatening symptoms, you should spend some time in bed, relax and not frighten yourself with unpleasant thoughts. However, if the pain increases, there is no need to wait - it is better to play it safe and see a doctor.

    If it happens that your stomach hurts during pregnancy, the reasons for this can be very different. They are usually divided into obstetric and non-obstetric.

    • Obstetrics. They occur in a woman’s body due to pregnancy
    • Not obstetric. Such diseases can affect all people, regardless of age and gender.

    Therefore, if a woman begins to have stomach pain during pregnancy, she should consult a doctor. There are situations when you cannot do without medical help, and in a short time.

    Abdominal pain during pregnancy without abnormalities.

    IN first trimester, pain in the very lower abdomen is possible, arising due to physiological processes taking place against the background of changes in the hormonal status of a pregnant woman. The tissues supporting the uterus begin to soften, shift and stretch. It is for this reason that nagging pain occurs.

    During second trimester, nagging pain is associated with stretching muscles of the abdominal wall, displacement and compression of internal organs by an enlarged uterus. During this period, intestinal peristalsis becomes slower, so it is very important: 4-5 times a day in small portions.

    Overeating leads to prolonged presence of food in the intestines, which increases fermentation, flatulence, and unpleasant sensations appear.

    Abdominal pain during pregnancy due to pathologies

    There are situations when abdominal pain is a sign of dangerous conditions that require immediate medical attention.

    These include:

    1. Threat of abortion. The contractility of the uterus increases, but the fetus is still attached to the wall. In the area of ​​the sacrum and lower abdomen there is a feeling of heaviness and nagging pain. There is no bloody discharge.
    2. The beginning of the abortion. Uterine contractions become more frequent, detachment begins from the wall ovum. The pain increases and can become cramping in nature. They appear from the vagina.
    3. Abortion. The fertilized egg is completely separated from the uterine wall and falls down. Cramping pain appears in the lower abdomen and severe bleeding occurs.
    4. The fertilized egg leaves the uterine cavity.

    During pregnancy, stomach pain may also occur due to other diseases.

    During pregnancy, women's blood circulation changes, which facilitates the occurrence of various diseases. Let's look at some of them.

    • Appendicitis during pregnancy. This disease is quite rare and makes itself felt by severe pain in the navel area, right hypochondrium and side. , nausea and vomiting appear.
    • Chronic gastritis during pregnancy. If this disease was previously diagnosed, there is a possibility of its exacerbation. At the same time, the upper abdomen begins to hurt, and the woman is required to give up spicy and salty foods and avoid overeating.
    • Pancreatitis during pregnancy. The sign is acute pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting, bowel dysfunction, and low blood pressure.
    • Cystitis during pregnancy. Cystitis is called inflammation of the bladder, accompanied by nagging pain and a feeling of heaviness over the womb. When the bladder is full, the pain becomes stronger, becomes cutting in nature, and becomes most intense after urination is completed. With this disease, a woman constantly wants to go to the toilet, but urine is released in small portions.
    • Cholecystitis during pregnancy. This is an inflammation of the gallbladder, in which a feeling of heaviness and pain occurs in the right hypochondrium. As a rule, an attack begins as a result of a diet violation.
      • Painful sensations may be:
        • Aching
        • Dumb
        • Cramping
        • Spicy
      • May feel:
        • Bitterness in the mouth
        • Vomit
        • Nausea
        • Belching
        • Heartburn
        • Bloating


    As we can see, if the stomach hurts during pregnancy, the causes can be a variety of pathologies, both related to the appearance of the fetus in the body of the expectant mother, and not dependent on this. Some ailments can be dealt with on your own, but to treat others it is better to contact medical institution to complete various studies. And if pain arises that has not been encountered before, calling an ambulance would be a reasonable step.

    Why does the stomach and lower abdomen hurt, ache, tingle during pregnancy? Why do pregnant women have a stomach ache like during menstruation?

    Pregnancy is, in any case, stress for the female body. His reaction is difficult to predict. Some tolerate their new condition well, while others may experience various problems, including abdominal pain.
    The reasons for the appearance of such pain in expectant mothers are different, and if they arise, you should, of course, consult a specialist who will help determine their true cause.

    The first month of pregnancy and in the early stages, stomach pain as during menstruation: reasons

    From the moment the egg is fertilized and right up to the birth itself, processes occur in the body of the expectant mother that can cause painful sensations. And although these sensations are not very pleasant for the expectant mother, neither she herself nor the baby are in danger.

    1. The fertilized egg moves towards the uterus and settles in it. The fertilized egg, penetrating into the endometrium, irritates or slightly damages the lining of the uterus or even a small blood vessel. This causes minor pain sensations, similar to those that occur before the onset of her menstruation
    2. Later, in the first month of pregnancy, a woman’s hormonal background changes dramatically. In particular, progesterone is actively synthesized, which is responsible, among other things, for preparing the endometrial layer so that the fertilized egg is fixed in it and the pregnancy is carried to term normally. It may also cause some pain in the uterine area
    3. During the same period, the woman’s ligaments gradually stretch while waiting, and the condition of the spine changes, as changes occur in the center of gravity of the body. After all, the uterus, together with the embryo located in it, not only becomes larger, but also changes its position within the body. Its bottom rises higher relative to the organs, and accordingly, the ligaments holding the uterus are stretched
    Pain over the pubic bone shortly after conception may accompany the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    If a woman in the early stages constantly has pain under the navel, the pain increases in intensity, radiating to the leg, hypochondrium, rectum, the gynecologist, first of all, will send her for an ultrasound to make sure that the fertilized egg is where it is supposed to be, in uterine cavity.

    Necessary rule out ectopic pregnancy, which happens if the fertilized egg has not completed its passage to the uterus, but has attached itself outside its cavity - in one of the fallopian tubes, cervix, etc. The fertilized egg grows and develops, expanding the fallopian tube. Pain syndrome develops. Ultimately, if this process is not stopped at the start, the enlarged fertilized egg, exceeding the diameter of the fallopian tube, can rupture it.

    Ectopic pregnancy is a serious obstetric and gynecological problem and threatens a woman’s health with organ rupture and internal bleeding.

    Threat of miscarriage

    IMPORTANT: An expectant mother may have pain in the lower abdomen due to the threat of miscarriage

    1. The tone of the uterus increases, which provokes detachment of the fertilized egg and its expulsion
    2. At the same time, a pregnant woman has aching and pulling above the pubic bone, radiating to the lower back. She begins to have spotting - from slight pinkish to bright red-scarlet.
    3. If there is a suspicion of a threat of spontaneous abortion, the only solution here is an ambulance and hospitalization. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the woman should remain at rest.

    Corpus luteum cyst

    Pain in the area of ​​the internal genital organs in a pregnant woman may occur due to a corpus luteum cyst.

    The corpus luteum is a temporary organ that produces progesterone, its function is to maintain pregnancy and form the placenta.
    Sometimes it happens that the corpus luteum grows and its size does not correspond to the norm.

    This condition is called a corpus luteum cyst. A corpus luteum cyst does not pose a particular threat to a pregnant woman, but it can produce pain that is not strong or sharp, but localized in one place. If a pregnant woman has a corpus luteum cyst, rest and some behavioral changes are recommended, which the gynecologist will tell her about.

    Relapses of chronic diseases

    There is a tendency that during the period of bearing a child, expectant mothers experience an aggravation of those diseases that they chronically suffered from before pregnancy, and from which the lower abdomen hurts.

    Chronic diseases of the abdominal organs during pregnancy often recur.

    For example, if before she became pregnant, a woman had diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system, then they may worsen during pregnancy or due to violations of the regime.


    IMPORTANT: Appendicitis is another possible cause of abdominal pain in a woman expecting a baby

    Poor nutrition

    Uncomfortable sensations are not necessarily associated with “ interesting situation" Everyone knows the whims of expectant mothers in food, when they want a cake, and after that - half a jar of pickles, then sweets, and then shrimp. Such sudden changes in nutrition provoke impaired intestinal motility, flatulence, and pain. For the discomfort to go away, a woman needs to more or less balance her diet.

    VIDEO: Why does my stomach hurt in the early stages of pregnancy?

    Why does my stomach hurt at night during pregnancy, like during menstruation?

    If the expectant mother does not have chronic diseases and no pathologies related to bearing a child have arisen, in principle she should not have pain, especially such aching and cramping pain as during menstruation.

    Pain can occur due to the reasons described above, or due to:

  • overwork
  • a woman staying in one position for a long time
  • However, there is a real reason to call an ambulance or, at a minimum, call your doctor if:

    • a woman painfully feels a squeezing, pulling and aching lump in the lower abdomen
    • if discomfort increases both at rest (at night) and after physical overload

    The cause of such sensations may be cramping contractions of the uterus during impending or spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

    IMPORTANT: If the uterus is hypertonic, it is tense and painful, regardless of the time of day. Women often experience similar sensations in the first days of menstruation. Starting from the second half of pregnancy, such a pathological preliminary state must also be monitored by a doctor.

    Why does the lower abdomen hurt during pregnancy?

    Discomfort in the lower abdomen in a woman who is expecting a baby often occurs when:

    • the uterus grows along with the embryo in it
    • abdominal muscles become overstrained
    • the growing uterus changes its position relative to other internal organs - the muscles and ligaments that support it can stretch
      violations and changes in the diet of a pregnant woman
    • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, constipation occurs
    • there is a risk of spontaneous abortion or premature birth
    • the embryo implants outside the uterus
    • extragenetic inflammation occurs

    Why does the left stomach hurt during pregnancy?

    If a pregnant woman has pain on the left side of her abdomen, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

    In the abdominal cavity and pelvic area of ​​a woman is located a large number of internal organs held in place by a corset of muscles and ligaments. This explains the fact that if pain occurs, it can not only spread throughout the abdomen, but also be localized in one place or another.

    If it hurts on the left, then it is most likely caused by one of the overstretched ligaments that support the grown uterus. Often resting or changing your body position is enough to feel good.

    There is a possibility of pain due to inflammation of organs in the pelvis and abdominal cavity:

    • left ovary
    • left appendage
    • Bladder
    • left kidney

    If the embryo inside the uterus attaches to the left, this sometimes leads to some pain discomfort in the woman due to cramping.

    IMPORTANT: In any case, it is best to ask your doctor about your specific individual cause of such pain

    Why does the right stomach hurt during pregnancy?

    Pain on the right side of the abdomen during pregnancy should be taken more seriously.
    The reasons may be:

    1. The fertilized egg has implanted in the uterus on the right side, which causes painful cramps in the pregnant woman.
    2. Overstretching or pinching of the muscles and ligaments that support the gravid uterus
    3. The baby moves in the uterus on the right side, his pushes for the mother can sometimes be painful for her
    4. The fertilized egg was implanted in the right fallopian tube(some symptoms of this: pain in the right abdomen, bleeding, weakness of the woman)
    5. Appendicitis
    6. Pinched muscles and ligaments, adhesions
    7. Cyst rupture on the right
    8. Inflammatory processes in internal organs

    Why does my stomach hurt like during menstruation during pregnancy at 15-16 weeks?

    At 15–16 weeks from conception, toxicosis, if there was any, goes away. The fruit is actively developing. A pregnant woman, in the absence of pathologies, may experience pain in the lumbar spine due to the increased load on it. A natural cause of pain similar to menstrual pain may be the growth of the uterus and the restructuring of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus associated with it.

    Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester at 20-21 weeks?

    In the middle of pregnancy, the expectant mother's stomach may hurt, again, due to natural reasons. But it can also signal varying degrees of serious problems with carrying a baby.

    Physiology can explain if a woman’s lower abdomen is slightly sick and hurts:

    • occasionally
    • when changing body position
    • with overstrain in the abdomen, back or legs

    There may be a threat of placental abruption or spontaneous abortion if:

    • pain syndrome will increase
    • the pain doesn't go away for a long time
    • it radiates to the lower back
    • discharge appeared

    In the second trimester, the expectant mother may be tormented by painful hypertonicity of the uterus.

    Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy at 30-31 weeks?

    At 30–31 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of both the baby in the womb and, accordingly, the woman increases. The load on her spine, organs and joints also increases.
    During this period, the stomach should not hurt, unless the woman ate something wrong and irritated the intestines, causing flatulence.

    Why does my stomach hurt like menstruation during pregnancy at 33 weeks?

    Overwork, physical overload and training contractions are the causes of abdominal pain in expectant mothers in the last two months before childbirth.

    Perhaps the uterus has begun to contract and there is a risk of premature birth.
    Also, training contractions may cause some pain. To make sure that everything is fine, it is better to contact the gynecologist who is in charge of the pregnancy, or call an ambulance.

    Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy at 35-36 weeks?

    If during this period the stomach not only hurts, but there is also a feeling of petrification, it means that the tone of the uterus increases, which can lead to premature birth.

    Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy at 37-38 weeks?

    At 37–38 weeks, the expectant mother’s stomach may hurt for obvious reasons. Her body is preparing for childbirth, the cervix begins to gradually open. This process is accompanied by cramping, aching pain. At this moment you need to relax, take a comfortable position or take a shower.

    Nagging pain in the lower abdomen at 38 weeks means that the uterus is preparing for childbirth, becoming toned and relaxing.

    Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy at 40-41 weeks?

    The pregnancy period has come to an end, and if a woman has a stomach ache, she may be going into labor. Contractions may be minor at first, with significant periods of time between them. Then they become more frequent, and the period of time between them decreases. Childbirth is coming soon!

    VIDEO: Signs of the onset of labor. When is it time to go to the maternity hospital?

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