• A stupid man decided to marry a divorcee with a child. Marry a divorcee


    My article “Six Reasons...” is soon turning two years old. Well, friends, your comments fully met my expectations, although I am somewhat surprised by their number and the resonance that the article caused in RuNet. I suspected a storm was threatening the article, but not of this magnitude, I admit.

    Already on the second day after publication, I realized that I simply could not physically answer everyone individually. I decided to highlight a few typical reactions and respond to all readers en masse.

    So, comments can be divided into the following groups of authors:

    1. Furious ladies.

    I’ll call them softer...uh, well, let’s say, “inadequate.” The comments are often very laconic, but emotional:

    “Yessss, dear, you are sick, you are sick! Angry beyond measure! Looks like your ex got you to the bone!”

    “What you wrote about divorced women is complete crap!!! Look at yourself! There are some points about the complexity of relationships, but mostly the stupidity of a selfish male!!! It is not for nothing that all men have an inferior set of chromosomes - XY; one of the chromosomes is missing a shoulder. And that's it!"

    “What a bastard you are, Dima!”

    “The author is clearly not in demand among non-divorced and unmarried women. I asked the divorced women, but they didn’t give it. I was offended and wrote an article in revenge.”

    “Who offended you so much?”

    “Nobody just gives it to you”

    Well, there's nothing to talk about here. The overwhelming negative emotions and the lack of any constructiveness speak for themselves: the article hit the top ten and stirred up a hornet's nest. Russian women are reacting in a completely predictable way.

    2. Excited ladies

    They explain to me that “every case is completely different,” that everything is different for everyone. Different, different, but you can only count the collapse scenarios on your fingers modern family. They are TYPICAL. Don't believe me? Come to ABF and read, read, read.....

    They give me examples of “real men” who despise their own “selfishness” (I’m afraid it’s not “selfishness”, but common sense, their interests and feelings self-esteem), married divorced women and live “happily.” The final conclusion lies in the manipulative woman’s cliche “If you love a woman, love his child.”

    “Do you love a woman? Love her child too. and if you consider yourself a benefactor (married to a divorcee, feeding someone else’s child), well, the attitude towards you will be appropriate.
    either you love children or you don't like children. and mine, not mine, is a bitch way of thinking.”

    3. Ladies waving the word "love"

    They reproach me for never loving. They ardently convince that love actually “conquers all.”

    I’m surprised: what does love have to do with it? I fully accept falling in love with a divorcee with a child. How does this lead to marrying her? For modern women the word “love” is a universal bargaining chip. Any abomination is justified if committed in the name of “holy love”: debauchery, adultery, leaving the family (of course, only if a woman leaves; if a man leaves the family, then this is called “a lustful goat betrayed his family and abandoned his children”). Love in their eyes justifies irresponsibility and stupidity.

    The antonym of “love” in the eyes of women is the “selfishness” (of course, of a man) of “this bastard,” who (don’t be a fool) just doesn’t want to marry such a beautiful, all-out wonderful divorcee with a child. It is he, the “egoist”, who dares to think about dubious prospects own life with this woman and evaluate her qualities as a potential wife, instead of giving in to “all-consuming love,” which he (“the scoundrel”) is not capable of. What vile men: they dare to think about THEIR INTERESTS!

    Women in Russia are so accustomed to the fact that a man is just an appendage to them, a hybrid of an ATM and a vibrator, a pocket whipping boy, a performer of any kind. woman's wishes, a creature eternally indebted to a woman only because she makes him happy SOMETIMES (when his head doesn’t hurt) by spreading her legs, that any thought about the INTERESTS OF MEN causes them to hysterically and an evil snake hiss.

    4. “Child-loving” ladies,

    who, shaking their fists, curse the men for abandoning their children. In their understanding, it is men (well, who else?) who are to blame for the appearance of divorced women with children.

    How tired I am of this vile WOMAN'S LIE! Let's turn to the FACTS.

    60-83% of marriages break up, in 75-80% of cases, the initiative for divorce comes from the WOMAN. 98% of children are automatically left with their mother, 70% of ex-wives ACTIVELY PREVENT fathers from communicating with their children!

    Every year, 124 thousand (!) claims regarding the place of residence of a child are considered - apparently, these are just those fathers who “abandoned” their children, yeah.

    Haven't heard of Father's Committee? About how men are forced to convey new Year gifts to your children through the President? Have you heard about the fathers' movement protests against discrimination against fathers?

    Haven't heard that there are more than a million single fathers, but maternity capital Do they have to go through the courts? And about the fact that women are TEN TIMES more likely to evade alimony payments? (data from Goskomstat)

    Type in a search engine “how to get pregnant from a man if he is against it” - how many fools follow these tips and try to tie men in this way, commit meanness, and then complain that they were “abandoned”.

    5. The overwhelming majority of men shake my hand.

    Regarding your article about divorced women, I’ll say - you’re 99.9% right (I’ll leave 0.01% to theoretically existing normal women). But things are even worse. Each (almost) of the young ladies, still in search of their one and only in our time, imagines him, no less than Tom Cruise, in a white Caddilac with an apartment in Moscow and a villa nearby. THAT IS EXCLUSIVELY FROM A CONSUMER POINT OF VIEW. And a girl of marriageable age believes that she is the one who deserves it, without even thinking about what kind of person she is in spiritual terms and what she looks like externally. After wondering why the prince has not yet appeared (and nature narcotically pulls her into marriage over the years), the individual begins to look closely at the options existing around her, but for her this is already called rummaging through the trash, looking for her, as she thinks, among the unworthy (and how she makes them happy). Afterwards an ugly semblance of a marriage is built and, according to all natural reflexes, an unhappy child appears. Of course, this unfortunate union cannot last long, since it is based on “just give it, but if you can’t, you’re an idiot, get lost, that’s just me” and the result is a divorcee with a hem, but still SUFFERING WITH PRIDE AND LOVE OF AVER. But time passes and sooner or later the realization comes that “to hell with no one’s use.” AND THEN THE REQUESTS FALL SHARPLY, then the cucumber already seems like a phallus, and every man is so dear and sweet, this happens around the age of 30-35 and HAPPENS INEVITABLY, because... You have to pay for your sins, and you’re not the only one who has to pay. And against the backdrop of this, men have increasingly become noticeable who, even by the age of 30-40, fundamentally do not want to share such a fate, either with pullets overcome by mercantilism and pride, or with pleasing second-hand divorcees, but simply go and buy themselves a prostitute.

    Respect, brother! Write so clearly and competently without unnecessary fluff and to the point. Well done!!

    All the reasons are spot on!! I fully support the author, because I myself am faced with this and I see that my friends are having trouble building normal relationships and the reason is precisely that for a woman with a child, a man is always in third place, some people put up with this, but there are only a few of them , more often a woman intuitively reduces the importance of the child and sends him or her mother or more often lets her go to her ex, but this also does not happen often!! and about divorced women, it doesn’t matter whether she’s single or not, I completely agree, because... There is disrespect and contempt for men in your head and the woman does not realize this, but it constantly slips through, it is useless to correct, so after the first date you stop communicating, because... It’s already clear where this is all going!! In general, I fully support the author!! I can imagine the reaction of women who will throw around phrases like: real men, not real, etc.!!)))

    I agree with the article 100%. Sometimes they also marry divorced women, but this is not the same relationship, and the “girl” is no longer the same. A man loses a lot in an alliance with such a second-rate lady. You need to see the child’s first steps and experience everything from scratch. The point for divorced women is to raise their own child at someone else’s expense.

    6. There are also smart women.

    And admonished. There are, alas, only a few of them.

    As much as I would like to shout: “Bullshit! Lie! Everything is wrong!” - alas, much of what is described seems to be true. Somewhere I found myself. Somehow I immediately didn’t want to get a divorce, although I seriously thought about it. Respect to you!

    Who still marries divorced women with children:

    1. Outright losers, low-ranking men, losers, hereditary henpecked men, ALENI. They simply have nothing to lose. Perhaps in such a marriage they will even gain something.

    My friend married a divorcee with a daughter. He simply has nowhere to live and he understands that he will no longer achieve any special success in life; he does not want his own children.

    2. Divorced men and generally older men with adult children. They are not faced with the reproductive issue and they want to live out their lives with at least someone.

    The set often intersects with item 1

    3. Really naive men who fell for the “deception mode” (see). I truly feel sorry for them. The only consolation is that their number is rapidly decreasing. Russian men are getting smarter.

    Why did I write this article?

    2. It is very important to deprive girls and young women of that ILLUSION of the abundance of princes who are supposedly waiting for them around that corner (divorce).

    I promised you, my readers,

    the seventh reason not to marry a divorcee with a child

    « ...but I say to you: whoever divorces his wife for reasons other than adultery and marries another commits adultery; and he who marries a divorced woman commits adultery«

    (Matthew 19:3-9)

    « I tell you: whoever divorces his wife, except for the guilt of adultery, gives her a reason to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.«

    (Matthew 5:27-32)

    « He said to them: whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if a wife divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.«

    (Mark 10:11-12)

    There is also an eighth!

    I present it as a bonus for regular readers of our magazine. Read these enraged, rage-filled, hateful comments on the article by most women. Most likely, they were written either by divorced women or potential divorced women, filled with female “solidarity.” Read it and be horrified: is it they who are calling on them to build families? Maybe a man can have some kind of constructive dialogue with such women? What do you think, men?

    « The Holy Scriptures say: “what God has joined together, let no man put asunder,” “and the two shall become one flesh.” In the Holy Scriptures, the second marriage of a woman after a divorce from her first husband is called adultery, but there are many cases when in our time the Church solemnizes such marriages. Why?“Yulia asks this question.

    « I wanted to understand for myself: if a girl got married and divorced according to worldly law, and her second marriage was consummated, for her second husband it will be considered that he married a divorced woman (and does it follow from this “whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery”)?“A reader of the Foma.ru portal is already asking this.

    « If it is a sin, then why does the Church allow 2nd and 3rd marriages? For reasons of economy, what is it? After all, in the church there are means to overcome fornication (this is fasting, prayer, the sacraments), and if a person does not want to lift a finger to fight sin, can such a person be considered Orthodox at all?“Anton expresses his opinion on this issue.

    « I would really like to get an answer to the question that is now tormenting me. Several years ago, my husband and I divorced (through my fault), and then I married someone else (he had not been married before). Then I knew nothing about the fact that you can’t get a divorce and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. Since I found out, this sin has been tormenting me, it turns out that I myself have sinned and brought someone else into sin. What should I do, what should I do, please answer“- a woman who did not identify herself writes to the priest.

    Attitude in antiquity

    Opening the Gospel, you can find the following lines in it, however, in different places and in different contexts:

    But I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for the guilt of adultery, gives her a reason to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery (Matthew 32:5).

    Whoever divorces his wife for reasons other than adultery and marries another commits adultery; and he who marries a divorced woman commits adultery (Matthew 19:9).

    Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her; and if a wife divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery (Matthew 10:11-12).

    Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery (Luke 16:18).

    But to those who have entered into marriage, I command not I, but the Lord: the wife must not divorce her husband, but if she divorces, she must remain single, or be reconciled with her husband, and the husband must not leave his wife (1 Cor. 7:11).

    A married woman is bound by law to her living husband; and if her husband dies, she is freed from the law of marriage. Therefore, if she marries another while her husband is alive, she is called an adulteress; if her husband dies, she is free from the law, and will not be an adulteress if she marries another husband (Rom. 7:2-3).

    The attitude of the holy fathers

    We can read about this from the holy fathers:

    “Whether he (a divorced man) marries an undivorced woman or a divorced woman, he still commits adultery” (Zigaben, Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew).

    “The first (marriage) is law, the second is indulgence, the third is lawlessness. And whoever transgresses this limit is like a pig, and there are not many examples of such shame. Although the law grants divorce for any fault, Christ does not do so for any fault, but allows only separation from the adulteress, yet he commands to endure everything else wisely, and excommunicates the adulteress because she damages the race” (Gregory the Theologian, Works, part 3).

    “If, sir,” I said, “a husband has a wife faithful in the Lord and notices her in adultery, will he be sinful by living with her?” And he answered me: “As long as a husband does not know the sin of his wife, he does not sin if he lives with her. If her husband finds out about her sin, and she does not repent of her adultery, then the husband will sin by living with her and will become a participant in her adultery.” “What should I do,” I asked, “if the wife continues in her vice?” “Let her husband let her go and be left alone. If, having let go of his wife, he takes another, then he himself will accept the sin of adultery.” “Well, sir, if a released wife repents and wishes to return to her husband, should she be accepted by her husband?” “If her husband does not accept her, he will commit a great sin,” he answered me. — One should accept a sinner who repents, but not many times. For for the servants of God there is only one repentance. Therefore, for the sake of repentance, a husband should not, having released his wife, take another for himself. The wife should do the same. ...Therefore, you are commanded that you remain single, both husband and wife, for in this case repentance can take place. But I give no reason for this to be done: let him who has already sinned no longer sin. As for his former sins, there is God who can give healing, for He has power over everything” (Hermas, Shepherd, commandment 4).

    “What is the commandment? “A wife should not divorce her husband” and “a husband should not leave his wife.” The Lord primarily had husbands in mind when he commanded them to “divorce their wives, except for the guilt of adultery” (Matt. 5:32). And the Apostle especially addresses this commandment to wives. It is true that in Corinth, women enjoyed greater rights, and husbands allowed themselves greater freedom. He had already calmed down the latter quite a bit with a strict judgment against an incestuous man, then applying this severity to all fornicators and adulterers. Now he humbles his wives so that they do not quickly begin to separate. Why does he say: “if she gets divorced, then she must remain celibate, or reconcile with her husband” - she will reconcile - she will reconcile. He does not remember the reasons for separation, therefore, whatever the reason. He said this to one wife; but since throughout his speech, his husband and wife are in equality in everything, then we must assume that this restriction also applies to the husband, i.e., that if he leaves his wife, let him remain celibate, or let him reconcile with his wife" (Theophan the Recluse, Commentary on the last part of 1 Cor.).

    “The apostle tries to keep the marriage bond unbroken. For by prescribing abstinence to the one separating, he thereby prevents the dissolution of the marriage. By prohibiting marriage with another, it forces both parties to return to their previous marriage.” Limits their freedom so that, even if there are reasons for separation, they are more willing to use all means for reconciliation rather than rush into divorce. Adultery is not excluded here, of course, under the condition of sincere repentance on the part of the sinner” (Blessed Theodoret).

    “A woman left by her husband, in my opinion, should remain celibate. For when the Lord said: “Whoever divorces his wife, except for the guilt of adultery, gives her cause to commit adultery” (Matt. 5:32): then by calling her an adulteress, he thereby forbade her to cohabit with another. For how is it possible for a husband to be guilty as the perpetrator of adultery, and a wife to be innocent, having been called an adulteress by the Lord for having intercourse with another husband?” (Basily the Great, Letter to Amphilochius on the rules, second letter, art. 48).

    “Marriage with divorced spouses is adultery! The Lord Himself gave a precise answer to those who asked Him about this: “I tell you: whoever divorces his wife, except for the guilt of fornication, gives her a reason to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery” (Matt. 5:32). And you still make excuses: “So she or he is free, they are divorced” (Ioann Krestyankin, Experience in Constructing a Confession).

    Opinions on Orthodox forums

    « It is possible that whoever marries a divorced woman because she is unfaithful to her husband commits a sin equal to her sin. However, look at the episode when a woman was brought to Christ, caught in the act of betraying her husband, whom he did not allow to be stoned, and on what basis“Svetlana, a member of the orthodoxy.cafe forum, writes about this problem.

    « Christians should not get divorced based on the statements in Matthew 19:3-9. But if you really want it, then they cheat you“Mikhail expresses his opinion.

    « A second wedding is allowed upon the death of the first spouse or in the event of a registered church divorce. Church divorce is carried out by the reigning bishop of the diocese upon clarification of the reasons. For the reasons why a divorce may be allowed, see the Basics of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church: « In 1918, the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, in its “Definition on the reasons for the dissolution of a marriage union sanctified by the Church,” recognized as such, in addition to adultery and the entry of one of the parties into a new marriage, also the apostasy of a spouse from Orthodoxy, unnatural vices, inability to marital cohabitation that occurred before marriage or resulted from intentional self-mutilation, leprosy or syphilis, long-term unknown absence, condemnation to punishment coupled with deprivation of all rights of the estate, encroachment on the life or health of the spouse or children, daughter-in-law, pimping, taking advantage of the indecency of the spouse , incurable serious mental illness and malicious abandonment of one spouse by the other. Currently, this list of grounds for divorce is supplemented by such reasons as AIDS, medically certified chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, and the wife committing an abortion with her husband’s disagreement.”- Evgeniy, an active participant in the Orthodox forum, quotes the document .

    Modern attitude

    Indeed, if a man marries a divorced woman, he commits adultery. But only if his future spouse is guilty of the previous divorce. If she is the initiator without a serious reason for divorce (treason, threat to life), or she has not suffered serious penance after the initiated divorce, then the man commits adultery.
    Marriage is not only a wedding; a marriage registered in the registry office is legal before God. Although, of course, for church-going Christians, a wedding is mandatory.

    In accordance with the high purity of life presented to us by the Gospel, the Church allows the second and third marriage as some imperfection in the life of a Christian, condescending only to human weakness as protection from sin. Saint Justin Martyr, a 2nd century writer, says that “those who enter into a second marriage with our Teacher (Jesus Christ) are considered sinners.” Basil the Great writes that a second marriage is only a cure against sin. According to Gregory the Theologian, “the first marriage is the law, the second is indulgence.” According to the 17th rule of the holy apostles, “whoever was obliged by holy baptism to two marriages cannot be a bishop, nor a presbyter, nor a deacon.” According to the 7th rule of the Neocaesarea Council (315), a bigamist needs to repent. The Church looks even more strictly at the third marriage, seeing in it predominant sensuality. In ancient times, a bigamist was sentenced to 1 to 2 years, and a tripartist was sentenced to 3 to 5 years of excommunication from the Eucharist.

    At the same time, he adds that if one of the spouses was not married, the wedding is performed in full rite, and not in the rite of the second marriage, which means a blessing is given.

    To complete the answer, I would like to recall that the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, in its Determination of December 28, 1998, condemned the actions of those confessors who “ prohibit their spiritual children from entering into a second marriage on the grounds that second marriage is allegedly condemned by the Church; prohibit married couples from divorcing in cases where, due to certain circumstances, family life becomes impossible for the spouses" At the same time, the Holy Synod decided “n remind pastors that in their attitude towards a second marriage Orthodox Church is guided by the words of the Apostle Paul: “Are you united to your wife? Don't look for a divorce. Are you left without a wife? Don't look for a wife. However, even if you get married, you will not sin; and if a girl marries, she will not sin... A wife is bound by the law as long as her husband lives; if her husband dies, she is free to marry whomever she wants, only in the Lord” (1 Cor. 7:27-28,39)».

    And remember: " there is no unforgiven sin except unrepentant sin«.

    Original taken from http://masculist.ru/blogs/post-12.html

    Lots of letters, but interesting

    Dmitry Seleznev - Six reasons not to marry a divorcee with a child

    I categorically do not recommend considering RSPs as candidates for a serious long-term relationship. I will list the main reasons and comment on them with quotes from http://www.antiwomen.ru/

    Reason 1
    And the simplest one: actually, a child or even children. After all, you like a woman, why should this fact make it necessary to take on the burden of raising someone else’s child? Women, as practice has shown, immediately accuse such a position of being “selfish.”

    Yes, a man should be an egoist, in the good sense of the word. He is simply obliged to take care of the continuation of HIS family, about best conditions for your family, for your own children.

    From time to time, women let it slip. No, no, something like this will come out of their mouth: “Yes, to a man, what difference does it make whether his child is his or not. Even better: the most problematic age is behind us.” Yes, there is a difference for men. And what another!

    Every normal man (and this is the law of nature) strives to raise HIS children, to pass on his skills, knowledge, wisdom, and property from generation to generation. But I want to do this only for the sake of blood heirs, those children in whom you can observe your own traits and the traits of your family.

    Moreover, the law of nature orders the male to spread his seed, his genes, wherever possible. But accepting other people's children is contrary to the very nature of a man. I’m not afraid of criticism and I’ll give an example from the life of the wild: the first thing lions do is kill the children of their female from a previous “marriage.”

    Other people's children themselves are a clear reminder of a woman's past belonging to another man.

    We want to ask those women who blame men for not wanting to marry a divorcee with a child: are you ready to raise a man’s children from previous marriages?

    Reason 2
    Marrying a woman with a child is simply unnatural. In the normal order of things, a woman enters a man's house and becomes new family with a man at the head. In the case of a divorce with children, the man enters an already existing (inferior) family, where the head is a woman. Thus, from the very beginning, the traditional, natural family hierarchy, headed by a man, husband, father of the family, is violated. This circumstance in itself calls into question the strength of such a family. It is unlikely that a building based on a “crooked foundation” will be durable.

    The mere joining of a man to an already existing family deals a blow to his pride and, to a large extent, determines the nature of the relationship between the spouses: the woman is in a state of stable dominance.

    Know: for a divorce with a child, you will always be in 3rd place: she, the child, you. Only in this order. And this is in best case scenario. For very often the role of a surrogate male head of the family is performed by the woman’s mother. She is the unconditional ally of a woman in a previous divorce, and, often, her instigator.

    “It’s not even a matter of “hierarchy” as subordination, but rather the priorities of the divorce department. She almost completely transfers her “failed” love for her husband onto the child, especially if it is a son (their words are “I have the most beloved and faithful man, and all the rest are kazly"). A mother who helps also becomes a stronghold of reliability. Well, a woman always remembers about herself, her beloved. In such a way that new man was able to push them all off their “pedestals”, the divorced woman must either fall in love VERY strongly (which is unlikely, because... spiritual energy anyway, first of all, she will spend money on the child), or really RETHINK her own system of priorities in order to understand that a normal (!) man will not be content with at least 4th place in her life.”

    Reason 3
    Very often, a woman with a child, seeking to get married again, is looking, first of all, for a supplier of material resources who will help her and put her child (children) on their feet. In relation to this task, the personality of the man himself goes into the 10th plane. This is a completely understandable motivation for a woman, but, of course, a male candidate for husband will not be initiated into its essence. From a woman’s point of view, everything is logical and fair, as it should be: “a man must provide for a woman and children.” The only question is why a man needs this.

    Reason 4
    The fact is that the very fact of a woman’s divorce is a huge disadvantage for her. Let me explain: even if we accept that her “goat ex-husband” is to blame for everything in the world (a very common characteristic ex-spouse presented to a potential new chosen one - by the way, a good indicator, be on your guard!), then the woman is, at a minimum, to blame for choosing such a husband for herself and such a father for her children.

    “Any woman by nature has a mechanism for choosing a strong, intelligent and high-quality male, therefore, when choosing a partner, women are guided by marriage with a real man (nature has never set such a task for a man). Therefore, it is the woman who is responsible for the wrong choice of her husband and divorce.”
    Smart ass

    In practice, both spouses are to blame for the destruction of the relationship. However, to a greater extent the responsibility for psychological climate the woman in the family bears it. Think about what's behind her divorce.
    Inability to build or maintain relationships? Bad character? Extreme selfishness? Excessive demands on a man? Irresponsibility? Treason? The low value of family as such in her eyes?
    In any case, some of the above is present to one degree or another, and more often - everything mentioned in varying proportions and relationships. Let's remember the statistics: 75-80% of divorces occur on the initiative of women.

    “The fact that the majority of divorced women are worthless wives, on whom life itself has already marked them as third grade, is not a stamp, but the realities of life.”
    Smart ass

    Most women do not have a critical mind, and it is unlikely that a divorcee would draw the right conclusions from her divorce. Women often like to repeat that “all people are different, she just might have been unlucky with her husband.” As a rule, they themselves sincerely believe in such “bad luck.” It is very difficult for a woman to admit her own guilt in divorce, as in everything else. Almost impossible.

    “Unfortunately, women often go the wrong way, and society strongly encourages them in this. In the media, the situation when a man and a woman get divorced much more often is interpreted in the sense that you are so melting, but the man did not appreciate it, etc. and so on. Films, books, talk shows (this is a completely separate conversation), advice from friends (stupid and, as a result, just as unsettled, not experts ), songs…
    Everywhere it’s the same thing - “Divorced? You're right!" There is not even a hint of analysis of the situation and attempts to draw the right conclusions from it.”
    Smart ass

    Reason 5
    I'll start right away with a quote:
    “A divorced woman who has a child (this is exactly what we mean by the word divorcee) is no longer as naive and pure as a girl who has no negative life experience (it’s not a matter of virginity).
    Of course, life experience will not hurt anyone, BUT ONLY IF THE CORRECT CONCLUSIONS ARE MADE FROM IT. IN otherwise experience is not only not useful, BUT ALSO HARMFUL, as it leads to excessive suspicion, callousness, a mercantile attitude towards men and other nuances of character that will not help, but will harm a divorcee in life.”
    Smart ass

    In other words, a divorcee is far from a “blank sheet of paper.”

    They are armed with a ready-made and tested set of manipulative templates, a whole arsenal of behavioral patterns of a defensive-offensive nature, prejudice and suspicion. Of course, this applies to far from intelligent women, but what can you do if they are the overwhelming majority.

    “The breakdown of the marriage itself indicates the presence of pathologies in her psyche, congenital or acquired (for every taste - from bitchiness to the search for a prince and hidden hatred of men). On average, a divorced woman has more cockroaches in her head compared to an unmarried woman. Are they crushed? Most likely not.”
    Ioann Vasilievich

    Reason 6
    In any undertaking, probable prospects should be taken into account. In the case of marrying a divorced woman with a child, there can be a lot of pitfalls. Well, here are a few off the top of my head:

    6.1. The relationship with the child (children) will not work out, the child’s possible jealousy or his reluctance to see someone else in his father’s place;

    6.2. Pedagogical “triangle”: you can’t let everything go and forgive the child, but you also can’t go too far and thus run into the displeasure of the mother, who suspects you of being biased towards someone else’s child;

    6.3. There are quite a lot of cases when a woman considers her maternal program to have already been completed and the man’s desire to have children together is ignored;

    6.4. Having the biological father of the child(ren) somewhere near your family is unlikely to enrich your family life positive aspects;

    Etc. It is almost impossible to accurately predict everything possible problems, which may arise on the path of such a family.

    All attempts to talk about the shortcomings of divorced women as potential brides are most often perceived with hostility by the women themselves and infuriate them. The counterarguments, if they can be considered such, look something like this:

    “But my friend/sister/acquaintance/I myself got married with a child (children), they live happily, he loves the child (children) very much” and all that. So “the main thing is love; it’s very easy for a divorcee with a child to get married.”
    This is where you greatly deceive yourself: the fact is that the main property of exceptions is that they are striking, attract attention and remain in memory for a long time. Yes, there are such examples, and you excitedly name them. You forget about 1: you didn’t count those who DIDN’T MARRY divorced women with children, and I assure you there are hundreds of times more of them.

    Women in general very often pass off what they WANT as reality; the truth of a statement in a woman’s eyes often directly depends on whether she likes it or not. Divorced women and women who are considering divorce in the future really like the idea that a divorcee with children has the SAME CHANCES of getting married, they are psychologically more comfortable thinking that this is so, but the truth desire this “equality of chances” does not, alas.

    "A real man"(with aspiration and an impressive accentuating pause!) will love the children of the woman he loves, only such a “real” one is capable of such love, care, tenderness, dedication, etc.(drool to taste) . Weak people, “muschmen”, are not capable of such love, of real feeling.

    This should be answered: “Dear ladies, don’t try to speculate on this hackneyed pseudo-concept.” a real man“, because in your eyes, the “realness” of a man lies in satisfying your own “wants”, in accordance with your attitudes and, often, in submitting to you and being controlled by you.

    Therefore, I am sincerely glad that I am not so “real” in your eyes, I am sure that I will never be like that, = like millions of other men. Don’t waste time, energy and words on juicy epithets and “guesses” about ourselves, our sexual orientation, the severity of childhood, resentment towards women, etc. It’s better to devote these minutes to your children.”

    … And 7 reason do not marry a divorcee with a child:

    ...last year's potatoes were lamenting on the counter. Why doesn't anyone take her? And then she came up with a formula for herself - “it’s not the buyers who walk past her, but she lies past them.”

    Reason one

    And the simplest one: actually, a child or even children. After all, you like a woman, why should this fact make it necessary to take on the burden of raising someone else’s child? Women, as practice has shown, immediately accuse such a position of being “selfish.”

    Yes, a man should be an egoist, in the good sense of the word. He is simply obliged to take care of the continuation of HIS family line, the best conditions for his family, for his own children.

    From time to time, women let it slip. No, no, something like this will come out of their mouth: “What difference does it make to a man whether the child is his or not. Even better: the most problematic age is behind us.” Yes, there is a difference for men. And what another!

    Every normal man (and this is the law of nature) strives to raise HIS children, to pass on his skills, knowledge, wisdom, and property from generation to generation. But I want to do this only for the sake of blood heirs, those children in whom you can observe your own traits and the traits of your family.

    Moreover, the law of nature orders the male to spread his seed, his genes, wherever possible. But accepting other people's children is contrary to the very nature of a man. I will not be afraid of criticism and will give an example from the life of the wild: the first thing lions do is kill the children of their female from a previous “marriage.”

    Other people's children themselves are a clear reminder of a woman's past belonging to another man.

    We want to ask those women who blame men for not wanting to marry a divorcee with a child: are you ready to raise a man’s children from previous marriages?

    Reason two

    Marrying a woman with a child is simply unnatural. In the normal order of things, a woman enters a man's house and a new family is formed with a man at the head. In the case of a divorce with children, the man enters an already existing (inferior) family, where the head is a woman. Thus, from the very beginning, the traditional, natural family hierarchy, headed by a man, husband, father of the family, is violated. This circumstance in itself calls into question the strength of such a family. It is unlikely that a building based on a “crooked foundation” will be durable.

    The mere joining of a man to an already existing family deals a blow to his pride and, to a large extent, determines the nature of the relationship between spouses: the woman is in a state of stable dominance.

    Know: for a divorcee with a child, you will always be in third place: she, the child, you. Only in this order. And that's the best case scenario. For very often the role of a surrogate male head of the family is performed by the woman’s mother. She is the unconditional ally of a woman in a previous divorce, and, often, her instigator.

    “It’s not even a matter of “hierarchy” as subordination, but rather the priorities of the divorce department. She almost completely transfers her “failed” love for her husband onto her child, especially if it is a son (their words are “I have the most beloved and faithful man, and everyone else is kazly”). A mother who helps also becomes a stronghold of reliability. Well, a woman always remembers about herself, her beloved. Thus, in order for a new man to be able to push them all off his “pedestals,” the divorcee must either fall in love VERY deeply (which is unlikely, since mental energy will still be spent primarily on the child), or really RETHINK her own system of priorities, to understand that a normal(!) man will not be content with at least 4th place in her life.”

    Reason three

    Very often, a woman with a child, seeking to get married again, is looking, first of all, for a provider of material resources who will help her get her child(ren) back on their feet. In relation to this task, the personality of the man himself takes a back seat. This is a completely understandable motivation for a woman, but, of course, a male candidate for husband will not be initiated into its essence. From a woman’s point of view, everything is logical and fair, as it should be: “a man must provide for a woman and children.” The only question is why a man needs this.

    Reason four

    The fact is that the very fact of a woman’s divorce is a huge disadvantage for her. Let me explain: even if we accept that her “goat ex-husband” is to blame for everything in the world (a very common characteristic of a former spouse presented to a potential new chosen one - by the way, a good indicator, be careful!), then the woman is at least to blame for that that she chose such a husband for herself and such a father for her children.

    “Any woman by nature has a mechanism for choosing a strong, intelligent and high-quality male, therefore, when choosing a partner, women are guided by marriage with a real man (nature has never set such a task for a man). Therefore, it is the woman who bears the responsibility for the wrong choice of her husband and divorce.”
    Smart ass

    In practice, both spouses are to blame for the destruction of the relationship. However, the woman is largely responsible for the psychological climate in the family. Think about what's behind her divorce. Inability to build or maintain relationships? Bad character? Extreme selfishness? Excessive demands on a man? Irresponsibility? Treason? The low value of family as such in her eyes? Don't know. In any case, some of the above is present to one degree or another, and more often - everything mentioned in varying proportions and relationships. Let's remember the statistics: 75-80% of divorces occur on the initiative of women.

    “The fact that divorcees for the most part are worthless wives, on whom life itself has already marked them as III grade, is not a stamp, but the realities of life.”
    Smart ass

    Most women do not have a critical mind, and it is unlikely that a divorcee would draw the right conclusions from her divorce. Women often like to repeat that “all people are different, she just might have been unlucky with her husband.” As a rule, they themselves sincerely believe in such “bad luck.” It is very difficult for a woman to admit her own guilt in divorce, as in everything else. Almost impossible.

    “Unfortunately, women often go the wrong way, and society strongly encourages them in this. In the media, the situation when a man and a woman get divorced much more often is interpreted in the sense that you are so melting, but the man did not appreciate it, etc. and so on. Films, books, talk shows (this is a completely separate conversation), advice from friends (stupid and, as a result, equally unsettled), songs... It’s the same thing everywhere - “Get divorced? You're right!" There is not even a hint of an analysis of the situation or attempts to draw the right conclusions from it.”
    Smart ass

    Reason five

    I'll start right away with a quote:

    “A divorced woman who has a child (this is exactly what we mean by the word divorcee) is no longer as naive and pure as a girl who has no negative life experience (it’s not a matter of virginity).
    Of course, life experience will not hurt anyone, BUT ONLY IF THE CORRECT CONCLUSIONS ARE MADE FROM IT. Otherwise, the experience is not only not useful, BUT ALSO HARMFUL, since it leads to excessive suspicion, callousness, a mercantile attitude towards men and other nuances of character that will not help, but will harm the divorcee in life.”
    Smart ass

    In other words, a divorcee is far from a “blank sheet of paper.”

    They are armed with a ready-made and tested set of manipulative templates, a whole arsenal of behavioral patterns of a defensive-offensive nature, prejudice and suspicion. Of course, this applies to far from intelligent women, but what can you do if they are the overwhelming majority.

    “The breakdown of the marriage itself indicates the presence of pathologies in her psyche, congenital or acquired (for every taste - from bitchiness to the search for a prince and hidden hatred of men). On average, a divorced woman has more cockroaches in her head compared to an unmarried woman. Are they crushed? Most likely not.”
    Ioann Vasilievich

    Reason six

    And the last one. In any undertaking, probable prospects should be taken into account. In the case of marrying a divorced woman with a child, there can be a lot of pitfalls. Well, here are a few at a glance:

    The relationship with the child (children) will not work out, the child’s possible jealousy or his reluctance to see someone else in his father’s place;

    Pedagogical “triangle”: you can’t let everything go and forgive the child, but you also can’t go too far and thus run into the displeasure of the mother, who suspects you of being biased towards someone else’s child;

    There are quite a lot of cases when a woman considers her maternal program to have already been completed and the man’s desire to have children together is ignored;

    Having the biological father of the child(ren) somewhere near your family is unlikely to enrich your family life with positive aspects;

    All attempts to talk about the shortcomings of divorced women as potential brides are most often perceived with hostility by the women themselves and infuriate them. The counterarguments, if they can be considered such, look something like this:

    “But my friend/sister/acquaintance/I myself got married with a child (children), they live happily, he loves the child (children) very much” and all that. So “the main thing is love; it’s very easy for a divorcee with a child to get married.” This is where you are very mistaken. Or rather, you are deceiving yourself: the fact is that the main property of exceptions is that they are striking, attract attention and remain in memory for a long time. Yes, there are such examples, and you excitedly name them. You forget one thing: you didn’t count those who DIDN’T MARRY divorced women with children, and I assure you there are hundreds of times more of them.

    Women in general very often pass off what they WANT as reality; the truth of a statement in a woman’s eyes often directly depends on whether she likes it or not. Divorced women and women who are considering divorce in the future really like the idea that a divorcee with children has the SAME CHANCES of getting married, they are psychologically more comfortable to think that this is so, but alas, this strong desire does not make this “equality of chances” true.

    A “real man” (with a breath and an impressive accentuating pause!) will love the children of the woman he loves, only such a “real” one is capable of such love, care, tenderness, dedication, etc. (drool to taste). Weak people, “muschmen” are not capable of such love, of real feeling.”

    To this you should answer: “Ladies, dear ones, don’t try to speculate on this hackneyed pseudo-concept of a “real man,” because in your eyes, the “realness” of a man lies in satisfying your own “wants,” in accordance with your attitudes and, often, in subordination to you and under your control. Therefore, I am sincerely glad that I am not so “real” in your eyes, I am sure that I will never be like that, just like millions of other men. Don’t waste time, energy and words on juicy epithets and “guesses” about ourselves, our sexual orientation, the severity of childhood, resentment towards women, etc. It’s better to devote these minutes to your children.”

    Reason one. The simplest

    Having a child or children.

    You like a WOMAN, why should this fact make it necessary to take on the burden of raising someone else's child? Women, as a rule, immediately rush to accuse this position of being “selfish.” That's what she is. But in a good sense of the word. A man is obliged to take care of the continuation of HIS family, the best conditions for HIS family, for HIS children.

    From time to time, women let it slip. No, no, something like: “What difference does it make to a man whether the child is his or not?” will come out of their mouths. More better phrase: “The most problematic age is behind us.” Ladies, there is a difference between men. And what another!

    Every normal man (and this is the law of nature) strives to raise HIS children, to pass on his skills, knowledge, wisdom, and property from generation to generation. But I want to do this only for the sake of blood heirs, those children in whom you can observe your own traits and the traits of your family.

    Accepting other people's children is contrary to the very nature of a man. I will not be afraid of criticism and will give an example from the life of the wild: the first thing lions do is kill the children of their female from a previous “marriage”. Other people's children themselves are a clear reminder of a woman's past belonging to another man.

    Reason two. Unnatural

    In the normal order of things, a woman enters a man's house, a new family is formed with a man at the head. If we consider the case of divorce with children, the man enters an already existing (inferior) family, where the head is a woman. Thus, from the very beginning, the traditional natural family hierarchy, headed by a man, husband, father of the family, is violated. This circumstance calls into question the strength of such a family. Plus deals a blow to male pride and, to a large extent, determines the nature of the relationship between spouses: the woman is in a state of stable dominance.

    Men, for a divorce with a child, you will always be in third place: she, the child, and only then you. This is the best case scenario. For very often the role of a surrogate male head of the family is performed by the woman’s mother. She is the unconditional ally of a woman in a previous divorce, and often her instigator. Therefore, with this situation, your place may not be third, but fourth.

    Reason three. Selfish

    Very often, a woman with a child who wants to get married again is looking, first of all, for a supplier of material resources who will help put her child (children) on their feet. At the same time, the personality of the man himself goes to the tenth plane. This is a completely understandable motivation for a woman, but, of course, a male candidate for husband will not be initiated into its essence. From a woman’s point of view, everything is logical and fair: “a man must provide for his wife and children.” The only question is why a man needs this.

    Reason four. Psychological

    The fact is that the very fact of a woman’s divorce is a huge disadvantage for her. Let me explain: even if we accept that her “scoundrel ex-husband” is to blame for everything in the world, then the woman is at least to blame for choosing such a husband for herself and such a father for her children.

    In practice, both spouses are to blame for the destruction of the relationship. However, the woman bears greater responsibility for the psychological climate in the family. Think about what's behind her divorce. Inability to build or maintain relationships? Bad character? Extreme selfishness? Excessive demands on a man? Irresponsibility? Treason? The low value of family as such in her eyes? Don't know. In any case, some of the above is present to one degree or another, and more often - everything mentioned in varying proportions and relationships. Let's remember the statistics: 75-80% of divorces occur on the initiative of women.

    Most women do not have a critical mind, so it is unlikely that the divorced woman drew the right conclusions from her divorce. Women often like to repeat that “all people are different, she just might have been unlucky with her husband.” As a rule, they themselves sincerely believe in such “bad luck”. It is very difficult for a woman to admit her own guilt in divorce, as in everything else. Almost impossible.

    Reason five. Calculated

    A woman who, by the age of 25, has a wealth of life experience, is not as naive and pure as a girl who does not have negative life experience (it’s not a matter of virginity).

    Of course, life experience will not hurt anyone, but only if the right conclusions are drawn from it. Otherwise, the experience is not only not useful, BUT ALSO HARMFUL, as it leads to excessive suspicion, callousness, a mercantile attitude towards men and other nuances of character that will not help, but will harm the divorcee in life.

    It turns out that you have before you a ready-made and tested set of manipulative templates, a whole arsenal of behavioral patterns of a defensive-offensive nature, prejudice and suspicion. Of course, this applies to far from intelligent women, but what can you do if they are the overwhelming majority.

    From experience: a divorced woman has more cockroaches in her head than an unmarried woman.

    Reason six. The last one.

    If you marry a divorcee, a lot of pitfalls can emerge. A little offhand:

    • The relationship with the child (children) will not work out;
    • Pedagogical “triangle”: you can’t let everything go and forgive the child, but you also can’t go too far and thus run into the displeasure of the mother, who suspects you of being biased towards someone else’s child;
    • A woman may consider her maternal program already completed and will ignore the man’s desire to have children together;
    • Having the biological father of the child(ren) somewhere near your family is unlikely to enrich your family life with positive aspects;

    All attempts to talk about the shortcomings of divorced women as potential brides most often infuriate women. The counterarguments, if they can be considered such, look something like this:

    A “real man” (with a breath and an impressive accentuating pause!) will love the children of the woman he loves! Only such a “real” person is capable of love, care, tenderness, dedication, etc. “Weak ‘muscles’ are not capable of such love, of real feeling.”

    Ladies, dear ones, don’t try to speculate on this hackneyed pseudo-concept of a “real man,” because in your eyes, the “realness” of a man lies in satisfying your own “wants,” in accordance with your attitudes and, often, in subordinating to you and being controlled by you. Don’t waste time, energy and words on juicy epithets and “guesses” about ourselves, our sexual orientation, the severity of childhood, resentment towards women, etc. Better spend these minutes with your children.

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