• Ready-made wall newspapers for the New Year. Children's New Year coloring posters


    The MEGA-ART company offers the following elements New Year's decoration:

    Poster for the design of shop windows and entrances

    Banners and billboards for decorating building facades and interior decoration

    Greeting card, both with the proposed design and with an individual one

    Sticker and window sticker

    State symbols (flag, coat of arms)

    Individual decoration of balloons for the New Year

    Lighting design

    Tree lighting (duralight, clip-light)

    Ate and Christmas decorations(balloons, garlands, tinsel)

    Inflatable and illuminated New Year figures

    In Russia, since the introduction of Christianity, chronology began either from March or from the day of Holy Easter. In 1492, Grand Duke John III approved the decree of the Moscow Council to count September 1 as the beginning of the year.

    In addition, it is important to say that until 1700, Russia counted the years “From the creation of the world.”

    But this did not last long. Russia was beginning to establish connections with Europe, and this “time difference” was a big hindrance. In 7207 (from the creation of the world, of course), Peter I resolved all calendar inconveniences in one fell swoop. Referring to the European nations, he issued a decree to celebrate the New Year from the day of the Nativity of the God-Man and on January 1 instead of September 1. Celebrating the New Year on September 1 was simply prohibited.

    The decree recommended, if possible, that everyone in their yards should “fire three times and fire several rockets” with small cannons or small rifles. From January 1 to January 7, “light fires at night from wood, or from brushwood, or from straw.” On December 31 at 12 o'clock at night, Peter I went out onto Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched the first rocket into the sky.

    I must say that they are new new year customs took root among the Slavs quite quickly, because earlier at that time there was another holiday - Christmastide. And many old rituals - funny carnivals, mummers' tricks, sleigh rides, midnight fortune-telling and round dances around the Christmas tree - fit well into the ritual of celebrating the New Year.

    From now on and forever, this holiday was enshrined in the Russian calendar. This is how the modern New Year came to us.

    The Mega-Art company congratulates you on your holiday!

    A bright colorful wall newspaper for the New Year will not only decorate the classroom, but also create a festive atmosphere. After all, in it you can talk about what events happened this year, about what new things you learned about your classmates, about who became an example of the class, and for whom academic year- time to change yourself, as well as address your congratulations and wishes to teachers, students, and parents.

    In general, every wall newspaper is an example of envy in other classes and a desire to prove that your class is the best. And New Year’s is also a reason to congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday. Everything is correct.

    Then let's prepare the material. And let's start with pressing and educational questions relating to the entire sphere of education and school life in particular. Here's a problem to think about.

    Is general illiteracy the norm of our time?

    The reality of our life is that many people constantly communicate through various resources, where they have to express their thoughts in writing. These include SMS messages, ICQ, comments on various blogs and forums, messages on social media. networks. And this need for constant use writing showed (me) the widespread, universal and impenetrable illiteracy of Russian people who do not even speak Russian at school level! Why are there personal messages when entire articles and posts with an incredible number of spelling errors are posted on public resources (I’m generally silent about punctuation).

    For a very long time I have been bothered by these mistakes; every time I see such an error, I get upset. But the last straw was a personal message to me from a familiar PHILOLOGIST WITH HIGHER EDUCATION, containing the phrase: “... if you need anything...”. That's it, I'm shocked. Everyone puts these soft signs where they shouldn’t, but I didn’t expect this from a philologist!

    What does this all mean? Is illiteracy the norm in our life? Is it time for me to stop being surprised and upset and slowly, by reading illiterate texts, become just as illiterate?

    And another question: do you think illiteracy is a consequence of computerization or has the latter simply revealed this illiteracy, which was simply invisible before?

    Since there are pressing issues, let’s try to solve them together. Indeed, writing and speaking correctly are the rules good manners. We are Russians, and we should be ashamed of our country if we don’t know our language well. Someone came up with a saying: as the teacher speaks, so does his student. Therefore, dear schoolchildren, do not let your teachers down. Let's speak correctly!

    45 frivolous rules of the Russian language that should be taken very seriously!

    1. There is no dash between the subject and the predicate.

    2. Remember that in most cases the connection can be excluded.

    3. If you want to use a verb, then you need to conjugate it correctly, and not as the author wants.

    4. The passive voice should generally be avoided.

    5. Don’t forget about the letter �е�, otherwise you won’t be able to distinguish: case and case, heaven and sky, donkey and donkey, perfect and perfect, everything and everything.

    6. Those who are not scratched and not out of school write the vowels correctly after the spitting ones.

    7. Show off your subtle sense of language when writing unpronounceable consonants.

    8. We must come to the understanding that it is written only “to come”.

    9. Having wiped ourselves in the corridors of offices, in the future we will become knowledgeable and will come to the conclusion that our texts will contain fewer and fewer unnecessary letters.

    10. A soft sign in the indefinite form of a verb should be determined by its presence in the question of the verb, which is sometimes forgotten.

    11. Don’t put two “not” in a row if it’s not necessary.

    12. The word “no” has no forms of change.

    13. Without half a liter, half of Russia will not understand how to write complex nouns.

    14. Ending a sentence with a pronoun is bad style, that’s not what it’s for.

    15. Those who end a sentence with a preposition, send to. Not for the sake of rudeness, but for order.

    16. Not abbreviated!

    17. Check the text for missing and extra words in the text.

    18. Regarding unfinished sentences.

    19. If the structures are incomplete, it’s bad.

    20. No narcissistic Bank, its President and Chairman of the Board of Directors are capitalized.

    21. The rule says that “indirect speech is not put in quotation marks.”

    22. Don’t build riddles from the ellipsis at the end of an exhaustive sentence...

    23. One exclamation mark is enough!!!

    24. NEVER!select! words. A person reading a text with HIGHLIGHTS feels that his own understanding of the meaning is not trusted.

    25. Use parallel constructions not only to clarify, but also to clarify.

    26. Correct the spelling of words using the dictionary.

    27. It is better to write numbers up to 10 in words in words.

    28. Numerals can be declined in one hundred and twenty-five ways, but only one of them is correct.

    29. Use words for purposes truly meaningful.

    30. Do not divide the indivisible and do not combine different things, but write some things with a hyphen.

    31. An inappropriate analogy in the text looks like a fur coat tucked into panties.

    32. Exaggeration is a million times worse than understatement.

    33. Do not use long words where short-sounding ones can be used.

    34. Babysitting - wow, blah. Leave it to the little dolls, not the big guys.

    35. Be more or less specific.

    36. As Emerson taught: “Don’t quote.” Communicate your own thoughts.

    37. Who needs rhetorical questions?

    38. Doesn’t the order of words change the style of speech?

    39. An unexpected verse will upset the mood of your readers.

    40. A verse where rhyme is built on verbs is the very first one to be thrown into the trash.

    41. In life, be careful about your market: if you want to perform well, stop talking about jargon.

    42. Clarifications in parentheses (although significant) are (usually) unnecessary.

    43. Repeating all repeated words with the same root is a tautology - an unnecessary excess.

    44. If you want to be understood correctly, do not use foreign language and barbarisms. Ferstein?

    45. For the sake of presentation, be a creative promoter of native Russian synonyms for top positions in the preference rating.
    Now it’s worth summing up the events of the school and the class in particular for the entire past period. This is the first school bell, and a trip to the museum or to the cinema, and a school ball, and Teacher’s Day, and sports competitions, and competitions, cool watch, Olympiads, discussions, disputes, open lessons. Everything that was interesting to you can become material for school wall newspaper.

    Not a single wall newspaper is complete without funny, funny stories, ditties, joke riddles and very tricky questions. Here are some examples.

    Riddles and jokes

    Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins.)
    How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put in.)
    What do people walk on? (On the ground.)
    What can't you bake bread without? (No crust.)
    How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One - the second will no longer be on an empty stomach.)
    What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh.)
    In which year do people eat more? (On leap days.)
    Which month is the shortest? (May – three letters.)
    Who speaks all languages? (Echo.)
    Why does the dog bark? (Can't speak.)
    What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin.)
    When they build new house What do you drive the first nail into? (In a hat.)
    Whose head is expensive? (A cow, because she really does have a head and horns!)
    What tree does a bird perch on during a heavy downpour? (On wet.)
    What question cannot be answered positively? (Are you sleeping?)
    Why does the rooster crow with his eyes closed? (Shows that he sings by heart.)
    Which month has 28 days? (Any month has 28 days.)
    What is between the window and the door? (Letter "I".)
    Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (You can use a piece of ice.)
    How many minutes should you boil a hard-boiled egg - two, three, five? (Not at all, it’s already cooked. It’s hard-boiled.)
    Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which are standing.)
    Where does the water stand? (In glass.)
    What happens to a red silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the sea for 5 minutes? (It will be wet.)
    What disease does no one get on land? (Nautical.)
    Are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you.)
    What is under a person's feet when he walks across a bridge? (Boot soles.)
    What do people often walk on and never drive on? (On the stairs.)
    How far into the forest can a hare run? (To the middle of the forest, then he already runs out of the forest.)
    What happens to the crow after three years? (She is in her 4th year.)
    What tree does a hare hide under when it rains? (Under the wet.)
    What needs to be done to cut off the branch on which the crow is sitting without disturbing it? (Wait until she flies away.)
    Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total? (One.)
    The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (Maybe, since the dog sits on the ground on its tail.)
    If a cat climbed a tree and wants to climb down the smooth trunk, how will it get down: head down or tail first? (Tail first, otherwise she won’t hold on.)
    Who's upside down above us? (Fly.)
    What does half an apple look like? (For the second half.)
    Three ostriches were flying. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)
    Which bird is made up of a letter and a river? ("Oriole.)
    What is between the city and the village? (Conjunction “and”.)
    What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)
    When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open.)
    My father's son, not my brother. Who is this? (Myself.)
    There were seven candles burning in the room. A man passed by and put out two candles. How much is left? (Two, the rest burned down.)
    What city can you embroider in? (Beads)
    Which tributary of the Dnieper is attractive to hunters? (Teterev River.)
    Which river is the scariest? (Tiger.)
    What city is on the moose's head? (Krivoy Rog.)
    Which city is the squirrel's favorite habitat? (Bor.)
    What land will never grow old? (New Earth.)
    What year lasts only one day? (New Year.)
    What nose doesn't need a handkerchief? (Ship.)
    What American city can you make a suit from? (Boston.)

    Which French city do the curtains on the windows often remind us of? (Tulle.)
    Which river flies? (Crow.)
    What stands in the middle of the Volga? (Letter "L".)
    Which river floats? (Goose.)
    In which city are sheaves dried? (Riga.)
    What state is worn on the head? (Panama.)
    Which city is “made” of dough? (Kalach.)
    Which river and city can bite? (Volchikha city, Medveditsa river.)
    Which capital of a European state is located on soft ground? (Paris on the Seine.)
    Which island flies? (Albatross.)
    Which river can you “eat”? (Balyk.)
    Which city is the coldest? (Winter.)
    Which city is the largest? (Giant.)
    Which city is used for packaging goods? (Tara.)
    Which two cities are named after game birds? (Eagle; Falcon.)
    What city lives in the river? (Nelma.)
    What city can be cut off with a knife? (Branch.)
    Which city is part of a horse's harness? (Bridle.)
    What is dropped when needed and picked up when not needed? (Anchor.)
    All around is water, and in the middle is law. What it is? (The prosecutor is bathing.)
    What can fly underwater at great depths? (Fly in a submarine.)
    The more there are, the less weight. What is this? (Holes.)
    What kind of ribbon cannot be woven into a braid? (Machine gun.)
    What is the cow in front and the bull behind? (Letter "K".)
    When is a person in a room without a head? (When he puts it out of the window onto the street.)
    Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)
    Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald.)
    Is it possible to jump higher than a nine-story building? (It is possible, because nine-story buildings cannot jump.)
    What will the bay horse be like if you give it a bath? (Wet.)
    In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of the hat.)
    What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (From empty.)
    What should you do when you see a green man? (Cross the street.)
    What horse doesn't eat oats? (Chess.)
    What can't you eat for breakfast? (Dinner and supper.)
    How far into the forest can a hare run? (Until the middle of the forest, since further on he will already be getting out of the depths.)
    How do day and night end? (Soft sign.)
    Why do gorilla have big nostrils? (Because she has thick fingers.)
    One corner of the square table was sawed off. How many angles does he have now? (Five.)
    How is a horse different from a needle? (First you sit on a needle, then you jump, and first you jump on a horse, then you sit.)
    In which month do they eat the least? (in February, because this month has the fewest days)
    What alphabet consists of only six letters? (word "alphabet")
    What day of the week is the shortest? (Wednesday - the fewest letters in this word)
    What is the heron in front and the hare behind? (letter "c")

    The main advantage of a wall newspaper for the New Year is that you can add interesting details and congratulations to it specific people. This unique bright and beautiful creation will surely please and be remembered for a long time by those for whom it was made.

    New Year's greetings

    Happy New Year to teachers

    You are like mothers to us,
    Even though we may be stubborn,
    But we know: teachers,
    The Earth rests on you!
    New Year's greetings
    Today we want to tell you:
    Be young, successful,
    And lucky, of course.
    From now on let them be alright
    Your students' notebooks,
    Let the children know a lot
    And get straight A's.
    Teachers, there is no one better than you in the world,
    Santa Claus knows this for sure.
    And therefore words of greetings to you
    He brought good ones from all over the world.
    Your life is rich in students:
    Bankers, astronauts and doctors -
    They were all children once,
    The ones you had to learn!
    So don’t let your eyes get tired
    Looking at the notebooks of thousands of children.
    And in the New Year your wish will come true,
    So that every child is happy to learn.
    Severity does not suit you today -
    Let her languish in a stuffy classroom.
    The old year is already hastening to an end,
    The new one comes overnight.
    Our teacher, our assistant, friend,
    We want to wish you wonderful everyday life,
    So that happiness does not run out of hands,
    And with luck the year would not be difficult!
    During the bustle of the New Year,
    In worries, in tireless labors
    We will have time to tell you today,
    That we love you always!
    Please accept our congratulations!
    Health, kindness, understanding
    And good mood to you!
    May all your aspirations grow stronger!
    May your wishes come true!

    Happy New Year to children and parents

    Happy New Year, winter holiday
    I congratulate you with all my heart!
    May this year be happy
    Let there be no worries or troubles.
    Let it be an unexpected dream,
    Let him be an invited friend.
    And this year will bring you
    Wonderful juice and nice honey.
    New Year is knocking on the window,
    “Congratulations, people. You!"
    Along a snowy path
    He came and the desired hour.
    He gave us blizzards as a gift,
    Wind, sun and frost,
    And the resinous smell of spruce,
    And a whole cartload of hope.
    Happy New Year to you, friends!
    Congratulations! With a Christmas tree! I.
    Let the frost play more merrily
    Let it freeze your cheeks,

    Happy year of joy, happiness, love!
    Happy New Year, I congratulate you,
    Happy first joyful day of January!
    Let the snowflakes fluffy snow
    They'll kiss you for me!
    We wish you New Year's miracles
    And so that everything works out like in a fairy tale,
    So only with and never without
    And on New Year's Day something pleasant happened.
    May you have a merry new year
    Takes your mind off all worries
    Let sorrows and worries
    He will leave you on the doorstep
    And he will enter your house, sparkling,
    Promising health to everyone.

    So, you have a selection ready for the New Year's wall newspaper. You can use all frames for wishes, stories, and pranks. We think that you have enough imagination to decorate your wall newspaper brightly, elegantly, beautifully and with a sense of humor. Good luck to you!

    Preparing for the New Year holidays is always an interesting and exciting activity. On the eve of long celebrations, a lot of things should be done: create a New Year's menu, work on decorating the house, and come up with entertainment options for guests and loved ones. By making colorful themed posters for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, you can save time on decorating the room. This is especially true for the design of playrooms in kindergartens, classrooms and assembly halls in schools and institutions.

    Decorating walls with New Year's posters can be done at home. If there are children in the family, they can be recruited as helpers. Despite the fact that making bright decorations on the walls is not at all difficult, you should approach this activity with the utmost seriousness. It is necessary not only to choose the most suitable templates for the drawings, but also to arrange them correctly on a large poster.

    The festive composition will be displayed in the most prominent place in the room. That is why, try to make it as expressive as possible. To make your New Year's drawing a real masterpiece, it is best to use ready-made templates of images and congratulatory inscriptions. Then, at home, you can draw a real New Year's picture, which even professional artists will envy.

    How to apply correctly?

    Making a poster largely depends on the design you plan to place on it. The image of the main composition is usually selected in accordance with the theme of the holiday. The most common symbols that are applied to the poster are the Yellow Pig, Boar, Piglet, Santa Claus and other New Year's attributes.

    Poster design techniques may vary. Depending on the planned drawing and skills, you can use various techniques applying the image. The volumetric composition can be made using quilling technique or ecological decor. A poster made using elements such as applique or patchwork will look original.

    Basic design rules:

    • The drawing must occupy at least 50% of the volume;
    • to fill empty spaces, you can use images of various sizes, or add a congratulatory inscription;
    • It is advisable to place the main image in the middle;
    • The poster size must be at least 1 large A4 sheet;
    • The design can be applied independently or using a ready-made template.

    Posters for the New Year 2019 must be made with your own hands in accordance with the future location of it. If the picture decorates the walls of the nursery preschool, you can do it in more game form. The picture and details should be bright, large, and understandable to the child. If the composition is used to decorate a home, you can include personal photographs, as well as images of relatives and friends, in the picture.

    Composition and work plan

    Before starting a home craft project, you should make a plan for the future poster. The sketch can be done on a regular notebook sheet with a pencil. Classic version design drawing: congratulatory inscription and small decorative details, snowflakes, sparkles, etc.

    Since a plan is drawn to scale on the sheet of paper, determine the approximate dimensions of the future figures on the finished poster. Can be used ready-made template, which is simply transferred to a large sheet of paper or whatman paper. If the composition is compiled independently, you can use several parts from different templates, connecting them into an overall picture.

    For the base, you need to prepare A2 paper or Whatman paper. You can use a piece of wallpaper for this purpose. It is not recommended to use a glossy or too thin base, which may become damaged when attaching small parts or coloring a picture.

    If you plan a large composition with inscriptions and a large number of images, you can make it on several sheets. Such posters are connected to each other directly when attached to the wall.

    The main rule of a good composition is the combination of drawings with each other. The poster should not be filled with small details and overloaded with inscriptions and congratulations. If necessary, suitable option a composite poster that will consist of several parts.

    Once the picture plan is drawn up, decide on the background. It must be in harmony with all elements, including additional ones. If you need to add voluminous details, leave a little between images free space. The rest all depends on your imagination and available templates - all that remains is to assemble the poster and place it on a wall, window or other convenient place.

    New Year poster options

    When preparing posters for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, do not forget to add inscriptions, otherwise it will be easy big picture. The poster should contain a congratulation, and if desired, you can add a few lines of poetry in a holiday theme. An original solution would be to make a poster with wishes to all your loved ones and friends. Don't forget about the main symbol of the year, which will bring you luck and prosperity.

    What style should the poster be in?

    • Simple drawing. Draw any drawing by hand. Place a congratulatory inscription in the center or along the edges. To make your picture look more professional, try using stencils or templates.
    • Poster coloring book. The coloring poster is ideal for young children. This poster can be placed on the wall, on a table or easel. IN new year holidays Children will be interested in participating in the creation of a colorful drawing themselves. For coloring, you can use pencils, paints, markers or crayons. This poster can be used as a prop for New Year's party in kindergarten or primary school. To create it, just use a template.
    • Volumetric image. To create beautiful three-dimensional drawings you can use various techniques. The cut out parts must be glued onto a thick base 1-2 cm thick. After this, a drawing is created from them according to a pre-drawn plan. For volumetric parts, you can use origami, quilling or other techniques.
    • Application. Using a variety of applications, you can make any image. The details can be anything, hand-drawn, or cut out from templates. You can also use various postcards and photographs, inscriptions and even small toys as applique.

    The design style of the New Year's poster can also be anything. This holiday craft is perfect for creative people - there are no restrictions or prohibitions. The poster can be made in the form of a simple postcard or three-dimensional picture- it all depends on your imagination and willingness to experiment.

    Master class on creating a poster

    Homemade souvenirs and other crafts will be an excellent gift option for the coming 2019. For each family member, you can prepare your own special little surprise: a Pig talisman, a postcard, a piggy bank box, etc. However, in order to decorate the interior, and at the same time please everyone present, you will have to make the souvenir a little larger. DIY posters for the New Year 2019 will perfectly complement the festive interior and emphasize the atmosphere of the upcoming celebration.

    Work on the craft should be divided into several main stages:

    1. Prepare a large sheet of white or colored paper. The most suitable formats for creating posters are A1, A2 and A3. If you need to make a larger drawing, you can take a piece of wallpaper to paste the walls.
    2. After preparing the base, you need to determine the overall composition. For convenience, a sketch is applied to the paper (with a simple pencil), which can then be easily removed with an eraser or painted over. Large elements of the composition - templates of images and inscriptions are applied to the canvas and the places of their more successful location are marked with the same pencil. Remember that the main information (congratulatory inscription, drawing of the symbol of the year, etc.) should be located closer to the center. Correctly placed accents will make the poster more meaningful. Determine the main and additional elements, which will be included in the composition. The main condition is that they should complement each other, but not be an ordinary heap of various drawings, inscriptions and pictures.
    3. Prepare all the necessary elements of the New Year's poster. Print the templates, cut out small elements: snowflakes, stars, etc. Prepare other details that will be used to decorate the poster.
    4. Coloring and decorating the finished poster. Use various materials: paints, markers, plasticine, etc. A New Year's poster should be bright, so add sparkles. Don't forget about the convenience of placing the poster on the wall. For these purposes, you can use a large picture frame, buttons, and other fasteners.

    Ideas for drawings and inscriptions - templates

    You can make a poster based on a ready-made drawing, or create a composition yourself from fragments. When using a ready-made picture, just cut out the template, transfer it to the prepared base and design it. From fragments, the work will be more interesting, original and unique.

    You can independently create any image that suits your liking. A fragmentary poster will take more time and effort, but you can be proud that you made it yourself. Choose the template you like best and get started exciting activity, because the new year 2019 is just around the corner!

    Templates of ready-made images of New Year's posters can be redrawn using tracing paper or downloaded, and if necessary, enlarge the drawing.

    Draw or print the templates that you will use as fragments for the New Year's poster. black and white version. To create an original composition, mark the templates (on back side) numbers or letters. Do the same on the paper base - this will help when transferring fragments to the general canvas.

    How to decorate a New Year's poster?

    As decorative elements use snowflakes, stars, sparkles, artificial snow. An excellent solution would be beads, seed beads, figures sewn from fabric, etc.

    You can always change the proposed template options to your liking. Use any drawings as a basis (you can take any picture of your baby), poems, songs and any New Year's greetings. The main key to successful work will be great mood, which will not leave you all next year.

    The closer the New Year holidays are, the more worries and troubles we have. Yes, there is a lot to be done, but in order to do everything, you need to sacrifice something. Stop, no sacrifices needed! We will help you and then you will have time to do everything. Here are the new boards for you New Year 2018, which can be downloaded for free. New Year posters for the year of the dog - a great way to decorate the holiday place and make it brighter and more New Year's.

    We have four posters in total and each one is unique. One poster has a bright New Year's design and features drawings of Santa Claus and a dog. In the center there is an inscription - Happy New Year 2018! Such a simple but interesting option.

    The next template is more complicated. It also has an inscription and congratulatory poems. It's snowing in the background, and Santa Claus flies into the sky on a reindeer sleigh.

    The third option is more suitable for children and kindergarten. Beautiful New Year's background in the form of a forest and falling snow. In the middle is a sheet of paper on which Santa Claus writes a congratulation, and the boy helps him.

    And the last one, also simple, but more wintery. This sample depicts a bullfinch and a clock that is about to approach 12 and strike.

    We have these ideas, and we have implemented them for you, and you can download everything from the links below.

    New Year's mood is created from small details.
    And the more of these pleasant little things you come up with for your child, the more impressions he will have from the New Year holiday.
    To please your child, I offer you the idea of ​​a large New Year's coloring book.
    Big New Year coloring book - this is a huge poster that will become a whole field for your child’s creativity! You can download children's New Year's coloring posters and then print them out at any advertising services agency, photo workshop or printing house.
    The New Year coloring poster can be printed even at home.
    A regular home printer will do for this. Download the file with the New Year's poster design to your computer and print the poster on several A4 sheets and glue it together, putting the printed parts together like a puzzle.
    (How to print a New Year's poster at home - read below)

    I present to you New Year's coloring posters for kids!
    5 options

    Large coloring book "New Year"

    Poster coloring book "New Year" size 85cm x 55cm.
    You can print the poster on 8 A4 sheets or more.

    Poster - coloring book for children "New Year's round dance"

    Children's coloring poster "New Year's Round Dance" size 85cm x 70cm.
    You can print the poster on 8 A4 sheets or more. New Year's large coloring book is suitable for a school wall newspaper or for a kindergarten. Use the poster as a finished outline (template).

    New Year's poster coloring book "Winter Holidays"

    Poster - coloring book with a New Year's plot " The winter vacation"size 150cm x 65cm.
    This coloring book is suitable for a whole group of children. The horizontally elongated size of the poster is perfect for kindergarten, children's clubs and children's events. The poster will be convenient for the whole group, the whole class, to color at once.

    New Year's large coloring book "New Year Tree"

    Large coloring book with stunning designs "Christmas tree" Printed on 22 sheets of A4 format.
    This coloring book is a real magical New Year's land. The coloring book can be colored with pencils, markers and paints. Children can decorate the Christmas tree with bows, New Year's tinsel and small toys, cards and garlands.

    Large coloring book "New Year's forest"

    Coloring "New Year's Forest" It is also printed on A4 sheets. You need to print it out, carefully fasten the sheets together and start creating!

    Coloring pages filled interesting stories. The outlines consist of many small details, which are not at all difficult for children to color. Moving from plot to plot, they seem to be traveling through a fairy tale. New Year's country and don’t get bored for a minute.

    Coloring books can be laid out on the floor or mounted on the wall. Big sizes make it quite possible for several young artists to collaborate together.

    However, why only young people? As practice has shown, during the New Year holidays all your guests will be happy to join this “children’s” activity. The result will be a real masterpiece!

    Download coloring posters you can follow the link that will open after paying a small amount.
    After payment, wait until the page loads completely.

    How to print Big coloring pages

    Posters are presented in pdf format. To print a poster on your home printer, in the print settings, select the desired number of sheets on which you want to print the poster. How more sheets, the larger the poster size will be.

    Example of print settings for a coloring poster "New Year".
    Set the settings according to the photo below and you will receive a poster on 8 A4 sheets.

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