• A short essay on “how I spent my winter holidays.” A story about winter holidays


    New Year's holidays are a time that not only adults, but also children love. Essay “How I spent the winter vacation" is one of the first things students will write when returning from a long weekend. This is quite a fun task that lifts your spirits and plunges you back into celebration and fun. Of course, it is advisable for parents to help the child remember bright moments New Year's holidays and help in writing an essay. The most important thing in in this case- draw up a plan for the work and clearly know what to write about. In this article we will learn how to correctly and briefly write an essay “How I spent my winter holidays.”

    What you need to know first

    Before writing any essay, you must make a plan. This will make it much easier for the child to describe events and various situations. According to culture writing, the essay must contain three points: introduction, main part and conclusion. But for convenience, the central part is usually divided into subsections. The more points there are in the work plan, the easier it will be to complete it.

    Writing an essay plan for “How I spent my winter holidays”

    So, in order to start writing a piece, you first need to make a plan. It should consist of at least 3 main points, but there may be more. In order to make a plan, you need to clearly know what you will write about. First, think about what was the best thing about the winter holidays. This will be the central part of the essay. The introduction indicates the main points, and the conclusion needs to summarize. So, the plan for the essay “How I spent my winter holidays” might look like this:

    1. What do they mean to me new year holidays.
    2. How I was waiting for the winter holidays to come.
    3. Main events and holidays.
    4. What gifts did I receive?
    5. What do you remember most?


    Of course, every work must have a paragraph in which the main idea of ​​the essay will be succinctly and accurately indicated. In this case, we should start with the fact that the New Year holidays are one of the most anticipated events for children.

    You can start like this: “The first snow has fallen, and everyone knows what it means. Winter holidays are coming soon. I love this season. Nature dresses in white fur clothes, houses and shops are decorated New Year's toys, and the smell of tangerines can be heard from everywhere. Hello, holidays!

    In addition, in the introduction you can outline why schoolchildren love winter holidays so much. Be sure to discuss this topic with your child. After the conversation, it will be easier for him to write his essay. For example, you can start like this: “My favorite holiday is New Year. I really like that school is on vacation at this time. I can hang out with friends, play in the snow and watch my favorite shows on TV. For New Year, my mother always prepares a lot of delicious salads. And we always bake a big cake with the whole family. Not only is it delicious, it's also a lot of fun."

    Of course, you can start an essay on the topic “How I spent the winter holidays” in the most in different words. The main thing is that they reflect the thoughts and feelings of the student. Here are some more options for starting a story:

    “The winter holidays are one of my favorites, because it is during this period that the most magical holidays occur. Usually you don’t even notice how they pass. By tradition, before the holidays, our school holds a competition for a New Year’s video for high school, then a disco, and for the younger ones - a Christmas tree with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. These events usually take place on the last day of school, and then the holidays begin."

    “My winter holidays began a few days before the New Year and lasted two weeks. It seems like a lot, but in fact, as always, the weekend passes in one breath. I went with my dad to buy a Christmas tree, and at the same time we also bought various decorations. The main event was that it snowed during these days and it was very beautiful, even fabulous."

    Main part

    These will be the few most important paragraphs in the short essay “How I spent my winter holidays.” In this part you should talk about all the events that happened during the holidays. The student must describe how he spent his holidays and what he did. For example, you can start with the fact that in the first days of the weekend he decorated the Christmas tree and decorated the house. You can continue the introductory part with the following sentences:

    “My holidays started out very exciting. The first thing I did was go with my father to buy a Christmas tree. I have a little sister and she loves to dress her up. Dad and I bought a Christmas tree, a lot of decorations, and helped mom and sister decorate it. We celebrated the New Year visiting our grandparents. We cooked salads all day, and in the evening we ate them and watched TV. At 12 o’clock at night we went out to watch the fireworks, and at that time I made a wish.”

    “I love the winter holidays, because at this time we always go on vacation to ski resorts. We have sport family, and we don't like to sit in one place. This year we visited the ski resort, which is located near Surgut. I had a lot of skiing. In addition, the “Residence of Father Frost” worked there. There I went on rides and attended classes at a magic school.”

    “We celebrated the holiday cheerfully, set off fireworks, firecrackers and lit sparklers, also exchanged gifts, everyone got what they wanted. After the New Year, time flew by very quickly, I rested, walked with my sister, played computer games and went to rehearsals , because on Christmas day I had another performance waiting for me. After the holiday, I had a few more days, which I devoted to relaxing outside the city. My friends and I went to the outskirts of the city to go sledding, snowboarding and skiing, we had a small house there, but. very warm and cozy."

    So, as can be seen from the examples, the main part includes everything important events that happened to the child during the holidays.


    The last sentences of the essay are the final part, which should logically complete the story. As a rule, they write in it about the emotions that the student felt during the holidays. For example, you can write that he really enjoyed the New Year holidays. He received many gifts. So, you can write: “In general, the winter holidays went very well. I remember them. I will also look forward to the next ones."

    Future plans

    At school, such essays are not always written after the holidays. Sometimes, before leaving for a long weekend, you are asked to write an essay “How I want to spend the winter holidays.” This is quite easy to do. It should outline all plans for the New Year's weekend. So, if in the previous version the student wrote about what had already happened, then in this case everything should be written in the future tense. Of course, the main part of the essay can be devoted to the dreams and fantasies of the child. For example: “I love winter holidays. This year I would like to make them fun and unforgettable. The most important thing for me is that there should be a lot of snow. I will play snowballs with my friends and build real winter palaces and towers.”

    In addition, in such an essay you can talk about family traditions and what a schoolchild usually does during the holidays. To do this, it will be useful to remember previous New Year holidays. You can also indicate in your essay what gift the child would like to receive from Santa Claus.

    Essay example. 2-5 grade

    To make it easier to help your child write an essay, let’s look at some examples. So, if a student is in grades 2-3, the essay should not be too long. And contain short sentences.

    “I really love the winter holidays. Usually there is a lot of snow at this time. My parents also have days off from work, and we can have fun as a family.

    In the first days of the holidays, I decorated the Christmas tree with my mother, and together we made a menu for the New Year. We decided to prepare two salads, bake pike in the oven and bake a delicious cake. We have a small family and we need little food. New Year's Eve we spent at home. There were three of us: me, mom and dad. In the morning, under the tree, I found a doll, which I ordered from Santa Claus.

    The next day we went to visit my grandmother. She lives alone and misses us very much. I spent the rest of the holidays very happily. I was walking with my friends in the yard, and the boys were constantly throwing snowballs at us. Of course, we answered them too and even broke their snowman.

    On the last day of the holidays I was a little sad that it was over. But on the other hand, I'm glad to see my school friends again."

    Sample essay “How am I going to spend the winter holidays.” 5-7 grade

    In this case, please note that the story will be written in the future tense. This task is given to schoolchildren before they go on vacation. That is, they must write an essay “How I plan to spend the winter holidays.”

    “I’m really looking forward to the New Year holidays. For me, they are associated with something fairy-tale and magical. The holidays will come in a week. I plan to spend them fun and interesting. Relatives and friends always come to visit us on New Year’s holidays. They give me gifts , and we have fun."

    "During the winter holidays, I have my own important things to do. I will decorate the Christmas tree and the house with New Year's toys. It's very fun and entertaining. I also always help my mother in the kitchen. We cook a lot delicious dishes. I will invite my friends to try them too.

    It's good that there was a lot of snow this year. I will spend a lot of time walking outside. I love sledding and making snowmen."

    How to write an essay correctly

    At an older age, children write essays much better, and parental assistance, as a rule, is not required. In any case, you need to check that the child does not make mistakes in the text. To do this, he should write a draft essay “How would you like to spend your winter holidays” and carefully check the text. Don't write the story for your child. The essay should reflect the student’s thoughts and feelings. This homework develops imagination well, trains logical thinking and helps to identify cause-and-effect relationships.

    Theme description: Winter holidays are a magical time of the New Year, frosty January days, when you can play winter Games on the street, and in the evenings do your favorite things in a cozy home environment. And, of course, winter holidays, like any other, bring a lot of impressions and interesting stories.

    How I spent my winter holidays.

    I spent these winter holidays in the city. The holidays began a few days before the New Year, and it seemed to me that they would last a very long time. Just before the New Year, a lot of snow fell, which gave winter an especially fabulous look. We celebrated the New Year at home with the whole family. And although I no longer believe in fairy tales, I wanted some kind of miracle or magic. And then it happened!

    Or rather, it was a strange accident. On that day, when on the eve of the holiday, my mother was busy in the kitchen for a long time, and my father and I were decorating the Christmas tree, the doorbell suddenly rang. We were waiting for my grandparents, and so I ran to open the door. I looked through the peephole and couldn’t believe my eyes. They stood outside the door real Grandfather Frost in a red coat and with a huge beard, and next to him is the Snow Maiden with a blond braid. Why did I immediately think it was real, because the last time it was a poorly disguised dad. Everything turned out to be simpler than it could have been. Father Frost and Snow Maiden turned out to be actors who had the wrong apartment, but I still received the magic candy.

    The first January days of the winter holidays turned out to be sunny and very frosty. These days it was great to walk outside and play various winter fun games. True, it was not possible to make a snowman, because in such frosts the snow turned out to be loose and not at all sticky. After such fun walks, it was especially nice to be at home, where my mother’s hot lunch was waiting for me. And in the evenings, dad and I read books and played Board games, which turned out to be much more interesting than a computer.

    On one of the days of the winter holidays, our whole family visited the circus. To be honest, I didn’t really like it because I felt sorry for the animals. Another day, my mother and I went to the theater to see a play for schoolchildren; it turned out to be very interesting and not at all boring. This is how I spent the winter holidays, which, although not as long as the summer ones, were eventful and interesting. So now all we have to do is be patient and wait for spring and summer.

    How I Spent My winter holidays.

    Holidays are the best time of the year, and this winter I spent them in an unusual and interesting way. Winter holidays coincide with my favorite time of year, winter, which adults and children enjoy. The onset of winter is like a holiday for me. Although you have to wait whole year, but it’s worth it, because you can go to the city skating rink, prepare your own gifts and decorate your apartment.

    This year, my parents and I celebrated the long-awaited holiday in the Carpathians. Near the Bukovel resort, where many people vacation. Our family went to visit my father’s mother; my grandmother lives in the small but very beautiful village of Yablunitsa. While we were getting to my grandmother’s house, my dad showed me a huge forest and high mountains surrounding the village and completely covered with snow. There is no such beauty in the city. Dad promised me that he would teach me how to ski properly. We went to a ski resort and rented skis that were the right size for me and him. He skates very well, he grew up in these places and trained as a child. We rode for a long time near my grandmother’s house and walked to the forest edge, trampling neat paths in the snow.

    What did we do during the winter holidays?

    Just before the first of January I learned about interesting tradition our family. A tall and beautiful spruce tree grows in the courtyard of my grandmother's house. In winter it is decorated homemade toys. It turns out festive, elegant and unusual. Grandma was glad that we didn’t have to cut down the tree, and we saved another Christmas tree in the forest. During the winter holidays, we helped grandma clear the snow from the yard, and mom cooked delicious roast duck. There were many different treats on the table.

    After dinner we played words and cities, had fun reading poems and played with friends, what would winter holidays be without games. In the morning I found gifts under the decorated Christmas tree, a large car with opening doors and a fishing rod for summer fishing. The yard was again covered with snow, and dad suggested building a snowman. There was a lot of snow, and it turned out to be a huge snowman. Mom gave him her old red scarf, and grandmother brought out a bucket and carrots. We all took pictures with the snowman.

    By evening, the carrot disappeared, and bird tracks appeared in the snow, and dad said that it was the crows who stole the snowman’s nose. Then the end of the holidays came. Cheerful laughter could be heard from the street all day. It was kids walking around the yards and putting on whole performances. We went out to watch and clapped for them. Grandma cooked a lot of delicious things, and kutia took the main place on the table. I loved the sweet raisins and nuts in this unusual dish.

    In the evening, grandma told interesting stories from dad's childhood, and mom read beautiful poems. I didn’t want to leave my grandmother, but the holidays were already over. Dad promised that we would come to the village again in the summer. I also really wanted to tell my friends how I spent my winter holidays.

    Also, don’t pass up an essay that talks about various adventures that happened to the character during the winter holidays.

    Winter is very good time of the year. Everything outside is white and white; nature seems to have frozen in anticipation of a miracle. And a miracle is the New Year holiday! Guests came to our home to celebrate the New Year. It was fun! After the clock struck 12, my friend and I went outside. We played snowballs, went down the slide and lit sparklers. Coming home, my friend and I were like snowmen. We stayed up until the morning and had fun all the time. The next day the guests left, but the festive mood remained.
    I really enjoyed the winter holidays, I had a good time: I walked outside a lot, went ice skating, and went to visit my grandmother. But I didn't just play and have fun. During the holidays I practiced karate and passed the 6th kyu exam, now I have a green belt, and I also went to the Republican competitions, which took place in the village of Raevka. I also went to study at the linguistic academy English language.

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    How I Spent My winter holidays Essay for 8th grade on the topic “How I spent my winter holidays”

    The winter holidays are over. During this period, more than ever, a lot of interesting things happened. First I'll tell you how I met New Year.

    Early in the morning of the 30th, my dad and I went to the market to choose the most beautiful Christmas tree for home. We searched for a very long time and chose the fluffiest small pine tree. When we came home, dad and I put it on the table in the corner of the room. We got it from the pantry big box and began to decorate the Christmas tree with a glowing garland, beautiful Christmas tree toys and white flowing rain. It's so great to be with dad and do this thing together. This is how we get closer and dearer friend to friend. By the time we finished decorating the Christmas tree and decorating the hall with our room, my mother came home from work. And I happily began helping her in the kitchen prepare various salads for tomorrow’s holiday.

    I celebrated the New Year itself in home circle: with mom, dad and younger brother. As always, we listened to our president's New Year's speech. And so, the clock struck twelve and I made a wish that would definitely come true this year. Santa Claus brought it to me under the Christmas tree soccer ball, a book with the story “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Arthur Conan Doyle, beautiful notebooks and a lot of sweets. In general, everything I wanted, except for the book. I don't really like to read, but I heard about this story and now I'm interested in reading it. The next day we went to visit our grandparents - we wished them a Happy New Year, and then we went to a performance near the Christmas tree on Theater Square. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden were already there, they held various competitions. We danced with them and sang songs. Mom even made me tell a poem to Santa Claus, and he gave me a beautiful new photo album.

    On other days I walked in the yard with my friends. We made a snowman, played snowballs and sledded down the hill. I also went to the skating rink with my parents. Even though I’m not very good at skating and was there for the first time, I really liked it and I’ll be happy to go again when mom and dad allow it and give me money.

    So Christmas has come. The weather was truly wintery, beautiful white snow was falling, the mood was more festive than ever. We gathered as a family to visit my brother’s godparents, since my godparents do not live in our city. They had a lot of guests, and they had a good time: they talked, joked, laughed and even danced.

    Just like that, the New Year holidays flew by quickly. It's time to prepare for the new school year. I repeated the material I had covered in literature, mathematics and the Russian language. Mom checked the exercises that I did. I told my dad the poems I had learned. I started reading The Hound of the Baskervilles. My parents promised me a trip to the Black Sea in the summer if I completed this course with flying colors. academic year. I will try very hard, because I really want to go to the sea, swim and sunbathe under the warm sun.

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