• I want him to run after me. How to make a man chase you: effective psychological techniques


    Sometimes getting the attention of the man you like is not so easy; for this you need to make an effort, develop a strategy and behave accordingly. For long term relationship It’s not enough to interest a guy, you need to make him run after you, awakening a real feeling in him. Any girl can do this task. The main thing is to know how to act.

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    How to make a guy chase you: proven methods

    A woman’s choice of course of action must be taken carefully and carefully. One wrong step can ruin a relationship at the nascent stage.

    The first steps to winning the man of your dreams

    How to interest a man (first steps):

    Step Action Description
    1 Attract attention and arouse interestIt's difficult for guys to identify their one and only at first sight. A girl should always take care of her appearance and look impeccable. You should not wear provocative outfits and high-heeled shoes if she is not accustomed to such an image. The girl will feel insecure and will not be able to please the guy. The outfit, like makeup, should be moderate and harmonious
    2 SmileA gloomy woman does not evoke any desire for further communication.
    3 Collect information about the man you are interested inTo talk to a guy and immediately attract his attention, you need to talk about what interests him. To do this you need to find out more about him.
    4 Start a conversationAfter a man has shown interest, you need to establish contact with him. The first conversation is very important; it determines whether communication will continue in the future. Ideally, speech should be smooth and deliberate.
    5 Do justice to oneselfA woman is advised to refrain from rude statements and displays of aggression, since such behavior can achieve the opposite effect and cause hostility and rejection in a guy. To produce good impression, it’s better not to show your new acquaintance your bad habits lighting a cigarette and holding a glass of whiskey in his hands.
    6 Remain mysteriousA slight understatement in a conversation can attract the attention of any man. It is not recommended to bother a guy with your presence; 15-20 minutes is enough for the first conversation. If a woman manages to interest her partner, he himself will look for a meeting with her.

    How to consolidate success

    After a girl has managed to attract the attention of the guy she likes and get to know him, it is recommended to act as follows:

    Step Rule Description
    1 Become unavailableA girl should not show a guy that she is in his power. You should not go on a date at the first invitation; you need to let the man understand that the woman has a lot of things to do. Refusal to meet under a plausible pretext can make a girl even more desirable in the eyes of a guy. It is important here not to overdo it, refusing too often or in a rude manner.
    2 Show your versatilityA woman should remain a mystery, so it is better if the fair sex behaves differently. Today she can be a strict lady in classic suit, and tomorrow - a vamp woman in a cocktail dress. Variety fuels a man's interest
    3 Stay interesting to a manEven after a woman has managed to attract the attention of a man, she needs not to stop there and not relax. A girl should improve and develop herself, read books and educate herself. This will allow her to always be interesting to the guy
    4 Be naturalTo attract a guy, a girl is advised to be herself and not play unusual roles. Sooner or later the masks will have to be removed, then the man will be disappointed. A woman is recommended to choose natural tactics of behavior
    5 Become a friendEvery man needs support. His heart can only be won by someone who knows how to listen, empathize and give advice in difficult situations. Guys value confidential communication
    6 Know how to remain silentIn some situations, the best thing a girl can do is remain silent. You should not express your opinion on any matter. Most often, a man does not want to hear about how great a woman is. Guys also don’t like gossip and boasting from girls.

    Psychologists advise a woman to remain gentle and affectionate in any situation. A man in the company of a beautiful lady should feel calm and comfortable.

    How to get your ex back?

    Psychology will help you get your loved one back. Men behave quite predictably in various situations. The interest of the stronger sex rests on three pillars. This is danger, uncertainty and intimacy. By behaving appropriately, a woman can easily renew her relationship with ex-husband, the main thing is not to force him to come back.

    Conduct yourself with dignity

    A representative of the fair sex should always be on top. A girl needs to take care of her appearance and try to think positively. After all, the external world is a reflection of the internal. Emphasizing your natural beauty easy by wearing makeup and keeping herself in excellent physical shape, a woman makes it clear young man that she is not broken after breaking up with him. A lady who behaves with dignity arouses genuine interest in a man and a desire to return.

    Exude self-confidence

    To interest ex-lover, you need to raise your self-esteem. A woman must believe that she is the one and only. She needs to learn to be herself and gain value in the eyes of her partner. Unobtrusively demonstrate your importance to a man and correctly ignore him, showing coldness towards him with all your behavior.

    Wanting to win the heart of a representative of the stronger half of humanity, ladies do anything. What to do when a man does not give in to temptation? Go to a fortune teller for a love potion? To intrigue your rivals, knocking them down? Can I have breast augmentation surgery? Let's try to figure it out together.

    5 effective ways to make a man chase you

    Beauty is great power
    It’s good when a woman has a rich spiritual world, but men don’t catch it at first sight. Fall in love with beautiful and well-groomed girls who know the price of success. Representatives of the male half of the population are like small children who have a passion for the beautiful and inaccessible.

    Coco Chanel said that a smart lady will not allow herself to be unkempt. Pay attention to the words, watch your appearance. There is no need to be lazy about putting on makeup, curling your hair, or ironing your clothes when you go for a walk or to the store. Forget about laziness if you stay at home. In simple ways you will learn to look neat in any situation.

    Pay attention to the perfume, it should not resemble a triple cologne and be too cloying. Choose calming scents with a hint of freshness. If a guy doesn't pay attention to his appearance, he will definitely smell a pleasant aroma. A person remembers smells, and later he associates them with something specific. Make them remember you at every opportunity! An excellent option for seduction would be the perfumes of Dior Sherry, Chanel Chance, Dolce Gabbana Empress, Versace Crystal.

    Regarding outfits, they don't have to be expensive. Dress stylishly and harmoniously, avoid T-shirts that expose your stomach. Do not expose your breasts to everyone; no man will choose a frivolous person as his life partner. Prefer longer ones to short skirts, pay attention to your shoes, you don’t need to buy shoes like the girls from a strip club. Wear things you like, but they should always be clean, ironed and not too dirty.

    Inaccessibility is not a vice
    Independent women attract men, this fact has been scientifically proven. To make your gentleman run after you, you don’t need to be too intrusive and persistent. Separate yourself, keep your distance, but not in a rude manner.

    Independence does not imply hiding feelings and sympathy; show the person you like that you need him. Don't cross the line between the call to be conquered and the line that says you are not interested in a companion. Show by your behavior serious intentions and the desire to be close to a worthy partner who knows how to conquer heights.

    Most girls forget about their friends and stop spending weekends with them when they fall in love. This behavior is quite understandable; the lady is busy thinking about the man and daydreaming about a happy future. Don’t limit your communication only to female acquaintances; communicate with guys as well. Your future gentleman may begin to be jealous of his imaginary rivals. Men are owners by nature, they love attention and want to be the only person in a girl’s life. Don't be led, remain unapproachable, otherwise the guy will easily lose interest.

    Positive character traits
    An important aspect is the girl's intelligence. Don’t be shy to tell interesting things that you know firsthand. However, there is no need to be smart and try to outshine your interlocutor, know when to stop. Whenever appropriate, don’t forget to mention your culinary skills and personal hobbies, as well as how you changed a burst tire yourself and other funny moments. Don't brag, state the facts.

    Be an individual, there is no need to present yourself as a glamorous “fifa” if you are not one. Communicate calmly and naturally, do not swear, guys prefer to communicate with adequate girls. Strange people attract, but not everyone. Don't imitate a man, but don't forget about flattery, they love it. Keep your mind clear when you are in company and drinking. Let the guy remember you as a natural and non-aggressive person who is pleasant to be around.

    If you have a chance to be alone with a man, show affection and femininity, caring and courtesy. These are the kind of ladies that are taken as wives. A guy doesn’t need a companion who behaves like a shoemaker, he wants to be stronger and lead the girl with him. Don’t be shy about talking about your inability in a particular area. When the relationship reaches a new level, the truth will still be revealed. Do not resort to lies, such actions cut the connection at the root. Don't wear masks and remember, you are a real lady!

    There are some young ladies who behave one way in company and completely different in private, do not be like them. Stay who you are, otherwise relationships will develop and inconsistencies will come to light. Have a feeling self-esteem, do not allow yourself to be humiliated and ridiculed. Make it clear that you are a true and irrefutable woman. Decent behavior will begin to attract the same suitors to you. Don’t forget about reliability; present yourself as an honest girl you can rely on.

    Self improvement is important
    Become better every day, engage in self-development and make your man have a good run. Haven't received your driver's license yet? No problem! Sign up for courses, complete the training and pass the exam. Are you driving successfully? Well, great, but there is no limit to perfection!

    Go to a motorcycle school and learn how to ride a motorcycle if you are not afraid. This trend has appeared quite recently, but guys adore girls on bikes, they honk after them, let them pass on the road and admire them. Don't be led by stereotypes that say motorcycles are more suitable for men. Driving a two-wheeler makes ladies look extremely sexy!

    There are more feminine ways of development: manicure and pedicure courses, hairdressing, personal growth trainings. Learn Spanish or English, these languages ​​are at the top of the list of most common ones. Read books, develop yourself and let a man see that you are worthy of attention!

    Time for the right meetings
    Not in love yet? It is time! A guy runs after a girl when he feels an irresistible liking. Make him fall in love with you! Call first and just chat, then disappear for a few days. Please note that the conversation must be memorable so that the interlocutor wants to communicate again. Choose the evening time to call, when dreams come out and people take off their masks. If you manage to intrigue your interlocutor, he will definitely call you back.

    Falling in love with a man is not difficult if you resort to... feminine tricks. During your next date, agree on a meeting, and after a few hours reschedule it for the next day, citing illness or employment. Don’t overdo it, the option of changing the date a week in advance won’t work, the guy will start to lose the habit.

    It is important to create a cozy and relaxed environment when you are together. Visit a popular cafe that serves delicious pizza and sit in nature. Go to the park and shoot at the shooting range, drive around the city at night in a car. In warm weather, go out for a picnic, fry kebabs and feed the birds bread. Take the initiative; women’s imagination is better developed in this regard.

    Making a man run after you is not difficult if you use the available resources correctly. Take care of your appearance, be feminine, show attention. Respect the boundaries of what is permitted, develop and improve your existing skills. Try to look natural in the eyes of a man and do not be like the easily accessible young ladies. During meetings together, have fun and smile more often, letting your partner know that you feel good with him. Don't give up if your gentleman is truly worth the effort!

    Video: how to make a man think about you

    Today, I hear from many women that men have become somewhat lacking in initiative, do not want to achieve them, and have generally become lazy. In part, this may be true, since today everyone has switched to the virtual world, spend a lot of time on the Internet, losing strength and energy there and losing the desire: women to admire, men to conquer.

    But there is a share of the blame for the women themselves, who turned into hunters. I really like the writer and psychologist Svetlana Ermakova, the creator of the technique. She very succinctly called such women “catching up.” Today I want to outline some of her tips from the methodology and convey one simple idea to women:

    Men have stopped hunting because the “game” itself runs towards them with open arms. Who would be interested in such a hunt?

    In a pair there is always someone who is chasing and someone who is running away. Or, to put it another way, one loves, and the other allows himself to be loved. This doesn't always happen, but often. Or in a couple the love is mutual, but one is still always a little more interested in the relationship. And it is very desirable that this “more interested” person be a man. This means that he must be catching up, and not vice versa. And today many women live their lives “catching up.” And then they complain that normal men have disappeared, become extinct as a species.

    No need to run after a man! You need to interest him, ask him riddles and... run away. And if you don’t run away, then they won’t catch up with you. And if you do catch up, they run away from you! Imagine a cow running after a bull. Or a hen after a rooster. They calmly do their own thing (grass, peck food) and do not pay attention to the males. The rooster will probably be shocked if the hen suddenly starts running after him, he will clearly consider her “abnormal”.

    Therefore, the harder you run after a man, the faster he will run away from you. As Svetlana put it: “What more woman suffers from a lack of His love, the more a man suffers from an excess of HER love.” Don’t become clingy and catch-up, take better care of yourself, your inner world and mood.

    No need to run after a man

    So, how can you stop him from falling in love with you?

    I think you already understand that you shouldn’t run after a man. How to do this practically and what is this “not running”? And it consists in five Non-actions.

    5 NOT-actions

    1. Always remember that as soon as you turn into a catch-up man, the man loses interest in you. Don’t try to please a man in everything and make his life pleasant. Take ONE step towards him only when he takes TWO towards you.

    2. Don't blame your man for not paying enough attention to you. And behave in such a way that he will listen to you. They don’t demand attention, they call it. Don’t ask him questions: “when will you call me,” “where have you been,” “where did you go and when will you arrive?” Don’t tell him: “hug me”, “kiss me”, “take me out”...

    3. End the conversation first (including on the phone), without waiting for him to say goodbye to you first. You've probably noticed that the one who says goodbye first has some kind of moral superiority (after all, he has more important things to do than talk).

    Men always feel chased (as well as not-chased), so try to say goodbye first. Your farewell may not be the end of the conversation; the man will probably continue it. But with your behavior you will create a situation where a man will be forced to catch up. After all, you are running away!

    4. When hugging, no matter how hard it is, pull away first. Don't wait for him to pull away from you. Let him hug you, you give in, answer him, but pull away first. And don't initiate hugs. For many they are very inappropriate. At this moment he may be thinking about something, being preoccupied with something, and a long hug is imposed on him. This can cause frustration and a desire for these hugs to end as soon as possible.

    When a woman is often the first to hug a man, and even holds him in these arms for a long time, she deprives him of the opportunity to catch up with her, conquer and win. You are depriving him of his most important need - to catch up (and win)! Men are “winners” by nature, and even if he doesn’t always manage to win, he still always wants to do it. Therefore, if your man does not catch up with you, he will catch up with the other.

    5. Don't let him know that you are “his forever.” And don't be the first to say that you missed him. This word itself is very insidious. You think that with this word you let the man know that you are glad to see him. But men often perceive this as “I’m in love, I feel bad without you, I’m all yours.”

    There is also another meaning. People are very afraid of boredom. Watch people and you will see how almost all their activities are aimed at combating boredom. And when you say you are bored, you sound dangerous, because boredom is contagious!

    As soon as you stop running after a man and start running away from him, he will begin to catch up with you. When he starts to catch up, he will start to think a lot about you (“why didn’t she pick up the phone”, “where was she in such a hurry yesterday”, “does she love me”, and so on). How more man will think about you, the more attached. The more thoughts, the stronger the love!

    The complete method “Don’t stop him from falling in love with you!” can be ordered HERE . There you will also find information about the content of the methodology.

    Be the first to say goodbye, be the first to leave, be the first to hang up the phone and be the first to propose separation. A man who is interested in you will begin to catch up with you. And if not, then this is not your man and sooner or later your relationship would have ended anyway.

    Don't run after a man, but take care of yourself! Fill, fill and fill yourself with love and inner light! Take care of your body, take care and cherish yourself!

    You can also get access to a free secret Knowledge Base for women, which contains many hours of videos on the topic of falling in love, keeping and building happy relationship. You can access the database HERE .

    If this article was useful to you and you want to tell your friends about it, click on the buttons. Thank you very much!

    The world of gender is fiercely competitive. The song about “9 guys and 10 girls” is still relevant today. In order not to be left without destiny and not to “fiddle with the handkerchief in your hands,” you need to take the bull by the horns and. The only problem is that women want to be looked after, but not to run after men. This is understandable - since ancient times it has been the custom that men would seek a woman’s hand, and women, in turn, would only turn up their noses. What to do? It's simple - with the help of psychology and little tricks you can attract male attention to your person and make a man run after you. WANT.ua will tell you how to do this.


    You must become the best and unattainable for a man. As you know, competition is in the blood of men, so create conditions under which you will communicate not only with the object of your adoration. In addition, you must be able to present yourself correctly - having noticed an attractive man, try with all your might to attract his attention not to yourself (wink at him, smile, ask for help, say hello, ask what time it is or where the stop is public transport). Don't forget to be flirty, but do not overdo it so that a man does not have doubts about your morality. To make him run after you, show that you are worthy of his attention, and that he will have to put in a lot of time and effort.


    There are plenty of stupid lap dogs with whom there is nothing to talk about except about and who have read nothing else. This is not enough for men. They often pay attention to their inner world and spiritual enrichment. So, read books, watch the news, play sports, enrich your vocabulary, watch your manners and behavior. A woman must interest a man, then he will not feel sorry for his time with you, and he will run after you.


    Men love like-minded people of the opposite sex, so they are drawn to women with similar interests. So he will see in you your soul mate, will start looking for meetings and will gradually start running after you. Maybe you support the same football, hockey (or any other) team as him. Maybe you like to skateboard, ski, snowboard, rollerblade? Or do you adore billiards or bowling? Or maybe you are a fan of postmodern artists or hard rock? Shared hobbies unite, and having realized what a cool woman you are, a man will be interested in spending time with you and will not mind spending time running after you.


    Men love with their eyes, so it is important to always be on parade, well-groomed, neat and just a sex bomb. Dress beautifully and stylishly, but not provocatively (leopard print leggings and a floral sweater are not beautiful!), choose a pleasant perfume, apply moderate makeup, nails and hair. It is clear that a man is more likely to pay attention to a girl with chips than a gray mouse with overgrown roots and a dirty head. No matter what anyone says, appearance plays a big role.


    For a man to start chasing you, don’t be intrusive and too attached to him. Show that you are interested in a man, show sympathy, meet, go for walks, communicate, but... don't forget about life outside of it. Do not forget about the life that was before the man - communicate with girlfriends, friends, do not give up hobbies, work and do not adapt to all his hobbies, etc. Men are owners by nature, they do not like to share women with anything or anyone, therefore, in order to spend time with you more often, they will run around and look after you.


    No matter what, remain yourself, maintain (or develop) your traits real woman. Don't be too jealous or scandalous for no reason, strict, arrogant and daring. Show care, attention, tenderness and affection. Don't be smart and don't get irritated over trifles. Leave some of your secrets unrevealed, but slowly introduce a man into your life. When a man thinks he knows everything about you, surprise him with some skill. This will make him admire you even more and will not allow his interest to fade.

    Love rules our world. This great feeling makes our planet rotate. Each of us so wants big and pure love!

    We want to love and be loved. None of us wants to be alone and cry into our pillow at night. However, it’s no secret that finding love can be so difficult!

    What to do if you met Him, but he doesn’t love you? Many modern women, regardless of their age and social status I’m very concerned about the difficult question of how to make a man run after you.

    You probably also passionately want Him to fall head over heels in love with you, otherwise you simply wouldn’t be reading this article.

    I am responsible for those I have tamed, but not for those who have become attached to me!
    Irina Semina. 30 days in the life of a queen.

    Do not despair!

    Even if He doesn’t reciprocate your feelings yet. Wise people They say that nothing is impossible in our life. We ourselves can change a lot, we just need to really want it. While we live on this Earth, we must desperately fight for our happiness. Today's cold ice of male indifference can be replaced tomorrow by the flame of true love.

    So, if you desperately type into a search engine “how to make a man chase a woman” and have long read all the existing books on psychology, then you will definitely be interested in this article.

    Men love with their eyes

    The way our world works is that men like beautiful women. Today everyone is only interested in our cover. Even if you have at least three higher educations and a PhD in philosophy, few people will be interested in this. Take this fact into account, especially if you want to seduce a Cancer man and a Libra man. They value female sexuality and sensuality more than other zodiac signs.

    Start preparing for a magical meeting with your destiny today. Put all your business aside. Open your closet and rethink your wardrobe. Throw away all the gray and black things. Get rid of shapeless hoodies and sweatpants. Go to a good stylist and update your hairstyle, do fashionable manicure and pedicure. Then buy new perfume.

    If you think that extra pounds don’t make you look good, then why don’t you go to the stadium or a fitness club? There you can exercise, improve your figure, get rid of excess weight. You will see, you will become much slimmer and much younger.
    Always follow fashion. Buy only the most fashionable and high-quality items.

    Forget about markets and second-hand shops. You want to attract the love of the best man in the world! Don't skimp on buying new shoes or lace underwear.

    Love wearing high heels. If you like sport style, reconsider your views on fashion. High heel- This is a bright symbol of female sexuality. Believe me, no man can resist you if you leave the house in high heels.

    In simple terms, make yourself the lady on the cover of a glossy magazine. You should always be dressed to the nines. Your makeup should be simply flawless. As Coco Chanel said, it is better to have a wrinkle on your forehead than on your stockings. This lady certainly knew a lot about fashion and men. Let's not argue with this style icon, but rather get our wardrobe in order.

    The Snow Queen principle

    All men like unapproachable beauties. Even if you are ready to faint from the pleasant timbre of his voice, still do not outwardly show that you like him. Let your man always be at a loss, nervous and doubt your interest.

    Never call him first or send him an SMS, especially after the first date. Of course, you really want to pick up the phone and dial his number. It’s better to take your mind off thoughts about him and take up, for example, your favorite hobby. A man should not be sure whether you liked him or not. Let it be a kind of cat and mouse game. This turns them on and forces them to develop relationships. If you call him, he’ll give up, you’ll see!

    For reference.
    All men are passionate hunters by nature. They are accustomed to independently achieving their prey, that is, a woman. Where have you seen the prey itself run after the hunter? It will look just funny if you start stalking your man and bombarding him with text messages. He will simply become bored and uninterested with you. He will avoid you, and then you will definitely not be able to achieve anything.

    Don't change the natural course of things. We didn’t come up with these rules, and it’s not up to us to change them. If you listen to the advice of a psychologist who recommends not to show interest, you can get an unexpected result. A man who just yesterday seemed very cold in communication will already come running today and ask you to meet.

    According to the great Marilyn Monroe, if you want to be loved, run away.

    Try to make your man see you as a mystery that he will want to solve again and again. Become a distant star for your loved one, for whom he will follow even to the ends of the earth!

    Common hobbies and interests

    So, today you finally found out that your beloved man:

    • fisherman;
    • rocker;
    • tennis player;
    • biker;
    • programmer?
    Then run to the sports store for a racket or storm forums and websites in search of thematic information related to his hobby!

    And also some tips:

    1. Be sincerely interested in his favorite hobbies, interests and everyday interests. It's no secret that spending time together can truly bring a couple closer together. Understand that if you hate fishing, he can find a more accommodating lady who will happily get up with him at four in the morning to go to the pond.
    2. Never criticize his guitar playing, stamp collection, or beloved pug. After such attacks in his direction, you may never see him again.
    3. Men are extremely vulnerable and sensitive creatures. They can be easily frightened by a careless word or remark. Just show the man more of your sincere interest.
    4. Read sensible articles on the Internet about a specific hobby, buy your man something for his collection, or food for his beloved cat. Believe that he will soon see and appreciate all your aspirations. You will realize that he is also interested in you.

    Intimate compliments

    Praise his sexual abilities often. Extol its virtues, but do not talk about its shortcomings. A man is very worried and sometimes even doubts his attractiveness. Young guys are especially prone to this behavior.

    Often tell him how divinely handsome he is and how sexy he is. Come up with different beautiful and original compliments to repeat them in his ear every day. Let him feel like a real God of sex and a hot hero-lover next to you.

    You can tell him the next morning, after a night spent together, that you have never felt so good. He will then, of course, want to hear it from you again and again. Men treat their appearance with trepidation and do not tolerate criticism.

    Some men are a little childish and a little shy. Therefore, make him feel like the hero of an adult film next to you. Just avoid falsehood, and even a hint of insincerity. In the intimate sphere, this is simply inappropriate.

    If you give him a feeling of importance, self-confidence, and in his masculine sexuality, then he is unlikely to run after other skirts. He will want to stay with you.

    And what are the conclusions from all of the above?

    Today there are various effective ways make sure your man can’t live without you. Use our simple methods, which are based on recommendations the best psychologists USA and Europe.

    You can, using your natural feminine sexuality and attractiveness, easily make him stand under your window all night with a guitar and a bouquet gorgeous roses. He will want to turn your life into a beautiful fairy tale.

    However, as modern psychologists say, no one can ever be forced to do anything. Therein lies the key to the solution. You should not force a man to fall in love, get married, run after you, call you every minute.

    Your task is to make him sincerely want to fall in love, communicate, date, and ultimately spend his life next to you. If you really want love, don't sit idly by. We need to act today. Armed with our advice, feel free to join the fight for your feminine happiness.

    And finally, think about it. If after you have completely changed your image, re-read all of Goethe, learned to jump with a parachute, and told him a hundred compliments about his manhood, he doesn’t even look in your direction, maybe this is just the hero of a novel that isn’t yours?

    What do you think, dear ladies, about this? Share your thoughts with us, and perhaps personal history to win the man of your dreams. We are very interested!

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