• Games for the New Year. New Year's competitions and entertainment


    Family New Year: games for children and adults, competitions, script, free materials for printing.

    Family New Year

    For our family New Year- this is not only a feast under the Christmas tree, but also pleasant moments of communication with each other. And without interesting competitions, riddles and various unexpected magical surprises and inventions, the New Year holidays are losing their charm. And in creativity, the family unites and inspiration and new ideas are born!

    We usually prepare the holiday very quickly - literally in a few hours in the last days before New Year. We cook along the way, discussing it on the way to the store or in transport, as well as at night, so that no one hears anything from our surprises. And costumes are born from various improvised things. Baba Yaga appears from an ordinary robe, a scarf on her head and a broom or mop in her hands. The snowman is made from a sheet stretched over a gymnastics hoop, onto which snowflakes are sewn. Koschey - from a tracksuit, a swimming cap on his head and a couple of lines of makeup on his face. Such characters are not scary and are very funny, making everyone laugh.

    This is not a fictional script, this is a heartfelt, humorous family holiday in home circle or with guests. It is conducted without rehearsals and is based on improvisation.

    Family New Year Scenario No. 1.

    We played out this scenario in the coming New Year 2015. But it can be used not only in New Year's Eve, but also on any day when guests with children come to your house.

    Let's start like this.

    Act 1. New Year's letter from Koshchei.

    When the New Year comes and it's time to find gifts under the tree, guests find a very beautiful holiday envelope under the tree. Joyful, they open the envelope and read the message. And there!!! No, it’s not a Happy New Year greeting! In the envelope, instead of congratulations, there is a letter from Koshchei the Immortal!

    Here it is: “Happy New Year! Hahaha! Did you want gifts?! Ha! You won't have a happy new year! I stole Santa Claus and hid New Year's happiness in a hot country. Soon Santa Claus will melt! You'll never find it! Koschey." (You can download this letter by clicking on the link and print it on a printer on a sheet of A4 paper) -

    Action 2. New Year's trip by country.

    We need to go save Santa Claus and we set off on a journey to look for a hot country, Santa Claus and New Year's happiness. Along the way we find ourselves in different countries and in games we learn a lot of interesting and funny things about them.

    The first game. First we all play together "Guess what." Questions are asked about how the New Year is celebrated in different countries. In the game you need to guess whether it is true or not. If this is a lie, then it needs to be corrected to the truth. You can come up with similar questions about Christmas.

    Examples of tasks for the game:

    — In Italy, there is a tradition at the very last minute before the New Year to throw broken dishes out of the window, old clothes and even furniture. Is this true or not?

    — In Germany, Santa Claus comes to children on an elephant. Is this true or not? If not on an elephant, then on what? Guess it :-).

    Tasks for this game at the holiday (questions and correct answers to them) You can download for free

    With small children, during the course of this game, you can depict how we are either flying on an airplane, or riding a train, or sailing on a ship from one country to another. And the adults will guess. So we will entertain both children and adults in this game.

    Second game. Nonsense. In the game you have to guess the meaning of words. As a linguodidact by profession (i.e., a person involved in language teaching methods), I could not help but include humorous language puzzles for adults in the script. Almost all the adult guests asked to give them tasks from this game so that they could play with their guests later :). Therefore, be prepared - and print out several copies of the tasks for the game in advance.

    Examples of tasks for this game. Guess what it is?

    — What is “toadstool” translated from Czech: a) poisonous mushroom, b) buckwheat, c) an unpleasant incident?

    — What is “bun” translated from Bulgarian: a) homemade baked goods, b) plump, c) bride, d) cake?

    Want to know the answers? Then download the questions and answers from the links below:

    You can play this game not only during the New Year holidays, but also at any family holiday.

    While we are guessing these 12 questions, we are moving through the fairy forest to the fairy hut. The journey map helps us with this. The correct answer to one question in the game of nonsense is our one step forward to the hut. We move the chip across the field.

    Action No. 3. Baba-Yaga's tasks.

    We find ourselves in Baba Yaga's hut. Yes, this is exactly what was drawn on our travel map. We remember how to get to the hut and together we ask the hut to turn “its back to the forest, and its front to me.”

    Baba Yaga greets us very politely and in a fairy-tale way: “You are my killer whales, where did you come from? On what business did the boyars and merchants pass by my hut?”

    She agrees to help us in the search for Santa Claus and New Year's happiness, but only if we complete her tasks.

    Baba Yaga gives separate tasks to adults and children.

    The task for children is riddles - deceptions. They are structured in such a way that some of the riddles require an answer in rhyme, and some - not in rhyme. You need to be careful and not make mistakes! Not only children, but also their mothers and even fathers are happy to guess deceptions. And adults make mistakes no less often than children!

    You can give chips for correct answers in this game (if even 7 people answered correctly at the same time, we give each of them a chip). At the end of the game, we count the chips and give small surprises to everyone who has at least one chip.

    Riddles - tricks in rhyme alternate with ordinary riddles to confuse players. You can deliberately pronounce out loud the first syllable of an incorrect word in deception.


    "Night. Winter. There are stars in the sky.
    The kids are sleeping, it's too late,
    The moon in the sky is a horn,
    A little white thing fell... (snowball)

    Well, the dresses are all needles -
    They wear it all the time... (Christmas trees)

    Many, many, many years
    Grandfather gives us gifts,
    Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
    This holiday is Day... (this is the New Year holiday)

    Sticky needles
    At the elegant... (Christmas tree)

    Down the street with grandpa
    Rushing in a sleigh... (Snow Maiden)

    Who is he with the white beard?
    Himself ruddy and gray-haired,
    He is better and kinder than everyone else!
    Did you guess it? -...Barma... (lei?!) (No. Santa Claus)

    Who came from afar

    Is it slightly covered in snow?

    Who brought us gifts?

    All the guys like it

    Green beauty.

    Balls, needles

    January begins
    Need a new one... (calendar)

    Come to our ball!
    So that no one recognizes you,
    Let your mothers sew for you
    Carnival... Pi -...? Zhamy? (no, costumes!)

    We looked out the window,
    I can’t believe my eyes!
    Everything around is white - white
    And it’s sweeping... (blizzard)

    The bright shine of silver
    Sparkled... (tinsel)

    Forget about whims
    Candy for everyone, surprises for everyone!
    There is no need to cry on New Year's Day,
    There, under the tree, ... an old bast shoe?!!! (no, gifts!)

    Comes to visit us
    Leads round dances,
    Celebrates the New Year
    Helps grandfather.
    Thin figure -
    Granddaughter - (Snow Maiden).

    To make the night bright,
    We need to help Grandfather.
    All children say on holiday
    In chorus: “Christmas tree, ... go out?” (no, Christmas tree, burn!)

    Bang! Papers like from a cannon
    Flying out of... (crackers)

    I love skating on ice.
    Hooray! Winter is getting closer!
    I'll go to the skating rink with friends
    And there I’ll put on… skis? (no, skates)

    Flew, spun,

    I fell onto the path,

    And sparkles like a piece of ice

    Soars up with a roar
    Multi-colored... (fireworks)

    We can do it without mistakes
    Name all the months of winter.
    Let's call first.
    Of course, this month is... May? (no, December)

    New Year! No better than the day
    For Bengal... (fire)

    The snow woman has a funny nose
    It's a long, bright vegetable!
    Now we need to think together,
    Which vegetable should we choose?
    Who guessed it - well done!
    Of course it's... a cucumber? (no, carrot)

    Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Day
    Children lead... (round dance)

    Get into a round dance,

    Santa Claus will come soon!

    He is walking along a quiet street

    With granddaughter... (Snow Maiden)

    Are you my friend or not,
    Get into the circle quickly!
    Hand in hand, kids
    They drive together...? by the nose of the bear? (no, they dance in a circle)

    We made a snowball
    They made a hat on him,
    The nose was attached and in an instant
    It turned out... (Snowman)

    We will start a “war” in winter,
    Let's build a snow fortress!
    What are we going to “fight” with?
    Every “warrior” should know!
    Guess quickly, my friend,
    Round ball - ... (snowball)

    Santa Claus came to us,
    He brought his young granddaughter.
    The children are waiting for her gift -
    This girl is...a mermaid?! (no, this is Snegurochka).

    Who is Santa Claus' helper?
    Who has a carrot instead of a nose?
    Who is all white, clean, fresh?
    Who is made of snow? -...Leshy? (No, Snowman)

    Look through the crack of the door -
    You will see our Christmas tree.
    Our tree is tall
    Reaches to the ceiling.
    From stand to crown
    Hanging on the branches... (Toys.)

    Here she is, beauty
    Everything is shimmering!
    They brought it in from the cold,
    This tree is... Birch? (no, Christmas tree)

    Houses and parks are covered in snow,

    Everything became white and white,

    It's snowing outside the window,

    The river hid under... (ice)

    Two birch horses
    They carry me through the snow.
    These red horses
    And their names are... (skis)

    We eat this fruit on New Year's Eve,

    A magical smell comes into the house with it.

    Santa Claus eats with gusto

    Orange and round... apricot? (mandarin)

    Bouquets of roses on the window
    Draws for us...
    (Father Frost)

    Gray beard overgrown
    Good old …
    (Father Frost)

    Paints the nose red
    To all the guys...
    (Father Frost)

    Pulled girls to tears
    For the pigtails...
    (not Santa Claus, but a bully)

    The shawl shines silver on the branches of birch trees,
    This outfit gave...
    (Father Frost)

    Who brought us gifts?
    Well, of course, …
    (Father Frost)

    Electric locomotive on New Year's Day
    Gave me...
    (Father Frost)

    He grew up in hot Africa,
    (not Santa Claus, but a black man)

    Plucked us all seriously
    Winter morning...
    (Father Frost)

    I didn’t freeze in the bitter cold,
    I'm only happy about the cold...
    (Father Frost)

    There’s a whole cartload of “twos” in the school
    (not Santa Claus, but...)

    On Women's Day, a bouquet of mimosas
    Gives to mom...
    (not Santa Claus, but dad or son)"

    The task for adults is a question-answer game. You need to tell the whole truth about yourself in this game.

    You will need:

    - printed tickets with questions and answers for the game (download them from the link below, print them on a printer and cut them so that there is only one question or one answer on one narrow strip),

    - two opaque gift package. Put the questions in one bag and the answers in the other.

    How to play:

    The first player draws one question strip from the question bag and reads it out loud to the player to his left. The second player pulls out his answer to this question from the answer bag.

    The result is often very funny combinations. We have this game going around for several rounds because everyone really likes it.

    In this game, children can help adults by pulling strips from bags. Many kids do this with great pleasure.

    Act 4. The riddle of Baba-Yaga.

    For completing tasks we receive help from Baba Yaga. Like this:

    In our case, we hid the letter under the very big flower in the house (rose). Under the flower there is a trolley - a gurney. There was a note under the gurney. So we came up with this riddle:

    “Find the largest tree in the whole area (meaning in the apartment). Under the tree is a magical object. It contains 4 skewers, 2 sticks and 1 bed. Today he is here, and tomorrow he is there. Under this object you will find an assistant.”

    And you can come up with your own riddle. Here riddle form, in which you can fill out the frame yourself -

    Action 5. We receive an assistant and a hint.

    In our designated place in the apartment (under our cart with big rose) we find a helper - a hint. There is another mystery in it. And it contains the answer to where Koshchei hides Father Frost and our happiness in the coming year.

    The riddle is complex: “There are blue flowers in the iron flowerbed - they help to cook any kind of food.” If the players do not guess, then there is a riddle below - a hint from which it is immediately clear that the hot country is located... in our kitchen! Next to the stove or in the stove! Let's go there!

    (My husband and I thought for a long time about where to hide the gifts - and decided that in a hot country, we obviously only have a stove, or rather an oven. We came up with the riddle ourselves).

    Act 6. Save Santa Claus and find New Year's happiness.

    We come to the kitchen and find another sheet with tasks there. It turns out that Santa Claus is protected by security. And we need to speak her teeth to save them. We play tongue twisters - “we charm the teeth of the guards”, at the same time we find out and discuss what this expression in the Russian language means (to distract the interlocutor with extraneous conversations). You can use any tongue twisters for this game. We had these this year.

    Having passed through security, we find ourselves at the stove. And we find in it a bag with a toy Santa Claus and gifts, as well as another bag called “New Year’s Happiness.”

    What is this bag of happiness - I’ll tell you more. In him - new year wishes. Each wish is printed on a piece of paper. A sheet of paper is wrapped several times (resulting in a dense lump 2-3 cm in size) and packed in a corrugated colored paper(like in a bag). The bag is tied with a narrow gold ribbon. Everyone pulls out their bag, unties it and reads out what their wish is for the New Year.

    Wishes can be different - you can find them on the Internet and change them a little - rhyme them to suit your family.

    For example:

    Wish 1. “Many incidents await you
    And interesting travels -
    For courses, on vacation, abroad -
    Where fate will decide!

    Wish 2. “You will, my friend, continue to
    Burn with creative work.
    But you won't burn your wings,
    Take care of your health!”

    Wish 3. “Your hairstyle, appearance
    It will pleasantly surprise us all.
    From then on you will continue to
    Keep getting prettier and younger!”

    Family New Year Scenario No. 2.

    If you are going on a visit, it will be difficult to fully implement the first scenario without prior preparation. But this does not mean that the games are cancelled. You can play different games right at the table.

    What you can do at a home party as a guest:

    - play game "Question and answer"(see description and download file above).

    - And also play the games described above: “Nonsense”, “Guess It: A Journey Through Countries” and “Riddles - Tricks”. For the correct answer in each of these games, we give chips to each player who said the correct answer. If five people answered correctly, then we give an incentive chip to each of the five. At the end of the game we count the chips. Whoever collects the most chips gets the right to be the first to take the bag of happiness and read the wish out loud from it so that it comes true.

    - play a game Activity (ready-made board and printed game).

    - play games “Bundle”, “Changes”, “Win-Win Lottery”. We played these games last New Year, so we didn’t repeat them. And you can read about these and others fun games with guests at a family holiday in the article

    I wish everyone a happy New Year and Christmas holidays! And let the games on family New Year's holiday bring joy to your home, creative ideas, unite your family and strengthen it!

    Complete collection of games for family holiday, medals, certificates, chips for game winners, masks for staging you will find in the book

    You will find more games for the family New Year in the site article


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    When choosing games for teenagers, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden must remember that teenagers do not agree to unequal relationships typical for childhood. The guys consider themselves quite adults, although, carried away by the game, they forget about it. They require benevolent and tactful support from adults, which helps to fulfill the desire for independence. Children of this age are in contact with both peers and adults; they try to prove themselves and receive high praise from adults. Girls and boys actively defend their views, especially with regard to hobbies, fashion, tastes, and leisure activities, so it is best to organize for them new Year's Eve in the cafe.

    It must be taken into account that at this age great attention needs to be given to the individual. Therefore, I recommend that Santa Claus and Snow Maiden select games where there is an opportunity to express themselves. You can hold a knight's tournament; at this age, boys want to please girls and assert themselves in their own eyes. They perceive positively and willingly play in the “Miss and Mister Party” competition, which has the nominations “Most Charming”, “Superman”, “MissSmile”, “Mr.Gallance”, “Miss Charm”, “Mr.Courage”, “Miss Charm”, “Gentleman” " and so on.

    Well received Mind games, especially if there are tasks that require players out-of-the-box thinking and the presence of a sense of humor. These could be questions with double meanings or a fun crossword puzzle. In a word, just continuous dancing can very soon tire you and get boring. It is necessary to warm up not only for the legs, but also for the mind.

    "Skinny" company

    The hoop should fit as much as possible more people. It is only advisable that the guys do not get too carried away - the hoop is not rubber, after all.

    Circle, square, triangle

    Two teams of 12 people each participate, both freely dancing. On command in the dance, players quickly move into a circle, then into a square and into a triangle.

    Dance Marathon

    Fast pieces of music are played in a row (it is best to take the most popular ones). Participants in the game must dance non-stop. The most resilient one wins.

    Familiar melodies

    They invite one person from the team, and place signs with the names of famous performers (composers) in front of them. A fragment of a musical work is played, the players must raise a sign with the name of the performer (composer) or title. You can use works of a certain theme or a certain direction (classics, modern hits).

    Cheat sheets

    The game requires two or more participants. They are given a roll toilet paper. These are the cheat sheets. The participants’ task is to hide the paper in their pockets, behind the collar, in trousers, in socks, tearing it into small pieces. Whoever does this first is the winner.


    Toilet paper will make a magnificent “mummy”. Call two or more pairs of volunteers. One of the players in each pair is the “mummy”, and the second is the “mumiator”. The “mumiator” must wrap the “mummy” with “bandages” made of toilet paper as quickly as possible.


    The presenter names proverbs of a particular country, the players indicate a Russian proverb that is similar in meaning. For example, an Arabic proverb says: “I ran from the rain, got caught in the downpour,” and a Russian one: “From the frying pan into the fire.”

    1. Iranian: “Where there are no fruit trees, a beet will pass for an orange.”

    Russian: “For lack of fish and cancer, fish.”

    2. Vietnamese: “A leisurely elephant reaches its goal earlier than a frisky stallion.”

    3. Finnish: “He who asks will not get lost.”

    Russian: “The language will bring you to Kyiv.”

    4. English: “Every flock has its own black sheep.”

    Russian: “There’s a black sheep in a family.”

    5. Indonesian: “The squirrel jumps very briskly, and sometimes it breaks down.” ,

    Russian: “A horse has four legs, and he stumbles.”

    Blindfold game

    10 people are participating: 5 girls and 5 boys. The rest form a large circle, holding hands. The players are blindfolded so that nothing is visible. At first, everyone moves chaotically inside the circle, trying not to push each other. Then, on command, the boys try to form their own circle, and the girls try to form theirs. Intuition is needed here, because you can’t talk. You are allowed to touch each other and determine by touch who is yours and who is someone else’s.

    Change your hand

    Players are invited to try to draw or color something, but only with their left hand, and those who are left-handed use their right hand.

    Guess the condition

    Two teams of 6 people are required. Each player of two teams is given a drawing in an envelope that depicts a face with an expression of anger, thoughtfulness, fear, joy, irony, sadness, fear, boredom, surprise, admiration. Alternately, the participants of the two teams read the quatrain:

    Guests came to us

    Dear ones have come,

    It was not in vain that we set the table,

    They treated us to pies,

    And they read with the same expression as in the picture. The player comes forward and stands in front of the team so that everyone can see his drawing, but the guessing team does not. If the opposing team guesses correctly, it gets 1 point. Whose team scored more points won.

    Dance with an orange

    2 couples participate. Each pair is given an orange. As soon as the music starts, they must dance with the orange between their partner's cheeks. The winner is the couple who manages to hold the orange while dancing.

    Capricious apple

    Number of participants - 4 people. One person is holding an apple in the air, which is tied to a short ribbon, and the second participant is trying to eat this apple without using his hands.


    A team of 7 people must decorate the “Christmas tree” while the music is playing. A “Christmas tree” is any person from the company. You need to decorate the Christmas tree using improvised means. The winner is the team that decorates the “Christmas tree” with the most “toys.”

    Orange boom

    There are 12 people in the team. They stand in a row. The first player holds the orange under his chin. On command, players pass the orange to each other without using their hands. The team that doesn't drop the orange wins.

    Strange dancing

    Two people hold a thick cord 1.5 m long at a height as tall as a person. Those who want to play take turns walking under the cord, performing dance moves. Gradually the cord is lowered lower. The game continues until the most flexible player remains.

    Name the fourth

    Three words are named, and the fourth (of the same theme) is named by the participants in the game. This game can be played between players sitting at tables. The team that can name the most words wins. For example:

    1. Dnieper, Don, Volga... (Yenisei).

    2. Plum, pear, apple... (orange).

    3. “Opel”, “Mercedes”, “Moskvich”... (“Ford”).

    4. Masha, Olya, Lyuba... (Natasha).

    5. “Spartak”, “Lokomotiv”, “Zenit”... (“CSKA”).

    6. Poplar, pine, maple... (birch).

    7. “The Golden Fish”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Frog Princess”... (“The Snow Queen”).

    8. Chair, bed, table... (chair).

    9. Gymnastics, volleyball, tennis... (football).

    10. Pencil, pen, notebook... (ruler).

    11. Cream, perfume, powder... (lipstick).

    12. Chocolate, marmalade, candies... (cookies).

    13. Goal, penalty, offside... (corner).

    14. Boots, shoes, boots... (sandals).

    Collect snowballs

    The game is designed for two people only. Each player is given a basket. Snowballs cut from foam rubber are poured onto the floor. The players are blindfolded, and on command they begin to collect snowballs. The one who collects the most snowballs wins.

    "Cheerful boots." Two teams, unlimited number of players. Props: 2 pairs of felt boots big size. The players line up one after another. On command, the first player puts on felt boots and, quickly running around the tree, returns to the team. Having taken off his felt boots, he passes them on to the next one, and so on until all the players have completed the distance.

    The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

    Wonderful calendar sheet

    Each guest receives a piece of paper from a desk calendar. Boys are given odd numbers of the calendar, and girls are given even numbers. As the evening progresses, guests are offered several tasks:

    1. Find “yesterday”.

    2. Build a team from only “Tuesdays” or from only “Thursdays”.

    3. Gather by month.

    4. Collect the first week of each of 12 months.

    5. Collect all Wednesdays of one of the months.

    Based on the numbers of the flip calendar leaves received, be sure to indicate what month the date is, you can hold a New Year's auction with non-standard prizes.

    Looking for a couple

    Again, using the calendar leaves, you need to find a couple to dance. The game is played while dancing. The Snow Maiden names any number from 3 to 61, and the players must gather in pairs so that the sum of their numbers on the calendar sheet corresponds to the named number. The one who completes the task first wins.

    Jumping bags

    Very popular, very simple and at the same time hilarious funny game. Props: two bags. Two teams stand in front of the Christmas tree. The first player on the team is given a bag. Putting it on his feet and holding the edge of the bag on both sides with his hands, he jumps around the tree and returns to the team. He takes off the bag and passes it to the next player. The team whose last player gets to the team first wins.

    Score a goal for Santa Claus

    We designate the gates with two small Christmas trees. Santa Claus is a goalkeeper. Players take turns trying to score a goal. Whoever hits the goal moves on to the second round. In the second round, 2 attempts are given to score a goal. The players who scored 3 goals each advance to the third round. And so on until one player remains, the winner.

    “During my student days, I very cleverly performed one trick with everyone who wanted to know the name of their betrothed, which I, in turn, learned in the company of the same curious girls - my friends older sister. And the whole trick is actually very simple, like everything ingenious. For the success of this event, you need a bathroom or just a sink with a small piece of soap, preferably completely flat, although any will do for lack of anything else. Well, the rest, that is, a flock of people thirsting for the truth, I think, will be found just like a box of matches, because candles need to be lit, so buy them in advance. And when all this is ready, everyone has gathered, everyone has already exhausted their knowledge in the field of Christmas fortune-telling, you, as if by the way, can ask: “Can I tell you what the husband’s name will be for any of you.” In response, you can hear anything: surprise, disbelief, etc. But someone will definitely be interested in it. This is where it all begins. Even before you say your intriguing phrase, you can write on the inside of your forearm (from the hand to the elbow) any soap you have prepared. male name. This should be done with a ridge of slightly wet soap so that your hand remains dry. If you did not have time to do this in advance, then after you have interested everyone, do something so that you need to go out (get matches, comb your hair, finally go to the toilet), just don’t say that you need to get ready for fortune telling, this can alert the most suspicious, and there are such people always and everywhere. When you leave, you need to write any man's name or the name of the prospective groom of the one who volunteered first. When you return to everyone, you must, with a serious look, invite everyone to concentrate and under no circumstances laugh, in general, let in a fog. Then invite the girl for whom the fortune-telling will be done to burn 5-20 matches (as many as your heart desires, but not less than 5) and place the completely burnt matches on your prepared forearm. When a girl burns matches, she should completely focus on her future as she sees it (or come up with something interesting yourself again for the same fog). Then, with no less concentration, you need to rub the burnt matches directly on your hand (cruelly, but you can’t do it for a laugh), and with every movement of it, the name that you previously wrote will appear on your hand. You can believe that even the most skeptical people will believe and want to do it themselves, and maybe more than once. For the second and subsequent times, you will no longer need to look for an excuse to go to the treasured water and soap to write the treasured name for next girl. It is advisable that no one except you knows this joke, but this is not so important if that person is your ally. It is also important to be absolutely serious and even, perhaps, indifferent, and not to laugh under any circumstances. When everyone is satisfied, you can tell about everything, unless you want to hold a monopoly on next year. In my case, there were a majority of skeptics from the very beginning, and it all started out of curiosity. And in the end, even the most ardent skeptics became so excited and seriously believed in everything. They still had doubts even after I told them everything honestly. But on the whole, everyone was satisfied, and, what’s most interesting, even after my confession, they told everyone that their betrothed’s name would be exactly as I predicted for them. I wish you all good luck in carrying out this fortune telling! "...

      Game "Dress up Santa Claus"

      The game involves 2 teams of 3 people. One member of each team will play Santa Claus. He sits down on a chair. The other two players are tied with opposite hands. The participants' task is to dress up Santa Claus with their free hands. You need to dress him with a beard with an elastic band, a mustache, a hat, a suit with a belt, mittens and felt boots. After the main characters of the holiday are dressed, the players take a tangerine and begin to clean it with their free hands. Then they treat Santa Claus with it.

      The winner is the team that dresses and feeds Santa Claus the fastest.

      All guests participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need a jar placed in a bag or taped over. The host approaches each guest in turn with a jar and offers to make a contribution. Every person should throw at least a few pennies into the jar in order to live debt-free in the new year. Then each guest in turn names the amount that has been collected in the bank.

      The person whose answer is completely correct or closest to the correct amount wins. The winner takes the jar of money for himself.

      Participants are divided into 3-4 teams of 2-3 people. The leader gives each group a piece of paper with a pen and pronounces a word. The team’s task is to write an urgent telegram, and all words of the telegram must begin with a specific letter of the word that the presenter has thought of (the first word with the first letter, the second with the second, etc.). The text should be as coherent and understandable as possible. For example, the presenter thought of the word “mask”. You can compose the following telegram text: “Mikhail addressed his stationery to the American.”

      Words for each group must consist of the same number of letters. The team that composed the funniest and most original telegram wins.

      Example words: metro, dish, descent.

      Everyone sitting at the table participates in the competition. To conduct the competition you will need tear-off leaves with adhesive backing and pens. Each participant writes a cartoon character, the first and last name of a singer, actor or other famous person. Then the contestants stick the leaves on each other's foreheads so that the player does not see what is written there. When everything is ready, participants see all the inscriptions, but do not know what is written on them. With the help of leading questions, players try to figure out who is encrypted on the piece of paper.

      Examples of questions:
      I am human?
      I am a man?
      Am I living at this time? and so on.

      Other participants can only answer affirmatively or negatively. Each person asks 5 questions and passes the turn to the next one. The competition continues until all players guess who is written on their piece of paper.

      Game "Fat-cheeked lip slap"

      The game involves 2-4 people. Participants take turns putting a lollipop (barberry, duchess) in their mouth and saying the phrase: “fat-cheeked lip slap.” With each round of candy in your mouth there is more. You should not swallow or bite the lollipops. The winner is the player who can put the most candies in his mouth and pronounce the control phrase.

      All children participate in the competition. Participants are divided equally into 2 teams. One team will be wolves. Children have red scarves attached to their belts, which act as ponytails. The second team will be dogs. They are used to attach blue scarves to the belt.

      The wolves decided to sneak into the village to feast on the chickens. The guard dogs must prevent them from doing this. Energetic music is turned on. A team of dogs runs after the wolf cubs, pulling handkerchiefs from their belts and vice versa. After the music stops playing, a count of the caught players is made by the number of handkerchiefs of a certain color. The team with the most handkerchiefs left under its belt wins.

      Game "New Year's bowling"

      The game involves 2 teams of 6 people. To play, you will need 2 regular balls, which will act as a snow globe, and 20 pins (10 for each team), which will be considered icicles. Icicle pins are placed in a chaotic order every meter (starting from 1 meter) - the same for each team. Each team player takes turns walking up to the starting line and aiming the ball at the pins. The team that knocks down the most pins in 6 ball throws becomes the winner.

      The competition involves 2 teams of 5 people. To carry it out you will need 2 spoons, 2 bowls, 10 ice cubes (2 identical sets) different forms- in the form of flowers, stars, squares, hearts, etc. and corresponding molds for each piece of ice.

      Each team is given a spoon and a bowl with a set of ice cubes. Participants line up in 2 lines. Ice trays must be placed at the same distance from both teams.

      The competition begins at the command of the presenter. The task of each participant is to take a piece of ice in a spoon, put it in the required form and go back to pass the spoon to the next competitor on your team. To make the task more difficult, you can place various obstacles along the way that the player must bypass. The winner is the team that puts all the ice cubes into the appropriate molds the fastest.

      2 people participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need 2 assistants, preferably boys. tall. They hold a rope stretched on both sides, onto which fruits are attached using threads: apples, tangerines, oranges.

      Participants are blindfolded and given a basket and scissors. The players' task is to collect as many fruits as possible. Before the collection begins, the contestants are promoted. After this, the assistants lower the rope to knee level, then they can lift it back up. From time to time they change the position of the rope. Having found a fruit, the player must cut it with scissors. The participant who collects the most fruits in the allotted time wins.

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