• Interesting profiles. Questionnaires for girls - how to compose them yourself? What questions to come up with


    Questions for a profile for friends

    1. 1.WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Tanya
      2. WHAT COLOR ARE YOU WEARING NOW? I'm without pants!)))
      3. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? The cat snores above his ear
      4. WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT? I watched the series "Don't Be Born Beautiful"
      5. WHAT WAS THE LAST TIME YOU EATED? Saw orange juice
      6. WHAT IS THE WEATHER OUTSIDE NOWWarm and sunny
      8. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Eyes... hands... hands and eyes
      9. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT YOU THIS LETTER? I love him! I love you with every fiber of my soul)
      10. HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY? I am sleepy
      11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? Orange juice, milk, coffee, hot chocolate
      12. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK I don’t drink
      13. FAVORITE SPORT? swimming
      14. HAIR COLOR brunette... almost chestnut
      15. EYE COLOR? brown
      16. SUNRISE OR SUNSETTING? sunset
      17. BROTHERS AND SISTERS, THEIR AGES? brother - 28 years old
      18. FAVORITE MONTH? All
      19. FAVORITE FOOD?)))))) cheese in chocolate, cheese, grapes, meat
      20. LAST FILM YOU WATCHED? "Uninvited Guests" is an awesome comedy!
      21. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK? Friday evening
      22. HOBBY: collecting beautiful things and making them if possible
      24. FAVORITE SONG?
      “If you want to stay...” and “Don’t look, don’t look around...”
      25. SUMMER OR WINTER? summer
      26. HUG OR KISS? Is it possible to do this separately?
      27. RELATIONSHIP OR ONE NIGHT ONE? relationship, no options
      28. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? vanilla
      29. DO YOU WANT YOUR FRIENDS TO RESPOND? Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!)) Everything and quickly, otherwise I’m late for class)
      30. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO ANSWER? those who love me. .
      32. HOW DO YOU LIVE AND WITH WHOM? with parents... bad
      33. WHAT BOOKS DO YOU READ? now - a book of murders)... but in general I read voraciously, everything in a row... except romance novels
      34. WHAT DOES YOUR MOUSE PAD LOOK LIKE? hmm.. and I have a mouse like this... uh... built right into the computer!)) what is it called?))
      35. FAVORITE COLLECTIVE GAME Cossacks-robbers, hide and seek, pantomime... a lot
      36. CAN YOU REACH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? It’s really not easy to cover))
      37. CAN YOU TURN ONLY ONE EYE? No)))
      38. ARE YOU A ROMANTIC? a complex combination of romantic and cynic
    2. 1.Name
      2.Date of birth
      3. Zodiac sign
      4. Place of residence (city)
      5. Favorite holidays
      6.Favorite names
      7.Favorite color
      8.Favorite flower
      9. Favorite dish
      10. Favorite animal
      11.Favorite group
      12. Favorite singer
      13. Favorite singer
      14. Favorite direction in music
      15. Favorite actor
      16. Favorite actress
      17. Favorite poet
      18. Favorite magazine
      19. Favorite sport
      20. Favorite song
      21. Favorite joke
      22. Favorite verse
      23. Favorite director
      24. Favorite clip
      25. Favorite book
      26. Favorite drink
      27. Favorite TV series
      28. Favorite subject
      29.Hair color
      30.Eye color
      32.I'm addicted...
      33.I'm a fan...
      34.I hate...
      35.I love...
      36.Best friend
      37.Your habits
      38.your positive character traits
      39.Your negative character traits
      40.Your favorite wise thought
      41.Your motto
      42.Your dream
      43.Your best memories
      44. Character traits that you value in people
      45.I will never forgive...
      46. ​​What do you want back?
      47.I regret...
      48.Are you scared...
      49.Sometimes while I sleep I...
      50. It would be unfair if...
      51.Your talisman
      52.Do you smoke?
      53. Do you drink?
      54.I'm for...
      55. I am against...
      56.What should yours look like? ideal man(woman)
      57.I collect...
      58.Do you believe in God?
      59.What do you want to thank God for?
      60.I study at school...
      61.My favorite TV show
      62.What can you do that other people can’t?
      63.What would you like to learn?
      64.what kind of guys do you prefer?
      65.What do you pay attention to first of all when you meet a guy?
      66. It’s unrealistic for me...
      67.Do you want to live in another country? In which?
      68.Are you a pessimist or an optimist?
      69. By the word love I mean...
      70. In life I cannot do without...
      71.Do you like chocolate?
      72. The best of everything given to you
      73.Which channel do you prefer?
      74.Do you like to give compliments?
      75.Your first purchased music CD
      76.Day or night? Why?
      77.In me, I don’t like it
      78.The most beautiful thing in life is...
      79.Three things you will never be able to do...
      80.Your hobby
      81.Lucky number
      82.Three things that make you furious...
      83.What do you want to see in the future?
      84.Do you have any piercings? If yes, where?
      85.Your nickname
      86. The worst day of your life
      87.Your favorite expression
      88.What are you afraid of?
      89.Do you believe in true love?
      90.What are you willing to do for your loved one?
      91.Do you keep a diary in which you write down every day you live?
      92.Which sea do you prefer?
      93. By the word emo I mean...
      94.Your character
      95. Do you write stories, poems, etc.?
      96.For me, the ideal job in the future is...
    3. 1 IFO?
      2 How old are you?
      3 What city are you from?
      4 What are your parents' names?

      8 If yes, which ones?
      9 What are their names?
      10 Favorite food?
      11 Favorite drink?
      12 Favorite color?
      13 Favorite flower?
      14 Favorite tree?
      15 Favorite animal?
      16 Favorite bird?
      17 Favorite city?
      18 Favorite book?
      19 Favorite movie?
      20 Favorite cartoon?
      21 Favorite character?
      22 Favorite actor?
      23 Favorite actress?
      24 Favorite singer?
      25 Favorite singer?
      27 What is your hobby?
      28 Favorite holiday?
      29 Favorite time of year?
      30 Favorite month?
      31 Favorite weather?
      32 Favorite day of the week?
      33 Favorite number?
      34 Favorites female names?
      35 Favorites male names?
      36 What are you dreaming about?
      37 Favorite toy?
      38 Favorite writer?

      47 What clubs did you attend?
      48 What do you value in people?
      49 What irritates you?
      50 Favorite song?
      51 Favorite phrase?
      53 Where did you meet?
      54 Favorite car brand?
      56 Favorite poem?
      58 Did you have GDZ? =)

      61 Favorite fruit?
      62 Favorite time of day?
      63 Favorite soup?
      65 Favorite proverb?

      68 Your drawing is a keepsake for us
      69 Your last word: wish something for people!
    4. 1 IFO?
      2 How old are you?
      3 What city are you from?
      4 What are your parents' names?
      5 What is your best friend's name?
      6 What is your best friend's name?
      7 Do you have pets?
      8 If yes, which ones?
      9 What are their names?
      10 Favorite food?
      11 Favorite drink?
      12 Favorite color?
      13 Favorite flower?
      14 Favorite tree?
      15 Favorite animal?
      16 Favorite bird?
      17 Favorite city?
      18 Favorite book?
      19 Favorite movie?
      20 Favorite cartoon?
      21 Favorite character?
      22 Favorite actor?
      23 Favorite actress?
      24 Favorite singer?
      25 Favorite singer?
      26 Who did you want to be like (your idol)?
      27 What is your hobby?
      28 Favorite holiday?
      29 Favorite time of year?
      30 Favorite month?
      31 Favorite weather?
      32 Favorite day of the week?
      33 Favorite number?
      34 Favorite female names?
      35 Favorite male names?
      36 What are you dreaming about?
      37 Favorite toy?
      38 Favorite writer?
      39 What is your best quality?
      40 What is your worst quality?
      41 Do you remember your very first - September 1st?
      42 What is your favorite subject at school?
      43 What was the name of your first class teacher?
      44 What was the name of the algebra teacher?
      45 What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?
      46 Where did you spend your summer holidays?
      47 What clubs did you attend?
      48 What do you value in people?
      49 What irritates you?
      50 Favorite song?
      51 Favorite phrase?
      52 What is the name of your significant other?
      53 Where did you meet?
      54 Favorite car brand?
      55 How old do you remember yourself?
      56 Favorite poem?
      57 Were you a poor student or an excellent student?
      58 Did you have GDZ? =)
      59 What extra. did you study the language at school?
      60 In what grade did you start playing truant?
      61 Favorite fruit?
      62 Favorite time of day?
      63 Favorite soup?
      64 Which channel do you watch most often on TV?
      65 Favorite proverb?
      66 Why did you decide to fill out this form?
      67 What do you need to be happy?
      68 Your drawing is a keepsake for us
    5. Cool
    6. What do you dream of becoming in the future?
    7. 1-name
      2nd date of birth
      3rd place of residence (city)
      4-favorite holidays
      5-favorite color
      6 favorite flowers
      7-favorite dish
      8-favorite magazine
      9-favorite book genre
      10- hair color
      11- eye color
      12-your hobby
      13-favorite animal
      14 - favorite poem
      15 favorite writer
      answer options -
      4-new year, birthday
      8-Sun about everything
      10- red
      13-cat, dog
      15-Pushkin A. S.

      I wonder if questionnaires are fashionable among schoolchildren now.

      It was just a hit when I was a kid.

      Everyone had forms and everyone filled them out all the time.

      I have a questionnaire - a notebook with 48 pages.

      The first couple of sheets were decorated for me by my older sister, she drew beautiful drawings and we put stickers on it.

      Then came the questions:

      Full name and such,

      There have always been questions such as favorite animal, actor, singers,

      There were also such questions: Who is your favorite from the class?

      .Everyone took the Secret or no one.

      At the end of the questionnaire I had a beautifully folded piece of paper and it said Here is my secret. Do not open.

      It’s clear that everyone opened it, and it said I can eat 100 candies. Childish, but it was funny.

      At the end of the questionnaire there was a crossword puzzle and puzzles; everyone had to guess only one word.

      You can ask in the questionnaire Which animal do you associate with?

      . The answers are very interesting.

      Nostalgia right there.

      When I was little, I always had a questionnaire. I gave it to other girls to fill out. In the early nineties it was a fashionable hobby for little girls. And also Barbie and Cindy dolls.

      It is advisable that the notebook is not thin, but has 96 sheets. Then the questionnaire will last for a long time.

      My notebook questionnaire contained both serious and humorous questions. I started filling out the form myself, then gave it to others. We pasted various chewing gum inserts into the questionnaires, drew pictures, and made secrets. It was very interesting! Questions for such an amazing notebook can be found here. Let me still quote a few questions: Time has moved forward. Before we didn’t ask about nicknames, mailboxes,

      Cell phones. We simply didn’t have all this, and our souls were purer...

      Cool questions

      for the questionnaire is here.

      You can create an unusual questionnaire for girls personally, guided by the list of questions that are most interesting and relevant.

      Modern profiles may include columns indicating all the pages of social networks where he is registered.

      A very interesting and at the same time familiar question from school. I also loved making up forms and exchanging them with the girls, and sometimes we let the boys fill them out. Here is what you can include in the items of such a questionnaire:

      1) The most main question- what is your name (first name, last name);

      2) Where do you live? (house number, street, city);

      3) Where do you study and in what class?

      4) How old are you?

      5) When were you born (in full) and what is your zodiac sign?

      6) What is your hobby?

      7) What can you do best?

      8) What is your very, very favorite movie?

      9) Favorite book?

      10) Who is your best friend?

      11) How do you feel about the owner of the profile?

      12) What is your favorite dish?

      13) Do you love animals? What's your favorite animal?

      14) What phone number do you have?

      15) What is your favorite song?

      16) Favorite cartoon?

      17) Write a wish to the owner of the questionnaire.

      Recently my eldest daughter came to me with the same question. And at her age I myself was interested in this activity. Apparently, this never ceases to be fashionable at all times. The questions, of course, change a little (for example, we didn’t have questions about social networks in our questionnaires), but the essence remains the same. Now you can buy a ready-made questionnaire or make it yourself. For self-made you will need a thick notebook and colored pens. Previously, we wrote different sections of the questionnaire with different pens and decorated them with drawings and clippings from magazines. There are standard survey questions at all times: How your name? How old are you? Where do you live? Where do you study? In what class? What are your parents' names? What are your friends' names? who do you hate? What are your pets? and so on. You can include several original questions in the questionnaire: What one word would you call yourself? Is it possible to fly with an umbrella?

      Take a larger notebook and write questions on the first page, fold the subsequent leaves. (They may contain the answers of those who will answer. Well, the questions are first general, and then suitable for age and interests.

      What is your name? What is your nickname on social networks? Your mailbox? How old are you? Where do you study? In what class? Do you like the place where you study? What's your favorite subject? What is the name of your favorite teacher? Who do you want to become in the future? Your height?Who would you like to be alone with? Your favorite singer? Your favorite actor? Who do you love? Your favorite dish? Who do you like from your class? Do you have a pet (what is its name)? Where do you want to go on vacation? Where have you already been (cities, resorts, villages, etc.)? What are your parents' names? When's your birthday? Your phone number? Your best friend (friend)? What do you think about me?

      In addition to the questions in the questionnaire, you can write and come up with surprises, for example, stick an envelope in which everyone will put a surprise, a wish, or a personal message for you.

      Questionnaire compiled for classmates It will help children get to know each other better, but the second is the development of creativity in the child, and let him imagine himself as a reporter who is interviewing another person, this will be an educational experiment.

      And in any case, mandatory questions should be like:

      What is your preference in music?

      Your preference in cinema

      Your favorite artist

      Your favorite band

      Your favorite movie

      Your favorite actor and actress

      What's your favorite color

      Your nickname

      Your favorite lesson

      Your favorite sweets

      Your deepest desire

      Who is your best friend

      Darling school subject

    Questionnaire for friends questions

    Suitable for a 4 year old child. 3 years is too early. It is very interesting what the children answer. questions under the cut

    1. Favorite color?

    2. Least favorite color?

    3. Favorite book?

    4. Favorite cartoon?

    5. Favorite time of year?

    6. Favorite normal food?

    7. Least favorite normal food?

    8. Favorite sweets?

    9. Favorite drink?

    10. Least favorite drink?

    11. Favorite toys?

    12. Favorite game?

    13. What are you afraid of?

    14. What do you like to do most?

    15. What don’t you like to do?

    16. Where do you like to go?

    17. Who do you want to be?

    18. Favorite animal?

    19. Favorite fish?

    20. Favorite bird?

    21. Any insect?

    22. Favorite fruit?

    23. Favorite vegetable?

    24. Favorite tree?

    25. Favorite flower?

    26. Favorite time of day?
    27. Favorite car?

    28. Favorite clothes?

    29. Favorite city?

    30. Favorite place in our apartment?

    31. Favorite item in this room?

    32. Which of the places you have visited do you like best?

    33. What would you be interested in learning about?

    34. What do you like to cut out, draw, sculpt or glue more?

    35. What do you dream about?

    36. Where do you dream of going?

    37. Favorite transport?

    38. Not your favorite transport?

    39. Favorite boy name?

    40. Favorite girl name?

    41. Favorite form of exercise?

    42. Favorite geometric figure?

    43. Favorite letter?

    44. What music or song do you love most?

    45. What is your favorite activity that we do as a family?

    46. ​​Do you like warm or cold more?

    47. What animal do you like to transform into the most?

    48. What distant place would you like to visit?

    49. What is your favorite word?

    50. Where do you like to walk?



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    • questionnaire

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    Profiles for girls have existed for decades. The main thing is to come up with questions for the questionnaire. For girls, this is usually a difficult task. After all, you want to come up with as many questions as possible in order to find out everything about a person. Most questionnaires are filled out during training sessions. Some buy questionnaires with ready-made questions, and some write them themselves in a thick notebook.

    Currently, an electronic questionnaire for girls has become more relevant: 100 questions by which you can find out everything about your friends. Electronic is modern, simple and convenient, but a questionnaire in a notebook is already a relic of the past.

    If you need a questionnaire for girls, the questions are easy to find and even come up with yourself. But not all of them are relevant and interesting. Composing your own questionnaire questions for girls can be quite a difficult task. Therefore, here you will find some tips that may be useful for your application.

    Questions for the questionnaire, for girls from 7 to 18 years old:

    You can come up with a thousand more questions in order to reveal a person’s identity, but in this case it may bother the person who fills out this questionnaire. Composing questions for a questionnaire for girls is quite easy, but it is worth considering that the main and most interesting topics, as a rule, are questions related to who is in love with whom, best friends and an opinion about the creator of the questionnaire. Girls are most interested in these moments.

    IN modern society You can also add the question “Are you a virgin?” to the questionnaire, but it is designed for girls from 14 to 18 years old. This issue is related to the early sexual development of our youth. Although many will either not want to answer this question or will lie, although a small percentage can answer honestly.

    The more interesting the questions for the questionnaire for girls, the more interesting the answers can be. Girls also love to give it to boys to fill out. Since the question of who loves this or that guy interests the creator most of all, especially if she herself is in love with him.

    Probably the most terrible and terrible thing for girls is when the questionnaire is found by parents or taken by teachers and read by it. Sometimes you can find a lot of hidden and secret things there. However, adults do not need to know about this. Therefore, advice to adults: do not delve too deeply into the child’s personal life; if he wants, he will tell you everything himself.

    We present to your attention pages for a girl’s personal diary. We have not yet developed as many pages as we would like, but gradually we will add new pages.
    In such diary You can write down your most intimate thoughts and experiences. And your diary will also help you get to know your friends better, and maybe even make new ones. Such a diary may contain profiles for friends , secrets , fun puzzles and funny stories . You can also add dream books, fortune telling and useful tips to your diary.

    To make a diary, you need to buy an A5 ring binder, it is better if the folder is cardboard. For example, like this:

    Print out the pages, cut them in half, and personalize them with drawings or stickers. Next, use a hole punch and make holes and file them in a folder. So now you've started to lead your diary, don’t forget about it, write down your thoughts there and useful tips. Don't forget to take it to school and during recess invite your friends to read funny stories and answer questions on your questionnaire. You'll see, your friends will really like it!

    Don’t forget to check here more often, and also follow our news to be aware of new pages for your diary.

    We present the first and second pages for your diary. Write your name, enter your details, color the picture and decorate the page with stickers.

    On these two pages, write a little about your dreams and come up with little secrets, don’t forget that you can show these pages to your friends. Try writing with different colored pens and decorating the pages with drawings. The page itself can be colored with colored pencils.

    Write about your pets on these pages. You've probably noticed their funny habits, tell us about them, your friends will be interested in reading about it. Don't forget to decorate the pages.

    Your diary is a small book about you. All your friends, reading your diary, must adhere to certain rules. You probably won’t allow everyone to read your diary - write about it. And in order not to forget to congratulate your friends, write down the dates of their birthdays. Decorate the pages, come up with something original to decorate your diary.

    One page is for secrets, come up with and write them. The other page is for a giveaway. Write some funny joke and fold the sheet along the dotted lines, and write an appeal on top, for example, “whoever discovers my secret will receive half a kilo of sweets.” Everyone who opens the secret will see the inscription “Open more” and only at the end will be able to read what you wrote. The inscription may be: “sorry, no money.”
    And, of course, don’t forget to decorate the pages.

    Your friends will be more interested in leafing through your diary if there are funny tasks there. Don’t forget to solve them yourself. And on another page your friends will be able to meet your closest relatives. Write their names and color the tree. Don't forget to decorate the pages.

    One of the most interesting pages of the diary has always been the questionnaires. All girls, and boys too, like to fill them out. Today we offer one of the questionnaire options. You can print out as many copies as you have friends and invite them to fill out the form. This will help you get to know your friends better.


    The first point is always introduction: first and last name, nickname, age. This is the usual information that is needed to identify each person filling out the questionnaire, as well as to make them aware of the importance of the upcoming event. You can add hair and eye color (these items are more often used by girls), but it is not recommended to include weight and height here, because for someone far from the standard ratios, such questions may seem offensive.

    Obligatory points are to clarify preferences in music and cinema: favorite performer and group, genre and specific film, actor and actress. Thus, the owner of the profile will not get into trouble by inviting a lover of comedy melodramas to a horror film. In this column, it is not recommended to ask about your main friend, since this question is quite difficult to answer for a child with a wide circle of acquaintances without offending someone. The simplest addition would be your favorite color and food, school subject and place to go, season of the year and weather.

    Moving from specific questions to more abstract ones, we must not forget about finding out the cherished desires of friends. Having reached this point in the questionnaire, the child filling it out begins to think about his desires and decide whether it is possible to speak about them publicly or whether it will remain his deepest secret. Such trust will make the questionnaire deeper and more meaningful than the standard “name-color-movie” list. The answer about choosing a profession will become more open. If you draw up a new questionnaire every year without throwing away the old one, you will notice that the answers of the same children to the question “who will you become in the future” will change.

    To ensure that leaving answers is not limited to superficial five-minute filling, but makes you think, you can include some kind of logical puzzle with a twist. Moreover, to avoid duplication of solutions, they can be placed in small sealed envelopes. At the end of the survey, they are printed out, and the answers are compared with each other. The winner can be promised a reward, for example, a notebook with a picture of a popular music group.

    The last step to get you to put down your pen and pick up your pencils is to ask them to draw something simple. For example, yourself - in which case you can get a placeholder idea of ​​yourself. It can be replaced with a sticker or nice wishes addressed to the owner of the profile in the form of beautiful lines, poems or a drawn flower.

    In order to attract attention and meet people on the Internet, you only need to follow a few rules and be able to apply them. To do this, go to any dating site and perform the following steps.

    You will need

    • Internet access, your own email, your photos on your computer.


    Enter your email address in the “email” field, to which you will subsequently receive a letter with a link, following which you will confirm that your profile is attached to your mailbox.

    Create a password to log into the site. Better from Latin letters and numbers, which will be known only to you.

    In the “nickname” field, enter your real name or nickname.

    Please indicate your gender in the gender column.

    Next, indicate your date of birth and the city in which you live. This will make it easy for other users in your city to find you. Main registration is completed. It is possible that you will need to indicate the code from the picture - Latin letters and numbers. This must be done so that the system understands that a person is registering and not a machine. Next, you should receive an email in which you need to follow the link and continue registration.

    Next, you will fill out your basic data directly on the site. Upload your photo (avatar) using the uploader and selecting a photo on your computer. It is better that the photo (your own, of course) be good quality. You should not upload photos from your phone or photos where you are hard to see - in sunglasses, in a mask, from the back and more. Remember that people are looking at you, they, like you, are interested in who they are communicating with.

    In addition to the questionnaire, there are other opportunities to tell about yourself on various sites. You can create albums with photos - memorable moments of my life, my work, my photos, my favorite pictures, etc. By reading comments, you can find out how interesting your photos are to other users. You can also upload several videos (you should not reload the page with them), which can also relate to interesting moments in your life, or some funny situations, cartoons and more. It is also possible that you can start a diary on your page, where you can enter your thoughts, opinions, observations, poems and much more.


    Be careful if you need to send an SMS to register, perhaps these are “fraudulent” sites.

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    When filling out forms with various employers, every now and then you can come across the column “your hobby" Sometimes it doesn’t happen because some employers may not be interested in this part of your life. But when it comes across, it still baffles you. What does the employer want to know about you, what to write - all your hobbies or not? And most importantly, how?


    Be sure to write about your hobby in the resume, especially in the employer’s application form, since it is asked about it there. According to Elena Agafonova, head of the SMG coaching center, there is a human factor here. “This personalizes the resume and “catches” the employer,” she tells the website PlanetaHR.ru. Negative on indication hobby Only 7% of employers respond to resumes, according to research from the website HeadHunter.ru.

    Please indicate those hobby that reflect your professional quality or qualities that may be useful in work. The position of a leader sports section, for example, will tell the employer about the organizational and leadership qualities of the applicant. Therefore, carefully analyze your hobby regarding the manifestation of your characteristic qualities: are they significant in professional activity, do they show the direction of your movement, determination, ability to achieve results in life. Indicate only those that meet this criterion. There is no need to mention those hobby, which cannot be related to work in any way, or get off with some clichés. This is empty information that will not allow your application or resume to be taken seriously.

    Use moderation and accuracy in listing your hobby. There is no need to write a lot about them in the application form. Optimally, this is one line at the end of the resume. Also refrain from enthusiastic and overly emotional stories about them during the interview. Otherwise, the employer will decide that your first priority will certainly not be work.

    In each specific situation, consider whether it is worth writing widespread hobby like reading and fitness. Sometimes they can talk about culture and commitment healthy image life, and sometimes characterize you as mediocre.

    Video on the topic


    • Hobbies on your resume: a (useless) addition?
    • hobby on resume

    Typically, when searching new job there is a need to fill out a form. It would seem that filling out the questionnaire should not cause any difficulties - the questions have already been drawn up and all that remains is to simply answer them. However, there are certain nuances here too. How to write about to myself V questionnaire?


    Prepare in advance all the documents necessary to fill out the application form - passport, work book, tax identification number, military ID, diplomas and others. Make sure that you have information about previous places of work - actual and legal addresses, names of managers, phone numbers of organizations.

    Think over answers to questions about your achievements, hobbies, strengths and weaknesses of your character. Provide information about awards, publications, participation in conferences, etc. When answering about character traits, highlight qualities that are useful for a specific job. At the same time, you should understand that such achievements as, for example, the winner of the “Indecent Jokes Competition” can forever close the doors to a prestigious company for you.

    Prepare to be asked about your expected salary. Try to objectively assess your value as a professional in the labor market and be prepared to justify your answer.

    Before you start filling out the questionnaire, review all questions carefully. Pay attention to points that duplicate each other - as a rule, they are given in order to avoid distortion of information.

    Please fill out the form slowly and in clear handwriting. Try to avoid corrections and strikethroughs. A carelessly filled out application form will demonstrate your attitude towards work. In addition, the HR manager is unlikely to waste his time and delve into illegible phrases.

    Be careful. If in questionnaire there is a ranking of any indicators, make sure that you correctly understand which number of points is the lowest rating and which is the highest. Pay attention to which - first or last - place of work you need to indicate data in the corresponding column.

    Try to fill out all fields of the questionnaire offered to you. An incomplete application form will demonstrate that you are not serious about your work.

    Answer as honestly as possible and be prepared that all factual information you provide questionnaire, They will be checked.


    • Questionnaire - pitfalls
    • what to write on the application form

    Lately, colorizing old, black and white films has become increasingly popular. Not all paintings benefit from such a transformation. So the advisability of coloring is questionable.

    Should you watch colorized films?

    The weakness and strength of colorizing old films is technology. The fact is that the tapes, of course, are not painted by hand, since this would take an awfully long time; all the work, after markings and calculations are carried out, is done by computers. And this is where the problems begin.

    Really old movies that were filmed in black and white, because it was cheaper or simpler, usually do not have any great amount of detail in the frame. The picture is so well thought out and polished (to level out the imperfections of the technology) that coloring it using computer technology is quite simple. That is why the old “Cinderella” in color simply came to life. After all, all the plans for this film were built for those old cameras that simply “stumbled” over excessive detail. This means that the work of painting or colorization in this case was quite simple.

    “Gone with the Wind” was one of the first films shot in color using sophisticated technology using color filters, three different films and other tricks.

    Problems of colorized cinema

    It’s a completely different matter when they start coloring those films that were filmed in black and white version according to the director's idea. This primarily concerns “Seventeen Moments of Spring.” According to the director, the black and white image was supposed to “bring the viewer closer” to the events. At the same time, the technology at the time of filming was much more advanced than in the situation with the same “Cinderella”, so the frames are rich in shadows and details. This TV movie in its black and white version is visually close to ideal. Its colorization, even on modern equipment, is replete with inaccuracies, strange solutions and blunders. As a result, the integrity of the picture is destroyed, the impression is spoiled, and the magic of cinema does not work.
    In the past, when films were hand-colored, the cost per minute to colorize a film was at least three thousand dollars, that is, in modern money, about fifty thousand.

    However, colorization has its advantages. At a minimum, when processing a tape and digitizing it, specialists clean the film from noise and scratches, restore the sound, and update the audio track. In addition, the authors of the project of colorization of old cinema believe that in this way it is possible to attract the attention of young viewers to old films. Indeed, it is quite difficult for modern children, accustomed to the bright colors, to be impressed by the old, black and white “Cinderella”, despite the many advantages of this film, the color version is much more interesting for children.


    • Favorite old movies [Archive]

    You can write to the Odnoklassniki administration by filling out a special form, the link to which is located in the “Help” section. The user just needs to go to the main page of the site and then visit the specified section.

    Any user of this social network who has a question related to this site can contact the Odnoklassniki administration. At the same time, support from the administration is also provided to those individuals who are not yet members of the network (that is, do not have their own profile), but face certain problems at the registration stage. Before contacting, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the answers to typical questions that are posted in the “Help” section, since most often the problem is resolved independently, without the help of specialists.

    How can I find a form to contact the Odnoklassniki administration?

    The form for contacting the Odnoklassniki administration is located in the “Help” section, where you can go directly from the main page of the site. The “Contact Support” link is located at the bottom of the page; you do not need to go to your own page to fill out the form. The registered user must indicate his own login, first and last name, age, city of residence, email address, purpose, subject and text of the appeal. In this case, contact and personal information must correspond to the information specified in the profile, since this is how the user who asks a question without authorization on the site is identified. It is especially important to indicate reliable information that matches the information on the page in the case when the request is related to lost or forgotten login data.

    On what issues are requests accepted to the Odnoklassniki administration?

    When filling out the form described, the user is asked to select a specific purpose for the request. Without authorization on the site, you can ask a question related to problems when logging into your own profile, registering in social network. If the problem relates to another topic, then the user has the opportunity to go to his page, after which other goals will become available in the form for contacting the administration. It is especially important when sending a question to the administration of a social network to check the correctness of the email address, since this is where the answer comes. It is not recommended to contact the administration with typical questions, since the user will still be directed to the help section, where you can independently receive instructions on further actions and quickly find all the answers.

    Tell me interesting questions for a profile for friends =

    1. Bio
      3. How old?
      4.Where do you study/work?
      5.Where do you live?
      6.Weight, height.
      7. Hair color, length
      8. Style of clothing.
      9. Preferences in shoes.
      10. Favorite hairstyle
      11. Do you wear makeup?
      12.Your hobby
      13.Are you a fan of reading? What are you reading?
      14.What kind of music do you prefer? Why rock?
      15. Favorite musical group?
      16.Favorite performer?
      17. Favorite movie/cartoon
      18. Favorite actor/actress
      19.Are you a fan of forums? Which?
      20.Are you interested in RF online and what kind?
      21. Favorite computer game.
      For anime fans (if there are any)))
      22.What anime do you prefer? (genre)
      23. Favorite voice actor.
      24. Favorite director.
      25. Favorite anime.
      26.Do you have pets? Which?
      27.Favorite color.
      28. Favorite flower.
      29. Favorite weather.
      30.Favorite time of year.
      31.Which planet would you like to visit?
      32.If you had a Time Machine, where would you go?
      33. Do you like to look at the stars?
      34.Your favorite star.
      35.What do you usually see when you wake up in the morning?
      36.Do you play musical instruments? On what?
      37. Favorite animal.
      38.Do you like/dislike the view from your window? Why?
      39.Would you like to get married?
      40.Do you love children? Would you like to have them?
      41.Where do you want to live?
      42.Which country?
      43.What do you want to become?
      44.Where do you see yourself in the future?
      45.Describe your character
      47.Did you cry at school?
      48.Who are you by character (choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine)
      49.Are you satisfied with your character?
      50. If not, what would you like to change in it?
      First time
      51.When did you kiss for the first time?
      52.Do you maintain a relationship with this person?
      53.What is your first friend like?
      I'm lying/don't believe it
      54.Do you believe in God?
      55.To Providence?
      56.In a UFO?
      58. Into the rebirth of the soul?
      59.To life after death?
      60.To Heaven and Hell?
      61.Your favorite artist.
      62.Your favorite poet.
      63.Your favorite picture (put pictures here)
      64.Your favorite smiley
      65.Your favorite word
      67.Your most commonly used words.
      Our forum
      68.How do you feel about playing on this forum?
      69.What do you think needs to be changed here?
      70.Your favorite character from “Tanya Grotter”
      71.Your favorite book from the TG series
      72. How would you like it to end? (you can come up with it yourself, let your imagination fly, maybe post)
      73.What other books have you read by Dm. Emtsa?
      74. Do you like well-written fantasy?
      75.Which ones?
      76. Do you think life on Earth will ever change?
      77.And in what direction is it better/worse?
      78.Do you love animals?
      79.Which ones and why?
      80.Would you ever like to go to a magic school?
      81.If yes, which one?
      82.Do you dream of a miracle?
      83.Has anything unusual happened to you?
      84.Tell a funny story about yourself
      85.Have you ever been abroad?
      87.Did you like it there? Do you recommend visiting there?
      88. Do you believe in vampires?
      89.What is your favorite holiday?
      90.Why do you like him?
      91.Would you like to live forever?
      92.Do you have many friends or are you a loner?
      93.Do you like to be the center of attention?
      94. Do you want to become famous? (in any area)
      95.If yes, in what area?
      96.Where do you plan to go to heaven or hell?
      97.What are your reasons?
      98.How do you like your dreams? (clear or unclear)
      99.Do you often have nightmares?
      100.Write something pleasing to a person left a message above
    2. Thanks Saira
    3. 1.WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Tanya
      2. WHAT COLOR ARE YOU WEARING NOW? I'm without pants!)))
      3. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? The cat snores above his ear
      4. WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT? I watched the series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”
      5. WHAT WAS THE LAST TIME YOU EATED? Saw orange juice
      6. WHAT IS THE WEATHER OUTSIDE NOWWarm and sunny
      8. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Eyes... hands... hands and eyes
      9. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT YOU THIS LETTER? I love him! I love you with every fiber of my soul)
      10. HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY? I am sleepy
      11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? Orange juice, milk, coffee, hot chocolate
      12. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK I don’t drink
      13. FAVORITE SPORT? swimming
      14. HAIR COLOR brunette... almost chestnut
      15. EYE COLOR? brown
      16. SUNRISE OR SUNSETTING? sunset
      17. BROTHERS AND SISTERS, THEIR AGES? brother - 28 years old
      18. FAVORITE MONTH? All
      19. FAVORITE FOOD?)))))) cheese in chocolate, cheese, grapes, meat
      20. LAST FILM YOU WATCHED? “Uninvited Guests” is an amazing comedy!
      21. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK? Friday evening
      22. HOBBY: collecting beautiful things and making them if possible
      24. FAVORITE SONG?
      “If you want to stay...” and “Don’t look, don’t look around.... »
      25. SUMMER OR WINTER? summer
      26. HUG OR KISS? Is it possible to do this separately?
      27. RELATIONSHIP OR ONE NIGHT ONE? relationship, no options
      28. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? vanilla
      29. DO YOU WANT YOUR FRIENDS TO RESPOND? Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!)) Everything and quickly, otherwise I’m late for class)
      30. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO ANSWER? those who love me. .
      32. HOW DO YOU LIVE AND WITH WHOM? with parents... bad
      33. WHAT BOOKS DO YOU READ? now - a book of murders) ... but in general I read voraciously, everything in a row ... except for romance novels
      34. WHAT DOES YOUR MOUSE PAD LOOK LIKE? hmm.. and I have a mouse like this... uh... built right into the computer!)) what is it called?))
      35. FAVORITE COLLECTIVE GAME: Cossacks-robbers, hide and seek, pantomime... a lot
      36. CAN YOU REACH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? It’s really not easy to cover))
      37. CAN YOU TURN ONLY ONE EYE? No)))
      38. ARE YOU A ROMANTIC? a complex combination of romantic and cynic

    4. Place of residence (city)

    10. Favorite animal

    19. Favorite sport

    40.Your favorite wise thought

    43.Your best memories

    45.I will never forgive.

    46. ​​What do you want back?

    49.Sometimes during sleep I.

    56.What should your ideal man (woman) look like?

    58.Do you believe in God?

    60.I study at school.

    61.My favorite TV show

    66.It’s unrealistic for me.

    68.Are you a pessimist or an optimist?

    71.Do you like chocolate?

    76.Day or night? Why?

    77.In me, I don’t like it

    87.Your favorite expression

    88.What are you afraid of?

    95.Do you write stories, poems, etc.?


    4. Place of residence (city) 10. Favorite animal 14. Favorite direction in music 19. Favorite sport 38. your positive character traits 39. your negative traits

    Questionnaire for friends 100 questions

    2.Would a job in a library suit you? Yes, I like to read books.

    3.Do you wake up easily from noise? Yes, almost instantly.

    5.Your everyday life filled with interesting events? Undoubtedly!

    6.Do you often remember your dreams? Are they coming true? Sometimes I remember, and sometimes I don’t. But most often they do not come true.

    7.Do you like detective stories and mysterious stories? Yes.

    8. Do such bad thoughts come into your head that you prefer to remain silent about? No.

    9.You are satisfied with your sex life? Yes.

    10.Do you have bouts of uncontrollable laughter or tears? Yes, more laughter than tears.

    11.Would you like to be a singer? No.

    12. When you are harmed, do you think that you should repay the favor out of principle? No.

    13.Do you have nightmares? Sometimes.

    14.Do you find it difficult to concentrate? No, easy enough.

    15.Are you worried about your health? Are you following him? Naturally!

    16.You had troubles related to your sex life? Thank God no!

    17.Did you commit petty thefts as a child? No.

    18.Most of the time, would you rather sit and daydream than do anything else? No, I'm generally an active person.

    19.Do you have restless sleep? It depends.

    20.Do you often have a headache? Happens.

    21.Do you always tell the truth? Yes.

    22.Do you sometimes feel like you are dying? Only when I was very sick.

    23. Do most people you know like you? Hope.

    24.Does your mood improve in good weather? Yes.

    25.Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? Yes.

    26.Do you sometimes see things around you that others don’t see? No.

    27.Are you attracted to people of the same sex? Only as friends.

    28.Are you often irritable? No. I am peaceful.

    29.Are you in a depressed mood most of the time? No.

    31.Do you like poetry? Very!

    32.Would you like the job of a forester? Not good.

    33.Are you easy to argue with? No.

    34.Would you like to be a florist? No.

    35.Do you think life is worth living? Yes, 100%.

    36.Do you need strong evidence to convince people of the truth? It depends on what kind of person.

    37. Do you often put off until tomorrow what you can do today? Never.

    38.Do you often quarrel with your family members? Sometimes only with my sister.

    39. Do you sometimes feel the urge to do something shocking? No.

    40.Do you believe that justice will prevail? Yes.

    41.Do you always feel like a completely happy person? Yes!

    42.Do people around you often have something against you? I do not know. Maybe.

    43.Do you like risk? No.

    44.Have you been called to the director for absenteeism? Never!

    45.Are your manners at home not as good as when you are away? No, I always behave decently.

    46.Do you often think that someone is stalking you? No, but sometimes it feels like that.

    47.Does the sight of blood scare you? Yes.

    48.Do you often allow yourself unusual things in your sex life? What.

    49.Do you like to cook? Yes.

    50.Do you often feel useless? No.

    51.Would you like to serve in the army? No.

    52.Do you often want to get into a fight? No.

    53.Do you like tourism? I love it very much!

    54.Can’t stand it when you are distracted from important things? Yes.

    55.Do you regularly keep a diary? Yes.

    56.Do you cry easily? No.

    57.Do you rarely get tired? After training I am terribly tired.

    58.Are you afraid of heights? No.

    59.Are you afraid of dealing with money? No.

    60. DO YOU love school, did you? I love.

    61.Do you like all the people you know? Not all.

    62.Do you often dream? Yes!

    63.Are you a doomed person? No.

    64.Are you shy? Happens.

    65.Do you like entertainment? Yes.

    66.Do you like to flirt? Don't know.

    67.Do you like to sleep during the day? No.

    68.Are you willing to gossip? No, I don't like gossip!

    69.Do you like to talk about sexual topics? No.

    70. ARE YOU disappointed in love? No.

    71.Are you independent and free? Yes.

    72. Are your words and behavior misinterpreted by others? No.

    73. Do you think it’s safer not to trust anyone? No, I do not think so.

    74. Is it easy for you to make people fear you? No.

    75.Do you love children? Yes.

    76.Do you like fairy tales with depth? hidden meaning? Yes.

    77.Were you in love? No.

    78.Do you often want to die? No.

    79.Are you forgetful? No.

    80.Are you afraid of fire? Yes.

    81.Do you tend to take everything to heart? No.

    82.Do you sometimes find it pleasant to experience pain from the person you love? No.

    83.Do you feel lonely among people? No.

    84.Do you like it when women smoke? NO!

    85.Do people often disappoint you? Probably not.

    86.Can you tell someone everything about yourself? Yes.

    87.Do you like to dance? I can't live without this.

    88.Would you like to be a child again? I am the child!

    89. Do you think that you deserve serious punishment for your actions? Sometimes yes.

    90.Do you like to play cards? No.

    91. Do you often notice that you are squeamish? Yes.

    92.Are you called to accomplish a great mission? Don't know.

    93.Do you believe in miracles? Yes.

    94.Are you a sincere and frank person? Yes.

    95.Do you like adventures? Yes.

    96. Did you see double? No.

    97. Don’t you try to hide your contempt for a person? It depends.

    98.Can't you do anything well? Can.

    100.Do you like love scenes in movies? Not good.

    Questionnaire for friends 100 questions
    1.Do you have a good appetite? Yes, I love to eat. 2.Would a job in a library suit you? Yes, I like to read books. 3.Do you wake up easily from noise? Yes, almost instantly. 4.Do you like reading newspapers? Newspapers are not very good, but magazines are a pleasure! 5.Your…

    Tell me the questions for the questionnaire, preferably 100 questions, urgently need the questionnaire

    Tell me the questions for the questionnaire, preferably 100 questions, urgently need the questionnaire. Please.

    3.Do you like your real name?

    4.Have you ever wanted to change it?

    6.Do you often go online?

    7.What's on your mouse pad?

    8.Do you hang posters on the walls?

    10.Have you ever written songs?

    11.A song that makes you want to cry:

    12.Are you a creative person?

    14. Do you consider yourself better than others?

    15. Do selfish people annoy you?

    16.What color is your keyboard?

    18.Do you have a sense of humor?

    19. Do you consider yourself a cynic or a romantic?

    20. Favorite pet:

    21.Have you had a desire to commit suicide?

    22. Do you love your parents?

    23.What does your computer mean to you?

    26.What shower gel are you using now?

    28.Have you ever had a close relationship with the opposite sex?

    29.What will you do if your love is not reciprocated?

    30. Do you consider yourself glamorous?

    31.Do other people admire you?

    33.When was the last time you went to the cinema?

    34.And what movie did you watch?

    35.Do you listen to the radio? What radio stations?

    36.You would never:

    37.Always dreamed:

    39.Are you considered a bore?

    41.Why do you keep a diary?

    42.What will you see if you look out the window now?

    43.What book did you read last?

    44.What movie did you watch?

    45.The song you heard? —

    46.What will you choose, fire or water?

    47.On what days do you feel peace?

    48.Last person you talked to?

    49.Most often you...

    50. Less often than not you...

    51.Who were you in a “past” life?

    52.Who are you in this life?

    53.Do people around you often smile?

    54.How do you cry?

    55.What do you like about what surrounds you now?

    56. Friends of your friends to you...

    57.Who from the Internet would you like to meet?

    58. When you walk most often you...

    59.Are you a good friend?

    63.What song do you associate your best friends with?

    65.When you are sad, you want...

    66.And when it’s fun...

    68.What could change your life?

    69.Would you like to start all over again?

    70.What in life doesn’t suit you?

    71.Are you afraid of death?

    72.Who did you dream of being as a child?

    74.What song do you associate with yourself?

    75.Your best friend...

    76.Do you remember your friends’ birthdays?

    77.When you walk down the street you...

    78.What irritates you?

    80.Who would you like to talk to now?

    81.What color is your mother's eyes?

    82.And the color of your eyes?

    83.Do you like to talk?

    84.What do you dream of seeing most?

    85.What season are you?

    86.What really disappointed you?

    88. Could you quarrel between two of your friends?

    89.Would you do this?

    90.Which city do you love, besides your hometown?

    91.Where would you like to live, besides your hometown?

    92.Which city would you like to visit?

    93.Can you leave a poem here?

    95.Are you tired of the questionnaire yet?

    96.What is your mood now?

    97.How long did it take you to answer questions?

    98.Will you share this profile with anyone?

    99.And finally, how old are you?

    100.Did you like this profile?

    4. Place of residence (city)

    10. Favorite animal

    14. Favorite direction in music

    19. Favorite sport

    38.your positive character traits

    39.Your negative character traits

    40.Your favorite wise thought

    43.Your best memories

    44. Character traits that you value in people

    45.I will never forgive.

    46. ​​What do you want back?

    49.Sometimes during sleep I.

    50. It would be unfair if.

    58.Do you believe in God?

    59.What do you want to thank God for?

    60.I study at school.

    61.My favorite TV show

    62.What can you do that other people can’t?

    63.What would you like to learn?

    64.what kind of guys do you prefer?

    65.What do you pay attention to first of all when you meet a guy?

    66.It’s unrealistic for me.

    67.Do you want to live in another country? In which?

    68.Are you a pessimist or an optimist?

    69. By the word “love” I understand.

    70.I can’t do without in life.

    71.Do you like chocolate?

    72. The best of everything given to you

    73.Which channel do you prefer?

    74.Do you like to give compliments?

    75.Your first purchased music CD

    76.Day or night? Why?

    77.In me, I don’t like it

    78.The most beautiful thing in life is this.

    79.Three things you will never be able to do.

    82.Three things that make you furious.

    83.What do you want to see in the future?

    84.Do you have any piercings? If yes, where?

    86. The worst day of your life

    87.Your favorite expression

    88.What are you afraid of?

    89.Do you believe in true love?

    90.What are you willing to do for your loved one?

    91.Do you keep a diary in which you write down every day you live?

    92.Which sea do you prefer?

    93. By the word “emo” I mean.

    96.For me, the ideal job in the future is this.

    4. Place of residence (city)

    10. Favorite animal

    14. Favorite direction in music

    19. Favorite sport

    38.your positive character traits

    39.Your negative character traits

    40.Your favorite wise thought

    43.Your best memories

    44. Character traits that you value in people

    45.I will never forgive.

    46. ​​What do you want back?

    49.Sometimes during sleep I.

    50. It would be unfair if.

    56.What should your ideal man (woman) look like?

    58.Do you believe in God?

    59.What do you want to thank God for?

    60.I study at school.

    61.My favorite TV show

    62.What can you do that other people can’t?

    63.What would you like to learn?

    64.what kind of guys do you prefer?

    65.What do you pay attention to first of all when you meet a guy?

    66.It’s unrealistic for me.

    67.Do you want to live in another country? In which?

    68.Are you a pessimist or an optimist?

    69. By the word “love” I understand.

    70.I can’t do without in life.

    71.Do you like chocolate?

    72. The best of everything given to you

    73.Which channel do you prefer?

    74.Do you like to give compliments?

    75.Your first purchased music CD

    76.Day or night? Why?

    77.In me, I don’t like it

    78.The most beautiful thing in life is this.

    79.Three things you will never be able to do.

    82.Three things that make you furious.

    83.What do you want to see in the future?

    84.Do you have any piercings? If yes, where?

    86. The worst day of your life

    87.Your favorite expression

    88.What are you afraid of?

    89.Do you believe in true love?

    90.What are you willing to do for your loved one?

    91.Do you keep a diary in which you write down every day you live?

    92.Which sea do you prefer?

    93. By the word “emo” I mean.

    95. Do you write stories, poems, etc.?

    96.For me, the ideal job in the future is this.

    How often do you talk to your children about themselves? Do you know what your child thinks about adults? What does he want to learn? And when is he especially happy? What is his favorite holiday? And the most unforgettable day?

    Questions like these are very useful to understand what and how a child lives. And also how it develops, what it learns, what it begins to understand. To do this, you can conduct a survey once a year, and then compare the answers. It's so interesting!

    Do you want an unforgettably warm and fun family evening? Ask your child questions. Here are some questions you can ask children. Add and invent your own.

    Survey questions

    1. Is it easy to be a child?

    2. Is it easy to be an adult?

    3. Where do dreams live?

    4. And when you don’t sleep, where are they?

    5. Why do people read books?

    6. What do you want to be when you grow up?

    7. If you had a magic wand, what would you do?

    8. What should a best friend be like?

    9. How can you punish children and for what?

    10. What would you like to learn?

    11. Why do people get sick?

    12. How would you like to be pampered?

    13. Would you like to have a brother or sister? Why?

    14. What is your favorite game? How to play it?

    15. What are you most afraid of?

    16. What holiday do you love most? Why?

    17. Why do people get offended? (What could hurt you?)

    18. What is a bad and good mood?

    19. Which cartoon (fairy tale) character do you like best? Why?

    20. Who do you prefer to be friends with, boys or girls? Why?

    21. What do you love most?

    22. What don't you like?

    23. What do you dream about?

    24. What is the most delicious food in the world?

    25. What do you find surprising in the world around you?

    26. What do you consider a miracle?

    27. Is there something that you didn’t do and now you regret?

    28. What do you want to do in the near future?

    29. What makes you cry?

    30. Where do you feel good?

    31. What could your parents do for you to make you happier?

    32. What was your simple day, not a holiday, when you were happy?

    33. Where is it better - when you go somewhere or at home?

    34. When you are all alone, what do you do?

    35. What are you missing?

    36. If you could change something in our family, what would it be?

    37. Why are you offended by your parents?

    38. Why do you love your parents?

    39. If you could help some other people, what would you do?

    40. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

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