• History of the development of hairdressing art. A Brief History of Hairdressing


    Hairdressing begins its history in ancient times - about 5 thousand years ago. Thanks to numerous excavations and ancient manuscripts, it was possible to gain some insight into the development of the hairdressing craft. In the early stages of the development of human society, hair care was explained by the desire for convenience and cleanliness, and only much later by aesthetic motives.
    The desire for beauty is a natural human need, and it depends on the degree of his cultural development; therefore, the hairdressing trade could not remain stagnant. Residents of the ancient world had a wide range of hairdressing products: men shaved their beards with stone or bronze razors, women did their hair using various creams, combs, and hairpins. The ancient Egyptians replaced their hair with artificial wigs. The wig was initially a headdress for priests, and later served as an adornment for representatives of the ruling classes.
    It is believed that hairdressing was most developed in Greece. The cult of the human body in this country could not but influence hairstyles, without which there could not be complete harmony. It is known that the Greeks knew many healing cosmetics. They were also familiar with the art of curling hair with a metal rod. And the shapes of hairstyles and beards indicate a highly developed artistic taste. In Greece, hair decorations began to appear in the form of tiaras, flowers, ribbons, etc. Hair nets and wax were used to preserve hairstyles.
    Rome also had an influence on the development of hairdressing. During their heyday, the Romans became acquainted with the culture of the conquered peoples and adopted all the best for themselves. Massages performed by hairdressers began to come into fashion. Of course, only patricians could afford such a luxury. These works were performed by slaves, who were called cosmets. This is where the name “cosmetics” subsequently came from.
    The conquest of Germany by Rome prompted Roman hairdressers to invent a special dye, which made it possible to dye hair in bright hues. (This is explained by the fact that black-haired Roman women began to imitate blond German women.) The secret of making the paint, unfortunately, has not been preserved. At that time, the Romans began cutting their hair short. Ladies' hairdressers also have a lot to worry about. At first, the shape of women's hairstyles was undoubtedly Greek in nature, but then a Roman style was developed, a feature of which was the compactness of the forms (Greek hairstyles were characterized by a bun sticking out at the back).
    In the Middle Ages (after the 10th century), when cities began to be founded, the hairdressing craft received real development. The growth of urban population also caused the emergence of artisans. Just like in ancient Rome, hairdressers worked as bathhouse attendants. The latter shaved, cut and combed their clients' hair. Subsequently, artisan barbers appeared who began to compete with bathhouse attendants.
    Hairstyles of the Middle Ages did not give interesting shapes. Women wore long hair (parted in the middle), braided at the back. Hairstyles were simple and modest. According to the instructions of the churches, women wore caps and scarves, often made of expensive materials.
    At the end of the Middle Ages there comes a turn to the old, classic hairstyles Greek type, albeit with minor changes. The Greeks covered their foreheads with their hair, and a new style provided for an artificial increase in it by shaving off some of the hair above the forehead, and sometimes eyebrows were also shaved off. As in Greece, various hair decorations were used. This style belonged mainly to the 15th century. The legislator was the French royal court.
    In the 16th century a new style appears - Baroque. Very high hairstyles were fashionable. This style was also based on ancient forms. As before, hair was decorated with jewelry and covered with a beret hat.
    The wife of Louis XIII was the trendsetter of a new type of hairstyle: small, light curls above the forehead and long curls on the sides, going down to the shoulders. Hairstyles were no longer done high, but hair continued to be decorated with precious hairpins, hairpins and threads. Came into fashion in 1680 new form hairstyles in various variations (depending on the country). This fashion lasted for about 30 years. It was called “a la fontange”. This is a high hairstyle that has changed over time and has become even taller. It required a special wire frame. Bows and pearls began to be used for decoration.
    In the 18th century Hairdressing work has reached unprecedented perfection. The importance of hairstyles in fashion has been recognized as paramount. The fashions of the Rococo era were distinguished by sophistication, miniature forms and grace. Beautiful airy curls framed the front of the head, while the back remained smooth. Large curls hung down the sides, down to the shoulders. Later, a pearl tiara was added to this hairstyle for decoration.
    Then various variations of hairstyles using powder began to appear. The hair was combed upward from the forehead. Sometimes they rose upward from the back of the head, tied and shaped into tubular or ring curls. This successfully achieved the harmony of hairstyle lines, for which not only the clients’ natural hair was used, but also artificial hair extensions, most often blond. During the late Rococo period, wide hairstyles of various shapes that were asymmetrical began to come into fashion. For stability, a wire frame was used.
    During the Rococo period, the method of bobbin curling and blunting of hair became widely used.
    End of the 18th century was a turning point in hairstyles. After the French Revolution, the Rococo style disappeared. The excavations of Pompeii begun at that time, which revealed the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans, led to a tendency to follow the great and beautiful, but at the same time simple and modest examples of the ancient world. Hairstyle fashion began to take the form of the Greek style. They have become simpler and more natural. The hair was slightly curled, loosely loose, or tied up with one brooch.
    At the beginning of the 19th century, after Napoleon came to power, a new style of hairstyles and clothing appeared, similar to the ancient Roman one. Hairstyles were done primarily from above. Hair began to be decorated with jewelry again. An “invasion” of curls began - round, spiral, tubular, flat, etc. Along with this, many women still wore powdered hairstyles. After Napoleon's defeat, all empire hairstyles began to gradually disappear. France is losing its position as a trendsetter.
    From that time (1820), Vienna set the tone in fashion and art. New lines appeared in the hairstyle, which over time transformed into their own style. There was a new rise hairdressing. The hairstyles were very complex and required great skill to perform. In 1830, the Biedermeier style emerged. The new hairstyle looked bourgeois compared to the initial period, it was flat and angular.
    In the second half of the 19th century. The rapid development of capitalism, and consequently technology, began. In the work of ladies' craftsmen, various gas and electric devices are increasingly used. Hair curling, mechanical cutting and other types of work performed with the help of mechanical and electrical devices appeared. In this regard, the art of the ladies' hairdresser became increasingly devalued. In Russia during these years, hairdressing work was carried out, as a rule, by foreigners. France was still the trendsetter.
    The first perm was invented by the Frenchman Marcel in 1885. In 1904, a 6-month perm (permanent) was used. In 1916, the first fashion exhibition was organized in Germany, where samples of hairdressing work were also presented. At this time, a fashion for a short haircut (for a boy) appeared, which women welcomed with approval, since it saved time and required less expense.
    In Tsarist Russia during the era of capitalism, the national hairdressing business developed slowly. At that time, there was a general admiration for what was foreign. French ladies' masters assigned Russian hairdressers only the role of apprentices. And although they have repeatedly proven that they are not afraid of any complexity of ladies' hairdressing, the deep-rooted dependence on foreign countries continued to weigh on Russian masters until the October Revolution.
    In the first years of Soviet power, hairdressing art, naturally, was at a low level. The Soviet people had to solve the enormous tasks of socialist construction in the difficult conditions of civil war, post-war devastation, and capitalist encirclement. However, as the wounds of the war healed, the national economy was restored, and the well-being of the people improved, the party and state allocated more and more funds for the development of public services.
    In the late 30s and 40s, a fairly wide network of hairdressing salons provided the population with a wide range of services. Along with the “foxtrot” haircuts that were fashionable at that time, women’s hairdressers successfully performed quite complex hairstyles using the method of styling hair with hot tongs. Long-term perm (permanent) was also popular. On short hair Oh, it was done horizontally, on long ones - vertically.
    The technological process of curling was carried out using steam and electric devices in a rather primitive way, since the equipment was still made at home. Mostly metallic dyes were used for coloring.
    In the post-war period, hairdressing began to develop rapidly. Invented in 1937, the chemical method of curling hair was widely introduced into hairdressing salons in our country in the 50s. Along with this, cold hair styling with curlers has become popular. These types of work gradually replaced styling with hot tongs and curling with steam devices from the practice of hairdressers. And the emergence of oxidative dyes from paraphenylenediamine made it possible to simplify the technology and expand the range of colors (shades) when dyeing hair.
    Our industry produces the necessary equipment in sufficient quantities, and vocational schools train qualified craftsmen. Hairdressing salons are built according to standard designs, taking into account sanitary standards and requirements. In the 60s, the hairdressing system stabilized. Now there are laboratories at research institutes that develop the latest technology, equipment and tools for hairdressing.
    All this allowed us to radically improve hairdressing. Hairdressing competitions for best hairstyle. The skill of hairdressers is widely known. They have repeatedly won prizes and awards at international hairdressing competitions.

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    The origins of hairdressing go back to ancient times. It has not yet been established exactly when it originated. It is known that another 2 - 3 thousand years BC. It was common for people to decorate their appearance with hairstyles, and the higher the culture of the people became, the more widespread and varied the hairstyles became.

    The development of hairdressing art is directly dependent on the general state of the economy and culture of the people, i.e. The higher the culture of a people, the richer its taste and the more varied its demand, and the correspondingly higher the level of hairdressing. Studying the history of the development of hairstyles is not only of educational interest to me, but also of practical value, since some details of hairstyles of the past are successfully used today.

    The Renaissance (Renaissance) dates back to 1400-1550. This period is characterized by the return to life and new development of Greek culture and art that had fallen into decline, which was also reflected in hairstyles. Hairstyles of that time were complex, and many intricate weaves of long hair made them pretentious. All kinds of decorations were widely used to decorate hairstyles - pearls, feathers, tiaras, etc.

    Hair is perhaps the best decoration of a woman. Hair combed and styled in a certain order can highlight the beauty of the face and figure or hide their imperfections.

    The goal of the diploma project is to develop your own model, knowledge and study of all kinds of wedding hairstyles with elements of the Renaissance.

    The object of the work is its own model. This topic is relevant because:

    Currently, we are constantly faced with certain wedding hairstyles from different eras, not excluding the Renaissance.

    Various hair styling and accessories for decorating it are in many ways directly related to this era.

    Beautiful and fashionable hairstyles never lose their relevance and are always popular in the world of fashion and style. That's why women always spend a lot of time making sure their hairstyles always look fashionable and beautiful. Ladies spend a lot of time styling their hair especially on the eve of the holidays or important events in their lives. The problem of choosing a hairstyle for a wedding is very difficult, since the hairstyle must be thought out to the smallest detail and be harmoniously combined with the dress, makeup, accessories and jewelry. Hairstyle for a wedding doesn't have to be boring. Wedding hairstyles don't have to be complicated and intricate. It must be taken into account that the wedding begins with a ceremonial meeting and lasts quite a long time. These hairstyles are light and graceful.

    1. Technological part

    .1 Selection of hairstyles taking into account individual characteristics

    hairstyle styling makeup wedding

    Choosing a hairstyle is a very difficult and responsible matter, since with its help you can work wonders: hide flaws, highlight advantages, create your own image and style. A hairstyle is hair styled and styled in a certain way, curled or cut. Choosing a hairstyle requires certain knowledge, imagination, taste and skills. The selection of a hairstyle should be carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular person: head structure, hair structure and color, physique, age, style, image, gender professional activity.

    The choice of hairstyle is made taking into account the type of face and shape of the head.

    An oval face has almost ideal proportions, so there are no problems with choosing a hairstyle: almost all haircuts and styles are suitable for people with this face shape. Hair length can be any - from short to long. Suitable short haircuts with long, short or asymmetrical bangs, hairstyles with long hair combed behind the ears and flowing over the shoulders. Bangs down to the eyebrow line look ideal. Hair is curled in different ways.

    Round face characterized by the presence of wide, prominent cheekbones, soft lines and a high bridge of the nose. Such a face can be brought closer to the ideal shape by optically narrowing it with the help of a hairstyle. Hairstyles with vertical lines are suitable to achieve this goal. It is better to stay at an average hair length - 20-25 cm. It is recommended to wear high hairstyles with straight or asymmetrical bangs. Semi-long curly hairstyles are ideal for people with this type of face. You should exclude hairstyles from combed back smooth hair, haircuts round shape, as well as hairstyles with an open forehead, since they optically round the face and emphasize imperfections.

    Square face It is distinguished by a wide lower jaw and a wide, high forehead. In order to soften the angular, rough lines of such a face, choose hairstyles from wavy hair with asymmetrical elements: side parting and bangs. It is advised to leave your ears half open. Thick hairstyles should not be worn long bangs or combed back hair.

    An oblong face is characterized by approximately the same width of the forehead and chin. The forehead is high, the chin is slightly elongated. People with this type of face should avoid haircuts that optically lengthen the face. Hairstyles with long smooth hair or, conversely, very short hair are not recommended. In this case, preference is given to voluminous hairstyles with long straight or semi-straight bangs reaching to the eyebrow line, since an open forehead only emphasizes the shape of the face and visually lengthens it. If the face is very narrow, hairstyles are done with curls on the sides, as soft curls optically round out the face. A short haircut with increased volume at the temples and closed ears is suitable.

    Triangular face characterized by the presence of a wide, high forehead, prominent cheekbones and a small, slightly forward chin. People with this type of face are not advised to wear hairstyles with hair combed smoothly on the sides. They should stick to short and semi-long haircuts.

    1.2 Hair modeling during the Renaissance

    The Renaissance was the most important stage in the history of hairdressing. For women, golden hair was considered especially beautiful. The hairstyle could be very complex and sophisticated. It consisted of combinations of braids, curls, decorated with veils, ribbons, etc. Sometimes young girls wore their hair fluffy.

    If in the early Renaissance pale color faces and long silky strands of blond hair were the canons of beauty for women in Florence, and a slender “swan neck” and a high, clean forehead were considered ideal, to lengthen which women shaved the front hair and plucked their eyebrows, the high Renaissance brings a completely different understanding of beauty. Instead of thin, slender, agile figures, magnificent forms, powerful bodies with wide hips, with luxurious fullness to the neck and shoulders.

    Hairstyles begin to resemble tall towers that were secured with a frame. To create such a hairstyle required a lot of time and money, and only representatives of high society could afford it. [Fig.1, p. 19]

    After the era of stagnation, the origins of ancient culture and art began to return, and as a result, hairstyles began to resemble the silhouettes of Greek sculptures, but became more elaborate. [Fig.2, p. 19] Decorations covered the heads of the beauties. But these were still flowers. In the middle of the 16th century. An enlarged hairstyle was considered beautiful. To do this, the hair was beaten with a toupee. False hair was added if necessary. To create a hairstyle, various devices were used: wire frame, ribbons, hoops. During the Renaissance, hairstyles amazed with their pretentiousness and complexity of execution: high, voluminous, requiring skill and imagination. Jewelry made of pearls, precious stones and metals was used in the design of such works. Multi-colored loose powder allowed hairstyles to shine with all the variety of colors and shades. To prevent all this splendor from falling apart into components, hairdressers used special metal frames. So wearing such a work of art was really not an easy task.

    In Renaissance Europe, a kind of hairpin revolution took place. Hairstyles were made of enormous sizes, using wire frames, hoops, and all these babylons were densely decorated with all kinds of ribbons, feathers, precious stones, beads, hairpins from Ivory, tortoiseshell combs. The Renaissance was the most important stage in the history of hairdressing. For women, golden hair was considered especially beautiful. A high forehead was considered beautiful. The hairstyle could be very complex and sophisticated. It consisted of combinations of braids, curls, decorated with pearl beads, veils, and ribbons. Sometimes young girls wore their hair loose.

    During the Renaissance, rigid religious dogmas and medieval asceticism were replaced by completely new values. The desire to enjoy life here and now has had a certain influence on hairstyles. Women are once again striving to stand out from the crowd and creating hairstyles that are amazing in their complexity and luxury.

    1.3 Elements of wedding hairstyles

    The elements of the hairstyle are parting, wave, crown, curl.

    A parting is a line dividing the scalp into two parts. Usually the hair is combed from the parting in different sides. The most common hairstyles used are straight partings, side partings, oblique partings, and half partings.

    Wave is certain part hairstyles where the hair has a smooth bend, limited on both sides by lines called crowns. Waves are straight, oblique and transverse. Depending on their shape, narrow, wide, large, deep and flat waves are distinguished. In addition, depending on the position of the waves in the hairstyle relative to the face, reverse and protruding facial waves are distinguished.

    A curl is a strand of hair curled into a tube. Depending on the curling method, the curls can be curled up or down. According to the position of the curls on the scalp, as well as their appearance, curls are distinguished as straight (horizontal), oblique, descending, vertical, etc. [Fig. 3, p. 20]

    The crown is the line of the highest part of the wave, which is a sharp bend in the hair where it reverses its direction, separating one wave from another. Crowns can vary in both height and thickness. There are high, low, sharp (thin) and blunt (thick) crowns.

    Buccles are an element of a hairstyle. In translation from French, boucles are translated as curls. It is also an outdated name for strands of hair curled in large rings. Historically, this element of hairstyle came to us from the time of magnificent social balls and was popular in the 17th-18th centuries. [Figure 4, p. 20]

    Bunches can be blunted, combed, or hair laid out in rings or tight rollers.

    Roller - this is hair combed and laid out in the form of a roller; it is mainly laid out along the edge growth line, although there are other options. [Figure 5, p. 21]

    Curl - this is part of a curl in one turn of the strand around the shape or the end of the strand that is curled in a ring.

    The hairstyle also uses backcombing and blunting as the main elements. They help create volume and shape of the hairstyle, lift the hair, so it is impossible to do without them when creating a wedding or evening hairstyle.

    1.4 History of hairstyles

    Each era has its own living conditions, and fashion as a social phenomenon reflects these conditions as much as possible. The art of hairstyle has always belonged to fashion and at the same time demonstrated a person’s social status and level of income. Increasing requirements for appearance were closely related to technical progress. History of hairstyles: The entire history of hairdressing began from the moment when a person wanted to decorate his appearance in order to stand out. Primitive man looked into the river, saw his reflection and thought that his “braids”, intercepted by a leopard skin, would look much more interesting than just hanging out without anything.

    The result exceeded all expectations, the first hairstyle was distinguished by its sophistication from the general mass of heads of its fellow tribesmen, and its practicality simply amazed the imagination. The first fashion show went off with a bang. Amazed fellow tribesmen wanted the same headbands for themselves... This is how, or approximately this, the birth of a new art form began - hairdressing. The formation of hairstyles was influenced by the foundations of society, climatic conditions and many other factors. Concepts of beauty have changed over the centuries, and what seemed beautiful in one period looked ugly later and vice versa. But one thing has always remained unchanged - a person’s desire to stand out, to reveal his individuality.

    A hairstyle is considered to be a curly styling, curling or cutting of hair, often in combination with jewelry or decorations made of ribbons, lace, flowers, and feathers. Artificial removal of hair on the head, if caused by the desire to express a certain idea, is also considered to be a hairstyle. For example, the shaved head of Muslim clergy, the shaved crown (tonsure) of Catholic priests are symbols of renunciation of worldly interests. The hairstyle is created from natural and artificial hair (pieces, curls, chignons, braids, wigs). It is perceived in inextricable connection not only with the costume, but also with cosmetics.

    Style is a commonality of a figurative system, means of artistic expression, creative techniques, conditioned by the unity of ideological content. In other words, style is the person himself, his worldview, his ability to express his individuality. It's always fashionable to be stylish. A stylish person is one in whom everything is combined harmoniously: hairstyle, makeup, clothes, demeanor, lifestyle.

    It is customary to distinguish the following types of hairstyles: Classic (from the Latin Classicus - exemplary) - hairstyles with strict, clear shapes and lines, balanced and plastically completed. The romantic arose during the period of establishment in European and American culture of the ideological and artistic direction of romanticism, which proclaimed the value of the spiritual and creative life of the individual, spirituality and sublimity. As a rule, hairstyles of this style are made from semi-long hair with soft wavy lines, curls, curls. Avant-garde (from the French Avant - garde - ahead and guard) - hairstyles reflecting the fashion trends of tomorrow. Representatives of this style use original means of expression to create an unconventional, individual image. Sports (from the English Sport - game, entertainment) hairstyles made from short or semi-long hair without the use of additional products (hairspray, backcombing), comfortable when moving.

    Extravagant (from the French Extravagant - unusual, not corresponding to generally accepted customs, norms) - as a rule, hairstyles of this style are of a bizarre shape that does not correspond to fashion.

    Elegant (from the French Elegant - graceful, refined) - hairstyles are sophisticated, graceful, demonstrating excellent artistic taste and a sense of proportion.

    Historical - hairstyles reflect the characteristic features of a historical era.

    “Eclectic” (from the gr. Eklektrikos - choosing) - hairstyles mechanically connect disparate elements of different styles.

    1.5 Hair fixing and styling products

    Styling is the most common styling, and styling products are all means for fixing hair (foams, gels, varnishes, mousses, waxes, etc.), which allow you to give the hair a certain shape and “direction”

    The consistency of the mousse resembles shaving foam, and what is undoubtedly convenient is that it can be applied to both wet and dry hair. Mousse helps style your hair and gives your hair volume and thickness (which is especially important for any woman). It should be applied to the roots and then distributed evenly along the entire length of the hair. There are also certain disadvantages: the mousse does not add much shine; and if you incorrectly calculate the amount and overdo it, then instead of volume you can get the “dirty hair effect”. Mousse is best used for short and medium-length haircuts, then the volume at the hair roots will be maximum.

    Wax contains a certain amount of fat, and that is why it is not recommended to use it for styling naturally “oily” hair. Typically, wax is used by those with dry and frizzy (curly) hair. Wax gives the necessary shape and bright shine to the hairstyle. Using wax is very simple: rub a little wax between your palms and then apply it to your hair. Wax fixes best wet hair, and you don’t have to wash your hair before using it. Wax is usually used for short hair or for fixing individual strands of long and semi-long curls.

    Gel - universal remedy, it can be used by owners of both short and long hair. There are gels different types, as a result of which the achieved effect from their use is very different. Gel with effect wet hair perfectly fixes curly locks and also looks great on short haircuts. But the gel spray is evenly distributed throughout the hair, fixes it, but at the same time leaves it soft to the touch. There is a gel for adding shine - it straightens the hair, making it shiny along the entire length. The gel should be used carefully by owners of thin, straight hair, so as not to further aggravate the “dandelion” effect on the head.

    "Texturizer" - lotion. It is usually used to add extra volume to hair using a hair dryer. The fact is that a texturizer protects your hair from hot air and maintains the necessary balance of humidity, so you can use a hair dryer without fear. If the texturizer is applied to damp hair, then when drying, you can achieve the “wet hair” effect without much difficulty.

    Varnish - used to fix the hairstyle. The only thing that can be emphasized additionally is that the varnish is sprayed onto the hair from a distance of at least 25 centimeters.

    Foam differs from mousse in that it is applied exclusively to cleanly washed, damp hair. The foam is evenly distributed throughout the hair, gives it volume, but does not provide additional shine. It fixes the hairstyle for a long time, and the hair does not look “glued” or “sticky.” To fix my model's hair, I used hairspray and mousse.

    1.6 Tools used to create hairstyles

    Brushes are made from bristles, which can be natural pork, plastic, nylon or metal. The bristles are inserted into a wooden, plastic or molded rubber base in rows or tufts. This allows you to collect falling hair in between and not interfere with the action of the bristles. Bristles have their own meaning: the wider the spaces between the rows, the easier the brush passes through the hair.

    Combs: Choose your combs good quality, with machined teeth. This means that each prong is cut so that there are no sharp ends. Avoid cheap plastic combs that are stamped and have a welt running down the center of each tooth. They are sharp and... gradually tearing off the cuticle, causing damage to the hair.

    Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle and comb your hair. Combs with a thin handle - for styling.

    Pins and Clips: These items are absolutely essential for separating and securing hair when styling your hair and for lifting your hair. Most pins have blunt, smooth ends or have pads on the ends. Hairpins do not reflect light and are hardly noticeable in the hair; most are made of metal or plastic. They come in brown, black, grey, white, silver and straw colour.

    Hairpins are hair clips used to secure curled curls. Hairpins secure curls, French folds and all up-turned hairstyles. In North America they are known as bobby pins, in England they are known as blendwrights and kirbis. To avoid inconvenience, place the clips in your hair so that their flat side rests on the skin.

    Rigid studs are made of hard metal and come in either wavy or straight. They are ideal for securing curlers and lifted hair.

    Thin pins are used to maintain shape. They are very thin and get lost in the hairstyle, so they are used to fix only small strands of hair. These stilettos are easy to hide, especially if they are color coordinated. They are more suitable for securing the ends of curls when styling your hair than hard pins, which can be noticeable.

    Curlers differ in diameter, length and material from which they are made. Smooth rollers, without spikes or brushes, give the smoothest curls, but are more difficult to curl your hair with. Velcro curlers are more popular - a special fixing option that does not require clamps.

    Boomerangs were invented by the type of winding hair on rags. Soft curled boomerangs are made from flexible rubber, plastic or cotton and are one of the easiest ways to curl your hair. Inside each boomerang there is a soft wire that holds its shape. Boomerang waves or curls are soft and bouncy, and are a great curl for hair that has been permed or dyed.

    2. Practical part

    .1 Development of your own model

    My model's name is Elena and she is 24 years old. Works and enjoys oriental dancing. Height 166. Face - oval. The hair is long, straight and thick. Hair type: normal. Hair color: light brown. A special feature of the model is bangs.

    There are 4 color types of women:

    The main color of “spring” is yellow. Women of the spring color type are often natural blondes or light brown-haired. Hair color has a golden, “wheat” or amber tint. The hair is slightly curly, its structure is thin and fluffy. The skin is light, translucent, peach or milky in color, little exposed to sunlight. Eyes blue, gray or light green.

    Bearers of this color type are suitable for delicate, pastel colors in clothes - the color of young greenery, turquoise, emerald, golden, coral, peach, terracotta. It is precisely in this color scheme that “spring” girls should choose their wardrobe and accessories. In too light and, conversely, too dark colors The skin will look tired and lifeless, so it is best to avoid them.

    The summer color type, according to experts, is most common among Russian women. Some of its features are not entirely clear, so many women mistakenly classify themselves as autumn or spring types.

    In the summer color type, the degree of contrast in skin and hair tones is of great importance. The lighter the skin and darker the hair, the more contrasting the “summer” will be. Accordingly, there are three subtypes - contrasting, medium and non-contrasting. People of this color type have fair hair or ash hair, grey, green, watery blue or light brown eyes and bright skin- grayish or olive, with closely spaced vessels and redness.

    People of summer color suit calm, muted, soft colors - different shades of gray, blue, purple (from light lilac to rich plum) and pink. jewelry - silver and “dull pearl” items.

    The autumn color type is warmer than the spring one. If in “spring” the tone is set by yellowness, autumn is mainly red. People of this color type are characterized by green, amber or cognac-brown eye color and hair of all shades of red - copper, chestnut, fiery, brown with a reddish tint. The structure of the hair is thick, elastic, and often curly. The skin is usually beige, dark, with freckles.

    Cold colors - gray, black, blue and white - are not suitable for “autumn” people. Clothes and accessories in earthy tones and shades of fading greens will help them emphasize the “warmth” of their appearance: brick, brown, carrot, mustard, marsh green, turquoise and gold. In the “autumn”, jewelry made of gold, bronze and copper will look harmonious.

    This type of appearance is most common in eastern countries. The carriers of this color type are dark-skinned brunettes or deep brown-haired people. Eye color - dark brown.

    Depending on the degree of contrast in hair and skin color in “winter,” two subtypes are distinguished - contrasting and non-contrasting. Contrasting winters are characterized by blue-black, often straight hair, very light skin with bluish veins and transparent blue or dark brown eyes. The exact opposite of this “frosty” option is a low-contrast winter: dark, thick, often curly hair with a chocolate or copper tint, olive-gray skin and brown or green-brown eyes. Winter is the only color type that is not spoiled by black and white. From the saturated bright colors(orange, bright green, yellow) it is better to refuse in favor of dark pink (raspberry, ruby, burgundy), inky purple, turquoise and coffee shades.

    My model belongs to the summer color type, since she has brown-green eyes, Brown hair And light color skin. My model has an oval face shape. An oval face is considered the ideal shape and my chosen hairstyle suits my model well.

    Having described the image of the model, the features of the future hairstyle are already beginning to emerge. But this is not all that will determine my choice. The point is that not only appearance, but also character and behavior must correspond to this image.

    2.2 Developing a hairstyle for your own model

    In this thesis, a hairstyle was developed on the theme “Wedding hairstyle with elements of the Renaissance.” Hair is the wealth of every girl, the model has long, thick, beautiful hair, which is ideal for wedding hairstyle. Considering individual characteristics my model, I carefully selected the chosen hairstyle. The hairstyle I chose made my model's face more beautiful and graceful.

    Designed hairstyle technology

    comb your hair thoroughly. We divide the hair by parting from ear to ear through the occipital area. Thus, we separated the middle and lower occipital zones. We pin it with a clamp.

    On the left and right temporolateral zones, we separate small strands of hair and pin them up as well.

    We begin to comb the hair, covering the entire parietal area and also the upper back of the head.

    We collect the combed hair into a bun and pin it on the parietal area with hairpins.

    We comb the hair with a special comb so that the surface part of the hair lies nice and smooth.

    We begin to weave a braid using pre-selected strands in the temporal and lateral areas.

    Let's move on to the occipital area. We twist the curls in straight lines.

    After curling the entire occipital area, we begin to lay the curls on the upper occipital area and secure them with hairpins.

    After decorating the occipital zone, we continue to decorate the temporal and lateral zones, and fasten the braided braid to the occipital zone.

    2.3 Applying makeup

    We start makeup by cleansing the face. We cleanse the face by applying a tonic to a cotton pad.

    On clean face apply models daily cream, to nourish and moisturize the skin, it is applied with a clean sponge.

    Then we apply the foundation to the skin of the face and neck, the base is a foundation of a natural tone to even out the tone of the facial skin. It is applied using a sponge, also along massage lines.

    Fix foundation loose powder natural shade.

    Eyebrow shaping: my model has eyebrows correct form, so we will just slightly adjust the accuracy of the eyebrows, with a gray-black pencil, and add a little saturation.

    We draw arrows: on the moving eyelid we make a thin line with a pencil, and draw an arrow to the outer corner of the eye, making the line thicker. We paint the eyelashes with black mascara, making them more voluminous and elongated.

    We wear two shades of gray eyeshadow on the eyelid.

    On the cheekbones, using a special brush, intensively apply a brown-peach blush.

    To finish off the makeup, apply a little foundation on the lips, powder them. We outline the lips with a lipstick-colored pencil.

    The makeup I choose is combined with the chosen style of my model, it emphasizes the individual characteristics of the client and completely completes the image.

    .4 Clothing and accessories

    The dress in the graduation project was chosen in accordance with the theme of the project. Dress white with a corset, a luxurious full skirt. The planned hairstyle, clothes, makeup, selected accessories are in harmony with each other and fully correspond to the theme thesis.

    The final accessory is the veil, it emphasizes the image of my model and makes it complete.

    Upon completion of the completed image, the model was completely satisfied with the result.


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    The whole history of hairdressing began from the moment when a person wanted to decorate his appearance in order to stand out. Primitive man looked into the river, saw his reflection and thought that his hair, intercepted by a leopard skin, would look much more interesting than just hanging out without anything. Why not? - thought the ancient man and began to put his grandiose plan into practice.
    The result exceeded all expectations, the first hairstyle was distinguished by its sophistication from the general mass of heads of its fellow tribesmen, and its practicality simply amazed the imagination. The first fashion show went off with a bang. Amazed fellow tribesmen wanted the same headbands for themselves... This is how, or approximately this, the birth of a new art form began - hairdressing.
    Already in primitive society, a person was forced to perform the simplest hairdressing procedures: cutting his hair with a flint knife, burning it over a flame. Men tied their hair into buns with a leather strap, women twisted their hair into ropes and braided them. The first signs of hairdressing are found around the 5th millennium BC among the Egyptians. They were engaged in coloring hair and nails, and paid great attention to body care. During excavations, vessels with cosmetics were found. Much attention was paid to making wigs.

    They were made from papyrus, fabric, animal wool, and painted in different colors. The pharaoh, for example, wore a wig, as if woven from many braids soaked in fragrant oil. The Egyptians already permed their hair and wigs using cold (“wet”) styling. The strands were wound onto wooden bobbins and coated with mud; when dry, the mud fell off. Toilet procedures were performed by slaves, and each had her own specialty.
    Men shaved their beards with razors made of silicon or bronze. Combs and hairpins were already known for hair care back then. They were made of wood and ivory. Excavations show that the Babylonians and Assyrians also used the services of a hairdresser.
    Here the primitive forms of our modern razor are found. But it was only among the ancient Greeks that numerous rules and methods for performing hairstyles, haircuts and shaving acquired not only names, but also the true meaning of hairdressing. In Greece, combing, curling, and putting on a wig was a kind of ritual that sometimes lasted several hours. These procedures were performed by specially trained slaves, who were called calamisters.
    Each procedure - washing, coloring, curling, cutting hair - was performed separately. Slave hairdressers had to not only skillfully comb their hair, but also follow the rules of aesthetics. They had to maintain proportion and harmony of hairstyle with facial features. In Greece there were already real salons where beard and hair trimming was done, as well as nail treatment.
    By nature, the Greeks had straight, thick black hair. At the same time, golden-haired beauties often appeared in works of literature. Women changed their natural hair color using alkaline compounds and lightened their hair with crushed rice and flour.
    They knew how to dye their hair with henna and bleach it, and used hair curling on an iron rod called “kalamis”. Men of the upper classes shaved their heads bald, and women cut their hair short. They did this for better hygiene (heat + insects). That's why famous wigs appeared in Egypt. The Egyptians were masters of this art, creating hairstyles of extraordinary beauty and grace. They dyed their hair whole and in individual strands, curled and braided in accordance with fashion. Silver and gold headbands, tiaras, ribbons, and flowers were used for decoration.
    Unlike the Egyptians, the Greeks showed the world an example of simplicity brought to perfection - the rhythm of the waves, the elasticity of the bun at the back of the head, the sophistication of jewelry. In Ancient Greece, hairstyles of long curled hair were styled in cone-shaped buns, with the hair above the forehead arranged in waves or small curls.
    Rome contrasted the laconic style of the Greeks with pomp and insane luxury, giving free rein to the imagination of the hairdressers of that time. It was the Romans who began to use hair additions in the form of curls, chignons, etc.
    Among the ancient Romans, as well as the ancient Greeks, hairdressing received special attention. He dominated there for quite a long time Greek style, until I developed my own. Roman patricians spent many hours doing their hair.
    Tonsoress slaves skillfully carried out various work with hair: they washed it, rinsed it in aromatic solutions infused with herbs. They performed their hairstyles by hot curling with metal rods, and also did “wet” cold styling with adhesive compounds.
    They cut their hair with special sickle-shaped razors. With the advent of fashion for shaved men's faces, hairdressers began to use, in addition to sickle-shaped copper razors, hot compresses - highly heated linen towels applied to the skin. The slave who carried out the final styling of her hair and decorated her hair with jewelry, sprinkled it with gold dust, azure powder, and soaked it in aromatic oils was called kipasis.
    In Ancient Rome, there were so-called cosmetics - slaves who decorated the body and face. Since extreme pallor was in fashion, women whitened their faces and hands with crushed chalk. Soot or antimony was used to line the eyelids. Lips were tinted and cheeks were colored with red wine sediment or a vegetable dye called fucus.

    Over time, the masters of Ancient Rome defined their style: hairstyles, which previously had a Greek character, began to be distinguished by greater laconicism, conciseness of forms, and variety (ingenuity appeared in braiding hair, styling with rollers, curls, hair was lightened). Rich Roman women wore jewelry: tiaras framed open foreheads, earrings complemented the outfit; Women of the lower classes covered their hair with capes. hairstyles of imperial Rome. Messalina Valeria is notorious - the wife of Claudius at the same time - the times of Rome, drowned in luxury and debauchery (25-48 AD). The image shows a beautiful turn of the head, the hair is separated by vertical partings, braided into small braids and tucked at the back of the head.

    Hairdressing art has received a new development. There is a return to the heritage of antiquity, hairstyles are once again becoming complex, using expensive jewelry, feathers and tiaras. We can judge this from Botticelli’s paintings, for a fashionable beauty was Simonetta Vespucci, who more than once inspired Sandro Botticelli (her features can be seen in Botticelli’s famous Venus).
    Decorations covered the heads of the beauties. But these were still flowers. In the middle of the 16th century. An enlarged hairstyle was considered beautiful. To do this, the hair was beaten with a toupee. False hair was added if necessary. To create a hairstyle, various devices were used: wire frame, ribbons, hoops.
    The male style is shoulder-length hair, styled with a roller framing the face and neck, the beard and mustache are shaved.

    In addition to shaving and haircuts, medieval barbers, who were called bathhouse attendants, provided city residents with other hygienic services. Their guild emblem was a copper bowl for whipping soap foam, which was also used as a gong to signal the opening of the bathhouse. In this way, visitors learned that the water for bathing was already hot enough.
    In addition to bath attendants, in medieval cities there were guilds of barbers, or barbers, who later merged with bath attendants. Barbers also offered medical services: they performed cupping, bled, applied leeches, pulled teeth - for this reason they willingly called themselves surgeons. During the Renaissance, barber shops grew in cities like mushrooms after rain.
    At the beginning of the 15th century, the guild of bath attendants and barbers received the right to have weapons and a banner with the guild emblem - the image of a magpie. Members of the workshop were allowed to wear a bandage with a coat of arms embroidered on it as a sign of the workshop; on occasion, it could be used to compress the arteries.

    For women, golden hair was considered especially beautiful. A high forehead was considered beautiful. The hairstyle could be very complex and sophisticated. It consisted of combinations of braids, curls, decorated with pearl beads, veils, and ribbons. Sometimes young girls wore their hair loose.
    In Spain, men had a short haircut, as well as a beard and mustache.
    Spanish women wore a simple and strict hairstyle, most often the so-called bandeau: the hair, combed in the middle, went down along the cheeks and was folded into a chignon at the back. Hair was beautifully decorated with flowers, hoops, and jewelry. In France, original features emerged in hairstyles, reflecting the tastes of the emerging nation. The last king of the 16th century, Henry IV, had a particular influence on men's hairstyles. Slicked back hair, curled mustaches and a small pointed beard “a la Henri IV” came into fashion. Since the king began to turn gray early, hair powder came into fashion, but at that time only whiskey was powdered.
    In the Baroque era, following the fashion for wigs introduced by the hairless Henry III, they began to be worn throughout Europe, which contributed to the development of wig making. At the beginning of the 17th century, Erway, a master of making fake hair, invented the allonge wig, i.e. wig with long curls. From France, this type of wig spread throughout the world. From the “Berlin Chronicle” it is clear that in 1674 three French wigmakers settled in Berlin, and in 1716 a wig workshop was mentioned. The workers involved in hair processing were called "postiger" in French.

    Hairdressing achieved an even greater rise in the first half of the 17th century, during the time of absolutism in France. Royal hairdressers created an incredible number of models of intricate hairstyles, which, according to their authors, were supposed to emphasize the greatness of the courtiers and members of the royal family. Every self-respecting court hairdresser was required to have on hand special combs for royal wigs with a double row of teeth and a special case.
    At the beginning of the 17th century, men's hairstyle consisted of long hair flowing over the shoulders. The nobles grew a small beard and a small mustache at the edge of their lips. Later, wigs came into fashion. The voluminous hairstyle consisted of a mass of long, curled hair, and blonde was considered a fashionable hair color. This wig resembled a lion's mane.
    Women's hairstyle during the second half of the 17th century it changed countless times. There are several types of short-term fashionable hairstyles. In the 60s, the hairstyle still retained some naturalness. The hair was combed in the middle and fluffed luxuriantly above the temples, fastened at the back of the neck, and the curled ends of the hair were lowered in the form of two long curls onto the shoulders - “a la Mancini”. Since the 70s, women's hairstyles began to resemble the shape of a men's wig. The curls were laid in rows so high that the hairstyle sometimes rose 50-60 centimeters above the forehead. Sometimes ladies of this time wore a smooth hairstyle with a knot at the back of the head - the so-called humility knot. IN women's fashion Complex hairstyles on a wire frame reign, and a hairstyle a la Fontage made of ribbons and lace, between which strands of hair are stretched, is becoming fashionable. The name appeared on behalf of the king's favorite, Marie Angelica de Fontages. Legend tells that one day while hunting, her hair became disheveled, and she tied it with a ribbon. The king was delighted and asked de Fontages to wear this hairstyle always. At first it was soft and low, then they began to starch the material and stretch it onto a wire frame. Hairstyles have become a tall tower. Even the carriages were made with hinged lids - otherwise the lady would not be able to get into the carriage.

    Since the 90s, the fontange hairstyle has come into fashion. It consisted of a combination of curls laid on the head in rows and lubricated with protein to secure them, and bent into various fantastic shapes wire frame, which was decorated with folded gauze, lace, flowers and ribbons. If necessary, the hairstyle was supplemented with artificial hair.
    In the first half of the 18th century, the Rococo style appeared, which seemed to complete the development of the Baroque style. Rococo is a decorative style with features of fragility, sophistication, some mannerism and sensuality. These features were present in both men's and women's hairstyles.
    Men's hairstyles from Rococo times were small in volume. The hair was curled into curls, and sometimes combed smoothly back. They were tied at the back with a black ribbon or hidden in a black bag. Usually the hair was powdered. White powdered wigs came into fashion.
    The women's hairstyle was also small and consisted of curls raised up, pinned at the back of the head and decorated with ribbons, tufts of feathers, flowers, and strings of pearls. Hair was usually powdered. In the 70s of the 18th century, hairstyles became especially complex. It took several hours to “make” a fashionable hairstyle - coiffure. The women tried to keep it intact for several days. Hairstyles were done as follows: the hair was combed, a light frame was placed on the top of the head, onto which the hair was raised and secured; Then they were curled, powdered and, finally, they began to decorate. Ribbons, flowers, and lace were used for this. Sometimes a whole basket of fruits or even a model of a ship with rigging and sails was placed on the head. Sometimes there was a mass of jewelry on the head that exceeded the weight of the head itself.

    The French Revolution of 1789 marked the advent of a new era, which was reflected in hairstyles. Inspired by the ideas of Liberty, the Ravens Brotherhood, the ideologists of the French Revolution turned to the images of the ancient world, drawing from the ancients the ideas of democracy, strict morals and aesthetic ideals. The second half of the 18th century is a period of classicism, the leading style direction. Men's hair was cut short and powder fell out of use. Women's hairstyles had a variety of forms, but they were very simplified, they became lower, and the hair was curled into ringlets.
    With the coming to power of Napoleon I, the Empire style appeared, which in architecture and interiors external signs reminiscent of classicism, now artists and architects are inspired not by the strict and graceful forms of Greek temples, but by the ponderous and magnificent forms of Roman architecture. Men's hair was cut and curled into tight curls - “a la Titus”; their faces were shaved, but narrow strips of hair, called favorites, were left on their cheeks from the temples. Women's hairstyles changed very often. They also wore a Czech knot and hairstyles made from various combinations of curls.
    After the defeat of Napoleon, Empire style hairstyles went out of fashion - the time has come for the Biedermeier style. This one arose unique style in the 20s of the 19th century in Vienna. It was the brilliance of the heyday of hairdressing: lush curls framed the temples, the volume of hair on the back of the head was arranged in a varied pattern. They decorated their hair with ribbons, veils, flowers, pearls, and wore tiaras. During the Biedermeier period, hairstyles resemble decorative architecture. Preference, as always, is given to blondes. Men wore sideburns, curls at the base of the forehead, and high bangs that did not cover the forehead.

    In the 70-80s, the hairstyle hardly changed in shape. It consists of long curls flowing down the back, and above the temples the hair is usually combed high up.

    The bourgeois revolution of 1848 marked the beginning of the development of capitalism. France has regained its influence in fashion. Hairstyles are becoming simpler, although complex hairstyles with long hair are still popular until the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Men's fashion of the late 19th and early 20th centuries was a short parting and a carefully shaved mustache and beard, often forked downward.
    The end of the 19th century is characterized by the achievements of technical thought: in 1881, the Frenchman Marcel invented a hot curling iron, and in 1884-1885 he also perfected the method of hair curling using chemicals, invented by the German Fischer. In 1904, Charles Nestlé, a German by birth, invented a method of performing long-term hair curling using chemicals and heat. At this time, a short, feminine, geometric haircut came into fashion. The First World War forced women into male-dominated professions. The woman had to walk widely, she needed comfortable clothes and had no time to curl her curls. A new image is coming into fashion - a woman-boy in a short dress and a short haircut with geometric lines. It was a revolution. Cinema, which at that time did not yet know how to speak, has an increasingly strong influence on fashion. The old ideal of a woman, embodied in Lillian and Dorothy Gish and, especially, in Mary Pickford - naive and innocent golden-haired angels - is living out its life. Mary's intricate hairstyle became her signature. She looked like this: a huge mass of hair, neatly divided into 18 tight curls (two are now kept in Hollywood, in the film museum). However, the beauty that Pickford embodies begins to seem old-fashioned. A vamp woman appears. The twenties of the 20th century are that rare era when, finally, the dominance of blondes is overthrown. On screen and in life, women like Asta Nielsen, Theda Bara, Francesca Bertini reign - fragile and pale, with black hair cut short in the bob style and straight bangs falling over heavily made-up eyes. The entire decade passed under the sign of Greta Grabo with her beautiful face, as if created from light and loneliness, and Marlene Dietrich.

    In most cases, hairdressers worked in hairdressers themselves with several students. The working week ranged from 95 to 100 hours. After the First World War, opening hours were established and work week was about 54 hours. In the twenties, enterprises began to appear for the production of devices, machines and hairdressing accessories. Joseph Mayer released his invention of flat hair winding in 1924, which caused a great revolution in curling technology.
    The success of this technique was confirmed in six-month curling competitions in 1924 and 1925. in Dresden and Carlsbad. At this time, a new low voltage device with internal heating from Wella appeared. After such great success of thermal perm, the idea arose to perform perm without a device using a cold (chemical) method. In 1939, Nestlé-Lemur, New York, released a drug for a new method of curling and fixing hair shape.
    In the 40s, the style of women's clothing was coarse and militarized. But, oddly enough, complex hairstyles with shoulder-length curls and lush curls above the forehead were in fashion. They survived the war.
    In the pre-war and war years, blondes reigned supreme in Russia: Valentina Serova, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya, Marina Ladynina, Lyubov Orlova.
    In the 50s, Marilyn Monroe appeared in world cinema. Her series of roles are stories of beautiful blondes with eyes that open for diamonds and close for kisses. In the late 50s, after Roger Vadim's film And God Created Woman, Brigitte Bardot became the idol of youth. She brings into fashion a whole range of hairstyles: straight and long flowing hair, ponytail, fluffy babette with a backcomb. In the 60s, another future movie star, who would be called the most beautiful woman in the world, dyed her hair blonde. This is Catherine Deneuve. She began to look like Brigitte Bardot, journalists wrote.

    In the late 60s, English hairdresser Vidal Sassoon created his famous democratic haircut. 25 years later, he called her a personal contribution to women's emancipation. I made a small part of their everyday life easier for women. I found a hairstyle for them that is easy to maintain by washing the hair, drying it and simply shaking your head... These years, wigs of various colors are again becoming popular, including gray, purple, fiery red.
    The 70s bring the perm to the world. Youth movements continue to influence fashion. At the end of this decade, punks appeared in London, shocking with their appearance. Punks' hairstyles resemble bristling hedgehogs and porcupines: disheveled, uneven strands sticking out in different directions, dyed in wild colors.
    Fashion did not reject the punk style, but ennobled it. Girls' heads began to be decorated with Cascade haircuts, and very short Hedgehog haircuts came into fashion, like the heroine of the film Winter Cherry. The heroine of the film Little Vera also has a version of the punk haircut, who embodied the common type of girl from a vocational school.
    In 1675, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree - “not to adopt foreign customs, not to shave the hair on the head, not to wear foreign clothes.” Serfs (“stupid artists”) were also engaged in hairdressing, and they were kept under great strictness, not allowing them to work for others.
    Peter's reforms introduced German and then French fashion. In 1702, the Tsar's Decree listed everyone who should wear fashionable European costumes and change their hairstyles. Violators were shamelessly fined. According to a special “beard law,” a beard duty was introduced: having paid it, the owner of the beard would postpone shaving it for a year. At the city gates, special booths were equipped, in which there were observers and toll collectors.
    Under the reign of Peter I, women ceased to be recluses and were able to attend balls and assemblies. This is where the nature of a woman played a major role. Trying to outdo the rest, the ladies increasingly demanded that their gentlemen sign up Western coiffers for lack of their own. Thus, large-volume hairstyles made from thick curls and decorated with expensive jewelry entered Russian fashion. Over time, Russia nevertheless developed its own style, which was dictated by the uniqueness of Russian nature. Gradually, the ladies' hairstyles became less pretentious, more modest, which has always distinguished the women of Russia.
    The Old Russian hairstyle “under the pot” was preserved only among peasants and Old Believers. Wealthy people wore wigs. During the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, a Decree on the benefits of barber shaving was introduced. The Beard Law was repealed in 1762. A. S. Pushkin wrote about this time: “The people, having stubbornly maintained their beard and Russian caftan, were pleased with their victory and looked indifferently at the German way of life of their shaved boyars.”
    In 1900, at the World Exhibition in Paris, for the first time, Russian hairdresser Ivan Andreevich Andreev was awarded the “For Art” award, the Golden Cross and a Diploma confirming the title of Honored Professor of Hairdressing. After this, Andreev I.A. was invited to the jury, as an expert at exhibitions, competitions, and hairstyle shows. He visited many capitals of Europe. In 1909, Andreev I.A. published a book of his memoirs, an album of hairstyles that were awarded high awards, and the first catalog was published.
    With the accession of Nicholas I to the throne, theatrical art flourished: Russian opera was born, and the Alexandria Theater was opened. The flourishing of Russian theatrical art enlivened life, ladies appeared in society, striking with the variety of clothes and hairstyles. This was the heyday of the Biedermeier style in Russia.

    Since the reign of Alexander I, men have not worn wigs; sideburns and mustaches have been in fashion; since the reign of Alexander III, mustaches and beards have become fashionable again, later divided in two downwards.
    So, we can conclude that hairdressing in Russia was not distinguished as a separate art form and, perhaps, the work of arranging hair in a hairstyle in pre-Petrine times was considered a craft.
    In connection with the emancipation of women by Peter the Great, as mentioned above, a widespread fascination with Western fashion for clothing and hairstyles began, into which, however, elements of originality were introduced. But the art of creating hairstyles did not develop independently in Russia.

    1. History of hairdressing

    The origins of hairdressing go back to ancient times. It is known that in the 2nd and 3rd millennium BC. e. Our ancestors tended to decorate their appearance with their hair. Centuries passed, man gradually introduced the objects he created, including into his hairstyle. His idea of ​​beauty, which reflects both his individual taste and the general aesthetic ideal inherent in a particular era. Fashionable color hair in ancient Greece was considered blond. During the classical period Everyday life men's hairstyle consisted of short-cropped hair, Greek women wore long hair and knew several types of hairstyles. A classic hairstyle can be considered the so-called Greek knot - karylibos. With this hairstyle, long hair was combed in the middle, curled in waves and lowered quite low onto the forehead. Since, according to the aesthetic concepts of that time, the forehead should be low (between the eyebrows and hair, the forehead opened only the width of 2 fingers). Men's hairstyle was different in different periods of Roman history, and was combed smoothly with bangs above the forehead. The cultural history of feudal society is divided into two main periods: the early (9th, 12th centuries) and the late Middle Ages (13th, 15th centuries).

    The church begins to play a huge role in people’s lives, and therefore the development of hairdressing depended on the regulation of the church, which sought to pacify “sinful human flesh.” In the early Middle Ages, men's hairstyle was primitive: hair was cut to the earlobes, with bangs in front. In the 11th century, long hair was worn loose over the shoulders. Girls wore either long braids, or loose hair. Collected around the head by a hoop, and married women They hid their hair under a headdress. A woman's golden hair was considered especially beautiful. In Spain, short hair was fashionable for men, as were beards and mustaches. Spanish women wore a simple and strict hairstyle, most often the so-called bandeau: the hair, combed in the middle, was pulled down along the cheeks and folded into a chignon at the back. Hair was beautifully decorated with flowers, hoops, and jewelry. Men's and women's hairstyles were greatly influenced by the external pomp of Queen Elizabeth's court. Women's hairstyle changed countless times during the 2nd half of the 12th century. Among short-term fashions, several types of hairstyles can be distinguished. In the 60s, hairstyles still retained some naturalness. The hair was combed in the middle and fluffed luxuriantly, fastened at the back of the neck, and the curled ends of the hair were lowered in the form of 2 curls onto the shoulders. The curls were placed side by side so high that sometimes the hairstyle rose 50-60 cm. Sometimes ladies of that time wore a smooth hairstyle with a knot - pinned at the back of the head, the so-called humility knot. In the first half of the century, the Rococo style appeared, which seemed to complete the development of the Baroque style. Rococo is a decorative style bearing features of fragility and sophistication, some mannerisms and sensitivity. These features were present in men's and women's hairstyles. Rococo men's hairstyles were small in volume. The hair was curled into curls, and sometimes combed smoothly back. They were tied at the back with a black ribbon or hidden in a black bag. Women's hairstyles were also small and consisted of curls; raised up, pinned at the back of the head and decorated with ribbons, tufts of feathers, flowers, threads, and pearls. The women tried to keep it intact for several days. Women's hairstyles changed very often: they wore a Greek knot and hairstyles from various combinations of curls. Men wore short, curled hair, raised above their foreheads in the form of a coque. In the 40s, hair lengthened, reaching to the ears.

    Women's hairstyles in the 30s were entire works of art. The hair was combed into a side parting, the strands shortened from the sides were curled into large ringlets and placed above the temples. The nature of hairstyles of 1890-1900 is changing again due to the changes that occurred with public life centuries. Fashion becomes international, appears business style expressing simplicity and rationality of hairstyles. In 1904, long-term hair perm was performed for the first time in Germany; perm quickly spread throughout Europe. In the 20s and 20th century. Short hairstyles have come into fashion, and short new chemical dyes and hair lighteners are also appearing. Hair coloring made it possible to give the hairstyle an additional effect.

    With the invention of perms, a real revolution took place in hairdressing. In 1971, the famous hairdresser Vidal Sessu showed new haircuts that can only be done with scissors. In men's fashion today there is complete freedom from a shaved head to long hair such as a bob and a ponytail. Fashion is fashion, no matter what it is, but each person can choose their hairstyle and style individually. To be beautiful and fashionable every day, you need to feel comfortable for a long time, and not just on the day of visiting the hairdresser.

    2. Accessories and tools used for “Tenis” haircut

    The following tools are used for this haircut:

    A comb with which it is convenient to use the “hair reduction” haircut technique.

    Scissors. They are divided into two types:

    Simple hairdressing scissors. They differ from ordinary ones in that they are made of high-strength steel, their blades have thin ends, and small rings.

    Thinning shears with large teeth on one or two blades. They allow you to cut your hair neatly without kinks.

    Hair clipper. There are two types:

    with electric motor;

    with a vibrator.

    The machine with an electric motor has replaceable heads and operates on both DC and AC power. It is necessary to carefully monitor the sliding ability of the knives and the cleanliness of the heads. When working with such a machine, one must not forget about safety precautions: hands must be dry, you cannot cut wet or heavily soiled hair, the voltage must correspond to that specified in the passport.

    The machine with a vibrator, instead of replaceable heads, has one head with a height regulator for the cut hair. Operates only on AC power.

    Pinoirs are capes.

    Cotton piñoirs are used only when cutting hair; for coloring and long-term curling, synthetic and polyethylene piñoirs are used.


    When shaving, use only napkins. One is placed on the headrest of the chair, and the second is placed on the client’s chest.


    Waffle is used more often.

    3. Technologies for performing a “Tenis” haircut

    Preparatory work

    Before serving each visitor, the hairdresser must thoroughly wash his hands in the presence of the visitor. Visitors are served on a first-come, first-served basis or by appointment. If there are not enough clients, the master works in turns. Before inviting the next visitor, the master must put his workplace in order. When inviting a visitor, the master stands at his workplace and helps the client settle in, then covers the visitor with hairdressing underwear. Any operation begins with combing the client's hair. During the combing process, the master becomes familiar with the structure and condition of the hair. The haircut is performed on clean hair.

    Rule for receiving visitors.

    Must adhere to work schedule.

    The appearance of the master should be neat and clean.

    Culture of behavior.

    Do not refuse to provide services to the visitor.

    Disabled people and war veterans are served out of turn.

    You cannot serve people who are intoxicated.

    To prevent an epidemic, carry out timely disinfection of tools and equipment in the room.

    Reception of visitors must take place in turns.

    Purposes of shampooing

    Hygiene goal.

    Pursues the removal of dirt and grease from the surface of the skin, hair and face.

    Deformation target.

    This is the removal of traces of the previous hairstyle.

    Preparatory goal.

    Important for hair processing and preparation chemicals.

    There are two ways to wash your hair:

    With your head tilted forward.

    With the head tilted back (special equipment required).

    4. Hair washing technology

    To wash the hair, water temperature is 34-450 C, then cover the client with a napkin and tightly cover the neck. Comb your hair thoroughly. Swollen hair loses half its strength, so you need to be careful. Then thoroughly wet the hair, then apply shampoo, first pour it into the palm of your hand and rub it in your hands. Next, use your fingertips in a circular motion to whip up the foam and rinse off the shampoo with water. If necessary, repeat this operation 1-2 times. To wash your hair we need: 20-25 g of water, after which we perform an acid rinse with citric acid. To prepare the rinse composition we need 2-3 tbsp. spoons 1% vinegar and 2 g citric acid per one liter of water. Then the hair is rinsed with warm water. The frequency of washing your hair depends on their condition. Normal hair: 6-7 days, greasy hair: 3-4 days, dry hair – 8-10 days.

    Technology of your topic.

    Haircut technology. We start the haircut from the edge hair growth lines on the neck. We carry out a haircut, remove the hair with a clipper to a height of 2-2.5 cm along the entire edging line. Then we do the edging on the temples and behind the ear. We do the edging on the neck using the no method (we don’t make a clear line). We remove the hair from the middle-occipital part of the head with a machine or thinning scissors using the blending method. We comb the hair of the parietal part and the upper part of the back of the head along the line of its growth in the direction from the face to the crown, spreading it around the circumference of the head and cutting it with thinning scissors. Through the comb along one line (along the entire circumference of the head). Next, we proceed to the design of the parietal part of the head. Using a vertical parting, select a control strand and cut it straight in the direction from the face to the crown. This strand will be the control for cutting the parietal part of the head. Then, parallel to the hair growth line on the forehead, we separate 1 strand in the center, conditionally dividing it into 3 parts, comb the head and cut it in a straight line, thus weaving the hair strand by strand from the face to the crown. We also stitch the side sections of the head, creating a line

    Next, we thin the hair using the fringe method. Using vertical partings on the parietal part of the head, we cut out the ends at an angle to a depth of 0.5 cm. We comb the hair on the top of the head at the level of the middle of the strand and pierce it with scissors.

    Final work

    After cutting, you need to remove small cut hairs using a fine-toothed comb, first combing cotton wool onto it and moistening it in water. Then it is necessary to clean the client’s face and neck of hair with a cotton towel or a special brush, then remove the piñoir, the edges of which are folded inward so that the hair does not fall on the client’s clothes. Each technological cycle requires its own final work.

    5. Safety precautions

    In hairdressing salons, women's and men's hairdressers who have completed a full course of training, passed the plumbing minimum, are instructed in safety precautions and have passed medical checkup.

    Violation of the technical process, sanitary standards and safety regulations can cause cuts, dermatitis, burns, and electric shock. Those guilty of violating the rules contained in the instructions are subject to disciplinary liability.

    Protection from dangers and hazards:

    Before serving each visitor, you must thoroughly wash your hands and disinfect your instruments.

    You should be attentive when serving visitors and not be distracted by extraneous conversations.

    You cannot be distracted when editing with a razor on your belt and whetstone.

    You cannot walk around with an open razor and carry a razor and scissors in your robe pocket.

    You need to use water at a temperature no higher than 500 C

    There is no need to use or store prohibited dyes and other cosmetical tools.

    Before starting perm work, you need to carefully check the condition skin head, skin sensitivity in a small area behind the ear, make sure that the composition does not come into contact with the visitor’s face and eyes, and do not disrupt the technological process.

    Before starting work on electric curling, you need to carefully check the condition of the electric heaters - there are no breaks or exposed cords.

    Do not allow the curling iron to overheat during hot curling or overdry the hair when cold styling.

    There is no need to use perihydrol, the concentration of which is higher than 12%.


    Use faulty electrical appliances and tools.

    Straighten the razor while holding the whetstone or table strap on your hand.

    Identify chemicals by taste.

    Identify chemicals by smell, by direct inhalation from the bottle, which can lead to burns to the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

    Work with chemical compounds and dyes without gloves

    Keep volatile substances close to heating devices and heating systems.

    Handle electrical wires with wet hands.

    Hang on electrical wires, electric lamps, plug sockets, paper, napkins, towels, etc.

    Touch electric heating devices for permanent hair with bare hands.

    Fire safety rules in hairdressing salons:

    All hairdressing salon employees are required to know and follow fire safety rules and be able to handle fire equipment.

    In the event of a fire, each hairdressing salon employee is obliged to immediately take measures to call the fire brigade by calling 01 and extinguish the fire using all available means (sand, fire extinguisher, etc.), as well as take measures to save property.

    To avoid fire, it is prohibited:

    Store flammable substances near heating devices and heating systems.

    Block narrow passages and emergency exits.

    Replace burnt safety plugs with wire.

    When leaving the workplace, the hairdresser must turn off the lighting and heating devices.

    It is prohibited to use fire-fighting equipment for purposes other than their intended purpose.

    6. Economic section

    Under the conditions of a market economic system, in accordance with changes in the economic and social development of the country, the policy in the field of wages, social support and protection of workers also changes significantly. Many functions of the state for the implementation of this policy are transferred directly to enterprises, which independently establish the forms, systems and amounts of remuneration for material incentives for its results. The concept " wage» has been filled with new content and covers all types of earnings accrued in cash and in kind, including amounts accrued to employees in accordance with the law for unworked time (annual leave, holidays etc.). There are two forms of remuneration:

    piecework, in which earnings depend on the number of units produced, taking into account their quality, complexity and working conditions;

    time-based, in which earnings depend on the amount of time spent, taking into account the qualifications of the employee and working conditions.

    The hairdressing salon uses piecework wages, which depend on the volume of services performed. Their records are kept on a production record sheet. The head of the hairdressing salon issues a certain number of production accounting sheets every month. For example, if a master works 24 days a month, then he is given 24 worksheets. Each worksheet has its own number. It is filled out by the master who performs the work. The worksheet must have a signature from the cashier. Therefore, the leaf is paid a salary by the master. The worksheet indicates: name of the organization, full name. master, personnel number, master's rank, type of hairdressing salon and hall, type of service, day, month and year. A table is compiled that indicates the code of services according to the price list, the numbers of expensive materials consumed, the cost of services to be paid, and the cashier’s signature. And also indicates the amount from the beginning of the month, the amount that was accumulated on this worksheet for the month. All these worksheets are submitted to the manager and a salary is assigned, but the rank of the foreman is also taken into account.

    Panchenko O.A.

    The development and improvement of hairdressing art is closely related to the evolution of human society and the increase in the level of culture. Hairdressing art combines several basic techniques for working with hair: washing, drying, cutting, curling, coloring, making hair products - wigs, braids, curls, hairpieces, eyelashes, eyebrows, etc.

    The influence of the aesthetic ideal on appearance people were felt less noticeably than, for example, styles of artistic movements, religion, social status. Since the concepts of “kindness”, “tenderness”, “femininity”, “masculinity” are very difficult to convey outwardly, they can be emphasized by the details of the costume and hairstyle.

    At all times, hairdressing has been aimed at beautifying the appearance and making it more attractive.

    To the question of what a hairstyle is, you can answer this way: it is hair styled using different types of curling or styling, all kinds of haircuts into a certain shape. The hairstyle can be made from natural or artificial hair. The hairstyle most clearly reveals the trends of the era; it reflects national and racial traits, class and estate, social status in society, as well as signs of gender and age. Thanks to your hairstyle, you can emphasize the attractiveness of your face or hide some imperfections. A well-known imprint is left on the hairstyle by the personal tastes and individual views of its owner.

    Since the art of hairdressing was improved against the backdrop of social life, it largely depended on the development of science, industry, culture, and technological processes. The emerging forms of hairstyles have changed over time thanks to the use of new special accessories, tools, and cosmetics. XIX-XX centuries brought a lot of new things that influenced the art of hairdressing. Magazines, newspapers, opening days, theater premieres, hairdressing and cosmetics competitions become promoters of new silhouettes, hairstyles, tools, and methods of working with hair.

    Each historical era is characterized by its own special style and fashion. It is by the elements of clothing and its additions, by hairstyle that today one can determine whether a person belongs to a particular historical period. In the distant past, hairstyle not only decorated a person, but was also a sign of profession, social status, nationality, or even, in special cases, political views. The wigs of British parliamentarians and judges, the braids of the Chinese, the beards of Armenian merchants and the clean-shaven heads of priests in Ancient Egypt are no longer just elements of fashion, they are almost symbols.

    In ancient times in Assyria, Babylon and Egypt, trained slaves performed many of the tasks still used in hairdressing today, such as hair coloring. At that time, caring for hair and facial hair was associated with the requirements of religious worship, folk customs and rituals: Egyptian priests shaved their heads bald, then covering it with a wig, and Assyrian warriors curled their long beards into intricate ringlets, which, according to belief, should bring success in battles. Byzantine fashion ordered women to hide their hair. They were found only in the form of a mane above the forehead or braids (along the cheeks), sometimes made not from hair, but from small strings of pearls. In the Middle Ages, women decorated their hair with caps and hats, sometimes so high (sometimes a meter high) and intricate that it was difficult to move in them (Fig. 1).

    Rice. 1. Gothic cap, approximately 1400

    Only young girls could wear their hair parted above the forehead and arranged in waves in a small roll above the temples. They fell in beautiful curls over the shoulders, leaving the ears exposed.

    Men's hairstyles did not differ in variety: hair was cut short, while suits were lavishly decorated with embroidery, borders, precious stones and lace.

    An important component of a man's appearance is the presence or absence of a mustache and beard. Medieval hairdressers provided services to city residents, uniting in the guilds of bath attendants and barbers. Barbers offered medical services: cupping, drawing blood, applying leeches, pulling teeth - for this reason they called themselves surgeons. Over time, the number of bath attendants and barbers increased; The nature of their services has also changed. In addition to shaving, cutting and styling hair, the hairdresser also performed massages, made compresses, made wigs, performed cosmetic and make-up work, and also did manicures and pedicures.

    Some men believe that a beard gives masculinity and solidity and wear it with pride. Others find facial hair makes them look older and prefer to go without it. But still, if you decide in favor, remember that various shapes beards, mustaches, sideburns should be selected individually. Modern youth are surprised by the well-groomed beards and the originality of their design. In this they set a positive tone for the generation of their fathers. Youth beards, although small, are very contoured, and their size is literally marked by a thin strip around the mouth and chin. A common trend today is a face of two to three days or even a week of stubble.

    In ancient times, the attitude towards facial hair was different. It was believed that beards and mustaches gave men a more intimidating and warlike appearance. However, the shaving process was so primitive and painful (sharp shells and flint stones were used) that even those who wanted to get rid of stubble had to put up with it.

    In Ancient Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and Judea, tools made of copper and iron began to be used for shaving. Since then, shaving technology has improved, and barbering gradually began to turn from an ordeal into an art. It is known from primary sources that the ancient Slavs shaped their mustaches and beards in accordance with class characteristics.

    In the Middle Ages in Western Europe, when shaving technology reached a certain development, mustaches were worn by men of different segments of the population. In the city square near the cathedral one could meet a dandy dressed in latest fashion, with a mustache resembling the letter X.

    Rice. 2. Men's fashion in France in the 16th century. Rice. 3. Hairstyle from the time of Louis XIV

    Rice. 4. Mustache and beard of the times
    Louis XIV. France, XVI century.

    Many men wore mustaches and beards, imitating the kings of France: Henry IV of Navarre, Francis I, Louis XIV, Emperor Napoleon III. The Prussian Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm and the Russian Emperors Alexander III, Nicholas I and Nicholas II also became objects of imitation.

    In some countries, the “mustache” united in special unions.

    Women of all times and peoples have tried to get rid of dark mustaches above upper lip. In ancient times, recipes from Arab doctors of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra were used for this. Some of these ointments and resins are of interest even to modern cosmetologists, who have a variety of preparations and devices for hair removal at their disposal. Nowadays, cosmetology mainly uses mechanical and high-temperature hair removal methods. Nowadays, shaving technologies have improved significantly. Professional shaving guarantees 2-3 days without stubble.

    Rice. 5. Beard 1930 Rice. 6. Mustache and beard 1930

    In the 17th century France is becoming a trendsetter in the field of fashion and hairstyles. The Baroque style finally emerged, most fully expressing the tastes of the aristocracy of that time. Hairstyles of this era were entirely subordinated to court etiquette and were distinguished by pomp, stiffness, a huge number of decorations and complex techniques.

    In Europe, wigs began to come into fashion. They were very diverse - sometimes in the form of curls and rings falling on the face, sometimes in the form of incredibly high hairstyles with numerous decorations - castles, ships, even ponds on which boats sailed (Fig. 7, 8).

    In Russia, in the field of fashion, they focused on France. Many salons belonged French masters. Fashion magazines were discharged from Paris, where even hairdressing competitions were held. In 1860, Russian masters Agapov and Andreev took first place in the competition, and in the 1888-1890s. Ivan Andreev received a number of awards for his hairstyles and an Honorary Diploma of Honorary Professor of Hairdressing.

    In 1904, permanent hair perm was performed for the first time in Germany.

    In the 20s XX century Short hairstyles came into fashion (Fig. 11).

    New chemical dyes and hair lighteners are appearing. Hair coloring made it possible to give the hairstyle an additional effect and revitalize it.

    With the invention of perm, a real revolution took place in hairdressing. This method of hair curling not only successfully competed with all other methods, but also gradually replaced them.

    With the advent of cinema, the art of cinema has greatly influenced the shape of hairstyles. At one time, the hairstyles of the heroines of Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich came into fashion. Many women did their hairstyles as symbols of beauty in the 1930s. “divine” Greta Garbo (Fig. 12).

    The bangs could be multi-tiered, which increased the height of the hairstyle. The hairstyles were without parting; a clear wave was placed above the forehead, while the hair from the back of the head was raised upward. Thin nets matching the hair color were fashionable, which were put on the head to preserve the hairstyle; Elderly women continued to wear their hair in buns, braided their hair, put it in rolls, and pinned it with hairpins.

    The development and improvement of hairdressing art today is largely facilitated by competitive shows of hairstyles and cosmetics, which date back to ancient times. Female beauty contests were held in Ancient Greece. The first competition was dedicated to a festival in honor of the earth goddess Demeter, at which skilled hairdressers demonstrated their skills.

    In the 50-60s. actress Brigitte Bardot introduces new hairstyles - “ ponytail" and "Babette" (Fig. 14).

    In the second half of the 20th century. There is a rapid change in styles in clothing and hairstyles. The most popular remain classical, sports and business, romantic, folk styles.

    Rice. 15. Haircut 1970

    In the early 50s. Men's hairstyles did not change often. They continued to wear short haircuts, in which new methods of work were used - thinning (thinning) of hair, and special thinning razors were used. There was no strict edging in the hairstyles; they wore side partings, straight partings and bangs.

    In 1971, the famous master Vidal Sassoon showed new haircuts that were performed only with scissors (Fig. 15).

    Hairpieces began to come into fashion, which were attached to the crown, crown, and back of the head, changing the shape of hairstyles.

    In the 70s, punks appeared who protested against society not only with their behavior, clothes, but also with their hairstyle. Fashion designers refined the punk style by creating “hedgehog” and “cascade” haircuts (Fig. 16, 17).

    1980 - the year of the XXII Moscow Olympics - determined the fashion of the next decade. Sport style typical for everyday clothing and hairstyles. In sporty hairstyles, curled hair is combined with asymmetrical bangs and partings. A short haircut is comfortable and practical. The hair is partially dyed - with “feathers”.

    90s fashion takes us back to the hairstyle silhouettes of past decades, with a retro feel. At the center of fashion is the popular bob haircut, which is performed using various methods: grading, thinning and even blunting.

    The most common are short haircuts in the “small head” style, with the hair combed back, thereby revealing the face. Hairdressers and fashion designers have introduced a lot of new things into the “small head” style. The characteristic features of this style are lightweight hair that shapes the face in a variety of ways. Crew hairstyles are fashionable, having an uneven, as if tousled, volume. Such hairstyles can be varied geometric shapes depending on the decision of the hairdresser-designer, as well as on the structure of the hair. New methods of perm have appeared. In 1987, the technology of twisting strands in a spiral was developed, developed by fashion designer and hairdresser Karita.

    In the same year, Wilhelm Hüllerband from Vienna proposed an original method of spiral perm. Instead of bobbins, he uses bamboo sticks on which the hair is wound in a spiral.

    Rice. 18. Youth haircut 1980

    Root perm is used in modern hairstyles, as it adds fluffiness, lightness and volume to hairstyles. New way The curls were created in the salon of the outstanding fashion designer and hairdresser Sassoon. “Needle” hairstyles were popular among youth and “punks” of these years.

    Strict straight bangs and light bangs in the form of fringe and vertical strands of hair are coming into fashion (Fig. 18).

    Modern fashion involves women's hairstyles in a variety of styles: business, casual, formal with decor from brooches, hairpins, etc., but their main task is to show the natural beauty of the hair, to emphasize the softness and femininity of the appearance.

    In men's fashion today there is complete freedom - from a shaved head and temples to long hair like “bob” and “ponytail”, however, the business style of a young businessman, the style of manly calm and efficiency, prevails. Especially popular are “express”, “traveling salesman”, and sports haircuts (Fig. 19, 20).

    Nowadays, hair extension technologies are used in creating hairstyles as a new type of achievement. Another proposal of the new millennium is the bouffant. In a mess, combed hair represents entire structures, and the ability to add and remove volume at your discretion allows you to achieve complete harmony of the hairstyle with your facial features.

    Every season, fashion confirms that the new is the well-forgotten old.

    The main preference is given to “squares” of varying lengths. There is no longer a “strict” parting line; it is drawn in irregular zigzags or placed on the side.

    Considerable attention is paid to the color scheme of the hair. The following colors are fashionable: golden, ash, blond, copper. Hair tinting has become a kind of art. Soft transitions of tones and play of colors add special charm to hairstyles.

    A center for hairdressing art “Dolores” has been created in Moscow, which is named after Dolores Gurgenovna Kondrashova, a leading fashion designer and hairdresser. Wella, a well-known company both in Germany and abroad, took an active part in the establishment of the salon. Its salons and enterprises in 114 countries around the world successfully promote the fashion of hairdressing and makeup.

    New trends 2000-2001 - light, almost white, matte, gray, reddish, “wild”, as if unkempt hair.

    And the latest fashion cry of the summer of 2003 is “African chic”, i.e. african braids, dreadlocks (rastas), as well as hair extensions.

    The fashion trend originated in Europe, and not in America, as one might assume. Blonde Scandinavians have become devoted fans over the past decade. African style in hairstyles.

    Creating such hairstyles requires the hairdresser to have specific skills. Braiding hair takes many hours - almost the whole day. Fashion trends in recent years suggest a gradual transition of these hairstyles into the category of luxurious, prestigious and expensive. Made from high-quality materials and with proper craftsmanship, they will suit the style of a sophisticated business woman.

    African hairstyles are always woven with the addition of foreign materials. Your own hair, no matter how thick and long it may be, is not enough to braid the required number of braids of the required thickness. Kanekalon or factory-processed natural hair is used as additional material. If it is preferable to use natural hair for extensions, then braids are most often woven from Kanekalon. Firstly, it is 80 times lighter natural hair: Synthetic fiber braids do not weigh down the roots. Secondly, it holds the shape once given to it much better, is very pliable and easy to work with. After the kanekalon braids are braided, just pour boiling water over them, and they will remain round and dense for a long time, and will not flatten or fray.

    Modern hairstyles require in-depth knowledge of the technology of various cutting methods. In accordance with the direction of fashion, more and more new hairstyle models are being developed. At the same time, the creative imagination and experience of the hairdresser are revealed, which make us irresistible.

    “Hairstyle is of such great importance that no matter what gold dress with jewels a woman wears, no matter what she decorates herself with, if she does not put her hair in order, she cannot be called tidy... What are clothes colored with cheerful patterns for the body? Moreover, hair serves as a natural decoration for the face” (Apulei).

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