• How to understand that you have fallen in love: the main symptoms of “lovesickness.” How to understand that you are truly in love

    Erofeevskaya Natalya

    If such a question has burrowed into a sweet woman’s head, keeps her awake at night, and causes emotional fever in the presence of the object of her love doubts, you can be sure: not everything is so calm on the love front, and your heart is about to surrender into the strong embrace of a man. But we should separate three concepts that attract the opposite sex to each other:

    showing interest in something new in life;
    sympathy upon closer acquaintance;
    a feeling of falling in love or love, the manifestation of which sometimes has no reason at all - this feeling simply arises, gets out of control, does not allow you to eat, sleep, or lead a normal lifestyle.

    And if a woman in her own thoughts still doubts her feelings for to a specific man, then everything is much more obvious to those around from the outside: a woman in love is transformed both externally and internally. It’s a rare female representative who manages to control herself so much that she doesn’t lift an eyebrow, blink an eye, or straighten her hair in his presence.

    But how not to miss the moment of the birth and beginning of the manifestation of a heartfelt feeling? Why is this important to understand? The first moments of falling in love do not always end in close romantic relationships: for example, he is, and the development of the relationship will break not one, but many more hearts. We suggest you consider obvious signs falling in love, so that one can subsequently draw a conclusion about the possibility of developing a relationship.

    Bright and catchy: jealousy

    - a clear sign of a state of love and reluctance to share the object of a dream with anyone. It is not easy to understand your feelings, but painful stings of jealousy (regardless of the owner’s gender) show the true attitude towards a person. Jealousy can be unfounded: not like men at a corporate party, in the gym or in a work environment with another woman, but an ordinary casual conversation with her can infuriate him to the point of drums in his ears and smoke from his nostrils.

    Got a dose of unpleasant feelings? This is passion - exciting, emotional, possessive. No matter how much a woman controls herself, her first desire is to break up this sweet communication of her chosen one with another woman. Further development of events depends on the upbringing and emotionality of the lover: some will limit themselves to a well-placed joke addressed to the “rival”; women who are more active may pour a drink on their rival’s dress or put her in an awkward and ridiculous situation in another way.

    Changes in appearance

    Looking attractive is a woman’s need, regardless of gender and awareness of her own amorous passion. But the appearance of that same man next to her works wonders for a woman: a change in hairstyle, a glowing look and well-groomed manicured hands, an easy gait, jewelry and eye-catching outfits will not leave any man indifferent.

    You don’t have to look far for examples: the classic Russian cinema film “ Love affair at work"shows the true transformation of "mymra" and "sukha" into an elegant and feminine lady. It’s the same in life - I suddenly wanted to change my hair color and find out where the nearest gym was located - yes, He is somewhere on the horizon, and falling in love is firmly entrenched in the female mind.

    Attachments and needs

    Falling in love defines its own rules of the game. How to understand that you are in love with a guy? A behavior self-assessment test will help identify this:

    The need to be close goes from constant visual observation of the object of feelings to fleeting tactile contact: a woman in love does everything possible and impossible to be noticed by a man, and the desire for light touches on his shoulder or hand will tell both of them a lot - it’s difficult to tear yourself away from a person when the first manifestations of feelings are raging in your soul.
    Loss of performance, monstrous forgetfulness and absent-mindedness during the period of falling in love are not at all accidental: the thoughts of a girl or woman are filled to capacity with the image of that same man, his words, situations and pleasant moments associated with him. In this state, it is not easy to concentrate on normal daily activities.
    Flirting. This point is not about nightclubs with alcohol and crazy parties until the morning. A girl or woman in a state of love tries to present herself not only to a specific man, but also to the entire environment with the best side. Attempts to charm the object of affection make every gesture and every look of a woman in love inimitable and full of sensuality, and every word and phrase - interesting, deep and, if necessary, witty.

    Loss of orientation in communication. Often, a lady in love exhibits strange and even inappropriate behavior in the presence of her chosen one, she constantly smiles for no apparent reason, it is difficult for her to talk to him, she says absurd and even stupid things, or, conversely, remains silent like a fish.
    Constant return to it and related situations in conversations with friends and relatives; the need to talk about a loved one is a clear and unmistakable sign of affection.
    Dossier. Yes, yes, falling in love is not limited to languid glances from under half-lowered eyelids and girlish tears into the pillow. A lady in love listens bit by bit and collects information about her chosen one: conversations of friends, probing, careful questions of his immediate circle create a 3D picture, polished to perfection by the mind in love.

    Seeing what is not there. Prism of own romantic relationship plays a disservice for its owner: every glance, every word of a man is perceived as a special attitude or even as a manifestation mutual feelings. Such self-hypnosis only leads to disappointment.
    And the sky is for you? We met by chance on the street - a sign, heard the name of his namesake on TV - a sign, a romantic hero from a book is like two peas in a pod - again a sign. Constant associations and thoughts about a lover push a girl or woman to realize the correctness of her own choice.
    A woman’s thirst for action awakens: reading long-abandoned books, watching modern films and political news, new culinary masterpieces, a desire to improve herself in mind and body in order to be interesting to her chosen one.

    It is difficult to draw a specific pattern of behavior, emotions, and internal sensations in love. Each woman is individual: one, like flint, will withstand the heavy sensual burden placed by Cupid on her fragile shoulders, the other will be tormented by sleepless nights, romantic unsent letters and sighs about her lover.

    If, even despite the obvious facts, it is difficult for a woman to admit that she is in love, turning to a trusted friend will be the way out: what loving eyes do not see under rose-colored glasses is much more visible from the outside. Falling in love is those feelings and emotions for which it is worth living, existence in this world is filled with them: you should not be afraid of new relationships, natural and relaxed behavior in communication will be appreciated, and there is not far to reciprocity.

    March 25, 2014

    It happens that a girl herself does not yet understand that she has fallen in love with a guy, although she begins to experience strange emotions - joy when he appears in her field of vision, sadness when he has been gone for too long.

    But how can you understand that you are really in love, and not just liking a person? Certain signs will tell you about this and will confirm that you are in love.

    How to understand that you have fallen in love signs

    How to understand that you have fallen in love by your behavior, emotions and feelings? There is a whole row characteristic features , which all lovers are doomed to experience:

    • You start to feel embarrassed when you start talking about this guy, but at the same time you constantly want to talk about him.
    • You want to see the object of your affection as often as possible, you are constantly looking for his gaze and cannot take your eyes off him.
    • You try to act indifferent when you meet a guy by chance, but you're very bad at it.
    • You began to notice that good mood appears for no apparent reason - especially on the days of meetings with your crush.
    • My sleep became more restless.
    • Romantic dreams and fantasies appeared.

    Signs that you are truly in love

    Determining if you fell in love at first sight is not really difficult. This will be revealed by obvious changes in behavior, which are increasingly difficult to hide not only from others, but also from yourself.

    When a girl really falls in love, she begins to show increased interest in the object of her passion, she likes to tell her friends about him, and she also wants to learn as much as possible about him.

    The girl begins to do a lot of cute stupid things - send strange messages to the guy, follow him and be jealous of every female person. An obsessive thought about this person and a possible future with him constantly pulsates in my head.

    How to understand that someone has fallen in love with you based on your zodiac sign: tips

    You can recognize the signs of love in a man by his zodiac sign.

    Eg, Aries falls in love quickly and immediately begins active actions to conquer the girl.

    Taurus begins to court like a real gentleman, while the candy-bouquet period often drags on.

    Man- twins becomes intrusive, he literally follows on the heels of the girl he likes, showing her various signs of attention.

    Cancer takes a long time to court and takes just as long to make a decision.

    a lion loves to show off and give expensive gifts.

    Virgo collects any information about the girl, looks at her for a long time and studies her.

    Libra I like it when a woman takes the initiative in a relationship.

    Scorpion he immediately informs his chosen one about his feelings, he cares beautifully and not trivially.

    Sagittarius tries to look after the girl and always be near her, and Capricorn tries with all his might to overcome the feeling that has washed over him.

    Aquarius arranges romantic dates, and the fish dedicate songs to the chosen one and write poems to her.

    What to do if you fall in love with your friend

    What to do if you begin to consider him as a potential boyfriend close friend? Love is a feeling that can suddenly flare up for any person; we cannot silence our own heart.

    If you understand that your feeling for a friend is not simple sympathy, but something more, you can begin to act. First, find out if he feels something similar towards you. Then show him that you're not just good friend, but also a beautiful woman.

    Spend more time with him, create romantic moments, touch him and flirt. If the sympathy is mutual, feelings will definitely flare up between you.

    What to do if you fall in love with a guy who has a girlfriend: advice

    Many young ladies are interested in the question - what to do if the guy you fell in love with already has a girlfriend? Nothing can interfere with real feelings, and if something serious breaks out between you, the young man will make the appropriate choice.

    Otherwise, it is best not to interfere in other people's relationships - it can all end very badly. Build new love– perhaps you will meet her today.

    How to understand that a guy has fallen in love with you: main signs

    To understand that a guy has fallen in love with you can be evidenced by the following: signs:

    • He constantly looks at the object of his sympathy, catching her gaze.
    • Chance meetings with the young man have become too frequent.
    • The guy began to show concern and concern.
    • For your sake, he easily gives up his previous plans.
    • The young man always tries to look good.
    • He jokes in your presence, becomes animated and joyful.
    • At school he always tries to sit closer to you.

    How to understand that a girl has fallen in love signs

    A girl who is in love is constantly looking for communication with her crush. How to understand that a girl has fallen in love? An excellent method is observation. When she falls in love, she becomes talkative and laughs a lot, especially at jokes. young man which she likes.

    The girl shows concern, she is interested in everything that concerns the young man with whom she is in love - his musical tastes, views on life, favorite books, etc. She constantly wants to be around, she is jealous of her friends and does not hide her emotions well.

    Love is a wonderful feeling that people strive for from birth. First, everyone receives the unconditional love of their parents, and then they try to win the love of others. When boys and girls reach adulthood, each of them tries to find his soul mate with whom he will fall in love in order to have a relationship with her. How to understand that you are truly in love?

    Problem modern people, as site experts note psychological assistance site, is that they do not understand what feelings they have for opposite sex. There are different feelings:

    1. Interest.
    2. Sympathy.
    3. Love.
    4. Love is false and true.

    In other words, a person may not even understand whether he loves or not, which will cause various internal conflicts that will be displayed on external behavior and relationships. Since this becomes a problem for many people, we should understand what love is and how it manifests itself.

    How to understand that you have fallen in love?

    You can understand that you have fallen in love by certain signs. However, at first it is impossible to tell how long your feeling will last. Love is often confused with passion or infatuation, which also in many ways initially manifest themselves as a sincere feeling. Although these are different feelings.

    • Passion is a game of hormones when a girl sexually wants to take possession of a guy. He attracts her with his appearance, poses, gestures, smile and other external manifestations. In other words, a girl falls in love with a guy's looks.
    • Falling in love is a game of hormones when a person not only craves a partner sexually, but also wants to see him, communicate, walk together and spend time. A distinctive feature of falling in love is that the partner is idealized, he seems perfect, his shortcomings are not noticed.
    • Love is a deep feeling when a person calmly looks at his partner, sees his shortcomings, appreciates and respects him, and makes a conscious decision to be with him. In other words, there are no storms of feelings, “rose-colored glasses” and illusions. The person really understands what he is getting into.

    The first two feelings pass quickly. Passion can go away in just a few months, but falling in love, as you know, goes away after 1-3 years, when the “rose-colored glasses” are taken off and people begin to see each other as real, which is why they become disappointed. Love doesn't pass away. A person always experiences it, since it is often a conscious choice to respect and value a partner.

    However, all three feelings have an almost similar beginning of their development, which makes it difficult to understand whether you are in love or just experiencing passion:

    1. The partner is selected based on intelligence level, status, education, financial situation, worldview and other characteristics, approximately similar to the person himself.
    2. A person experiences excitement, begins to sweat, worry, and become nervous at the sight of his beloved partner.
    3. A person is interested in his beloved partner. He thinks about him day and night, dreams, imagines how he will see him again and even talk to him.

    Can you say you love? Can you deceive yourself? A definite answer cannot be given to this question only because each person has his own idea of ​​love. It is surprising that almost all people have the same understanding of what respect, friendship or emotional support is, but they interpret the phenomenon of love in completely different ways.

    Depending on what your definition of love is, you consider yourself a person in love or not in love. However, there is a single concept of love that can be found in wisdom treatises or spiritual writings.

    Love is giving. A loving person does not demand anything in return from his beloved, because the fact that he accepts his love gives him pleasure. A person who loves wishes happiness to the subject of his love and does everything to make him happy. This is just a small part of what love is. Now let's see how things work in real life!

    One a shining example lack of love is a person’s desire for his loved one to build a relationship only with him. Very often, people in love say: “He left... We separated... I want him back... How can I make her come back?.. I love him madly.” It probably shouldn’t be said that love has nothing to do with madness. This is the first.

    And secondly: a person in love is trying to get his partner back because he only wants him to be happy next to himself. Those who are trying to get their loved ones back very often believe that only with them their loved ones were happy. It turns out that they really want it to be that way. Moreover, such people do not even think about the fact that their partners may have their own idea of ​​happiness, which does not coincide with their opinion. If you want your loved one to be happy only next to you, this is not love, but the desire to possess him. After all, this completely contradicts the concept of love.

    The second clear example of the lack of love is the desire for everything to be mutual. Of course, there is nothing wrong with striving for reciprocity in everything - not only in feelings, but also in actions. However, it is precisely the demanding desire for this and the resentment in case of non-fulfillment that indicates that a person does not love. Why aren’t you happy when you give something to a person and he doesn’t give you the same back? You give, thereby making him happy. Why do you immediately want him to answer you in kind? After all to a loving person it must be pleasant simply because his love is accepted.

    Do you like? The whole problem is that people misunderstand love. This is where they arise love problems. People very often do not love themselves, but only want to use their loved ones. They demand attention, communication, money and other things, because they do not know how to give, love and rejoice that their partner is happy. They only want to receive something for themselves - attention, material gifts, feelings, etc. This is the absence of love, when you not only give nothing to your loved one, but also demand something from him, especially something so that he is happy only next to you.

    Happiness is different for everyone, so find out what makes your partner happy and let him realize it. Love lies in this, that you do not change a person and his concept of happiness, but give him exactly what he accepts as happiness, even if it is not related to you.

    How to understand that a girl has fallen in love?

    To understand that a girl has fallen in love, you need to know about the stages of development of this feeling:

    1. Either the feeling arises suddenly or gradually, which depends on how often the partners see each other.
    2. The girl gradually begins to think more and more often about her lover, imagine him in her future, dream about how they meet and spend time together.
    3. The girl begins to be interested in everything connected with the guy. She begins to take an interest in his life, interests and even join them.
    4. It becomes easier for a girl to take care of herself, diet, do makeup and dress beautifully.
    5. The girl develops insomnia, which leads to a decrease in study or performance.
    6. Autonomic symptoms appear when you see your beloved guy: your heart beats faster, your breathing stops, your palms sweat, your thoughts get confused, you even lose consciousness and the ability to think adequately.

    You can talk about a girl falling in love if she stops being interested in anything, even other guys. For her, her beloved becomes the only object and person on whom she wants to spend her time.

    How to understand that a guy has fallen in love?

    When a guy falls in love, some moments in his behavior coincide with a woman's manifestation of love. Here it is important to understand the following point: if a person flirts, then he is not in love, but if a person is shy, blushes, does not know what to say and how to behave, he is most likely in love. The fact is that love drives you crazy; a person in love loses speech and sobriety of mind in order to gather strength while communicating with a loved one. If flirting occurs, then the brains are often turned on - and they are not associated with love feelings.

    A guy can talk about his love if he feels bad without his beloved. He feels good when she is around, and misses him very much when he is without her. The following signs indicate a guy is in love:

    1. He forgets about friends, family and loved ones if he needs to spend time with his beloved.
    2. He plans things where his girlfriend will be present.
    3. He sacrifices his time and even resources, which he gives to the girl.
    4. He gives the girl some gifts.
    5. He tries to communicate and see the girl as often and as much as possible.
    6. He changes the repertoire of his songs - he listens about love.

    Boy different ways wants to please his beloved, even if he has not confessed his love to her and they are not dating.

    How do you ultimately understand what you love?

    From time immemorial people have been trying to answer the question of what love is. We can say that in every generation, love is understood as what is most beneficial to understand. If previously love meant a man’s desire to provide for his family and a woman to obey her husband, today love means certain emotions that fill a person and make him fixated on the object of his feelings.

    Let us not refute the concepts of love that exist today. But let us note that love is often associated with another concept, such as happiness. The strangest thing is that for some reason love should bring happiness to the one who loves, and not to the one who is loved. If you pay attention to what people say, they usually talk about their own happiness, not about someone else's. They like. But at the same time they feel happy about themselves. And they don’t say a word about the happiness of their loved ones.

    It turns out that love in the modern sense of the word is a feeling that is directed at another person, which brings happiness only to the one who loves. But there is not a word about the happiness of your beloved partner. Don't you think it's a strange kind of love? If your love does not make you happy, then you think that you are suffering. You love, but you suffer. At the same time, your loved one can be happy because of what you suffer.

    At the beginning of a relationship, your love for the other person makes you happy. It is unlikely that a partner will literally show his true face, treat you indifferently and care only about yourself. You love, and they seem to love you. Are you happy. But it turns out that your partner has passions that also please him. In addition to the fact that he is happy about your presence in his life, he is also happy about the opportunity to drink with friends in the evenings, go to discos at night, not register his relationship, etc. Remember all the reasons for quarrels that arise between a man and a woman . All these reasons are a consequence of the fact that one partner is pleased with what does not please the other partner. In other words, when people start arguing, they try to dissuade their partners from doing things that make their partners happy.

    If it turns out that your partner enjoys sex with other people, then your love will consist of allowing him to cheat on you. Otherwise, you show your dislike if you start to fight so that your partner does not cheat on you (that is, stop doing what makes him happy), or break off relations with him (just because he does what makes him happy ).

    If your woman loves to spend money on various trinkets, rags and entertainment, then your love will consist in the fact that you will be happy for the happiness of your partner. She enjoys such activities. And the fact that you may not understand this does not mean that she should not do this. It’s another matter if you start insulting and dissuading, even punishing your woman for her hobby. This is how you show your dislike.

    So, what is love? Is this a feeling that in one way or another should please you, otherwise you will begin to suffer and even take revenge on your partner for upsetting you? Don't you think such love is somehow selfish, when you love and want your partner to only please you with his actions and words? Or is love still:

    1. When you rejoice for the happiness of your partner, no matter what actions and deeds he achieves this happiness.
    2. When you support your partner on the path to his development and becoming a happy and successful person in life.
    3. When you share (don’t give away, don’t tear the last thing away from yourself, but share!) what you have yourself, without demanding anything in return.

    What is love for you, you will receive the same love from your partner. After all, if you love so that only you feel joy, then your partner will love you so that only he feels happy. Each of you will fight to make love happy. And all scandals will be based on the desire of each of you to force the other to do only what will please your partner. You will demand from your partner to do only what pleases you, and your partner will demand from you to do only what will please only him. And here the wishes of partners are already becoming unheard. Your loved one will not care what you want, the most important thing is that he is happy. And you will not care what your partner wants, because you will only be concerned with your own happiness.

    Is this love? Or is love when you rejoice for the happiness of your partner? But in this case, you will have to be happy for any of his deeds and actions if they please him, even if you personally don’t like them. If you allow your partner to do things that make him personally happy, perhaps he will allow you to do things that make you personally happy. And here it will no longer matter how reasonable these activities seem to you. The main thing is that they please those who deal with them.

    Falling in love is a pleasant feeling that every person wants to experience. But what can a person who is overtaken by it feel? It’s about how to understand that you’ve fallen in love with a girl that I want to talk now.

    About the concept itself

    First of all, I want to understand the concepts themselves. What does the word “falling in love” mean? So, it should not be confused with the word “love”, because this is far from the same thing. Falling in love is the first feeling that arises in a person. This is a love that develops into something more. Further, over time, love either passes or transforms into love. It is worth saying that a person cannot remain in a state of love for a long time. The average time (according to scientists) allocated for this feeling, - 9 months.

    Primary signs

    How to understand that you have fallen in love with a girl? If this is the case, then the following primary symptoms will be present:

    1. The desire to see your object of desire as often and as much as possible. Those. a person will try to meet the girl he likes as often as possible (with or without reason).
    2. The guy's thoughts and conversations will revolve around only one person - the girl (this happens because at this time the lover's world revolves around only one person).
    3. Collection of information. This is also one of the signs of falling in love. This means that a person wants to learn as many interesting things as possible about the girl in order to be as close to her as possible.

    Intangible aspects

    How else can you understand that you have fallen in love with a girl? It is worth saying that from a psychological point of view, certain changes will occur in a person.

    1. Daydreaming. A guy who has fallen in love can often “disappear” in his dreams. And even despite the time and place.
    2. Problems. As a consequence of the first point, a person in love may have certain problems at work or study. After all, the concentration of attention from working moments moves to the object of desire. Relationships with others may also go wrong, especially relatives and friends, who will demand more time for themselves.
    3. A person becomes softer, more tender not only in relation to the object of affection, but also towards everyone around him.
    4. A sparkle appears in a person's eyes. A lover can always be noticed in a crowd by only one facial expression - a happy one.
    5. A feeling of complete happiness. And most importantly, people in love are happy with everything, even what could previously cause indignation.

    The material side of the issue

    How to understand that you have fallen in love with a girl? Just pay attention to your waste. More often people are more in love become very generous. And not only to the object of your affection, but also to everyone around you. They want to give joy and share it with everyone. Often this desire is expressed in gratuitous gifts to family, loved ones, and friends.

    The main signs of falling in love

    If a guy saw a girl and fell in love, it is also worth checking for the presence of the main signs of falling in love. If they are present (not even all, but at least some, the guy can be congratulated):

    1. The past is forgotten. Falling in love erases old feelings and memories. If a guy falls in love, he will no longer need his ex or any other girl.
    2. Future plans. Immediately, a person in love begins to make plans for the future together with the person they like.
    3. All matters fade into the background. If you can run away from classes, the guy will not go to school. And so - all hobbies and hobbies are put on hold for now, there is a desire for everything free time dedicate either to the girl or to thoughts about her.
    4. Willingness to sacrifice. A person in love is ready to give in to the object of his desire in everything. Even in something that I would not have agreed to before.
    5. A person in love sees exclusively the positive sides of the person with whom he is in love. Negative character traits at this stage only cause tenderness.

    In the presence of the object of adoration

    The guy fell in love with the girl. "What to do?" - the following question may arise. So, first of all, I would like to suggest that a man’s behavior may change somewhat when he sees the object of his adoration. What could happen?

    1. Shiver. If a guy sees the girl he is in love with, his body may tremble and his hands will sweat.
    2. Shyness. When he sees the object of his adoration, a guy can get lost, shy, and look away. Often all thoughts and words fly out of his head, a man may not find what to say. It happens that outright nonsense is said. It's not scary, all lovers behave this way. After all, it is not the mind that speaks, but the feelings.
    3. Tongue-tied. Often people in love simply cannot express themselves normally. They forget words and lose their thoughts.

    These are common behavioral indicators of falling in love. But this is not a complete list of them, because each person experiences love individually.


    If a guy falls in love with a girl, what should he do, how should he behave? It must be said that you should not delay with your feelings. Our society is still patriarchal, so it is the man who must take the first steps. If there is a certain fear of refusal, you can first “test the waters.” What you can do here:

    1. If you have mutual friends, preferably female ones, you can ask them about what the girl thinks about the guy.
    2. If you don’t have any mutual acquaintances, you need to try for some time to get into the girl’s field of vision as often as possible. Let her get used to seeing a guy not far from her.
    3. Next we need to get to know each other. You can do this on purpose (just come up and say: “Hello”) or unintentionally (ask what time it is, start talking in a public place).

    What's next

    If a guy fell in love with unknown girl, already after the dating stage, you can draw certain conclusions about the lady’s mood. However, if she is still cold, you should not give up, you need to move on.

    1. You need to appear with a woman in general company as often as possible. In a crowd it is easier to establish discreet and unobtrusive contact.
    2. If possible, after group meetings you should remain alone. There can be many reasons: to accompany the lady home (darkness, danger on the streets, etc.), to take from her interesting book, ask about the place where she vacationed, etc.
    3. It is also good to give a girl small, cute gifts for no reason. It could be a plucked flower or a small plush toy. It's always nice.
    4. We need to find common points of contact, i.e. something that can be interesting to both.

    How to force yourself

    If a guy sets a goal for himself: “I want to fall in love with a girl,” it will be quite difficult to achieve it. The thing is that falling in love, like love itself, is an action that occurs on a subconscious level, i.e. regardless of a person's wishes. This is a complex of hormones that causes pleasant sensations in the body. You can, of course, instill in yourself the feeling of falling in love, but these will be completely different from the sensations that a truly in love person experiences.

    The most important

    Well, the most important thing to do if a guy meets a girl and falls in love: you need to tell her about it. And come what may. Refusal is okay, it's not the end of the world. By the way, it is better to receive a refusal earlier than when falling in love begins to develop into one-sided love. If a girl feels the same, great: you can enjoy each other’s company without any problems.

    If this is not necessary at all

    What can you advise a man who says: “I fell in love with a young girl, but I don’t need it at all!”? Dealing with your feelings will be oh so difficult. However, there are several ways to force yourself to forget about the object of your desire:

    1. Work. You need to throw yourself into work (study). A guy shouldn't have time to think about anything. You need to load yourself, as they say, to the fullest.
    2. Fight fire with fire. If an adult man falls in love with a young girl, he just needs to switch to a lady of his own age and court her (even if this does not lead to the development of any events).
    3. Fewer contacts. To forget a person, you need to stop dating him. The fewer contacts, the better.
    4. New. Well, it’s also good to get carried away with something new. This could be a new hobby that can captivate a person no less than falling in love itself.

    Sooner or later, the feeling of falling in love enters the life of any girl. How to figure out that you are really in love with a person, and this is actually not a fleeting, meaningless infatuation?

    I think I'm in love, how can I check?

    People in love, first of all, want to spend as much time as possible with the object of their affection. They are characterized by fantasies about a possible future together and thoughts about whether their lover or beloved experiences reciprocal feelings. If you find yourself almost constantly thinking about a person. then most likely. you care about him. Although, of course, there are many other signs.

    What is love

    Women's opinion Most women believe that if a man loves her, she will certainly feel and see it. A person in love, in the view of the fair half of humanity, constantly shows signs of attention to the object of sympathy. If a guy rarely calls, rarely invites you on dates, is not particularly generous, and is not interested in the girl’s affairs, then she will think that the boyfriend does not have serious feelings for her. Most often, women believe that a man’s love is manifested in actions that they are ready to do go for the sake of your chosen ones. Material confirmation of feelings is also important - even if a guy makes small surprises for his beloved, she understands that, most likely, she is not indifferent to him. Also, a woman is usually convinced that a man in love will not be interested in someone else, and if she catches him flirting with a certain lady, then it is quite possible that she will lose faith in his love. Men's opinion The overwhelming number of men agree with women in the opinion that love inevitably implies care and various signs of attention. In part, they expect from their chosen one the attitude that their mother showed towards them. In their opinion, loving woman should be interested in the affairs of a loved one, not deny him intimacy, admire him, listen to his opinion and the like. From a psychological point of view Love comes in different forms, and everyone can express this feeling in their own way. For example, a man may feel an all-consuming and passionate love for one woman. Being infatuated with this woman, he will always strive for physical possession of her. Over time, feelings may fade, and the same man will fall in love with another woman, but this time the nature of his love will manifest itself differently - sexual interest will not be expressed as clearly as before, and now the man will strive to take care of his chosen one, patronage. That is, to different women Throughout his life, a man can experience completely different feelings, but every time it will be love.

    Signs of a person in love

    So, you feel like you're in love with someone, but how can you tell for sure? There are several obvious signs. 1. Suspiciousness You think for a long time about every random phrase thrown by the object of your sympathy, trying to find some secret and very important meaning in it. You can interpret ordinary words in a completely unexpected way - both for the better and for the worse for yourself. Even if the guy just said “Hello!” to you, you try again and again to remember the intonation with which the greeting was said to determine how your lover treats you. 2. Curiosity Are you trying to find out as much as possible? more information about the past and present of the man you like. You are interested in literally everything that has to do with him - who he has met before, where he works, what he is interested in, who he is friends with, what his character is. Subsequently, you can go further - find it on the Internet ex-lover guy, study her page in detail, trying to understand what attracted the chosen one to this girl. 3. Jealousy It seems unbearable to you that the person you love could be attracted to someone other than you. It is unpleasant for you if he shows signs of attention to someone, and you react painfully to information that he is interested in someone. If your chosen one is registered in in social networks, you carefully study his profile in order to find out who he communicates with most. 4. Ingenuity If in the near future you do not have reasons for meetings and correspondence, you yourself try to find them, or even invent them. Knowing where the object of your affection works or studies, you can “completely accidentally” end up in that area. Also, you will not miss the opportunity to write a message or call the guy you like, even if the reason for this seems very unconvincing. 5. Unusual behavior In the presence of your lover, you behave completely differently than usual, and at the same time two extremes can be noted. In the first case, you begin to feel shy and withdrawn into yourself; sometimes it is physically difficult for you to start a conversation with the person you have fallen in love with. As a rule, such changes in behavior are immediately noticed by mutual friends. In the second case, you begin to show unprecedented activity. You want to impress your loved one - you start talking loudly and a lot, joke out of place, laugh often and fuss. 6. Change of mood You are increasingly observing yourself changing moods. You can spend the whole morning, smiling happily, pondering what the prospects for your potential relationship might be. After just a couple of hours, you may be in a gloomy and depressed mood, without receiving the desired sign of attention from your lover, or even for no apparent reason. If you don’t yet know whether your love is mutual, then you may constantly be thrown from a feeling of euphoria to absolute confusion and emptiness.

    7. Desire to become better You want to delight the man you love and please him. Pursuing such a goal, a woman often decides to change her style, and often they can be quite unusual. Now you spend more time in front of the mirror, carefully selecting your wardrobe and thinking through your makeup. 8. Willingness to “adapt” to his taste Did you find out that your lover used to prefer to date dark-haired girls, but you yourself are a platinum blonde? The information revealed can push you to make decisive changes and force you to go to the hairdresser to change your hair color. Did you find out that the guy you like is interested in football? Even if you were previously far from the world of sports, now you are starting to become interested in which players play on your favorite team and on what days the matches take place. Such examples can relate to almost everything - appearance, character, manner of dressing, hobbies, and the like.

    Of course, love and being in love are not the same thing! What are the key differences between these feelings that some people often confuse?

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