• We solve problems with attachment and love addiction. How not to get attached to a relationship


    Read the article and draw your own conclusions regarding all the words written.

    Until we understand and experience what attachment is, we cannot understand how to get rid of attachment to a person or object.

    Attachment can be so strong and imperceptible at the same time, that it really affects our whole life.

    Attachment is emotional support from a person or an object in order to improve one’s own well-being.

    We can only be attached to good emotions and good feelings. Very many people become attached to their “other half”, alcohol, tobacco, tasty and unhealthy food, laziness. Some people become attached to the Internet and TV because they are sources of good emotions and security.

    There is nothing wrong with affection or love. That's why there is no need to beat yourself up or scold yourself because of this. This is how it happened. You become attached, and there is nothing wrong with your attention being focused on enjoying something or someone. We enjoy life and that's completely normal.

    Dependence on temporary

    In life, many have had attachments, for example, to the opposite sex.

    We become attached, and we feel good as long as the object to which we become attached allows us to receive from it those emotions, pleasures and feelings that we like. But absolutely every person and every object in this world is temporary. This means that it exists now and may not exist tomorrow.

    And the problem is that ATTACHMENT = DEPENDENCE.

    Of course, we don't want to be dependent. We don't want to depend on anything, but we still want to enjoy what is temporary. Any relationship is temporary. Money, a job, your favorite TV show, your favorite clothes, a car are temporary. Having lost it all, we are upset and want to quickly learn how to get rid of love addiction.

    Sooner or later the object will disappear. Entire cities and people disappear, new ones appear. Or people simply leave, don’t want to have a relationship with a person, and new ones appear.

    Everything in this world comes and goes. Therefore, initially treat everything as temporary.

    Analysis and self-exploration

    By looking carefully inside yourself, you can see the source and the place that allows you to get pleasure.

    Ask these questions right now in relation to your loved one, car or apartment.

    Imagine this object or person and ask yourself:

    1. What will happen if this person is not there? Will I worry, suffer and be afraid of this?
    2. Why will I worry? Why am I afraid of losing this in my life?

    Answer - this is the fear of losing comfort, pleasure, fear of not feeling loved and becoming lonely. This is the fear of stopping receiving the pleasures that we now receive with this person.

    This happens because if we are deprived of all this externality, we will not feel so good. Our mood will fall because we internally seek sources of pleasure.

    This happens because our society does not take care of itself. Our society has other trends, other fashions. People live by money, they live by the idea of ​​fame, popularity, security, but all this does not bring happiness, does not bring independence and peace of mind. This does not give anything most important to a person. And at the level of feelings, all this results in inner emptiness, depression, addiction, worries, fears of losing. A hasty search begins for a way to help get rid of attachment to a person or object.

    My video

    Is it true that a girl’s favorite things that were once given to you reinforce your addiction to her?

    What to do in case of a breakup?

    I talk about this and much more in my video.

    Letting go of attachments: stop taking your condition from outside

    People can be very rich on the outside, but on the inside they are very empty.! I'm not saying to throw away everything external, let it be - it doesn't bother anyone.

    Just stop boosting your mood with external objects and paraphernalia.

    For example, the idea of ​​a guy having a girlfriend makes him feel better every day. He needs to stop thinking about the fact that he has a girlfriend from the very beginning of the day. Maximum free yourself from the idea that you have something in this world. Find a small moment in your head that allows you to enjoy and discard it. You just stop thinking about him. You just stop enjoying it.

    Do it all little by little, not all at once. It's like a diet.

    You will feel worse at first. But it is necessary. Throw away attachments from your life, no matter how hard it may be at first.

    Live by the idea that you are already okay. You keep throwing away and removing attachments from your life.

    You have a loved one, but you should not extract emotions from him in order to improve your fortune.

    Over time, you will learn not to think that you have it. At the same time, you will not be afraid of losing it. Ultimately, you will be able to get rid of love addiction. You no longer need to suck fortunes from somewhere, because your condition is already better. Thanks to self-development, you find the reasons why you depend on something, throw them away - this increases your inner state, your inner self-esteem. You begin to love yourself more and be more independent.

    Why condition is not the main thing

    "Happiness is a state, and the person has no control over the condition.

    Freedom is understanding, to which by chance and desire you can come.

    When you are free, you cannot be unhappy, and you are no longer interested in experiencing happiness - since this will be just another feeling against the backdrop of your freedom.

    Therefore, freedom is much more fundamental and limitless than any happiness.

    And it is precisely this kind of freedom that is happiness.”

    Attachment is a habit receive good fortune from outside. But wealth shouldn't be your priority. The condition is always changing and always different. You shouldn't depend on it or get too hung up on it.

    Conditions come and go. You don't have to take it from outside, take it from within. The condition should not be based on external factors.

    Everything is temporary: you are already full and independent on your own

    Then you will notice that everything in your life is no longer yours. Even your wife or husband is no longer yours, because you no longer want him to be yours.

    You are no longer sucking the feelings out of your partner. You still exist, you still love each other.

    With this understanding, your relationship improves.. But you are no longer afraid of losing a person. Therefore, you know that now your condition does not depend on a person or an object in this world.

    Nothing in this world can make you feel better.

    Not because you become insensitive. On the contrary, because you fill yourself with such feelings and states, which do not depend on anything external.

    You begin to truly love yourself, becoming an independent and happy person.

    Realize that pleasure is not happiness!

    Someday you will still lose everything. Everything is subject to time.

    Therefore, everything will definitely go away from you. Either we or our loved ones will leave.

    In 100 years, we and everything that we use now will not exist. So, what’s the point of getting attached and expecting that it will be with us forever?

    Don't be stupid no need to strive for external pleasures.

    We are just living this life now, enjoying it. We see how it all happens, we create, we love, we do things, we relax.

    The meaning of life is love! And love is the meaning of life. But love is not attachment, it is not fear! This is independence! Love is, first of all, love towards yourself.

    And any fears and worries appear primarily due to a lack of self-love!

    Love yourself more than you love yourself now.

    How to learn not to get attached to people?

    Hello, I get very used to people, and then it’s hard for me to part with them. What advice do you give me on how to avoid getting attached to people?

    I really need your advice!!!


    There is nothing wrong with feeling “attached” to a particular person. After all, this means that you feel comfortable in his company, that you are not indifferent to his worries and difficulties, that you share with him his joys, anxieties and sorrows, etc.

    In a word, the ability to “get used” to people is a positive trait. And you shouldn’t get rid of it. First of all, because the process of such “deliverance” is associated with the development of callousness and indifference to others. And this is already - negative properties human personality. For we are all called to help others. Spiritually, materially, physically. By all means available to us. What is possible only in those cases when a person understands and shares the problems of the people he has to face.

    Judging by the content of your letter, you apparently experienced a breakup with a loved one. And - experienced a strong heartache. That’s why you’re thinking about how to learn not to let people get too close to you. So that future separations will not be a trauma for you. But is it possible, having protected the sphere of one’s own emotions with an “impenetrable shell”, to be friends and love? The answer to this question, I think, is obvious to everyone.

    Since there is no specific information in your letter, I naturally cannot draw any conclusions. However, I know from experience that parting with people dear to us is inevitable. Someone leaves for another city or another country, someone for one reason or another turns away from you...

    And, if the separation is not associated with a change of residence, it can become a reason for a thorough, constructive introspection, an attempt to understand what really happened, to realize what you did wrong (after all, in every separation, as a rule, there are two participants). And this is the first step towards learning how to maintain and maintain relationships with people. This is what, in my opinion, you should think about first of all.

    And further. In order to protect yourself as much as possible from “unnecessary” experiences, it is important to learn from the very beginning to correctly assess the possibilities for developing relationships and, benevolently, but quite clearly regulate the emotional distance. In practice, this is expressed in the ability to feel how much another person needs to communicate with you, and, on the other hand, to prevent rapprochement if, in your opinion, it is fraught with unnecessary difficulties.

    Developing such a skill is not easy, but necessary. And you have to acquire this quality yourself. There are no specific “recipes” for this matter and there cannot be...

    In conclusion, I recommend reading the materials on the website on a topic that interests you in the “Psychology” section. We have accumulated quite a lot of them. And in particular, I advise you to first of all pay attention to the articles by Rosie Einhor and Sherry Zimmerman And

    Getting used to a person happens quickly, but losing the habit is a long and painful process. Affection, aka emotional dependence, disrupts the perception of reality and deprives one of will. This feeling attracts, binds and holds a person, depriving him of independence. It is necessary to get rid of it, especially if it is an unhealthy addiction, characterized by painful feelings during separation, temporary separation and is accompanied by fear of loss.

    Emotional attachment

    Attachment can be healthy or unhealthy. The first one is easy emotional connection, which is easy to interrupt if it is no longer needed. Unhealthy attachment is dangerous due to painful experiences when a person experiences melancholy and self-doubt during separation. Addiction takes away individuality, and his world revolves around only one thing. Often, without approval, he cannot make any choice, and he needs the advice of a loved one. Weakness of will and emotional dependence affect.

    Attachment to the person you love is like nirvana - a feeling that gives pleasure. It’s just as hard to part with him as it is with your loved one. Being close to the person you love, you not only feel a sense of security, but also dependence on your loved one and the feeling itself. After breaking up with him, there is a feeling of losing a part of yourself and the pain of loss. We must stop getting attached and try to become a self-sufficient person.

    How to love yourself

    How to deal with attachment

    To protect yourself and maintain your individuality under any circumstances, you need to get rid of addiction. This will help you gain confidence and relieve fears. By acting in certain ways, a person can overcome feelings of attachment and prevent depression caused by the end of a relationship. To do this you only need:

    1. 1. Communicate more with other people. Concentrating on what you love always leads to strong addiction. When communicating with different people, thoughts and feelings are not focused on one person, but are divided between everyone with whom the person spends time. New people mean new emotions and different opinions. Communication will broaden your horizons and help you look at many things from the outside.
    2. 2. Learn to rejoice. The cause of addiction is a lack of positive emotions. A person becomes attached to those people with whom he feels good, fun and reliable. You need to find joyful feelings within yourself and let them out more often. Learn to enjoy the little things and just good weather.
    3. 3. Become more cheerful. Let life itself seem beautiful, filled with miracles and happy moments. You need to laugh more and entertain yourself. Over time, a person will get used to smiling more often and will feel happier, even when he is alone.
    4. 4. Find a hobby. A hobby you can devote everything to free time, and doing it for pleasure will bring satisfaction, fill space and occupy not only your hands, but also your head. By enjoying sports, handicrafts, cooking, collecting objects and other interesting activities, he will gradually weaken his attachment.

    If attachment to a loved one develops into a painful dependence, you need to seek help from a psychologist. A qualified specialist will explain to the addict that by coping with this feeling, he will find himself and will not lose his loved one. If the patient is experiencing loss or separation, he will help him overcome the trauma and regain his zest for life.

    Anyone who is predisposed to become attached to people does not feel strong and independent. To stop being addicted, you need to:

    • see yourself as a person;
    • be able to entertain yourself;
    • learn not to be bored alone;
    • develop;
    • be in society more often.

    By rediscovering himself, a person will learn not to become attached to people and will become a self-sufficient and interesting person.

    How to get rid of addiction to a guy or girl

    Attachment to a loved one or beloved forms a special kind. warm feeling mixed with a certain amount of fear, and the person tries to spend more time with his loved one. When love has passed and the relationship has ended, people disperse, but the habit of seeing him nearby remains for some time. To get rid of attachment to a person who has now become a stranger, you need several steps that relationship psychology recommends:

    1. 1. Close the door to the past. As hard as it may be, we must admit the fact that the past cannot be returned. We need to let him go and cross out the past, accept the breakup as a given. Over time, you will even like the feeling of freedom and independence.
    2. 2. Start dating others. Feelings for a guy or girl you broke up with recently are still fresh, and it’s unlikely that anyone else will quickly replace him. But the emptiness that has formed inside will definitely be filled and will give you confidence in your feminine charms or masculine charm.
    3. 3. Learn to meditate. Having acquired such skills and learned to relax, you will be able to feed yourself with energy and strength on your own. Then you won’t have to look for people who will share their energy by communicating and spending time together.
    4. 4. Tune in positive mood. Look to the future with hope for the best and be prepared for different development events. Don't let difficulties and failures scare you. Every victory over circumstances is a new experience that makes you stronger and smarter.
    5. 5. Discover something new and unknown in yourself. Develop your talents and try extreme sports. This will make you bolder, more purposeful and confident.
    6. 6. Become a volunteer or do charity work. There are many people and animals around who find it even more difficult. Help will help you feel needed, and protecting the weak will make you feel strong.

    You can get a puppy or a stray kitten. Taking care of them will distract you from sad thoughts and give you joy and a new friend.

    A strong emotional attachment to a girl or a man deprives of individuality. Having overcome it, you can find a new one and feel the fullness of life. Everyone wants to feel their own importance and be a complete person. If a person remains a psychological slave, he will again suffer the same sad fate. You can't get hung up on just one person. Buy products that only your partner likes, watch his favorite movies and visit only his favorite places. You need to think about your desires and interests, then your attachment to people will not manifest itself like that.

    At any time, representatives of the fair sex tried in every possible way to conquer men, establishing almost absolute power over them. Some managed this easily, others left with nothing, having managed to lure the “target” no further than the bed.

    Young people go down the aisle with those girls who were able to understand how to tie a man to themselves. Let's try to do this too, taking into account the fact that we do not need a dumb and subordinate henpecked man.

    It will take a little natural charm, knowledge male psychology, little tricks and a little bit of magic.

    Before taking active and decisive action, answer honestly a few questions:

    1. Why do you need this guy?
    2. Are you really in love with him or just want to have fun?
    3. Perhaps it's better to put him out of your thoughts and concentrate on other options?

    If everything speaks in favor of a certain representative of the stronger sex and your feelings for him, then it’s time to think about how to find the key to his heart in order to bind a man and win the favor of your loved one forever.

    We offer several effective ways.

    1. Make the young man feel as comfortable as possible in your company. Of course, it is extremely difficult to always be in a great mood, but it is important not to lose it because of your bad mood. Just leave everything bad there, outside your cozy nest.
    2. Don't question his superiority or humiliate his dignity. Even if he looks like a superman straight out of a glossy magazine, deep down in his soul he still consists of numerous complexes and doubts. Be more lenient towards him! But an even more important condition is not to humiliate yourself. A girl devoid of self-respect will not arouse the admiration of a man.
    3. Be different and unknown, periodically changing your own image, hobbies, favorite activities. Monotony quickly becomes boring and life with always the same girl begins to seem insipid and uninteresting. Demonstrate that you are not just a pretty doll, but a self-sufficient person who will have to be learned and revealed for a very long time. It’s important not to overdo it with the “zest”...
    4. Thinking about how to tie a guy to themselves, girls forget about their trump card in the form of intelligence. Of course, it’s nice when your loved one is attracted by the beauty of your body, but it’s even nicer when he appreciates intellectual conversations and arguments with you. Therefore, conquer the guy with your mental abilities, without forgetting, however, to sincerely admire his knowledge and erudition.

    Specific steps on how to tie a man

    There is no need to be ashamed of your weakness and femininity, because next to you is a real man. Let him feel it by allowing him to take care of you.

    Just remember to thank your loved one for every noble deed.

    What else can you do to get a guy attracted to you?

    1. Win over his friends and acquaintances. This means that it is absolutely forbidden to speak disparagingly about male friendship. On the contrary, try to join their company, become a good friend for them. Just don’t flirt with your loved one’s friends, otherwise there is a chance that he will prefer friendship to a relationship with you.
    2. Ask your lover's opinion on a variety of issues. Ask him for some advice, for example, what dress will suit you, where to go on the weekend, what to buy as a gift for a close friend. Even if you do it your own way, the fact that his opinion is of great value to you is important.
    3. It is advisable to include more clean clothes in your wardrobe women's things, favorably emphasizing your advantages. Which is better: jeans or a chiffon dress? Some girls manage to look sexy and desirable in any outfit. However, sundresses, dresses and other purely girlish outfits look more advantageous.
    4. You can also tie your loved one to you with trust. You should not burden your guy with surveillance and excessive control. Remember, just a few carelessly thrown words can put an end to further relationships. So forget about checking phone numbers, reading SMS and messages on social networks.

    How to tie a man to you forever, becoming his soul mate? This question is asked by any girl who has met the guy of her dreams. If you are determined to take it into your hands, do not forget about the following everyday tricks.

    Trick number 1. The best housewife in the world

    Don't forget about the shortest path to to a man's heart! Yes, exactly through the stomach.

    Show off your culinary talents by pampering your loved one not only with rich borscht, but also expertly prepared steak, baked rabbit, and stunningly tender cheesecake.

    You can find recipes for unusual dishes in various sources. Glossy magazines, books about healthy and tasty food, numerous websites and chef forums - here you will find easy-to-technique, but extraordinary recipes that will help you achieve the love of your chosen one.

    Trick number 2. Quality intimate life

    Physical intimacy is another effective method tie a man to you, including a married one. It's no secret that it is with the help of sex that homewreckers break up families and... Especially if the wife does not pay enough attention to the intimate side of marriage.

    However, it does not make much difference what kind of person you want to bind - single or married. In any case, a man wants regular sexual contacts, and you should not treat this feature with disdain or a hint of bewilderment. That's how they are designed!

    Be different in sex, modest or depraved (it depends on men’s preferences). The main thing is to please yourself and your partner. Try to diversify your sex life, if you feel that your chosen one is tired of sameness and constancy. Sex in the car or outdoors? Certainly!

    Trick number 3. Warm relations with relatives

    Your conflict nature can alienate your loved one, especially if you quarrel with his close people.

    A young man will be disappointed if he discovers that his girlfriend is not able to coexist in peace with the people dear to him.

    So you need to be patient and show, if not humility, then a friendly disposition even to those who you sincerely dislike.

    Girls especially often do not have good relationships with their future mothers-in-law. However, it is with her that it is important to find mutual language, since she can become either a loyal ally or an implacable enemy.

    Do you want an additional guarantee that the conquered man will remain by your side forever? Or perhaps you decide to tie married guy, hoping to rescue him from his embrace legal wife? You will not hear words of disapproval from us, because it is up to you to decide. Moreover, finding methods of energy binding will not be difficult. Here are just a few of them.

    Method number 1. Violet flowers

    To tie your loved one to your person using magical ritual, you will need violet inflorescences (you need to dry them first).

    Grind six flowers to a homogeneous powder, place lighted candles (red and green), a photograph of your loved one next to them and say a spell consisting of the following words:

    “Inject sadness into the heart of the man (name of the object). Pump up the feelings, the thoughts, the soul. Let him (the name of the object) yearn for me and always call me to him. Let his heart burn on fire. Let him remember me every minute.”

    While reading the text, burn the photograph of the man. Mix the ashes with violet powder, wrap the mixture in a red envelope and place it in a secluded corner for a week. Then try to add “love powder” to your chosen one’s food.

    Method number 2. Nodules

    Strong energy will give you the opportunity to tie your lover to you with the help of knots. To perform the ritual you will need a clothesline. The meaning of the ritual is to represent your relationship and tie knots at this moment.

    Their number will depend on how much time you start thinking and dreaming about your common future. As soon as the vivid fantasies dry up, the rope needs to be put aside. Then you should count the number of knots: even means that the ritual needs to be continued, odd means it is postponed until tomorrow.

    A conspiracy for a free (and married) man consists of the following words:

    “No matter how long the rope is, there will be an end knot. No matter how you, slave (voice the name of the object), leave me, my slander will destroy you. Love, the soul of the slave (voice the name of the object), the soul of the slave (your name). Amen!"

    The rope should be thrown to the threshold (house) of your lover.

    Method number 3. Threads

    Another strong and popular tie among lovely ladies, which allows you to solve many various problems. You can tie a married guy, or even turn a man away from other representatives of the fair sex.

    Interesting! To perform the ritual you need to take three wool threads different shades. Thread of blue color stands for young man, pink - a girl, red - a sign of passion and love in a relationship.

    The ritual is performed on the waxing moon (you can see the phase in the online lunar calendar). Before midnight, you need to light a candle, take a red thread and tie a pink thread from one end, and a blue thread from the other. Then say the following words:

    “Just as threads are connected to each other, so you, my dear friend, are forever connected to me. No one can separate us or separate us as long as my word is heard. Let it be so!"

    Then drip wax onto the resulting knots, which symbolizes the strength of the connection between you, and say: “My word is bound, my deed is bound!”

    The next step is to roll the threads into a ball and place them in a piece of fabric. Hide the resulting package away. According to those who have tried this ritual, the effect is observed after just a few days. To remove the binding, perform the reverse sequence - untie the knots, starting with the pink thread, and throw out the ball at the intersection.

    Knowing how to tie a guy to you comes with experience. Yes, girls strive for quick results, sometimes even using such “forbidden” methods as magical bindings.

    However The best way conquering a man is yours true love, the desire to be close to him and, of course, his own psychological and physical tricks. Become the woman of his dreams, and the guy will always be with you.

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

    Practical recommendations will help you understand that you are attached to your companion.

    1. A girl who is dependent on a man (attached to him) constantly wants to be close to her partner. She is tormented by obsessive thoughts about where and with whom he is.
    2. Eccentric natures are “led” by a man’s appearance. They are fascinated only by his pumped up torso, white-toothed smile, dimples on his cheeks, and not by his spiritual component. This aspect characterizes affection, not love.
    3. It is easy to distinguish the two feelings by observing the general condition. If you notice that at first you begin to be interested in a man, and the next moment you practically forget about him - this is attachment.
    4. Many girls in relationships experience a constant lack of love and tenderness. If you truly love, feelings literally begin to warm you from the inside. Such couples can overcome anything.
    5. Brief observations will help you understand that you are attached to a man. If you have abandoned hobbies, work and other stages of personal growth, feelings are not love. You have become immersed (attached) not to your own “I”, but to your gentleman.
    6. Attachment is also characterized by a sharp reduction in the number of people with whom close contacts were maintained just yesterday. Often a girl cannot experience positive emotions when communicating with friends and colleagues, because she is completely captivated by her betrothed.
    7. As mentioned earlier, love helps to overcome all obstacles without developing depression. Attachment, in turn, causes excessive negative emotions when separated. Many girls experience enormous stress when their partner is not around for 2-3 hours.
    8. A sober look at behavior in a quarrel will help you distinguish affection from love. If you only want to argue and not find a compromise, the relationship is doomed to failure. Balanced couples always have constructive dialogues.
    9. If you are not sitting with a young man cozy evenings with a bottle of wine, discussing plans for the future, we can assume that there is no love. Strong connections imply constant discussions and desires, common dreams.
    10. Symbiotic attachment is characterized by complete dissatisfaction of one’s own needs, even the most basic ones. At this time, the needs of the vampire partner are fully realized.

    Important! It should be noted that actions a la “I love you!”, committed at the beginning of a relationship, are the norm. In this case, people still get used to each other, so attachment is not considered painful, dependent. The main difference is that a lover finds a place in his life for connection, while an attached partner replaces his own existence with new relationships.

    Attachment has a detrimental effect on the human essence. When a girl experiences violent feelings towards a man, she forgets about herself. This is where problems with personal growth (spiritual and material) begin, apathy and uncertainty appear.

    Method number 1. Find a passion

    1. Hobby is a powerful tool that allows you to a short time find peace of mind. Go to nature, sit down and think about what you dreamed of long years? Have you ever wanted to go to the gym, but didn’t have enough money? Take the savings set aside for the next gift to your partner and go in for sports.
    2. Haven't gone on vacation for over a year? Get together with your friends and go to Europe for a week. Set goals for yourself, don't stop there. Start taking courses in Spanish or English; these languages ​​occupy leading positions in speaking and writing in the world.
    3. An excellent option for distraction and complete concentration on yourself is the choice of an active hobby. This includes absolutely everything: snowboarding, skiing, skating, cycling, karting, rock climbing, swimming. If you consider yourself to be a brave person, jump with a parachute or rope.
    4. Live for your pleasure, take care of own well-being, learn to invest in the future. Sign up for popular courses, this could be manicure and pedicure, cutting and sewing, photography and wood carving courses.
    5. At this stage, your main task is to think about yourself and fill the day to the maximum. If you are very tired, thoughts about a man will begin to fade into the background.
    6. Get together with friends more often, visit cinemas, bowling, and a water park. Make it a habit to regularly go for walks, go out of town for barbecues, and attend excursions.

    Method No. 2. Get a pet

    1. As mentioned earlier, the feeling of attachment is caused by the fear of being alone. The girl directs all her love, tenderness and care to the man, forgetting about her own needs. To avoid a disastrous outcome, get a pet.
    2. The choice depends on individual preferences. A dog requires time, care and patience. A cat can be alone at home, it also needs affection and constant care. If we talk about parrots, they are cheerful, talkative and unpretentious.
    3. A new companion will relieve you of loneliness, especially at first, which is what you want to achieve. It is important to direct feelings to those who need it. In this case, you will not lose yourself, gaining peace of mind.

    Method No. 3. Travel more

    1. Ask your boss for a vacation. Spend it not with a young man, but with friends or colleagues. You can also go abroad in splendid isolation.
    2. Consider beach resorts if you haven't swum in the sea for a long time. Lovers of sights and small streets are recommended to purchase excursion tours.
    3. You don’t need to invest all your money on your vacation, just choose a last-minute trip on the Internet, pack your suitcase 3 hours before departure and hit the road.
    4. Many girls do not have a foreign passport. In this case, go on a mini-tour to the cities of your country. Visit distant relatives, visit friends in a neighboring city.
    5. Take a camera, take a lot of pictures, print them when you arrive and decorate the walls. At this stage, the main task is to search for new experiences and inspiration.

    Method number 4. Analyze your thoughts

    1. Take up meditation. Take a hot herbal bath, turn on some calm music, close your eyes and relax. Think about what exactly you want to get from your partner? Many people cannot interpret their own thoughts, which is considered a serious failure.
    2. If you are in harmony with your mind, the answer will not be long in coming. A girl attached to a man fills the spiritual emptiness with her current relationship. She is looking for any means of dependence, putting herself in bondage voluntarily.
    3. Such an attitude towards a man does not characterize love. Try filling in the gaps using other available methods described above. Fight apathy, do not be led by uncertainty and boredom.
    4. Many girls want to break up with a man, but cannot do it. In such situations, addiction requires the intervention of a qualified specialist.

    Method No. 5. Take care of yourself

    1. It's time to take care of your own appearance. Go to the mirror, evaluate your figure, hairstyle, makeup, smile and posture. Are you satisfied with everything? Maybe you don't like the lack of proper hair and nail care? Or don’t like the condition of your skin or the extra folds at your waist? It's time to correct the situation!
    2. Join a gym or sports school. Consider interesting sections (again, as a hobby). Latin American dances are considered effective styles, breathing exercises, stretching, martial arts, swimming pool, yoga.
    3. Review your wardrobe. Throw in the trash or give to friends those things that don't fit well. Get rid of old shoes, bags, cosmetics. Choose for yourself nice outfit, sexy lingerie, high heels. Such small purchases will inspire you and make you feel like a woman.
    4. Give meaning to the perfume you wear. It should not be repulsive or harsh. Give preference to light, subtle scents. Tidy up your hair, dye your hair, change your look.
    5. It is important to understand that investing in your appearance will remind you of the old days when you lived only as yourself. It is always worth having a bit of selfishness so as not to infringe on your own interests. Spend your time usefully, go shopping every month.

    It is quite difficult to get rid of attachment to a person if it is caused by someone nearby psychological aspects. First, analyze your own thoughts, learn to say goodbye to people. Invest in your spiritual component, watch your appearance. Develop financially, get a pet, travel more.

    Video: how to overcome your attachment to another person

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