• How to calculate the approximate weight of the fetus. How to calculate the estimated weight of a child. Finding out the baby's weight before birth

    Initial data:
    • Calculate!
    Warning: Division by zero in /home/users/r/russlav/domains/site/test/pmp.php on line 162
    • Fetal weight according to Yakubova: no data
    • Fetal weight according to Jordania: no data
    • Fetal weight according to Bublichenko: no data
    • Fetal weight according to Dobrovolsky: no data
    • Johnson fetal weight: no data
    • Fetal weight according to Lankowitz: no data
    • Fetal weight according to Strikeva: no data
    • Average fetal weight: 0
    • Large fruit- body weight 4001 - 5000 g.
    • giant fruit- more than 5000 gr.
    • Low fetal weight- less than 2500 gr.
    • Very low fetal weight- less than 1500 gr.
    • Extremely low fetal weight- less than 1000 gr.

    What should the baby's weight be?

    This question worries many expectant mothers. Some simply for the sake of idle curiosity, others for the purpose of determining the tactics of childbirth, etc. Therefore, modern obstetrics necessarily involves determining the weight of the fetus different ways. Both regular arithmetic calculations and automatic methods for determining your baby’s birth weight come to the rescue.

    Basic methods for determining fetal weight

    Fetal weight can be determined based on anthropometric indicators of both mother and baby. Therefore, you can use for this purpose the data obtained from measuring a pregnant woman, as well as from measuring the size of the fetus (in the latter case, ultrasound is used).

    The main methods that allow you to calculate the weight of the fetus at birth are currently the following:

    • determination of fetal weight using the Lankowitz formula;
    • determination of fetal weight using Bublichenko’s formula;
    • determination of fetal weight using Yakubova’s formula;
    • determination of fetal weight using the Jordania formula;
    • using ultrasound.

    It is possible to calculate the weight of the fetus at birth if the following indicators are available (determined by measuring, weighing, etc.):

    • weight of a pregnant woman;
    • growth of a pregnant woman;
    • pregnant woman's abdominal circumference;
    • height of the fundus of the uterus.

    In some cases, other data may be required, but this is very rare, especially considering that modern ultrasound machines have a built-in calculation program that takes into account all the details down to the smallest detail.

    Let's consider how these formulas work, since with ultrasound examination everything is more or less clear. It involves the determination of linear quantities that correspond to a certain mass of the fetus. The relationship between these parameters was established as a result of statistical and clinical studies.

    Formulas for determining the estimated fetal weight were derived in a similar way (as a result of observations and analysis). The result obtained with their help is significantly influenced by a huge number of factors that must be taken into account.

    • The Lankowitz formula involves determining the baby’s weight at birth by summing and multiplying. You need to add up the height of the fundus of the uterus, its circumference, the height and weight of the pregnant woman, and then multiply the resulting amount by 10. This gives the approximate weight of the fetus, and the formula is quite informative.
    • To determine weight using Bublichenko’s formula, you need to know the weight of a pregnant woman. Then it must be divided by 20. This will be the estimated weight of the fetus. By the way, the resulting figure will correspond to the permissible blood loss, which is 0.5% of body weight.
    • You can also calculate the weight of a child at birth using Yakubova’s formula. To do this, it is necessary to add the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen together. The resulting value must be divided by 4. For better perception, it is advisable to multiply the value by 100.
    • The weight of the child according to Zhordania is determined by multiplying the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus.

    Considering all of the above, the question becomes completely obvious: how to measure the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference for further calculations. This will be discussed later.

    The fetal weight calculator, which is offered online, also assumes knowledge of these parameters. Therefore, a pregnant woman should know how to measure them. Calculating fetal weight online allows you to minimize the time spent on this process.

    Rules for measuring abdominal circumference and fundal height of the uterus

    How to measure abdominal circumference and fundal height of the uterus correctly? Let's try to understand this issue. For this we need a measuring tape.

    1. Abdominal circumference is measured at the level of the navel.
    2. To measure the height of the uterine fundus, you need to place one end of the centimeter tape on the upper edge of the pubic symphysis, and the other on the fundus of the uterus. It should be remembered that in this case it is necessary to guide the edge of the palm along the curve of the uterus in order to minimize measurement errors.

    However, it is worth remembering what factors can distort the results obtained, and many of them are not very easy to eliminate. We are talking about the following:

    • the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference may be greater in the presence of twins, polyhydramnios, or excessive deposition of the subcutaneous fat layer;
    • a decrease in these indicators occurs with oligohydramnios, fetal growth retardation syndrome, female malnutrition, etc.

    Thus, formulas for calculating the estimated weight of the fetus largely depend on the correctness of obtaining the basic criteria necessary to solve the problem. Therefore, it is very important to know how to do it correctly.

    Normal fetal weight

    Normal weight of a born child fluctuates within fairly wide limits. The minimum limit of the norm is 2500 g, and the maximum is 4000 g.

    If a child is born less than 2500 g, then we are talking about malnutrition, which occurred in utero. In fact, it represents a critical variant of placental insufficiency, that is, a condition when the placenta cannot cope with the functions assigned to it.

    If the child’s weight exceeds 4000 g, then these are the so-called large children, which after 5000 g become gigantic. Such children are developmentally at risk various diseases in the neonatal period (newborn period), as well as in the subsequent adult life. It could be obesity or diabetes etc. therefore, such patients should be closely monitored. In this regard, dynamic monitoring in the postpartum period is necessary. Therefore, a woman should control her weight during pregnancy, and if deviations develop, they must be eliminated in a timely manner.

    The importance of estimated fetal weight in the choice of obstetric tactics

    The estimated weight of the fetus has been determined, but how to correctly interpret the results obtained, how to most reliably determine the weight of the fetus.
    It is quite obvious that if the child’s weight is higher than 5000 g, then. However, there have been cases of such large babies being born with good outcomes. Sometimes, in order to remove the shoulder girdle, the collarbones had to be forcibly broken. This leads to a sharp reduction in the shoulder girdle. If the child’s weight ranges from 4000 g to 5000 g, then it is necessary to approach individually to resolve this issue. It is imperative to take into account the woman’s height, evaluate her pelvis and many other factors.

    A fetus measuring less than 2500g should be considered premature, or born prematurely, as a variant of deviation from the normal physiological course of pregnancy.

    We have discussed how to calculate the estimated weight of the fetus. Now it is necessary to discuss the main issues that lead to some degree of distortion of reality. This could be obesity, structural features of the fetus, etc. In the case when the fetal weight is less than normal, you should think about delivery by caesarean section. It should be taken into account that the child’s weight can be less than normal. This doesn't mean anything. However, you should be very careful when choosing delivery tactics. Such childbirth can also be carried out through the natural birth canal, but it is necessary to monitor the progress of the fetal head.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that the weight of the child plays a large role in determining obstetric tactics for childbirth. The approximate weight of the fetus can be calculated in various ways, but the final decision on the weight of the fetus is determined based on a comprehensive analysis of the results obtained, since they depend on many factors. The final determination of fetal weight can be determined after birth by weighing the new born baby. This is how you can evaluate the correctness of your own calculations.

    Reading time: 5 minutes

    Every expectant mother should know the height and weight of the fetus by week of pregnancy, and other sizes of the child in the womb. Doctors determine the standards, and the pregnant woman is informed about the actual parameters when undergoing screening. In general, generally accepted criteria are more conditional and depend on the individual physical characteristics of biological parents. Information about what the baby's weight may be by week of pregnancy is very important, so it is necessary to measure the abdominal circumference in a timely manner. However, not all women in an “interesting position” can calculate such parameters.

    What determines the weight of the fetus during pregnancy?

    When a woman does not control the weight gain of her unborn baby, it is possible that oxygen starvation of the fetus may occur, which can lead to dangerous consequences for good health. If the weight of the fetus by week of pregnancy does not correspond to the norms, in case of too much, doctors do not exclude the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, while a shortage is observed when pregnancy fading, reduced immunity.

    If we talk about physiology, large parents develop a large fetus and vice versa. However, women who are overweight and have an unhealthy diet should be especially careful, since excess fat damages their health. normal sizes embryo. In the latter case, we are talking about intrauterine diseases that need to be diagnosed in a timely manner using an unscheduled ultrasound. Everything about the embryo depends on other factors, such as:

    • lifestyle and nutrition of the expectant mother;
    • number of fetuses in the womb;
    • maternal illness;
    • genetic features;
    • presence of bad habits.

    How to calculate a child's weight

    To correctly calculate weight by week of pregnancy, it is important to know the length of the baby’s hip, head circumference, diameter chest, biparental head size. Using these parameters, doctors can implement a special Hadlock method, appropriate in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy. At a later stage, the obstetrician determines the weight gain of the fetus by week, having only 2 indicators available - abdominal circumference and height to the fundus of the uterus. The future mother can track the dynamics of growth in home environment using a special calculation form.

    Formula for calculating fetal weight

    With each obstetric week the fetus is gaining grams, and the main task of the expectant mother is to find out the approximate value and respond in a timely manner if there is suspicion or presence of pathologies. In the latter case, it is necessary to operate using the ultrasound method, as it is the most informative. Weight hasn't been determined yet born child according to the following formula: (A+B+C)/3. However, such a public calculation does not work with a large baby and on later pregnancy is inaccurate. The explanation of the formula is presented below:

    • A is a product in which the first and second factors are the height of the uterine fundus and the abdominal circumference;
    • B – the sum of the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference, divided by 4, and then multiplied by another 100;
    • C – subtract 11 (if the woman has thin bones) or 12 (if the bones are large) from the height of the uterine fundus, multiply the result by 155.

    Baby's weight according to ultrasound

    A woman will gain kilograms every month, and the weight of the fetus will also increase over the weeks of pregnancy. The exact weight and size of the uterus can be determined during an ultrasound and monitored at the next screening. The monitor screen clearly shows the parameters of fetal length, approximate weight (calculation in grams), presence multiple pregnancies and potential pathologies intrauterine development. Women with normal weight gain may panic, but if they are underweight or overweight, the patient comes under strict medical control, and hospitalization cannot be ruled out.

    Baby's weight by week of pregnancy

    After successful conception a woman should register for pregnancy as early as possible. Determination of embryo length by early stages very problematic, and the approximate weight is no more than a couple of grams. If the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, the baby’s parameters reach average values, a table of fetal weight by week is available. This is how the size of the fetus increases by month of pregnancy (with errors) without taking into account the placenta, amniotic fluid:

    Obstetric week of pregnancy Approximate body weight, grams
    7 Average Maximum
    10 0,8 1,2
    12 4 5
    15 9 13
    18 140 180
    21 280 350
    24 550 600
    27 800 900
    29 1 000 1 200
    34 2 100 2 300
    37 2 800 3 000
    40 3 200 3 600

    Serious deviations

    Routine ultrasound examinations are carried out to determine the weight of the fetus by week of pregnancy. If the expectant mother does everything correctly, the babies are born strong and healthy. When the weight is insufficient, fetal movements slow down, and abnormal processes progress under the influence of pathogenic factors. child's body. Serious deviations are presented below and require timely correction in conditions of mandatory hospitalization:

    1. Fetal swelling associated with increased bilirubin levels. The result is hemolytic disease of the newborn. In this case, the fetal parameter being studied reaches its maximum size.
    2. Improper nutrition of the mother, as a result of which the fetus gains excessive weight, is at risk. The lack of nutrients and the presence of a voluminous fat layer creates favorable conditions for extensive congenital pathologies of the baby.
    3. High rates of growth and weight gain of the embryo at different stages of pregnancy indicate internal diseases, alternatively it could be congenital diabetes mellitus, extensive pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
    4. The womb influences the development of the embryo. A low-weight fetus may suffer from progressive hypoxia, which, after the baby is born, leads to increased intracranial pressure and other, no less serious diseases.

    How to gain weight for the fetus during pregnancy

    If the norm of fetal weight by week does not correspond to generally accepted table values, and the characteristic deviation is repeated every month, do not panic unnecessarily. It is possible that the biological parents are large, and the child “has someone to be like.” However, it won’t hurt to be examined once again in a hospital setting; let the doctor calculate the indicated parameters using ultrasound, weight gain, and rule out the development of extensive pathologies. To ensure that the embryo gains extra pounds as expected, here are valuable recommendations from a specialist:

    1. A pregnant woman should balance her daily diet, consume more vitamins and minerals, and get them from food.
    2. The expectant mother needs to take multivitamin complexes that promote smooth intrauterine development without pathologies.
    3. It is important to control the daily nutrition of a pregnant woman, excluding harmful cholesterol, preservatives, and questionable food products from the daily menu.


    The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

    And examination of the woman must determine the weight of the fetus. This not only gives a certain idea of ​​​​the development of the fetus, but also allows you to determine one or another delivery tactics.

    When determining the weight of the fetus, errors and inaccuracies are possible, since one or another formula is calculated based on the body parameters of the mother and fetus and depends on many factors. Sometimes several methods of determining fetal weight are used at once to increase accuracy.

    Fetal weight begins to be determined at the earliest stages. This parameter is included in the list of necessary ones along with body length, head size, etc. Body weight is an indicator normal development child.

    The estimated fetal weight is determined by obstetricians. You can also determine the mass yourself, but you should take into account the high error. Even experienced doctors do not always accurately determine the weight of the fetus, and after birth it turns out that the baby’s weight is more or less than expected.

    Determination of fetal weight is carried out several times during pregnancy for the following purposes:

    1. Determination of adequate maternal nutrition. The development of the fetus directly depends on the mother’s diet, her nutrition, and the intake of vitamins in the body. The worse the mother eats, the less nutrition the child receives; he begins to take what he needs from the mother’s body. In this case, the woman’s teeth and hair begin to fall out, her immunity is impaired, and the fetus gains weight more slowly than expected.
    2. Detection of abnormalities in fetal development. If the fetus has any abnormalities, its weight will most likely be below normal. This gives the doctor a signal for further examination of the mother and fetus, identifying various disorders and hereditary diseases.
    3. Detection of frozen pregnancy. A frozen pregnancy is often diagnosed by the size and weight of the fetus and the size of the uterus. If the weight of the fetus is below normal, the doctor will suspect a frozen pregnancy. It is dangerous to a woman’s life and requires immediate delivery or early abortion.
    4. Choice of natural or artificial childbirth. Depending on the weight of the fetus, a decision is made about what kind of birth a woman will have. Very large fetuses often require elective caesarean section. A fetus with a weight below normal usually has pathologies and disorders, which is also dangerous during natural childbirth.
    5. Determination of maternal lifestyle adjustments. If a pregnant woman lives in an area with high air pollution, works in hazardous work, smokes or abuses alcohol, the weight of the fetus is below normal. Doctors recommend that you be examined in a hospital and change your lifestyle.

    Determination of the estimated fetal weight using formulas

    There are several different formulas for determining fetal weight. All of them determine only the estimated mass and do not exclude a certain error, which can range from 10 to 20%.

    Each formula requires knowledge of certain parameters. Usually this is the weight and height of the woman herself, the circumference of her abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus.

    The accuracy of calculations largely depends on the correctness of measurements, so it is better to trust such things to doctors:

    • According to Lankowitz. According to this formula, you need to add up the circumference of the woman’s abdomen, the height of the uterine fundus, the mother’s height in cm and her current weight. The resulting amount is multiplied by 10 and the approximate weight of the fetus is obtained. This formula is quite accurate, but there is a small error. In approximately 42% of the women studied, the fetal weight was determined with an error (from 500 g to 1 kg).
    • According to Johnson. Johnson's formula is a little more simple. Here you only need to know the height of the fundus of the uterus. From the resulting figure you need to subtract 11 (if the woman’s weight at the time of calculation is more than 90 kg, then multiply by 12), and then multiply the result by 155. This formula also has errors, since the height and specific weight of the mother is not taken into account, and there is also a high probability incorrect height determination.
    • According to Jordania. According to this formula, it is enough to multiply the girth of the woman’s abdomen (measured at the navel line) and the height of the uterine fundus. All measurements are in cm. This will be the approximate weight of the child.
    • According to Yakubova. The girth of the abdomen is taken, added to the height of the uterus, the result is divided by 4, and then multiplied by 100.
    • According to Stroikova. According to this formula, you need to get 2 numbers. The first number is obtained by dividing a woman's weight by a certain factor. For women with body weight below 50 kg it is 15, 51-53 kg - 16, 54-56 kg - 17, etc. The second number is obtained by multiplying the abdominal circumference by the height of the uterus. In terms of accuracy, this formula is slightly inferior to the Lankowitz formula.

    The height of the uterine fundus must be determined by a doctor, since with independent measurement the probability of error is too high. The height of the uterus is determined only when the bladder is empty.

    Determination of fetal weight using ultrasound data

    With help you can do the most accurate calculations fetal weight. The device calculates the mass with great accuracy, but errors are still possible, although the possibility of error is reduced compared to calculations based on the mother's parameters.

    The ultrasound procedure is performed several times during pregnancy. For each ultrasound, a specific protocol is drawn up that allows you to determine the child’s weight. This information is especially important before childbirth, when the weight of the fetus greatly affects the process of delivery.

    To determine the weight of the fetus, the following ultrasound parameters are used:

    1. Gestational age. Sometimes obstetric term and the term according to ultrasound differ, but ultrasound is considered a more accurate procedure for determining the gestational age. It is the correspondence of body size to the gestational age that makes it possible to determine a large or low-weight fetus.
    2. BPR heads. The biparietal size is the width of the fetal head, that is, the distance between the temples. However, this parameter plays a decisive role only in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. Starting from the 28th week, BDP is determined by ultrasound, but the gestational age is not determined using this parameter.
    3. LZR. The fronto-occipital size is determined along the line opposite the BPR. These two parameters together give an accurate idea of ​​the size of the child's head. Both of these indicators make up the cephalic index, with which you can not only determine weight, but also identify developmental pathologies.
    4. The circumference of the baby's abdomen. The abdominal circumference is determined by the line umbilical vein and the child's liver. Using this parameter it is impossible to determine the gestational age, but to identify pathologies.

    Fetometry allows you to determine the weight of a child without taking into account the amount of amniotic fluid and other factors that can increase errors in calculating the formula. However, the weight of the child is still approximate, since it largely depends on heredity. The child gains weight most actively during last weeks before giving birth, so the weight may differ from the expected one.

    Deviation from the norm

    For a normal pregnancy and a successful birth, the baby’s weight is very important. Using various formulas and fetometry, not only the weight of the fetus at a given moment is determined, but also its estimated weight at birth.

    Normally, a child at birth should weigh from 2.5 to 4 kg. Deviations from the norm in any direction indicate the presence of any pregnancy pathologies. The fastest growth in fetal weight is observed in the last trimester, starting from the 30th week. The gestational age at the time of birth is also important. Childbirth from 38 to 42 weeks is considered within normal limits.

    If, even during pregnancy, doctors note too rapid or slow growth in the weight of the fetus, the doctor will warn about the possible consequences.

    What is dangerous about deviation of fetal weight from the norm:

    • A large fruit can lead to premature birth. Rapid growth in a child's weight is not an indicator of a successful pregnancy. The greater the deviation from the norm, the more likely that labor will begin ahead of schedule.
    • A large fetus is an indication for a planned cesarean section. Natural childbirth in this case, they may be too traumatic for mother and child if the size of the child’s head and the mother’s pelvis do not correspond to each other.
    • A low-weight fetus may indicate developmental pathologies, hereditary diseases, etc. The woman is further examined and the ultrasound is repeated several times.
    • Lack of weight may also indicate fetoplacental insufficiency. If a child does not have enough nutrients supplied through, he gains weight more slowly.

    Useful video: how to find out a baby’s weight before birth

    With a low-weight fetus, they also say malnutrition, but at the same time determine its type. If the fetus is completely symmetrically small, then they speak of insufficient nutrition, wrong term pregnancy or other pathology. If the child’s head size corresponds to the norm, and internal organs are insufficiently developed, the cause of this condition may be wrong image mother's life (smoking, alcohol) or intrauterine infection.

    During pregnancy, most deviations from the norm are corrected. Therefore, women are advised to listen to the doctor and not refuse hospitalization.

    Pregnant women often want to know everything about their future baby at all times. They are interested in the smallest details of its development and possible deviations. Since one of the indicators of fetal health is its intrauterine weight, some expectant mothers want to know how exactly they can find it out on their own. So, let's arm ourselves with theoretical knowledge.

    Calculation method based on abdominal measurements

    There is a theory for calculating fetal weight that a pregnant woman can apply. To do this, she needs to find out from the supervising doctor the height of the fundus of her uterus and measure it. These two numbers are multiplied, and the resulting result is denoted, for example, by the letter A.

    The further action is that you subtract the number 11 from the height of the uterine fundus and multiply the result by 155. This will be the third parameter, that is, the number that needs to be designated by the letter C. Next, all three numbers are summed up, the arithmetic mean is found, which will be an indicator in the mother's womb.

    Second calculation method

    There is another option using the same parameters. To the abdominal circumference you need to add the height of the uterine fundus and multiply by 25. This will be the number A.

    Number B, or the Jordania formula, is the multiplication of the height of the uterine fundus by the girth of the abdomen. Number C, or the Lankowitz formula, is the multiplication by 10 of the following sum: abdominal circumference, weight, height of the pregnant woman. The last arithmetic operation consists of summing the numbers A, B, C and finding their arithmetic mean. This will be an indicator of the approximate weight of the fetus.

    How do they find out the child’s weight in the clinic?

    As we can see from the two previous methods, independently calculating the body weight of the fetus is a difficult task. After all, not every woman can even measure her abdominal circumference correctly. And the final result is approximate. Therefore, it is better to entrust control over fetal development to specialists. They will make such calculations more accurate and easier. Doctors determine fetal weight based on ultrasound examination. It allows you to find out important parameters of intrauterine development of the fetus. These include the biparental size of the head, the length of the baby’s hip, and the diameter of his chest. Experts use this data to form a formula for calculating the weight of the fetus.

    When a woman makes such calculations on her own, it is better to make them at 37 weeks. Indeed, during this period there is less amniotic fluid, which allows you to more accurately calculate the weight of the unborn baby. However, the data obtained will also not be 100% true. After all, every woman’s body is unique and inimitable. And the fruit has its own characteristics. And if you try to calculate using the above two methods, you will probably get different results. They may be significantly different from your last ultrasound.

    By the way, often the gynecologist observing a woman suggests that she undergo such a test unscheduled, immediately before giving birth. This is necessary for greater objectivity in assessing independent delivery. After all, it happens that a woman has a narrow pelvis and gains a lot of weight during pregnancy. Doctors then need to know the exact weight of the fetus in order to be prepared to use a cesarean section.

    Practice shows that in this case, ultrasound data are not always accurate. Sometimes the difference in the ultrasound reading and the actual weight of the born child is from 200 to 500 grams.

    From all of the above, it is worth concluding that both independent preliminary measurements of the weight of the unborn baby and hardware measurements are approximate. Therefore, you should strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions, take care of yourself, and believe that you will have a healthy and strong baby.

    Especially for- Elena TOLOCHIK

    Fetal weight by week of pregnancy is a very important diagnostic indicator, which is assessed using ultrasound. Lack or excess weight indicates the development of a pathological process.

    Normal intrauterine development is determined by many indicators. One of these parameters is the mass of the child. Fetal weight by week of pregnancy with deviations up or down indicates insufficient nutrition or the formation of hypoxia.

    What determines the weight of the fetus during pregnancy?

    The weight of the child depends on the functioning of the placenta and the incoming nutrients with oxygen. Starting from the second trimester, the fetus increases to 80 grams. In the later stages, the seven-day gain reaches 200 grams, but before labor the pace slows down significantly due to the death of the placenta.

    The indicator also depends on the following factors:

    • unbalanced maternal diet;
    • stressful situations during pregnancy;
    • chronic diseases;
    • toxicosis;
    • smoking and alcohol abuse;
    • genetic predisposition.
    The weight of the baby during intrauterine development also depends on gender. Boys are born larger than girls.

    Normal fetal weight by week of pregnancy

    In the first seven days after conception, the fertilized egg begins to divide, forming the placenta and fetus. Until the 7th week, all vital organs are laid and formed. The outlines of a person appear - legs, arms, head, heart muscle. Already at the 5th week you can measure the baby.

    In the second trimester, the baby begins to grow rapidly. The rate of increase is about 80 g/week. Further, the weight of the fetus grows even more rapidly, reaching up to 300 g/week. Uterus for 9 monthly period intrauterine development increases 500 times.

    Doctors, when assessing parameters on ultrasound, focus on general indicators sizes and circumferences. The main component is positive dynamics intrauterine formation baby and its full development.

    The approximate weight of a baby at 30 weeks is up to 1.4 kg. Any minor deviation can be perceived as a pathology or a normal condition, depending on the individual parameters of the expectant mother and the baby itself. Back to top labor activity the baby reaches at least 3 kg 100 g.

    Table of fetal weight norms by week of pregnancy

    The estimated fetal weight in the early stages is calculated using ultrasound. At a later stage, the doctor, thanks to measurements of the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterus, can calculate this indicator.

    Calculated child weight norms by week of pregnancy are presented in the table:

    weeks Lengthcm Weight, g
    11 week 4,1 7
    12 week 5,4 14
    Week 13 7,4 23
    Week 14 8,7 43
    Week 15 10,1 70
    Week 16 11,5 100
    Week 17 13 140
    Week 18 14,2 190
    Week 19 15,3 240
    Week 20 25,8 300
    21 weeks 26,7 360
    Week 22 27,8 430
    Week 23 28,9 500
    Week 24 30 600
    Week 25 34,6 670
    Week 26 35,6 760
    Week 27 36,6 875
    Week 28 37,6 1000
    Week 29 38,6 1150
    Week 30 39,9 1320
    31 weeks 41,1 1500
    32 week 42,4 1700
    Week 33 43,8 1900
    34 week 45 2150
    Week 35 46,2 2380
    36 week 47,4 2500
    Week 37 48,6 2800
    Week 38 49,8 3000
    Week 39 50,7 3300
    40 week 51,2 3400

    Calculate baby's weight during pregnancy by week - calculator

    The most informative method for making calculations during pregnancy is ultrasound. The specialist measures the length of the thigh, the size and circumference of the head, and the diameter of the chest. After which, he receives a ratio, which is checked against the table of norms.

    During the examination, the doctor is able to calculate the baby’s body weight using a special formula that takes into account the height of the uterine fundus, abdominal circumference and bone thickness of the woman. The method is used in the third trimester. In case of significant deviations, a certain diet and drug therapy are prescribed.

    For the full development of the baby, both excess and decreased levels are equally dangerous. It is worth adhering to reasonable dietary standards and not neglecting walks. fresh air, and a calculator for a child’s weight and height during pregnancy will help you calculate acceptable limits.

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