• How to increase self-esteem and self-confidence for women, men and children. Advice from psychologists. How to make relationships happy - non-standard solutions


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    SVETLANA MOROZOVA : Good afternoon,

    Once you reduce or completely remove pain from your body, you will immediately return to yourself. (If you haven’t done this yet, do it right now. Watch the video and repeat after me)

    You will have all the subtle moments that caused this trouble to happen to you.

    I suggest you IMPROVE your SELF-ESTEEM in the shortest possible time .

    To do this, you and I will do exercises that will bring you to a level of self-confidence. You will feel your own VALUE. And no one will ever be able to destroy it.

    Remember - your husband chose you:

    * Because you were beautiful (even if you don't think so now)

    * Because you were confident in yourself as a woman

    * Because you radiated joy and calm

    * Because you felt special

    * Because you knew you wanted to be with him

    So let's bring these states back to you together.

    It's easier than you think!

    Just do the exercises with me that I give - and become irresistible to yourself first. And then for him.

    What do you know?

      What did I do wrong? Why did this happen to me?

    It seems to you that since your husband left or found someone else, it means you did something wrong. And you ask yourself the question: “Why did this happen to me?”

    The problem is that when our husband leaves, our self-esteem suffers. And one gets the feeling that it was HE who took away this dignity. So he can return it.

    Only the situation is actually different - dignity has not gone away. You just stopped feeling it. Therefore, together we will restore your dignity to you. And when you begin to feel worthy of happiness and mutual love- your husband will treat you completely differently. You'll love it!

    You and I will come to a clear conviction at the body level: “In fact, I am good, I did everything right. Everything is fine with me"

      Why did my husband leave?

    This question endlessly swirls around in your head. You blame yourself. All your thoughts are only about him.

    The purpose of this exercise is to bring you back to yourself. So that you stop wasting energy looking for an answer to a question that doesn't make sense.

    So that you return to the one who KNOWS what to do to get your husband back.

      How is she better than me?

    If your husband left for his mistress, then you walk in circles inside yourself with the thoughts: “I compare myself and her - and I don’t see why she is better. So why did he go to her?”

    And this comparison doesn’t let you sleep, wakes you up in the middle of the night, makes you endlessly talk to your girlfriends so that they prove to you that you are better. And you have no way to be sure that this is really the case.

    We will get through this together. I will take you by the hand and lead you out of the vicious circle of comparison. You will feel at the body level - YOU ARE THE BEST!

      Since he left, it means he doesn’t love me. And maybe I’m not worthy of love at all...

    This is another stone on your neck that pulls you into pain and tears your soul.

    This feeling terrifies you. After all, he once loved. And you remember the man who loved you. What has changed now? And the further you go, the more you convince yourself: “He doesn’t love me...”

    You will be able to feel the VALUE of yourself in your body. Feel that you are worthy of love. And everything is fine with you!

      How to believe that I am worthy of happiness and mutual love

    The problem of self-worth has an invisible side - BELIEF that you are truly worthy. Faith creates your reality. It creates a neural connection in your head.

    Together you and I will believe that you truly DESERVE the best in this life. And we will build a new neural connection - FAITH in your dignity.

      What if he left 3-6 months (or more) ago?

    Your husband could have left long ago. However, the pain in my heart remained. And you still hope to get him back. Your Soul is out of place because he is not around.

    Let's restore balance together - return to your husband what you keep for yourself. This will help make your relationship much better. You will feel like you are okay. And you will feel VALUABLE and WORTHY.

    After all, it must be returned from the “I AM VALUABLE” state. Otherwise, you will simply return to repeating the script - he will leave again.

      There is no feeling of being whole and valuable

    You may feel: “They broke up with me - I’m not particularly valuable.” And it's like a broken state. Like a precious vase falling to the floor. And it just doesn’t come together because there’s no important piece.

    We will return your piece of soul! Together we can make you feel valuable and worthy of the best in this life.

    How much does the course “How to restore SELF-ESTEEM when your husband leaves” cost?

    Right now the cost of the course is 490 rubles http://selyodkin.ru/ls/sm/ush/

    Remember - Only from the state of I-VALUABLE can you return not just your husband - but return the good things that happened between you.

    Make a decision right now. Get your high self-esteem back.

    With faith in your happiness, Svetlana Morozova, analytical psychologist, master of EFT, founder of the “School of Professional Psychologists”

    P.S. Feeling your worth in this difficult situation will give you the opportunity to defeat any rivals in the future. Not only a mistress can be a rival. It could be work, or even a mother or sister.

    Reviews for the course:

    Hi all! Yesterday I started working on Svetlana’s new course on self-esteem. At first the condition worsened, but today I felt movement forward. I managed to find the key barrier inside: tap and significantly improve the condition (from minus 7 to plus 7). Svetlana, thank you very much!!!


    I want to say thank you to Svetlana once again. Yesterday I did exercises for the course on self-esteem. The last exercise, when parts of the soul were collected, was such a big fat point. Value and integrity. I haven't put on makeup for a very long time. I just didn't want to. Even at work, if only for big bosses or a holiday... And yesterday I wanted to put on makeup. And my husband saw this and said: “You’re putting on makeup!” And everyone looked at me... And when we went out into the street, I immediately received compliments from slightly drunk passers-by... He was so respectful all evening... we finally drank to meet N.G. so helpful... Svetlana, thank you! I want to take all your courses!


    Sveta, good afternoon! I listened to the entire course, some videos several times. I really liked it and it suited me. The main thing I realized is that everything is fine with me. I felt my worth!!! I felt out of competition!

    And the main thing that bothers me is my fat, and I now look at this experience a little differently. My excess fat prevented me from feeling my worth. And I suddenly thought that I treat my excess fat as something separate, as if it was not mine at all, not in my body. And I tried to accept it, to feel my excess fat in my body. And now I have this interesting feeling yourself - somehow pleasant. Perhaps this is integrity. I don't know yet. I want to be in this state. And I also realized that now I can decide what to do with this excess fat - after all, it’s mine!!! My personal excess fat)))


    I did this course with Dima. And when I gave him his part of my soul, I cried. It seemed to me that I was tearing a part of myself away from myself... it was so hard for me. I watched this video and knocked. And now I have the feeling that I can treat Dima like an adult, like an adult man. It’s also very unusual, because I realized that I treated him like a weak person, like a child who was once abandoned, and now he is so poor and unhappy, and I really urgently need to love him now, for his mother. Nonsense. And all this nonsense was on an unconscious level.


    The course “How to restore SELF-ESTEEM when your husband leaves” can be obtained from the link below:

    Come on in now.

    Pavel Seledkin

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    Every girl should respect and value herself. But sometimes there are moments when you don’t even want to look in the mirror, as if something is breaking inside. It is at this moment that it seems that you cease to be valuable not only to yourself, but also to those around you.

    The reason for this attitude may be familyquarrels, condition after divorce , breakup or other life shock.How to increase self-esteemwhen money, clothes, a car, an apartment and other material assets, as well as education and profession, suddenly become gray and indifferent.

    Naturally, all this is not the least important in life, but it does not matter to a girl who does not love herself. When a person loves his appearance and his inner world, this can be seen even with the naked eye. Accordingly, they treat you completely differently. A girl, first of all, must love her personality.

    How to increase self-esteem? What needs to be done for this, where to start? How to learn to love and respect yourself? After receiving an adequate answer and resolving this issue, those around you will begin to treat you accordingly.

    The level of self-esteem influences all human actions. For example, after breaking up with a loved one, a girl very often feels ugly and unwanted. How to increase self-esteem in this situation?

    What causes self-esteem to drop?

    This condition does not mean a final diagnosis; every girl or woman, regardless of her age, skin tone, eye color and breast size, has periods in life when she is absolutely dissatisfied with herself, her appearance, relationships with men, which entails a constant depressive mood, etc.

    During this period, the girl needs external manifestation and confirmation of her self-confidence. After which she can be absolutely happy.

    Human psychology is a very subtle concept. And today there is a lot of literature with a list of tips on how to raise your self-esteem. After all, based on her emotions, the girl makes erroneous assumptions for herself that no one needs her, no one loves or respects her. Why should others love “such”?

    Everything about her now is not ideal: her breasts are not what we would like, and her nose is somehow unsatisfactory, her lips are too big or small, but her work and clothes are just like that in general! What kind of positive energy vibes can a girl emit in such a state?

    Surely this situation is quite familiar to you. Does your opinion of yourself match who you are at the moment? If this is your current state, then the people around you see you constantly dissatisfied, suffering, gloomy, crying, and unsure of yourself.

    And when the day before yesterday you were cheerful and pleased with yourself, drinking champagne, chatting and dancing with your girlfriends, the people who surrounded you thought that you were beautiful, successful and happy woman, while envying you at the same time!

    What's the difference? And the fact is that at the moment you are a successful, happy, and satisfied girl with life. It’s just that now you have temporarily forgotten about it.

    So how can a girl raise her self-esteem in such a situation? What prevents her from loving herself again? Look at yourself from the outside, not at the things that hang in your wardrobe and not at a good prestigious job, but at yourself as a beloved, formed personality, in which natural qualities are ideally combined, you always have a chance to be happy and contented!

    Self-love does not mean selfishness, it means self-acceptance and respect, it is with such thoughts that you can achieve new goals. Value yourself, because every person is unique and individual. Accept yourself as you are and fight against shortcomings, thus increasing your positive sides. In any case, a personality must consist of shortcomings and advantages.

    What shows self-love?

    First of all, you need to love your appearance. She is unique. Sometimes people accept themselves “as is” and do not even think about their subsequent growth, multiplication and preservation of what is given by nature.

    Self-love does not depend in any way on eye color, waist size, breast size, nose shape or other external qualities. You need to love yourself, work on yourself, so that later you can be absolutely confident in yourself. People, seeing this, perceive this point of view about you as the only correct one.

    In fact, there are no ideal people, and even if we imagine that they suddenly became so, life would be boring and monotonous. It is much more interesting and attractive when all people are different. Disadvantages in one thing and advantages in another distinguish us from each other.

    To respect yourself, you must definitely appreciate what is given to everyone by nature, wasting less of your potential. Narcissism is not self-love at all.

    Self-love is an admission of mistakes and attempts to correct them, but narcissism indicates recognition of oneself as perfection, even despite existing shortcomings that are easily corrected. When experiencing self-love, you need to be able to recognize both your positive and negative sides.

    A girl who loves herself is very responsible about her health. As a result, it looks better and retains its quality longer. Activity, vivacity, high energy potential, these are powerful arguments for increasing self-esteem.

    Self-love is the desire to realize oneself as much as possible in life, to find one’s own path in life in all plans and directions.

    • First of all, in no case should you despise, scold and hate yourself. It is better to dream as much as possible on a positive wave;
    • In no case do not forget to develop your attractiveness to men. We're not talking about a skirt with panties visible underneath - that's useless. These are, first of all, your internal qualities. Forget laziness. Otherwise, happiness will pass you by;
    • Don't let envy enter your thoughts. This acts to destroy. You can strive for the same things that your friends have, but without envy. Constantly make adjustments to your life and strive for novelty - emotions, literature, new languages, travel and events;
    • It's always better to look modest and stylish than glamorous and vulgar. Strive to improve and improve everything that borders your life path. Love what you do, or change your occupation when you feel that it is not for you;
    • Try to immediately express your emotions and not accumulate them inside yourself. Even if it is very difficult to change something in yourself, it is enough to just look around. After all, there are a lot of thin people nearby overweight women, very happy and satisfied with themselves. What prevents you from feeling the same way? There is a male lover for any age and weight category;
    • Not all successful ladies are happy. They very often feel lonely, and this indicates that neither appearance nor position can make a woman the happiest;
    • In order to start living in a new way, you need to throw out all the old things from your home. Relationships with a man who has long been familiar, but rather boring, also need to be left in the past. Otherwise nothing will change. Rearranging furniture is also an option. New acquaintances will be an addition to achieving your main goal. Communication with people who do not bring you positive emotions should be limited;
    • Don't think about what others will say about you. After all, even the fox is little concerned about the opinion of the hares. For each individual person, the most important thing should be their personal worldview and opinion.

    Respect and treat yourself with love, build your life independently, without regard to others. And remember one simple rule: change yourself, and see how your life begins to change for the better.


    “Friends, are there anyone among you who has experienced a divorce?” - you ask your classmates.

    Some of the girls will be ready to share their stories. A happy girl Sveta will say: “Before the divorce, my friends were good anyway, but after that they became just extravaganzas.” At this moment we will think that between “getting a divorce” and “becoming a fairy” there actually lies a difficult path, full of different experiences and events. And among these events and experiences there are those that require strength and support.

    Here we will try to talk about what a woman going through a divorce experiences and how she can be helped to cope if difficulties arise in the process.

    Divorce can be perceived differently by its participants. Your friend Julia will say that she breathed a sigh of relief when her husband suggested she get a divorce. Another friend Lena will tell you that during the breakup she thought that life was over and nothing good would ever happen again. No matter how both of them perceive the event, divorce in both cases is a loss and a loss. Experiencing loss is a process that has its own laws and time period.

    So, how does a woman who is getting divorced feel?

    1 Fear

    “I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to raise my child any further, that I wouldn’t have enough money to live on, that no one would need me.” A bereaved woman perceives the future in dark colors. Plus, the psyche is structured in such a way that it begins to intimidate itself, drawing terrifying pictures of a “finite life” - material helplessness, lack of relationships in the future, life in sadness and sadness.

    2 Guilt and shame

    “I was ashamed in front of others that I could not create strong family. I felt guilty before my children for having to be in a situation of divorce and squabbles between me and my husband. I tried to justify myself, but it didn’t help me.” Shame and guilt in a divorce situation also take on grotesque forms. The woman takes full responsibility for what happened, forgetting that divorce is a process in which there are two participants. Taking on more responsibility also increases feelings of guilt and shame, making them toxic and destructive.

    3 Anger and resentment

    “I hated my husband because he did this to me, I drew plans for revenge in my fantasies, I had dreams about how I was restoring justice. And when I woke up, the anger and anger did not decrease and destroyed me.” These feelings are also necessary for experiencing loss. The ability to become angry with your partner is a step towards understanding your boundaries. Anger and anger become destructive if the person experiencing it shifts all responsibility to the partner, forgetting about his contribution to the event.

    4 Sadness, sadness, regret.

    “Some time after we got divorced, I realized that there were good moments in our lives. I was sad that there would be no evenings together, no opportunity to talk, no sweet absurdities. I regretted that behind the mountain of scandals and reproaches I completely forgot that there was good things between us.” During the process of going through a divorce, a period comes when a woman begins to understand that parting with a specific person is not only the end of a destructive relationship, but also the loss of warm, good moments. And then the realization comes that there is a real loss in divorce. And this loss needs to be grieved and experienced.

    The influence of social attitudes

    Many of your friends talked about how social attitudes influenced their experience of the divorce process:

    “I lost my married status. I became a single woman. And a single mother too.”

    “My friend kind of jokingly told me – you’re a divorcee now! I smiled, but in fact I was not at all happy.”

    “My mother felt sorry for me, and at the same time sighed reproachfully - well, you failed to build happiness. You missed him! .

    Most often, such attitudes are “a woman must be married”, “A divorced woman is inferior”, “Only married woman happy” - are assigned by us without processing and accepted as our own. Most likely, they were heard from significant persons, “swallowed”, without understanding whether we really think so. These expressions “became” our attitudes automatically. At that moment there was no awareness that we could not appropriate such knowledge, but create our own judgments, and we have every right to do so. And we don’t even have to ask mom and other significant people.

    The feelings and experiences described above contribute to the fact that the perception of oneself is greatly distorted. A woman begins to feel “not up to par,” “unsuccessful,” “unworthy.” This idea of ​​herself plunges her even further into a circle of despondency and hopelessness. This process takes a lot of energy and effort. It may feel like the ordeal with difficult feelings will never end.

    Just when life seems to be at a standstill, it is important to remember the following:

    Any process cannot last forever. On our earth there is not even a perpetual motion machine. Therefore, as long as you live, everything has a beginning and an end. And the divorce process also has an ending.

    What to do and how to increase a woman’s self-esteem after a divorce?

    Here are a few things to help you get through the breakup process and feel better and more confident. Here are the psychologist's advice to women.

    1. It must be remembered that divorce is the responsibility of both. And then, when you are overwhelmed by a comprehensive feeling of guilt and shame, try to find time to understand what exactly is your responsibility and what is not yours.
    2. If you have decided to get a divorce, try to understand what exactly you lost by breaking up. Awareness of real losses will help you find strength and ways to survive them.

    “I realized that lately we have been far from each other. When I got divorced, it became clear that it was just convenient for me to live together. But it was not life, but patience with each other. Once I realized this, I felt a little sad that I didn't get divorced sooner. Our relationship ended five years ago.” Initially, the woman said that she had lost the relationship. In fact, it turned out that a comfortable lifestyle was lost.

    “I believed that my children would lose contact with their father, that they would be deprived of a complete family. I didn’t notice that at that time our complete family was inextricably linked with endless scandals and reproaches. And my children lived in an oppressive atmosphere for three years. A little later, I realized that with the divorce I didn’t lose a complete family, but only its illusion.”

    1. Ask yourself what you gain by breaking up. Maybe this is life without scandals? Maybe this is an opportunity to understand how I build my relationships? Or something else?
    2. Give yourself the opportunity to experience difficult feelings - resentment, anger, anger, shame and guilt. Don't beat yourself up for experiencing them. If you find it difficult to experience feelings, find for yourself a good psychologist or a psychotherapist who can help you get through this difficult period. The attitude “I will survive everything myself” does not work here. Remember, during a divorce you have an energy deficit. And the main point is how to save yourself and take care of yourself.
    3. Remember that it is very important to create a warm and supportive social network around you. These could be your friends, work colleagues who have the strength to listen to you and simply sympathize. With those who are ready to talk about what you are doing wrong, I suggest limiting communication. They definitely won’t help you, but will only worsen your well-being.
    4. At the moment when you are going through a divorce, you have a great opportunity to understand what you really want. Psychologists do not recommend immediately looking for a new relationship. Perhaps such a quick search is just a departure from the true self and one’s needs.

    All of my friends and acquaintances who experienced divorce said that over time the attitude towards this event changes. And they are glad that they broke up then, and not later. I asked what message the divorce process conveyed, and this is what they said:

    • "Take care of yourself. Remember that in this world, besides other people, it is you who is important to yourself.”
    • “You have a lot of strength and energy. It’s good that this happened in your life!”
    • “In order to feel valuable now, you had to go through a difficult period then!”
    • “All the responsibility in the world is not your responsibility. You have the right to do what you consider important to yourself. Do what you want."
    1. If you discover social attitudes in yourself that influence your perception of divorce, try to understand who their source is. Ask yourself why you learned these messages. Give yourself the opportunity to realize whether you need them, or whether you can refuse them. If you don't need them, you have every right not to follow them. And choose your own personal attitudes that help strengthen your sense of dignity.

    Not “Nobody needs a lonely woman,” but “I need myself. I have the right to get the relationships I want.”

    In this case, the focus of responsibility for one’s life shifts from external circumstances to personal contribution. As soon as one’s own responsibility appears, it is possible to choose what the woman herself wants.

    And remember that divorce is a process. If it starts, it will definitely end. It is important to survive it by taking care of yourself.

    Has your self-esteem suffered due to a breakup? Have you started to doubt yourself? The 8 tips below will help you regain your confidence and you will feel great again!
    From time to time, each of us faces problems caused by low self-esteem.
    However, one of the main causes of self-disappointment is suffering due to separation from a loved one.
    Grieving is normal and even right.

    If you feel like your self-esteem is suffering after a breakup due to a breakup, here are some tips on how to get back in the game!

    Some people are able to find the positives in a breakup, and thanks to this, they get through the post-breakup period easier.

    This is especially true for those who are done with unhealthy relationships, or those who parted as friends.
    At the same time, there is a category of people who believe that they have lost their last chance at love. And if they have experienced betrayal, then their self-esteem begins to plummet.

    The reason Neil Sedak's song "Breaking Up Is Hard" has become so popular, even among very young people, is because breaking up is really hard. But no matter how hard it is, you must understand that this is not the end of the world.

    8 ways to regain your self-esteem!

    There is no need to complain and grieve for the rest of your days about the time spent with your now former loved one.
    The period of life after a breakup is difficult, that’s a fact. However, you can lift your mood and vitality and start looking to the future with your head held high!

    #1 Remember your strengths. If you've broken up with someone you love, it's easy to dwell on the mistakes you made that led to the breakup. Maybe you're not that good at cooking or have some annoying habits. Maybe you weren't supportive enough, or loving enough, or expressive enough. Maybe you weren't enough. May be…

    Everyone has flaws, but they should in no way affect your strengths. Stop focusing on every little thing that adds up to the failure of your relationship. Think instead about your strengths that made the relationship last as long as it did.

    Review your skills. Remember what you are good at, what you can do better than others, what qualities and skills of yours admire other people. If you have forgotten about your individual qualities, remembering them will help you look in a positive light and you will feel great again.

    # 2 Treat yourself with compassion. Breaking up is the reason why we begin to reproach ourselves for not being able to maintain the relationship. You have to be kind to yourself and accept the fact that you did the best you could. The breakup is not your fault, and you know it!

    Open your heart and mind to reality: there are things that destroy relationships that you cannot control. If you can have compassion for others, then you can definitely have compassion for yourself. Don’t put all the blame on your shoulders, understand that relationships are both created and destroyed by two people.

    Everything is fine. You did everything you could. You may feel pain and grief over the loss. Let the sadness pass through you and let go. You are who you are and you are a wonderful person, even if your ex couldn’t see it.

    Live in the moment. It's hard, but look back and accept the fact that the person who was with you is no longer there. Denying that it's over makes it difficult to move on. If it helps, get rid of everything that reminds you of the relationship until you come to terms with the fact that it's over.

    Remove photos with your ex and replace them with photos with your family. Don't listen to "your" songs on your iPod. Do not go to cafes and places where you often visited with your ex-boyfriend.

    The process of getting rid of things that remind you of your ex can be painful. But gradually you will cope, get rid of things, accumulate positive experience.

    For example, if you threw away some item of yours ex-girlfriend, buy yourself a video game. Deleted SMS from ex-boyfriend, go to a cafe and order your favorite dish or get yourself a new haircut.

    This will not only help you forget about your ex, but will also help you erase traces of your ex on a mental, emotional and physical level. This is a great starting point for rebuilding your self-esteem now that you are free and beautiful again!

    When we find ourselves at home, we all want to plunge into its warmth, comfort and coziness. And here literally every little thing plays a role, from the warm blanket on the sofa to beautiful napkins on the table to comfortable slippers and comfortable bed linen. We invite you to look at the Domovita online store website http://domovitas.ru/kpb-satin and see and maybe purchase soft and silky satin bed linen from the manufacturer. How you create the comfort of your home can determine a lot, including your emotional well-being and determination to move on after a good night's rest on your favorite satin bedding.

    Even if you are the most popular model, even a beauty queen, a young man may leave you. Often, when parting, people’s self-esteem decreases: “If they left me, it means I’m not that good, otherwise they wouldn’t have left me.” Instead of thinking like this, you need to ask yourself: “Was the one who left really so good?” Why do we perceive his passing as a tragedy, a stress that undermines our health? No one knows who is lucky, as the song says. Maybe his departure made room for something real, great and bright, which would not have happened if he had stayed.

    How to increase self-esteem after a breakup

    If a guy leaves a good girl, women and acquaintances will just shrug their shoulders and call him a fool. Where is the tragedy here?

    Only a clear and clear awareness that your positive traits and your dignity did not suffer in any way from his departure, but on the contrary, will continue to develop, and will further give you confidence in tomorrow already without him.
    People themselves create an imaginary illusion that if someone left them, then this leaving gives them a feeling of inferiority. Rave. Anyone who leaves, whether good or bad, is simply not yours. He's just trying to be happy. And build your life and your happiness. There is no need to judge him for this. We have one life. And it’s normal that each of us tries to be happy.

    How to increase self-esteem after a breakup photo

    Perhaps the one who left you was sent to you for experience. He taught you something. But he is not for you, and you are not for him. Your man will not leave. “Who is worthy of you is your likeness.”

    Self-confidence is a life advantage. You are still upset about his departure, but the main thing is not to give up. Don't blame yourself, but live. Make an effort on yourself and start running in the morning or learn a foreign language. Or do general cleaning, renovation, travel, take any steps that will not only distract you from thoughts of loss, but also show you new facets of life, give you new meetings and impressions. These activities will serve many purposes at once.

    How to increase self-esteem after a breakup video

    By running in the morning, you improve your health, become slimmer, raise your self-esteem, and set yourself up for a productive day. You will feel that life has become more fulfilling, more successful. This kind of thinking allows you to achieve excellent results in self-improvement and in other areas. Never make excuses for yourself. A person with high self-esteem gets along with other people more easily, establishes contacts, and is free of many barriers to communication. All these qualities are not at all superfluous for a successful person.
    Have something in mind? Get started right away, never put it off until later. A confident person knows that he can do it!

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