• How to choose wedding rings. Wedding rings: how to choose a symbol of eternal love and fidelity


    Deciding on how to choose wedding rings is an important and crucial moment in preparing for the wedding. The symbol of love and fidelity begins to be looked after no less than two months before the celebration. For many centuries, the tradition of exchanging rings at the time of marriage has been preserved. Round form symbolizes infinity, having neither beginning nor end, like the love of newlyweds. Which wedding rings are best to choose is up to the newlyweds themselves to decide.

    Signs associated with a wedding ring

    Many signs have survived to this day and folk beliefs associated with wedding symbols. Some people believe in them unconditionally, others are simply interested in them. general information. Signs do not come out of nowhere; for centuries people have been tracking the coincidences inherent in events with one or another object. Here are some of the signs, and believe in them or not - think for yourself:

    • You cannot let anyone try on your rings either before or after the wedding.
    • Finding someone else's ring is a sign of an imminent wedding (if you are not married yet).
    • It is not recommended to wear other people's wedding attributes, even if they were inherited from your parents - you will take away the happiness of the previous owners.
    • Losing a wedding ring means losing your family.
    • When registering, dropping one or both symbols of the marriage on the floor means quick separation.
    • If the bride wears gloves at the wedding, during the wedding ritual the glove is removed or, if the model allows, only the finger is released. You can’t put jewelry on fabric - this can lead to quick divorce.
    • If it happens that the family breaks up, do not wear wedding rings as jewelry, otherwise you will not find a new family.
    • You need to buy both rings on the same day, in the same place - this will lead to a long, happy family life.
    • You can’t get married with a widow’s ring - repeat your unfortunate fate.
    • In order for the marriage to be strong and long, before the wedding, put both wedding attributes in a bag, fill with water, and freeze.

    Criteria for choosing engagement rings for a wedding

    Selecting and purchasing wedding symbols is a delicate matter that requires a delicate approach. Many questions arise: who buys, when, what shape should it be, what metal, with decoration or not. First you need to find out if any of the newlyweds are allergic to certain types of metals. Sometimes cobalt, chromium, nickel, and less often noble metals can act as allergens. As a rule, the choice of rings is made by the couple together, but the groom pays for the purchase. It’s up to the newlyweds to decide whether to choose paired wedding rings or prefer options with different designs.

    Product shape and size

    Practice shows that choosing a piece of jewelry by size is not as easy as you might think at first. Depending on the season of the year, time of day, the finger may change slightly in size. This parameter is influenced by the amount of fluid you drink, physical activity and the general condition of the body. To choose wedding ring in size, it is recommended to try on in the afternoon, preferably several times, to make sure that the number chosen is correct.

    One cannot ignore the fact that the size indicated on the product tag does not always coincide with the real number; the difference is sometimes up to 0.4 mm in diameter. The more expensive the product, the more likely full correspondence between the written and real number. The size of the product is influenced by the inner surface, which can be flat or round. When your fingers swell, the round shape is more comfortable. When choosing a model, you should take into account that the wider the ring in shape, the larger the size should be.

    To make the ring look beautiful on your hand, you need to take into account the shape of your fingers:

    • On long thin fingers, either narrow rings or very wide ones, about 6 mm, look good.
    • For long, thick fingers, only wide rings are suitable.
    • On a finger of medium length and thickness, it is preferable to wear a 4.5-6 mm ring.
    • If you have a wide joint, take into account the diameter of the product so that it can be put on and removed painlessly on your finger.

    Availability of sample

    Gold of 500, 583, 585, 750 is considered the classic basis for wedding rings. When purchasing jewelry, do not forget to pay attention to the hallmark that is placed on the inside of the rings. The number will tell you the percentage of noble metal in the product. The highest standard of gold is 958, the lowest is 375. The price of the jewelry depends on this: the higher the standard, the more expensive the product.

    Metal selection

    Engagement jewelry doesn't have to be gold, although it is a classic option. If you like to wear silver items, then wedding symbols can also be made of this metal or white gold. Silver goes very beautifully with white gold. Platinum is considered the purest metal without competition, but products made from it are very expensive and not everyone can afford such a purchase. But titanium options are very light in weight, look like white gold, and retain their original appearance long years.


    Before purchasing wedding rings, you need to decide in advance how much you are willing to spend without compromising other wedding preparations. A high price does not always mean a beautiful product. Don’t be upset if you don’t have enough money for the model you like: choose a similar product, but a little thinner and with less weight. But you shouldn’t save a lot either, because with this symbol on your hand you have to go through the path of life and it should evoke only positive emotions.

    Wedding ring design options

    When choosing rings, you need to decide whether you will wear the same rings in style or different ones. A few decades ago, the ring had only the classic smooth shape. Now the choice is much wider; wedding models with engraving, notches, with or without stones are on sale. How to choose the right wedding rings is up to you two to decide. After trying on several options, buy the ones that make you feel positive energy. If you don't find what you're looking for, jewelry is made to order for your wedding.


    Traditional smooth rings can be of different widths; moreover, they are very practical to use, because they do not lose their appearance for many years. Classic wedding rings are suitable for both men and women who do not really like to wear jewelry. To somehow diversify the classics, engrave the inside of the product with your initials, wedding date or some other memorable sign.

    Made from several types of metals

    Recently, designers are increasingly offering options for wedding rings made of different types of metals. Using white, red and yellow gold in one product at the same time, they play with the interesting shape of the parts. Three colors united together represent loyalty, love and friendship. Such rings are more suitable for those who like to mix styles in clothing.

    Embossed or with ornament

    Rings with different types of relief patterns are no less popular. The classic "diamond edge" shimmers like a gemstone as it refracts light rays. Jewelry with patterns in the Egyptian, naturalistic or Art Nouveau style looks more elegant. The interweaving of rhombuses, ovals, and smooth lines in the form of notches on the surface of the jewelry personify the combination of masculine and feminine principles.

    With rocks

    Engagement rings set with precious stones are more common among women. Diamonds or semi-precious stones of transparent or translucent shades are used for decoration. Precise inclusions among intricate patterns or geometric shapes add completeness to the design idea. Less commonly, engagement wedding symbols are purchased with a colored stone. You need to be careful when choosing and know some designations of stones:

    • Emerald - promises happy love, wisdom.
    • Agate - symbolizes longevity and good health.
    • Amethyst - threatens the fragility of marriage, loneliness.
    • Carnelian - guarantees a calm, happy family life.
    • Ruby is a symbol of passionate love.
    • Garnet and topaz are the personification of marital fidelity.
    • Diamond - demonstrates purity and firmness of intentions.
    • Sapphire is love itself, material security.
    • Amber - will give protection from the evil eye and good health.

    Once you have chosen a ring with a stone, check whether it suits you. Place it on your right palm and place your left palm as close as possible. If you feel warmth and pleasant sensations, have no doubt, your choice is successful. If you feel discomfort, you shouldn’t take risks; try looking at other options for rings with stones, because the selection in jewelry stores is impressive.

    The custom of exchanging rings at a wedding has been passed down through generations for many centuries. According to some versions, the tradition came from the ancient Romans, according to others - from the ancient Egyptians or Greeks. IN modern world it's not really important anymore. The truth is that newlyweds exchange symbols during registration, while experiencing boundless love, trust in each other and hope for a long family life.

    While the newlywed is putting the ring on ring finger spouse, there is an impact on the “vein of love,” which, as the ancients believed, is connected directly to the heart. With the help of the proposed video, you will once again be able to obtain information about the types of metals on which rings are made, and design solutions. Tips will help you choose wedding jewelry that suits the shape and style.

    Very little time will pass and the wedding day, with all its joys and troubles, will become only part of the joint story. All the worries associated with preparing for the celebration, the tears of happiness and the smiles of those around you on this most important day of your adult life will become a thing of the past. Everything will return to its usual pattern, but one symbol will remain that will remind you of your new status every day and every minute - a wedding ring, a piece of jewelry with a special meaning and significance.


    The tradition of wearing wedding rings is more ancient than most others known to us. wedding ceremonies. It has survived the test of time, religions and beliefs of various peoples and has come to us in almost the same form in which it appeared thousands of years ago.

    Some researchers believe that the tradition of exchanging wedding rings first arose in Ancient Greece, others attribute this ritual to Ancient Egypt, but absolutely everyone agrees that its history is impressive: it is much older than Christianity and modern ideas about weddings in general. Some scientists say that the first wedding rings were made from reed or hemp back in the days when precious metals were not known to mankind. However, regardless of whether the ring is made of gold or a simple twig, its meaning remains the same to this day.

    Interestingly, the ancient Greek writer and public figure Plutarch wrote about the wearing of wedding rings by the Greeks and Romans on the ring finger. It was believed that this finger was connected directly to the heart by the finest nerve, which influenced a person’s spiritual preferences in love and his devotion. The ancient Romans called this nerve "vena amoris" ("vein of love").

    The custom of exchanging rings was also widespread in Tsarist Russia. It is worth noting that initially we were talking about two rings - an engagement ring and a wedding ring. The groom presented the first, proposing to his chosen one. By accepting this gift, the girl gave her consent to the marriage. The second ring was put on the same finger on the wedding day. This interesting custom has survived in one form or another to this day. In many cases, the ring given by a young man at the time of engagement has a symbolic meaning, but is not used at the wedding. For her, the happy couple chooses a different pair of rings.

    Just as thousands of years ago, today, a wedding ring is a vicious circle that has no beginning or end. It symbolizes eternal love that will endure with spouses through years and trials.

    How to wear wedding rings different countries?

    At all times, both men and women have worn and wear wedding rings on the ring finger. The only exception is, perhaps, the Jewish tradition, in which the ring is placed on the bride’s index finger. A similar custom once existed in Rus'.

    The main difference between the traditions of different countries is wearing a ring on the right or left hand. So, in the Orthodox world and some Catholic countries, the wedding ring is always worn on the finger right hand. This rule has been adopted in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, the Baltic States, Georgia, Serbia, Poland, Chile, Germany, Austria, Norway, Greece, India, Spain, Venezuela, Greece and some other regions. On the contrary, in most countries of the Catholic world and in the East, the wedding ring is worn on the left hand.

    We are going to a jewelry store. What should you think about in advance?

    So, we figured out what symbolic meaning wedding rings have, clarified for ourselves the history of this unusual tradition and even found out on which finger it is customary to wear wedding jewelry in different countries. It's time to move from theory to practice and plan your first joint trip to jewelry stores. But before you go, you should think about what you want this engagement ring to look like. What material do you prefer? How do you feel about precious stones? Do you prefer luxurious or discreet, classic or modern jewelry? Do your tastes coincide with the preferences of your other half, and is a compromise possible? Finally, what is your purchasing budget? Specific answers to all these questions are the guarantee that the best, most interesting and most suitable wedding rings will be waiting for you in one of the jewelry stores, and you certainly won’t miss them in all the sparkling splendor of the display case.

    Metals: noble and not too noble

    Let's start with the most basic thing - the material from which the ring will be made. Traditionally, red gold is used in this capacity - a precious metal with a long history. However, recently such a choice is not predetermined, because in a jewelry store you can find wedding rings made of other metals and alloys. Ultimately, it all depends on the price expected by the future newlyweds and their aesthetic preferences. Let's consider the main features and advantages of different options:

    . Red gold- precious material of the highest standard (over 900). At first glance, there is no doubt that this is pure gold, expensive, prestigious and exquisite. Its disadvantages include the fact that due to the minimal amount of impurities, the material becomes too plastic: over time, the ring can become deformed. The only way to avoid this is to have a sufficiently thick bezel: at least 2 mm thick and 4 mm wide.
    Yellow gold is a classic option with all the ensuing consequences. The choice of such jewelry is amazing: in any jewelry store you will probably find dozens of wedding rings for every taste. However, from this advantage comes the disadvantage of gold, because to some, gold jewelry may seem too ordinary and unoriginal. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that on sale you will probably find products made of yellow gold of two main hallmarks: 585 and 750. The higher, 750th hallmark, has a specific gravity that is 15% higher and 40-50% more expensive. At the same time, from the outside, the metals differ little, which makes many buyers think “why pay more?” . Rose gold is an equally common option. Unusual color The material is achieved thanks to an alloy of 585 gold with copper. The price of such jewelry is slightly lower than that of gold items.
    high samples , and their shade may better harmonize with other jewelry in a women's collection..

    White gold is an interesting alternative for those who prefer silver jewelry. A ring made from an alloy of gold and palladium goes well with silver and many other metals, and its price is comparable to the more common red gold. The only possible disadvantage of white gold is, again, the illusion that the ring is made of “ordinary” base metals, which means it is not prestigious and expensive enough. However, focusing on the criterion of “who will think what” is a thankless task, so white gold is becoming increasingly popular among jewelers and newlyweds because of its exquisite appearance and practicality.


    Silver is an economical option for those who do not consider it necessary to spend money on expensive jewelry. It is not used very often for making wedding rings also because silver items are relatively easily deformed and require regular cleaning. Otherwise, they darken over time and lose their attractiveness.

    Today, this list can hardly be considered exhaustive, because increasingly young people are choosing completely unconventional materials, such as tungsten carbide, titanium or even ceramics. Such jewelry is usually made to order. Their practical qualities may vary greatly, but a sense of exclusivity is virtually guaranteed, which is exactly what many couples looking to get married want.

    In addition, in jewelry stores you will probably pay attention to combination rings. For example, from white and yellow gold. Such options have recently become increasingly popular, as they can look unusual and original without compromising the durability of the jewelry and the ease of wearing it. Gems:

    A diamond (also known as a cut diamond) symbolizes the purity and sincerity of a marriage. According to Eastern beliefs, this gem gives its owner a happy destiny and long life, which is especially symbolic on a wedding day.
    Ruby is a red stone that is traditionally considered a symbol of life and love. It is quite natural that it is love - boundless, strong and unshakable - that this mineral symbolizes in a wedding ring. Ruby is also believed to ignite passion, help resolve conflicts and heal illnesses.
    Emerald is a gemstone with a deep green color and symbolizes strong, lasting feelings that are constantly renewed and do not fade over time. Emerald is also often credited with the ability to protect its owner from dark forces. . Sapphire, according to ancient knowledge, brings peace and tranquility, tolerance to each other, happiness and wealth to the house. It is believed that the connection of this gemstone with the prosperity of a young family is especially strong.
    Aquamarine in wedding rings helps to find peace and tranquility

    family hearth

    , which is what many women getting married want so badly. . Topaz and garnet are symbols of marital fidelity, the ability to carry your love through years and trials. . Carnelian is a mineral that brings happiness and tranquility.

    It is also important to consider how the selected gemstone combines with the metal from which the ring is made. For example, a diamond set in gold may have a dull yellow tint. Conversely, in jewelry made of platinum or white gold, the diamond has a much greater chance of showing its purity and transparency.

    Pay also attention to the method of fastening the stone, because if ordinary jewelry can only be worn from time to time, and its damage can be subsequently repaired, then the wedding ring is never removed, and any trouble associated with its integrity will immediately be attributed to bad omens. Thus, not the most best idea will buy jewelry with a stand-out stone mounted in an external setting. This format emphasizes the advantages precious mineral and draws attention to it, but is not very reliable during long-term use. It makes more sense to choose a ring in which the gemstones are set into the surface of the jewelry itself with minimal risk of them falling out or becoming damaged.

    Finally, don't forget about the price various stones. It’s easy to notice that diamond engagement rings, which are very popular these days, are much more expensive than their simpler counterparts. At this moment, it is worth carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of this choice, assessing how much it fits into your wedding budget. Perhaps the cool attitude of the groom towards the ring you have chosen is explained not so much different tastes, how much sincere desire to hold a bright and fading celebration.

    A few words about design and execution

    The choice of metal and perhaps precious stones is not everything. Even having decided on all the purchase parameters, a couple in love will probably be faced with the fact that the selection of wedding rings in jewelry stores is simply amazing. And this is not to mention the opportunity to make custom-made jewelry by developing its design yourself. That's why it's important to determine in advance the style that suits you. the best way, will perfectly match with other jewelry and decorations in the toilet. Don't forget about practicality, because not every ring will survive the test of time, detergents, accidental scratches and other very mundane everyday threats. Some types of decor that look so elegant on display very quickly lose their charm: they become dull, deformed and dirty.

    Nowadays, both ascetic smooth rings and exquisite products with complex designs are in high demand. But if in the first case everything is approximately clear, then in the second you will have to spend a lot of effort and time, because the wealth of decorative solutions is amazing. These include weaving, patterns made of precious stones, combined rings made of several metals, and openwork patterns on the surface. Perhaps the best option for you would be to get help from an experienced jeweler who can help you develop interesting idea and brilliantly translate it into wedding rings unlike any other.

    For example, more and more couples are ordering wedding rings with engraved inscriptions on the inner or outer surface of the jewelry. These could be memorable dates for lovers, beautiful phrases, prayers, or the name of your significant other.

    When choosing the most suitable style execution, it is important to pay attention to the shape of the fingers, because a correctly selected piece of jewelry can decorate the hand of its owner better than any other means. Here are the main recommendations of stylists in this regard:

    Those with long, thin fingers can consider themselves lucky because most options suit them when choosing engagement rings. Narrow rings 2.5-3.5 mm wide look best on such fingers. Wide models (8-10 mm), well-chosen in thickness and design, can also look interesting.
    For a large male or female hand, wide rings 7-8 mm wide are well suited.

    Of course, it is at the stage of choosing a ring design that future spouses may have some disagreements, because men are often inclined to favor classic options, while the fairer sex wants to buy more elegant, unusual jewelry. It is important to understand here that the rings do not necessarily have to be the same or even similar, because each piece of jewelry is a reflection of the individuality of its owner. On the other hand, even if wedding rings differ in style, it is always good when their design is connected by some detail or feature: a similar pattern, the same engraving, similar decorative elements, etc. In addition, it is recommended to choose jewelry made from the same metal, be it gold (white, pink or yellow), platinum or even silver. All this emphasizes the unity of the newlyweds, their common path in life, which really only begins at the moment when they put on each other’s wedding rings to the sounds of Mendelssohn’s march.

    ...And some more useful tips

    Finally, the long-awaited moment has come when the desired purchase is visible on the horizon: you have decided on the color, metal, style and design of the rings. But it is at this stage that you should be especially vigilant, because there is always a great temptation to get carried away by the beauty of jewelry to the detriment of wearing comfort. And if in the magical world of jewelry stores and the splendor of a wedding, small inconveniences go unnoticed, then after a while they will certainly make themselves felt.

    So, the most important thing is to choose suitable size. A store consultant or jeweler will probably help with this, but you shouldn’t blindly rely on the participation of a specialist, because no one knows you better than you. So, it is important to take into account that in the summer the fingers always swell a little, which is why the ring, which seemed “just right” in winter, can cause significant discomfort. On the other hand, you should not choose wedding rings “for growth”, because this sharply increases the risk of losing a memorable piece of jewelry. In addition, a ring that dangles on your finger does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Thus, in a jewelry store you need not only to choose the right size, but also to try on the ring correctly: put on and take off the jewelry several times, observing your sensations.

    Pay attention to another interesting feature of various jewelry that few people know about. We are talking about the internal profile of the rim, which can be flat (like most Russian-made rings) or rounded (like most imported rings). The second form, which is usually called "comfort fit", provides its owner with more high level comfort when wearing the product, because the ring cuts into the skin less during swelling, and subsequently the inner surface will be easy to sand if the inner diameter becomes too tight with age.

    I must say, this very thing “with age” is another question that it is wise to think about in advance, because almost every person’s fingers get better over the years, which may force them to go to a jewelry workshop to increase the size of the ring. Unfortunately, its stretching capabilities are limited and depend on two main factors: the presence of stones and the thickness of the metal. It is quite natural that inlaid jewelry excludes the possibility of rolling the ring: this will disrupt its fit. The internal diameter of such products can only be increased through additional polishing, and not in all cases. As for the stretching of rings without stones, the thickness of the rim plays a decisive role for them. Products with a thickness of 1.8-2.1 mm are considered optimal in this regard. And on the contrary, too thin headbands(1.2 mm) are easily torn and deformed even when stretched by 0.2 mm.

    Last but not least in this article (but not the least important!) I would like to advise: choose jewelry from reliable manufacturers or jewelry workshops with a proven reputation. Only in this way will wedding rings, so important and meaningful for any family, fully meet your expectations and not let you down even after years of a happy life together.

    So, there are a lot of recommendations, the choice of jewelry is almost limitless, but all this is not a reason to be discouraged. Treat the purchase of engagement rings as a pleasant, interesting, exciting adventure together, enjoy the purchase and make informed joint decisions - such as there will be many in a long and happy married life!

    Wedding rings are a symbol of marriage; no wedding is complete without them. Do you want to buy beautiful products that you won’t be embarrassed to wear on your hand? We will tell you how to choose them, taking into account the size of your finger, the decor of the product, and the material. Here you will also find a table of ring sizes that will help you purchase the most suitable model. In addition, you will learn what you need to pay attention to when trying them on.

    The wedding ceremony is usually preceded by an engagement, during which the young man asks for the hand of his beloved. This event is marked by the future groom giving the bride an engagement ring, which is traditionally worn by Orthodox Christians on the ring finger of the right hand until the wedding ceremony.

    According to traditions, the product should be decorated with a stone, ideally a diamond, which symbolizes the purity of the bride and the power of love of her chosen one. In modern realities, the use of any stone that young people like in an engagement ring is encouraged. After the wedding, a wedding ring is put on next to it.

    Who should choose

    Wedding traditions say that purchasing a product is the prerogative of the groom. But you also can’t do without the advice and wishes of the other half. Therefore, it is better to choose jewelry together - this will help you purchase exactly the option that each of the future newlyweds dreams of.

    You need to buy rings on the same day and preferably in the same place, this is the key to the absence of quarrels and disagreements in a young family.

    If a couple decides not only to register their relationship in the registry office, but also to hold a wedding ceremony in a church, it is important to choose the right wedding rings.

    Traditions indicate that the groom's ring should be made of gold, the bride's - from silver. Fancy wedding decorations in this case inappropriate, you should pay attention to classic options, not abounding in scattered stones. It is necessary to choose wedding rings together, this will protect against disagreements in the family. But the groom needs to pay for the jewelry, then life together will pass in understanding and trust.

    Types of wedding rings - how to make the right choice

    Before deciding to buy wedding rings, you should decide which products you prefer:

    • Classic gold– ideal for daily wear. Such decorations can have a convex or flat surface. Their width varies from 3 to 6-7 mm.
    • Non-standard shape– will appeal to young couples who prefer extraordinary solutions. There are many options for such products - accessories in the form of a crown, flowers, openwork elements. Thanks to the patterns of notches applied in a certain way to the classic versions, the jewelry looks unusual and sparkles in the sun.
    • With rocks– attract attention and look expensive and luxurious. Often the decoration is decorated with one large precious or semiprecious stone. There may also be a scattering of small stones along the rim of the product. Trilogy rings with three stones are very popular. They symbolize the development of the relationship between spouses, from the emergence of feelings to love that has no end.
    • With engraving. It may contain phrases of declaration of love, the names of the newlyweds or the date of creation of the family.
    • Doubles- made in the same style, but not necessarily exactly repeating each other. The main idea of ​​such jewelry is the similarity of patterns, notches and shapes. Identical models without decoration are not very impressive, but they are comfortable.
    • From different metals– look original and stylish. They use different types of gold - yellow, white and red. A combination of silver and gold is also possible.

    You will definitely need it. On it they are taken to the “altar” so that the young people put jewelry on each other. We described how to sew this accessory yourself in a separate article.

    Are you not sure? We will talk about the traditions of Russia and the USA, Catholics and Orthodox. You will find out why they choose the ring finger, etc.

    One of fashion trends is . What inscriptions can be made on them, what to choose from phrases in English, Russian and French? We wrote about all this in another article.

    No less important is. Why it is needed, what it should be, how to wear it, take it off and throw it away, you will learn from this article.

    Signs you need to know before your wedding

    According to long-standing beliefs, wedding rings should be even and smooth. They say that if there are no inscriptions or beautiful carvings on them, then understanding and peace will reign in the family. Recently, there has been another opinion: jewelry inlaid with a precious stone gives a happy life in prosperity and prosperity.

    The best material for manufacturing is traditionally gold. But if you don’t have enough money to purchase such products, you can buy silver ones without hesitation.

    The products of both spouses should be made of the same metal and made in the same style, then there will be mutual understanding and support in the family.

    How to choose

    To choose a ring that will look perfect on your hand, you should consider several factors. One of them - finger shape and length:

    • Girls with long thin fingers It is worth paying attention to very narrow jewelry accessories with a width of 2.5 to 3.5 mm. Another winning option is products with a width of over 6-7 mm.
    • On long thick fingers A ring 7-8 mm wide will look good.
    • The elegance of narrow short fingers can be emphasized with decoration up to 3.5 mm wide.
    • Fingers of medium length and thickness allow the use of rings from 4 to 6 mm wide.

    Here are the tips of a jewelry salon consultant who knows a lot about choosing wedding rings:

    An important factor that requires attention when choosing an engagement ring is joint size. You should carefully choose the diameter of the product so that you can put it on and take it off without pain.

    No less important point - suitable decoration size. And if in jewelry stores you can find out by simply trying on the product, when individual production It’s worth contacting, She will help you choose them strictly according to your finger.

    In order to find out the diameter of your finger, you need to wrap it in a small piece of paper. Next it is applied to the ruler. Using the resulting number and a special table, determining the size of the ring will not be difficult. For those who make the mistake of choosing large products, here is what to do. You will find out whether it can be reduced and how to wear it so as not to lose it.

    Ring size table by country

    What to look for when trying on

    When trying on, you need to pay attention to the following points:

    • Jewelry inlaid with stone must have a channel fixation. With it, the stone is recessed into the metal, so it will not create inconvenience during everyday wear.
    • It is advisable to try on the ring at room temperature. It is also worth remembering that the size of your fingers may vary slightly depending on the time of day: in the evening your hands swell. Therefore, it is advisable to try on the product you like several times during the day in order to correctly determine the size.
    • After trying on a ring, you should spend a few minutes wearing it and make a couple of familiar movements with your hand to understand whether the jewelry causes a feeling of discomfort.
    • Pay attention to the sample on the product. 585 rings are not prone to changing color and shape, while 750 products are prone to deformation.

    Here's a video from practical advice that will help you make the right choice:

    On the day of choosing wedding rings, it is important to remember that this is not just another piece of jewelry, but a thing that will be with you throughout your life. Therefore, you should trust your intuition and purchase a product that your heart tells you. But who will buy it is not very important, why not make a joint choice?!

    Finding and purchasing an engagement ring doesn't have to feel like a scary, overwhelming task. With enough awareness of what to look for when choosing a ring, the experience can be quite enjoyable, especially when you add in the excitement and joy of asking the girl of your dreams to marry you. In this article, you will learn about the most important things to focus on when choosing a ring for your loved one. So, let's start with the first step towards choosing the perfect ring for your future bride.


    How to buy the best ring

      Take a look at her jewelry to get a general sense of her preferences. Choosing a ring is a tricky task; you need to find something that she would like, and at the same time, it should be unexpected. The best way to do this is to take a closer look at what kind of rings and jewelry she likes to wear. You don't need to be a jewelry expert at all. Just pay attention to these aspects:

      • style. Does she choose colorful, bright jewelry or does she prefer a discreet, ascetic and traditional style?
      • color. What color does she gravitate towards? Does she lean towards colorful options or keep her choices simple, preferring white, silver and gold?
      • bezel. The bezel is the metal that holds the stones. Does she choose silver, gold or platinum? Or is it occupied by flashy, more unusual designs and materials?
      • size. How big are the stones on most of her jewelry? Does she like small, discreet jewelry or large and extravagant rings?
    1. Use tips, as well as advice from family and friends, to get ideas for a potential ring to propose to her with.

      Even if you get everything right about the jewelry she has, many women have a specific idea of ​​what their ideal engagement ring should be. As you get closer to the main question, consider the following: Diamonds account for 90% of all engagement rings sold, but they are not the only option. Many people are disgusted by illegal “blood diamonds”, whose true value is quite low (but artificially inflated by companies), and the certain ordinariness of diamond rings, so they prefer alternative gemstones. Worth considering:

      Consider the "engagement first, ring later" option. When choosing such an expensive gift, it is better to first make sure that she will like it. More and more often, men propose without a ring at all or with a simple ring, and then they choose that same ring together. This way you will be sure that she will get what she wants. It also takes the pressure off of you and you won't have to choose such an expensive item yourself. Guys usually do not buy jewelry and are less susceptible to the tastes of their passion. Therefore, act together!

    Bezel selection

      Select the appropriate rim metal. This is the round part of the ring that is worn on the finger. It is usually made of gold, silver, or platinum, although other combinations of metals are also found. Keep in mind that metals rub and wear against each other, so you should wear items made of the same metal on adjacent fingers. Take a look at her jewelry collection to get an idea of ​​her preferences, and learn to identify the top three most popular metals:

      Choose a ring style that suits your partner, whether it's something fresh and original or something simple and traditional.

      • Even if you've decided on a metal, you still have options to consider regarding the base. Usually the variety of choices is simply impressive - from classic, simple rings to twisted, folded and other unique designs.
      • Do you want the base to be inlaid with stones or should it be just metal?
    1. Should it be thick so there are more stones/metal or thin? Think about the setting of the ring, or how the stone will rest on the base.

      The setting is the part that holds the gemstone in place. It may be "jagged" or "invisible". A setting with a stone socket and at least six prongs to boot is more practical to wear if the ring is worn during certain activities, although some women prefer it when the metal does not cover the stone too much. The correct choice of the ring as a whole depends on the choice of bezel size. One way to find out her finger size is to secretly take one of her rings that she often wears and ask a jeweler to determine the size; I really need to do everything quickly so that she doesn’t notice it’s missing. If you can't take the ring, try the following:

    Choosing a quality diamond for a ring

      Consider whether you want a clear or colored diamond. Diamond color varies greatly, but most people prefer white stones for engagement rings. Colors are graded from D (colorless and rare), and most diamonds good quality will be ranked from F to H. Although all classes from D to I are almost identical if you put them side by side.

      • In general, it is better not to choose stones of a color class lower than H. As they have a noticeable yellowness.
    1. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the stone. Since diamonds form naturally, there are minor imperfections in almost all of them. They are called "impregnations" and are caused by small impurities that were present when the diamond was formed, millions of years ago. The fewer imperfections, the greater the purity and the more light is reflected from the stone, causing it to shine. Naturally, greater purity increases the value. Perfect, flawless diamonds that have no internal or surface imperfections are very difficult to find as they are extremely rare.

      • The clarity scale uses F1 for stones without any flaws, VVS1 and VVS2 for very, very small inclusions, VS1 and VS2 for very small inclusions, SI1 and SI2 for minor inclusions, and I1, I2 and I3 for imperfect ones. diamonds.
      • Diamonds are examined under a 10x magnifying glass to evaluate their clarity, as minor imperfections are not visible to the naked eye. This means that there is a whole range of stones available even on a modest budget. If you see a flaw without magnification, think carefully before making a purchase.
    2. Don't forget about the practicality of the ring. If your girlfriend is a fan of the outdoors, consider purchasing a ring that can be worn while constantly being active. The higher up on the ring a gemstone is placed, the more likely it will snag on clothing, gear, hair, and the like, and the more likely it will become loose. Look for a low-slung ring for an active girl, and a higher-slung one for a fashionista or glamorous lady.

    Buying a ring

      Set a budget in advance. There is a tradition that a man should spend two months' salary on an engagement ring, but this is a stupid, baseless rule. You should buy a ring that you can afford without going into debt. Determine the amount you are willing to spend and go from there. A few ways to save money without sacrificing quality include:

      Choose a good jewelry brand and also pay attention to online resources. Choose a store where you feel comfortable and where the staff is pleasant and helpful. If possible, check to see if the jeweler is registered with a society, association or organization that regulates jewellers. Moreover, don't be afraid of online jewelry stores - you can save up to 100% compared to expensive online jewelry stores:

      • ask married friends or relatives to recommend good, trusted jewelers;
      • online jewelry stores such as James Allen, Harry George or Blue Nile can become good option, if you are ready for a less popular brand for a more affordable price. Make sure the jewelry house has a good online reputation before making a purchase by doing a Google search for "(online brand name) + reviews";
    1. Ask to include a certificate of authenticity and warranty card with the ring. It is worth checking the certificates to find out the place of origin of the diamond. They are usually included with purchases of stones larger than 1 carat. When purchasing a smaller diamond, the certificate can add a significant amount to the overall cost and you may have to pay a hefty amount extra to obtain it.

      • For more expensive rings, a certificate is simply necessary to confirm that the new stone will not lose its value.
    2. Insure the ring. It is highly likely that this ring will be the most expensive piece of jewelry you have ever purchased. It will be the same expensive decoration that your bride has ever worn. So that she doesn't have to part with the appraisal and insurance ring when she's just getting used to it, do this before you propose. Check to see if your insurance covers the loss of the ring, or get insurance from your jewelry store if they offer this service.

    • If your fiancée has a sister or close friend, take her along on your shopping trip as an advisor.
    • If you order a ring online, buy only the round setting. It will be difficult for you to notice flaws in other designs.
    • Consider designs with engraving, filigree, inlay, micro-inlay or framing.
    • Perhaps you will prefer another gemstone. A three-stone ring with a colored stone in the center and two diamonds on either side can make a pretty impressive engagement present. Rubies and sapphires are difficult to wear, but emeralds are more delicate stones. Moreover, these jewels are not as expensive as traditional diamonds. But still, the purity of the stone is important, and the color should also be bright and rich.
    • If your bride is close to her mother, then most likely her mother will be aware of her preferences.
    • Ask her about the ring, but not too explicitly so that she doesn't realize you're planning to propose to her. For example, pose the question this way: “What kind of rings do you like?” Never say something like, “If I were to propose to you, what kind of ring would you like?” It will be too obvious.
    • If you buy a ring without your girlfriend's input at all, she may not like the shape, color or other elements. Think carefully about this, as this is something she will wear for the rest of your life. life together. On the other hand, some girls may be disappointed if you propose to them without a ring. Ask the jeweler if it's possible to make an exchange if she really doesn't like your choice.
    • The most popular metals for engagement rings are white gold, yellow gold, and platinum. These metals are very durable and therefore great for jewelry that will be worn for many years.
    • Buy the rarer and less expensive stardust mineral, moissanite, whose optical qualities are even better than diamonds.


    • Buy insurance for the full value of the ring, or make sure it covers an amount that won't cause major problems if you need to replace something out of pocket. Consider paying periodic insurance premiums when purchasing a very expensive ring. You may also consider purchasing separate insurance for your ring if its loss would result in a disproportionate increase in your overall insurance premiums.
    • Don't be seduced by the idea that white gold or palladium is somehow similar to platinum.
    • Make sure your ring comes with a warranty.
    • Stay away from jewelry markets, pawn shops or jewelry centers in the suburbs, where the quality of the products often leaves much to be desired, and there are many scammers there. (Even so, many of these businesses are quite legal.) Do a little research before purchasing.
    • Remember that most engagement ring traditions were created by the De Beers Corporation (which was once a diamond monopoly) to increase sales. This also applies to the “two-month salary rule”.

    One of the most important jewelry in every person's life is a wedding ring. That is why his choice should be taken as responsibly as possible. Some couples choose wedding rings based on superstitions and superstitions, while others rely solely on their taste preferences.

    The Svadebka.ws portal decided to help couples in love choose wedding jewelry that will certainly not disappoint after purchase.

    What should a wedding ring look like according to signs?

    The tradition of exchanging rings appeared relatively recently, it is only a few centuries old. But this did not stop our ancestors from noticing a number of beliefs that left their mark on the choice of wedding accessories in the modern world.

    How to choose an engagement ring according to signs:

    1. Jewelry for the bride and groom must be purchased from the same store on the same day;
    2. The newlyweds' rings must be made of the same metal and in the same style;
    3. Traditionally, wedding decorations are smooth. Why should wedding rings be smooth? Our ancestors believed that the absence of stones and carvings on the ring symbolizes a smooth and trouble-free path for a married couple;
    4. As a rule, couples are advised to buy new wedding rings, however, if your grandparents were truly happily married and offer you their rings, you should not refuse such a gift, provided that the couple had a golden wedding;
    5. Under no circumstances should you try on your rings, either before or after the wedding;
    6. Yellow gold is the traditional metal for wedding jewelry. But if you don’t like this metal or one of the couple is allergic to gold, you can choose absolutely any material that suits you in terms of price and external qualities, for example, platinum wedding rings are a great way to emphasize the wealth and status of a newly-made family;
    7. According to signs, rings should be without stones. But in last years Diamond-encrusted jewelry is gaining popularity. This stone has already become a symbol of pure and true love, and also foretells a prosperous life together for lovers.

    But still, there is only one correct answer to the question of what wedding rings should be like: the chosen jewelry should be endlessly liked by both spouses! After all, the accessory will be on your hands for many years, which means it should not irritate you with its appearance or interfere with your daily chores.

    What determines the cost of wedding rings?

    When we enter a jewelry store, we see not only an amazing variety of engagement rings, but also a wide price range. Therefore, before buying jewelry, you need to decide on your budget. After all, buying rings should not drive a young family into debt.

    The price of the rings depends on:

    Only the future newlyweds decide which wedding rings are best to buy. To avoid unnecessary disputes and conflicts, we advise only the bride and groom to go to the store. The third-party opinion of girlfriends, mothers, and relatives can confuse a couple, and the purchased jewelry can ultimately disappoint. Therefore, trust only your own sensations and feelings.

    Where is the best place to buy engagement rings?

    The modern world of wedding services is very developed. This also applies to engagement jewelry, which is why the question of how to choose the right wedding rings is so relevant.

    Newlyweds of the 21st century can buy rings different ways, because the main thing is convenience and comfort during the purchase.

    Online store


    • Save time. Without leaving home, you choose jewelry taking into account your budget and your taste. And filters will help you choose from the catalog the most suitable accessory models for your needs;
    • The cost is lower than in real stores. After all, online platforms do not need to pay rent and maintain a staff of specialist consultants;
    • The ability to buy a ring in any city in the country or even order it from abroad;
    • You can find out how much gold (and other) wedding rings cost different designs, decor, weight and from different manufacturers;
    • Regular discounts;
    • Convenient ways payment.


    • Difficulty choosing a size. If you order jewelry from another city, then you do not have the opportunity to evaluate how the ring looks on your hand, whether it is comfortable on your finger and whether the size is appropriate;
    • Quality. Again, this problem may arise when ordering rings from neighboring countries or cities. Especially if you choose engagement rings with stones. When shopping online, no one can guarantee that all decorative elements will be in place.

    Jewelry stores and salons


    • Professional consultants. Experienced sellers will always help you choose jewelry in accordance with your desires and financial capabilities. In addition, you will receive useful tips care jewelry;
    • The opportunity to see the rings live and evaluate them appearance and try on as many jewelry as you need in search of your ideal option;
    • Regular promotions and bonuses for newlyweds;
    • Guarantee for jewelry inlaid with stones;
    • Walking distance, because jewelry stores are scattered throughout the city, incl. and shopping centers where brides love to walk.
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