• What should a pregnant woman's pulse be? Fetal heartbeat: when it appears and how you can hear it, normal and abnormalities Rapid fetal heartbeat at 37 weeks


    Monitoring the condition of the fetus is an important goal of examining a pregnant woman. It can be carried out different methods. Cardiotocography is the most common, painless and accessible method instrumental condition monitoring.

    Cardiotocography is a technique for assessing the condition of a fetus developing in the womb, which consists of analyzing changes in its heart rate at rest, during movements, and also in response to external factors.

    Equipment for this study - cardiotocographs - are available in all antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals.

    The methodology of this study is based on the well-known Doppler effect. The hardware sensor creates special ultrasonic waves that are directed into the body and reflected from the surface of media with different sound conductivity, after which they are recorded again by it. When the interface between media shifts, for example, when moving, the frequency of the created and received ultrasonic wave becomes different. The time interval between each contraction of the heart is the heart rate (HR).

    Why do pregnant women need CTG?

    Target conducting CTG- timely detection of deviations in the functional state of the fetus, which allows the doctor, if any, to select the necessary therapy, as well as choose the appropriate timing and method of delivery.


    No special preparation is needed for this study.. But to receive reliable results During the examination, the woman should be relaxed and in a comfortable position, without moving. Therefore, before the procedure, you should go to the toilet in advance.

    It is recommended to eat approximately 2 hours before the test and should not be done on an empty stomach. In agreement with the doctor, small snacks with something sweet are allowed during the procedure if the baby is in the sleep phase in order to activate it. To add to this, you can purchase sweet foods in advance.

    You should not take painkillers and sedatives 10-12 hours before the examination.


    During the examination, the expectant mother takes a position on the couch, lying on the right or left side of the body or half-sitting, leaning on a pillow. Special meters are fixed on her stomach - gel is applied to one and fixed in the place where the fetal heartbeat is best felt, the other sensor, which registers excitations and contractions, is placed in the area of ​​​​the projection of the right angle or the fundus of the uterus.

    The patient independently notes the periods of fetal movement using a button to register fetal movements.

    Monitoring is carried out for at least half an hour to obtain the most accurate information about well-being. This duration of the study is explained by the child’s frequent alternation of sleep and wakefulness phases.


    Unlike many other research methods, decoding CTG at 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 weeks does not have any significant age-related nuances. There is a slight trend towards a decrease in the average fetal heart rate from 32, 33, 34 to 38 weeks.

    Fetal movements on a cardiotocogram

    One of the components of CTG recording is currently actography - recording fetal movements in the form of a graph. There are two ways to assess a child's movements. The mother can independently count the movements of the fetus that she feels. Or many modern devices are capable of recording movements themselves using a sensor. The second registration method is considered more reliable. In this case, the movements appear on the actography graph as high peaks. The fetus moves almost constantly, except during periods of sleep. According to CTG data during 32.34, as well as 35-40 weeks of a normally developing pregnancy physical activity

    the fetus as a whole increases. At 34 weeks, there is an average of 50–70 movements per hour. After 34 weeks, an increase in the number of movements is recorded. Thus, from 60 to 80 movements per hour are recorded. The average duration of episodes of movements is 3-4 seconds. Gradually, as the fetus grows, it becomes more crowded in the uterine cavity, so closer to it it becomes calmer.

    In addition to the fetal heart rate and its movements, CTG can record contractile movements of the uterus, that is, contractions. The recording of contractions on CTG is called a tocogram and is also depicted as a graph. Normally, the uterus reacts to the movements of the fetus in it with its contractions (contractions). At the same time, a decrease in the child’s heart rate is recorded on CTG in response to uterine spasms. Contractions are the main sign of impending labor. Based on the tocogram, the doctor can determine the strength of contraction of the muscular layer of the uterus and distinguish false contractions from true ones.

    Based on all of the above, it is clear that CTG is a very important examination of the condition developing fetus in the womb, which allows you to obtain information about the state of the heart rhythm, movements and even evaluate contractions. Any abnormalities on CTG require a thorough cumulative analysis by a competent specialist to take the necessary measures that can save lives little man. All these properties make CTG an indispensable type of examination.

    The fetal heart rate must be measured throughout pregnancy. Some women are diagnosed frequently, others less frequently, but in any case, measuring the fetal heart rate and knowing its rate is simply necessary. The pulse rate, its rhythm and character change throughout the entire period of pregnancy, so it is advisable to divide 40 weeks into intervals.

    Fetal heart rate at 4-14 weeks of pregnancy

    Although the myocardium begins to contract at 3 weeks after conception, only at 6 obstetric week During pregnancy, you can hear your baby's heart begin to beat during an ultrasound. At this moment, the normal rhythm is considered to be the number of beats equal to the mother's pulse (about 83 beats per minute + - 3). During this first month, the fetal heart rate will increase by 3 beats/min per day. During this period, the gestational age of the fetus can even be determined by heart rate.

    By the beginning of the 9th week, the fetal heart rate is approximately 175 beats/min.

    Such a difference in indicators indicates the development of that part of the nervous system that is responsible for the functioning of internal organs.

    Fetal heart rate at 15-42 weeks of pregnancy

    During these periods, the location of the heart in the fetal chest, heart rate and their character will be checked using ultrasound.

    Your baby's heart rate will vary throughout prenatal period. The child is not constantly at rest: he moves, sleeps, yawns, etc. All these activities will naturally affect the circulatory system and heart rate respectively.

    It should be borne in mind that the audibility of the heart rate depends on the position of the fetus (pelvic, head), position (how the baby is turned), the nature of the mother’s abdominal tissue, etc.

    The norm in the second trimester is considered to be a heart rate of 140-160 beats per minute. A reading below 85 and above 200 is considered not normal and a diagnosis or disorder is made. ABOUT initial stage indicates an indicator above 160 beats per minute. When a child experiences an acute lack of oxygen, the heart rate drops below 120 beats.

    During childbirth

    If the pregnancy is high-risk, then the fetal heart rate is monitored throughout the entire period of labor. In a full-term pregnancy, 140 beats per minute is considered normal; in a preterm pregnancy, about 155 beats per minute during labor. During childbirth, the number of contractions of the fetal heart is usually monitored using auscultation (listening with a special tube with an extension at the end). Some clinics use special sensors.

    Fetal heart rate will be continuously measured during labor in the following cases:

    • in the presence of IUGR (developmental delay) of the fetus and chronic hypoxia;
    • if childbirth occurs earlier or later than expected;
    • multiple pregnancy during natural childbirth;
    • if epidural anesthesia is used;
    • if stimulants are used labor activity;
    • in the presence of chronic diseases in the mother (severe);
    • with gestosis.

    How is heart rate measured?

    To obtain accurate data regarding the fetal pulse rate, CTG, ECG, ultrasound and auscultation are used.

    Ultrasound of the fetus and its heart

    On early stages During pregnancy, a specialist will determine your heartbeat using a transvaginal sensor. Afterwards, the sound of the heart will be heard during diagnosis with a transabdominal sensor (the doctor runs it over the woman’s stomach).

    A "four-chamber slice" of the fetal heart is used to determine developmental disorders. Often it is heart defects that cause a decrease or increase in heart rate. With this “cut”, the doctor clearly sees 2 atria and 2 ventricles of the fetus on an ultrasound.

    If suspicions arise and the number of fetal heartbeats is not normal, additional research methods are prescribed.

    ECG (echocardiography)

    Held this method diagnostics according to indications, if abnormalities were detected during ultrasound: delay intrauterine development fetus, heart function does not correspond to norms, pathology of the heart structure or fetal development. With its help, you can check in detail the structure of the heart, the performance of all functions and the presence of blood flow disorders in all parts of the heart.

    For ECG, two- and one-dimensional images and Doppler measurements are used. The most informative period is 18-28 obstetric weeks due to the sufficient level of AFI.

    In addition to the referral after ultrasound, echocardiography will be prescribed for a woman if she is over 38 years old and has endocrine diseases ( diabetes) or cardiovascular (congenital heart disease - congenital heart disease, for example) systems. The gynecologist may also decide to conduct an ECG if during pregnancy the expectant mother suffered infectious diseases(especially severe) or she has children with congenital heart disease.

    Auscultation of the fetal heart

    In the early stages, this method is not used due to its ineffectiveness. But after 20 weeks, the gynecologist will definitely listen to the fetal heartbeat with a special tube (wooden, plastic or aluminum) during each examination. During the procedure, the expectant mother should lie on her back on the couch.

    Every week the doctor will hear the fetal heartbeat more clearly among the sounds of the intestines or uterine vessels. Often the doctor has to look for the most favorable point for using auscultation, because the clarity of tones depends on the position of the fetus, its movements and placenta previa.

    With the help of auscultation, you can guess how the baby is located in the womb. If the heartbeat is best heard at the level of the woman’s navel, then the baby is in a transverse position. If below the navel or on the left, then the baby is in a cephalic presentation. If above the navel - .

    It is important that the gynecologist hears the rhythm of the knocking. If the heart rate is without rhythm, then one can suspect hypoxia (in this case, the beat still becomes muffled) or congenital heart disease.

    Sometimes the doctor cannot listen to the heartbeat:

    • at or ;
    • If ;
    • with maternal obesity;
    • if the child is currently very active.

    CTG (cardiotocography)

    Approximately from the foreground comes quite effective method diagnostics of heart function - CTG. This method is good because it simultaneously records the functioning of the vessels of the uterus and the fetus. If the pregnancy is completely healthy and the doctor does not suspect any abnormalities, then CTG may not be performed on the pregnant woman.

    Procedure: to the expectant mother 2 sensors are attached to her stomach, with which she should stay for about an hour (sometimes 30 minutes is enough). CTG does not affect the health of the fetus or the woman’s condition in any way.

    Cases when cardiotocography is mandatory:

    • increased maternal body temperature (above 38-38.5 degrees);
    • there is a scar on the uterus after surgery;
    • a pregnant woman suffers from chronic endocrine or cardiovascular diseases ();
    • gestosis ( late toxicosis With );
    • or post-term pregnancy;
    • during childbirth, used when stimulation of labor is prescribed;
    • oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios;
    • Fetal IUGR ( intrauterine retention development);
    • Dopplerometry revealed;
    • During auscultation, the gynecologist observes a slowdown, acceleration of the rhythm, and other disturbances.

    If the fetal heart rate in response to uterine contractions becomes less frequent, this may indicate disturbances in the uteroplacental blood flow and fetal hypoxia. It is especially dangerous to reduce the frequency of contractions to 70 or less within 1 minute.

    Fetal bradycardia

    This complication is an abnormally low fetal heart rate, which is usually temporary. Symptoms of bradycardia: a decrease in heart rate to 110 or lower, as well as a slowdown in fetal activity, which can be seen on CTG.

    Bradycardia is most often observed during childbirth, when a woman is taking analgesics, synthetic hormones, and drugs that are injected into the epidural space of the spinal cord to relieve pain.

    Other causes of bradycardia include low blood pressure in a pregnant woman and umbilical cord compression. When the fetus does not receive enough oxygen, fetal distress occurs, resulting in a slow heart rate. When the expectant mother lies on her back, pressure is created that negatively affects a large blood vessel called the superior vena cava. This can slow down the flow of oxygen to the baby in the womb and lead to bradycardia. Many doctors recommend that women after the 2nd trimester avoid resting and sleeping on their backs; it is best to lie on their left side.

    Also, fetal bradycardia can be caused by autoimmune diseases of the mother, gestosis, and anemia. In this case, treatment of the complication will lead to normalization of heart rate.

    Reason this complication can also become birth defects development. These may be structural abnormalities that can be refuted or confirmed by ECG.

    Fetal tachycardia

    Fetal tachycardia is not common - it occurs no more than 0.5-1% of all pregnancies that have been diagnosed.

    Gestational age, duration of tachycardia, and the presence of cardiac dysfunction can help the doctor determine the nature of tachycardia.

    Tachycardia can range from simple sinus to various “tachyarrhythmias.”


    • on the maternal side: hyperthyroidism or medications taken;
    • from the fetus: intrauterine infection, hypoxia, fetal anemia, chromosomal abnormalities: trisomy 13 or Turner syndrome.

    Treatment: the long-term prognosis with timely treatment is usually favorable, tachycardia disappears during the first year of the child’s life.

    Oh yes, we almost forgot. It is impossible to determine the sex of a baby by its heartbeat, so don’t believe in old wives’ tales.

    Due to the tightness inside the uterus, the baby at 38 weeks of pregnancy becomes less mobile, although his movements do not stop. Movements become clearer, stronger and more active. However, pregnant women often note a change in the nature of their movements. Why is this happening?

    Often, expectant mothers notice changes in the baby’s behavior; movements either decrease and weaken, or become overly active. How dangerous are such conditions and when do you need a doctor’s help, what features should you pay attention to? First of all, it is worth remembering that in 12 hours you must feel fetal movements at least 10-12 times during this period. Periods of baby's sleep, when he hardly moves, and increased activity are acceptable - after eating, during rest, after consuming sweets, or when the mother is nervous.

    38 weeks of pregnancy: the baby is actively moving

    At 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, active fetal movement is hampered by the tight walls of the uterus. The fetus has taken up almost all the space in it, and now its movements are somewhat limited. However, he can actively move his arms, head and legs, which you and your loved ones can clearly feel by placing your hands on his stomach or looking at him. If the baby kicks a lot at 38 weeks, this may indicate an uncomfortable position for him, discomfort, or a lack of nutrition and oxygen. Often he can move more actively if he has crushed the loops of the umbilical cord with his body; by changing his position, he corrects the situation. If you have a very active baby at 38 weeks of pregnancy, you may want to talk to your doctor. An ultrasound is usually performed to assess the condition of the fetus; the developmental and temperamental features of the baby are often revealed even before birth. Such children are active during the day, but a 38-week-old baby moves most actively at night. In such cases, it is worth talking to the baby, stroking the belly and choosing the most comfortable position for you.

    However, if excessive fetal activity is detected at 38 weeks, it is worth getting examined by a doctor. Often, if at 38 weeks the baby twitches strongly, these may be the first signs of feto-placental insufficiency and deficiency of nutrition and oxygen in the fetus. Due to active movements he is trying to compensate for this condition.

    38th week of pregnancy: why the baby doesn’t move much

    The opposite situation occurs when the child does not move well at 38 weeks. In many ways, the decrease in the intensity of movements is associated with cramped conditions in the uterus and the temperament of the fetus itself, but sometimes this can be a sign of serious danger. If you notice little movement at 38 weeks of pregnancy, or the baby does not move for more than 6-12 hours in a row, immediately consult a doctor for an ultrasound. Such a sign may be a consequence of hypoxia or any pregnancy pathologies, which will require emergency delivery for the benefit of the fetus and mother.

    Fetal hiccups at 38 weeks

    Often pregnant women are worried if the baby hiccups in the stomach at 38 weeks. In this case, rhythmic movements of the fetus occur lasting from several minutes to an hour. There is no need to worry about this; this is a completely normal condition for the fetus. He swallows amniotic fluid, training breathing and swallowing movements. One of the versions why the fetus hiccups at 38 weeks is the training of the respiratory muscles for spontaneous breathing after childbirth, the diaphragm and muscles contract during hiccups chest, which simulates breathing air. This trains the muscles to properly coordinate the first and subsequent breaths.

    Fetal heart rate at 38 weeks: normal

    To assess the condition of the fetus based on ultrasound and examination, its heartbeat is determined. The fetal heart rate reflects its condition and blood oxygen saturation. Normal values ​​in this period will be 140-160 beats; when moving, the frequency of contractions increases, and when the child sleeps, it slows down somewhat.

    Heartbeats are assessed using a stethoscope, ultrasound and CTG; the deviation from the norm should not exceed 10-20 beats; if it changes sharply, the doctor will conduct additional examinations.

    A change in the fetal heart rate occurs as a reaction to hypoxia; with an acute lack of oxygen, the heart contractions first increase; with a long-term condition, contractions slow down. This must be remembered so that the causes of oxygen deficiency can be identified and eliminated in time.

    Heart rate (HR) is an important indicator that allows doctors to determine the health status of the unborn child.

    You can hear the fetal heartbeat already 1 month after conception, but at this stage it is impossible to count the number of beats without special equipment. Heart rate differs in different terms pregnancy. Accordingly, heart rate norms are determined by week.

    Heart rate measurement methods:

    • Ultrasound (ultrasound examination). The most common way to evaluate the size of the fetus, gestational age, condition of the placenta, etc. Using ultrasound, they listen to heart sounds, examine the structure of the heart, and identify anomalies;
    • auscultation. Involves listening to the heartbeat using a stethoscope. Determines the approximate heart rate, clarity of tones and presentation of the baby. Even a person without medical education can use the device, but it is effective only from the 3rd trimester. In some cases, auscultation is not possible. For example, if a pregnant woman is overweight, underweight or large quantities amniotic fluid;
    • Cardiography (CTG). An informative method that allows you to determine the baby’s heartbeat, oxygen starvation and take timely measures. The CTG device is equipped with sensors for uterine contractions and fetal movements. They record the activity of the uterus and examine the waking and sleeping phases of the embryo. The first CTG is performed after 32 weeks. The second is immediately before childbirth. In rare cases, CTG is performed throughout pregnancy according to indications;
    • echocardiography. It is carried out in the 2-3 trimester if heart defects are suspected in the fetus. EchoCG is an ultrasound examination that studies the structural features of the baby and blood flow.

    Taking care of yourself

    Fetal heart rate table by week

    The fetal heartbeat during pregnancy is checked for every woman registered. This indicator allows you to:

    • confirm the fact of pregnancy. After the first delay, the woman is sent for diagnostics. According to ultrasound, from the 3rd week you can hear the heartbeat. If fetal cardiac activity is not observed, an ultrasound scan is performed again after some time. The absence of a heartbeat indicates a frozen pregnancy;
    • assess the condition of the fetus. The child's heart is sensitive to changes. Stress, maternal illness, the amount of oxygen in the surrounding space, sleep and rest phases are immediately reflected in the heart rate. If the heart beats too fast for a long time, the blood supply to the fetus is disrupted. If it is slow, this indicates a deterioration in the baby’s condition. Correction methods largely depend on the period at which the heartbeat became pathological;
    • monitoring the condition of the fetus during labor. During the birth process, the baby experiences severe stress and lack of oxygen. Heart rate monitoring allows you to identify difficulties such as umbilical cord compression, placental abruption, and take emergency steps to eliminate the consequences. During labor, the baby's heart rate is checked after each contraction.

    There is a belief that the sex of the child can be determined by the fetal heart rate. Allegedly, girls have a heartbeat of 150-170 beats per minute, and boys - 130-150. Therefore, many people think that if, according to an ultrasound, the fetal heart is 146 beats per minute, or, for example, 137, 143, then a boy will be born. And who will be at 167 blows, or 158, 172 - a boy.

    This hypothesis is not scientifically confirmed in any way. Gender can only be determined by heart rate with 50% confidence. Heart rate in boys and girls reflects the ability to fight the lack of oxygen. And gender has no influence on this ability.

    If you want to find out the sex of your unborn child, contact an ultrasound specialist. Gender can be determined from 15-16 weeks.

    The heart rate changes not only according to the baby’s activity phases, but also depending on the stage of pregnancy.

    • at week 7 the norm is 115 contractions;
    • on the 8th, the heartbeat can jump to 170 beats per minute;
    • at 11 weeks, the heart rate usually remains at 150 beats. Minor deviations up or down are acceptable.

    Starting from the thirteenth week, doctors constantly check the heart rate using ultrasound, checking the character and rhythm, location of the heart.

    From the second trimester, the contraction frequency stabilizes and is 140-160 beats. If the pulse is fast, for example, 170-180, this indicates oxygen starvation. If it is low, less than 120, this indicates fetal hypoxia.

    Observation by a doctor

    Monitoring the heartbeat is mandatory during childbirth, especially in the presence of any pathologies. The normal heart rate is 140 beats. But sometimes it can reach up to 155.

    Baby's heart rate:

    Thus, the number of 125 beats is the norm for the initial stages of pregnancy. At later stages, it is considered weak and requires additional examination.

    A pulse of 153, 162, 166 beats per minute is natural for periods of 11-40 weeks, for 4-7 weeks it is pathological.

    You can find out the sex of the fetus

    When determining the heart rate, the doctor evaluates not only the fetal heartbeat, but takes into account additional factors: the presence of a disease in the mother, listening time, whether the baby is sleeping or is in an active state.

    When the expectant mother wants to listen to the baby’s heart beat, it is not necessary to visit the clinic. The sound of embryonic development can be heard in the following ways:

    • stethoscope. A regular obstetric tube is inexpensive and allows you to listen to the baby's heart. A patient assistant will be required. It is important to learn to distinguish the heart from the sounds of the baby’s movements, pulse, and mother’s peristalsis. Effective from 18-25 weeks;
    • fetal doppler. Suitable for those, who do not have time to master a stethoscope. A portable ultrasound detector works on the CTG principle, but does not provide a graphic image. The kit usually includes headphones. This device is effective from 8-12 weeks, and you can use it until the 38-39th;
    • putting your ear to your stomach. The method is suitable for late dates, in the 3rd trimester. The place of application depends on the location of the fetus. If your baby is lying head down, place your ear below the navel. At breech- higher. Usually this method is used by men to hear the life emerging in the womb.

    Important seven-day periods

    The fetal heart is one of the first to form. His work is a special indicator of the development and general condition of the child. Therefore, listening is carried out throughout pregnancy and during childbirth.

    Regular monitoring of the heartbeat allows you to detect cardiovascular pathologies in the early stages.

    Pronounced myocardial work begins from the 3rd week, but the heart rate can be calculated from the 5-7th week using an ultrasound scan. At this time, the heart turns into a full-fledged four-chamber organ.

    In the early stages, a transvaginal sensor is used to listen to heart rate; already at 6 weeks, an abdominal sensor can be used.

    Waiting for a healthy baby

    When determining heart rate during pregnancy, the following indicators are important:

    • contraction frequency. Too fast heartbeat, up to 200 beats/min and above, or slow, less than 100 – these are pathologies that require examination and diagnosis;
    • character of tones. A healthy heart sounds loud and clear. Blurred and dull tones indicate a disease;
    • rhythm. Normally, the heart beats again at regular intervals. With acute and chronic hypoxia in the embryo and valve defects, arrhythmia is observed.

    Women expecting a child undergo 2 screening ultrasounds, which also determine the heart rate during pregnancy.

    The first test is carried out at 12-13 weeks, the second at 21 (some are carried out at 24), the third screening is performed at 32.

    Maintaining a good mood

    Using ultrasound, the size and condition of the embryo and placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, the place of its attachment in the body, as well as the normal heart rate of the fetus or whether there are deviations are determined.

    Starting from the 19th week, heartbeats are heard in a simple way- stethoscope. Auscultation is performed at every visit to a pregnant women's clinic.

    If defects are suspected during an ultrasound, echocardiography is used. It is done at 18-28 weeks. The method allows you to study the condition of the heart and the characteristics of blood flow.

    Indications for echocardiography are women over 38 years of age who have children with defects, diabetes mellitus or infectious diseases during pregnancy. Another indication is intrauterine growth retardation.

    At 30-32 weeks, a CTG is performed - a recording of the unborn baby’s heart is made. In the early stages, CTG is pointless, since the result will be difficult to decipher. CTG allows you to determine the norm at 32 weeks, namely 140-160 beats per minute.


    The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

    The 37th obstetric week of pregnancy is a preparatory period during which the mother needs to be attentive to herself.

    37 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

    Baby weighs this week 2.8-2.9 kg, his height 47-50 cm. The embryonic age of the fetus is 35 weeks. From now on, the mother needs to be prepared for the fact that childbirth can occur at any moment. This is especially true for those who are expecting twins or if this is not their first pregnancy.

    What has formed, what is happening, what does it look like?

    The baby's immune system receives immunoglobulin from the mother and accumulates its own antibodies necessary for protection in the first months after birth.

    The nervous system is at the final stage of development. A protective sheath is formed on the neurons of the brain and now the baby can consciously respond to the mother’s touch to the stomach.

    The head is still large, but this is necessary to make it easier for the baby to roll over into the correct position. For the same reason, the bones of the skull remain soft.

    Body hair gradually disappears, as it has fulfilled its function - protecting the baby from temperature fluctuations. Now subcutaneous fat copes with this task. The baby is still covered with vernix, which gradually disappears. But in some cases, children are born with it.

    What can be seen on an ultrasound?

    Most often, at this stage, an ultrasound is performed to determine the position of the fetus. Normally, it should descend with its head into the pelvic area. If a woman is not in labor for the first time, the head may not move down until delivery.

    Doctors also use ultrasound to determine whether there is any entanglement in the umbilical cord. On the monitor you can see how the child trains the sucking reflex - he takes his fingers, toes and even the umbilical cord into his mouth.

    Video: Ultrasound 37 weeks

    Normal fetal heart rate at 37 weeks?

    For all babies there is a normal heart rate - from 120 to 160 strokes in a minute. Deviations from these numbers may indicate heart rhythm disturbances.

    In this case, additional research is carried out:

    • Radiographic examination.
    • Ultrasonography.
    • Fetal echocardiography.

    You can also analyze the condition of the fetus using a Doppler study.

    What if the baby is born at 37 weeks?

    In this case, it will be considered full-term. In most cases, babies at this stage quickly adapt to external conditions. They can breathe on their own, and with proper breastfeeding, they learn to drink mother’s milk from the first days.

    In some cases, if the baby was born weak, he will need the help of doctors. He will be under close observation for some time. As soon as all indicators are normal and the baby gains the desired weight, mother and baby will be discharged from the maternity hospital.

    What happens in a woman's body?

    The mother's body is intensively preparing for childbirth. If the tummy has already dropped, it becomes easier for the woman to breathe and move around. Heartburn is no longer so intrusive. Braxton Hicks contractions are becoming more common. But there is a small percentage of women who do not experience them until after childbirth.

    Weight gain in last weeks pregnancy slows down. And just before giving birth, a woman can even lose 1-2 kg. The placenta has finally matured and is ready for the birth of the baby.

    Harbingers of childbirth

    Ideally, the baby should be born at 40 weeks of pregnancy. Despite doctors' predictions, labor begins when the child reaches full physiological maturity. Starting from 37 weeks, birth can be expected at any time. The likelihood of having twins is now particularly high..

    You can guess that this event is approaching by the following signs:

    • The closer the birth is, the lower the belly is.
    • Removal of the mucus plug.
    • A sharp weight loss means that excess fluid leaves the body.
    • Increased body temperature.
    • The occurrence of diarrhea and even vomiting.
    • Rush of amniotic fluid.
    • Pain in the perineum.

    It has been noticed that a day or two before giving birth, the mother has an uncontrollable desire to prepare a place for the unborn child.

    Changes in a woman’s body at 37 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

    Chest and abdomen of a woman at 37 weeks of pregnancy

    By this time, the tummy may drop down a little, which greatly alleviates the condition of the expectant mother. But the pressure on bladder, causing visits to the toilet to become more frequent. But this does not always happen; for some it may drop much later.

    In the vast majority of women, the breasts produce their first milk by this time.

    To avoid problems after the birth of a baby, it will be very useful for expectant mothers to study information about establishing breastfeeding. This is especially true for those who are expecting a child for the first time.

    Movements during pregnancy

    Physical activity in the last weeks of pregnancy may decrease by half. However, the mother should feel the baby's movements approximately once every 20-30 minutes. Absence of movements for 12 hours is a reason to immediately contact a gynecologist.

    Video: 37 weeks pregnant

    What can and cannot be done for a woman during pregnancy?

    If the mucus plug has already begun to come off, the mother needs to completely refuse intimate life and take a bath with caution. Such measures are necessary to ensure that microorganisms do not penetrate through the cervix to the baby.

    Now the woman needs to switch to a lighter diet. She still needs proteins and fats, but carbohydrates need to be limited. As in previous months, you should not overeat or indulge in too spicy foods. You need to choose foods very carefully, since food poisoning at this stage is extremely undesirable.

    A little physical activity will only bring benefits.

    37 weeks of pregnancy - how to understand that everything is fine?

    You can find out that everything is fine with the baby by his movements. They must be regular. Now, due to the fact that there is less space in the uterus, the baby does not move as often. This is normal and should not cause concern. An increase in activity during this period cannot be ignored. This may be a sign of fetal hypoxia.

    The main criterion that everything is fine with the child is a medical examination. During this period, it must be completed weekly.

    Popular questions about pregnancy - answered by a specialist

    Obstetric and embryonic period- what is the difference?

    Obstetric or gestational age is always two weeks longer than the actual age of the fetus (embryonic term). This confusion stems from the fact that doctors begin counting pregnancy from the very day when a woman's last menstruation began.

    Is discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy normal or a threat of miscarriage?

    On last month During pregnancy, the amount of discharge increases slightly.

    Light, translucent discharge is considered normal. They should not be accompanied by itching and burning. Discharge mixed with blood should be a cause for concern, or unusual color and consistency.

    Starting this week, the mucous plug may come out at any time. As a rule, it comes off in small parts. Its color can be pink or light brown, the consistency is thick and slimy. The removal of the plug does not pose any threat, but you need to inform your doctor about it.

    If at 37 weeks of pregnancy you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat?

    In order to hear the baby’s heartbeat, the mother will need to undergo more than one examination. If the heart function is not recorded, doctors diagnose intrauterine death fetus

    If at 37 weeks of pregnancy your lower abdomen feels tight?

    When the lower abdomen pulls, it seems to turn to stone - this means that the uterus is preparing for the upcoming event. Mom only needs to worry if she feels cramps that resemble pain during menstruation. This may indicate the onset of labor.

    The ovaries hurt or hurt at 37 weeks - reasons?

    Pain in the side is familiar to every pregnant woman. It is not associated with the ovaries, but with stretching of the muscles and ligaments that hold the uterus. To reduce pain, you need to try to relax and take a comfortable position.

    Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappears at 37 weeks of pregnancy, the nausea stops, I don’t feel pregnant; is there blood?

    If the pregnancy was normal before, perhaps the appearance of blood indicates the passage of the mucous plug covering the cervix. If bloody issues abundant and accompanied by pain in the back and abdomen, you need to immediately go to the maternity hospital.

    37th week of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

    If necessary, doctors carry out therapy aimed at improving the condition of the fetus and reducing contractile activity of the uterus. If you suspect premature birth, the expectant mother is hospitalized in the antenatal department.

    How to understand that amniotic fluid is leaking?

    Thin, watery discharge may suggest that the pregnant woman has begun the process of discharge of amniotic fluid. In this case, you should immediately visit a doctor for an examination. You can also purchase a test at your nearest pharmacy to determine the nature of the discharge.

    If your water begins to break, delivery will most likely occur within the next 24 hours.

    Is it possible to detect a frozen pregnancy at 37 weeks or does it rarely freeze at this time?

    You can guess about the possible death of the fetus by several symptoms. All signs of pregnancy disappear in the woman, no movements are observed, and the breasts return to their previous shape.

    At this stage, fetal freezing rarely occurs. Preeclampsia is a much greater danger. Without proper treatment, it can be fatal for both mother and child.

    Are ARVI, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

    It is very undesirable for the expectant mother to get sick this week. This will have a bad effect on her immunity, and as a result, childbirth may be complicated. Even a common cough can be dangerous, as it leads to uterine tone.

    At 37 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good...

    This improvement in well-being allows the mother to rest and gain strength before giving birth. Nevertheless, for the remaining time, you need to continue to follow the doctors’ recommendations, then the birth will be successful, and the woman will finally be able to hug her baby.

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