• How the fetus develops at 21 weeks of pregnancy. week of pregnancy, description of fetal development. What is formed during this period


    Pregnancy is an amazing period in the life of a woman who eagerly counts the days until the birth of her child and carefully monitors every week of pregnancy. During the 21st week of pregnancy, the woman’s sensations and the development of the fetus are significantly different from the first months, because during this period the expectant mother has the opportunity to feel the baby every day. 21 weeks of pregnancy or later obstetric calendar, the beginning of the 6th month, a special period in the life of both the woman and her baby, since toxicosis is a thing of the past, the first ultrasound examination has been completed, the hormonal storms have subsided, the woman is in excellent health. The beginning of the 6th month of pregnancy has its own characteristics, so every woman is interested in knowing what happens to the baby at 21 weeks of pregnancy and what changes occur in the body of the expectant mother?

    21 weeks of pregnancy – what happens in a woman’s body

    Throughout pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman’s body, and week 21 is no exception.

    Breast augmentation. A woman’s breasts, like her whole body, begin to prepare for the upcoming birth. Most pregnant women note that it is at 21 weeks that the mammary glands increase by 1 size, and the nipples become more sensitive. In almost all women, when pressing on the nipple, colostrum is released, which indicates that the mammary glands are preparing for the upcoming lactation. Colostrum release occurs at 20-22 weeks, or just before birth. Due to weight gain, the first stretch marks may appear on the chest.

    Discharge. The amount of discharge at this stage is slightly increased, this is due to the influence of the hormone progesterone. The discharge should be translucent or gray-white in color with a sour odor. In cases where the discharge is purulent, curdled or has a sharp and bad smell, you should tell your doctor, as this may be a sign of a medical condition.

    Swelling of the legs. Swelling in the legs at 21 weeks most often appears in the 2nd half of the day. The reason for their appearance is considered to be a violation of blood circulation, which occurs as a result of stress on the internal organs. In order to avoid swelling and increased fatigue in the legs, a woman needs to reduce the amount of fluid consumed, reduce the intake of salty and spicy foods, and also devote more time to rest.

    Increased hair and nail growth. Hormonal storms at this stage of pregnancy have subsided, but against the background of hormonal changes in the body, the woman begins to notice that her hair and nails are growing much faster, her facial skin has become cleaner and softer. Hair growth can occur even in undesirable places.

    Pain. Depending on the size of the uterus, a woman may experience minor pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back or navel. In cases where the pain is intense, cramping, accompanied bloody discharge, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. At 21 weeks, premature birth is possible, but unfortunately during this period the baby is not yet ready for life. Pain can be bothersome in the legs, but it is often caused by calcium deficiency in the pregnant woman’s body or venous disorders.

    At this stage of pregnancy, a woman needs to give up tight clothes and give preference to looser clothes. From the 21st week of pregnancy, a woman’s weight can rapidly increase, she develops a “brutal” appetite and various whims. Basically, the weight may increase by 6 kg. The tummy becomes rounder and more noticeable.

    Feelings of a woman at 21 weeks of pregnancy

    At 21 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother is already able to clearly feel the baby’s movements. Skeletal system The fetus has become stronger, so its movements are quite noticeable. During this period, a woman needs to talk to her child as much as possible, since he already hears sounds perfectly. The ability to feel the movements of the fetus brings unforgettable sensations to future parents. The general condition of the woman at this stage of pregnancy is satisfactory, but discomfort can still be felt due to the following manifestations:

    Heartburn. The cause of heartburn at 21 weeks of pregnancy is that when the uterus enlarges, the stomach rises up, which causes acidic contents to reflux into the esophagus, which leads to the appearance of this symptom.

    Dyspnea. As the uterus enlarges, all internal organs are compressed, the diaphragm rises, which can cause the pregnant woman to experience shortness of breath. That is why specialists in the field of obstetrics recommend performing breathing exercises, which will help normalize breathing. Breathing exercises also useful to a woman during childbirth.

    Constipation and bloating. Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract accompany a woman throughout pregnancy. At 21 weeks, a pregnant woman may suffer from constipation and bloating. To get rid of such unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to include as many fruits, vegetables and other fiber-rich foods as possible in your nutritious diet.

    Painful sensations. At 21 weeks, the expectant mother is often bothered by lower back pain. It is difficult for a woman to sit in one place long time, so they try to change position every few minutes. In cases where a woman is overweight and is soon preparing to become a mother, she is bothered by pain in the joints and spine. In cases where there is cramping, nagging pain in the lumbar region, you should consult a doctor, since such a symptom may be a sign of increased uterine tone.

    Sleep disorders. A baby at 21 weeks of pregnancy is quite active, so it often disturbs the mother’s sleep at night. The reason for lack of sleep can also be a frequent urge to go to the toilet, which manifests itself due to increased pressure of the uterus on bladder. If a woman before pregnancy preferred to sleep on her stomach, then at 21 weeks she will not be able to do this, which can cause sleep disturbances.

    Feeling hungry. During the 21st week of pregnancy, a woman develops a strong appetite, but in order not to harm her figure, nutrition must be correct and balanced.

    Emotional condition. Many women in the 6th month of pregnancy begin to lose interest in what they once loved, and self-confidence disappears. During this period, women become a little lazy and often panic. The cause of this condition is the same hormonal changes. The period of internal instability will definitely pass.

    A woman’s health at 21 weeks of pregnancy is satisfactory, and she is able to clearly hear the movement of the fetus, which brings great joy and unforgettable sensations.

    How the fetus develops at 21 weeks

    At the end of the 5th, at the beginning of the 6th month of pregnancy, the fetus is fully formed, its height from the crown to the heels is generally 26.7 cm, and its weight is 360 g. At 21 weeks, the child begins to actively gain body weight, which and explains the mother's increased appetite. During this period, the first fat layer is formed. The baby already knows how to swallow amniotic fluid and drinks about half a liter per day. It is from the amniotic fluid that the baby receives all the necessary nutritional components.

    Starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, the baby begins to hear, and his eyes are still hidden under his eyelids. Considering the enlargement of the uterus, the baby is very comfortable in the tummy, he has the opportunity to move a lot, and often changes his position. The baby spends about 20 hours a day sleeping and leaves only 4 hours for wakefulness, and even during sleep he constantly turns around.

    At 21 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal digestive system is formed. With proper development of the fetus, nutrients are well absorbed. It should be noted that not only useful material penetrate the baby's intestines. If a woman at this stage drinks alcohol or smokes a cigarette, toxins also reach the child and the consequences may not be the most pleasant.

    Taste buds are formed. Taste buds begin to appear on the child’s tongue, which allows the little one to distinguish the taste of amniotic fluid. That is why during this period, a woman’s diet should not only be healthy, but also varied, since the correct formation of taste buds depends on this.

    The immune system. During the 21st week, leukocytes and platelets are produced in the baby’s blood. Antibodies are supplied from the mother to the fetus, which will subsequently protect it from various infections. This type of immunity is called passive immunity.

    Endocrine system. At the 6th month, the organs of the endocrine system begin to function in the fetus, the main task of which is the production of vital hormones.

    Vestibular apparatus. Allows the fetus to move more actively and take previously impossible positions. 21 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus often moves, takes different positions, and is often wrapped in the umbilical cord, which the doctor will definitely note during an ultrasound examination.

    Urinary system. The urinary system processes about 450 ml of fluid per day. 21 weeks of pregnancy - what happens to the baby is interesting to every woman, so during this period she listens to the slightest changes and sensations in her body.

    The well-being of the expectant mother at 21 weeks is the best indicator, but according to obstetric protocols for pregnancy management, during this period the woman is required to undergo a routine medical examination. There is no need to take any special tests at 6 months of pregnancy, but standard laboratory tests of blood and urine are considered mandatory. In addition, during this period it is necessary to undergo a second scheduled screening ultrasound, which can carefully examine how the fetus is developing at 21 weeks of pregnancy, possible deviations and violations. Ultrasound examination is completely safe for both the woman and her child.

    An ultrasound at 21 weeks of pregnancy will allow you to get a photo of the baby, so in order for it to be clear, it is better to undergo an examination using modern three-dimensional ultrasound machines. Interpretation of an ultrasound scan of the 21st week of pregnancy allows you to record the following biometric parameters:

    • head circumference;
    • length of the femur;
    • abdominal circumference;
    • humerus length;
    • body mass;
    • height;
    • resistance index (IR) of placental vessels.

    At this stage of pregnancy, the placenta is assessed, the slightest disturbances in the development of the child or the risks of their development are diagnosed. Given the individuality of each woman, biometric parameters may deviate slightly from the norm. If the doctor saw on an ultrasound malpresentation The fetus should not worry, because before birth, it will change its position several times.

    Possible risks of 21 weeks

    The 21st week of pregnancy, like all other weeks, has certain risks that can harm the health of the woman and the fetus itself. Often at this time premature birth may begin, in which it is almost impossible for the baby to survive. It is considered a fairly common pathology low placentation during pregnancy 21 weeks, which is easily diagnosed by ultrasound, which will determine the level of the placenta, the presence or absence of low placentation. With this pathology, a woman may experience symptoms reminiscent of a threat of miscarriage. In cases where the placenta is located too low, at the level of the uterine os, the risk of its detachment increases, resulting in fetal death. The doctor monitors the condition of the placenta throughout pregnancy, starting from the 16th week, when its formation occurs. At 21 weeks there are other risks, but they mainly appear when any fetal pathologies are diagnosed or chronic diseases the woman herself.

    Mom's nutrition at 21 weeks

    Throughout pregnancy, a woman should monitor her diet, eat only healthy foods, and avoid unhealthy foods. A feature of the 21st week of pregnancy is considered to be the mother’s increased appetite, but you shouldn’t overindulge in food, as this can affect the functioning of the stomach, as well as add a couple of extra pounds to the young mother. At this stage of pregnancy, it is recommended to diversify the expectant mother’s menu. The menu should include fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy and dairy products, meat and others. Doctors assure that if a woman wants her child to love carrots in the future, at 21 weeks she needs to eat them in sufficient quantities. It is necessary that all products are natural, since starting from this period, the child independently swallows amniotic fluid, which contains nutrients from the products consumed by the mother.

    In order for the 21st week of pregnancy to be successful, the expectant mother needs to adhere to some rules:

    • Wear clothing that does not constrict or be too tight on your stomach.
    • Communicate more with your baby, because at 21 weeks he hears perfectly and listens to various sounds.
    • If you experience discomfort in the spine that is not associated with pathology, you can wear a prenatal bandage, which will help relieve fatigue in the spine and reduce the risk of stretch marks.
    • Proper and healthy nutrition.
    • Lack of physical activity, as well as all kinds of stressful situations.
    • Periodic visits to the doctor who is managing the pregnancy.
    • Follow breathing exercises which will help relieve shortness of breath and prepare for the next birth.
    • If swelling and fatigue appear in the legs, use special creams that are not contraindicated during pregnancy. Take more time to rest.
    • Sign up for a childbirth preparation course to help you mentally prepare for childbirth and motherhood.

    21 weeks of pregnancy, how many months is that? Sixth lunar. Almost half the term is behind us, but don’t relax! Your baby still needs care, so only healthy sleep, proper nutrition and following the doctor’s recommendations will help you bear and give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

    The first half of pregnancy is behind us. Week 21 opens the second half of this interesting and difficult period, filled with hopes and new feelings. At this time, a second screening test may be scheduled.

    Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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    Purpose of the survey

    Second prenatal screening, or rather, one of its components - an ultrasound examination, is carried out on any day between 18 and 21 weeks of pregnancy. Lab tests blood levels for hormones and proteins, the so-called triple test, are taken earlier - from 16 to 20 weeks. Thus, at 21 weeks, all pregnant women who did not have time to undergo this examination in the previous three weeks will be sent for an ultrasound scan.

    Purpose of the study - identify the risks of possible genetic abnormalities in the fetus. Ultrasound diagnostics in this process has a special role, its results significantly influence the overall conclusion.

    In addition, at 21 weeks, visit the ultrasound room future mom maybe for other reasons. Appearance pain syndrome, abnormal discharge for the period, ichor, emerging signs of inflammation, the emergence of a threat to the continuation of pregnancy - all this is the basis for an urgent unscheduled diagnostics condition of mother and fetus. An obstetrician-gynecologist may recommend an ultrasound if the height of the uterine fundus does not correspond to the obstetric period, if a woman complains that she suddenly stopped feeling fetal movements, although they were there before.

    Sometimes it becomes necessary to clarify the timing of pregnancy and determine the date of the upcoming birth.

    Preparation and features

    At this stage, the ultrasound examination procedure is transabdominal: the sensor is located on top of the abdomen, and the uterus and baby are viewed through the anterior abdominal wall. A specialist can use a vaginal sensor only if the view through the abdomen is difficult due to excess weight pregnant, obese, and also in cases where it is necessary to examine the cervix and cervical canal to assess the possible threat of termination of pregnancy at this stage.

    This ultrasound does not require any specific preparation from the woman. there is no need to fill the bladder, since the quantity amniotic fluid sufficient for good visualization, and intestinal gases, which had to be dealt with before ultrasound scanning in the first trimester, can no longer affect the result of the examination, because the uterus has grown and it is no longer possible to compress it with a swollen intestine.

    What can be seen on an ultrasound?

    The baby has grown and “formed”: his height is already close to 25 centimeters from heels to top, and his weight has exceeded 350 grams. The smallest babies at this stage are about 18 centimeters tall. A toddler with such parameters is clearly visible on any scanner, even if this equipment does not belong to the category of modern innovative technology. 21 weeks by obstetric standards - about 19 weeks from the moment of conception. During this time, the child has learned a lot and is ready to demonstrate a lot to his mother and the doctor, who will observe him for several minutes through an ultrasound sensor.

    The baby has perfectly mastered a variety of facial expressions; this will be especially noticeable if a 3D ultrasound is performed. He sucks his fists and plays with the umbilical cord. At this stage, hair begins to grow on the baby’s head, and the functioning of the digestive system begins to develop. The baby swallows about half a liter of amniotic fluid per day.

    At 21 weeks, the baby learns to distinguish tastes, since taste buds appear on his tongue at this time. The arms and legs are still moving somewhat chaotically, and this is easy to see on an ultrasound; coordination of movements is a task for the near future. The child hears various sounds; during the procedure, he can respond with increased motor activity to the unfamiliar voice of the doctor, to the measured buzzing of the equipment.

    21 weeks is a great time to find out the gender of your baby. If before this the doctor spoke uncertainly about the baby’s gender or it was not possible to examine the genitals, now the secret may become apparent. The uterus is still quite free, and the baby is constantly changing its position in space.

    It is possible that during the ultrasound the baby will turn around so that his external genitalia will be accessible for inspection.

    Decoding and norms

    The doctor's conclusion about the ultrasound scan always begins with determining the number of children. For each of them, the specialist sets vitality criteria - the baby must have a beating heart and be present. physical activity. The specialist also determines the type of location of the child in the uterus - cephalic, pelvic or transverse.

    However, for now a woman should not be upset by either breech or transverse presentation, because there is still a long time before the birth, the baby is constantly moving, and his position will change more than once.

    Fetal fetometry

    Obstetricians have a special attitude towards fetometric data - the sizes of individual parts of the child’s body allow them to get an idea of ​​how proportionally complex he is, whether he is growing and developing correctly. Such data includes abbreviations already familiar to a woman - BPR, LZR, OG and coolant:

    • Bipariental size - a visual segment drawn between the two temporal bones of the head,
    • The fronto-occipital size is a longitudinal segment from the frontal bone to the occipital bone.
    • Head circumference and abdominal circumference are two additional parameters that allow you to judge the development of a child.

    The length of the paired bones - femur, tibia, forearm and shoulder - important signs successful growth of the baby, as well as markers of possible chromosomal disorders.

    The table of average norms of fetometric indicators at 20-21 weeks is as follows:

    The table of norms for the length of paired bones at 21 weeks is as follows:

    The interhemispheric size of the baby’s cerebellum at this stage is approaching 21-23 mm. The estimated weight of the baby is already in the range of 350-420 grams.

    Anatomical features of the fetus

    All internal organs of the child are fully formed. Most of them are functioning in a well-functioning mode, some are just starting to work. An ultrasound examines the hemispheres of the brain, the presence and features, if any, of the lungs, organs of the urinary system - the bladder and kidneys. The heart must have 4 chambers and beat rhythmically and evenly. Since the gastrointestinal tract begins to actively work at week 21, The doctor carefully examines the stomach, intestines, and gall bladder. The spine and bones of the face and skull are assessed.

    If no visible defects are found, the doctor does not go into detail describing each organ examined and indicates that they are all normal and have no special features. If a defect is detected, the doctor describes in detail the type of pathology, the decision on additional diagnostics and possible treatment.

    In this case, all decisions will be made by the obstetrician and the pediatrician jointly.

    Placenta, uterus, amniotic fluid

    This week, zero degree of placental maturity is considered normal. This means that this temporary body, which is entrusted with important responsibilities - to provide the child with everything necessary, is quite young and successfully copes with its main task. If the doctor claims that the placenta is located low, do not worry, because the uterus has yet to grow, and along with the stretching uterine walls, the “baby place” can “migrate”.

    However, low placentation leaves its mark on daily life future mother - she needs to treat her pregnancy more carefully and carefully, take care of yourself, do not lift heavy objects, do not make sudden movements, take vitamins and visit your doctor more often than other pregnant women so that control is constant. Amniotic fluid at 21 weeks should be clean, transparent, and free of suspended matter. Their normal number at this stage is 143-214 mm.

    The uterine walls should not be toned, the cervix should not undergo changes, and the cervical canal is normally tightly closed.

    Possible problems

    There are several problems that can be detected by ultrasound at this stage.

    Fetometric data differs from the real period

    A slight deviation of the baby’s individual sizes from the average norms may not indicate pathologies of fetal development. The cause may be heredity: short stature parents will most likely be passed on to the child, and therefore expect from him long length not worth the bones. If the mother or father has a large head, then the child’s may be the same, and therefore the parameters of the head according to ultrasound will be somewhat ahead of the normative data.

    Such a deviation is considered alarming in which the deadline according to the tables is “shifted” by 2 or more weeks. If at 21 weeks the size of the head (BPR and LZR) barely reaches the indicators of 18-19 weeks, this is the basis for prescribing additional diagnostics, since there can be many reasons for this - microcephaly, malformations, genetic pathologies, oxygen starvation, insufficient nutrition of the fetus, developmental delay.

    An increase in size for 2 or more weeks may also indicate possible problems in the future, but other dimensions should be assessed. If the increase is proportional, and other parameters are also ahead of the standards, then we may be talking about a tendency towards the birth of a large or gigantic child. If only certain parts of the body are enlarged, a detailed investigation into the reasons for this phenomenon is required.

    21 obstetric week- this is the 19th week from conception - embryonic period pregnancy, as well as 21 weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation. It's time to determine the gender of the unborn baby and possibly make arrangements about it!

    Child sizes

    What happens to the child

    There is enough space in the uterus for the fetus to make free movements in its “house”: it bends its arms and legs, swims from the wall of the uterus to its opposite wall.

    All organs and systems have already been formed; in the future they will only mature. The digestive system functions almost fully. The baby swallows amniotic fluid, from which sugar and water are separated in the stomach, and the remains move through the intestines to the rectum. The development of taste buds on the tongue occurs and soon the child will be able to distinguish four basic tastes.

    Almost all of the baby’s endocrine organs fully perform their function. Hormones are produced by the thyroid, pancreas, sex glands, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands. At week 21, the spleen begins to function. Antibodies begin to flow from the mother to the baby, which will protect him from infections. This is the so-called passive immunity.

    The baby spends most of his time sleeping - up to 20 hours a day. It is interesting that, unlike adults, the child dreams most of this time. Scientists do not know what the dreams of an unborn child are like!

    What does a child look like?

    At the twenty-first week of pregnancy, the fetus no longer looks red - its skin thickens and acquires flesh color. The baby gains weight due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, it takes on a more rounded appearance, the skin becomes smooth and loses its transparency.

    The baby still looks thin compared to a newborn. At twenty-one weeks of gestation, he is very similar to an adult, but with a very large head. Very soon the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue will begin to quickly increase and his limbs will become plumper, constrictions will appear on the arms and legs. Eyebrows and eyelashes are fully formed on the face, the baby blinks regularly. The vellus hair on the head continues to grow.

    From this week, the baby will begin to grow actively, gaining weight precisely due to stored fats and further muscle development. He now weighs approximately 360 grams, is 260–275 mm long, and has a heartbeat of 120–160 beats/min.

    Fetal development

    • The internal organs of the fetus finish their formation by 21 weeks, but they are not yet debugged.

    • Almost all endocrine glands already perform their functions: the pituitary gland, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal glands and gonads.

    • This week the fetus develops a vestibular apparatus. Its purpose is to determine the position of the body in space.

    • The spleen comes into play.

    • The central nervous system (CNS) is improved and the child is awake during the period of activity and rests during the period of sleep.

    • The digestive system is so developed that the baby can swallow amniotic fluid, and the stomach, in turn, separates water and sugar from it and passes it all the way to the rectum.

    • Taste buds on the child's tongue develop; very soon the baby will be able to distinguish between sweet and salty, bitter and sour. (Attention: the taste of amniotic fluid has a direct connection with the mother’s nutrition. If the mother is fond of sweets, then the fluid will be sweet, and the baby will grow up with a sweet tooth).

    • Leukocytes are formed, which are responsible for protecting the baby from infections.

    • The kidneys are already able to pass up to 0.5 ml of filtered fluid, which is excreted in the form of urine.

    • All “extra” elements begin to accumulate in the colon, turning into meconium.

    • The lanugo continues to grow on the baby's head.

    Good to know
    An additional circle of blood circulation appears - the placental one, through which the placenta can pass up to 0.5 ml of blood every minute

    What happens in a woman's body

    The uterus increases in size, the height of its fundus is located 1–2 cm above the navel. It increasingly pushes aside the internal organs: the intestines become even more “lazy”, the lungs rise upward and slight shortness of breath may already appear.

    These days you will probably feel quite comfortable. Indeed, the current period may be the most enjoyable of your entire pregnancy. Your belly is not yet big enough to make your life very difficult, and ailments often accompanying pregnancy, such as nausea, frequent urination and fatigue are mostly behind us. Try to relax and get the most out of your condition while you can.

    The current period can safely be called the peak of narcissism for the expectant mother. You look great and you probably enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror often. Little things like skin pigmentation, a growing belly and a missing waist should not upset you. Women at this stage are pleased with the state of beautiful silky hair, velvety skin and large, plump breasts.

    Previously, the baby’s movements were very weak, but now you will fully feel how he changes position, somersaults and touches the walls of the uterus. Now all his movements are meaningful. If the baby's movements have become very active, then gently stroke the belly with your hands, sing a song or talk to him.

    It is believed that at 21 weeks of pregnancy the baby already makes approximately 200 movements per day. True, the vast majority of them are not felt by the expectant mother, recording only about 15 movements of the baby per day.

    Your chest has noticeably plumped up. The size has increased. It is possible that colostrum has begun to be released.

    Good to know

    There is no need to worry if there is no discharge from the mammary glands throughout pregnancy. This is normal and will not affect how you can feed your baby after birth.

    From this period, rapid weight gain begins and appetite increases significantly. The unborn child needs more nutrients - he gains fat mass. By 21 weeks of pregnancy, you could have gained an additional 4.5 to 6.5 kg. Although most women gain about 500g per week, it is worth noting that the gain may be slightly more one week and slightly less the next. The key is to maintain overall body weight consistently.

    A woman’s legs may swell, especially if she spends all day on her feet and drinks a lot of fluids. If the swelling is constant, you need to tell your doctor about it.

    The volume of blood circulating in the body increases by an average of 35% relative to the norm for the average non-pregnant woman.

    Some expectant mothers may experience heartburn. It occurs because the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach, displacing it upward from its usual position. This leads to the reflux of its acidic contents into the esophagus, which provokes unpleasant sensations.

    Pregnant women may notice that the skin on the sides has become very itchy. The reason is its stretching due to the growth of the tummy.

    Normal discharge now will be somewhat more liquid than before, transparent or light whitish, with a subtle sour odor.


    Your tummy has risen just above your navel, and it is clearly visible. At this time, it is not recommended to squeeze it with tight clothes; it’s time to get a comfortable and stylish wardrobe!

    If itching occurs, try not to scratch the skin, as scratches can easily become inflamed. Buy a cream or lotion that soothes and moisturizes your skin. There are also special creams for pregnant women that help prevent the appearance of stretch marks. They can be bought at the pharmacy. If the itching persists, visit your doctor. It may be associated with liver dysfunction and additional examination will be required.

    If you have heartburn, avoid fried, heavily spiced, marinated and smoked foods. Also avoid sour fruits and drinks, and don't drink sparkling water. Try not to lean forward immediately after eating. If heartburn occurs before bed, place another pillow under your head. If you do not feel relief, consult your doctor.

    In case of prolonged constipation, hemorrhoids may appear. The solution to this problem will be special suppositories - ask your doctor for advice! Don't spend a lot of time in sitting position.

    At 21 weeks of pregnancy, you may feel cramps in your calf muscles. They can be caused by many factors: deficiency of microelements, primarily magnesium and calcium, vitamins D and B6; iron deficiency anemia is often a predisposing factor in their occurrence.

    Leg cramps in pregnant women are caused by a sudden contraction of the calf muscles located on the back of the lower leg. Cramps are accompanied by painful sensations in the muscles, and the inability to bring the pulled toe of the foot towards oneself through an effort of will. More often, this condition occurs in the evening or at night while lying down. At the cellular level, this process is associated with an increase in the excitability of muscle cells, due to which muscle contraction occurs.

    Magnesium deficiency is one of the causes of calf muscle cramps, which is associated with an increased need for this microelement during pregnancy, especially against the background of previous pathological conditions, for example, prolonged emotional stress, diseases of the digestive system. Magnesium deficiency also occurs with increased excretion of this element from the body due to vomiting, diarrhea, and diabetes. The need for magnesium during pregnancy increases due to an increase in circulating blood volume, fetal and uterine growth. After all, by the end of pregnancy her weight reaches 1 kg versus 100 g of the non-pregnant uterus. Magnesium and pyridoxine are closely related. As a rule, a deficiency of this microelement is accompanied by insufficient levels of vitamin B6 in the body.

    The highest magnesium content is observed in fresh fruit, vegetables, parsley, dill, green onions. When canning, drying, drying, the concentration of the mineral decreases slightly, but it is much less absorbed in the body. Therefore, magnesium deficiency is less common in summer than in cold periods.

    The concentration of magnesium is high in fish and seafood. Pyridoxine is found in large quantities in unrefined cereal grains, vegetables, fish, meat, milk, cattle and cod liver, and egg yolk.

    Calcium is another microelement, the insufficient content of which is common cause cramps of the calf muscles. Calcium plays a key role in protein, mineral, energy, and fat metabolism. It is necessary for the processes of transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, activity of the heart muscle, formation of bone tissue, and blood clotting. Calcium is absorbed in the body only in the presence of magnesium. During pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, the need for this macroelement increases 2-3 times, because it is involved in the formation of fetal bone tissue. Therefore, if there is insufficient intake from food, it is “washed out” from the bones. Some foods, such as those containing caffeine, and iron supplements slow down the absorption of calcium.

    Good to know

    To alleviate the condition during cramps, it helps to rub the calf muscles and massage them with your hands in the direction from the periphery to the center with kneading movements directly during an attack, as well as bringing the toes of the clamped foot towards you with your hands. After the pain subsides, you should walk around.

    For swelling of the legs - A woman needs to rest in a lying position several times a day; at these moments it is advisable to place her legs on a cushion to eliminate swelling. The expectant mother needs to give up heels and give preference comfortable shoes on a low, stable sole, so as not to provoke swelling and eliminate leg fatigue.

    Choosing a sleeping position can also be a problem. The choice is no longer great - you won’t be able to sleep on your stomach, and when you fall asleep on your back, the large uterus puts pressure on the abdominal aorta and can lead to loss of consciousness. All that remains is the position on the side, which can be improved with a special pillow for pregnant women, or several small sofa pillows.

    Take proper care of your mouth. Here are tips to help you take care of your teeth.

    • Exactly this best time to pay attention to the condition of the teeth. Don't let sensitive and bleeding gums stop you from brushing, flossing, and caring for your teeth.

    • Switch to a soft toothbrush and make regular visits to your dentist, but tell him or her that you are pregnant.

    • You are more prone to gingivitis during pregnancy, so be careful when flossing.

    • Choose toothpaste with fluoride and avoid eating sugary snacks if you can't brush your teeth between meals. Your teeth and your post-pregnancy waistline will thank you.

    At 21 weeks, a woman usually feels well, there is no threat to bearing a child, so you should not refuse sex. We must not forget that everything is good in moderation, complex positions are no longer for you, as well as deep penetrations and rough sex. And pleasant emotions will benefit the child. If you feel unwell or there is a risk of pregnancy, you should refuse sex.

    Not every pregnant woman has the opportunity to attend a gym, swimming pool or “School for Expectant Mothers”. But absolutely every expectant mother can afford daily walking, which is also a good physical activity that tones a woman’s body. You can go for a walk in the evening, before going to bed. Walking is a reason to be alone with your husband, to talk about something important and sincere. Every evening, an expectant mother in mid-pregnancy can walk about 4 km.


    At 21 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is not that high compared to previous weeks. But still, if the pregnancy is difficult, with problems, then you need to always be stricter, following the rules that protect you and the baby.

    Isthmic-ecclesiastical insufficiency. This complication is most often inherent in women who have previously suffered abortions or traumatic births and the cervix or isthmus of the uterus was injured. As a result, during pregnancy, she is simply unable to hold the fetus, which leads to the end of the pregnancy. The most dangerous period for this disease should be considered 16–18 weeks, because it is at this time that pregnancy can be terminated. In order to save yourself from such a disastrous outcome, contact a specialist so that he can put stitches on the cervix, or prescribe the treatment necessary based on the examination results.

    Pay attention to abdominal pain. During a normal pregnancy, there should be no pain!

    Good to know

    Pain always signals that something is wrong with the body. Therefore, a woman should be extremely attentive to any painful sensations that appear not only in the abdomen, but also in other parts of the body.

    When there is a threat of miscarriage, the pain is special, it cannot be confused with anything. The pain begins in the lower back and slowly descends like a hoop into the abdominal area, while an increased tone of the uterus is noted - it becomes very hard. Brown discharge indicates that the process has gone too far; you may also stop feeling the movements of the fetus. Unfortunately, at 21 weeks the level of fetal development is still insufficient for nursing in the event of premature birth, but in literally a month, the child will be mature enough to survive extrauterinely, with the modern level of medicine. A timely visit to the gynecologist, even if nothing bothers you, is mandatory for any patient, especially if there have been gynecological problems, abortions or miscarriages in the past.

    There are a number of reasons that cause premature birth: genital tract infections, problems with the placenta, cervical insufficiency. However, doctors cannot always say what caused the baby to come out prematurely. You still need to know the signs of premature birth and how to behave when they appear.

    • uterine contractions with a frequency of 5 times per hour or more,

    • discharge of scarlet blood from the genital tract,

    • swelling or swelling of the face or hands, signs of preeclampsia,

    • pain during urination,

    • acute or prolonged abdominal pain (a sign of preeclampsia),

    • acute or continuous vomiting, diarrhea (a sign of preeclampsia),

    • sudden discharge of clear, watery fluid from the genital tract,

    • monotonous aching pain in the back (lower back),

    • strong pressure in the lower pelvis.

    Good to know
    After the 20th week, the likelihood of gestosis (a complication of the second half of pregnancy) is especially high, so you should pay attention to monitoring your well-being. If you have swelling in your legs, increased blood pressure, or frequent headaches, be sure to tell your gynecologist about it.


    This week you will most likely receive the results of your skinning tests. They will be assessed by a special program that combines the indicators of all markers (free estriol, AFP, hCG) into one image. Markers cannot be assessed separately.

    Doctors will not lose sight of the woman’s age, state of health, weight, hereditary factors, number of fetuses and much more.


    It is a mandatory examination method and is prescribed to clarify the condition of the fetus and exclude pathology.

    At 21 weeks it is probably possible to determine the sex of the baby.

    A significant lengthening of the lower limbs becomes noticeable, due to which the baby takes on a more proportional appearance.

    All internal organs are examined to exclude possible pathology in them. The fetal heart rate, its motor activity, respiratory movements, the ratio of all these indicators to each other, and size are assessed.

    An ultrasound diagnostic doctor evaluates the size of the uterus, the location of the placenta, blood circulation in it, the amount and transparency of amniotic fluid, and the condition of the cervix.

    At this time, parents can ask to take the first photo of the baby.

    Fetal dimensions during ultrasound examination at 21 weeks of gestation

    • Biparietal size - the size between the temporal bones is 46–56 mm.

    • Fronto-occipital size 60–71 mm.

    • Head circumference 165–200 mm.

    • Abdominal circumference 136–177 mm.

    • Femur 32–40 mm.

    • Humerus 29–37 mm.

    • Forearm bones 24–32 mm.

    • Tibia bones 29–37 mm.

    Possible pathologies

    When performing an ultrasound, the doctor evaluates the presence of malformations of the child: heart problems, 2 vessels in the umbilical cord instead of three, congenital cystic formations in tissues, abnormal structure of organs, and much more. In addition, the study can provide information about low attachment, detachment, premature aging placenta, presence of fetoplacental insufficiency, etc. The possibilities of ultrasound diagnostics at 21 weeks are already so great that the method allows you to determine almost any of the possible violations course of pregnancy and fetal development.

    If any sign of trouble is identified, the patient should consult a specialist; in addition, after a few weeks, she will undergo another ultrasound to monitor the dynamics.

    At the 21st obstetric week, it’s time to start acquiring useful knowledge that will help you easily get through the next four months of pregnancy, but they will not be easy. Read about this and much more in our material.

    This week, mommy is actively gaining weight - an increase of 5-6 kg is considered the norm. The baby is already actively moving, the woman not only feels it, but also sees it - through the stomach you can see how the baby begins to move and makes pushes.

    During this period, pregnant women experience shortness of breath, this is due to pressure on the diaphragm. Experts recommend walking more fresh air, and at home take a comfortable position. If you have heartburn, you should not use heavy medications or soda; it is best to change your diet, eat small portions, but often. It is better to fight heartburn not with medication, but with the help of proper nutrition so as not to harm the baby. If you feel unbearable heartburn, consult a doctor.

    Due to the increase in the child, and therefore the abdomen, the load on the woman’s back also increases. Therefore, it may hurt in the back area.

    At 21 weeks of pregnancy, a woman actively becomes prettier, a blush appears on her face, and her hair acquires a special shine, strength and thickness. But this can also cause problems: gums often bleed and the nose gets stuffy.

    In addition, during this period, a woman may experience false contractions, which studies call Breston-Hicks contractions. They do not harm the body of either the mother or the child. This way the body prepares for real contractions.

    The 21st obstetric week is characterized by the fact that mothers may experience mood swings more often. They can feel both tender emotions and emptiness at the same time. This phenomenon often prevents you from focusing on important things, but you shouldn’t worry. Anxiety for your child or your life may also appear for no reason. And this is where maternal instincts begin to work against the background of hormonal surges. Often, such sensations can be overcome with physical activity or active walks in the fresh air.

    Description of pregnancy by week: changes in the body

    During this period, the baby’s body has almost formed, so now it begins to actively grow and gain weight. In this regard, the pregnant woman will get tired faster.

    Changes occur in a woman’s body: due to the fact that the child takes up more and more space in the abdomen, internal organs begin to shift and change position. For example, the bladder and intestines are pushed a little to the side. Such processes should not cause pain or other discomfort in the mother, but frequent urination and constipation may occur.

    The heart muscle becomes heavier, this is due to the fact that blood volume increases by 35%.

    A woman's uterus becomes enlarged, which can cause pelvic discomfort.

    At 21 weeks, swelling may appear and the size of the leg may increase. Most mothers' hair is actively growing, their legs are becoming stronger, and their skin takes on a ruddy tint.

    In addition, the woman's breasts also increase in size, and colostrum may be released from the nipples. But you can’t squeeze it out; you just need to wipe it with a clean napkin, or you can use specialized pads.

    Stretch marks may appear in areas of enlargement (abdomen, breasts, hips), but not everyone has them. The main reason for their appearance is poor skin elasticity, hormonal changes and hereditary predisposition.

    Active changes also occur in the fetal body. His skin is almost formed, but there are still many folds on his body. But you shouldn’t worry, the more your baby grows, the more his skin will stretch.

    Eyebrows and eyelashes form on the face, and the rudiments of teeth appear in the mouth.

    The formation of the child’s insides is almost complete; all that remains is to establish the correct functioning of the system:

    1. The endocrine system has already appeared and has begun to work actively;
    2. The spleen also begins its activity during this period;
    3. The nervous system now distinguishes between periods of sleep and wakefulness of the child;
    4. The digestive system has improved its functioning by 21 weeks. There may be consumption of the mother's amniotic fluid, from which the child takes useful substances;
    5. Taste buds appear on the tongue, the baby is able to taste the amniotic fluid;
    6. Leukocytes are produced in the blood, which are designed to protect the child from various infections;
    7. The first hair appears on the baby’s head.

    Some women notice that the 21st week of pregnancy has already arrived, but there is no movement in the stomach. This process should be monitored very carefully. Low activity is normal, but if you move too actively, you should consult a specialist. This may indicate oxygen starvation of the child.

    At 21 weeks, the baby’s weight reaches 800 grams and its size is 25 cm.

    Having twins makes a big difference appearance pregnant woman, namely, it affects her weight and size. If the belly with one baby is not yet so noticeable, then if you have twins, it is already so easy to hide the pregnancy.
    A woman with twins should be more careful about her health and monitor the progress of her pregnancy more closely.

    Tummy 21 weeks pregnant: pain

    At this stage of pregnancy, pain in the lower pelvis may occur. If it is episodic in nature, then there is nothing wrong with it - such a phenomenon is considered the norm.

    For pelvic pain that feels like contractions, it is better to sit down and relax. This is due to increased uterine tone. Unpleasant sensations may extend to the lower back. This phenomenon should not be ignored: an active increase in uterine tone can lead to premature birth. If the pain does not go away in the pelvic region for several hours, then you need to consult a doctor.

    By this period, it is necessary to undergo a second screening test. Using screening, the doctor can find out the coccygeal-parietal size, head volume, hip volume and other indicators. During screening, the height and weight of the fetus are determined, as well as whether these parameters correspond to the norm.

    During this period of pregnancy, specialists determine the condition of the mother’s placenta. Its development may be disrupted. This pathology is called low placentation during pregnancy. Also, the doctor must evaluate the amount of amniotic fluid.

    Deciphering an ultrasound at 21 weeks of pregnancy allows you to determine the quality of the baby’s heartbeat and placentation. For example, over 180-190 beats per minute may indicate oxygen starvation of the baby.

    What to do with oligohydramnios

    A woman may suffer from oligohydramnios due to infection, as well as due to carrying twins. Typically, this problem is discovered when a doctor examines pregnancy in the early stages.

    Oligohydramnios has the following symptoms:

    • reduction in the size of the uterus;
    • moving the baby causes pain;
    • pain in the pelvic region;
    • constant weakness, nausea and dry mouth.

    The presence of oligohydramnios can lead to serious consequences, including abortion.

    21st obstetric week of pregnancy: what can harm

    Although the protection of children in the belly of a pregnant mother from external factors very high quality, there is still a risk of harming the unborn child. So, there are substances that can cause pathologies during fetal development:

    • nicotine;
    • alcohol, alcohol;
    • narcotic substances;
    • sulfonamides;
    • antibiotics;
    • various hormones.

    21 weeks of pregnancy: presence of discharge

    This stage is different heavy discharge, but they should not differ significantly from those that were previously. The norm is considered to be white or milky in color with a neutral odor. If, during the discharge, you observe strange colors, for example, green or brown, or pain appears, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

    A bad sign when there is a discharge with blood and mucus in the background pain. This may indicate a miscarriage, and also significantly affect the formation of the child.

    Is it possible to have abortions (possibility of termination of pregnancy)

    During this period, doctors do not recommend having an abortion, that is, terminating the pregnancy. After all, at 22 weeks the child is almost fully formed, he has acquired the abilities to feel, hear and see. In addition, abortion can greatly harm your health.

    But there are several reasons for interrupting:

    1. medical indicators;
    2. pregnancy due to rape.

    At the same time, women must be prepared for the consequences of abortion:

    • severe inflammation of the cervix;
    • endometrium;
    • uterine incompetence;
    • ovarian dysfunction;
    • The cervix can also be severely damaged.

    In addition, you should know that under no circumstances can you terminate a pregnancy without a preliminary examination. Based on a short consultation, the doctor cannot refer the woman for the procedure.

    21st week of obstetric pregnancy: nutritional rules

    During this period, it is very important to diversify your diet, eat foods that are rich in various vitamins.

    A woman should increase the calorie content of her food, because the baby is actively growing, and therefore more energy is required from the mother.

    Very salty, spicy, fatty, smoked foods should be excluded. This can negatively affect your health, such as causing heartburn.

    Fetal presentation

    This period has not yet been determined. This usually occurs at the end of the third trimester. When the baby is breech, the doctor will know how the baby will progress at the time of birth.

    21 weeks of pregnancy what happens to the baby and mother, what sensations does the woman experience? Pregnancy 21 weeks is the 2nd trimester.


    Pregnancy 21 weeks fetal development and woman’s sensations

    21 weeks of pregnancy what happens to mom

    Here what happens in a woman’s body at 21 weeks:

    • The uterus increases in size and puts pressure on the stomach, causing it to rise up. This causes stomach contents to reflux into the esophagus, which provokes the development of heartburn;
    • Since the tummy increases in size day by day, itching may occur skin and stretch marks (to alleviate the condition, you should use creams or lotions from a series designed specifically for pregnant women;
    • The uterus, which has grown in size, can also put pressure on the lungs, so the mother feels short of breath, sometimes even cannot take a deep breath. In this case, there is no reason to worry; it is best to start mastering breathing techniques, which will be very useful during childbirth;
    • The most pleasant thing at this stage is the distinct movements of the baby.

    Your uterus is already 1.3 centimeters above your navel. It's not just your belly that's growing. Also, the legs and arms may become larger due to swelling.

    Maybe it's not your partner's snoring that wakes you up... This is because at this stage of pregnancy you may have swelling of the nasal mucosa. Try sleeping on a higher pillow and lying on your left side. This position will not only make it easier for you to breathe, but it is also best for the baby because it allows for increased blood and nutrient flow to the placenta.

    You may feel like you are constantly hungry. This is completely natural, but try to indulge your whims without fanaticism. Today, you should gain weight of about 6 kilograms.

    You must still remember that healthy eating pregnant is the basis! It is necessary to replenish your (and not only) body with the required amount of calcium, iron and protein. Control your intake of fats and sugars. Imagine that you are training for a marathon (which is not far from the truth).

    Maybe you have noticed that between you and your child there is... a thread of friendship. Sometimes it happens that you have a desire to communicate with your child. Some women conduct “internal dialogue” with their children, sending them their thoughts and feelings.

    You can already feel it. This is a process that makes the muscles of the uterus more elastic and physically stimulates the born child. Every time they occur, the child experiences sensations similar to a massage :)

    21 weeks of pregnancy fetal development

    RFetal development in the 21st week of pregnancy:

    • weight - up to 300 g, and height - up to 20 cm. There may be deviations from the named parameters, because everything depends on genetic indicators;
    • the kidneys and digestive system function well, the spleen also starts working;
    • taste buds have already appeared on the baby’s tongue, thanks to which he can distinguish the taste of ingested amniotic fluid;
    • the work of the central nervous system will improve.

    Your baby is now about 26.5 centimeters tall and weighs approximately 360 grams. At this stage, your baby is gaining weight quickly.

    Swallowing amniotic fluid, trains digestive system. The child already distinguishes the tastes of sweet, salty, sour and bitter.

    You may feel frequent and rhythmic tremors inside your abdomen, these are... hiccups. It is an excellent exercise for the lungs and does not cause much discomfort for the baby.

    A significant change this week is that the baby’s bone marrow gradually begins to produce blood cells necessary for health and life.

    The fetal skin is still covered with a creamy lubricant that contains a high concentration of antibodies and protects the baby from possible infections in the amniotic fluid. It also prevents damage to the skin when nails begin to grow. At 21 weeks pregnant, your baby already has eyebrows and eyelashes, but his eyes are still closed.

    The baby's arms and legs become more proportional, and rapidly developing muscles and neuronal connections make the baby's movements more and more coordinated. Thanks to this, you feel kicks and blows more and more often.

    at 21 weeks of pregnancy

    Increased thirst

    It is completely normal if you have an increased appetite and, along with it, a slight increase in desire. It is advisable to drink about 6-8 glasses of water per day. However, if you notice that you often feel thirsty, it is better to tell your doctor about it. Especially if your urine is dark yellow, which may indicate dehydration. If urination is accompanied unpleasant smell, this may indicate the presence of an infection urinary tract. And if you experience a constant desire and often use the toilet, then this may be a signal of the presence. This is why it is important that you report symptoms as soon as possible.


    Of course, bloating and gases appear not only during pregnancy, but during this period they make themselves felt much more often. Progesterone is largely responsible for this, which relaxes all smooth muscles in the body, including those in the gastrointestinal tract. This slows down the digestion process, so food stays in the intestines longer, reaches fermentation and you know everything else... In addition, the growing uterus can put pressure on the intestines, interfering with the digestion process.

    If you want to help yourself, then it is better to stop eating gas-forming products, such as: beans, cauliflower, or cabbage. Be careful with foods that contain a high percentage of gluten and fiber because they tend to break down in the intestines, thus increasing their digestion time. Avoid fried and fatty foods and fast food. Sweeteners, sweet carbonated drinks, chewing gum, also cause bloating.
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