• A newborn baby strains and cries and turns red. A newborn baby strains and groans. Newborn baby pushing while feeding


    A young mother is very sensitive to the health of her baby, so it is understandable that she begins to worry when the newborn grunts and strains in his sleep, showing with all his appearance that something is bothering him. New parents cannot always understand what causes this baby’s behavior, and therefore do not know what to do in this situation. Let's find out why an infant grunts and strains in his sleep and while awake, and whether this could be a sign that not everything is in order with his health.

    What causes a newborn baby to groan in his sleep?

    It is quite difficult to immediately recognize why a baby groans in his sleep, because there can be many reasons for this. Pediatricians advise: carefully observe the child and note not only grunting, but also other features of his behavior. Thanks to this, among the following reasons that the child constantly grunts and strains, you will find one that suits your specific situation:

    • at infants who are barely a month old, the processes of defecation and urination have not yet been established, so the newborn often grunts and strains when urinating. There is no reason to worry if the baby does not start crying;
    • newborn babies defecate up to 7-10 times a day - almost after every feeding, if the basis of their diet is milk ration, that is, mother's milk. The kids have artificial nutrition acts of defecation occur less frequently - 1-3 times a day. However, depending on individual characteristics body, an infant can soil a diaper even once every 2 days. If the baby is calm and behaves as usual, then there is no reason to worry. But when a newborn baby grunts, arches and turns red, trying to poop for several days, and his efforts do not bring results, it is likely that the baby is constipated. It is typical that at the same time the baby strains and cries, pressing his legs to his stomach;
    • if the baby constantly strains and groans, especially after feeding, this may be a symptom. He tries to strain to get rid of the gases accumulated in the intestines, but due to weak peristalsis he is not always able to do this. As a rule, bloating begins to bother the baby in the evening and at night, disturbing his sleep. The baby's hard, tense tummy will tell mom and dad that the baby is straining and crying because of pain in the intestines;
    • another one common reason The reason why a newborn groans is due to uncomfortable environmental conditions. The child may be hot, cold, damp, or uncomfortable. Therefore, the baby begins to arch, groan and be capricious - he simply does not yet know how to express his dissatisfaction in any other way. As soon as parents eliminate the source of discomfort, they will see that the groaning child will immediately begin to calm down;
    • when mom and dad are trying to figure out why the newborn is groaning and cannot sleep peacefully, they should pay attention to how he breathes. It is quite possible that the baby’s nasal breathing does not work well. This will be indicated by noticeable snoring. The reason for this is often insufficient hygiene of the nasal cavity. If in this case the mother properly cleans the child’s nose using an aspirator and moisturizes the mucous membrane with a solution sea ​​salt, she will see that the baby’s condition has returned to normal.

    These are the main reasons why a child grunts and strains in his sleep. All of them do not pose any particular danger to the newborn and can be easily eliminated in a matter of time. simple actions. But it should be borne in mind that if a child constantly strains and groans, refuses to eat, loses weight, while his body temperature rises or vomits, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Such symptoms may indicate serious disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, and sometimes pathologies of the nervous system.

    Do I need to go to the doctor?

    In the first month of a child’s life, young parents are ready to consult doctors for any reason. The situation when a newborn is constantly pushing and crying is no exception. But does this baby behavior really require immediate medical attention?

    First of all, mom and dad should try to independently understand what caused the baby’s dissatisfaction and try to eliminate the reason that makes the baby groan and strain in his sleep. Sometimes it is enough to change his clothes, ventilate the room and remove sources of noise and bright light so that the baby falls asleep again. In the case of colic, abdominal massage, a warm heating pad, anti-colic medications and tender mother's hugs will help. But besides this, a nursing mother should, of course, adhere to a special diet that excludes foods that cause increased gas formation in the baby. By the way, proper nutrition for a nursing woman is not only an excellent prevention of colic in a newborn, but also The best way protect your baby from constipation.

    If the newborn is straining and groaning because he cannot poop, you can give him a 1/3 glycerin suppository or make a small one. But such measures should not be abused: the baby’s body must learn to empty the intestines on its own without additional stimulation.

    If, after all the parents’ attempts to eliminate the source of discomfort, the baby still groans and pushes in his sleep, then it really makes sense not to delay the search for the cause. A pediatrician can reliably determine what exactly is bothering the baby, based on an external examination and the mother’s stories. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations to find out why the newborn groans in his sleep. But you need to keep in mind that most often such behavior of a child is not a symptom of life-threatening conditions, and difficulties associated with the functioning of the digestive system, in most cases, disappear after 3 months of the baby’s life.

    A newborn child has a small set of means through which he can convey his needs and desires to his parents. Loud screaming and crying are the most used ones. But the communication arsenal is not limited to them. In an attempt to communicate something to mom and dad, the baby often strains and grunts. This behavior, which frightens parents, is not a sign of illness, but may indicate some problems. Let's figure out why the baby does this.

    Natural needs

    If a newborn baby strains and groans, this does not mean that he feels pain or negative emotions. This is how most children behave. Provided that the baby is not crying, muscle tension may indicate an attempt to pee or poop, because the baby has to make an effort to perform these acts.

    The abdominal press and sphincter of the rectum of a newborn are poorly developed, they cannot contract normally. Soft stool does not put the necessary pressure on the intestines. That's why the baby strains and grunts when he poops.

    In the first months of life, bowel movements or Bladder The baby often performs while sucking the breast: he relaxes and his intestines are easily cleaned.

    The baby can communicate discomfort by straining and grunting. If he strains and tosses and turns in his sleep, then he is uncomfortable with heat (cold), tight clothes, crumpled sheets, and so on. And dissatisfied snoring is a sign that the baby’s nasal mucosa is dry and it’s difficult for him to breathe. In such a situation, you need to adjust the air parameters, bringing them to 18-20ºC heat and 60-70% humidity.

    You should suspect the presence of problems if the baby constantly strains, grunts, blushes and cries a lot both during the day and in his sleep. This may happen due to:

    1. constipation
    2. colic caused by increased gas formation


    Signs that your newborn baby is constipated:

    1. long-term absence of stool - for “artificial” children more than 1 day, for children natural feeding– longer than 3 days
    2. the baby tenses, blushes and groans, trying to empty his bowels even in his sleep
    3. stool comes out very hard, dark and smelly

    Why does a baby get constipated? Its reasons lie in nutrition. With artificial feeding, the problem can be caused by an incorrectly selected formula, overfeeding, or lack of water. And with natural - mother’s abuse of white bread, meat, bananas, nuts, rice, whole milk. If the baby already eats solid food, then the reason may be a lack of plant foods in his diet.

    What can I do to get my baby to poop regularly?

    1. Adjust food:
    • add fermented milk mixture to the diet;
    • enrich your mother’s menu with fresh kefir and yogurt;
    • give the baby water to drink, especially in the heat;
    • after 6 months, feed the child baked apples, prunes, beets and other “laxative” foods.
    1. Activate peristalsis:
    • do regular abdominal massage - with clockwise movements;
    • bend your knees and pull them towards your tummy.

    If the problem cannot be solved, and the child grunts and strains heavily before each bowel movement, then you can resort to rectal suppositories, laxatives and an enema. But this should be done only according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Regular use of such “helpers” can lead to the fact that the baby will constantly experience difficulties with bowel movements.

    A newborn baby may strain and grunt if he has nothing to poop with. This condition is called "starvation" constipation. Its other signs are weight loss (slow gain) and weakness. In such a situation, the baby needs frequent feedings breastfeeding or formula feeding.


    A newborn baby strains, grunts, cries, arches his back and moves his legs, and his tummy swells and becomes hard? Most likely the baby has colic. Why do they arise? Colic is associated with immaturity of the nervous and digestive systems: as a result of the gastrointestinal tract being overfilled with food and gases, the baby experiences severe pain. They do not occur all the time, but a short time after feeding, but they can also torment the baby during sleep.

    Prevention of colic

    1. Don't overfeed your baby:
    • at breastfeeding– keep it at your chest for no more than 10-15 minutes and take breaks between meals for at least 2 hours;
    • with artificial formula - prepare the mixture only according to the recipe, without increasing the mass of milk powder, maintain intervals of 3-3.5 hours between feedings.
    1. Follow the correct diet:
    • “artificial” children should be given a mixture with pro- and prebiotics;
    • Nursing mothers are advised not to consume foods that cause gas formation - yeast baked goods, sweets, legumes, and so on.
    1. Prevent your baby from swallowing air while eating and help him get rid of it. To do this you need:
    • apply to the breast correctly, express foremilk if it flows too much;
    • do not pierce a large hole in the nipple, use anti-colic bottles, hold the bottle correctly so that there is always liquid in the nipple;
    • place the baby on his tummy before each meal;
    • keep it in a “column” for 10-15 minutes after eating.
    1. Don't overheat the baby. Research shows that babies who are constantly exposed to hot, dry air or dressed too warmly often suffer from colic.

    Fighting colic

    If your baby is already suffering from flatulence, then you can help him like this:

    1. put a warm diaper on your stomach or hold it close to your body
    2. massage the tummy - stroke clockwise around the navel, tighten the legs bent at the knees several times, do the “bicycle” exercise
    3. put him on your lap with his stomach
    4. give me some water to drink
    5. place a gas tube for your child, after consulting with your pediatrician

    There are various synthetic and natural preparations that reduce gas formation and relieve painful sensation: dill water, Espumisan, Bebinos, Plantex. Medicines containing beneficial bacteria and prebiotics also help improve digestion: Linex, Bifiform, Hilak Forte. But they should be taken as prescribed by the doctor.

    Need a doctor

    You should seek medical help if your baby is groaning and straining in the following situations:

    1. baby loses weight, eats poorly, refuses breast or bottle completely
    2. there is blood in the stool or a large number of mucus
    3. constipation and bloating are observed constantly
    4. The baby often arches his back and cries both while awake and during sleep
    5. newborn spits up profusely
    6. body temperature increased

    These signs may indicate health problems with the baby or significant errors in caring for it.

    It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question why a newborn or infant often strains and groans. This behavior may be a consequence of difficulty defecating, a reaction to pain from gas accumulation, or indicate minor discomfort caused by heat and uncomfortable clothing. If the baby is developing normally and only occasionally tenses and groans, then there is no need to panic - this is how he communicates with his parents. Frequent straining, accompanied by crying and severe anxiety, is a reason to visit the doctor.

    As soon as a dear and desired baby is born, his parents become the happiest people. However, their joy is often overshadowed by the fact that they know almost nothing about the proper development of the child. Why does he often cry, grunt and grunt? These questions are not as simple as they seem at first glance. You will find the answer to one of them by reading this article.

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    Why does a newborn groan?

    The most important reasons that make a baby groan are problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    • Firstly, this constipation and irregular bowel movements. When the intestines are full, the newborn cannot push properly. The only sound he makes is grunting.
    • Secondly, babies in the first few months after their birth have imperfect digestive system , which is why they often suffer from increased gas formation. The consequence of this is intestinal colic and stomach pain. The tummy tenses and hardens. The baby wants to get rid of the unpleasant feeling of fullness in the tummy, pushes and makes sounds similar to grunting.

    The posture of a sleeping child also indicates colic. Usually he tucks his legs under himself in order to somehow help himself get rid of the pain.

    In addition, the baby, making these sounds, can directly tell you that dressed very hot, sweating so much that the diaper or clothes are pressing on him. If he is uncomfortable or uncomfortable, this is also a reason.

    It is known that some babies are born with a little hair on some frequent bodies, in particular, on the back and shoulders, then delicate skin These hairs may tingle. Over time, the baby's skin will become smooth (hairs will roll out). In the meantime, to help the child, you can anoint his back with cream. Or a bolder option - honey (if there is no allergy). Put a cotton vest on top and leave overnight. In the morning, the hairs will remain on your clothes.

    In a word, answers to the question: “Why does a newborn groan?” - a lot of.

    Another pressing question that worries inexperienced parents is: why does their child sleep all day? It revealed - .

    Everything is clearly and succinctly explained by the physiology and wisdom of Mother Nature.

    Set aside the legumes!

    How a newborn poops

    The color of the stool is light mustard, soft consistency. A healthy baby poops twice a day (and sometimes more). This occurs less frequently in formula-fed children.

    Constipation very often causes the baby to make grunting sounds. Try to ease his suffering.

    If your baby is constipated

    • Perhaps the most important symptom of constipation is that the child rarely “goes to the toilet” (less than once a day or once).
    • The baby arches its back and twists its legs, and its tummy hardens.
    • The stool is not mushy, but hard.
    • The child blushes, arches and cries.
    • Drops of blood may come out with hard feces, as it injures delicate skin.

    Causes of constipation

    If feces accumulate in the rectum, the newborn develops colic and constipation. Why is this happening? This happens if a breastfeeding mother eats incorrectly. If a baby is given milk with high fat content, his digestion is disrupted. Formula milk that the baby is not yet used to can also cause constipation. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon -.

    Make sure your baby drinks enough fluids.

    What to do if your baby is constipated

    • Lightly moisten a cotton swab in Vaseline and lubricate the anus no further than 0.5 cm.
    • Place your baby on his side or stomach for a while.
    • When bathing the baby, keep it in warm water a little longer.
    • After consulting a doctor, the baby can be given a glycerin suppository or an enema. However, often such actions cannot be resorted to. So that the child does not become addicted.

    Should a person who has just been born sleep on a pillow? Won't this have a negative impact on? How it will affect you! and at what age can small children sleep on a pillow.

    And now we’ll tell you two more diseases that can manifest themselves regardless of whether you treat your baby correctly. There is no need to take them to heart, but it doesn’t hurt to know about them:

    1. Obstructive apnea syndrome - .
    2. Hip dysplasia - .

    Do I need to see a doctor?

    Unfortunately, groaning may not always be a harmless symptom. If your newborn is groaning and straining and has any of the following symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor.

    • The baby is losing weight, has no appetite, and abdominal pain becomes constant.
    • Abdominal bloating is common, and the newborn sleeps restlessly.
    • Copious vomiting and unstable stool, feeding becomes a problem.

    It is very rare, but it happens that neurological problems become the cause of a baby’s restless sleep, during which he “quacks” and moans. Visit a neurologist to rule out or confirm them and start treatment on time.

    Sometimes you fall asleep in a bucket like this and dream about the devil...

    “My son often groaned and strained at night. Stopped pooping regularly. Since I am breastfeeding, the doctor advised me to drink more water and use kefir. It really helped."

    “Try taking it. It should be diluted with boiled water and taken 2 times a day. The drug normalizes intestinal microflora. I also inserted glycerin suppositories into my daughter’s anus. The grunting has passed."

    “I gave my son a teaspoon of espumizan three times a day. The medicine helped a lot. Before this, he was tormented by constant colic and constipation. I also gave Nan fermented milk. Excellent product


    “My child puffs in his sleep, sometimes a lot. I recently went to the pediatrician. He said that it would go away on its own, because in newborns the nasopharynx is not fully formed. That’s why they make all sorts of grunting sounds.”

    “BabyCalm drops to improve digestion helped us. They relieve colic, and my daughter likes them too. He enjoys sucking them from the pipette. Stopped groaning."

    They say that a child is the mother's heart, which exists separately. All mothers worry about their children. However, dear mothers, do not worry if your baby grunts, but his stool is normal (soft).

    Newborn babies are very small, it is difficult for them to cope with any load, and even in order to poop, they have to work hard. And these sounds are a common and completely normal phenomenon for children.

    Good luck with your parenting!

    The birth of a newborn is a very joyful and long-awaited event for the family. The natural maternal instinct makes mothers be very kind to the baby, take care of him and protect him in every possible way. Women who become mothers for the first time have to deal with many new and incomprehensible moments associated with the first days and months of a child’s life, the characteristics of his health and behavior.

    In practice, you have to understand that baby toddlers are not at all what you see them on TV screens or colorful posters. So, for example, many mothers are interested in why the child groans, sometimes arches, instead of calmly eating, staying awake and sleeping, and whether this is a signal of some kind of serious disorder with health.

    Why does a baby groan in his sleep?

    In most cases, the groaning of a newborn in the first time after birth is normal phenomenon, requiring no intervention. This behavior is typical for most infants in the first weeks of life and does not indicate health problems. It has not yet been possible to establish the exact reason why this happens, and therefore, unless there is other cause for concern, this condition can be completely ignored by parents.

    However, some parents begin to sound the alarm when they notice that their baby is pushing in his sleep. In fact, at what period of time an infant strains and groans - during the day while awake or at night while sleeping - does not make much difference. There is no point in paying attention to this condition of the child if he does not wake up, cry or moan.

    Among probable causes The signs that an infant is straining and groaning in his sleep may include the following:

    • discomfort and inconvenience when the air in the children's room is too dry and ventilation is not carried out often;
    • the feeling of heat when his mother wrapped him up too much or dressed him warmly enough and he sweated;
    • feeling of hunger when the child is hungry and will soon wake up to eat;
    • need to relieve oneself.

    As soon as parents eliminate all the factors that cause discomfort and inconvenience to the child, the baby will sleep more peacefully and not make any extraneous noise in his sleep.

    What makes a baby groan and arch?

    If the mother notices that the baby is groaning and arching while awake, perhaps the reason for such concern is intestinal colic and accumulation of gases, because this is quite a common occurrence for infants in the first years of their life. Any pediatrician will answer the question why this happens. The fact is that a child is born with an underdeveloped gastrointestinal tract, which finds it difficult to cope with its main tasks and functions. In addition, the baby’s intestines are just beginning to be populated with beneficial microflora, which helps digest food. To ease the child's suffering in this case, you can follow these simple steps:

    • after each feeding infant it is necessary to hold it in an upright position for some time so that the air can escape and not fill the intestines;
    • Before feeding, it would be very appropriate to place the baby on his tummy for a few minutes;
    • Massaging the tummy with light circular movements in a clockwise direction before and after feeding is very effective;
    • It is very important to properly attach the infant to the breast so that he does not swallow air during feeding.

    Concerning drug treatment, when increased gas formation is observed, then in this case it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

    Another common reason when the baby strains, groans and bends over can be common constipation. To avoid constipation, a nursing mother must carefully choose her diet and exclude foods that can trigger it. A microenema or laxatives, the choice of which can be used, can help the baby in this situation must be done together with a doctor.

    Also, consultation with a specialist will be needed if there is systematic constipation and problems with bowel movements in infants, especially if they are accompanied by the following:

    • the baby loses or gains weight poorly;
    • vomiting or excessive regurgitation often occurs;
    • the child refuses to eat.

    Why does the baby groan while feeding?

    Very often, mothers notice that their babies grunt directly during feeding. This behavior of a baby may be caused by the ability to relieve itself during feeding, when the baby is completely relaxed and natural bowel movements occur.

    Also, in this way, the baby can express his dissatisfaction, for example, about the poor flow of milk or its insufficient quantity.

    Only in rare cases can groaning be a signal of neurological health problems. Therefore, periodic observation by a specialist will eliminate the possibility that a neurological disease will not be diagnosed in a timely manner.

    Thus, in order to determine the extent of the problem and understand whether the baby needs help, it is necessary to determine why the infant is groaning. If parents are convinced that this is the natural behavior of their baby, there is no reason to worry.

    A baby is a great joy, but also many different problems. Young parents are able to cope with some of them on their own or with the help of experienced grandmothers, while others, unfortunately, cannot be dealt with without the help of a professional specialist. Let's try to figure out some of the most common problems that cause panic among parents.

    Why does a newborn groan at night during sleep, during the day, during and after feeding: the reasons in the table

    Why does a child groan in different situations?

    Situation Causes
    The baby grunts, strains, cries, arches and blushes This situation is familiar to almost all parents. Almost all babies strain, grunt, and blush, so these manifestations should not cause much concern for parents.

    Is it possible to somehow help the baby? We will answer this question a little later. Now we will talk about the situation when the child arches and turns red.

    There may be several reasons why a child arches his back and blushes.

    1. The most serious reason for a child arching his back may be the presence of any neurological diseases. Most often this is increased intracranial pressure. If the baby has regular attacks, it is urgently necessary to show it to a neurologist. Only after passing a series of necessary examinations, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and begin the necessary treatment in a timely manner.

    2. The baby can also arch his back if he has hypertonicity of the neck or back muscles. . Several sessions of professional massage will help solve this problem. At the clinic, mom will be taught the complex special exercises that she can do with the baby herself.

    3. Very often, children aged from two weeks to several months cry and arch their backs due to quite severe intestinal colic. After four months the colic goes away. During the first months, the child should be given dill or fennel water. More, let's talk a little lower.

    Newborn groans in his sleep An infant cannot yet tell the world what is bothering him at the moment. And he has no choice but to attract the attention of his parents by grunting. What could this signal mean?

    1. As a rule, The cause of a baby grunting in his sleep is unpleasant and sometimes quite painful intestinal colic .

    In the first months of life, babies often develop an excess amount of gas after feeding. The child feels fullness in the stomach, gases cause painful cramps. The baby grunts and sometimes cries in his sleep.

    We list the main symptoms of bloating: abdominal pain, enlarged intestines, loss or deterioration of appetite, poor sleep, weakness, feeling of heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract.

    2. Sometimes Infants grunt in their sleep, adapting to a new body function - breathing.

    3. Groaning may be caused by clogged nasal passages. Therefore, parents should not forget to monitor the condition of the baby’s nose.

    The baby grunts while feeding 1. Groaning during feeding is a kind of expression of displeasure by the child. Most likely, he is irritated by an insufficient amount of breast milk. The cause of displeasure can also be a weak outflow of milk from the mother’s mammary gland. In addition, while sucking milk, the baby is working hard, but how can he not grunt in this case? ? How can mommy help him? Change the position, try to apply it to the chest on the other side.

    2.During feeding, the body is relaxed, so the baby may begin to grunt if he wants to empty his bowels at that very moment .

    Baby groans after feeding 1. Intestinal colic is considered one of the most common causes of groaning after feeding.

    2. If the child eats breast milk, then the reason for his dissatisfaction may be the mother’s poor diet. A young mother must adhere to a strict diet so as not to cause painful troubles to her baby.

    We have previously written that the main symptoms of intestinal colic in a child are: crying, groaning, redness of the face, difficulty passing stool and gas. As a rule, the legs are bent and pressed against the tummy. Reason increased gas formation is incomplete breakdown of food. How to help a child in this situation?

    The child groans, strains with colic and constipation: how to help?

    • With natural feeding , first aid in the treatment of colic is proper nutrition nursing mother. From her diet she should exclude such foods as: grapes, sweet cheeses and all kinds of pastas, pickles, smoked products, all kinds of sausages, onions, garlic. Significantly reduce the amount of sugar and confectionery consumed. Preferably - whole milk replace with fermented milk products.
    • With artificial feeding Special attention You should pay attention to choosing the formula that your baby eats. Try to monitor the amount of formula consumed, do not overfeed the child. The baby’s gastrointestinal tract is imperfect; the necessary microflora is still forming in it. When eating, he experiences new sensations, sometimes not very comfortable. Hence his reactions.

    How to prevent colic and constipation?

    1. Before feeding, place the baby on his tummy for ten minutes.
    2. Try to find the most comfortable position for your baby. mother's breast, otherwise the baby will begin to swallow air along with the mother's milk. Air, which will cause excessive gas formation.
    3. At artificial feeding Pay special attention to the hole in the nipple. The hole should not be too large, otherwise the entry of air into the gastrointestinal tract is inevitable.
    4. After eating, the baby needs to be held in a “column” position for some time. The baby should burp up air.
    5. A light tummy massage is very helpful for cramps. Any mother can do this massage. The baby should be placed on his back and his tummy should be stroked clockwise.
    6. A good one is the “bicycle” exercise. You can also simply press your legs to your tummy. These exercises activate the intestines well and help move stool.
    7. A warm diaper placed on the tummy or a warm bath with herbs is a good way to relieve flatulence (bloating).

    Almost all babies experience colic from time to time, but babies experience it differently. Monitor your stool closely. Baby feces are orange in color and have a semi-liquid consistency. A child can poop one to five times a day - this is considered the norm. But if you find green mucus in your stool, consult your pediatrician immediately.

    What to do for colic and constipation?

    1. For colic and bloating, doctors may prescribe medications. For example: Bobotik or Espumisan.
    2. Very often, experts recommend using gas outlet pipe. It is not difficult to use; any mother can learn how to do this procedure.
    3. Our great-grandmothers also gave gas to children dill water . They poured one tablespoon of dry dill seeds into a glass of boiling water, let the infusion settle to room temperature, filtered it and gave a teaspoon every two hours. However, we would like to make a reservation right away: this remedy is quite weak, as it has a cumulative effect. Today, ready-made dill water can be bought at any pharmacy.
    4. For constipation in a newborn, doctors prescribe Duphalac or Glycerol suppositories . Glycerin suppositories soften stool and promote their elimination. Today there are quite a few mild laxatives and they are safe for children. However, even in this case it is better to consult a doctor.
    5. Some pediatricians recommend for constipation in children enema . For constipation, many mothers use the usual baby soap, a small piece of which is placed in the baby’s butt. Doctors warn that even a very small piece of soap can severely damage the delicate mucous membrane of the baby, causing irritation and severe burning.

    Pediatrician T. N. Semenchenya:

    A child may groan or strain if something bothers him, for example, crusts in the nose that form, if the air in the room is dry, rinse his nose, for example, with aquamaris, clean cotton swabs and monitor the humidity, it should be at least 50-60%. If he does not show concern, but simply pushes, and does not cry, does not scream, that is, does not show that he is in pain, then this may simply be the child’s emotions.

    Pediatrician I. V. Ruzhenkova:

    If the child groans, bends and is tense, then the reason is most likely in the gases: while they are “asking to come out”, they burst the intestines from the inside and cause discomfort and pain in the baby. Try taking ready-made remedies for the treatment of flatulence (Espumizan, Plantex, Espumisan, Babycalm, etc.) or homemade decoctions of fennel, dill seeds, chamomile (they all have both antispasmodic and mild laxative effects). When breastfeeding, exclude or limit rice, cabbage, legumes, and grapes from your diet. It is necessary to do a tummy massage, gymnastics (movements with legs like a “bicycle”). Warmth helps (placing the baby on your stomach (“belly to belly”), wearing in a sling, a diaper on the tummy. Usually, after 3 months, digestion “ripens” and becomes easier.

    A child is groaning: in what cases is it necessary to urgently contact a specialist?

    You should contact your pediatrician for advice and consultation if:

    • the baby spits up too often and the regurgitation looks more like vomiting;
    • he has frequent and loose stools (diarrhea), he suffers from heartburn;
    • the child sleeps very restlessly, tosses and turns, pulls his legs towards his tummy, moans in his sleep;
    • he has a fever;
    • you find green mucus or bloody streaks in your stool;
    • The baby is rapidly losing weight.

    Any of the above symptoms is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. Remember, if your baby has a very hard stomach, cries and is extremely restless, call him immediately. ambulance. Sometimes these symptoms indicate serious diseases that require urgent surgical intervention.

    Parents need to be patient; as a rule, by three to four months the colic goes away, and the baby will delight you with his smile and good mood.

    And let your children grow up healthy and happy!

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