• It is better to determine with or without bangs. Long hair: with or without bangs


    Everyone knows: straight hair needs to be curled, curly hair needs to be straightened, long hair needs to be cut, and short hair needs to be grown out. What to do with bangs?

    Surely each of us at least once in our lives wanted to change our hairstyle, and most quick way- this, of course, is to cut the bangs. You won’t need a lot of time and money for this - in general, once - and you’re done. It just happens that the next day the realization comes... Why? And a long and harsh journey begins, lasting at least six months (or even a year), to hide the traces of one’s momentary “weakness.”

    Someone, but I have no right to pass by this project. As long as I can remember, all my life I wore bangs, you know, straight, long, covering my eyebrows. Probably somewhere in the first grade or earlier, my mother decided that I had big forehead, and what to cover it with bangs - correct solution. According to her, walking around with such a large forehead without bangs is ugly. Need I say how firmly it was ingrained in my head that I CAN’T walk without bangs?

    When I was 14 or 15 years old, I decided that I would pin my bangs up and go for a walk near the house. I really wanted to see the reaction of others, because no one had ever seen me without bangs. However, after walking about 100 meters from the house, I realized that I felt very uncomfortable: it was as if I was naked, I urgently wanted to put on sunglasses or a cap, or... take off the hairpins and let out my bangs - my “armor”, without which I felt so uncomfortable. So strong was my conviction that without bangs I was an ugly duckling. A belief that was imposed from outside.

    I probably would still have bangs to this day if it weren’t for my husband, who convinced me to try growing it out. In January 2015, I stocked up on hairpins, strong-hold hairspray and patience - and began to grow it. I suffered for almost a year, only in the fall my bangs began to tuck behind my ear, all summer they fell out, flew away from the wind and looked unkempt. But it was worth the wait.

    Now I can’t even imagine that I once wore bangs. It seems so inconvenient, old-fashioned, limiting to me... I’m very glad that I finally grew it out at the age of 26, and now I don’t have to go to the salon every 2-3 weeks for trimming, nothing gets into my eyes, and in the summer it’s not so hot.

    In my opinion, bangs make any face look younger and accentuate the look. It suits almost everyone. At the same time, I think straight bangs are a bit old-school and will flatter the face a little. Of course, there are different bangs - oblique, geometric, milled, etc. Therefore, if you have never worn bangs, you can take a risk, the image changes radically. But keep in mind that growing it is long and tedious.

    There have been many different “never”s in my life. And, of course, it happened that the vows given to oneself were broken, interests changed, circumstances forced them. Now I try not to overuse this word, but there is one “never” that I am not going to give up.

    I will never wear bangs again.

    In childhood and adolescence, with varying success, I either grew it or cut it off - now I can’t even remember the exact moment when I made the final choice in favor of bangs and went through life with them. I was about thirteen or so, maybe a little younger.

    At that time I was not very concerned about my appearance- that is, it seemed to me that everything was fine: strange make-up, strangely lying hair, completely unstyled bangs. The only thing that irritated me was her height. But I could put up with it.

    It is worth noting here that I am not the owner of the most obedient hair. And the shorter they are, the lighter they are, which means they fit worse. First of all, this applies to bangs. And then the moment came in my life when I realized that I couldn’t go out with hair that hadn’t been styled. That is, I could put my hair in a ponytail, braid it, do whatever I wanted. But I still had to style my bangs.

    Do you know how many times in my life I was completely satisfied with her appearance? Not even once.

    I didn't like everything about the bangs. Starting with the fact that it constantly needs to be trimmed, ending with the need to spend time, electricity, and nerves on it in the morning. And then put on your hat, reach your destination and discover that it was all in vain.

    It was February 2010. Once again, when it was time to cut my bangs, I simply didn’t do it. It was difficult to grow it. During those months, I acquired as many hair accessories – hairpins, headbands – as I had never had in my entire life. And it probably won’t happen anymore, I’m not a fan of such jewelry and I still think that the best hairstyle for me is straightened hair.

    More than six years have passed since then. Not for a second did I doubt the correctness of my decision. Firstly, I got rid of the tedious fuss in the morning with a hairdryer and straightener (all for the sake of one bang; for length I only need an iron). Secondly, I don’t have to think every two or three weeks about when and where to go to get rid of an extra centimeter on my bangs. Thirdly, a face with bangs looks rounder than it actually is, and I somehow prefer an oval shape. Fourthly, in my passport photo at 20, I look older than I do now, at 27. And bangs are to blame for this too.

    Moreover, I think that bangs generally suit few people. And if it does, it’s usually better without it. And if someone asks my opinion on the question “to cut or not,” I answer unequivocally - no. After all, for me personally, bangs are pure evil and no advantages.

    I've never been a rebel; I didn't want to dye my hair green or radically change its length. I cut off a good half of my long hair for the first time only in the 7th grade. However, one day I definitely wanted to change something about myself, to look different - so I decided to get bangs. I don't remember what the first one looked like, but I remember very well how many compliments I received the next day at school. I realized myself that I feel good with bangs. About 11 years have passed since then, and I spent only 1 of them without bangs. It visually makes my face not so elongated, so all those 10 years I rather preferred changing my hair color, but my straight bangs remained an unchanged attribute of my hairstyle: only the length, thickness, shape changed, until I found “mine.”

    If you think that I have never thought about growing it, you are wrong. Every time the bangs began to fall into my eyes, the thoughts appeared: “Or maybe, well, her?” Countless attempts to do THIS ended in failure, and I was able to reach the end only now, having started my journey almost a year ago (in September 2015). Now, having grown it out, I don’t want to change anything at all - I like the way I look.

    Looking through old photos, I understand that I would not like to return to bangs: in my opinion, ordinary straight bangs would greatly forgive the look, but sometimes I wanted to look more... feminine. In addition, despite the fact that I have naturally straight hair, there are cowlicks, because of which my bangs stubbornly did not want to lie straight. Yes, and I didn’t pay attention to it for a long time - I just walked around at random until I started putting her to bed. And, perhaps strangely, I made the final decision when I unbearably wanted my eyebrows to be visible - the “eyebrow fashion” did its job, while my long bangs always covered them.

    I admit that someday I will want to make some interesting elongated bangs, but I will probably never return to the usual straight bangs.

    All my life I have been doing nothing but growing bangs, and my hair in general. Back in school, I remember I tried to pin my bangs up and grow them out, because as someone with wavy hair, bangs were always much more difficult for me to deal with.

    What is the main disadvantage of bangs for girls with straight hair? It grows quickly and it is always expensive. As a child, you are not always given money for a haircut, and at a more independent age, you don’t always have time to go to the hairdresser.

    For girls with wavy hair the problems are much more global. After washing my hair, my bangs stand up. Curly up, to be more precise.

    When straightening irons appeared, I started pulling out my bangs, and everyone around me began to think that I was curling my hair. It even seemed pleasant, until the thought began to creep into my head that the bangs live a separate life: the hair is curly, the bangs are straight.

    It was not possible to grow it out for a long time - again, since the hair is curly, the growth is barely noticeable, and if the bangs have grown to the chin, then when not extended, they jump up to the eyes. And it still seemed to me that without bangs I had a huge forehead, so I cut it and started growing it out again.

    I managed to grow it only in 2014, when I gained patience, I met nice guy- now a husband. When everyone loves you, it's much easier to grow bangs.

    Would I like my bangs back? In fact, I recently returned it and immediately started growing it again.

    Without bangs there are many advantages - you don’t have to style it or trim it every month, and since it’s curly for me, it looks like a harmonious and beautiful hairstyle, and you can’t even tell that I just washed my hair.

    Looking at those around me, it seems to me that most girls also look much better without bangs, so I am categorically against it.

    It seems to me that in childhood we all had bangs, but some then grew them out, while others kept them indefinitely. After watching enough of my classmates, in the fall of 2010 (in 8th grade), I again wanted to get bangs. At that time, my hair was approximately chest-length.

    I have never styled my bangs on purpose because my hair is straight. The only negative thing about it was that it became dirty faster than the rest of my hair. Later, I got a ladder cut, which I don’t like - I like a straight, even cut, so I cut my hair into a bob and started growing my hair out.

    With the bob, I began to like the bangs much more - with long hair, in my opinion, they looked worse. And when they grew a little, I asked myself: “Isn’t it time to grow bangs too?” I did a lot of VKontakte polls to find out what was better for me: the number of votes was always almost equal, or bangs won.

    But I did it my way, because I like myself better without her. And now that I have grown my hair, it seems to me that it would look a little ridiculous, since I still think that bangs only suit a short haircut.

    While I was in high school, I really wanted changes in my appearance. And it was my bangs that got me stuck, because before that I had worn them only once, when I was 5 years old. Then it was liquid, rather it was an imitation of bangs. Now I needed the “real” one!

    Somehow I asked my mother for permission (my mother was very reluctant - apparently, she was anticipating the subsequent regrowth and the associated torment). I liked the result. I did this with bangs for about a year and a half, then I began to get tired of the daily morning ritual of pulling it out, and I grew it out.

    But after a while, I again wanted to return to my hairstyle with bangs. And I finally decided to do it... with the purchase of an iron! It’s funny, but it was the fact that I had a straightening assistant that became decisive. And I cut off my bangs again. This time I came to good master, who was able to choose exactly “my” bangs. Later the master left, and others simply mechanically cut my hair, without trying to preserve my individuality.

    This time I had bangs for almost 2 years and decided to grow them out again. Almost 6 years have passed since this regrowth. To be honest, I have repeatedly thought about cutting off my bangs again - I feel like a naughty young girl with them, and the older I get, the more I want to return to this hairstyle. One thing stops me - when I get tired of it again, I’ll have to grow it back, and this is a rather long process.

    And yet, I feel like I'll cut off my bangs. And it may well happen quite soon.

    What did you choose for yourself? Have you ever worn bangs and did you like it?

    Experiments with hair are controversial due to difficulties with correct selection haircuts. A wrong step towards what is fashionable, but not suitable, can significantly change your image not in better side. In particular, this is typical for various forms bangs. Who does it suit, and who should avoid it? How to choose the best bangs for your face type? These women's questions are quite easy to answer by turning to professionals.

    Leading hairdressers and stylists are unanimous in their opinion on who suits bangs: they suit everyone. Moreover, there are countless variations of it, and almost any version can be transformed to suit the features a certain person. However, not every hairdresser will be able to correctly read a face and make the perfect haircut, combining the client’s wishes with the capabilities of his appearance. Therefore, in some cases, there are still recommendations to give up bangs. But before you decide for yourself whether you can wear it or not, you should find out exactly how bangs are selected.

    • The main parameter that needs to be taken into account is the proportions of the head and face. The ideal ratio of the width and height of the latter is 1:1.6, as well as an oval shape. This the right face, who suits absolutely any bangs, including creative, shocking options. It is allowed to shorten, lengthen, and cut different ways. But such parameters are rare. Therefore, girls often want to have bangs for the purpose of correcting certain shortcomings, or, on the contrary, emphasizing features that cause delight.
    • Compact faces have a ratio of 1:1.5 or less, sometimes reaching 1:1.2. Therefore, they need to be narrowed and elongated, which will help with asymmetrical diagonal bangs. With a number of face shapes and some nuances of appearance, this is where short bangs, however, is not straight: a slight upward bend should be traced in its line, under the oval.
    • In elongated faces, there is a need to cut them off in height, especially if the elongation is not uniform, but only in the area of ​​the forehead or chin. Straight bangs that reach the eyebrows are suitable for this, especially if they are thick. It can be raised a little if you have deep-set, slit-like eyes, which are already lost on the face, and with bangs they will go into the farthest place.
    • But even in a face with the correct ratio of width and height, flaws can be observed, if judged from the position of a once-invented ideal, therefore the cases discussed above are only general recommendations. And to choose the most successful bangs option, it is important to take into account all the parameters of the face and appearance as a whole.
    • However, we can say for sure that bangs are indicated when the upper part of the face is increased in height (from the hairline to the base of the eyebrow), in the presence of a wide forehead or a rectangular marginal hairline. It will not be superfluous in a face that has the shape of a trapezoid, when the lower part (from the cheekbone to the jaw area) increases, and it is also worth paying attention to the bangs if there is a need to shift some facial features to the background - nose, lips, eyes, etc. .d.

    Who suits short bangs?

    Short bangs from the upper border of the eyebrows can be at a distance of 3-5 cm or more, and also barely move away from the hairline. Visually, such a haircut can either widen or narrow the face depending on the cut, but in any situation it lengthens the face, since it significantly opens the forehead. Therefore, such bangs are contraindicated for long faces and look good on compact ones. However, even in the latter, it can become an element that stretches the face even more to the sides.

    A compact face (circle, square) needs to consider options for short bangs where the cut line is not clearly horizontal. It must either be an ascending arc or a diagonal. Or - have a thinning to create the impression of a broken straight line, and also lighten the overall image. Only by taking these nuances into account will you be able to get short bangs that do not distort your features.

    The next point is the condition of the hair and haircut. Short bangs are indicated for thin and rare hair ah, because it should not be thick and dense: in otherwise she will look like a failed experiment by a hairdresser who intended to make classic version to the eyebrows, but accidentally cut off the excess. In terms of styling, short bangs look most advantageous with ultra-short haircuts and in situations where the ends of the hair barely reach the shoulders. With long hair, short bangs most often stand out from the image, creating disharmony with it. Therefore, if you want to get bangs like this, consider changing your haircut to a pixie, bob, bob, etc.

    Read also: Haircuts for long hair without bangs

    Straight bangs are an all-time classic

    Straight bangs have long become a classic: most girls in school years They wore it, and therefore many people associate it with youth and school time. In some ways, such associations are not without logic: straight bangs that reach the base of the eyebrows make a woman look younger. Therefore, girls who want to be perceived as older, but have delicate, youthful features, by making straight bangs, reduce their age even more. This is especially true for voluminous straight bangs, which repeat and enhance the soft lines of a woman’s appearance.

    Straight bangs are most attractive on long faces, because with their ideal horizontality they cut them, removing length. At the same time, the same horizontal line visually slightly expands the frontotemporal zone, so you should not pay attention to it if you have broad forehead(characteristic of a rectangular face). But this property of straight bangs will help balance the trapezoid, which lacks volume in the upper part, but has excess in the lower part. But straight bangs look best on an elongated oval: it will hide a high forehead and take the eye away from a heavy chin.

    As for the condition of the hair, straight bangs are the choice of girls with thick and dense hair, which will not require constant styling, since they will retain their shape due to their heaviness. This is especially important for long, straight bangs: sparse, thin hair will look sloppy and, moreover, will always seem dirty, even if you washed your hair 2-3 hours ago. And, of course, it is undesirable to have straight bangs if you have curly hair: straightening them every day will have a negative effect on your hair.

    In terms of haircuts, straight bangs are quite loyal: they look great with a bob, but will work just as well with long curls reaching the shoulder blades or waist. It is possible to create straight bangs even with ultra-short haircuts like “pageboy”, “beanie”, etc., but in such a situation it is recommended to raise the cut line above the eyebrows by 1-1.5 cm. The same advice applies to small eyes with deep landing, so as not to make them even more invisible.

    Various options for asymmetrical bangs

    Asymmetrical bangs have the most variety of options, making them the most versatile for various types persons In addition, this is an ideal choice for both fine, sparse hair and dense, thick curls. In addition, asymmetrical bangs will look great on curly hair, which cannot be said about straight or short bangs.

    Sloping asymmetrical long bangs to one side, attached to a side parting, is considered an excellent option for visually elongating the face, therefore it is recommended if you have round or square shape. And, due to this property, it is contraindicated for an elongated oval. In addition, such bangs allow you to divert attention from a long nose, inharmoniously located eyes, and a heavy chin.

    Short, asymmetrical bangs with a shallow angle can narrow your forehead and also smooth out a square hairline. This version is ideal for girls with square and rectangular face, and in the presence of a triangular elongated shape, since it does not contribute to further lengthening of the face.

    If you have curly hair, you can make asymmetrical cut bangs. It looks most advantageous with pageboy and pixie haircuts, but can also be applied to the A-bob and many other styles.

    In general, as you can see, bangs suit absolutely everyone, but require careful coordination with facial features. Finally, it should be noted that, unlike the rest of the hair, bangs become stale faster and need to be washed more often. And also in some cases it involves constant work with styling products and thermal devices.

    Before cutting a strand of hair, carefully examine your face shape, head shape, hair shade, age and original condition of the strands. All these factors will help you decide whether you should choose a hairstyle with bangs at all.

    According to professionals, long bangs are suitable for girls with a triangular face type, while it is not advisable to comb the cut strand to the back of the head. Hairstyles without bangs are not at all suitable for this type of face.

    An asymmetrical strand is ideal for those with a square face. For those with a round face, side-swept or parted bangs are perfect. It will help visually lengthen the face and reduce its contours. Both the short version and the option will look beautiful. For a long and thin face shape, bangs laid on the side or cut into a ladder are suitable. For those with a high forehead, it is better to choose a thick and even one. On curly hair Ladder bangs look great.

    Girls with an oval face can choose a hairstyle without this element. This is also a great option for women with a diamond-shaped face contour. Suitable for chubby beauties too smooth hair without backcombing and bangs. In addition, stylists advise girls with a rectangular face not to wear this hairstyle, as this will emphasize their wide cheekbones and angularity of the face. It is not advisable to give up bangs for women with a wide or high forehead.

    If you want to emphasize the expressiveness of your big eyes and make your face look younger, straight, short-cut bangs will help you. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not suitable for every girl. You should not choose it if you have round face or high forehead.

    Oblique bangs adorn owners of square and rectangular lines faces. It will help balance the proportions and give the image a slight mystery. It is absolutely not suitable for those with curly hair.

    Classic shape strands in the form of an arc will soften the cutting proportions of triangular and oval face types.

    Fashionistas with ideal features can afford multi-layered jagged bangs. It looks great in combination with highlighted or colored hair.

    Different bangs styling will help you create a new look every day and give it brightness and individuality. For example, a curled strand will add romance to the look. To do this, curl it with a curling iron and arrange the rest of your hair in neat curls. A beautiful hairpin will help add flirtatiousness.

    If you are tormented by doubts about whether bangs are right for you, use a bobby pin. Pull the strand back, pin it up and meticulously evaluate the result.

    You can try pinning it on the side, but similar option will do only for young girls clean skin. You can add playfulness to your appearance if you pull straight, long bangs behind the ears, dividing them strictly in the center, and cover the top with hair. The bangs, braided and laid along the forehead, look stylish and playful.

    Stylists and barbers proclaim average length universal hair for creating a stylish men's hairstyle. A fashionable accent in men's haircuts is bangs, which can be very short or reach the eyebrows.

    You will need

    • Shaving machine, scissors, hair mousse, foam, wax, hair, highlighting dye.


    "Short bob" This hairstyle is ideal for a slim man with straight hair. thick hair. Particularly modern is the “bob on a leg”. The emphasis is on the graceful and long neck. The stem refers to a short-cropped nape, which visually elongates the neck and makes it thinner. The difference between a bob and a bob is that this haircut is much shorter. As for the bangs, in this hairstyle they can be done at will. It can be long, short, oblique, thinned, straight and even asymmetrical. How to cut a stemmed bob? First, wash your hair and dry it: it should remain slightly damp. Divide your hair into 4 zones using horizontal and vertical parting. Pin the resulting zones with clamps. Make a horizontal parting at ear level and pull the top part of your hair to the side. Start cutting the lower part of the hair layer by layer until you reach ear level. Separate the hair on the back of your head with a parting: cut some of it - this is the main length of the bob on the stem. Trim your hair: every 1.5 cm. After this, carefully trim your temples so that they smoothly flow into your hairstyle. Trim your bangs last.

    Ultra-short “hedgehog”. This one does not require careful care. The only thing that is necessary is to trim the overgrown ends in time. Therefore, the hairstyle is chosen by the military, athletes and those who do hard work. Stylists have made some changes to the classic “hedgehog”: now it is not only practical, but also creative. When doing a haircut, leave elongated strands on the top of the head, and let there be a classic “hedgehog” on the back and sides. Long hair use the gel to lay them on their side or lift them up. There are many options for styling long hair. A crew cut suits men with an oval face shape and coarse hair. For soft and thin hair, the hairstyle will require a lot of fixing products. Also this haircut is a salvation for those men who have suffered from early baldness.

    Remains in fashion male haircuts with shaved hair on the temples and back of the head. In this case, the crown stands out with rather long strands. These hairstyles are worn in a variety of ways: with a straight or side parting, with bangs combed smoothly back. A voluminous crown with shaved sides is no longer the preserve of only young people or punks. Today this haircut is universal. In the distant 30s, it was called “hipster” and implied the presence of thick bangs laid to one side. The haircut is very simple: leave the top hair and cut off the sides. The size of the area of ​​shaved hair depends only on your wishes. An original move in creating a hairstyle: shaving not one stripe, but two. Note also that at the peak of popularity in 2014, with one shaved temple. Those who love the extravagant make their shaved lines wavy or branch them.

    Styling “a la Elvis Presley”. Modern fashion from time to time looks back, complementing men's hairstyles with already forgotten options. So now at the peak of popularity are the hairstyle models of the 50s, where styling plays the main role. Create a lush bun hanging over your forehead on the top of your head or replace it with heavily combed bangs. To dry your hair while styling, use a hair dryer. If necessary, you can lift the hair at the roots using a brush. To install and create a roller, use various fixing agents. Men who prefer such complex hairstyles often understand the issues of “what to wear” and “how to look best” even better than many women.

    "Torn strands." The “torn strands” technique is performed without clear edging and graduation. Due to this, the hairstyle looks more voluminous and interesting. Men who want to add a little romance to their look are advised to opt for fashionable asymmetrical lines. Emphasized negligence suits almost any type of appearance and hair type. There are two types of such haircuts: long and long. short hair. The “ragged” effect in short haircuts will give a soft and thin hair volume. If you have long hair, then cut it with a ladder and make the ends of uneven length. For more creativity, paint the ends in light tone. Highlighting on a haircut with uneven ends also looks very impressive.


    Asymmetrical hairstyles have become so firmly in fashion that even in the office they will be a sign of inconsistency. bad taste, but on the contrary, style.

    Helpful advice

    Hairtatoo or entire drawings and patterns on the head made using a machine are very popular in men's hairstyles.

    To look good, you have to spend a lot of time and effort. Many things influence your external image: figure, clothing, skin and nails condition, makeup and, of course, hair shape. Nice hairstyle will help you correct the shape of your face, hide flaws and highlight your strengths.


    The first thing you need to pay attention to when selecting

    Many beauty experts agree that as you age, you need to open up your face.

    What to do with bangs if you are over 35?

    1. If bangs don’t suit you at all, you can change their shape a little, grow them out and open your forehead.

    2. Make it elongated, asymmetrical, so that it frames the forehead rather than covering it.

    3. Make an imitation of bangs so that they frame the face in the version with long hair.

    You can wear bangs only within a certain haircut. Then the length of the bangs will depend on the concept of the haircut and the characteristics of your face.

    Your face type affects your ability to wear bangs.

    Who should not wear bangs?

    Ladies with a round face type. In this case, it is advisable to create vertical hair lines. This can be a bob without bangs, an asymmetrical bob and a high crown.

    Ladies with a disproportionately large or long nose. Short or straight bangs will highlight it even more

    Ladies who wear long hair

    Ladies with age-related changes skins that wear extended or long hair.

    In what cases can you wear bangs?

    If you are under 30-35 years old

    If you wear a haircut that includes bangs. Typically this is short haircuts, bob with bangs, geometric haircuts.

    If you have a long face. In this case, I would recommend bangs as part of a haircut with volume on the sides of the head and a low crown.

    If you have a large forehead. In this case, you can pay more attention to the shape of the bangs within the haircut or hairstyle, and not to its presence.

    If you have proportional Oval face, proportional facial features, almost any haircut suits you.

    If you are over 35, it is advisable to choose one thing - either bangs with a haircut, or long hair without bangs.

    The main thing is a harmonious combination of hairstyle, your age, status, skin condition, and face type.

    In the process of working with women and men different ages, I noticed that bangs are often dissonant with a person’s status and age. The bangs give the face a little “childish” appearance, and mature age this is especially noticeable.

    Save time and effort, take an online hair consultation

    Changing your haircut and shade is the fastest way to get noticeable changes in your image. Therefore, for those who are not ready to completely change their image, I have prepared an online consultation on haircuts, hairstyles and hair shades. Without leaving home:

    • I will give you a comprehensive consultation on your hair via Skype or phone, where you will find out what haircuts suit you and how to change your hair shade
    • you will receive all the recommendations in a convenient mini e-book
    • you will learn how to interact correctly with hairdressers, etc.

    This is interesting:

    Do you want to receive interesting notes about style and makeup?

    It's no secret that not only a new hair color, but also bangs can radically change your image.

    Long and laid to the side, short in the style of the 40s or graduated - there can be many variations, but the main thing is to choose the one that suits you.

    Our photo gallery contains 30 stellar examples.

    Some celebrities dared to experiment, but made a mistake and rushed to grow their hair to the usual length (just remember Olga Buzova or Jessica Biel), while others - for example, Monica Bellucci or Svetlana Bondarchuk - still do not part with their bangs and receive a lot of compliments.

    It’s hard for us to imagine Olga Buzova with bangs! But back in 2010, Olga still wore it (photos from 2016 and 2010)

    In the case of Angelina Jolie, it seems to us, everything is obvious: she is beautiful both with bangs and without them (photos from 2009 and 2016)

    Victoria Lopyreva cut off her bangs for the first time in 2007 and did not part with them for three years. As a result, the model realized that this was not her option (photos from 2016 and 2007)

    Once upon a time, Kim Kardashian also wore torn bangs and it is worth noting that they suited her very well (photos from 2015 and 2013)

    Jessica Alba does not dare to make bold experiments, but from time to time she refreshes her image. For example, in 2009, the star cut off her bangs. She added softness to Alba’s appearance, but the actress has been walking without it for several years now

    During the “Holidays in Mexico - 2” project, Victoria Bonya walked around with such thick bangs right up to her eyelashes (photo on the right). Agree that with a different hair color and hairstyle, the TV presenter looks completely different (photos from 2016 and 2013)

    Just the other day, Marina Alexandrova shared with her Instagram followers the result of a bold experiment with her hair. The actress, who very rarely changes anything in her appearance, decided to get bangs. The star's fans agreed that she began to look much younger, but what do you think? (photos from 2015 and 2017)

    In 2014, Kate Middleton was recognized by readers of the British magazine HELLO! the celebrity with the most luxurious hairstyle. Surely thousands of Englishwomen also cut off their bangs after the Duchess did it in 2015 (photos from 2014 and 2015)

    According to rumors, when Jessica Biel decided to cut off her bangs in 2012, her husband Justin Timberlake was against it; the singer believed that she would not beautify the actress at all. It is worth admitting that he was right. Now the star looks much more attractive

    In 2012, at the party in honor of the premiere of the film “The Hunger Games,” Jennifer Lawrence appeared with bangs, but which look do you like best? (photos from 2011 and 2012)

    In our opinion, bangs will forgive the image of Vera Brezhneva. She first appeared with this hairstyle in 2012 at the MUZ-TV awards (photos from 2016 and 2012)

    The star of the television series “Method” Paulina Andreeva decided on a bold beauty experiment in November 2015. Straight bangs below the eyebrows gave her image a mysterious look, don’t you agree?

    In 2016, Svetlana Bondarchuk, who is usually not prone to beauty experiments, surprised fans with a drastic change in her image - the star cut off her side bangs. We really liked Bondarchuk’s new look: Svetlana began to look at least 10 years younger (photos from 2015 and 2016)

    Beyonce cut off her bangs in 2012, causing a storm of emotions among her fans. Many still call the singer’s beauty experiment one of the most unsuccessful in her career (photos from 2015 and 2012)

    Selena Gomez decided on long asymmetrical bangs with a light thinning in the summer of 2016. The singer published a photo in her new look on her Instagram page. Followers were truly delighted with the unusual image of the star and wrote thousands of compliments under the photo.

    In 2008, Keti Topuria was blonde and wore thick bangs; in 2009, she became a brunette and grew her hair long again. We are sure that the changes have benefited her, and you? (photos from 2016 and 2008)

    If you have the same heart-shaped face shape as Reese Witherspoon, then torn, profiled bangs will definitely suit you (photos from 2015 and 2012)

    Rihanna loves to experiment with her own appearance: she gets hair extensions, dreadlocks, and in 2014 she cut off her bangs. True, the singer did not live with such a hairstyle for a long time; already in 2015, not a trace remained of her bangs

    Taylor Swift loves bangs in all their forms (short, straight and even, wavy). In 2015 (photo on the right) at the iHeartRadio Music Awards, the star appeared again with this hairstyle. Do you think it suits her?

    Britney Spears' bangs added a couple of bangs to her extra pounds and made the singer’s face even more rounded. We hope that after such an experiment the star fired her hair stylist (photos from 2016 and 2003)

    In 2014, actress Jennifer Garner also joined the ranks of those who prefer bangs. By the way, she still hasn’t parted with her

    Jennifer Aniston has experimented with bangs several times. One of the most good options the actress tried it on in 2004. Which of the star's looks do you prefer? (photos from 2016 and 2004)

    Elena Podkaminskaya first appeared in public with long bangs in March 2016, when she appeared at the Motion Picture and Television Producers Association Awards. Now the actress is faithful to this image and, it seems, is not going to change anything (photos from 2015 and 2016)

    In the photo on the right, which was taken in 2009, we hardly recognize Sofia Vergara. It's not all to blame dark color hair, but also straight torn bangs. Do you think it’s like this? hairstyle goes actress?

    Katy Perry, an experimenter and longtime fan of wigs, often decides to make radical changes. In 2014, she made straight bangs down to her eyebrows; you must agree, the singer looked very stylish with them

    Salma Hayek demonstrates how you can look 10 years younger without the help of plastic surgeons. Bangs work wonders!

    At the end of 2015, Ciara got bangs, which, by the way, suit the singer very well. The star has been faithful to her image for many years, so fans were very surprised to see her with a new haircut

    We're all trying to decide whether Kerry Washington's bangs suit her or not, what do you think? (photos from 2013 and 2015)

    Hailee Steinfeld sported neat asymmetrical bangs in 2015. Looks very cute and flirty!

    A-line bangs and sloppy bangs with “ragged” edges are now one of the most popular. Presenters fashionable houses, including Balenciaga, Giorgio Armani and Giambattista Valli, focused specifically on them. Their success was cemented by celebrities who decided to get a little rowdy and cut off their bangs. Other celebrities did not part with them. In our photo gallery there are 30 stars with and without bangs, which one suits you, you decide!

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