• Autumn calendar holidays and rituals. Autumn folk holidays in Russia


    Autumn is an ancient folk festival of farewell to summer and welcome to autumn. Autumn is a meeting of autumn in Rus'. In the Slavic calendar, this day was called “Oseniny” or “Ospozhinki” and was celebrated as a harvest festival. On this day we thanked Mother Earth.At the beginning of September, the grain harvest ended, which was supposed to ensure the well-being of the family for the next year. Also, the meeting of autumn had its own special meaning - on this day, rituals to renew the fire took place: the old fire was extinguished and a new one was lit, which was mined by blows of flint.

    From “Osenin” the main economic activity was transferred from the field to the garden or to the house: the collection of vegetables began (onions were first of all harvested). Usually in Oseniny they made a large and beautiful table, around which the whole family gathered. For the holiday, they made fruit drinks and kvass from berries and baked loaves from the flour of the new harvest. These dishes were used to glorify Mother Earth for giving birth to bread and other products.

    September 14 is the day of Semyon the Summer Guide. The sit-ins began with Semyon, i.e. work in huts under fire.
    September 21 - Ospozhinki was celebrated - the harvest festival. It was believed that from this day autumn firmly came into its own.
    September 27 - Exaltation. All signs and rituals of this day were associated with the word “move”.

    The rise of autumn moves towards winter, “the grain moves from the field to the threshing floor,” “the bird moved to take flight,” and even “the caftan and fur coat moved, and the hat pulled down.”

    In the old days in Rus' the second Osenins were also important on September 21, on the day of the autumnal equinox, when day is equal to night. By this time, the entire harvest had already been harvested. The holiday was celebrated with great hospitality and widespread hospitality. They certainly visited their parents and commemorated their ancestors. In the Christian church calendar the second

    Autumn fell on September 21 - the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.
    Also called Pasekin Day. On this day, bees were removed and onions were collected. Onion teardrop day. Signs said that “Every summer is over.” “If the weather is good, autumn will be good.” “Indian summer has scared away the quiet.”

    It is customary to meet autumn people near the water. On this day, early in the morning, women go to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread. The older woman stands with bread, and the young people around her sing songs. After which they break the bread into pieces for all those gathered, and also feed this bread to livestock for their offspring.

    Interestingly, the Aztec Indians celebrated male fertility day on this day. And September 21 was considered a favorable day for conceiving strong and healthy boys.

    In Russia, in Oseniny, there was a custom of treating newlyweds who had recently had a wedding to all their relatives. Relatives and friends came to visit the newlyweds. After a hearty dinner, the young housewife showed all her household goods in the house. The guests were supposed to praise the Hostess and teach her wisdom. And the Owner showed the guests the yard, the tools for the harvest, the summer and winter harness of the horses.

    The Second Autumn was celebrated on September 21, it coincided with the Christmas holiday Holy Mother of God. The third Autumn fell on September 27th.

    What is autumn? For some - beautiful fallen leaves in all shades of orange, yellow and red. someone will remember the cold weather and variable wind with cool autumn rain, and someone will definitely think about the autumn holiday dear to their hearts. Autumn is the fourth season that we want to tell you about.


    First September For all teachers, schoolchildren, students and their parents, this is World Knowledge Day. Canada and the USA also celebrate Labor Day on September 1st.

    On September 2, the Muslim world celebrates the beginning of the Ramadan fast, September 8 is International Literacy Day, and September 9 is International Beauty Day. On September 15, the Japanese celebrate the Day of Honoring the Elderly, the 21st is the International Day of Peace and Orthodox Christmas Holy Mother of God.

    September 26 is the European Day of Languages, and the next day is the World Day of Languages. September 28 is International Day of the Deaf and Dumb, September 29 is World Sea Day. On September 30, Russia celebrates Internet Day, and all over the world it is also Translator’s Day.


    Start October- International Older People's Day and Japanese Sake Day. World Space Week begins on October 4, and World Animal Day is celebrated on the same day. October 5 is World Teacher, Doctor and Architect Day. World Post Day falls on the 9th of the month, and October 10th is the anniversary of the start of the Cuban War of Independence. 12 - National Wine Day in Moldova, October 16 - World Food Day and Boss Day.

    On October 17, you can celebrate the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, and on October 22, the White Cranes Festival, established by the people's poet of Dagestan Rasul Gamzatov as a holiday of poetry and as a memory of those who died on the battlefields in all wars. October 28 is Animation Day, and October 31 is Halloween, All Hallows' Eve.


    1 November this year is World Men's Day, which the world community began to celebrate with light hand Mikhail Gorbachev. The initiative of the former President of the USSR was supported by the Viennese magistrate, the UN office in Vienna and a number of other international organizations. Now the world “twenty-third of February” is celebrated on the first Saturday of November.

    November 7 continues to be celebrated in Belarus and Kyrgyzstan as the Day of the October Revolution, while in Armenia they celebrate the national Wine Festival. November 8 is International KVN Day. On November 10, Youth Day is celebrated all over the world, November 13 is International Day of the Blind, and World Quality Day falls on the same day. November 17 is International Student's Day, 18 is the Birthday of Father Frost in Russia, and on November 20 the whole world celebrates Children's Day and International Philosophy Day.

    November 21 is World Greetings Day and Television Day, November 26 is World Information Day, and November 30 is Mother's Day in Russia and International Information Protection Day.

    These are the holidays of the fourth season - autumn. Warm weather passes, the rains give way to the first snow, the water turns into ice, we dress warmer. What better way to diversify our lives at this time than the winter holidays?

    The summer season has died down and is filled with unbridled fun under the warm sun. What now, sit and sadly wait for Grandfather Frost? No, of course, because there are still tons of autumn holidays - significant events, many of which we look forward to all year. Keep our holiday calendar and stay informed about all the festive occasions.

    September Holidays

    Autumn declares its rights very enchantingly, loudly proclaiming the beginning of a new school year. You can have many years of work experience, and September 1 will still feel somehow special. The Day of Knowledge will teach everyone who does not yet know how to write in a notebook with a thin feather, and will allow them to rejoice that knowledge continues to mean so much in our lives. Set it up and move on. As they say, we will be satisfied with more than just training! Holidays in September are just beginning:

    — in 2016, September 4 is solemnly celebrated as Oil Worker’s Day;
    — On September 8, it’s time to remember the importance of reading and writing skills in our lives. Just think, if you were completely illiterate, you would not be able to read what is written here! This makes me feel a bit uneasy. Let us raise a glass in honor of our literacy on September 8th, Literacy Day;
    - beauty is not measured in numbers, but has its own date - September 9 - International Beauty Day;
    — Mark the date September 14th on your calendar as a reason to celebrate something epoch-making. This is Slavic New Year, why not have a dress rehearsal before its generally accepted version?
    — September 18 – professional holiday of forest workers;
    — September 19 — we’re all going to a birthday party, because Smiley was born today! Yes, yes, it's Smiley Day. He is already a big boy; he turns 34 this year. By the way, are you aware? And we are aware!
    - September 21 - a significant church event - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
    — elephants are large creatures, but completely defenseless against human cruelty. They must be protected, which is what Elephant Protection Day on September 22 reminds us of;
    — September 26 is a solemn occasion to meet with the most devoted, time-tested comrades, because it is the Day of Meeting Old Friends.

    Holidays in October

    Holidays in October are no less varied and interesting. See for yourself:

    — October 1 – Music Day;
    — On October 2, a number of countries celebrate the professional holiday of our patient, intelligent, cheerful teachers;
    — October 7 simply obliges everyone and everything to smile, regardless of the weather or their own mood. After all, it's Smile Day!
    — On October 14, two significant events are celebrated at once: the Day of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Mother’s Day in the Republic of Belarus;
    - It seems that everything is so simple and clear - wash your hands before eating, but what sense does that make? The importance of the event is immortalized in Handwashing Day on October 15;
    — October 16 is an important date for almost every employee. After all, each of us has his own boss, his own tireless, responsible leader, and this is his day;
    oriental tales just as captivating as the local sweets. Treat yourself to the opportunity to snuggle up to them on the Day of Sweet Molasses and Oriental Sweets on October 18;
    holidays Autumn simply cannot do without International Chef's Day on October 20th. The profession is very ancient and very appetizing, it concerns each of us, because we are all a little bit of a cook;
    - mother-in-law is not just a name, but a state of mind. Everyone has the opportunity to congratulate them on their personal holiday - Happy mother-in-law, which is celebrated on October 23;
    - a very important date in October - the 31st, because it is Halloween. Although the celebration is not official, it is very cool. Prepare pumpkins, dress up scary and don't forget the toilet paper.

    November holidays

    Don't know what holidays are celebrated in November? But we know:

    - and it all starts with Men's Day on November 5th. “We are against discrimination against men,” said the founders of the holiday and established World Day in their honor;
    - you thought that the day in honor of youth was exclusively summer holiday? But no! Its autumn variation is celebrated on November 10;
    — November 11 – Shopping Day. If you are overcome by the autumn blues, don’t miss it and do some shopping;
    — November 13 – Kindness Day – good tradition For good people;
    - Do you want to quit smoking? We are all for it and are giving it to you for this. suitable date– November 17 is the Day of Worldwide Abandonment of this Bad Habit, and at the same time – Student’s Day;
    — November 20 is the Day of the Child, his well-being and harmonious development;
    — holidays in November are very friendly, for example, Greetings Day on November 21st. Say hello to everyone all day long and wish you all the best - that’s how many new friends you can make!
    — November 25th this year will be Black Friday. What does it mean? Huge discounts and sales, that's what it means. Well, what a holiday for avid shopaholics!
    — whoever owns the information, you yourself know what you own. Holiday in honor of information – November 26;
    — November 27 is Mother’s Day in Russia.

    We offer a calendar of autumn 2018 with holidays, significant dates, memorable state events, church (Orthodox) celebrations and folk signs.

    It should be noted that the astronomical autumn of 2018 will begin according to the popular calendar not on September 1, but on September 22 - the day of the autumn equinox.

    According to the phenological calendar, the beginning of autumn is associated with the beginning of the fall of yellow leaves, the first frosts and the departure of birds.

    There are two periods of autumn:

    From the beginning of the first frost to the end of leaf fall;

    From the end of leaf fall to the beginning of winter.

    Folk signs - "Warm autumn - for a long winter." “If birch trees turn yellow from the top in autumn, next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.”

    “If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.” “There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - the autumn will be rainy, but not enough - it will be dry.”

    According to the Bianchi Forest Calendar, the first month of autumn begins on September 21 - the “Month of Farewell of Migratory Birds to their Homeland”, the second month of autumn - the “Month of Full Pantries” and the third autumn month - the “Month of Winter Guests”.

    Popular proverbs - “Autumn time is a bird from the yard.” “In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it tears, it pours from above, twists, muddies, and sweeps from below.”

    “In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.” “In autumn, cattle grow fat, but people become healthier.”

    Autumn calendar 2018 - September, October, November

    September 2018

    Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
    1 2
    3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    17 18 19 20 21 22 23
    24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    October 2018

    Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    29 30 31

    November 2018

    Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
    1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    12 13 14 15 16 17 18
    19 20 21 22 23 24 25
    26 27 28 29 30

    Day of Andrei Stratilat the warmer and Thekla the beetroot maker. Andrey Stratilat and Thekla. Noticeable warming. The warm wind is dressed in a cobweb, bowing after the departed summer.

    Stratilat's day has come - the oats have arrived. Dig beets for Thekla. A warm, southerly wind means a good oat harvest.

    Day of Knowledge.

    First day of autumn.

    Samoilin day. Day of the Prophet Samuel, beetroot. Samuel the prophet himself prays to God for a man. It's time to pull out the beets and carrots. The beet-keeper is a slave for the girls.

    In Orthodoxy, September 2, Samoilin Day is known as the day of remembrance of the prophet Samuel, who was considered the protector and patron of all peasants and disadvantaged people.

    Day of the Russian Guard.

    Vietnam Independence Day.

    Labor Day in Canada.

    Thaddeus Day. If this day is clear, you should expect the same weather for another four weeks. Who is Thaddeus, own your happiness!

    Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism.

    National Army Day of the Republic - Moldova.

    Day of Agathon the Ogumennik. The peasants were afraid of the devil and guarded the threshing floor at night so that he would not scatter the sheaves.

    Day of the Nuclear Engineer (Nuclear Support Specialist).

    Day of the Customs Service Worker of the Republic - Moldova.

    vRescuer Day in Armenia.

    Day of St. Lupus of Thessalonica. Lingonberry loops. First frost. On St. Lupus the frost hits the oats. If the lingonberries are ripe, you need to hurry up with the oat harvest. If the cranes fly low and silently, it means bad weather.

    Teacher's Day in India.

    Rosh Hashanah. This Jewish holiday is celebrated in honor of the creation of the world.

    Day of Eutyches. It’s good if Eutyches is quiet, otherwise you won’t be able to keep the flaxseed on the root: everything will hatch completely.

    Oil and Gas Worker's Day.

    Ukrainian Entrepreneur's Day.

    Day of Titus and Bartholomew. Titus, let's go threshing! Listopadiik-Tit grows the last mushroom. Titus is dragging the last mushroom in the basket - the most vigorous one, without a wormhole.

    Brazilian Independence Day.

    Day of Andrian and Natalia Ovsyanitsa. Day of Paul the Rowanberry. It's time to mow oats, cook oatmeal jelly, bake pancakes. If oats don't grow, you'll swallow tears. Cold matinee for Natalia - to the early and cold winter. If you don’t mow oats with Natalya, you’ll be exhausted to the point of tears.

    Russian Financier Day.

    International Literacy Day.

    Day of Saint Natalia Ovsyanitsa.

    Memorial Day for Anfisa and Pimen. Anfisa's Day, fieldfare. Birds are the first to feast on rowan berries. Winter will be merciful to the peasant if there are a lot of berries left on the rowan tree.

    International Beauty Day.

    Harvest Festival - Earth Thanksgiving.

    Day of Anna and Savva Skirdnikov. Anna the Prophetess and Savva of Pskov, skirmishers. On this day, they hurried to put the uncultivated sheaves into stacks and glorified the harvest. A good owner's haystack is as good as a haystack, but a couch potato's haystack is as good as a haystack.http://site/node/4572

    The cheerful inviting fairs began. On this day, Moses Murin was also revered, to whom they prayed for deliverance from drunkenness and craving for smoking.

    World Suicide Prevention Day.

    Teacher's Day - China.

    Day of Ivan Lenten, Ivan the Proletny. Day of Ivan Lenten (Day of the beheading of John the Baptist), Ivan Proletny. Everything round is prohibited - anything that might resemble a severed head (apples, potatoes, cabbage, etc.); knives are not taken into the hands. Strict post.

    Educational Specialist Day.

    Day of Sobriety in Russia.

    Day of the cut glass.

    Teacher's Day in Argentina.

    New Year in Ethiopia.

    Day of Prince Alexander Nevsky. Warm and starry - for a good future harvest. On September 12, the peasants tried to set a rich table and have a feast.

    Pizza Festival in Naples.

    Kupriyanov day. Kupriyan Day. It's time to harvest carrots and dig potatoes. Potatoes are a sucker for bread. Every root has its time.

    Russian Programmer's Day.

    Hairdresser day.

    Tanker's Day.

    Semyon Letoprovedets. Day of Simeon the Stylite, in the folk calendar - Semyon the Summer Guide. In pre-Petrine Rus' (from the mid-14th century to 1700) it fell on September 1 and was considered the beginning of the New Year. This day was the deadline for paying state taxes and for appearing in court.

    Day of the fiery wolf

    Sanctified church time - the beginning of the indictment

    Day of the Mammoth-Shepherd, day of Fedot and Rufin. Day of the Mammoth Shepherd. In order to avoid misfortunes, it was customary to drive cattle out of the yard only after noon that day. Snakes are very dangerous - you should not walk barefoot, especially near water. The future can be determined by the water, by the way it flows.

    Knowledge Day in Azerbaijan.

    Unity Day of the Peoples of Dagestan.

    Day of Domna Dobrodnaya. Vasilisa's Day. Housewives prepared flax and hemp for spinning. Baba Vasilisa, in a hurry with flax, get ready for chatter and confusion. Old, worn-out bast shoes, hung near the roof that day, protected the house “from the evil eye.”

    HR Manager Day.

    International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

    Mexican Independence Day.

    Day of the Icon of the Mother of God "Burning Bush". Lukov day. It's time to dig up the onions. On this day they prayed for the protection of houses and livestock from fires.

    US Citizenship Day (US Constitution Day).

    Workers Day fire service Ukraine.

    Rescuer Day of Ukraine.

    Day of Elizabeth the Fortuneteller. The day is considered successful for predictions, since it was on this day that Saint Elizabeth predicted the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary. It is very dangerous to disturb the water in rivers and lakes: on this day the water spirit Ichetik falls asleep. Whoever bothers him may drown next year.

    Day of the Holy Prophet Zechariah.

    Day of the Secretary of Russia.

    Michaelmas. Cold weather - “Mikhailovsky frosts”. Mikhail grabbed the ground with frost. On this day, the peasants did not work in the fields - it was a sin. At the same time, it was he who was considered the most suitable for solving all family problems.

    Smiley's birthday.

    Ukrainian Pharmacist Day.

    Gunsmith's Day in Russia.

    Jewish Feast of Tabernacles Sukkot.

    Zhongqiu - Moon and Harvest Festival (China).

    Day of the Martyr Sozont. “Onion” day, the day of taking herbal medicinal kvass, infusions, decoctions. Deadline digging onions from the beds, the beginning of the onion trade.

    Forest Workers Day (3rd Sunday).

    Russian Recruiter Day.

    Customs Officer's Day in Belarus.

    Oil Workers' Day in Azerbaijan.

    Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Aspasov Day, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To spend the day in wisdom and prayer is to find happiness. The end of every summer, a big holiday. The women met him at the water. Children walked around the yards and gave their owners small “autumn” sheaves. In their songs, they wished the owners well-being and called for a generous autumn.

    International Day of Peace.

    Day of the Innovator and Inventor of Ukraine.

    Armenian Independence Day.

    "Nikola autumn" Night trips are stopped: Nikola will fatten the spring horse, and drive the autumn horse into the yard. Whoever confuses and tears branches invites snakes into the house. Snakes are very dangerous. You cannot lift snakes and grass snakes above your eyes - you can get fainting, the evil eye, or damage. You cannot kill snakes - the snake kings will take revenge all year long.

    International Car Free Day.

    Baltic Unity Day.

    Day of the autumn equinox.

    Day of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Kazakhstan.

    Day of the autumn equinox. Day of Peter and Paul - Fieldfare. They collected rowan berries and decorated their homes with them. Day became equal to night. Mountain ash is a frosty winter. If there are few rowan trees in the forest, then autumn will be dry.

    Yandex's birthday.

    The Sede holiday is the embodiment of the law according to which destroyed forms are interchanged with new analogues.

    Memorial Day of St. Silouan of Athos. Fedor Day - wet your tails. Last farewell to summer. Autumn equinox, the beginning of rain and slush. Under Fedora, summer ends and autumn begins. Not every summer will make it to Fedora.

    Kurban Bayram.

    International Caravan Day.

    System Analyst Day.

    Artamon's Day. According to legend, on this day snakes go into the forest and hide. You can’t make noise - the snake will gape and stay near the house. The noise also attracts witches - they bring evil to the house.

    National Comic Book Day in the USA.

    DCornelius's day. All root vegetables, except turnips, must be dug up by this day: Saint Cornelius - remove the rhizomes from the ground! It's a Corniglian day in the yard - every root is in its hole. From Corniglia the root does not grow in the ground, but freezes.

    World Contraception Day.

    European Day of Languages.

    INerection of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Exaltation, the third meeting of autumn, the first frost. The elements are ready to obey those people who spend this day in church. Last date for harvesting bread.

    The birds flocked to the south, the bear lay down in its den. On this day, the peasants were afraid of the devil and did not go into the forest. It's time to chop the cabbage. The caftan and fur coat will move, the last cart will leave the field, the birds will fly away, and the cold will approach.

    Day of teachers and preschool workers.

    World Tourism Day.

    Google's birthday.

    Mechanical Engineer's Day.

    International Day of the Deaf and Mutes.

    Memorial Day of the Holy Great Martyr Nikita. Nikita the goose fly, reporez, Nikita the goose fly. The geese are flying - they are dragging winter clothes on their tails, carrying snow on their noses.http://site/node/4572

    The merman is furious, getting ready to sleep - he needs to be appeased with a goose. You cannot eat the bird yourself, otherwise the water bird will be harmful throughout the next year. It's time to gather turnips and start shearing the sheep. Turnips are meat, cut and eat!

    Nuclear Industry Worker's Day.

    CEO Day in Russia.

    Czech Statehood Day.

    Euphemia Day. Dry and warm weather on September 29 - it will be late winter, and severe frosts, most likely, can not be expected. It was on September 29 that they began to shear sheep, whose wool was used to make felt boots.

    Also on this day they continued to harvest cabbage for the winter. They usually did this together, organizing so-called cabbage parties.

    Day of the Archangel Michael.

    Day of Blessed Ferdinando.

    Sofia Day. Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sofia. Read conspiracies for memory and understanding.

    On this day, girls' get-togethers were held. Dry weather - winter will not come soon Sunny and warm on September 30 - according to signs, you can go fishing and count on a good catch.

    International Translation Day.

    Internet Day.

    Autumn calendar 2018 - holidays, dates and events of October

    International Day of Older Persons.

    Cyprus - Independence Day. Celebrated since 1960.

    Day of Proclamation of the People's Republic - China.

    Russian Ground Forces Day.

    International Music Day.

    World Vegetarian Day.

    Day of Trofim and Zosima. In ancient times, Zosima was considered the protector of bees, and it was to him on October 2 that they prayed that the bees would be alive and well, and that there would be plenty of honey.

    On October 2, India celebrates the birthday of Gandhi, a man who did not create his own religion, although in many ways he corresponds to traditional Indian ideas about a holy guru (religious mentor).

    Guinea - Independence Day

    Feast Day

    International Day of Social Educators

    World Smile Day

    Day of Astafia (Eustafia Windmill). Usually on Astafyev's Day it was customary to chop cabbage, because it was believed that right now the cabbage was the most delicious.

    Day of German Unity. Germany Celebrated in honor of the reunification of the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany. On this day in 1990, the reunion was made official.

    Day of formation of the state of South Korea.

    World Habitat Day. Celebrated on the first Monday of October.

    Columbus Day in the USA. Columbus Day in the USA is a national day national holiday. Celebrated on the first Monday of October since 1492.

    World Architecture Day.

    International Housing Day.

    Riot Police Day

    Kondrat Day. Matthew's Day. On this day, conspiracies were usually read, and also rituals were performed that made it possible to hope for a fertile next year.

    World Animal Day. This holiday is associated with the name of St. Francis, the patron saint of sacred animals, who is revered mainly in Catholic countries. It has been celebrated in Russia since 2000 on the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

    Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year.

    World Animal Day

    Russian Space Forces Day

    Civil Defense Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

    Phocas Day, Jonah Day. In the old days, it was believed that autumn began on October 5 and continued until the Nativity of Christ.

    International Teachers Day.

    Republic Day Portugal.

    The 1st day of Ramadan is the beginning of the Great Fast for Muslims. The beginning of a month-long fast (sawm) during the holy month of Ramadan. A long fast during the month of Ramadan (in Persian - Ramadan) is obligatory for all adults, healthy, ritually pure people.

    Day of Criminal Investigation Workers.

    Iraidin day, the day of John the Baptist. On October 6, they wondered about their own fate.

    Egyptian Army Day (Armed Forces Day).

    Memorial Day - Turkmenistan.

    World Habitat Conservation Day.

    Russian Insurer Day.

    Day of Thekla Zarevnitsa. On October 7, young girls could guess about their future.

    Fiesta holiday in Spain, Zaragoza

    International Guitar Festival (held in Argentina)

    Day of the headquarters units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

    Day of St. Sergius of Radonezh. On October 8, St. Sergius of Radonezh began the custom of chopping cabbage and slaughtering chickens for sale. They said that snow falls on this day 40 days before the onset of cold weather.

    Ukrainian Lawyer's Day

    Croatian Independence Day

    National Children's Day. USA

    Health and Sports Day (Japan). Established in honor of Japan's first Olympic Games in 1964, held in Tokyo.

    Day of St. John the Theologian. By October 9, the peasants completed all work in the field and began to monitor precipitation, which was used to predict the weather.

    Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers.

    World Post Day. World Post Day is one of the international days celebrated in the United Nations system.

    World Post Day.

    World Egg Day.

    Day of Savatiy the Beekeeper (Savatiy Solovetsky). On October 10, beekeepers try to finish preparations for winter.

    World Mental Health Day. World Mental Health Day has been celebrated annually since 1992.

    World Mental Health Day.

    Day of workers of standardization and metrology of Ukraine.

    Day of Ilya Muromets. He is known as an epic hero and was popularly considered the intercessor of people and their defender from enemies.http://site/node/4572

    Sovereignty Day of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was adopted in 1990.

    Revolution Day - Panama.

    International Day of the Girl Child.

    Agricultural Workers' Day.

    Day of Maryamna the Sorrowful, Theophan the Merciful. People analyzed natural phenomena on October 12 and tried to predict the weather from them.

    International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction.

    Opening day - Bahamas.

    Nation Day - Spain. (Day of Spanish Culture or Spanish Spirit).

    Independence Day - Equatorial Guinea.

    Personnel Day

    Gregory's Day. Legend has it that on October 13, people tried to renew their pillows and mattresses.

    Foundation Day of the National Assembly of the Republic of Afghanistan.

    Friendship Day - Virgin Islands.

    Yom Kippur (Judgment Day) is a day of repentance and prayer for Jews.

    The Day of Atonement, Judgment Day, in the Jewish tradition is the most important of the holidays, a day of fasting, repentance and absolution.

    World Farmer's Day.

    Protection of the Holy Mother of God. Orthodox holiday- The Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated only by Russian Orthodox Church and is one of the greats. The Feast of the Intercession was established in honor of the appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to Blessed Andrew. It was on this day that the peasants tried to completely complete the agricultural year, collecting vegetables and fruits. On October 14, the wedding season began.

    International Standardization Day. On this day, October 14, 1946, a decision was made to create the International Organization for Standardization.

    Ukraine Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks.

    Mother's Day - Belarus.

    Day of Ustinya and Kupriyan. People considered them protectors from demons, sorcerers and witches. They said that this is the time at which it is necessary to get rid of all evil spirits and obsessions.

    Workers Day Food Industry.

    Independence Day - Bosnia.

    Mid-Autumn Festival - China.

    Denis Pozimny. On October 16, the peasants feared the evil eye and read a large number of conspiracies from evil spirits, autumn fever, damage. It was rumored that the smell of garlic and onions could scare away evil spirits, and therefore, according to signs, bundles of them were hung over doors and windows.

    World Food Day.

    Workers Day road facilities. Professional holiday Road workers are celebrated on the third Sunday in October.

    Republic Day North Ossetia- Alanya.

    Day of Food Industry Workers. Food Industry Workers' Day was established in 1966 and is celebrated on the third Sunday in October.

    Vatican City - Day of the election of the Pope.

    Chef's Day (Boss's Day).

    Anesthesiologist's Day.

    Day of Hierotheus. From this day on, the cold becomes more and more intense, and winter can be felt approaching. It was not worth going into the forest on this day - it was rumored that on October 17, Leshy break down trees and chase animals before leaving to spend the winter until next year.

    International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

    Chang Yung Festival - China, Hong Kong.

    Mother's Day - Malawi.

    Kharitin Day. It was on October 18 that it was believed that one could begin to spin and weave. Therefore, the holiday itself was often popularly called Spinning.

    Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan (proclaimed in 1991).

    Day of the Republic of Kalmykia. In 1990, the Declaration of State Sovereignty was adopted.

    Alaska Day. USA. In 1867, Alaska was sold by the tsarist government to Russia to the United States, until 1884 under the jurisdiction of the US War Department, into a district from 1884-1912, then a territory, and since 1959 a US state. October 18 is considered Alaska Day in the United States.

    Sukkot is a joyful Jewish holiday. The joyful holiday of Sukkot - the "festival of huts" - lasts seven days. These days, Jews are commanded to live in huts, or at least eat there.

    Thomas Day, Denis Day. They said that on Denis Pozimsky on October 19, cumulus clouds could be seen in the sky for the last time this year - it was believed that from that moment winter would come and the cold would begin.

    Lima Day - Peru.

    All-Russian Lyceum Student Day.

    Day of the Rocket and Artillery Forces of Armenia.

    Lawyer's Day in Moldova.

    Day of Sergei Zimny. They say that from October 20th of this moment winter begins, although it is still autumn on the calendar. However, the days become short, the nights become long, and even frosts can be observed in the mornings.

    Military Signalman's Day.

    World Statistics Day.

    International Air Traffic Controller Day.

    Day of the Signal Corps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    International Chef's Day.

    Revolution Day - Guatemala.

    Army Day - Kenya.

    Belgrade Day - Yugoslavia (Serbia).

    Heroes Day - Jamaica.

    Tryphon Day, Pelagia Chill Day. They said that it was on October 21 that the days became colder, and winter was soon approaching. There was even a saying: “Tryphon begins to mend his fur coat, and Pelagia begins to sew mittens.”

    Honduras - Army Day.

    Marshall Islands - Concord Day.

    Somalia - Revolution Day.

    Day of St Margaret Clitherow (patron saint of business women).

    Day of Jacob the Woodcutter. It was customary to bake pies on October 22 and treat them to your family and friends. It was believed that this would ensure well-being and good health for all these people for the coming year.

    Honduras Army Day.

    Marshall Islands Concord Day.

    Somalia Revolution Day.

    Holiday of White Cranes (Dagestan).

    Day of Eulampia-Winter-Indicator and Eulampia-Winter-Indicator.

    Hungary - Day of the beginning of the revolution and liberation struggle of 1956 and the proclamation of the Hungarian Republic (1989).

    Chulalongkorn Day - honoring King Rama V of Thailand (Chakri dynasty).

    Filippov Day. It was noted that it was with Philip that the rigmarole began - that’s what they called the dirt and the whore on the roads. - United Nations Day. The anniversary of the entry into force of the Charter of the United Nations, 24 October 1945, has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948.

    - (24.10-30.10) - Disarmament Week. Celebrated every year since the founding of the United Nations in 1978.

    World Development Information Day.

    Zambia - Independence Day.

    Egypt - Suez Victory Day. Anniversary of the 1973 Egyptian-Israeli truce, after which Egypt regained control of the Suez Canal.

    Day of special forces units.

    Provo Day, Andrei Day. People called the holiday Andrei the Astrologer. They read the stars and tried to determine the harvest, as well as the future weather. It was also believed that on this day one should not laugh loudly, since in this case a person could expose himself a large number torment.

    International Women's Day for Peace.

    Virgin Islands - Thanksgiving Day.

    Kazakhstan - Republic Day.

    Russian Customs Day.

    Motorist Day (last Sunday in October).

    Day of Karp, Agathon. Day of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God.

    Folk signs for October 26 - Carp Day, Agathon Day. Day of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. It was customary to pray to the icon of the Iveron Mother of God for protection from fires and other misfortunes.

    National holiday Austrian Republic. On this day in 1955, the Austrian Parliament passed the Permanent Neutrality Law.

    Mother-in-law's Day in the USA.

    Motorist Day (last Sunday in October).

    The beginning of Diwali (the Hindu festival of lights).

    Feast of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God (Orthodox). Orthodox holiday of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, considered the intercessor of the human race.

    Simchat Torah is a Jewish holiday. The eighth day of Sukkot in Israel is also the day of Simchat Torah. In the countries of dispersion, where holidays are doubled, Simchat Torah falls on the ninth day of Sukkot.

    Motorist Day (last Sunday in October).

    Praskovya Day. October 27 was popularly called Praskovya-Gryaznitsa, Trepalnitsa, Gryaznikha. Very often the weather in Praskovya deteriorated and it rained.

    International School Library Day.

    Motorist Day (last Sunday in October).

    Labor Day - New Zealand

    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Nation's Day.

    Independence Day of Turkmenistan. Celebrated on October 27 and 28 since 1991. On October 27, 1991, the Parliament of Turkmenistan adopted the Law on Independence.

    Bride of Flax, Efim the Pious. October 28 was supposed to be processing flax. But it was not worth sewing and washing on October 28 - it promised misfortune.

    Rescuer Day - Ukraine.

    Grandparents Day in Russia.

    Day of the creation of Russian army aviation.

    Motorist Day (last Sunday in October).

    The national holiday of the Czech Republic is Statehood Day.

    Ohi Day (Greece). Greek equivalent Russian Day victory. True, the Greeks celebrate not the end of the war, but its beginning.

    Longinus Sotnik. On October 29, the memory of Longinus Sotnik, who was popularly considered a protector against eye diseases, was honored.

    Grandparents Day in Russia

    Day of the creation of Russian Army Aviation

    Komsomol Day

    Private Security Service Day

    Motorist Day (last Sunday in October).

    Youth Day - Liberia.

    Day of the proclamation of the Republic of Türkiye. On this day, ceremonial parades and folk festivals take place.

    Day of the Prophet Hosea. Hosea in Rus' was called the Wheelman, since on this day the closest attention was supposed to be paid to wheels.

    Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression

    Workers Day road transport and road facilities

    Laylat al-qadr - night of predestination (Muslim holiday). The night of the 27th day of the month of Ramadan is considered the night of predestination, decision of fate, and power.

    Motorist Day (last Sunday in October).

    Day of the Surface Sailor (Navy Birthday).

    Mechanical Engineer Day.

    St. Luke's Day. Among the people, Luke's day was often called Onion Day. On October 31, we tried to be sure to eat at least a little onion in order to maintain health for the whole next year.

    Halloween. In English-speaking countries, Celtic Samhain (Halloween, All Hallows' Eve) is a cheerful holiday of evil spirits and humor.http://site/node/4572

    Protestants celebrate the day of the Reformation (1517). A holiday in honor of the founding of the Evangelical Church.

    National Dedication Day - India. Celebrated on the day of the death of Indira Gandhi.

    Day of Remembrance. Karachay-Cherkessia. (anniversary of the deportation of the Karachay people from their places of residence).

    Reformation Day - Slovenia.

    Chiang Kai-shek Day - Taiwan.

    Mother's Day - Yakutia.

    Motorist Day (last Sunday in October).

    Day of workers of pre-trial detention centers and prisons.

    Sign language interpreter's day.

    Autumn calendar 2018 - holidays, dates and events of November

    Revolution Day. Algerian People's Democratic Republic

    Independence Day. Antigua and Barbuda

    Day of the People's Awakeners. Bulgaria

    Freedom Day. Virgin Islands.

    Revolution Day. Vietnam.

    Printing Day. DPRK.

    All Souls' Day. Lithuania.

    Day of the creation of the Self-Defense Forces. Japan.

    Fox Day (beginning of the fox hunting season in Western Europe).

    All Saints' Day (Catholic).

    Saint Zadok's Day, Midsummer's Day.

    Bailiff's Day.

    Manager's Day.

    Vegan day.

    Artemy's Day. There was a rather interesting belief among the people, according to which a child born on November 2 is protected by a wolf mother. Therefore, they said that such a person would be close to the forest animals. Previously, cabbage, which was considered one of the most favorite snacks, was eaten on this day.

    Day of international recognition of St. Petersburg.

    North and South Dakota Recognition Day (1889).

    Day of Remembrance. Brazil, Ecuador.

    Remembrance Day Venezuela, Mexico, Portugal.

    All Souls' Day. Since ancient times, death has been a reason not only for sadness, but also for joy, for laughter and tears, for reflection and celebration. Representatives of pre-Hispanic cultures treated death with respect and irony, which aroused surprise and interest among the Spanish conquerors.

    Balfour Declaration Day. Israel

    All Souls' Day. Estonia.

    Hilarion Day. It was on November 3 that the peasants expected the first severe cold and frosts.

    Independence Day (1978) - Dominica

    Panama Independence Day (1903)

    Rocket Forces and Artillery Day - Ukraine

    Engineering Troops Day - Ukraine.

    Japan National Culture Day. On this day, the Emperor honors citizens who have made the most significant contribution to the development of Japanese culture over the past year.

    Japan Meiji Shrine Festival.

    Eid al-Adha is the holiday of breaking the fast (Islam). The Islamic world ends the holy month of fasting Ramadan with the holiday of breaking the fast of Eid al-Fitr.

    Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. They tried to complete all construction work by this day.

    Republic Day of Mari El (1920).

    Day of the Republic of Udmurtia (1920).

    Day national unity. On November 4, 1612, soldiers of the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky took Kitay-Gorod by storm, liberating Moscow from Polish invaders and demonstrating an example of heroism and unity of the entire people, regardless of origin, religion and position in society.

    Border Guard Day. Ukraine. On this day, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a corresponding law.

    National Guard Day - Ukraine

    Day of the Apostle James (Jacob). People believed that birds on November 5 could calm the earth with their singing. Therefore, various rituals were performed to ensure a good harvest in next year.

    England - Guy Fawkes Night. This is one of the unique holidays in England, which arose from a completely non-celebratory event.

    Green Movement Day. Morocco.

    Military Intelligence Day. Russia. Celebrated since 1918. Although the first military intelligence officers appeared back in 1812.

    Social Worker Day - Ukraine.

    Day of the Apostle James (Jacob).

    Military Intelligence Day.

    Afanasiev day. Day of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow". Previously, they prayed to the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” believing that it would help in getting rid of not only illnesses, but also from severe sorrow, ease experiences and help overcome various life circumstances.

    International Science Day.

    Boxing Day. Hong Kong

    Constitution Day of Tatarstan (adopted in 1994).

    Finland - Swedish Day (Swedish Culture Day). Despite the fact that the Swedish population in Finland is only about 6 percent (their main place of residence is the Åland Islands), Swedish, along with Finnish, is the state language.

    Bailiff's Day.

    Fedot Day. They say that on November 7, “Fedot leads to the ice” - it becomes very cold, and real winter is approaching. The day, as a rule, turned out to be stormy. On this day, they analyzed natural phenomena and tried to predict what the weather would be like.

    Day of the October Revolution, Belarus. (not observed in other CIS countries).

    Day of Accord and Reconciliation. Russia. Established by Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated 07.11.96 N 1537 “On the Day of Harmony and Reconciliation.”

    Russia - Day of Military Glory - Day of the liberation of Moscow by the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from Polish invaders (1612).

    Africa - Information Day.

    Buddhist holiday Lhabab Duisen (Descent of Buddha from the Tushita sky).

    International men's day.

    Day of Dmitry Solunsky. We tried to celebrate all the weddings before the day of Dmitry Solunsky. After November 8th there is a break until the winter meat-eater.

    Queen's Day - Nepal.

    Journalist's Day in China.

    The day of the discovery of X-rays.

    International KVN Day.

    Matryona's Day, Paraskeva's Day. On November 9, vows were often made - various promises that concerned various fields human life. If misfortune came to the house, then you had to go to church to pray to Saint Paraskeva, asking her for help.

    International Day against Fascism, Racism and Anti-Semitism

    Cambodian Independence Day (1953)

    Ukraine - Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language

    Paraskeva Day, Mokosh Day. On November 10, the ancient Slavs honored the memory of the goddess Mokosh, who is also the patroness of spinners and seamstresses and helps to achieve earthly happiness.

    World Youth Day.

    World Quality Day.

    Police Day - Georgia.

    Day of Militia (Police) - Russia.

    International Accounting Day.

    World Science Day.

    Day of Avramy Ovchar and Anastasia Ovechnitsa. Usually on this day there were quite strong winds. People on November 11 analyzed natural phenomena and tried to understand what the weather would be like in the coming days or even months.

    Day of Remembrance for those killed in the First World War.

    Independence Day - Angola (1975).

    St. Martin's Day (patron saint of gourmets in southern Sweden).

    Canada Remembrance Day or Remembrance Day.

    USA - Veterans Day

    Poland - Independence Day (anniversary of the restoration of Poland's independence in 1918).

    Armistice Day - Guadeloupe.

    Armistice Day - French Guiana.

    Armistice Day - Martinique.

    Armistice Day - Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

    Armistice Day (France and Belgium). It is celebrated on the anniversary of the signing of the armistice between the Entente and Germany in 1918 and is considered a day of remembrance for all French and Belgian soldiers.

    Day of Zinovia and Zinovy. People called November 12 the Sinichkin holiday or the holiday of hunters. On November 12, you definitely had to go out to the first powder to shoot at least one hare - then next year you would always return with good catch.http://site/node/4572

    Hunters usually called the first hare the birthday boy. They were happy if they managed to catch him - then the whole year promised to be very successful.

    World Quality Day.

    Security Specialist Day.

    Constitution Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    Sberbank of Russia Employee Day.

    USA Elizabeth Cady Stanton Day (birth anniversary (1815) of the American pioneer of the fight for women's equality).

    Sun Yat-sen Day - Taiwan.

    Nicodemus day. On November 13, hunters and fishermen celebrated their holiday. They also prayed to Saint Nicodemus, who was considered the protector of the house from fires.

    International Day of the Blind. It is held on the birthday of the French teacher Valentin Gahuy (1745-1822), the first teacher who undertook to teach blind children.

    Day of Saint Homobonus (patron of businessmen and weavers). Saint Homobonus (Omobono).

    Day of the troops of radiation and chemical protection.

    Usability Day.

    Day of Demyan and Kuzma Handicraftsmen. Demyan and Kuzma were popularly considered patrons of crafts, marriage and family hearth. Usually Autumn Kuzminki coincided with wedding time.

    World Diabetes Day. World Diabetes Day has been celebrated annually since 1991 on the birthday of F. Banting, the Canadian physiologist who discovered (together with J. J. McLeod) the hormone insulin.

    Birthday of King Al-Hussein Bin Talal (1935). Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

    Sociologist's Day.

    International speech therapist day.

    Day of the Prophet Habakkuk. It was customary to read special spells for insomnia on Avvakum.

    Day of the Royal Dynasty of Belgium (1866). The national holiday - Royal Dynasty Day has been celebrated on November 15 since 1866.

    National Currency Day. Kazakhstan. Established in 1997, the national currency - tenge - was introduced into circulation in 1993.

    Palestine Independence Day (1988).

    Conscript Day - Russia.

    Festival of seven, five and three year old children (Japan).

    Day of John the Silent. This is the day on which the saying “Silence is golden” could not be more true, since the day of John the Silent is celebrated. They believed in the omens that those who are taciturn on this day will definitely meet their luck in the near future.

    International Day of Tolerance (Tolerance).

    Vatican Day of election of Pope John Paul II (1978).

    Day Marine Corps- Russia. On this day, by decree of Peter I in 1705, a naval regiment was created, which marked the beginning of the organization of the marine corps of the Russian fleet.

    Day of Radio, Television and Communications Workers. Ukraine.

    Renaissance Day - Estonia.

    Day of Roman and Plato. November 17 was popularly considered unlucky. We tried not to leave the house unless absolutely necessary and not to start any business.

    International Students Day.

    Day of the struggle for democracy in the Czech Republic.

    Suez Canal Day.

    Army Day - Zaire.

    National Revival Day - Azerbaijan.

    Day of the district police officer.

    Day of Jonah, day of Galaktion and Epistimia. Usually on November 18, girls preferred to cast a spell and tell fortunes about their betrothed. They also read various prayers and visited temples.

    Santa Claus's birthday.

    Day of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia (1918).

    Day State flag(Uzbekistan).

    Birthday of Sultan Qaboos bin Said bin Taimur. Sultanate of Oman.

    Day of Varlaam of Khutyn and Paul the Confessor. They said that since November 19, the ice that appeared on the river will definitely not melt until winter. We analyzed natural phenomena on November 19 and tried to predict the weather for the coming days and even months.

    Prince's Day - Monaco.

    Opening Day (Puerto Rico). On November 19, 1493, during his 2nd expedition, H. Columbus discovered Boriquen, calling it San Juan Bautista. The island received its modern name (Spanish: Puerto Rico - rich port) later, during its colonization by the Spanish conquistador J. Ponce de Leon.

    Day Missile Forces and artillery.

    CIS - Day of Agricultural Workers.

    Glass Industry Worker's Day.

    World Toilet Day.

    World Philosophy Day.

    No Smoking Day.

    Fedor-Ledostav Day. They say that on November 20 the ice on the river completely freezes. Ice on Fedot is a sign that such weather will last long enough. If a woman is pregnant, then on this day she should be especially friendly and meek.

    World Children's Day. In 1954, the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries introduce a celebration world day Children's Day as a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding among children, dedicated to activities aimed at ensuring the well-being of children around the world.

    African Industrialization Day.

    Revolution Day - Mexico.

    Pediatrician's Day.

    Day of the Archangel Michael. If a person was born on November 21, then he will be an excellent healer.

    World Greetings Day.

    World Television Day.

    Water Festival - Cambodia.

    Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers. The celebration in honor of the angelic forces - bodiless beings of the spiritual world, messengers and executors of the will of God, and their leader Archangel Michael - was established by the Church at the beginning of the 4th century.

    Tax Workers Day.

    Day of Prayer and Repentance (Germany).

    In Buddhism, Katina Day.

    Russian Accountant Day.

    Russian Tax Service Day.

    Matrona's Day. They said that from November 22, winter comes into its own. We analyzed natural phenomena and tried to predict the weather for the coming days and months.

    Invasion Day - Guinea.

    Lebanese Independence Day. National holiday.

    Independence Day of Suriname. (1975).

    John Kennedy Memorial Day. USA.

    Sons Day.

    Russian Psychologist Day.

    Day of Erast and Rodion. On November 23, there was a widespread tradition among the people of going to church in the morning and bringing bread and salt with them in order to bless them.

    Georgoba - Georgia.

    Guru Nanak Day - India.

    Labor Thanksgiving Day - Japan. (celebration of the end of the harvest).

    Ukraine - Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holodomor. 70th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-1933. During the 20th century, Ukraine experienced famine three times - in 1921-1923, 1932-1933 and 1946-1947. However, the famine of 1932-1933 was the most widespread and severe.

    Memorial Day of St. George the Victorious

    Day of Fyodor Studite, Ekaterina Sannitsa. On November 24 they say that Fedor begins to chill the earth. It is really getting cold, and therefore it is not surprising that people call the holiday Studite.

    Zaire - Revolution Day (1965).

    Women's Day - Western Samoa.

    Coup Day Democratic Congo.

    The day of winning friends and influencing people. USA. (celebrated on Dale Carnegie's birthday.

    Thanksgiving Day (USA) (last Thursday)

    Sikh holiday - Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur, beheaded in Delhi on the orders of the Mughal Emperor.

    Walrus Day in Russia.

    Day of St. John the Merciful. It is necessary to read a prayer to John on this day so that the children are safe and do not get sick. November 25th marked the end of the wedding weeks. Then weddings took place at the end of winter.

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence.

    National Day - Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Suriname Independence Day (1975).

    Day of St. John the Merciful.

    St. John Chrysostom's Day, St. George's Day. They said that on Chrysostom everything stops growing - nature freezes, and this once again reminds people of the onset of winter. You cannot swear at John, otherwise God will never hear your prayers.

    Day of proclamation of the state of Mongolia.

    Thanksgiving Day in the USA.

    Brotherhood Day in the USA.

    Commemoration of St. John Chrysostom (Orthodox).

    World Information Day.

    Day of the St. George's Cross.

    Philip's Day. The Nativity Fast begins on November 27th. The people called the day Filippovo conspiracy, Kudelitsa. They observed natural phenomena and tried to predict the weather for the coming days and months.

    Weizmann Day - Israel.

    Marine Corps Day (Russia).

    Appraiser's day. November 27 members Russian society appraisers (ROO) celebrate their holiday.

    Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Famine of 1932-33. Ukraine.

    Russian Appraiser Day.

    Guryev day. People revered Somon, Guria and Aviva on November 28 - they were known as healers who should be prayed to to get rid of toothache. Gury is also revered as an assistant in the treatment of eye diseases.

    Albanian Flag and Independence Day (Liberation Day).

    Republic Day - Burundi.

    Independence Day (1960) - Mauritania.

    Day of separation from Spain - Panama.

    Republic Day - Chad.

    The beginning of the Nativity Fast.

    A day without shopping.

    Day of Paramon, day of the Apostle Matthew. They said that “even winter sweats on Matvey,” since strong warming could be observed at that time. Moreover, the stronger the thaw, the more severe and cold the winter will be. http://site/node/4572

    International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

    Day of liberation from fascism - Albania.

    Unity Day - Vanuatu.

    Tinsmith's Day.

    Mother's Day in Russia.

    Day of the Letter "Y".

    Andrew's Day, Gregory's Day. Good weather on November 30 foreshadows a mild winter, and vice versa. If you have a dream that night, it will certainly be prophetic.

    Day of St. Andrew the Apostle (patron saint of Scotland).

    Independence Day - Barbados.

    Independence Day - Yemen.

    Heroes Day - Philippines.

    Judaism Hanukkah or consecration. On this day Jews light lamps happy holiday Hanukkah. This is a holiday of light, joy, fun, games, delicious food (including fried pancakes and donuts). Work on Hanukkah, like Purim, is permitted; it is considered a “small” or “lesser” holiday.

    International Sex Day.

    Last day of autumn.

    Pet Day.

    People generally believe that autumn is a time for wisdom and summing up the results of the year. Describing autumn, we can say the following - it leaves no one indifferent, it will make even inveterate optimists and self-confident people think about the fleeting nature of their existence. Autumn is a wonderful time - a time of true charm, because it is not for nothing that there are so many holidays in the fall, both state and professional, and church.

    We present the calendar for the fall of 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021..., with church and state holidays, memorable events and significant dates.

    Autumn calendar 2016 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2017 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2018 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2019 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2020 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2021 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2022 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2023 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2024 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2025 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2026 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2027 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2028 - autumn holidays, dates and events

    Autumn calendar 2029 - autumn holidays, dates and events

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