• What are the best diapers for children? The best reusable diapers. The best diapers for swimming


    Are you expecting a baby and don’t know which diapers are best for newborns? What to prefer: diapers or diapers? What is the difference between them? We will tell you how to choose the right baby diapers and which ones are available best diapers for newborns on the market.

    What is the difference between diapers and diapers

    Understanding the difference between diapers and pampers is quite simple; to do this, it is necessary to explain each concept separately.

    Diaper - variety underwear, which allows you to keep clothes and skin dry after urination or defecation that occurs without using the toilet. Urine in the diaper takes on a jelly-like consistency, which keeps clothes dry. There are adult and baby diapers.

    Now we need to consider what diapers are and how they differ from diapers.

    Pampers is a brand of diapers. The brand belongs to Procter & Gamble and specializes in the production of diapers. The functional purpose remains the same. That is, the only difference is in the name: diapers are a toilet item for a newborn, and diapers are the same toilet item under clothes, but with a commercial name. Also among the well-known brands that produce diapers are the following:

    • Merrise,
    • Huggies,
    • Helen Harper
    • Moony,
    • Libero,
    • Goo.N,
    • Cutie Quilt,
    • LOVULAR,
    • Muumi, Mepsi.

    Are diapers dangerous?

    If parents follow the instructions for use, then diapers for newborns are safe for the baby and will not harm him. For example, baby diapers can have a negative impact on health if they are not changed promptly.

    If you use diapers for children according to the age and weight of the child, which are indicated on the packaging, then this toilet item can be called practically safe.

    It should be noted that diapers for newborns from well-known brands are much safer than those that appeared relatively recently and are not very popular among buyers.

    1. Diapers for children should be appropriate for their weight and age.
    2. Buy products from well-known brands.
    3. Pay attention to the expiration date.
    4. Reuse of the diaper is prohibited.
    5. The diaper should be changed every 4 hours.
    6. Do not exceed temperature standards in the children's room.
    7. After each diaper change, the baby is washed.
    8. Give your baby air baths.

    How to choose diapers for newborns?

    • In order for baby diapers to fit your baby, you need to choose them taking into account the baby’s parameters. Each diaper package contains information about what weight the product is suitable for a child, for example, from 3 – 6 kg, from 4 – 9 kg, etc. It is best when the child’s weight is average in relation to the diaper: if your baby weighs 6 kg, then a diaper that is designed for 4-9 kg will suit him. At the same time, before buying an economical package, it is better to buy a small pack of diapers for the first time. If they fit, then you can buy a large pack, which will also reduce the cost of each diaper.
    • Another important point When you select diapers for newborns, it is taking into account the gender of the child. Today there are special diapers for boys and girls, which take into account the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the child’s body.
    • If you decide to buy a specific diaper model, pay attention to how its Velcro is attached: they should be securely fixed in any situation. Even if cream or talc gets on the Velcro, this should not impair the fixation of the diaper. This way, the baby will be able to play actively and feel comfortable.
    • It is not advisable to purchase diapers for newborns with polyethylene in the composition, as this can cause excessive sweating, diaper rash and discomfort. High quality baby diapers should allow the skin to breathe while effectively absorbing waste.
    • For older children, panty diapers are perfect. They are worn in the usual way, that is, like regular panties, but they have a moisture-absorbing composition and cannot be reused. Although there are models that are suitable for absorbing several baby stools.

    Rules for using diapers

    You can determine how comfortable a child is in a diaper quite simply: if the diaper does not leak, does not hinder movement, and after wearing it there are no abrasions, rashes or diaper rashes left on the baby’s skin, then we can say that this diaper is suitable for the baby. But the presence of the listed symptoms indicates that you should purchase diapers for newborns of a different brand. It is worth noting that skin reactions often indicate an allergy.

    Experienced parents will quickly find their bearings and select the ideal diapers for newborns, but those who are encountering this toilet item for the first time must take into account certain nuances.

    When the child is alert, the diaper needs to be changed every 3-4 hours, but at night there is no great need for this.

    Air baths will help prevent diaper rash and diaper rash, so make sure your child stays naked at least twice a day. Most mothers purchase diaper products for newborns in the form of powders and creams even before the baby is born. It is not advisable to rush to make such purchases, since they may not be needed at all. These products must be applied according to the instructions, since otherwise they may reduce the moisture absorption efficiency of the upper absorbent layer. This means that you will have to change the diaper more often.

    Over time, when the baby grows up, you can begin to teach him hygiene procedures. Special panties will help you with this, helping to potty train your child and saving the situation during walks and when visiting.

    They are easy to put on, because they are not much different from regular panties in appearance, but diaper panties have the same fast and reliable absorption as regular diapers, and also allow the skin to breathe.

    Rating of diapers for newborns

    We will list the best diapers for newborns, and it’s up to you to decide which ones are most suitable for your baby.

    Pampers diapers – TOP-1

    Diapers for newborns of the Pampers brand (Procter & Gamble company) have been market leaders for many years. Diapers of this brand are trusted, because the history of this type of product began with them. Of course, being a pioneer is not easy, but it is very honorable.

    Every year the company expands, introducing newer and more improved lines of diapers. New products not only take into account the characteristics of a child’s development by stages, but also the needs of consumers. Among the most common lines are the following:

    1. Pampers New Baby - diapers for little ones that can be used from the first days.
    2. Pampers Active Baby – diapers for active babies, which are used from the age of three.
    3. Pampers Active Girl and Active Boy are diapers that are designed taking into account the gender characteristics of children and this eliminates the inconvenience that restricts movement and reduces the level of comfort.
    4. Pampers Let’s Go – panty diapers for older children.
    5. Pampers Sleep & Play - diapers that not only provide comfort to your baby, but also save money.

    Features of Pampers brand diapers:

    • Most models are great for newborn babies ahead of schedule or with low weight, as they do not irritate delicate skin baby.
    • Have increased level comfort and do not hinder the child’s movements.
    • The inner layer of these diapers ensures minimal friction.
    • The structure is breathable, so the child’s skin is protected from the greenhouse effect.
    • Double protection against leaks is provided by elastic sides and reinforced cuffs.
    • Velcro fasteners allow repeated unfastening, as they are reusable.
    • The aesthetic and bright design makes the diapers very popular with babies.
    • Some models have special impregnation, which promotes delicate skin care for the baby.

    Huggies diapers – TOP 2

    Although Huggies diapers for children are not the first on the market, many parents buy this particular product. Moms and dads are sure that these diapers meet all the requirements for a quality diaper. Huggies baby diapers have high-quality Velcro fasteners, a cotton outer layer, and their range also includes panty diapers.

    Advantages and features of Huggies brand diapers:

    1. The line of products for newborn babies uses delicate, soft, breathable “BabySoft” material.
    2. The baby's feces are evenly distributed throughout the absorbent layer.
    3. If you use powders, creams or lotions on your baby's skin under the diaper, the Velcro retains its properties.
    4. The absorbent system and a thoughtful combination of moisture-absorbing materials ensure maximum dryness of your baby's skin. What's more, your baby's poop turns into a gel, eliminating leakage.
    5. For children who are already using the potty, the manufacturer offers panty diapers. If the baby does not have time to reach the potty, then the pattern on the panties disappears. This signal allows both parents and baby to understand that it is time to change panties.

    The napkin copes well with its absorbent function and absorbs moisture in a matter of seconds. Huggis diapers have a special pocket, and an indicator informs you when the diaper is full.

    The line for newborns is equipped with barrier strips in the area of ​​the legs and back, which allows the diapers not to leak.

    • The right combination of materials in the diaper helps to achieve dry baby's skin. This function is also provided by an absorbent system that turns baby’s stool into gel.
    • For children who have already learned to use the potty, panty diapers on which the patterns disappear are recommended.

    Merries diapers – TOP-3

    These diapers for newborns have won the trust of consumers due to their high quality. Merries baby diapers are produced in Japan. It is worth noting that the Japanese have introduced diapers that are better than most Western brand products on several counts, although they appeared relatively late. Of course, the cost of Japanese diapers is several times higher, but mothers all over the world are willing to pay more, because they have noticed a huge difference.

    Distinctive features of Merries diapers:

    1. Merries baby diapers have the great benefit of a fullness indicator, so you know when your baby needs a diaper change.
    2. They don't get confused or slip. We can say that their fixation is perfect.
    3. The baby's skin "breathes" in the diaper, since the structure of the inner layer has micropores.
    4. The manufacturer has divided its product by gender, so boys have a reinforced anterior zone, and girls have a reinforced lower zone.
    5. Witch hazel extract, which is included in the diapers, provides antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
    6. Elastic and wide lycra elastic increases comfort and reduces pressure levels.

    Goo.N diapers – TOP 4

    Japanese diapers for children, the reviews of which are the most positive, are characterized by natural composition and plasticity. These diapers are breathable and do not irritate your baby's skin. In addition, they are safe and do not cause allergies. In terms of the way they absorb moisture and odor, they deserve the highest rating. They are very comfortable. There is a light flexible belt and sides on the sides - this is good protection against leaks. These diapers can be used for a long period.

    Features of GooN diapers:

    • The manufacturer used absorbent natural materials in its product, which are a synthesis of cellulose and a gelling agent.
    • Diapers for newborns of this brand have a layer in which the incoming liquid is evenly distributed, and the material itself retains its shape.
    • The diapers have a fullness indicator.
    • The “breathing” of the baby’s skin is ensured by breathable material that promotes air circulation.
    • The belt and fasteners in all GooN diaper models are very elastic.
    • The inner layer of diapers contains vitamin E, which provides additional care for the baby's delicate skin.

    Helen Harper diapers – TOP 5

    Helen Harper's Belgian newborn diapers are also excellent. They immediately absorb liquid and odor. Since there are large sides near the baby's legs and a flexible belt, leakage is excluded. They are designed so that air passes easily. For this reason, the diaper remains dry. The baby's skin always remains dry and healthy, and diaper rash does not appear. You can walk in them, but only for a short period (they swell from moisture).

    Libero diapers – TOP-6

    Contains a moisture indicator, soft surface, comfortable and quick to put on. In certain modifications there is a cutout for the navel. They do not cause allergies - this is another significant advantage. They absorb smell and moisture perfectly, but because of this they quickly harden. They are not suitable for prolonged wear; the baby will simply feel uncomfortable moving in them.

    Moony diapers – TOP 7

    Another type of diapers from Japan, which is loved by many parents. The special Air Silky material has a beneficial effect on the baby's skin, as it increases the absorbency of the diaper, promotes the baby's comfort and does not cause irritation on the skin.

    Features of Moony diapers:

    1. The inner cotton layer is so soft that it avoids irritation.
    2. Moony newborn diapers have a ventilation system that promotes constant air exchange.
    3. Reusable high quality Velcro.
    4. Even when the diaper is full, it retains its shape, elasticity and continues to absorb moisture.
    5. Modern absorbents, which are located inside diapers, absorb liquid as quickly as possible and convert it into gel.
    6. Folds in diapers promote high-quality absorption of baby feces.
    7. The soft cotton mesh on the diaper in the baby's back area reduces the risk of heat rash or allergic rashes, since the baby's skin sweats much less.
    8. Moony newborn diapers are designed with babies in mind. For example, an unhealed navel will not be an obstacle to using diapers, because the manufacturer has taken care to eliminate friction on the wound.
    9. The silent wrapping tape with rounded edges allows you to change a diaper for a sleeping baby without disturbing his sleep.
    10. A convenient indicator for monitoring fullness is another advantage of diapers from this brand.

    Bella Baby Happy diapers – TOP-8

    These good diapers for newborns is manufactured by a domestic company. They are soft to the touch, have a breathable layer, and absorb moisture well. They do not sag when filled. Light but reliable elastic bands on the back and sides will prevent leakage. They do not interfere with the baby's movements.

    Muumi diapers – TOP-9

    Finnish manufacturers of innovative diapers are also on the list of favorites. These baby diapers instantly absorb liquid and odor. They are made of environmentally friendly material and will not cause allergies or diaper rash. In addition, they have an elastic band on the back and flexible sides and do not leak. The main advantage is that they are perfect for the night, the skin breathes in them. Guys over a year old recommend wearing them, including in daytime, but for babies, wear it only before bed or before a long walk.

    Fixies diapers – TOP 10

    German diapers for newborns Fixies are rightfully included in our rating of diapers because they are made from natural materials, soft, hold moisture and odors well, do not wrinkle. These diapers allow the body to breathe, the baby's skin remains healthy, and diaper rash and allergies do not appear. They fit perfectly to the children's body and do not rub. There are no rubber bands, but there is an elastic band running through it that prevents moisture from leaking. Fixies diapers for newborns are well-fitted, comfortable, and Velcro provides a comfortable fit on the body. There is a special hole so that the navel can be easily treated.

    What does a diaper consist of?

    Diapers for newborns must cope with their main task - absorbing liquid feces of the baby. Typically, a diaper has three layers - inner, middle and outer. Each layer performs specific functions.

    • The inner layer is in contact with the baby's skin, so it is very important that it has a natural base. At the same time, there are types in which the inner layer is made from synthetic materials. This significantly reduces the cost of the diaper, but such models are completely unsuitable for people with allergies. It is important that the inner layer ensures rapid absorption of liquid. The porous structure of the inner layer contributes to maximum absorption.
    • The middle layer should absorb what comes from the internal layer (loose stool, urine). To achieve this task, manufacturers use special gelling agents in the middle layer. When the diaper is full, it becomes heavy, so you need to change the diaper every 3-4 hours.
    • The outer layer or outer layer provides protection against leaks. The layer allows you to keep the gel inside the diaper so that it does not get on your clothes or bed. It is important that the outer surface of the diaper ensures not only dryness and cleanliness, but also the breathing of the skin. A high-quality outer layer serves to prevent rashes and diaper rash. Modern manufacturers Most of them offer diapers with a water-repellent function, which does not disturb the movement of air. This is extremely important for the baby's health.

    In addition, diapers for newborns have reusable Velcro (can be unfastened and fastened several times), making them easier to put on.

    How to put on a diaper correctly

    First, a new, clean diaper should be removed from the package and opened. We place the baby on a special changing table, then raise his legs up. We place the opened diaper under the butt. Part of the diaper remains under the baby, and the second part remains between the legs. Next, we carry out the second part and apply it to the baby’s tummy. The final step is to secure both parts of the diaper with the side adhesive fasteners. It is important that the fixation is not very weak or, on the contrary, tight. In the first case, leakage is possible, and in the second, a decrease in the child’s comfort level.

    How often to change a diaper

    Many parents are interested in how many diapers their baby will need per day. And this is not accidental, since this goes into financial calculations. This way, young parents will be able to determine how much money they will need per month to buy diapers. The first determining factor is the frequency of changing diapers. If the diaper is changed frequently, then it can take about 10 pieces per day. If parents rarely change their child's diapers, three may be enough. It is not worth saving on diapers either qualitatively or quantitatively, because the baby’s health should play a determining role.

    Diapers, as a type of underwear designed to absorb and retain urine and liquid feces, have been widely known for about 50 years. During this time, many new models of diapers were created, among which products for newborns are included in a separate group. After all, their parents have special requirements for them.

    They are reusable and disposable. Reusable ones include gauze, fabric and knitted ones. And all reusable ones have common disadvantages: difficulties in swaddling a baby, the risk of leakage and the need for constant washing. Therefore, disposable diapers are in great demand and popularity.

    Modern disposable diapers have up to five layers:

    This simple design makes the diaper very effective.

    The size of the product is very important. Too small will press, and too large will not give the desired girth. And since newborns and older children can be of different weights, which have nothing to do with their age, the size of the underwear is determined by the weight of the baby.

    In this case, manufacturers use different markings for size, but a common marking to indicate weight. Therefore, choosing the right diaper is very easy. For newborns, size zero or size one is required. Their weight is from 0 to 6 kg.

    Other selection criteria are:

    There are also special hypoallergenic models. But they are used if the child has constant allergic reaction from contact with other types of diapers.

    In addition, such panties are in a high price segment, so whether to buy them or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

    What do manufacturers of diapers for newborns offer?

    Manufacturers have long understood that parents have special requirements for underwear for newborns. Today they offer models with unique solutions:

    At the same time, models for newborns are often supplemented with filling indicators and special elastic bands instead of elastic bands, which makes their use very convenient.

    Which diapers are best for newborns: TOP 10

    Numerous online surveys and customer reviews allow us to identify the ten best brands. There is no clear leader among them, since these diapers have different advantages among themselves.


    Japanese diapers that have a unique multi-layer breathable structure.

    Bella Baby Happy

    Diapers from a Russian manufacturer. They have very high absorbency and reliably retain moisture inside. Elastic side elastic bands help them keep their shape after filling.


    Natural Japanese diapers. They belong to the class of hypoallergenic. Holds odor well.

    Diapers from a German manufacturer. They are characterized by high elasticity. The side elastic bands in them have been replaced with special tape which successfully prevents moisture leakage.


    Hypoallergenic diapers from a Finnish manufacturer. Suitable for night use.

    Good diapers for newborns from an American manufacturer. They have a special layer that does not allow the retained liquid to come into contact with the baby’s skin.

    Taiwanese cotton diapers: hypoallergenic and breathable. But when misuse they crumple. In addition, you can’t buy them in every store.


    Swiss panties that have moisture indicators and a cutout under the navel. But when filled with liquid, these products harden and swell, making it uncomfortable for the child to wear for a long time.


    Leakage is allowed because not all models have an elastic layer on the back. But they are in the top ten because they are in an affordable price range. Manufactured by an American manufacturer.

    Helen Harper

    High-quality Belgian diapers that successfully cope with the task of retaining moisture. But their side elastic bands can be a bit harsh.

    Which diapers are best for newborns based on the results of the Test Purchase program?

    Test purchase program in different years conducted its research and identified the best models of diapers for newborns on the market.

    The leaders in 2010 were Japanese Moony and American Huggies. Today the Moony brand has released the Newborn series for newborns weighing from 0 to 5 kg:

    1. They absorb liquid quickly and evenly;
    2. They have a special cutout for the navel;
    3. They have elastic and soft side elastic bands.

    Huggies offers the Elite Soft model for babies in size 1 (weight up to 5 kg):

    1. Very soft inner layer;
    2. Special soft pads that hold loose stool even better;
    3. Elastic waistband for better fit of the diaper to the back.

    But the leader in the “Test Purchase” study for 2013 was diapers from the Swiss brand Libero. For newborns, they have developed the Libero Comfort Newborn model, which is suitable for any baby weighing from 2 to 5 kg:

    1. Improved thin and soft inner layer;
    2. High barriers to prevent leakage;
    3. Soft side elastic bands that do not rub the baby's legs.

    All brands successfully passed the tests and showed their best performance.

    The best inexpensive diapers for newborns

    Quality doesn't mean expensive. Among the models of disposable diapers, there are those that customers like not only for their advantages, but also for their low price.

    Of all the existing models in the affordable price segment, Libero Newborn is considered the best:

    • there is a special elastic band on the back;
    • there is a filling indicator;
    • There is a cutout for the navel.

    Moreover, this model does have a very low price.

    Another budget diaper created specifically for newborns is Pampers New Baby-Dray.

    • Available only in sizes 1 and 2;
    • not thick;
    • moisture is absorbed almost instantly.

    True, they have such disadvantages as poor odor retention and can cause allergies. However, when choosing them, low cost is often the decisive factor.

    Which diapers are best for newborn boys?

    Many parents are afraid to put diapers on boys. The reasons for this fear, as a rule, lie in prejudice - they are afraid that if they are worn incorrectly, the boy’s genitals will be pinched or overheated. Diaper manufacturers claim that this simply cannot happen. Moreover, now there are special models for boys.

    All diapers for newborn boys have a special mark on the packaging. This means that the absorbent layer in them is uneven and a larger amount of sorbent falls on a certain area.

    Most parents choosing diapers for newborn boys prefer models from the brands Huggies, Pampers and Helen Harper.

    The best diapers for low birth weight and premature babies

    For a long time, doctors categorically prohibited the wearing of diapers by children with very low weight. But manufacturers managed to find a way out of this situation and in laboratories they developed models that do not harm such children.

    Which diaper cream is best for newborns?

    Not all parents approve of using diapers. Although, one way or another, most people use them. But at the same time, many try to minimize possible discomfort for the child and reduce the risk of redness. A special cream can help with this.

    Of all the possible types and brands, parents most often prefer five creams:

    1. Bepanten. Thanks to the content of provitamin B5, it promotes skin healing. Works great on rashes, burns and cracks. This cream comes in regular and “children’s” versions. Sold in pharmacies.
    2. Johnson Baby. Hypoallergenic cream from a well-known cosmetics manufacturer. Suitable for use from the very first days of a child's life.
    3. Sanosan. The cream contains zinc oxide, D-panthenol and talc. Therefore, with the help of this cream you can cure not only cracks and dry skin, but also burns and ailments.
    4. Bübchen. Another cream from a German manufacturer. Also contains provitamin B5 and zinc oxide, which provide fast healing any skin irritation. And the chamomile extract included in its composition has a calming effect.
    5. Eared nanny. This is a high-quality natural baby cream from Russian manufacturer. The cream contains peach and calendula oils, which heal and protect the skin from irritation.

    The cream should be applied to clean, dry skin of the child. The diaper should only be put on after this.

    Which diapers are best for newborns: reviews

    Anna, 35 years old, St. Petersburg: When choosing diapers, we did not experiment much. We bought the first ones, which satisfied us in terms of price and quality. They turned out to be Pampers Premium Care. And we are happy with our choice: they absorb quickly, hold up well, and the child is comfortable in them. True, while my son was very small and needed diapers from sizes 1 to 3, everything was very good. But these same size 4 diapers no longer fit us - they leak.

    Svetlana, 26 years old, Samara: We spent a long time looking for suitable diapers, as our daughter immediately developed an allergy to them. Tried everything available options. We opted for Pampers New Baby-Dray, specially designed for newborns, and hypoallergenic Muumi. We liked Muumi better, but diapers are much cheaper. As a result, we used diapers during the day and Muumi at night.

    Tatyana, 30 years old, Omsk: We followed the advice of the test purchase and bought Libero marked Newborn. And we are happy with everything. They absorb quickly and there is no irritation on the child’s skin after using them. A special plus is the cutout for the navel.

    Katerina, 27 years old, Ryazan: We were looking for the best and immediately bought Japanese hypoallergenic diapers for our daughter. Even though it was expensive, we were happy with everything.

    The next video contains additional information about choosing diapers.

    There will always be numerous debates about the benefits and harms of diapers, but what I can’t disagree with is that this thing makes life easier for moms. And sometimes it also benefits the baby.

    Yes, there may be diaper rash or irritation, but these troubles can also appear in children wearing gauze panties. For your acquaintance and cooperation with diapers to be successful, you just need to use them correctly and choose which diapers are best for a newborn, and this indicator is purely individual.


    It is no coincidence that acquaintance with diapers begins with this company and often diapers from other companies are called diapers. Procter & Gamble was the first to launch mass production of diapers and founded the Pampers brand. Diapers of this brand vary in series, sizes and shapes.

    Premium Care– the most expensive and high-quality variety, the so-called premium class in snow-white packaging. Available in six sizes as diapers and three as panties.

    1. Please note that in this series there is size 0 for babies weighing 2.5 kg;
    2. Diaper sizes 1, 2, 3 will be useful to you during the first year of your little one’s life, their gradation is 2-5, 3-6 and 5-9 kg, respectively;
    3. The shape of the panties is available in 3 sizes, but the weight is not the same as that of diapers - from 6 to 9 kg;
    4. Premium Care is marketed as disposable diapers for newborns that can provide dryness for up to 12 hours. At the same time, they absorb not only moisture, but also liquid feces of infants (read the article on the topic: Loose stool in infants >>>). For this purpose, diapers numbered 1-3 have an additional permeable mesh layer;
    5. Diapers of sizes 0-3 are equipped with a moisture indicator, so you do not have to remove and check the fullness of the diaper, the strip on the tummy will tell you this;
    6. The sides of the diapers have an elastic band, are fastened with Velcro, and can be taken off and put on several times;
    7. The diaper itself is thin, soft and breathable, which means there is less chance of diaper rash in a newborn.

    Series Baby- Dry– diapers in turquoise packaging. There are three sub-series: New Baby-Dry, Aktiv Baby-Dry and Pampers panties.

    • New Baby-Dry - for babies from 2 to 6 kg, sizes 1 and 2;
    • Aktiv Baby-Dry from 4 to 18 kg, sizes 3, 4, 4+, 5, 6;
    • Pampers Pants Pants panties from 6 to 18 kg, sizes 3, 4, 5, 6. By the way, panties are now produced separately for boys and separately for girls;
    • The manufacturer again promises up to 12 hours of dryness, and in all categories, due to the double layer - the first allows moisture to pass through and does not let it back in, and the second inner layer turns it into a gel;
    • There is a protective balm;
    • The sides are stretchy, the Velcro fasteners can withstand repeated opening and closing;
    • Doesn't float;
    • Even when full, these diapers do not feel lumpy, but compress well to 8 cm, so the baby continues to move actively.

    Series Sleep& Play in bright orange packaging - this is the most budget option.

    1. Thinner and more breathable, but also less absorbent, up to 9 hours of dryness. Ideal for hot summers;
    2. There is an impregnation - chamomile extract;
    3. The sides have stretch and Velcro fasteners;
    4. In four sizes: 2, 3, 4, 5. This series does not include diapers for newborns.

    Prices depend on the category, number of diapers in the package and size. By the way, you can read about how a baby’s weight increases depending on his age in the article: Weight gain in newborns by month >>>


    A fairly popular brand of diapers, which is also available in several series and forms. Haggis Elite Soft, Haggis Ultra Comfort and Haggis and Haggis Little Swimmers panties. There are diapers for children from 4 years old in the form of panties.

    Haggis Elite Soft – elite series for newborns.

    • Five sizes from 2 to 22 kg;
    • Soft, breathable porous material, natural cotton top layer;
    • Size 1 has a soft insert in the navel area;
    • Moisture indicator in sizes 1 and 2;
    • There is an internal pocket in which moisture accumulates, which prevents leakage along the back;
    • Elastic waistband and stretch clasps.

    Haggis Ultra Comfort – a series of diapers that are divided by gender: pink packages for girls and blue packages for boys. Seeing them stylish design, you will definitely decide which diapers are best for newborn girls.

    1. Four sizes 3, 4, 4+, 5 from 5 to 22 kg;
    2. Interesting drawings from Disney cartoons attract your baby's attention;
    3. The back is elasticated, the cuffs around the legs do not leak;
    4. Reusable Velcro;
    5. They breathe due to the use of material with micropores.

    Haggis pantiesexcellent remedy for active children during the potty training period (read the current article: How to potty train a child?>>>).

    • Sizes 4, 5, 6 from 9 to 22 kg;
    • Easy to put on and take off like panties;
    • Absorb up to 500 ml of liquid;
    • Fit tightly on the back and around the legs, do not leak;
    • There is an educational series with a disappearing pattern when the diaper is filled.

    Haggis Classic– budget series

    1. Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 4+.5 from 2 to 25 kg;
    2. Cellulose with waterproof outer layer;
    3. The liquid does not accumulate in one place, but is distributed over the entire area;
    4. The belt stretches, cuffs around the legs;
    5. Thin and breathable.

    Huggis diapers for newborns are available in both mini packages and large cardboard packs.


    No less popular brand of diapers. Also presented in different series: from New Born to swim panties.

    Libero New Bourne– gentle and reliable protection for babies.

    • Sizes 0, 1, 2 from 2 to 6 kg;
    • Navel cutout;
    • There is a fullness indicator strip;
    • High cuffs around the legs and elastic on the back prevent leakage.

    Libero Comfort Zoo – The unique design will definitely please your baby.

    1. Sizes 3, 4, 5, 6 from 4 to 22 kg;
    2. Elastic on the back and sides, wide fasteners secure the diaper well;
    3. Size indicator: if the clasp is in the center of the bright sector, then the size is suitable for a newborn, but if it is closer to the sides, it’s time to take the next size;
    4. They breathe and absorb moisture well.

    Libero panties. Sizes 4, 5, 6, 7 from 7 to 26 kg. Quite thin, soft, and practical.

    Libero Eurydeus – a budget series, which, despite the low price, is of fairly high quality.

    • 2, 3, 4, 5 from 3 to 25 kg;
    • They absorb well and do not leak due to the dense stretchable waistband and high cuffs;
    • Contains medicinal chamomile extract;
    • They breathe.

    Libero Touch– a new super thin line of diapers.

    1. Sizes from 1 to 6;
    2. Ultra-thin, soft, breathable;
    3. Fullness indicator on all six sizes.

    Dada diapers

    Polish Dada diapers are quite popular now. The price is low and the quality is at a sufficient level.

    • Four sizes from 2 to 25 kg;
    • Several layers, material – cotton;
    • Absorbs well and does not clump;
    • They fit snugly to the body due to the elastic sides;
    • Quite thin and breathable.

    Helen Harper

    The products of the Belgian manufacturer are available both in retail and online stores. Presented in three series: Helen Harper Baby, Helen Harper Soft&Dry and Panties.

    Helen Harper Baby can be used from birth.

    1. Sizes from 1 to 5 from 2 to 25 kg;
    2. Absorbency: about 800 ml liquid;
    3. Fits tightly to the newborn's body;
    4. Soft, delicate, breathable, reliable;
    5. Without impregnations and balms.

    Helen Harper Soft&Dry for children from 4 kg.

    • Thin, not noticeable under clothes;
    • The air circulates, does not float;
    • Hypoallergenic inner layer;
    • The liquid does not leak, it is absorbed inside into tiny balls;
    • High sides and elastic fasteners.

    Diapers in the form of panties are available in the Helen Harper Soft&Dry line, starting from size 4 from 8 kg.

    Merries diapers

    The country of origin of Merries diapers is Japan.

    1. Please note the gradation in sizes, unusual for our region: NB, S, M, L, XL. Additionally, the sizes are indicated, but you need to take a little extra, since the diapers run small;
    2. Meries diapers for newborns retain moisture well and fit snugly to the baby's body;
    3. There are three indicator strips that show the filling level. If a blue stripe appears, it’s time to change the diaper;
    4. The technology of three breathable layers will reliably protect your newborn’s bottom from diaper rash (the article Red Butt in a Newborn >>> may also be relevant to you).

    Meries is an expensive but very high-quality option.

    Moony diapers

    Japanese Muni diapers for newborns are produced in two variations - for domestic users and for export. So, if you decide to purchase this particular brand of diapers, take the trouble to find a product for the Japanese user. They are much better quality and more practical.

    • Letter designations NB, S, M, L, XL, there are also sizes in kilograms, but it’s better to take it with a reserve;
    • Winnie the Pooh must be drawn on the diaper and all markings must be in Japanese only;
    • Ultra-thin and soft, almost invisible under clothes;
    • Hyperallergenic, no fragrances or balms;
    • They perfectly absorb moisture and turn it into gel;
    • There is a reinforced mesh on the back, so when the baby sleeps on the back, there is no risk of sweating. Find out from the article the sleep norms for children under one year >>>;
    • There is a moisture indicator.

    GooN diapers

    If you are in doubt about which diapers are best for newborn boys, choose a super-breathable option with good absorbency. These are exactly the kind of diapers that Japanese manufacturing companies create, but their price is decent.

    1. Only natural materials;
    2. The liquid turns into a gel;
    3. They breathe, do not float, the skin remains dry;
    4. The belt and fasteners are elastic;
    5. Liquid indicator;
    6. There is an impregnation with vitamin E.

    Any of the Japanese diapers presented are not so difficult to get. You can order them online or find a distributor directly in your locality. The same goes for diapers from well-known brands.

    When choosing diapers for newborns, reviews play an important role. But remember that The best way choosing diapers means trying them out in practice and choosing what’s right for you and your baby.

    Updated: 04/11/2018 17:46:34

    Young parents, preparing for the birth of their baby, begin to stock up on diapers. Not everyone knows that their range is extensive, and they offer a choice different models diapers for newborns. They differ in size, materials of manufacture, operating features, absorbent elements and other parameters. Moms and dads consider characteristics to make the right choice.

    Which brand to choose baby diapers

    The choice of children's products is approached responsibly. Diapers for newborn children are given no less attention than cribs, sippy cups, and clothing. The baby’s comfort and the parents’ peace of mind depend on them, so it’s worth buying products from trusted brands.


    A trademark owned by the giant Procter&Gamblel. This name has become a household name, which is why many diapers for newborns are called “diapers.” Due to the popularity of the brand, you have to overpay, but the product is reliable.


    Another brand has been represented on the Russian market for 15 years. A distinctive feature is diapers for mobile children without additional fasteners and shock absorbers. The price is average and affordable for parents.


    This brand is inferior in popularity to the previous two. The Japanese manufacturer offers comfortable diapers for newborns at reasonable prices. They attract with a reasonable price-quality ratio.

    Helen Harper

    The company offers hygiene products for children at affordable prices. In this way she won the trust of young mothers. The diapers cope with the tasks and do not cause allergic reactions.

    Rating of the best diapers for newborns

    nomination place Name of product price
    The best Velcro diapers for newborns 1 355 rub.
    2 263 RUB.
    3 459 RUB.
    The best panty diapers for potty training 1 709 RUB.
    2 525 RUB.
    3 759 RUB.
    4 299 RUB.
    The best diapers for swimming 1 249 RUB.
    2 270 RUB.
    3 309 RUB.

    The best Velcro diapers for newborns

    Simple diapers in which children spend a lot of time from the first days of life. They are light, comfortable, and use Velcro for fastening. These qualities are the primary focus when selecting diapers for newborns.

    Pampers Premium Care diapers

    Popular diapers from the Pampers brand are great for newborn babies. They are securely fixed and adhere to the body due to stretchable sides, which eliminates leakage. A small thickness can be maintained due to three absorbent channels that help distribute moisture inside. The material has micropores that prevent the skin of a newborn baby from rubbing. An advantageous difference from other diapers for newborns is impregnation with aloe vera extract, which softens the skin.


      small thickness;

      filling indicator;

      breathable material;

      fixation with stretchable sides;


      strong aromatic fragrance;

      If the size is incorrectly selected, the elastic bands will compress the child’s legs.

    Popular diapers from Huggies are recommended for newborn babies. They are distinguished by a special relief coating on the inside with micro pads that protect against irritation and promote uniform distribution of moisture. The material is 100% cotton, so the skin remains clean and healthy.


      textured comfortable surface;

      affordable price;

      filling indicator;

      reliable reusable Velcro;

      tight fit due to the elastic on the back;


      Not suitable for older children - they leak;

      The elastic bands are too tight.

    Japanese brand diapers have captivated Russian mothers with their quality and convenience. Some people call them the standard to work by. They are breathable and soft, while protecting well from leakage. They are easy to use, so newborn babies feel comfortable. Despite their lightness, they are able to absorb a lot of moisture due to their cellular surface.

    Sometimes diapers restrict the movements of babies, but Merries are free from this drawback. They are light and highly absorbent, but sometimes difficult to choose correct sizes because of their subtlety.


      absorbent cellular surface;

      breathable structure;

      minimum thickness;

      fast absorption;


      absorb moisture even from the air, so sometimes they become wet on the outside;

      are not so often found on sale and are sold in large packages.

    The best panty diapers for potty training

    Diapers perform a number of important functions, so they need to be selected correctly according to age. Special panties will protect against leakage and help the baby get used to the potty.

    The panties have special absorbent channels that allow them to absorb moisture 50% faster, even when the baby moves. This is facilitated by the Dry Touch layer, which seals the liquid in 1-2 seconds. The material is covered with micropores that prevent diaper rash. Fasteners allow you to quickly put on and remove the diaper. At this age, design is already important, so two Disney-style design options are offered.


      absorbent channels prevent panties from swelling;

      2 types of design;

      Elastic cuffs around the legs make it easy to put on and secure;

      breathable materials protect against skin irritation;


      side Velcro does not always fit;

      high price.

    Panties Pampers Pants

    Pampers Pants will help replace traditional Velcro diapers over time. They are equipped with stretchable cuffs, so they fit securely on your legs. They do not have a sharp chemical smell, they are thin and elastic. The panties are made of lightweight, airy material with durable seams.

    The diapers are comfortable, but not very reliable. The material tears easily even when put on; the panties do not have a fullness indicator, which is inconvenient. At a similar price you can find more interesting options.


      fixing elastic bands;

      lightweight breathable structure;

      absence of strong odors;

      small thickness;


      the material wrinkles easily;

      there is no moisture indicator;

      there are no fasteners after use;

    Merries panties have the best absorbency in the segment. They last overnight without any problems. They are much more convenient than traditional diapers and are not inferior to them in terms of characteristics. The panties can be easily put on the child in 4-5 seconds thanks to the elastic cuffs. The material is soft and does not cause irritation.


      a large number of absorbed liquid;

      secure Velcro fastening at the back;

      filling indicator;

      soft and breathable material;


    • high price.

    Diapers of this brand are focused on comfort and ease of wearing. They are equipped with reusable clasps, so you can check your panties freely. They are made from a porous, breathable material, and the 4-layer Dry Feel filling quickly absorbs liquid. These panties are thicker than other analogues, but provide comfortable and free movement for the baby.

    One of the inexpensive panties for babies. But they do not have great absorbency, they have to be checked regularly to ensure there are no leaks.


      comfortable to wear without irritation;

      affordable price;

      sides to protect against leakage;


      small volume of liquid;

      no filling indicator.

    The best diapers for swimming

    Kids need activity, and water procedures strengthen muscle and bone structure and develop coordination. For this purpose, special diapers are selected.

    According to moms, these are the best swim panties. They will protect against children's surprises when swimming, and are suitable for the sea, water park, and swimming pool. They have a special outer coating and an absorbent layer that does not swell when immersed in water. The elastic bands securely hold the panties in place, but do not chafe. There is a convenient "Back" marking on the back so you can quickly pull them on. They are designed for babies from 10 to 16 kg.


      worn several times;

      fit tightly and do not fall off;

      retain their shape when swimming;


      small amount of absorption;

      high price.

    The panties fit snugly against the skin, and the outer insulating material protects against swelling. This is an inexpensive option for swim shorts that is suitable even for active children. Like similar products, they are dense and rigid compared to traditional diapers, but soften in water. These diapers are disposable, so they cannot be reused for bathing.

    Affordable swim briefs that get the job done. But for each session you will have to wear new panties, because the filler rolls into lumps.


      durable and dense rubber clamps;

      affordable price;

      attractive design;

      do not swell in water;



      difficult to put on for large children.

    Swim briefs from popular brand, which makes them top sellers. They stand out for their reliable protection against children's surprises. Simple and durable fasteners allow you to put on a diaper in 1-2 seconds. Elastic cuffs provide a snug fit. But these diapers are disposable, so the price-quality ratio is worse than other analogues. In addition, the material itself quickly gets wet in water.


      quickly put on and take off;

      affordable price;

      reliably protect against leakage;


      get wet quickly;

      you need to monitor the fixation.

    What baby diapers should I buy?

      In terms of price-quality ratio, diapers from the Japanese brand Merries occupy a leading position for newborn babies. They are inexpensive, but get the job done. The popular Pampers Premium Care diapers are well advertised, but do not offer anything outstanding. Although this is still one of best options. Huggies Elite Soft performs well.

      For active children over 1 year old, it is better to choose special panties. In this segment, again, it is worth paying attention to Merries and inexpensive Helen Harper Soft&Dry. The popular Pampers Pants are made of quality materials, so they provide proper care for your baby's skin.

      Swim briefs are considered Libero Swimmies because they do it all and are used repeatedly. For newborn babies who swim little, special diapers are suitable for water procedures Huggies Little Swimmers.

    Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.
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