• Why men don't like wearing wedding rings. Why Married Men Don't Wear a Wedding Ring


    A wedding ring is a symbol of the commitment that people give to each other when they get married. But husbands often refuse to wear it Everyday life, and this fact confuses wives, to put it mildly.

    Husband doesn't wear a wedding ring

    Infidelity is the first thing that comes to mind, but this is not the main or only explanation. There are several reasons that force a man to leave wedding ring Houses. So, the husband took off his wedding ring...


    Any jewel made not from pure gold, silver, platinum, but from an alloy of precious metals with less noble ones.

    Your chosen one may have an allergy to one of these components (for example, nickel), which manifests itself as skin irritation, itching and other “pleasant” sensations.

    In addition, not everyone likes the feeling of a foreign object between their fingers, especially when the ring is massive and heavy.

    Work specifics

    Safety instructions for some professions (builders, repairmen, installers and others) directly prohibit wearing a ring during working hours. It can cause serious injury or even death if it accidentally gets caught on parts of a working mechanism.

    Professional athletes know that it is better to remove the ring when lifting weights, because it creates additional friction, which leads to blisters. Believe me, there are a lot of nuances.


    After all, rings, rings and similar jewelry are considered women's accessories. Perhaps your spouse is afraid that a wedding ring will make him look less masculine.

    Wrong size

    It is possible that the ring you bought in the pre-wedding frenzy is too big or, conversely, too narrow for your chosen one’s finger. Or maybe the husband managed to gain weight after marriage, so that the gold band simply became small.


    Many men have the annoying habit of forgetting their ring everywhere: on the bathroom shelf, on the desk, in the car. If your husband is prone to such forgetfulness and is afraid of one day losing the ring, most likely he prefers to store the jewelry in a box.

    Reasonable Care

    Men also tend to be wary of criminals, and precious jewelry can attract the attention of all sorts of dubious individuals.

    If your husband doesn’t wear his wedding ring every day, it doesn’t mean that he has stopped loving you and is going to cheat on you. Conversely, a gold ring on a finger does not serve as a guarantee of fidelity, because it is so easy to remove and hide in a pocket. In general, you shouldn’t make incredible guesses; it’s better to ask directly. It may turn out that your spouse doesn’t even know how important this issue is to you!


    Why should a man wear a wedding ring?

    Marriage is much more than just pretty rings, a big wedding, and paying utility bills together. Marriage is about creating a partnership with someone who gives you the opportunity to live life to the fullest and shares the best of you.

    Marriage is expected to begin with a proposal and engagement. Typically, this involves a man on his knee with a small box in his hands, from which a wedding ring sparkles, and so he asks her to spend the rest of her life with him. The first thing that friends and relatives usually ask is: “Show me the ring!”, and then: “Will you invite me to the wedding?” But a man’s hand remains without a ring until the wedding, and even after the wedding, many husbands do not wear a ring - it is not convenient for them, it is too tight or unusual. But why? Why do we allow them to do this?

    Yes, you can understand that many men are not used to wearing Jewelry, or they interfere with them in some kind of work related to physical labor... But let’s think for a moment what a wedding ring actually symbolizes.

    After all, this is more than just a new accessory. This is a sign of my new status. It's a commitment to spend the rest of your life with the best person in the world. For me, this is a sign to other men that I am no longer free, pass by! Shouldn't this mean the same for my husband?

    My future husband and I chose our wedding rings very carefully. After all, I have to wear it for the rest of my days! And he was not at all accustomed to it, since he never wore any jewelry. But fortunately, he understood that this was more than just a ring.

    I shared with him how I felt about it being a symbol of our promises to each other. We committed to be with each other forever. And I wanted the sign of these vows to be on his hand too.

    In the 21st century there are much more freedoms and fewer stereotypes than before. And I wanted it to be clear to everyone that my such an open and sociable guy is no longer free, no matter how well he communicates with someone. It’s women who usually show off their wedding ring, saying, look, I’m getting married! And men go without a ring until the last moment.

    My future husband after a heartfelt conversation, he realized what he wanted from marriage and agreed to wear the ring. We chose the right one for him - without shiny diamonds and unnecessary patterns.

    Again, marriage is more than rings. But it is a symbol of your love, your partnership, and a statement to everyone that you are no longer available for another relationship.

    So, girls, if you are getting married, talk to your future husband about engagement rings. And you men will be honored to take part in this symbolic gesture of love and commitment.

    marriage, wedding ring, engagement, wedding


    Why don't married people wear wedding rings? - After the wedding

    For a long time, a wedding ring has been associated with the strength and fidelity of marriage. However, recently one can notice a considerable number married people who prefer not to wear this element, symbolizing the strength of marriage bonds. At the same time, one should not make hasty conclusions by attributing unproven characteristics to such men.

    It is important to understand why this or that person does not consider it necessary to put a wedding ring on his finger.

    Why do people wear wedding rings?

    In order to draw certain conclusions regarding married people who do not wear wedding rings, it is advisable to reflect on the question: “Why exactly do they put a ring on ring finger? As is known, despite the ancient tradition, there is currently no need to put wedding rings on the fingers of those getting married; modern procedure marriage, this action is not required. There are no laws requiring you to bring a wedding ring with you to the registry office for marriage. Young people can get married without having such an element of decoration with them. At the same time, an unmarried person can easily afford to wear a wedding ring, if he considers it necessary, without getting married. A young man, conditionally engaged to his girlfriend, can, if desired, put on a ring as a sign of devotion and love in a fit of youthful maximalism.

    Wearing a wedding ring (for all its paramount importance) is not an accurate determinant or proof that a man is legally married. Girls, due to their emotionality and penchant for romanticism, sometimes wear a wedding ring on their ring finger as a sign of devotion to their groom long before the wedding day. Thus, the meaning of the ring should be determined as a kind of symbolism that does not oblige one to enter into a marriage bond for life. For some people, wearing a wedding ring in marriage still has important. The reason is usually appropriate upbringing, a model for example on the part of parents who considered it obligatory to always have a ring with them.

    Reasons why married people don't wear a ring.

    Since the tradition of wearing a ring is passed down from generation to generation, some people consider it important to observe it. At the same time, the new passage of time has changed man's perception and his views on various outdated traditions. Today it is quite common to see married people who are skeptical about wedding rings. If a person considers feelings to be more important than conventions and there is mutual understanding, love between spouses in a marriage, and there is also confidence in the partner, there is no need to confirm one’s feelings and fidelity with the help of such symbolic decorations. This case refers to people who do not adhere to generally accepted ancient rituals, but there is no reason to doubt their sincerity and reliability.

    If the husband stopped wearing a wedding ring.

    Some married men wear a wedding ring at the request or insistence of their spouse. At the same time, it is impossible to be confident in a person who is capable of negative actions, even if he wears a wedding ring and never takes it off. Among the reasons why a married person may refuse a ring are inconveniences, discomfort on the finger while performing certain work. In this case, the man’s field of activity is not important, since the presence of the ring can cause some discomfort in any case. If a husband unexpectedly refuses a ring, this does not at all indicate his infidelity or desire to leave the family.

    Unlike women, men are more indifferent to this kind of jewelry (as well as rituals) and most often do not want to wear things that cause even the slightest inconvenience. It is quite possible that after for long years marriage, the spouse considers the marriage bond to be strong enough that it does not require confirmation in the form of a wedding ring.


    Why doesn't my husband wear a wedding ring?

    . .

    He doesn't want to. Girls, take care of yourself, don’t waste time on any nonsense. A girl who stands confidently on her own two feet may only be interested in the question of whether she likes or doesn’t like to wear a wedding ring herself.

    Menu switch

    He doesn't want to.

    Girls, take care of yourself, don’t waste time on any nonsense. A girl who stands confidently on her own two feet may only be interested in the question of whether she likes or doesn’t like to wear a wedding ring herself. And if he doesn’t love you, he won’t wear it, even though it’s an engagement ring.

    Therefore, girls, if you want to solve this issue, urgently take care of your support, monetize your skills, and develop psychological stability. Gain confidence that in life you yourself will not be lost. And get this question out of your head. You don't need an answer, you need stability. And if, with the acquired stability, you suddenly, as before, realize that you do not trust your man, then you will find a way to resolve this. And this will not be a way of putting a ring on his finger.

    This question is a marker that the girl does not love herself. A girl who loves herself is busy with her life, and not with solving quests about her soul mate. Our other half doesn’t like quests for us. And we always have self-love, if we are able to say it right away in a situation when we don’t like something. Tell someone whose behavior you don't like. They are able not to work as a patient, not to remain silent and not to discuss on forums the reasons for this mysterious behavior, but to speak. And - look at the result.

    This does not mean that the second one will immediately run to do what we like. But we always have the opportunity to lift our butts away from someone who does something we don’t like.

    Did you hear? If you don't like it, they said it! Did the other side give a damn about what you said? They got up and left!

    Like this in a simple way the burning question “why doesn’t your husband wear a ring” is being resolved: either you don’t care about it (well, he doesn’t like carrying something on his finger, he’s not used to it and doesn’t want to get used to it, but you don’t care), or you care and you openly ask him to wear the symbol of your marriage. And then, see how he reacts to the request. And, at the same time, what is your insistent request based on - mistrust or superstition (if it doesn’t, it means it destroys the invisible connection between you).

    Distrust is one way of working with yourself. Yes, yes, precisely with yourself: the weak dependent side does not trust and is jealous, and it is necessary to bring it into human form. Superstitions are another way of working with yourself. The ability to give a loved one the right to freedom in making some of their own decisions is the third zone of growth.

    The ability to build your relationships so that your requests are important is the fourth.

    In general, we girls have something to do besides hustling men's life and watch what he wears and what he doesn’t wear. A man himself is able to decide what to wear, as well as what behavior will most strengthen his relationship with the woman he loves. The main thing is that the woman does not remain silent and calmly, without reproaches or attacks, says what is important to her. I told him, not on women's forums. And I will repeat once again - without attacks and accusations, without far-reaching conclusions about his “typical male piggishness.”

    Dear girls, there is no “typical male piggishness” next to strong women! They only sit on the head of the weak. And no answers to the question “why doesn’t he wear a wedding ring” weak woman won't help. He doesn't wear a ring, even though it's very important to you (since you're persistently looking for an answer), because he doesn't care about you. What are you going to do about it? Nothing? That's why he doesn't care. Therefore, he does not need to hear you and meet you halfway. He knows that in his life, where he does not take you into account, nothing will change, you will accept everything and will quietly look for answers on the side. And for now, he continues to live with you, because he likes to use you. Do you naively think that this way you can get his recognition and love? This way you won't get it.

    You will receive it only by showing character, but it still needs to be forged! Buy it before it's too late!

    When communicating with stranger We always pay attention to such a minor detail as the presence or absence of a wedding ring. It is this small piece of gold alloy that can give us a lot of information about the character of its owner.

    In the understanding of the majority people wedding ring- This is a symbol confirming that the ring bearer is married. However, the spouses themselves during the wedding think that by exchanging rings, they enter into sacred bonds and, as it were, undertake obligations to be true friend friend for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, nowadays the wedding ring has already lost this meaning. According to statistics, every second married couple today gets divorced, and therefore the exchange of rings today should be considered more of a simple ritual than a symbol of fidelity. Now many married men prefer not to wear a wedding ring, so as not to alienate young girls who do not agree to just “date”, but want to get married.

    By far the most common reason for missing ring on the finger of a married man - this is the desire to hide the presence of a wife from his mistress in order to appear in front of her a free man and not extinguish other women’s interest in you. Therefore, for many women, a wedding ring on a man’s finger is an indicator that he loves his wife and does not intend to cheat on her. It is because of this belief that jealous wives throw a tantrum at their husband and accuse him of cheating if he took off the ring and, out of confusion, forgot to put it on his finger. This means that he definitely has a mistress, and he went to her, and not to work. And the fact that he came tired from work, and not from his mistress, means nothing. Once he left without a ring, he stopped loving. Although not always, the wives’ accusations are unfounded. What some Casanovas won’t come up with when they want love on the side. Some say that the ring puts pressure on the finger and interferes with work, others say that men should not wear jewelry.

    By the way, if man wants to change, then he will do it regardless of whether he has a ring on his finger or not. And most unfaithful men behave completely differently depending on the situation. In the presence of their wife, they wear the ring constantly and pretend to be a devoted husband, and when away from her, they take it off and hide it in their pocket to look free without any family obligations. Therefore, we recommend that all married women not fool their heads and not monitor whether the husband is wearing a ring on his finger or not? Let this worry those who have no other problems than vigilantly monitoring the presence of a ring on their husband’s fingers. And then you won’t have to doubt the fidelity of your significant other around the clock and do something that will really benefit the strengthening of your relationship with your husband and prevent him from cheating. Well, we advise men to live by observing the principle: “Put on a ring - be faithful!” It is not at all necessary to wear a ring regularly, but you are obliged to adhere to generally accepted moral standards.

    Few men They wear jewelry with pleasure; some, when they are constantly wearing a ring, even out of habit, their joints swell and they have to go to a jewelry workshop to remove it. As a rule, men who play sports, play musical instruments, print, and work in professions where there is a risk of attaching a ring and injuring their hand refuse to wear rings all the time. For example, in medical practice there are known cases where drivers jumped from the back of trucks, caught their rings on something and, as a result, were left without a finger.

    Yes and probability The likelihood that a ring will be lost or stolen increases greatly among people whose profession requires them to change clothes in the locker room, take a shower, or wash their hands with soap after removing jewelry. If your man doesn't wear a ring for these reasons, then it's probably not worth trying to fix him. In these cases, women should try to understand their husband and stop being offended by the absence of a ring in his hand.

    Today there is reliable evidence that wearing a wedding ring all the time is harmful. Gold alloys oxidize over the years and release chemical products that are absorbed through and enter the bloodstream. Over time, gold oxides accumulate in the body and lead to various problems with health. This has a particularly bad effect on the sexual health of men and can even cause impotence.

    What a man has character, does not remove the ring from the ring finger right hand? Without a doubt, he needs constant attention and approval from people close to him. He lacks understanding and psychological support from his wife. By nature, he is vain and proud, partial to compliments and praise. A man wearing a wedding ring does not achieve great success in life, but strives for personal enrichment and is able to disregard the wishes of others in order to achieve his own goals. He does not seek to lead others and rarely becomes a leader. If a man is married but does not wear a wedding ring, then he does not take into account the opinions of others and feels free in marriage.

    According to the count sociologists, out of 10 married men, only 1 wears a wedding ring. That is, 90% of men do not want to show the presence of a stamp in their passport or believe that wearing a ring is inconvenient. How would you react if your husband first wedding night took off the ring, put it in a box and forgot about its existence forever?

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    Anna Lyubimova September 13, 2018

    There are a lot of superstitions around marriage. Almost any little thing that appears during preparation can be interpreted in one way or another. Of course, such fuss is due to the fact that the newlyweds are afraid of doing something wrong and “putting a stigma” on their marriage and their future life together.

    Folk signs and traditions have several opinions about wedding paraphernalia and its subsequent wearing, but to the question of whether it is possible to remove the wedding ring after the wedding, there is no one clear answer. This topic is worth considering from several angles to understand why you can’t take off the ring, and is it really necessary to wear a wedding ring after marriage?

    My husband doesn't wear a wedding ring - what do the signs say?

    A wedding ring is a sign of union, connection, indicating marital status

    All people take its meaning differently. While a woman regards this decoration from a spiritual point of view, a man looks at the ring more indifferently, as a mere formality, noticing all its “inconveniences”, and often wondering why he should wear a wedding ring.

    Wedding rings

    But both spouses may one day stop wearing this jewelry, based on different considerations, and there is no law that obliges them to wear it.

    For some, a ring helps them to assert themselves, to show that they have a family, that someone loves them, thereby increasing their social status, but with others the situation is different

    A sign that if a married man does not wear a ring, doesn't say that he has lost interest in his wife or that his feelings have dried up.

    Gold ring, SL(price on the link)

    The spouse does not wear a wedding band: reasons

    If a man takes off his wedding ring, this may contain one of the following reasons:

    1. It is simply inconvenient for him. It's not even about the size of the product, but about its shape. Men notice this point because they do not like tight things, which, in their opinion, bring discomfort.
    2. The man does not want others to know about his marital status. “Why, they say, does everyone know that I’m married?”
    3. Dependence on wife. Some people believe that the bonds of marriage set boundaries in life, and the ring gives them self-doubt and does not represent freedom.
    4. A man is uncomfortable or prohibited from working with a ring on his hand. Refers to professions most often associated with physical labor.
    5. He lost his jewelry or broke it.

    However, you shouldn’t immediately make a fuss if your husband stops wearing a ring. You need to talk about this with him personally - maybe the reason lies in something else.

    Men's wedding ring

    Possible reasons why a wife does not wear a wedding ring?

    This kind of situation occurs quite rarely, because, as was said earlier, women are more sensitive to wedding rings and jewelry in general.

    Nowadays, the tradition of wearing wedding rings is gradually fading away. Until the 21st century, this topic was not even raised or discussed - everyone believed that there was a ring on the finger prerequisite. And now many modern bride and groom They believe that the significance of a wedding ring is too exaggerated. Buy it - buy it, but put it into everyday wear - not necessary. This reason is common in the question of why one of the spouses does not wear wedding paraphernalia.

    Women's wedding ring

    If a married woman doesn't want to wear her wedding ring or doesn't wear one one morning, she might consider one of the following thoughts:

    1. I didn't like the ring. Over time, tastes change for all people, and, unfortunately, this also applies to such jewelry. Moreover, many women and girls are not constant in their choice: today I want one thing, and tomorrow another.
    2. Work doesn't allow. If a woman has a medical profession (for example, a surgeon), masseuses, specialist in the field of food, etc., most likely she cannot have any accessories on her hands in accordance with sanitary standards.
    3. I was washing dishes/laundry/cleaning/cooking and forgot to put it back on. During some housework, women take off their rings because they do not want to lose or spoil them. A very common reason.
    4. Some girls and women take off their rings when they go to get married new job. For some reason there is an opinion that family people less They invest in their business and do not at all desire career growth and prosperity. But these are stupid, unfounded views.
    5. I have lost weight/gained weight and my engagement ring has become too small or too big. The solution to this problem is simple - there are many workshops where the ring can be “adjusted” to the desired size.
    6. Not compatible with other accessories. This can happen if, say, the ring is silver and the other elements are gold - all metals should be the same color.
    7. The ring is too expensive - woman afraid of losing him or thinks the jewelry may be stolen.

    There are many reasons why a woman does not wear an engagement ring, which means that a bare ring finger is not a bad sign at all.

    Why don't priests wear wedding rings?

    Not wearing wedding rings for clergy is an established tradition that has existed for many years and, in some ways, even a rule.

    The ring, in addition to confirming the union, means belonging. In marriage: husband to wife, wife to husband

    And in Orthodoxy, from the ancient scriptures, it comes that the ring (the same ring) personifies a direct relationship - the Son’s belonging to the Father, where the Son is a man, and the Father is God.

    Women's and men's wedding rings

    So, priests, as dedicated to only one God, can only belong to him, therefore, during ordination (the process that results in the ordination of a person to the clergy), the priest takes off his wedding band ring forever, and it is established that he has become engaged to the Church and is now its minister.

    This means that the priest is now obliged to value and protect not only his family with his wife and children, but also the family given by God - his parish

    Someone might think: “It turns out that the Church is more important to clergy than their own children and wives?” But some believe that the more a priest serves God, the stronger his family becomes.

    Is it possible to wear an engagement ring before marriage?

    There are women and men who really want to put on a wedding ring right now, even if the wedding is just around the corner: they really like it, they want to show off or quickly show everyone their marital status.

    Others doubt it: suddenly something will happen not so, the wedding will be cancelled, friends will be jealous and in general - “ Bad sign" This, of course, is not so - there is no sign of preliminary wear.

    Gold ring with diamonds, SL(price on the link)

    There are two rings: engagement and wedding rings. The first differs from the second in that it is usually offered to a woman in exchange for her consent to become someone’s wife, and it has a stone, while the engagement ring is smooth. It follows from this that before wedding ceremony wear engagement ring.

    According to custom, the wedding ring is first worn during the wedding; now it depends more on the newlyweds: their wishes and considerations.

    But if your heart desires, you can wear an engagement ring before the wedding, especially in a situation where the decision to get married was made without an engagement.

    As it turns out, there are no signs about wearing or, conversely, not having a wedding ring on a finger, and the worries of brides and grooms are simple superstitions, which especially in the face of such important event definitely worth it move aside and calmly follow your desires.

    You never catch yourself when meeting men, the first thing you pay attention to is the presence of a wedding ring on your finger.

    By the way, such interest is not accidental. After all, sometimes an engagement ring can tell more about its owner than the most in-depth psychological research. It can “signal” the presence family problems from the owner or talk about the characteristics of his character.

    Why does a man wear a wedding ring?

    To answer this question, psychologists conducted a test in which several hundred people took part.

    The test results are impressive!

    It turns out that very often a man wears a wedding ring only to attract the attention of others.

    Praise, recognition, approval - that's what such a man needs! He is usually vain and susceptible to flattery. You should not expect consistency in deeds and actions from such a person; he will not do anything for a long time and is unlikely to reach the heights of success. Often his goal is personal enrichment in any way convenient for him.

    There are men of a different psychological type. They also wear a wedding ring, but have different goals. There are much fewer of them than representatives of the first type (on average 6 people per 100 tested). They are unsure of themselves, their abilities and capabilities. They are not independent, the desire for leadership and ambition are alien to them. Their purpose is to be driven both at work and in family life. A tendency to compromise, non-conflict, sensitivity, attentiveness, and goodwill towards others are the distinctive features of their behavior.

    Psychologists believe that in this way such men seek to receive psychological support from others. The ring helps them assert themselves and increase their social status. Having a wife and family allows them to assure themselves and others that they are no worse than everyone else.

    What do the men themselves say? Why are they wearing a wedding ring?

    Their answers are far from the conclusions drawn by psychologists. This is not surprising, since the true motives of behavior are most often not recognized by a person. And yet, in their answers, the psychological patterns of the two types of character mentioned above emerge.

    Men of the first psychological type say that wearing a ring decorates, that “they like it better,” that a ring on the hand allows them to avoid conflicts with their wife.

    Other types of men refer to the fact that it is customary in their environment that all married men wear a wedding ring, and that they do not want to stand out.

    Why does a woman wear a wedding ring?

    A woman without a ring is less common than a man. A wedding ring for a woman is, first of all, an indicator of her special status. She is a wife and mother, which means she can count on more respect than an unmarried woman (this idea is traditional for our society, and not only ours). In addition, a wedding ring “protects” a woman from the attention of unwanted suitors.

    It's more interesting to find out , why some married women don't wear a wedding ring.

    The first reason: the status of a wife is not particularly important for a woman, marriage does not prevent her from seeking attention from other men, sometimes this happens unconsciously. Such women strive for active self-realization; they are ambitious, persistent, purposeful, and strive for success in life. The narrow framework of traditional ideas about the role of women in the family does not suit them.

    To date marriage becomes a certain stage of life, which testifies to the self-sufficiency of the individual and his confidence in his actions. If earlier they got married in order to meet the level of their family, today many couples are postponing this moment until later. A wedding ring has always been a symbol of fidelity and confidence in one’s partner, because many women and men put it on their significant other to connect their lives with her.

    But there are often such things situations when the beloved man stops wearing his wedding band and doesn’t want to say anything in his own defense. There could be a lot of reasons for this, so don’t rush to draw conclusions that may be wrong. Many women take this as an insult and cannot forgive such a trifle for the rest of their lives. The resentment that grows in you over the years cannot benefit anyone, so it is better to give preference to studying information about this phenomenon. Let's determine the main reasons why your loved one stopped wearing the symbol of fidelity and devotion.

    - The ring interferes with work. If your loved one sits for hours in the workshop, plays sports, types pages of text, or simply fixes something in the house, then the decoration will probably cause him some discomfort. A wedding ring can not only get in the way, but also distract, so representatives of the stronger sex often take it off at a time when special concentration or physical strength is required.

    - Wants to give the impression of an unmarried, attractive bachelor by refusing a ring. Unfortunately. This situation is quite typical for modern man. It is likely that he would not mind having an affair on the side or flirting with young ladies. A wedding ring always shows the interlocutor that its owner is already taken and is not a potential partner. A man who does not wear a ring for this reason often hides something from his wife and tries to prove his superiority to other representatives of the fair sex. It is likely that such a man has a lot of complexes or a pathological desire to cheat on his wife.

    - The wedding ring does not coincide with his views on life. It is likely that such a man decided to get married not because it was his dream, but because the circumstances turned out that way. Some representatives of the stronger sex consider marriage an outdated institution and try to avoid it in every possible way. No one claims that such a husband does not love his woman, because for him the only problem is the symbol of marriage - the wedding ring. IN in this case better find out the real reason and do not make hasty conclusions that he has stopped loving you or that he married under duress.

    - He has a mistress, so the ring is in the way. A fairly common situation is when someone takes off their wedding ring because they have new woman. There are women who consciously enter into a relationship with a married man, but there are also those who are categorically against this option. A man can never know what category his new lover is from, so it’s better to play it safe and take off the wedding ring so as not to be defeated. In this case, it is important to talk with your loved one to exclude this option. You must understand that a man cannot be held back by either a stamp in his passport or a wedding ring.

    - The order of the authorities is to walk without a ring. Unfortunately, there are also situations when the head of a company forces his subordinates to take off their wedding rings and not advertise their marital status. In this case, the main thing is the desire to impress the female audience, which can be attracted by young unmarried men. There are also some professions that require the absence of any jewelry on the hands.

    - He is simply uncomfortable wearing this jewelry - a wedding ring. It is likely that a wedding ring will cause a man a lot of discomfort if he has not previously worn any jewelry on his hands. For a woman, this symbol is of great importance; a man often does not take it seriously. If at some point the ring becomes the wrong size or is simply uncomfortable for everyday wear, he will simply take it off and put it on the table. Men who immediately run to the workshop to adjust the size of their wedding ring are an exception.

    - He stopped loving his wife, so he refuses the ring. The simplest and most understandable case is when a man simply stopped loving his wife, so the ring for him is an extra reminder of his wife. It is likely that such a man will soon file for divorce or will love another for the rest of his life. A wedding ring as a symbol of love and fidelity will disgust him, so he will not wear it.

    In any of these situations, first of all, you should talk with your loved one and find out the truth from him. Often, a jealous wife may take the absence of a wedding ring incorrectly, which will lead to a scandal or even divorce. You should not hope that a wedding ring will be an absolute guarantee of a husband’s fidelity, because there are cases when a man’s marital status only gives him excitement and a desire to experience his new chosen one.

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