• Why does a child cry in the first days of life? How to calm a baby and why he screams. Why does a child cry at night?


    All the children are crying. And if in large children it is not difficult to find out and understand the reasons for crying, then it is not so easy to understand why a newborn baby cries. After all, the usual ways of communication for us are still inaccessible to the baby, and he is also unable to cope with his own, even minor, troubles.

    Main reasons for crying

    The main reasons for a newborn baby’s crying are related to his most important needs and problems: hunger, pain, fear, thirst, discomfort, hypothermia or overheating, overwork, desire to communicate.

    At first, it is not easy for parents to understand why their little child is crying. But, communicating with him every day, the mother begins to distinguish the types of children's crying by intonation, volume and duration.

    How to understand the reason

    The most powerful irritants for any person are hunger, pain and fear . Therefore, we will hear the loudest and most tearful crying in a newborn precisely in these situations.

    1. Crying when hungry will be loud, drawn-out, its intensity gradually increases and turns into a choking scream. If the child is just beginning to feel hungry, then the crying will be inviting. Advice for new mothers: if the baby is hungry, he will start looking for the breast as soon as he is in your arms.
    2. Crying in pain , as a rule, plaintive, its intensity does not change, only sometimes notes of despair appear. If the pain occurs suddenly, then the crying will immediately be loud and bursting.
    3. Crying associated with fear , begins suddenly, is loud, sometimes hysterical. It may just as suddenly stop.

    Parents should respond to such crying immediately and not wait until the child calms down on his own. In other cases, the screams will first be inviting, and then, if the baby is still uncomfortable, certain features will appear.

    Calling cry - This is an attempt by the baby to express his problems. It is quiet and short-lived, repeated at short intervals. The baby screams for a few seconds and then waits for your reaction. If there is no response to the “request to come”, then the crying is repeated, with each repetition the cry will be louder.

    Why does a child cry if he is not in pain and is not hungry?

    1. If wet diapers cause discomfort to the child, then the crying will be whining, and the baby himself will fidget, trying to move from the wet spot. If a child is wearing an overfilled diaper, then he will show signs of dissatisfaction in his hands.
    2. If the child is cold, then the crying will gradually turn into hiccups with sobbing. The baby's skin is pale and cool to the touch.
    3. If a child is overheated, then crying is accompanied by redness of the face, the baby flaps its legs and arms, and its skin is hot.
    4. When overtired, the baby begins to be capricious, cries at any attempt to entertain him, but calms down when rocked.
    5. If there is a need for communication or contact with the mother, the baby cries invitingly and calms down when he hears approaching steps.

    Knowing the main reasons for crying, it will not be difficult to calm your child. It is enough to eliminate the cause: feed the hungry, rock the sleepy, change the diaper or clothes if necessary (if the baby is overheated or cold). Crying due to pain can cause difficulties because it is not always possible to immediately eliminate its cause. But the main thing here is to be patient and behave calmly.

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    Note to moms!

    Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

    Other situations

    Children sometimes begin to cry when bathing, feeding, and even while sleeping. There are many reasons for such cries.

    Baby cries while bathing

    • Cold or hot water - the water temperature before swimming must be checked with an elbow or a thermometer; it should be 36-37 degrees C. (Article: child);
    • This procedure frightens the baby - during bathing, try to talk in a calm tone about each action and distract the child, any action you take should be gentle and smooth (Article: child is afraid to swim:);
    • You behave insecurely, your fear is passed on to the child - stop being afraid yourself and invite someone to help you bathe;
    • There are areas of inflammation on the child’s body (diaper rash, mosquito bites, scratching) - try to prevent wounds from appearing;
    • Add to baby's bath water.

    Cries while feeding

    • During feeding, the baby feels pain. This occurs when the oral mucosa becomes inflamed. (stomatitis, ), with infections (inflammation of the throat, ears), with , swallowing large quantity;
    • The baby doesn't like the taste. Milk changes when you abuse strong-smelling foods or foods with a strong taste (which). Particles of rancid milk may remain on the surface of the nipple, so the breast must be washed before feeding. The product used to treat the breasts before feeding has an unpleasant taste and smell for the baby. (

    From the moment of birth, the most key signal for a child until he learns to speak normally and explain himself in words is crying. IN early age it belongs to the universal mechanism of communication, with it the baby expresses the whole palette of his feelings and emotions, demonstrates his desires and emotions. It often happens that a newborn often screams and cries, giving no peace to himself or his parents. What could be causing sleep problems and his cries? How to recognize a child’s signals and promptly eliminate their causes?

    Table of contents:

    Development of crying and sleep problems

    For a newborn baby, crying is a way to signal any unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensations.

    When a newborn is healthy and well-fed, nothing bothers him; he spends most of the time in the first weeks of his life sleeping. Therefore, for the most part, through crying, the child expresses his emotions, complains of poor health, and parents should not ignore such signals.

    But young parents often do not understand why the child screams, sobs inconsolably and cannot fall asleep. Gradually, over time, they already distinguish the source of problems by the intonation and strength of the cry, its tone and the behavior of the baby. There are relatively simple and easily remediable causes of lack of sleep and crying, although more serious, painful and dangerous conditions are quite possible.

    The main causes of crying in newborns

    There are quite physiological and obvious reasons crying in children, because of which he cannot sleep. These include:

    When applied to the breast or when the baby is given a bottle of formula, he calms down and calms down. Infants can also quench their thirst by latching on to the breast, and for this, breastfeeding babies need to be given water in a bottle. At first, until an approximate feeding rhythm has been established, the baby may often cry when he is hungry.


    It is important not to ignore the baby’s demands, waiting for a certain hour for feeding, otherwise the crying will turn into hysterics, during which it will be extremely difficult to calm and feed the raging baby. If the baby is immediately understood and fed on time, he usually falls asleep.

    Crying and sleep problems when overstimulated

    Most often, a child cannot sleep and screams or cries due to overexcitation. His nervous system is very vulnerable and immature; it often needs rest in order to restore efficiency, control the functioning of all organs and systems and develop.

    Exhaustion of nervous processes occurs the sooner the younger the baby is.


    If, simultaneously with fatigue, the child received too many new impressions and emotions, this will lead to even greater fatigue of his nervous system. As a result, the child cannot sleep, although he is very tired, which is why he screams, cries and cannot calm down. As a result, hysterics are formed with choking screams and cries, which greatly frightens parents.

    It is important to avoid overwork and hysterics, monitoring the condition and well-being of the baby. This can be achieved through compliance strict regime day, where there will be enough time to sleep, all the necessary hygiene procedures and all conditions for comfortable stay and falling asleep. This is a cozy and clean room, well ventilated, with a comfortable temperature and humidity. You should not create crumbs of ideal silence for sleep from birth; he should sleep under normal family living conditions, this will help make sleep less sensitive and intermittent.

    To prevent the child from becoming overexcited, doctors do not recommend his presence at noisy and public events, concerts and long trips. It is worth at least for the first time to protect him from a large number of guests and strangers. This will not only give the child peace of mind, but will also protect him from unnecessary encounters with infections, which can also disturb sleep and lead to crying.

    If the child is tired after visiting guests, has not slept for a long time and has started screaming, you need to pick him up, put him to your chest, rock him in your arms and calm him down. Some children benefit from tight swaddling or wrapping in a blanket, while others benefit from a warm bath, which relaxes and soothes the baby.

    Sleep problems and crying in bowel disorders

    Often a child cannot sleep and constantly cries due to problems with natural needs - defecation or urination. Many babies may cry or whine before having a bowel movement., even if there are no health problems, simply not understanding what is happening to them, and being afraid of this fact. In this case, there is no need to worry; usually there are slight whimpers followed by wetness of the diaper. However, sleep disturbances and constant crying, kicking and screaming when urinating, or straining heavily before wetting your panties are a warning sign. This may be a sign of structural anomalies urinary tract, inflammatory phenomena in the area of ​​​​the walls of the bladder, and in boys - problems with the penis and its structure.

    If a child is constantly restless, the process of urine excretion leads to screaming, and the body temperature also rises, you should immediately consult a doctor and get tested (at least general tests).

    Often, problems with bowel movements also lead to sleep disorders and crying with screams. Especially against the background artificial feeding, leading to incorrect selection of the mixture, its inaccurate dilution or lack of fluid in the body. Defecation is especially unpleasant if there are cracks in the anus, due to straining and dense stool. In this case, the baby will toss and turn and groan, wince and scream loudly, especially against the backdrop of a long absence of stool. Because of screams and constant fruitless attempts, the baby sleeps poorly, his tummy is swollen, and it is important to consult a doctor to identify and eliminate the causes of constipation.

    Poor sleep and crying due to colic

    In the period from approximately three weeks of age to three months, when the intestinal wall gradually matures and the formation of microflora occurs, many children suffer from diseases that literally plague some children and deprive them of rest and sleep. Colic is not a disease, it is a temporary and transient phenomenon associated with the accumulation of gases in the intestines. They stretch the intestinal loops and irritate pain receptors, which creates spasm and discomfort, especially in the late afternoon, when the nervous system is already tired and irritated. Against the background of colic, the child often sleeps poorly, wakes up crying and screams; in the evening, periods of crying can last up to several hours until the spasms and pain subside.


    Signs of colic will be sharp crying and screaming with tucking in the legs and straining, redness of the face, bulging of the fontanel, sometimes with transitions into hysterics. The cry is sharp and loud, painful, with arching in the arms, tension in the abdomen.

    It is important that parents know how to help their baby to alleviate his condition. You need to massage the tummy, bend the legs to help expel gas, carry him in your arms with his tummy down, rock him and soothe him. If colic has become daily and severe, sometimes you can help with medications that a doctor can recommend; they are selected individually; they do not always help and not all children.

    Temperature disturbances as a cause of crying

    If adults, having a perfect thermoregulation system and the ability to dress or undress according to the weather, do not suffer much from temperature fluctuations, then for newborns this is a serious problem. They are extremely uncomfortable both in freezing and overheating conditions, but they cannot unwrap themselves or dress warmer, and therefore they sleep poorly and cry. At an early age, hypothermia is dangerous, if it is severe and prolonged, and for this it is necessary for the baby to be undressed for at least half an hour in an extremely cool room, or even in the cold. In other cases, with mild freezing, children, by waking up, screaming and crying, actively moving their legs and arms, activate their metabolism and warm up. This is a defense mechanism. After they have calmed down and warmed up, sleep returns to normal.

    But overheating for a child is much more dangerous than slight freezing, since in this case the protective mechanisms do not work, especially if there is tight swaddling or large number of clothes, carefully put on the baby by mothers and grandmothers.

    Overheating leads to inhibition of metabolic processes, suppression of the immune system and disruption of brain development.

    During the newborn period and the first six months or so, the sweating mechanisms are imperfect, and the baby cannot fully cool the body. Then sleep suffers, the baby cannot fall asleep and screams, cries, and blushes. In the area of ​​skin folds, against the background of overheating, there may be diaper rash and prickly heat throughout the body, which only increases the discomfort and suffering of the baby. Itching and pain of the skin, redness and the risk of infection further disrupt sleep and constantly provoke crying. In this case, it will be constant and monotonous, on one note, with the transition to whimpers, or flow into hysterics.

    Restless sleep and crying

    Many parents are extremely concerned about their children's poor sleep, with constant waking up and crying in their sleep, after which it is difficult to put them back to sleep. This is due to several reasons, usually easily removable and not dangerous, but requiring the attention of mom and dad. This:

    You should not wait for the baby to fully awaken and scream; you need to immediately respond to his signals by picking him up and calming him, putting him to the chest or giving him a bottle or pacifier. This will help you not go into hysterics and calm down, falling asleep peacefully.

    External causes, discomfort and crying

    If the baby is not hungry and not tired, and he cries and does not want to sleep, the reasons for this may be quite banal inconvenience from wet diapers, a leaky or overfilled diaper, or chafing seams of clothes. It is important to timely select diapers by size, so that they do not press or rub delicate skin, and also change them in a timely manner so that stool and urine do not irritate the perineum and lead to pain.

    Painful Causes of Sleeping and Crying Disorders

    May cause poor restless sleep or difficulty falling asleep, as well as tantrums and crying. skin diseases, or . Thus, against the background of skin pathologies and allergic rashes, it usually occurs severe itching skin, which simply does not allow you to sleep, the child screams, rubs against the crib, worries, you can alleviate his condition by consulting a doctor and determining the cause of the skin lesion, using local or systemic medications against inflammation and itching, as prescribed by the doctor, against allergies.

    In most children, teething begins after six months, but some may experience this phenomenon earlier. Therefore, one of the leading problems in the second half of the year, which leads to hysterics, crying and sleep disorders, is discomfort in the gum area with itching, swelling and unpleasant sensations. Often the baby puts everything in his mouth, tries to chew toys and sucks his fists, he has a lot of saliva. In these cases, special cooling teethers, dryers, rubber toys, as well as the use of teething gels for severe anxiety can help.

    What are the dangers of frequent crying and sleep disorders?

    Many parents and the older generation do not see anything wrong with their children’s crying, letting them “scream out” and making no attempt to calm them down. This is not a physiological method of dealing with crying, whatever the reason, especially if the child also sleeps poorly.

    Crying loads and overstimulates the nervous system, threatening the development of “rolling” with periods of respiratory arrest and acute hypoxia of the brain.

    This will have an extremely negative impact on the development of the child, leading to nervousness and anxiety, difficulties in learning and disinhibition of arousal processes.

    A baby’s crying is always associated with key stimuli and needs, so among the main reasons for crying are the following:

    • hunger;
    • thirst;
    • desire to attract attention;
    • pain;
    • discomfort;
    • fear;
    • overwork;
    • hypothermia;
    • overheat.

    At the first stages, the mother is not yet able to determine by the nature of the crying what exactly the little child needs. However, in the process of getting used to different types crying becomes recognizable because the intonation, volume and duration are different in each case.

    Video - How to calm your baby

    Most often, a child cries because he is hungry, in pain, or afraid. In such situations, the newborn cries most loudly, invitingly and heartbreakingly. Characteristic signs will help you recognize which of the listed reasons is bothering your baby at this moment.

    1. Hunger crying is often very loud, prolonged and intense. Over time, the little one begins to seem to choke. In such a situation, the child will begin to intuitively search for the breast immediately after he finds himself in his mother’s arms.
    2. Crying caused by pain is very pitiful and somewhat desperate. However, if the child feels sharp and sudden pain, then the screams will be loud and the crying will be loud.
    3. Crying from fear, as a rule, has notes of hysteria. It starts abruptly and ends abruptly. In such a situation, it is very important to quickly calm the child down and not wait until he calms down on his own. This contributes to the emergence of additional trust between the baby and mommy.

    Often the baby cries when it is cold or overheated. IN in this case It is very easy to determine the cause because skin covering or gets very hot or too cold. Mom can easily determine this by touch.

    Sometimes the baby cries from fatigue and then you should not try to entertain him with rattles and funny faces. The baby just wants to sleep.

    Reasons for crying in your sleep

    Sometimes a child starts crying out of the blue in his sleep. Experts are sure that this is always due to one of the following reasons:

    • hunger;
    • horrible dream;
    • uncomfortable posture;
    • pain;
    • desire for mother's attention.

    Basic ways to calm a crying baby

    Regardless of the nature of the crying and its causes, there are several universal ways that will help a young mother calm her baby.

    Method 1

    One of the most common methods is swaddling. You should not confuse diapers with straitjackets, because, unlike this “form of clothing,” diapers warm the baby and allow him to take a comfortable position. In addition, wrapped in diapers, the baby again remembers his mother’s womb, where he spent so much time. Most main question What needs to be decided in such a situation is how tightly to swaddle the toddler. Experts recommend tightening the diapers quite tightly, but the child should not be completely constrained in his movements.

    Method 2

    Another option is to place the baby on your lap along your legs. Most often, the baby settles comfortably in a warm and comfortable cavity.

    Method 3

    One of the most powerful instincts in infants is the instinct to suck. Knowing this fact allows you to quickly calm your baby. As soon as your baby starts crying, give him a pacifier. In a matter of minutes, the baby should calm down. Experts conducted a study, the results of which showed: a pacifier can protect against the syndrome sudden death a baby that terrifies all mothers without exception.

    Method 4

    This method is associated with sounds, since some babies very often need unobtrusive noise. The fact is that, being in the mother’s tummy, the baby is accustomed to hearing different sounds: from the physiological processes occurring in the woman’s body to the noise that surrounded her in real life. If you create a similar atmosphere for your toddler, he will feel like he is in a familiar environment and will quickly calm down.

    You can turn on pleasant, calm music or TV - this is not of key importance. The main thing is to adjust the volume correctly so that the baby is comfortable. You can remember what you watched or listened to while you were pregnant to recreate those times as much as possible for your baby.

    Method 5

    This is one of the simplest and most popular methods that has been helping young mothers for many years. Taking crying baby in your hands, you need to quietly and soulfully pronounce the sound “shhhh”. Gentle intonation and soothing noise will help the child calm down. According to the pediatrician, you need to “shush” loudly enough. IN otherwise the baby simply won’t hear you because of his crying.

    Method 6

    You can calm your child down with a simple conversation. If the baby is worried and crying, then start telling him some pleasant words, looking into his eyes. In this way, you can let your baby know that you are nearby and can protect him from any troubles. The little one should feel supported and cared for, so it is better to accompany any action with a conversation.

    Method 7

    It is very important to provide the baby with movement. The fact is that while in the mother’s womb, the child gets used to constantly moving, because there the baby swims or jumps along with the mother’s movements. You can try to recreate the same environment, as it helps the baby calm down and fall asleep faster.

    You can try rocking the baby in your arms or using auxiliary objects, such as a lounge chair or cradle. If they are not there, then the chair with the baby can be placed on any vibrating surface. But it is very important not to leave the child unattended, as this can be dangerous.

    Method 8

    With her own hands, a mother can relieve any pain. Infants Parents' touch is especially important. To calm your child, you can give him a light massage:

    • undress the toddler and place him on his back;
    • stroke the baby’s legs and arms with slow movements, linger on the tummy;
    • turn the baby over on his stomach and massage his back with circular movements;
    • don't forget to talk sweet words or quietly sing your favorite melody.

    Such actions will distract the baby and quickly calm him down.

    Method 9

    In most cases, babies cry due to colic in the tummy. They are caused by bottle feeding, since in the process the baby inadvertently swallows air, which puts pressure on the baby’s stomach. In order to avoid such unpleasant situations, it is recommended to purchase an anti-colic bottle, which was invented specifically for these purposes. The creators of the anti-colic bottle made sure that a vacuum did not form in it. As a result, the baby may not tear himself away from the container.

    Let's return to the issue of colic. Because of Small child When he cries, he swallows even more air, which makes the pain worse. Consequently, there will be more gas, which means more crying. It is necessary, if not to prevent air from entering, then at least to help get rid of it. Most often this is done through regurgitation. To do this you need to do the following:

    • gently slap the back;
    • hold it in a “column” at the shoulder.

    Method 12

    However, the reason for crying may be external discomfort, not internal. The first step is to check the baby's diaper, and then see if the baby is overheated (or overcooled). To do this, you should feel the baby's arms, legs, neck and nose. If everything is in order, then you should give the baby water - maybe he is just thirsty.

    It makes sense to put different clothes on the little one or change the lighting in the room. One of these actions will help eliminate the baby's dissatisfaction.

    Method 13

    The main thing is to distract the child from crying. To do this, you can use absolutely any methods - rustle, call, sing, shake rattles, turn on melodies on your mobile phone. The baby should notice something that will attract his attention.

    Method 14

    Towards evening, the likelihood of colic in a baby increases, especially in those who are on breastfeeding. The reason for this is the constant change in the composition of milk: in the evening the concentration of fats and hormones changes. There is an old grandfather's method - dill water, which is given to the baby during meals. You can also purchase special remedy in pharmacies.

    It is necessary to understand that in a situation where none of the above methods help, there is nothing left but contacting a pediatrician. The doctor must make sure that the baby’s health is not in danger.

    Be healthy!

    Video - How to calm a crying baby

    The baby was just born, and now he is constantly crying. And mothers, especially those who gave birth for the first time, go crazy, because they still don’t know why the baby is crying and cannot recognize the “signals” of their baby. How can you determine why a newborn is constantly crying, how can you help, and is it really necessary to help him?

    Why does a newborn cry: main reasons

    When adults start crying, then, most likely, they actually feel bad, that is, some kind of trouble has occurred, and quite a serious one at that. As for infants, everything is not so clear-cut for them. First of all, this is their nature: the baby begins to cry, because he cannot express his emotions and feelings in any other way. Therefore, identifying the crying of children, and why this happens, there is no need to panic. It is necessary to remain optimistic!

    However, there are more serious reasons why a baby cries. We need to systematize them. Among the most common causes of crying, it is necessary to highlight the following.


    This is exactly the crying that stops immediately after the mother takes the baby in her arms. The baby is scared, he cannot “live” alone in this world, so he begins to call for help. Instinctively, the child needs to feel the warmth and smell of mommy. There is no need to worry that the child will become “tame” and be spoiled. Tactile contact with mom - This is a way to calm the baby, as well as stimulate his mental and physical development.

    Thirst and Hunger

    The first thing that should come to the mind of adults, why a baby is crying, is that he is hungry. Food is a very important need for a baby, and in the first years of his life he “speaks” by crying about hunger. Fortunately, determining whether your baby is hungry is quite simple. You need to offer him formula or breast milk. By the way, in the first 4-5 months, especially when the baby is on breastfeeding, he has not yet developed a diet. Most mothers feed the child not according to a schedule, but when he demands it. Therefore, it is quite logical that adults have not yet been able to adapt to the nutritional needs of their child.

    If the baby begins to cry nervously and loudly, taking short breaks, then most likely the baby is hungry. You can offer your baby formula or breastfeeding.

    The cry of a hungry baby has certain characteristics, by them it can be distinguished.

    After eating, the baby immediately calms down.

    Sleep, overstimulation and fatigue

    A very common cause of crying and sometimes hysterics in a child is overexcitation of the nervous system. The baby's body is still quite weak, it is difficult for him to even control his own body. Therefore, he begins to get tired quickly. And when along with this there is a child overloaded with impressions and overexcited, the load on his body increases. As a result, the child is very sleepy, but cannot fall asleep. The consequence is a hysteria with “choking” before going to bed, which can be very frightening for inexperienced mothers.

    In order to prevent this problem, it is necessary not to forget that the baby definitely needs a sleep schedule, and it needs to be organized so that the child can easily relax and that nothing disturbs the baby. Moderate noise, a well-ventilated and dimly lit room are the main nuances.

    When a child is overexcited or overtired, expect tears! Children “relieve” nervous tension by crying. Often this is what causes children's tantrums before bedtime. Try not to play tricks on your baby an hour or two before bedtime..

    It is for this reason that pediatricians do not recommend infant take up to a month (and in general babies up to one year old) with you to noisy and crowded places, to football matches, concerts, etc. You should not invite a crowd of relatives and guests. This is harmful both in terms of overexcitability and in terms of the baby’s health (the baby does not need to receive extra viruses and bacteria from strangers).

    What can you do when your child starts screaming and crying?? You need to pick him up, rock him, give him your breast. Certain babies can be calmed by being swaddled tightly.


    The baby may start crying before urinating. It’s just that certain children still cannot understand what this process is, and may be scared if they start writing. In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

    But here you need to be quite careful. Crying is sometimes caused by infectious disease urinary canals. Also, boys often experience fusion of the foreskin; it can be diagnosed by a narrowing of the urethra and a sideways stream of urine, while in girls it is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs. The baby's crying in these cases initially resembles a whimper, but before he starts writing, the child begins to scream and cry loudly. In this case, an increased temperature is an indicator that inflammation is occurring in the genitourinary system. You need to urgently contact your pediatrician and follow his instructions.


    When a child has small cracks in the anus, defecation causes him pain and discomfort. You need to pay attention to the following symptoms: the child is straining, grunting, crying, wincing. As a rule, this problem appears due to frequent constipation. If your baby regularly experiences constipation, you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.


    Colic is one of the most common reasons crying in children. Most often, they begin to torment infants after feeding before bedtime. In the intestines, gases cause quite severe pain, so the child suddenly begins to cry, shuddering, as if he had been pricked, arches over and strains hard. For certain kids, the screaming begins to turn into an “excited” hysteria. The crying continues until the colic attack ends.

    In order to alleviate the baby’s condition, you need to give him a “clockwise” abdominal massage, as well as very simple gymnastics: bend his legs and press them tightly to his stomach, raising his butt, then straighten and straighten all the way. When straightening, the child farts, and this indicates that the gases are coming out and he will soon feel better.

    When colic is your problem? headache“every day, and the baby cries often, then you need to tell your doctor about it. In addition to gymnastics and massage, he will recommend other means.

    Cold and heat

    Babies don't like being very cold or very hot. In both cases, they begin to feel discomfort. Therefore, the question arises: how to determine whether a child is hot or cold?

    When the baby is overheated, then he will throw his arms and legs to the sides and whimper sluggishly. Touch the baby: the skin will be hot. Infants 5-6 months and older are probably already increased sweating, so the skin may be moist. The most important indicators are the folds on his body. Sweat had collected in them.

    When the baby is wrapped up all the time, a disease such as prickly heat may appear. Red pimples itch and itch, sometimes covering the child’s entire body. This will be another reason why a newborn is crying..

    When a child is cold, his crying resembles screams, in the end they turn into whimpers and groans. Moreover, the baby actively twitches his arms and legs. Often a sign of severe cold is hiccups. In this case it is necessary to note that hiccups are not always a symptom of hypothermia, but if the child begins to hiccup, you must first make sure that he is not cold. It's very easy to find out. Touch his legs and arms. When they are cold, put mittens or socks on them. The tummy, chest and back can help determine exactly whether a child is cold. When they are cool, you need to insulate your child.

    Crying in a dream

    Almost all mothers noticed that a newborn baby cries in his sleep. There may be several reasons for this:

    There is no need to wait until the baby finally wakes up. Take a crying baby in your arms and rock him, put him to your chest. More often than not, this is exactly what he needs.

    Other reasons

    When all the baby’s needs are satisfied, but he continues to cry constantly, then you need to pay attention to such reasons.


    He is probably too small for the baby and is starting to squeeze his legs. You need to check if the diaper leaves red streaks on his skin. When he leaves, you need to think about purchasing diapers that correspond to the baby’s weight.

    A child may cry even if, when he empties into the diaper, or it is full of urine, and the parents still don’t think of any way to replace it. It is quite uncomfortable for a child to lie in this diaper, and he will naturally fuss and worry.


    It is necessary to regularly and carefully examine the baby’s body for the presence of allergic reactions. Redness and rashes may be itchy and cause anxiety for your baby.


    Most children begin teething no earlier than six months. When your baby is about 6 months old, you can slowly check his gums. Crying may well be caused by this very reason. You can easily identify “teeth”: the baby will scratch his gums, put his fists in his mouth, be nervous, and drool. Certain babies have an increase in temperature.

    You can calm your baby in the following ways:

    • To begin with, purchase a special freezing gel for gums, it can eliminate unpleasant symptoms;
    • He also needs to purchase a special “tooth scratcher” with water inside. It needs to be put in the refrigerator, the water cools and directly cools the baby's gums pleasantly, creating relief.

    Is it good to cry?

    On the Internet (and many of our grandmothers also think so), you can find statements that crying is beneficial for a baby: this is how the lungs develop and open. However, this is not true. In fact, it is harmful for a baby to cry; it negatively affects his character and health.

    Nikolai Pavlovich Shabalov, famous Russian neonatologist and pediatrician, MD. talks in his book “Childhood Diseases” about the dangers of crying. In addition, he argues that crying (especially with “rolling”) is dangerous to health, due to the fact that during a prolonged cry the child begins to breathe shallowly, because of this, the ventilation of the lower parts of the lungs is disrupted, and the function of the diaphragm is reduced. Certain areas of the respiratory process can even “switch off” slightly.

    When a baby constantly cries, and even rolls up, the consequence is the appearance of bronchospasm, and then atelectasis appears - this is a condition of the lungs that is characterized by a partial or complete absence of air in them. The main complications of atelectasis are bronchiectasis, pneumosclerosis and pneumonia.

    Attention: Healthy children do not cry for no reason! When a baby cries all the time, this is not normal, you need to understand what is bothering him and get rid of the discomfort.

    Shouldn't be ignored crying newborn baby! In addition to the reasons listed above, the baby may hit himself, get confused, fall, an arm or leg may get stuck in the bars of the bed, the child may hit himself with a toy, etc. . When you hear crying, then you need to come up and check why the child is crying.

    Parents sometimes wish their children would not cry at all. Why does a child cry, and how to calm him down? Crying is the only way for a baby to signal to adults.

    When our beloved child begins to make the first “aha,” we are so happy about it that we perceive each new sound as little holiday, and when the baby starts talking, it’s actually a whole event.

    But, alas, not only heart-pleasing sounds come from children’s lips. Children sometimes, or maybe too sometimes, cry, and even worse if they whine. It seems that the child is well-fed, dry, well-rested, but for some reason he is still dissatisfied with life.

    In older children it is still possible to somehow find out the reasons, but in very young children it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out the reasons for whining...

    A child never cries for no reason. There will always be a reason. If parents manage to understand the reason for crying and meet the child's needs, the crying will stop. But sometimes it is impossible to console the baby in any way; adults try to offer the baby anything, but the crying does not stop.

    If a child is constantly crying, it is incredibly difficult for parents to remain calm. Constant crying turns parents on: it seems that the child is crying simply out of spite. Parents forget that the child cannot stop crying until they understand what he needs.

    The parents become even more stressed and the baby cries even more. Below we will try to find the answer to the question - why does a child cry.

    Reasons for a baby's crying


    Hunger is the simplest reason why a child cries. In such cases, there is a sudden cry or frantic crying with outstretched arms and redness of the face.


    From the first minutes of life, a child’s cry is caused painful sensations, however, it can be difficult to understand whether a child is crying from pain or from something else. Frequent crying and screaming of the baby may indicate some kind of disease.

    Nervous system overload

    A crying attack in a newborn can be caused by too strong stimuli. An unexpected loud sound, a sudden harsh light, a sharp or bitter taste, the touch of cold hands, tossing or squeezing.

    From physical condition and the child’s mood depends on what will become a strong irritant. The baby will be happy to play with you when he is full, does not want to sleep and is quite happy with life.

    But if the child is hungry, irritated by something or wants to sleep, the same game can cause crying.

    Changing clothes

    Sometimes a child starts crying while changing clothes, and some parents think that they are somehow awkward doing this. In fact, most babies cry because they have lost their clothes.

    The child may simply not like it when the air directly touches the skin. The screaming stops when the child is changed.

    Cooling or overheating

    The baby cries when he is wet. Urine irritates his skin. Cry about it, you whiner. It gets stronger, sometimes weaker, but it doesn’t stop. Crying may be accompanied by hiccups, as wet diapers can cause the baby to become cold.

    If you change the diapers and cover the baby warmly, he will calm down.

    The child cries when overheated. Then the child whines, scatters his arms and legs, the skin turns red, and prickly heat may appear.

    A baby cries when he is cold. This crying begins with a sudden cry, which gradually turns into a quiet, prolonged whimper, accompanied by movements of the arms and legs, and hiccups.

    Tight swaddling

    Crying associated with the fact that the baby is being squeezed by some clothing begins with a quiet whimper, then it gradually turns into a cry of protest, continues in the form of quiet crying, and is accompanied by an attempt to change the position of the body.

    Why is the baby crying

    Why does a baby roll up when crying?

    If a child rolls up when crying, it means he has the highest nervous excitement of a negative manifestation. Typically, an attack occurs if the child cries a lot, and a sharp spasm of the laryngeal muscles occurs after a deep exhalation.

    Holding your breath stops the supply of oxygen to the brain. The child may lose consciousness; this is a kind of protection of the body from lack of oxygen. Oxygen consumption decreases significantly when a person is unconscious.

    Often such conditions occur in children due to a lack of calcium. Calcium promotes spasm of the larynx. If these conditions occur frequently, it is important to consult a doctor, as this may be caused by a more serious condition.

    Why does a child cry after sleep?

    Perhaps he has a stuffy nose, he is forced to breathe through his mouth, while the oral mucosa dries out, and he is thirsty. Perhaps he was just hungry.

    Why does a child cry in his sleep?

    In a dream, a child may simply want to eat. He may be lying in an uncomfortable position or he may have had a bad dream. If the baby is sick and in pain.

    Why does a baby cry while feeding?

    If a child cries during feeding, this may be due to an inflammatory process in the oral mucosa or inflammation of the middle ear. In the latter case, the crying is especially loud and shrill, often occurring at night, without connection with feeding.

    Why does a baby cry after feeding?

    If a baby cries after feeding, he may have swallowed too much air and the pain comes from distension of the stomach. Unfortunately, this air penetrates the intestines, causing prolonged crying, during which the baby twists his legs, wrinkles his forehead and closes his eyes. When there is pain in the tummy, there are short breaks between short, piercing screams.

    Here are some more possible reasons why is the child crying (we are not talking about a sick child): teething, irritating strong smell, perhaps mother’s perfume or new gel for a shower, had a vaccination the day before, doesn’t like to get dressed, bathe, or God knows what else. The weather is changing, clothes are uncomfortable, woolen socks are itching, the blanket “bites”. Extraneous sound from behind a wall or from the street, or maybe just a TV in the room

    This, of course, is not the entire list, but as you understand, a child, like any adult, has the right to be in a bad mood, and nothing can be done about it.

    How to calm a child if he is crying

    If you have checked everything, the child is well-fed and healthy, dry and well-rested, perhaps he lacks your attention. Even infants I don’t really like being awake alone in a crib, he needs communication.

    Place your baby in the sling in the fetal position and go about your household chores. If the baby was simply bored, he will instantly calm down and will carefully watch you (maybe he will learn to iron his own shirts).

    If the reason for the crying was different, your rocking movements will help him forget about all the troubles, and he will simply fall asleep. If this doesn’t work out, then you can dance with your baby together, stomp, run, perform all sorts of movements, exercise on a simulator, and at some point you will realize that the baby has calmed down.

    Only one thing, BUT! There is no need to shake the child like a pear, this has a bad effect on his brain.

    Distract your child by playing, or simply looking at the street from the window: a car has driven by - it’s taking bread to the store, a cat has run by - it’s running to its kittens, and there! Look what's there!

    The baby will cry and get involved in looking at the landscape outside the window. Sing a song, in the end, maybe the baby will be so surprised by your singing that he will immediately stop crying.

    “Chat” the child. The point is to prevent your baby from interjecting into your endless conversation. Say what you see: mom came, brought milk, our dad went somewhere, to the store, probably, our soup is boiling on the stove, he’ll run away now.

    And if all this is said without stopping, there will simply be no place for children’s crying.

    So which calming method was right for your child? Tell us…

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