• Lipstick for a red dress. Makeup ideas for a red dress for fair-haired girls. Makeup for gray eyes


    There is no doubt that no charming girl can do without a red dress in her wardrobe. After all, this outfit gives self-confidence, sexuality and courage!

    A girl in a red dress will not leave any man indifferent, because the red color itself is fraught with the meaning of love and passion.

    But no matter how beautiful the outfit is, a must-have addition to any look there will be an equally beautiful make-up.

    Therefore, it is very important to know how to choose and apply it correctly so that the makeup goes perfectly with the red dress, especially emphasizes the beauty and sexuality of your image, without creating the impression of garish bad taste and vulgarity.

    The red dress is definitely a win-win option to look stunning for girls with light and dark hair. This article will be dedicated to girls with light brown hair, as it is the most versatile and contains many different shades.

    So, makeup for a red dress is subject to several simple but important rules.

    Base tone

    If you want to achieve a perfectly even complexion, it is better to correct your skin imperfections before applying foundation.

    The next step would be applying tone. If you have enlarged pores on your face, then you definitely need to apply Foundation, a shade that is one shade lighter than your skin tone.

    To ensure that the makeup base applies evenly, It's better to use a sponge. Apply foundation correctly from the center of the face to its edges, and from top to bottom. This application will not allow the skin to stretch, which will prevent premature wrinkles.

    For execution daytime makeup you need to apply a thinner layer, this can be achieved by applying the cream with your fingertips.

    And for evening makeup too thick a layer is unacceptable, otherwise your face will look too “plastered”, while your task is to hide existing flaws and preserve the naturalness of your own beauty.


    In no case Don't forget about eyebrow makeup. And it must be done correctly. will give your face sophistication.

    You can do it do it at home too. Then tint the eyebrow with a pencil or you can use shadows of the appropriate shade and fix them with a special gel cream.

    For daytime makeup, you should not paint your eyebrows very brightly; it will be enough to slightly emphasize the natural shade and make it literally half a tone darker than the color of your hair.

    As for evening makeup, here you can give your eyebrows a brighter dark shade, but in this case too avoid over saturation, because the main emphasis in makeup for a red dress is on the eyes and lips.


    For daytime and evening eye makeup to red suits the dress Several variants.

    For example, black eyeliner and black mascara. First, apply eyeliner, and the arrows should not be too long and wide, as you need maintain restraint in makeup during the daytime. Then apply one layer of mascara to your eyelashes.

    If this is evening makeup, then you can safely make bright long arrows, but be sure to be even and symmetrical. Mascara can also be applied in two layers to give even more expressiveness to the eyes.

    Another option would be eye makeup using eye shadow. More light tone– that is, the base – is applied to the inner corner of the eyelid. More dark shade you need to paint the eyelid to the outer corner.

    To prevent clear lines and sharp transitions, blend the border between shades. For daytime makeup, dark and light neutral colors of the same shade are suitable (for more details, see the section “Choosing shades of lipstick, eye shadow and blush”).

    For evening makeup, you can choose contrasting and bright shades. Undoubtedly, a winning element of eye makeup in combination with a red dress there will be a smokey eye using gray shadows.


    • in order to achieve longer lasting lipstick on the lips, they are usually first covered with powder;
    • We recommend marking the contour with a lip pencil, half a tone darker than lipstick;
    • to sponge seemed plump, a wonderful addition to lipstick would be a transparent gloss lightly applied on top;
    • for daytime makeup for a red dress, we recommend using neutral lipstick shades, for example, flesh or beige color and focus on the eyes;
    • lipstick is an excellent solution for evening makeup bright shade, similar to the shade of the dress.

    Important Tip from the editor

    If you want to improve the condition of your skin, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

    1. Refrain from using shadows bright colors, completely incompatible with the red color (blue, yellow, green, purple), this will add bad taste to your image. Makeup artists recommend only neutral shades: brown, gray, golden, beige.
    2. Focus your makeup on a red dress you only need one thing: either on the lips or in the eyes. Don't forget that a red dress requires balance in the unity of the image!
    3. If in your image you decide to use classic makeup and red lipstick, it is not at all necessary to cover your nails with red varnish, tone to match your lips. This rule has long been outdated! It would be more than appropriate for a red dress classical French manicure . However, if you still want to complement your look with a red manicure, don’t deny yourself this!

    So, you have learned that, despite all the spectacularity of a red dress, we must not forget about correctly selected and applied makeup for it. By observing these simple rules You will undoubtedly achieve what you want - you will be irresistible in your image!

    Classic makeup with red lipstick in this video:

    Examples and photos fashion makeup to the red dress

    When choosing a red dress, you need to pay special attention to makeup. Otherwise, instead of a bright sexy image, you risk creating a funny and ridiculous one. What makeup goes best with a red dress?

    When choosing makeup, first of all, pay attention to the shade of yours. Red can be cool, almost burgundy, or warmer, closer to orange. Let's assume that the shade of the red dress matches yours - only in this case will the makeup and dress be in harmony with each other.

    Lip makeup 2020: which lipstick is suitable

    When putting on a red dress, many girls immediately paint their lips with red lipstick. This is true if your color (in other cases it is difficult to choose your shade of red).

    The photo shows makeup for a red dress: for girls with a winter type of appearance, red lipstick is ideal

    A light warm shade of red lipstick suits girls with a round face in the style, and bright lipstick will visually enlarge too small lips:

    In the photo: examples good makeup under a red dress Red lipstick should match the tone of your red dress and combine with color type appearance:

    In the photo: examples of successful makeup for a red dress

    However, red lips do not always go harmoniously with a red dress. Especially if you have blonde hair, a disproportionately large mouth and plump lips, and lipstick a bright, almost wine, shade of red. In this case, it is better to highlight the eyes with makeup, and use gloss or lipstick in a natural shade for the lips:

    In the photo: evening makeup under a red dress.

    On the left in the photo, the makeup was chosen poorly - the mouth turned out to be too huge and ridiculous, and on the right - the makeup emphasizes beautiful eyes, sensual mouth and goes great with the dress.

    Eye makeup

    Do you think that a bright dress needs bright makeup? Not at all. Especially fair-haired girls should avoid heavy eye makeup in combination with a red dress. Please note: lower eyeliner makes your eyes appear smaller. For a red dress, instead of eyeliner on the lower eyelid, it is better to make small arrows at the edge of the eye, as in the right photo below.

    On blondes with plump lips and a bright appearance, fashionable looks best combined with a red dress:

    In the photo: examples of makeup for a red dress. Scarlett Johansson looks different On the left is an example of herself bad makeup to a red dress: lip makeup is so bright that Scarlett has to cover her mouth so as not to look vulgar, and excessive eye makeup makes her eyes smaller. As a result, advantages turn into disadvantages. In the photo on the right, the makeup is perfect: emphasized beautiful shape eyes and lips look more sensual.

    However, radiant makeup also suits brown-haired and red-haired women:

    Is Smokey Eyes Makeup Suitable?

    For the holiday, choose Smokey Eyes makeup to match your red dress: The colors of eye shadow should individually suit your appearance - here universal advice It can’t be, because the color of the shadows is chosen not to match the dress, but to the color of the eyes and skin tone.

    Be amazing!

    Alexandra Vernier

    A red dress can undoubtedly be called a very bright and impressive detail of the image; it will allow you to stand out from the crowd. In order for the composition with his participation to be successful, it is very important to think through all the little things - shoes, accessories, jewelry. Of course, makeup is important. In order not to look vulgar, it is very important to make a flawless make-up, and for this you need to know a few important rules. Improperly done makeup can make your look tasteless and unattractive. If you can find the right shades, you will become a true embodiment of style and elegance.

    There are several components to makeup for a red dress - complexion, eye color and lip color. Moreover, in in this case, it is very important to choose all the shades correctly. So, how to properly apply makeup for a red dress?

    Makeup for a red dress for brown-haired women

    Face makeup

    A red dress is such a bright wardrobe item that any girl risks looking pale against its background. And it doesn’t matter what color your hair or skin is - such a danger is always present. You may get lost in your background luxurious dress, it will simply overshadow you with its brightness. That's why it's so important to do your face makeup correctly.

    First, you should apply a makeup base, then foundation and powder, which will soften the effect. In addition, it is imperative to disguise dark circles under the eyes with concealer, if, of course, you have any.

    In addition to foundation and powder, you need to choose the right blush to match your skin color (peach or coral). Even if in Everyday life you don't use them, in this case they will definitely come in handy. After all, having painted over your natural blush tonal means, there is a chance that your face will become dull. Therefore, you need to take a wide brush and apply blush to your cheekbones. Don’t forget to suck in your cheeks before doing this – this will make your cheekbones more visible and expressive.

    Makeup for a red dress for blondes

    Lip makeup

    When doing lip makeup, you need to choose either red lipstick or a product that is not very bright, preferably a dark shade. You should not choose pink or pearlescent tones. This will make your image pale and expressionless.

    However, if you decide to focus on your eyes, it is better to choose a natural shade of lipstick (nude). You can use red-brown, pale red lip gloss.

    If your lips are looking for attention, color them with red lipstick, which has a cool tone. Red lipstick will make your teeth look whiter. Additionally, cool-toned red lipstick usually looks good on most women.

    Makeup for a red dress for redheads

    Eye makeup

    Eye makeup for a red dress doesn't leave much room for experimentation. When doing makeup for a red dress, you will have to give up blue, light blue, green, pink and purple shadows. In combination with such an outfit, they will look vulgar, and you may find yourself in an awkward situation.

    In this case, beige, gray, brown shades are suitable. Such shadows can have varying degrees of saturation and brightness. Traditional smoky eye makeup is ideal in this case. To do this you need to apply shadows suitable color on the upper eyelid and blend them gently.

    Eyes should be lined with black pencil or eyeliner, eyelashes should be painted with black mascara. The lower eyelid can also be highlighted with eyeliner - this will make your look more expressive. But in this case, you will have to give up bright lip makeup, because the main rule of successful makeup is to focus on one thing - it can be eyes or lips.

    Makeup for a red dress for brunettes

    As you can see, doing makeup for a red dress is not so difficult. To do this, you just need to choose the right shades and follow the recommendations. Remember that if you decide to wear such a bold outfit, then your makeup should be truly flawless. In addition, do not forget that you need to be very careful when choosing shoes and accessories - this will allow you to create a truly elegant composition

    ✿ ✿ ✿

    Makeup for a red dress should be impeccable in all respects: a bright outfit makes the image attractive, and therefore you will have to pay attention to all the nuances - from the woman’s color type to the features of the event for which she is creating the ensemble. We'll tell you how to choose perfect makeup under a red dress for a blonde, brunette or fair-haired girl.

    Makeup for a red dress for brunettes

    A red dress for brunettes and brown-haired women of a contrasting color type is a traditional and at the same time original solution. It allows you to minimize the effort of creating makeup, since the image always turns out bright. The following options are suitable for brunettes:

    • translucent lip gloss combined with graphic arrows of black eyeliner;
    • lip makeup using warm or wine lipstick shades with a matte effect;
    • nude eye makeup under a red dress - it will look elegant with lipstick in a neutral tone, close to natural color lips;
    • shimmery shadows and creamy gloss with light pigment.

    Whatever the solution, you need to even out the skin tone, adjust the fullness and shape of the eyebrows - for brunettes it is better to use a pencil to match lighter colors curls. By the way, girls with dark hair can use red lipstick to complete the look. evening look with a red dress. It must be remembered that this option will look harmonious only if the emphasis on the lips is the only one, and the eyes are made up only with mascara.

    Makeup for a red dress for blondes

    A blonde in a red dress is a canonical image that can be made perfect by following three rules:

    1. choose the shade of the outfit according to your color type;
    2. choose a style that matches your figure;
    3. do makeup that matches the dress, but will not “overwhelm” it.

    For blondes who choose a red dress, a win-win option There will be makeup that focuses on the eyes. The foundation should provide a dense but natural coverage that disguises freckles and redness. Will give the ideal effect Teint Idole Ultra Wear SPF15 from Lancôme. For pronounced imperfections, it should be used together with foundation concealer. To avoid the mask effect, you can apply blush in a natural peach shade or highlight your cheekbones with a transparent highlighter with a light finish, which will fill the skin with a soft glow.

    Universal eye makeup can be done step by step using a simple scheme:

    • eyebrows should be emphasized with shadows, a pencil or filling powder slightly darker than the hairs;
    • distribute light shadows of a light shade - beige or golden - over the moving eyelid;
    • the crease of the eyelid is highlighted with shadows one tone darker;
    • the eyelash growth line is drawn in the most dark color, for this you can take, for example black pencil Le Crayon Khôl from the Lancôme collection.
    • Black mascara is applied to the eyelashes in two layers for volume and curl; this effect will be created by the legendary Hypnôse Extra Black.

    This kind of makeup is suitable for owners of any hair color: it will look harmonious on red-haired girls, “Scandinavian” blondes, fair-haired and brunettes of all color types.

    Makeup for a red dress for fair-haired women

    For fair-haired women and low-contrast brown-haired women, cool shades of red are suitable: you can choose a dress of burgundy, wine or cherry color. Elegant and current option makeup for this outfit will be classic smoky eyes- black and gray, but not too intense, with neat shading and a smooth transition of tone. Girls of these color types, especially with brown eyes, when creating an image with a red dress, it is better to avoid green and blue shadows. It is better to stick to an achromatic or beige-brown palette; golden and honey shadows look especially beautiful.

    An alternative solution would be a bright black eyeliner with a neat, thin liner. You can apply lipstick or gloss in a natural pink or apricot shade to your lips; blush should be in the same color range. Very light contouring using pigmented powder, bronzer and highlighter with a translucent finish, such as Lancôme, will highlight and correct the proportions of the face. Click&Glow.

    Event time

    Even the most spectacular makeup that fully matches the type will look out of place if it does not correspond to the format and time of the event. A red dress, depending on the style and decor, may well be part of a business or daytime look for an event that takes place until 17:00. In this case, when creating makeup, you can follow simple rules:

    • foundation can be replaced with a BB product with a translucent coating;
    • too graphic eyebrows with a contrasting outline look unnatural;
    • one is enough light accent- either on the lips or in the eyes;
    • shimmering textures should be avoided; it is better to choose matte shadows, although the powder may contain reflective particles that even out the tone;
    • universal shade of blush - peach or cool pink;
    • The manicure can be neutral; the color of the polish does not have to be combined with the shade of lipstick.

    For evening makeup the following are acceptable:

    • shadows with a shimmer effect, shining highlighter and other products with shiny particles;
    • intense accents - rich shadows, relatively bright lipstick, dark blush;
    • denser tonal coverage;
    • active contouring or strobing;
    • brightly defined eyebrows, ultra-volume eyelashes;
    • a combination of three or more shades in makeup;
    • Before applying cosmetics, the skin needs to be moisturized, and after applying makeup it is worth fixing it with a special spray or transparent powder for maximum durability.
    When choosing a styling option, you should consider the style of the dress. General rule: the more complex the outfit, the simpler the hairstyle.

    Event Features

    Makeup for a red dress should correspond to the specifics of the event itself. For romantic event You can choose an elegant look with an emphasis on the eyes; it will be complemented by styling with careless soft curls. If a red outfit is the basis of your prom ensemble, you can make your eyes and eyebrows a little brighter, and highlight your lips with gloss, for example L'Absolu Gloss Cream from Lancôme. This makeup will look neat, and the girl will look great in memorable photos.

    The ensemble for the club can be anything, even extravagant - with an emphasis on the eyes and lips at the same time, using bright colors and extreme contouring. For a look for a formal event with a long red dress and strict hairstyle, you can choose minimalist makeup with a flawless complexion, thin arrows and lipstick of a natural shade.

    A red dress of any shade and style, like a magnet, attracts the gaze of others. That is why all the details of the image are under close attention. It is very easy to look elegant in such an outfit - you need to find your ideal red shade for the dress, choose the makeup that suits the event and the image - we will help you create it decorative cosmetics Lancôme.

    A red dress is a special wardrobe item that requires careful and stylish makeup. If you put on careless makeup or avoid makeup altogether, the dress will attract all the attention, leaving you in the shadows.

    Applying makeup under a red dress is not an easy process. But if you take into account all the details and subtleties, your face will create an unusually harmonious union with the red thing.

    Have you decided to wear a scarlet dress? Take a look at the detailed tips:

    1. No sloppiness! In a red dress and smeared makeup, you will look dirty. Don't ignore lip liner if you wear bright lipstick, apply eye shadow wisely and ruthlessly get rid of mascara that creates clumps.
    2. A variety of shades is a bad option. The red dress is an extremely striking detail that loves well-chosen allies, but does not tolerate competitors.
    3. Tones from a neutral and natural range are best combined with red. Be careful with bright colors such as purple, green, blue and pink.
    4. Remember that two accents in makeup plus a scarlet dress is a combination that is only acceptable for the evening. It is not recommended to show off like this during the day.
    5. If you are going to paint your lips with red lipstick, make sure that it is similar in tone to the dress. A red-pink dress plus brick-orange lipstick is what will help you come across as tacky.

    Still haven't found your perfect red? Look at the table! Pay attention to your eye shade and follow the recommendations.

    Arrow plus red – luxurious union

    These two accents can be amazing if everything is clear, concise and restrained. The advantage of this makeup is its versatility. You can go with it for a walk, on a first date, or on a family holiday.

    To make up your lips, you need three products at once: a hard pencil, a colorless glossy shine and, of course, scarlet lipstick. But to decorate the eyes you only need snow-white shadows, a pigment that is three to four shades darker than the natural skin tone, a charcoal liner and a separating mascara. The color of the blush is natural dark beige.

    See the instructions and repeat all the points:

    1. Apply a white shade to the lower part of the upper eyelid up to the crease.
    2. We lightly frame the fold with a dark flesh tone.
    3. Fill the distance from dark flesh shadows to the end of the eyebrows with light shadows.
    4. Draw an arrow. It can be depicted in different ways. Is it hard to decide? Line the eyelid with a liner, creating a thickening line, and finish it with an arrow. And don’t forget about mascara, covering only your upper eyelashes.
    5. Apply blush in one motion, trying not to accentuate the cheeks.
    6. We use a pencil. An important condition is that we do not go beyond the natural outlines.
    7. Apply lipstick in one layer. Apply a little gloss to the center of both lips.

    Loop makeup in natural colors is a friend of a red dress

    If you dare to wear red only in the evenings and holidays, allow yourself a make-up that matches the event. “Loop” is a worthy choice, especially if you don’t want to paint your lips scarlet.

    You will need a lot of eye products, so stock up in advance. You need matte dense white shadows, black, dark brown, light brown and pearlescent snow-white. A charcoal black pencil and, of course, curling mascara are a must. Choose a lipstick of a natural tone, the same pencil and any suitable pigment for your cheekbones.

    Now repeat these steps:

    1. We fill the entire moving part of the eyelid with white dense pigment.
    2. We take a pencil and draw the growth line of the upper eyelashes, gradually raising and thickening the line. Having reached the outer corner, we lift it up and draw it along the fold, carefully thinning it.
    3. We outline the pencil line located in the outer corner with coal shadows, without going beyond the line inward.
    4. Now we frame the black shadows with dark brown. Draw a line down and outline the lower eyelid.
    5. Light brown eyeshadow color the fold.
    6. Using a black pencil, we draw the mucous membrane of the inner eyelid, apply mascara to two rows of eyelashes.
    7. Apply a pearlescent pale shade under the eyebrow.
    8. We highlight the cheekbone line with pigment.
    9. We outline the lips with a pencil, slightly extending the natural contours, and apply lipstick.

    Video - Hollywood makeup for a red dress

    Golden chic for special occasions

    This technique always finds a place on the fashion pedestal. When choosing it, you are unlikely to go wrong, because it will decorate any eye shape.

    Three colors of shadows are required - muted golden, brown, snow-white. Need voluminous mascara and a black pencil. The color of the blush depends on your taste, but it is advisable to take a closer look at the warm ones. The color of the lip gloss is red-golden; a regular red pencil will do.

    Having collected everything you need, pick up the tools and proceed as follows:

    1. Both eyelids are divided into rugs. We frame the inner halves with a golden hue.
    2. We paint the outer halves with brown shadows. You can slightly extend the line of the crease and eyeliner of the lower eyelid.
    3. Apply snow-white shadows under the entire eyebrow.
    4. Using a black pencil, draw the upper eyelid with a dense and clear thick line.
    5. We draw the lower eyelid with a thinner line and lightly shade it, apply mascara.
    6. We frame the lips with a pencil, and then paint them well with gloss.
    7. We brightly highlight the cheeks with blush.

    Do you want to wear a red dress during the day and apply lipstick of the same tone? You can do this, but the eye makeup should be barely perceptible to the eye. Everything except the lips is natural and soft.

    You need three tones of shadows - pale taupe, light beige and light brown. The condition for mascara is as light as possible. Instead of blush, it is better to take a brown sculptor. The color of red lipstick is any, you can’t do without eyeliner either.

    If you are ready to start creating an extraordinary make-up, do this:

    1. We place the beige shade on the moving upper eyelid.
    2. We draw the lower eyelid with gray-brown shadows and, reaching the outer corner, direct the line upward.
    3. We paint the fold with light brown shadows and combine them with the gray-brown ones in the outer corner.
    4. Apply light mascara in one layer.
    5. With the help of a sculptor, we make clear, straight lines on the cheekbones.
    6. Do you want the emphasis on your lips to be as impressive as possible? Go beyond the natural contours when you outline the center bottom and top of the lips. Two layers of lipstick are a must.

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