• Seeing off the retirement of a female colleague scenario. Interesting and funny retirement scenarios


    Zhanna Akulova
    Scenario “Seeing off a teacher for retirement” (part 1)

    1. Why are there so many people?

    It was not in vain that everyone gathered here,

    For a well-deserved rest,

    Tanya see off, Friends!

    2. There are different divas in our house,

    But the rumor is true:

    There is Tanya in our house,

    That you can't take your eyes off.

    3. During the day the light of God is eclipsed,

    At night it illuminates the earth,

    The work is all in your hands!

    And from happiness all glitters,

    4. And how does the speech begin to speak?

    The word river gurgles.

    We meet, greet, and honor this girl!

    Start on a chair with balls.

    1. Today we are friendly fun company We decided to congratulate our Tatyana Alexandrovna on her well-deserved retirement!

    2 Pension- it's not scary at all.

    Pension tells you that,

    What's new for you? happiness,

    Children, family and your cozy home.

    Thank you for being in the world,

    Such a sincere, sweet person!

    We wish you great happiness, Good luck,

    So that we gain strength and health at the dacha,

    So that we can be together with our grandchildren more often,

    Lived so that pensions are only sweeter for you

    (Presentation of flowers)

    Let me bow to you

    For the contribution you made

    After all, many people can’t handle it

    Your tips helped!

    We all grew up on them together

    Let's congratulate you with a song!

    SONG to the tune "My affectionate bear"

    We are not sad today in vain

    There are fewer and fewer of us, because there are no miracles,

    Today we see off WE TANYA

    For a well-deserved rest with the family.

    Don't be sad, smile goodbye

    Remember these days, remember.

    Wish your wishes come true,

    Wish us all a new meeting.

    We wish you success,

    And kindness and love without end.

    Remains in poems and in hearts.

    Goodbye, our friend, goodbye!

    But we won’t tell you goodbye!

    Wish your wishes come true,

    Wish your friends a new meeting.


    Friends break up.

    Tenderness remains in the heart.

    Just don't be sad


    Friends break up.

    Tenderness remains in the heart.

    Just don't be sad

    Come to our kindergarten more often!

    On this gentle and affectionate evening,

    When retirement is calling,

    Will you accept a modest gift?

    - A hundred-tenge handkerchief.

    (handkerchief with money.)

    Age is not only years,

    When there is hot blood in your veins.

    So let's fill our glasses

    For Tatyana and faith in love!

    Enter the prosecutor, judge, witnesses, lawyer.

    Stop, stop, stop! What kind of outrages are happening here? (shows

    certificate). You'll have to do everything cancel: T. And you are under arrest.

    Policeman. I ask you to take a seat. the dock!


    Citizen, you are accused of conspiring with US intelligence agencies! It became known that Tatyana Aleksandrovna was recruited by agents of a pedagogical school under the code name PED, and then was thrown into the territory of the Kondinsky district, where she managed to infiltrate a kindergarten as a teacher, where she was able to enrich her operational baggage. In the process, she was recruited by the secret resident Petrova A.P., where she served in the position teacher 38 years old.

    Imagine, 38 years old! Yes, this alone proves it involvement with intelligence agencies! No normal person could withstand such a load, especially in kindergarten!. And this

    called events - nothing more than data transfer

    persons interested in espionage. She is also accused of having secretly completed her mission and, under the guise of going on a well-deserved rest, is going to leave the entrusted to her work area. Do you need more facts? Please!

    Word to the witnesses.

    I, indeed, can prove with fact that Tatyana Alexandrovna is a person from “the other side.” To survive in our extreme conditions, she needed cunning and dexterity. And in order to save them, she constantly made some notes, under the guise of filling out plans and journals. She coped with her favorite task entrusted to her, which others teachers needed months!

    Citizen Judge! What connection with the CIA are you talking about? Yes! She possessed valuable information, encryption! So after all, this is to raise the prestige of the kindergarten!

    Yes, she had a connection with the center. And the result is numerous certificates and gratitude. But about such a huge work experience we can say one: “God grant everyone to work like this, while maintaining youthful enthusiasm, love and loyalty to their work!”


    Your arguments about the innocence of the accused convinced me. The court rules sentence: "Acquittal for lack of corpus delicti! By all means thank the pensioner, congratulate and immediately raise glasses in her honor!”

    Leading: And now it’s time for congratulations from the family team. He really became family during the time that the birthday girl spent in it. Well, team, is it a pity to say goodbye to everyone’s favorite?

    For our team, the departure of such a wonderful, sympathetic person as T.A. is a real stress! But let's imagine that she is not going on a well-deserved rest, but on a long vacation! And if it’s a vacation, that means you need to provide the vacationer with everything she needs! Accept, dear, these irreplaceable things on vacation.

    You didn’t work half-heartedly,

    And you deserve the best rest!

    For relaxation you need a girlfriend -

    Comfortable and soft pillow!

    They give you a pillow.

    And you also need a notebook,

    Write memoirs in it!

    They give you a notebook.

    We need a ladies' glossy magazine,

    So that both the old man and the boy fall in love!

    They give you a fashion magazine.

    Who puts on makeup

    He acts wisely!

    To be irresistible

    You'll need powder!

    They give you powder.

    But fashionable gloves to boot,

    To effectively process the dacha!

    They give you country gloves.

    Leading: Thank you dear colleagues! It’s a pity, but the team will have to part with their beloved employee. However Life is going, and everything changes. Let's raise the next toast so that all changes are only for the better!

    The host announces the dances: I see that the energy in this friendly company is in full swing! Looks like it's time for a dance break. And let no one sit still, because today only the birthday girl’s favorite hits will be played!

    Leading: And we continue to congratulate. (Name Patronymic name). As the proverb says, tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. And about female friendship In general, there are a lot of fables. It's as if it doesn't exist at all. It happens, it happens! There is not a single woman in the world who does not have girlfriends. So, our hero of the occasion is congratulated by her friends!

    An excerpt from a song is played "Girlfriend" (from the repertoire of Lolita Milyavskaya).


    We'll collect all your wishes in a postcard,

    To give to a friend on this day!

    With one radiant smile

    You can make everything around you brighter.

    Support everyone with heartfelt words,

    Warm with the warmth of spiritual kindness,

    How wonderful it is to be with us

    Such a wonderful person like you!

    Love, prosperity, luck

    Let them always be next to you,

    So that you can blossom from happiness

    And enjoy life every day!

    Well, now we want to introduce the young pensioner with responsibilities and rights.

    Responsibilities: Get up, wash.

    Sit down and eat.

    Receive guests

    Don't forget your friends.

    Put the mash to distill.

    Play sports this year.

    Be ready for defense and labor.

    Handing over a badge "Be ready"

    Now let's read your rights...

    Rights: When I want, then I get up.

    As long as I want, I lie there.

    If I want to, I’ll start drinking.

    I'll go where I want.

    When I want, then I sleep.

    I love whoever I want.

    You, girlfriend-girlfriend,

    Don't waste your time:

    Get out the mug quickly

    And pour some for your friends!

    Ved. Thank you ladies! Let's raise a toast to true women's friendship and solidarity!

    (Continued - funny skits, at your discretion)

    A lady from the trade union (or a person usually involved in organizing various company celebrations) runs into the hall:
    Guard!!! Robbed!!! Everything is lost!!! Scenario! Jokes and laughter!

    Trade union:
    Leading! Or rather, the whole celebration. I ordered from... (or the actual name of the company providing services for organizing and managing holidays in the city or simply “holiday agency “Holiday, Holiday””) holiday program. It was necessary to provide them with some props and pay for the services. I collected the props, paid for everything, stuck the receipt with the props and went to them. I get off the minibus and... (shows an almost empty large BMW package in a hole) what happened. No one will work without a receipt. The props were also almost all whistled. There is no time to collect a new one, the banking day is over. Nightmare!

    Trade union:
    Yes, you'll have to get out (looks into the package), we will use what has been preserved. And we will have to work today for the benefit of all of us having fun together.

    The union goes into the hall and chooses 3 men. He takes out 3 bras and 3 short skirts from the bag. Bras are stuffed in advance with any available means, i.e. foam rubber, cotton wool, fabric, etc. are sewn into the cups. – when the bra is put on a man, the result should be a stable protruding chest. For ease of putting on, it is better to sew skirts with ties; sew coins, bells or other ringing material along the bottom of the skirt. Attributes are worn over costumes.

    Trade union(addressing the newly minted ladies):
    The main thing is plasticity and looseness. And I'll give you hints (addressing the audience, in a solemn voice) The folk ensemble of the east performs “Boot, shake your chest, (name of hero of the occasion) Hurry to congratulate!

    Music for oriental dances is turned on.

    Trade union:
    Girls! Let's go softly, smoothly left - right, left - right. We pull the thigh stronger, to the left - to the right. Palms closed, arms up and head also to the left - to the right, again and again. Breast shaking. Shaking the butt... (well, keep up the good work).

    Trade union:
    I shouldn't have worried. We can handle it ourselves, especially since I sent an SOS to all my friends and family, we must help. And you (addressing the new dance group) We can even nominate you for the “Firebird of the East 2014” competition, outshine everyone!

    A doctor in a robe enters the room (several inscriptions are sewn or written on the robe, you get a universal doctor: “surgeon”, “glaznyuk”, “tooth puller”, “traumatyuk”, “neurug”, “heart-oh”, etc.) .

    Glancing at the pensioner
    I can boldly announce
    Anyone will say a cardiogram,
    The heart beats without a flaw.
    The ultrasound echoes the cardiogram,
    There are no health problems.
    At least pass all the tests and smears,
    You will not find any reason for the blues and melancholy.
    But to maintain a cheerful spirit,
    So as not to lose your musical ear,
    In order not to disturb the metabolism,
    And always eat with appetite,
    To further improve your health,
    You should accept gifts from me!

    Doctor(takes out a package of herring in a can with a sticker that says “Neskuchin”):
    Sadness, drive away melancholy,
    Take these pills
    One in the morning and one in the afternoon, and a couple in the evening,
    Don't forget to wash everything down with a glass.

    Next, he hands over a bottle with the inscription “Drugopriglastin” (pasted on a bottle of cognac):
    This medicine is not simple,
    Accepted only in crowds
    Look at the calendar more often,
    And on holidays, invite your friends.

    Then a bag with lemons and the inscription “Veselin”:
    Movement of life - the words of the sage,
    And you start with the face,
    And don’t write off lemon as a snack,
    This is advice from the same sages.

    Package chewing gum(bag with several packages) with the inscription "Mascherin":
    Always sprinkle them
    In soup, compote and mayonnaise,
    Let the breathalyzer shake
    And merciless caries!

    And in prison
    A little poem.
    Don't be sick, don't be sad,
    Follow the prescribed regimen.
    And to reinforce the words,
    It should be poured into glasses!

    Raising glasses.

    Trade union:
    Thank you doctor and neighbor for your participation and good advice!

    A man in camouflage uniform, disguised with branches, grass, etc., enters the hall.

    Trade union:
    So the special friends are joining in!

    A special friend silently selects 2 women and 2 men from the audience. Together with them, it occupies a deployment near a certain place (for example, near a specific table or other piece of furniture, which sometimes does not move from its place during the holiday).

    Special friend(gives the women a tape measure):
    Two meters to the left at an angle of 40 degrees (numbers and direction are determined in advance experimentally depending on the actual position in the hall), men can be given a protractor to determine the angle.

    Women measure, they must come to a certain chair where one of the guests is sitting.

    An envelope is glued to the bottom of the chair in advance using tape, which is taken out.

    A special friend with men joins the women.

    One of the participants(reads text from the envelope):
    The male section of the route lies due north (or: south, east, west) over ...meters (distance to the nearest window sill). The men measure out the required meters and reach the desired window sill.

    Special friend:
    We fumble with our hands under the windowsill.

    Players find another envelope (also pre-attached with tape).

    One of the men reads:
    Walking together straight for ... meters.

    The players pass and in front of them are two hills covered with cloth.

    The special friend removes the fabric, opening two boxes (from under any equipment) with the inscription “M” on one box and “F” on the other.

    Special friend(gives a command):
    Open the boxes according to the guidelines.

    Women open the box with the letter “F” and take out a basket of flowers or a basket of sweets, which you can easily make yourself.

    The men accordingly open the box with the letter “M” and take out a gift from the team.

    Trade union(addressing Special Friend):
    When did you manage to do everything? We were all here!

    Special friend(adjusting his clothes):
    Not accustomed to revealing secrets. And you shouldn’t waste time on explanations now when the glasses require refilling.

    Raising glasses.

    Several men (at least 4) enter the hall with helium balloons (at a minimum, each person entering must have a balloon).
    One of those who entered comes up to the Trade Union and says something in his ear and gives him a package.

    Trade union:
    Absolutely right! Requires dedication to retirement.

    The union calls 2 more (women or men, preferably tall) from the hall. They are given a package received by the Trade Union (on the fabric or roll of wallpaper it is written: “Welcome to the pensioners!”). These two participants stand on chairs and stretch the inscription - it turns out to be a kind of arch.

    Those who enter with balloons tie them to a chair. A future pensioner is invited and asked to sit on this chair. Men lift a chair together with a pensioner and must go through the arch 3 times (the audience keeps the count).

    Trade union:
    We present you with a certificate of initiation into pensioners. Indeed it is in all solar system. There is one more touch left - a solemn promise. Read and sign.

    The text inside the certificate reads something like this:
    I,..., joining the ranks of pensioners, in front of my colleagues, friends and relatives, solemnly promise: to live cheerfully and carefree, to get up without an alarm clock, to travel by all means of transport, including peshkarus, to conquer Everest and reach the North Pole, to swim across the ocean and fly Dnepr, don’t get sick and don’t become limp, attend all kinds of cultural events, ski, sled, rollerblade and scooter, live to be 100 years old without knowing any troubles.

    The future pensioner reads out the promise and signs.

    Trade union:
    For the new pensioner, hurray!


    Ceremonial raising of glasses.

    Our charter states: 1. That we are now celebrating the anniversary dearly __________. 2. That the best guest will be the one who drinks everything but leaves on his own two feet! 3. It is announced that guests are obliged to joke a lot and have fun.

    4. Gifts brought by ___________ are accepted around the clock whole year After this evening they are non-refundable. "5. And in general: for starters, it didn’t hurt for everyone to have a glass!
    It's your anniversary... But is that too much? Let the score grow, what's the problem?

    After all, our life is a thorny road,
    And you will never pass it calmly.
    Let there be everything: sadness, adversity,
    You have become a little older. Let, maybe, become
    You're a little older
    Gray hair added

    After all, the birthday is so good,
    On which we sincerely congratulate you
    Between the first and second, there is not much of a break!
    I offer the floor to congratulate my colleagues and friends. (colleagues of the hero of the day speak) So that joy comes to your home
    came to you
    The management and employees, without sparing words,
    They want to congratulate
    You on this anniversary day!

    You are full of light and joy, happiness,
    We all
    We wish you health and strength,
    So that you always have everything you want
    There were you
    So that youth, happiness, luck, success
    I always gave it to you without interruption!
    And now I would like to tell you a little about our dear __________, but for this our guests must help me.

    I need to
    You have listed about ten to fifteen adjectives of any kind. (Then, the presenter writes down these adjectives and inserts them into the missing places in the text) Our hero of the day __________ was born in... 19**. He grew up very...... as a child.

    For many...... years, he had not changed at all, which spoke of the constancy of his...... character/In...... 19**. He was accepted into the ranks...... ) ....... the hero of the day received his education in 19**. And he finished it well. That is, I still finished!!!

    He received his specialty in...... 19**. Then in 19** he joined the ranks of our...... friendly team and has not parted with us since then. He made... contributions to... the affairs of the country. _ ________ has...... appearance and...... performance, which earned him the love of the team.

    And now on behalf of
    Ministry of Education
    The Federation has entrusted me with presenting a diploma to _________ stating that he is indeed a pensioner. This diploma was issued to ________ in that during his ______years of life he completed a course of study on the topic “I know and can do everything!” and discovered the following knowledge: Russian language (Talking to your wife in anger) -3 English language(Suck up to your wife) - 5 Mathematics (A nest egg from your wife of your entire salary) - 5 Geography (No matter how drunk you are, you still come home) - 5 Music (Getting on your mother-in-law's nerves) - 3 Diligence (On your right side.) - 5 Diligence (On the left side.) - 5 Labor (Hitting a nail into the wall) - 4 with a minus (Hit on the finger) Based on the above, recognize Mr. ______ as fit for the further journey of life (preferably at the dacha). Graduate work on the topic “If you want to live, know how to spin.” - protected by 5!
    By the decision of the state qualification commission of...

    20 _ award Mr. ______ the title “Free Young Pensioner”. But don't get too upset. The birthday boy is greeted by his friends.

    You did your job, thank you
    God. Would you like to go back? % - To the pool water, to the crazy ice,
    To funny hugs, to awkward words,
    To damp expedition tents,
    Therefore, we want to see with our grandchildren
    You at the dacha
    I would like to give advice to a newly minted pensioner.

    Stay with your friends longer, dear,
    Make a hearty toast soon
    I can’t wait, the soul feels a kinship, - That’s why on the day of the glorious anniversary
    So everyone
    Many blessings to you
    Summer to you,
    So that, becoming brighter, wiser, kinder,
    Do not leave the message unanswered... And wait for guests for the new anniversary!

    Let your kindness not dry up,
    And it warms the soul of everyone around.
    And now we give the floor to our relatives!
    Happy birthday to you,
    We wish you all the best in your life:
    So that you will forever be young for us,
    Cheerful and kind, and so necessary.

    We kiss kind, glorious hands,
    With love to you - your children and grandchildren! (Then children and grandchildren present gifts to the hero of the day) What a heartfelt gift
    There is no better song. (The lyrics of the song are printed and copied in advance. Distribute to the guests.) TO THE MOTIF OF THE SONG BY T.
    It’s very pleasant and easy for us,
    After all, they appeared
    You are in the world. A long time ago. (3 times.) And it was so difficult for us to choose them.
    And we present it from the heart
    This gift is for you,
    Let the soul
    Yours warms up more often
    This is our ___________ for you. (Then they present a pre-selected gift) And now I will introduce you to
    The charter of our evening. 1.
    The charter announces that in 2011 the anniversary of
    Nikolaevny is not canceled under any pretext. 2. Before the anniversary itself, all those present are obliged to raise a toast to the hero of the occasion. 3. You cannot remain serious in this room. 4.

    Everything that will be given to the hero of the day today cannot be returned or exchanged. All other gifts will be accepted for another month. Toastmaster: The floor for congratulations is given to colleagues and friends. Toastmaster: Dear friends!
    I have prepared a congratulation here, but I have problems with adjectives, and I ask you to help me. Name 23 adjectives, we will write them down, and then we will insert them with you in free form into the following text: “On this ________________________________ and ___________________________________ evening, when the _______________________ stars are burning in the ________________________________ sky, ______________ ladies and no less than ________________________________ gentlemen gathered at this ________________________________ table in this __________________________ hall to congratulate our Elena

    We wish her_______________________smiles,____________________friends,__________success and _________________________love. Today in honor
    Nikolaevna, we will sing __________________ songs, read __________________ poems, give __________________ gifts and drink ___________________ wine. At our party there will be _________________ jokes, _____________________________ gags and _______________________ dancing.

    Let our hero of the day be the most___________________________.” Toastmaster: And now on behalf of
    Union of Honorary Pensioners
    Ukraine has entrusted me with presenting a diploma
    Nikolaevna, indicating that she is with tomorrow joins the ranks of young pensioners. This diploma has been issued
    Nikolaevna is that over her 50 years of life she completed a course of study on the topic “Know and be able” and discovered the following knowledge: Literature (conversation with her husband in anger) - 4 points Mathematics (recalculation wages husband in his favor) - 4 Geography (wherever he goes, everything will come home) - 5 Music (playing on nerves) - 3 Chemistry (moonshine) - 4 Diligence (on the right side) - 5 Diligence (on the left side) – 4 Physical education (regular jaw work - 3 times a day). Based on the above, admit
    Nikolaevna fit to go through the further path of life. Course work“If you want to live, know how to spin” is protected at 5. By decision
    State Examination Commission dated 8.12.

    2011 assign
    Nikolaevna the title of “Free Young Pensioner” with the presentation of a jar for storing her pension. Toastmaster: But that's not all - the birthday girl is greeted again by her friends. Friends of the hero of the day (read in turns): In that today
    It's your anniversary
    We believe, dear, without any doubt
    But everyone wants to find out - How long?
    Is this your birthday? The sparkle in the eyes, in the posture, in the fingers
    You are not twenty today!

    If you look at health and strength,
    If you give me boxing gloves - hit me - the white light will become unfriendly
    How can a boxer not hit at twenty-five?
    They have quietly added to your fifteen years old... And we wish you
    You, whatever you want
    Just wish and
    There will be everything for you!... If you feed!
    If you pour!!! Time cuckooed 60 times like a prophetic cuckoo,
    No matter how you puff yourself up, this is the age to retire.
    Someone will say it’s a lot, someone is lying – it’s not enough,
    But in reality: we are completing a marathon in life. No, we can still run, and probably for a long time,
    Only this is jogging, but looking back,
    And there is no need to fuss, fuss will not help here,
    If your age is respectable, be worthy of it, brother.
    How good the world is, and joyful, and sweet!
    There are so many exciting moments in it!
    I'm happy - I lived to see retirement!!!
    Now, as they say, I don’t give a damn about anything.
    I lived, worked and loved as best I could,
    Together with everyone we went through a lot. It’s like I’ve served a long sentence,
    I came back to you to start my life over.
    The soul rejoices and shouts: "Run
    And experience a moment of bliss as you take off." But the years are like old debts,
    They put pressure on the heart and prevent it from taking off.
    To go crazy, for example,
    And I wish I could make a mess of things like I once did. But I can’t, because I’m a pensioner
    And sudden movements are fraught with danger for me.
    I am calm and not afraid of passion,
    I like measured gait. And I recognize all the women I know
    By voices, well, sometimes by touch.
    And it clears my memory
    Trans-Volga air, grace and freshness. And all that I saved for my wife,
    I give it and bequeath it to her.
    And let there be a little sadness in your heart
    And there is pity for everything that has not come true - I surrender to you, my dear ones: Take everything that is left of me!
    If the heart is twenty-something... This day tells us a lot - That the roads lie before us,
    That some stage will not return,
    But it remains only in our hearts.
    We don't have to go to work
    Well, think about it - this is a reward!
    You can lie around with a book all day,
    Or you can take care of your grandchildren.
    You can walk in the park as much as you want,
    Watch TV until nightfall
    Or you can fall in love again,
    You can even get married a second time!
    I congratulate you on this important
    An event in your destiny.
    That he paid his debt everywhere.
    To my work, to the state,
    Now own only your kingdom,
    Cultivate your garden.
    And live your life with song.
    And come visit in the morning,
    Life full of wonders in retirement!
    We are terribly envious, you have been awarded a well-deserved honorary title, you will receive money for it, and you don’t need to do anything!
    But there is still a lot of strength, and the enthusiasm and desire to work, perhaps more than many young people, so don’t stop, there is enough work for everyone, don’t forget about rest and your health, in general, live better than you lived before, be happy, love life, make your loved ones happy and, of course, yourself!

    Galina Nikolaevna Yakovleva
    Scenario of the holiday “Seeing off the retirement of the head of the preschool educational institution”


    Storyteller, Doctor, Cook, Sage, God of Work, God of Vacation, Goddess of Salaries, Goddess Pensions, Colleagues - employees of the kindergarten.

    Fanfare sounds.

    Sounds "Waltz" turns on the Sage head.

    Dancing "Waltz" and the Sage places Lyubov Kirillovna on the throne and puts a crown on her.


    In the Novokuybyshevsk kingdom,

    Yes in the preschool state

    Once upon a time there lived a queen

    Beautiful maiden,

    That you can't take your eyes off.

    Pretty, graceful and smart and cheerful

    She ruled this kingdom for many years.

    Noisy balls led,

    She looked after the kids with her retinue.

    The press constantly wrote about that queen -

    She praised everything and told about life in the kingdom.

    Our queen has a magic mirror.

    Our light is a mirror, tell me and show me the whole truth.



    But one day the queen

    Tired of the king's plans

    I got confused and bored.

    And to save yourself from melancholy

    She called the sage to her place.

    And a wise old man came to the queen and, bowing, spoke to her.

    Your Majesty allow me to give one glorious piece of advice.

    I have traveled the whole world.

    And he told us how many miracles there are in our world.

    One beauty will save you from melancholy. It's called a pension.

    It always comes to older people.

    You need to meet her in the company of friends

    And lots and lots of guests.


    One evening

    Our Love is the queen

    Beautiful girl

    Well, for the whole baptized world

    I decided to throw a feast!

    Our queen called

    All your colleagues

    She also invited guests from overseas seas.

    For our team, the departure of such a wonderful, sympathetic person as Lyubov Kirillovna is a real stress! But let's imagine that she is not going on a well-deserved rest, but on a long vacation! And if it’s a vacation, that means you need to provide the vacationer with everything she needs! Accept, dear Love Kirillovna, these are irreplaceable things on vacation.

    You didn’t work half-heartedly,

    And you deserve the best rest!

    For relaxation you need a girlfriend -

    Comfortable and soft pillow!

    They give you a pillow.

    And you also need a notebook,

    Write memoirs in it and collect photographs!

    They give you a photo album.

    Who puts on makeup

    He acts wisely!

    Give cosmetics or perfume.

    A doctor in a robe enters the room (several inscriptions are sewn or written on the robe, it will turn out to be universal doctor: "surgeon", "glaznyuk", "teeth grinder", "traumatiuk", "nerd", "heart-oh")

    Glancing at pensioner,

    I can boldly announce:

    Anyone will say a cardiogram,

    The heart beats without a flaw.

    The ultrasound echoes the cardiogram,

    There are no health problems.

    At least pass all the tests and smears,

    You will not find any reason for the blues and melancholy.

    But, to maintain a cheerful spirit,

    So as not to lose your musical ear,

    In order not to disturb the metabolism,

    And always eat with appetite,

    You should accept gifts from me!

    He takes out a box of chocolates with a sticker on it that says "Neskuchin":

    Sadness, drive away melancholy,

    Take these pills

    One in the morning and one in the afternoon, and a couple in the evening,

    Don't forget to wash everything down with a glass.

    This medicine is not simple,

    Accepted only in crowds

    Look at the calendar more often,

    And in holidays invite your friends.

    And in prison

    A little poem.

    Don't be sick, don't be sad,

    Follow the prescribed regimen.


    In your kingdom state

    Many different chefs

    The cooks are very clever

    Peel carrots with a knife

    Cheese on a coarse grater tinder:

    Back and forth, here and there.

    The soup is stirred with a ladle

    And they crush the potatoes with a potato masher

    Cutting dill with a knife

    Whip-whip-whip and into the bowl!

    It turned out delicious so that

    Samples are taken from the dishes personally,

    So that your children

    I was always full!

    And today the cooks are rushing to us

    To please the queen from the very morning

    The cook comes out

    (In your hand is a gift - a bouquet of health, these are various fruits and vegetables pinned on twigs.)

    Lyubov Kirillovna is with us

    It looks, well, just great!

    And that's why now

    I will give her this order:

    To good health

    She lasted for 100 years

    It is necessary to fulfill the condition -

    Eat the bouquet with gusto!

    Everything in the bouquet is mine!

    I'll tell you about him:

    Apple - may you always be like this pouring apple!

    Grushka - for eyes to see and ears to hear!

    Carrots - I don’t mind sweet carrots for you, so that you never frown!

    Onion - and this is an onion for you, so that no one can bring you to tears!

    Presents a bouquet of health and a cake.


    Musical pause

    Song to the tune “Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked”.

    Our kindergarten opens its doors in silence.

    You came to us again, we believe and we don’t believe.

    The table is set and there are so many colleagues sitting here,

    That means everything is fine, that means worry goes away!


    You open the door for rest,

    Look how many friends there are here.

    Everyone has come to congratulate now

    How will we live without you?

    You don't look at your age,

    Drive away all sorrows,

    We still have meetings ahead of us.

    WITH holiday, dear!

    What would you wish - for a long time we decided:

    So that there is always no sadness in life,

    So that happiness comes into your home more often,

    May there be as many friends at the table!

    Chorus (repeat)

    Life is like two-sided medal:

    Sometimes she's funny to the point of tears,

    Then there is sadness through her laughter.

    Pension age is like a peak,

    Where the two came together one:

    Ahead is the desired descent into the valley,

    Behind us is the completed climb.


    There is an old legend about how candidates are accepted pensioners: a whole council is convened on the divine Olympus - to accept or not to accept? And it all happens like this.

    The Gods enter the hall.

    God of Work (addresses other gods)

    I, the God of Work - Truden - gathered all of you on the professional Olympus and solemnly I announce: we have a new candidate for pension!

    Oh, how great! How nice!

    God of Work

    Yes, that means we have work again! Now we have this candidate well let's check. I'll be the first to start!

    Truden approaches the colleagues of the hero of the occasion and asks them questions about whether she worked well, did not scold you too much, etc.

    God of Work

    Well, candidate, lucky you: Colleagues characterize you with dignity. But this is not enough. Come on, God of Vacation, now do your check!

    God of Vacation

    I am the God of Vacation - Gulban. Work without rest is like winter without snow. Now I I'll check, have you learned to rest properly! Choose correct option(you, guests, can also choose - at the same time you let's check) - Canary Islands, Maldives, Hawaii or cottage? Question second: diving, surfing, snorkeling or restaurant? Question third: "Martini", "Hennessy", "Jack Daniels" or moonshine?

    God of Vacation (sums up)

    It’s not harmful to dream, but you need to rest within your means!

    God of Work

    Fine. And now over to the Salary Goddess!

    Goddess of Salary

    I am the Goddess of Salary - Penny. It's time to say goodbye forever, dear candidate. Do you remember how you waited for me every month? How did you count days and even minutes? And then, after waiting, she called me miserable, pathetic, insignificant! And then she spent it all, to the last. But I don’t hold a grudge, it’s all in the past. Now you will meet the Goddess Pensions, and do you promise to take care and respect her?

    God of Work

    So, candidate, you passed all the tests with honor! We officially accept you into the ranks of full-fledged pensioners and give it to the Goddess Pensions!

    Goddess Pensions

    I am a goddess Pensions - Savings book! From now on, I will take charge of you and give you a real savings book, big enough to fit numbers with ten zeros in it! Gives a drawn savings book.

    You can arrange it this way cash gift- insert an envelope with money or a gift certificate into it.

    The gods put a homemade medal on the hero of the occasion "Honorable pensioner» . ("Honorary Leader")

    Valentina Fedorovna (new head)

    That's pension, it's done

    Sentence? Of course not!

    Finally appreciated

    All the merits of previous years.

    Thank you very much seeing off,

    We are full of heavy thoughts:

    We are losing an employee

    Golden hands, mind!

    Your new tasks -

    Tours, beaches, hitchhiking.

    We only wish you

    While resting, don’t get tired!


    We hand over the document to you.

    You deserve it - get it.

    You will lie on the stove,

    There is pie and rolls!

    (A pie is presented.)

    For the mind you want food -

    We will tell you this:

    Useful in education

    Dostoevsky or Balzac.

    (A work by Dostoevsky or Balzac is presented.)

    If the soul asks for love,

    The output is flawless:

    Serial stories -

    Like a balm for the heart.

    (A disc with your favorite TV series is presented.)

    If you are drawn to the garden

    Or you need to warm up,

    Take yourself to help

    Garden equipment.

    (A watering can, garden shears, etc. are handed over)

    .Leading: And now comes the solemn moment. Based on all of the above, the pensioners’ council allows you, Rimma Mikhailovna, to join the pensioners’ party. To do this you must take an oath.

    Oath I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, children and husband, solemnly swear: with the fervor of my heart, to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the duties of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children, to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in defiance of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

    Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with her responsibilities and rights.
    Responsibilities: (on the screen)

    Get up, wash. Sit down and eat.
    Receive guests
    Don't forget your friends.
    Put the mash to distill.
    Play sports this year.
    Be ready for love and work.

    Don't get sick, don't be sad,
    Eat in moderation and sleep soundly,
    Never grow old
    All men like it.

    Rights of a young pensioner: (read by the hero of the day herself)

    When I want, then I get up.
    As long as I want, I lie there.
    If I want to, I’ll start drinking.
    I'll go where I want.
    When I want, then I sleep.
    I love whoever I want.

    Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot of things to do!

    Ved. Not gilded in a festive way,
    And in an everyday preoccupied way,
    Unable to sit with folded arms,
    He looks older,
    She didn’t count wrinkles or gray hairs,
    Has not lost its modest charm,
    Preserving the glow of the eye,
    Forgave him all his sorrows,
    Best dreams who has not forgotten hers,
    Taught him constancy, -
    Like this, simple and proud,
    He loves more than ever!
    Here's the one best wife, loves you, Rimma Mikhailovna, and your husband is Sergei Ivanovich. And we give him the floor to congratulate him.

    VED.: Our dear Rimma, we all know you as wonderful cheerful friend, a hospitable hostess, a loving wife. And also, you are a wonderful mother of two sons. Today is a special day for them, so I want to give them the floor.

    The presenters invite their sons to the center of the hall

    HOST: Rimma, do you remember how small your sons were, how they loved to sit in your arms? Come on, let's remember.
    The presenters invite the hero of the day to sit on a chair and, to the applause of the guests, place their now adult children on their laps.
    HOST: Are you comfortable in your mother’s arms? Now, take your mommy in your arms and kiss her quickly.

    A song about mom plays, the sons take mom in their arms, kiss her, carry her to the table, and say a toast.

    On this glorious day all the relatives
    I wish you a lot of happiness here,
    don't live a day without joy
    And drive away all misfortunes!
    So that there is peace and harmony in the soul,
    May you have good health
    And so that the years go back,
    And may the sun always shine!
    To hear congratulations,
    I want to give my word to my relatives!

    Ved.: Words of congratulations now
    Sounded from dear friends.
    On an anniversary like yours,
    Should be even more fun!
    Our hero is worthy of honor,
    Now we will arrange something for you.

    Program Guide.

    TV, there is a presenter, a group of guests to perform songs.

    Ved.: Good afternoon! Our audience is different
    We send you greetings on screen.
    To everyone who is watching us today
    We will tell you without embellishment
    News from one outback,
    Our story is about a fellow countrywoman.
    From the village of Reid
    A message has arrived -
    To everyone's surprise.
    There is one beauty
    And she is the cutest of all,
    She is called Rimma,
    Her heart is like the sun.
    If there is a holiday in the clubhouse,
    She's the first to tell jokes
    The ringleader, the actor,
    That's how a woman is! Believe me!
    And I used to be a kolobok,
    And dived like a fish,
    If necessary, as a cop
    It will become very nimble.
    You can’t count all the roles,
    After all, Rimma has talent!
    And slender, but majestic!
    Stands out like a peahen
    Well, he speaks speeches,
    It's like a river is babbling.
    But she's a coward, that's it
    When the mouse sees it, it screams!
    And for the rest:
    wonderful rural woman,
    This citizen!
    All animals will confirm this,
    Even a shepherd puppy.
    That woman is of the highest quality!
    Reid lives in the village!
    And now the vocal and instrumental group “Slender Waist”, no, excuse me, the group “Saggy Belly” will tell us about this woman.
    A group of guests comes out, stepping heavily, stroking their bellies, and singing to the tune of the song “New Turn”.
    We promised ourselves
    Don't stray from the straight path,
    But it got to Rimma... m..m..m
    And it will cook and fry,
    The curtains are starched,
    Hey, come quickly...m..m..m

    Chorus: Here, a nice damn compote,
    It doesn't fit in my mouth anymore
    And I'm so excited
    And she carries:
    Olivier salad,
    Sauce, marmalade.
    Ahead, believe me,
    Meat from geese
    Have pity on me.

    There's a plate of cucumbers,
    And potatoes with jellied meat.
    Here he is carrying baked goods...m..m..m
    And salads are carbonates!
    Oh, my belly is growing, guys!
    But I put everything in my mouth...m..m..m

    Ved.: We complete the transmission,
    In conclusion we wish
    Live without old age
    Work without fatigue
    Health - without treatment,
    Happiness - without grief.
    We wish you earthly blessings,
    We know: You are worthy of them!

    Ved.Now I will ask our hero of the day to go to the middle of the hall.
    Look, she's just beautiful real woman.
    And if anyone doubts this, that she is just a real woman, then I will now prove it to you.
    1. A real woman simply needs to smell sweet.
    Perfume to the exit. (to a man)
    Let's create a halo of fragrance around our beauty...
    2. It would be nice for our hero of the day to have beautiful beads(to the man)
    –Be like beads – hang elegantly around your neck.
    3. The portrait is good. But the gold bracelet is missing.
    Gold bracelet for going out.
    4. What else does a real woman need? Handbag
    She will hang on your hand
    5. And at the end of the portrait! Foreign car!
    Stand next to me. Let her lean on you like a master.

    Now look: here is a real woman!
    There's so much hovering around her courageous men, one does not let go of her hand (watch), the other bewitches her with his charms (perfume), and the rest simply hang on her. Isn’t this proof that our hero of the day is a real woman?

    Ved.: Dear guests!
    Today is not an easy day for all of us,
    Today the doors of the heart have been opened.
    So that wishes flow like a river,
    To do this, pour wine into a glass.
    It's time for us to congratulate
    Here, at the table, is a beautiful maiden.
    Yes, yes, the hero of the great celebration,
    We will give congratulations like the Firebird!
    Let's fill the glasses to the brim,
    And let's say congratulations
    To the most wonderful hero of the day.
    And then we’ll drink it all down!

    Ved.: And now I invite several people to participate in the game. I will read the text, and you show everything that I read.
    – You are walking through a hot desert. You are terribly thirsty. Your throat is dry and you can barely move your legs. And the sun is beating down mercilessly. Suddenly, on the horizon you see an oasis. With all your strength you go to him. Seeing the stream, you are incredibly happy, raise your hands to the heavens and drop to your knees. Leaning on your hands, you tilt your head towards the water.
    Everyone gets down on all fours. The presenter salutes the birthday girl and addresses her.
    – Dear Rimma, in honor of your anniversary, a platoon of service dogs has been built!

    Second toast.

    Host: And we continue to congratulate... (name and patronymic of the hero of the day). As the proverb says, tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. And there are a lot of fables about female friendship in general. It’s as if it doesn’t happen at all... It happens, just like it happens! There is not a single woman in the world who does not have girlfriends. So, our hero of the occasion is congratulated by her friends!

    to the tune of a song from the film “Wedding with a Dowry” (“I won’t praise myself in vain...”)
    A song about you, friend
    We composed it in the morning,
    You and I are so wonderful,
    So much light and goodness!
    All people will say about you:
    Both beautiful and smart
    Our women's shortcomings
    Completely deprived!
    You, girlfriend-girlfriend,
    Don't waste your time:
    Get out the “check” quickly
    And pour some for your friends!
    Life will seem more and more beautiful
    We'll sing and dance,
    All men will be ours,
    I won't run away from anyone

    Ved. There are only two numbers five and five.
    But how much do they mean?
    and how different everything looks.
    It just depends on how to present them...
    Add them up - there are only ten
    And childhood is seen again...
    You still can’t weigh everything in life.
    But I want to hug the whole world.
    Multiply them - it will be twenty-five
    Diseases are still unknown.
    Ready to hug my friends
    And you want to live and be useful.
    Two numbers next to each other five and five
    You know how to weigh and argue
    I don't want to hug many people.
    But you know life
    and you can build
    and rebuild again.

    Dear birthday girl, may today’s holiday always remind you that retirement is not a reason to fold your arms. It's time to experiment! You can change your hair color, you can sew a breathtaking dress, grow roses in pots, learn something you never had time for... The main thing is to be sure: life is just beginning! We wish you such good health that it will be enough for all your experiments and for many, many years happy life!

    There are several important stages in a woman’s life:

    girlhood- when you want everything, but your parents don’t let you;

    marriage- when you want everything, but your husband won’t let you;

    parenting- when you want even more, but the children don’t let you; And,

    finally , retirement- when everything is possible and no one will forbid you!

    Let's drink to this wonderful age when a woman can finally devote her time to herself!
    Presenter. As if it didn't happen to us,
    Eighteen, twenty, twenty-five.
    And where did the strength come from?
    That we could fly like birds.

    Eighteen rushed by like a dream,
    Bright carefree years.
    First love in less than twenty,
    And a family with a child at twenty-two.

    At twenty-five, life was seething like the sea,
    Then suddenly it lifted to the heavens,
    It threw us into the abyss of grief,
    And sometimes it burst at all the seams.

    Time passed and the children grew up,
    We are now raising our grandchildren,
    Our songs are at the cradle again,
    As before, they sound with tenderness.

    The youths say after us: “old women”
    They, the beardless ones, simply don’t understand:
    That we are getting younger, like science,
    It will be a hundred, but in the heart - twenty-five

    Competition for the best fairy tale expert

    1A tale about a hostel that collapsed due to overcrowding. Teremok
    2. A fairy tale about the benefits of collective labor in agriculture. turnip
    3. A tale about the unsafety of casual dating. Little Red Riding Hood
    4. A fairy tale about how you can work in a hostel and get married somewhere else. Snow White
    5. A tale with three assassination attempts and one murder . Kolobok
    6. A fairy tale that, being an absolute log, you can provide well for your parents’ old age. Pinocchio
    7. A folk action movie in which two people, brought up in old traditions, were unable to achieve the required result, and the little sneaky one carried out what those two had planned. Ryaba hen
    8. This fairy tale is a vivid advertisement for home fire insurance . cat house
    9. Fairy tale - tutorial for fathers-in-law to check their daughters-in-law. Princess Frog
    10. A fairy tale in which a fox is in a civil marriage with a cat . Kotofey Ivanovich
    11. A fairy tale with four proposals and only one wedding . Thumbelina
    12. People's detective story about the kidnapping of seven minors . Wolf and 7 kids
    13. A fairy tale in which one pet suits the owner’s personal life. Puss in Boots
    14. A fairy tale that it is easier for a man to change his chosen one than his habits. Blue Beard

    Ved. And now I suggest you go back a little to your childhood. And remember all the good things that once happened to us... in the USSR (PIONEERS)
    (The presenter suggests singing the song “Let the blue nights flutter with fires.” Three guests enter the hall, dressed as pioneers or schoolchildren. The presenter must distribute the text to them in advance).

    Ved. As you know, in wine there is wisdom, in cognac there is strength, in vodka there is joy, in beer there is strength, and only in water there are microbes. Therefore, I propose once again to fill the glasses, and how can one not remember the words of the poet:
    What else do we need in life,
    To forget about troubles instantly?
    Nip, pull, tease,
    Put it in the collar.
    Life is like a zebra - all striped.
    Celebrate fate's whim
    All the way, to the insole, to the board
    And to the prostrate position.
    It's easy to knock us out of the saddle,
    And more reliable than lead,
    Drink, drink, drink,
    Snitch at the end!

    Presenter. Has all its meaning -
    And the course of times, and the course of things.
    Great anniversary!
    Let's raise our glasses full,
    May your finest hour come,
    So that love doesn't cool down,
    Hope inspired you.
    You look amazing to everyone
    A wise, clear look is beautiful.
    We wish you a beautiful life,
    Easy second fifty!
    (The guests drink).
    Presenter: Every age of a woman is beautiful!
    Freshness, youth, wisdom, maturity...
    And for those to whom the question is not clear -
    I want to give an answer to that question.

    Youth, well, it’s always beautiful -
    Who doesn't look back on youth?
    A woman in her prime is not in vain
    A fiery poet sings.

    Wisdom comes in middle age,
    Experience - at least share some advice!
    The grandchildren call grandma, they come in,
    Second youth! Move

    A woman is always beautiful!
    Body, deed, thought, soul,
    Life is not in vain,
    And she will be forever young

    Ved.: And we continue our news program. And in honor beautiful woman Rimma's ditties will be performed by the folklore group Lapti - Give.

    TALE (Instant performance)
    King, butterfly, bunny, fox, chicken
    In a certain kingdom-state there lived a positive optimist king. One day the king was walking along a forest path, and not just walking, but jumping. He waved his arms and generally enjoyed life. I was chasing a colorful butterfly, but I still couldn’t catch it. And the butterfly will stick out its tongue to him. Then he makes a face. In general, an indecent word will be shouted. In the end, the butterfly got tired of teasing the king, and it flew away into the thicket of the forest.

    And the king laughed and rode on. Suddenly a little bunny jumped out to meet him. The king was frightened by surprise and stood in the ostrich pose, head down, that is. The bunny was surprised by such a royal pose. Trembling with fear. The bunny's legs began to shake. And the bunny screamed in an inhuman voice.

    And just then the fox was returning from a night shift at the poultry farm. I took the chicken home. The fox saw what was happening on the path, and in surprise he let go of the chicken. And the chicken turned out to be impudent. She cackled with delight and slapped the fox so hard that she grabbed her head in pain.

    And the chicken jumped up to the king and pecked him in a soft place. The king jumped in surprise and straightened up, and the bunny, out of such fear, jumped onto the fox’s paws and grabbed her by the ears. The fox then abruptly took a course into the forest thicket.

    And the king and the brave chicken still jumped along the path cheerfully and positively. And then. Holding hands. They galloped off in the direction of the royal palace. What do you think will happen next with the chicken? Well, I don’t know that, but I think he’ll definitely pour it for her. As do all the guests present.

    Leading: So this is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened... he pours!!!
    Musical pause

    "GIRLS IN THREE SIZES" perform

    Details, attributes: a box of chocolates, a pack of tea, clothes for “girls”: scarves, bows, headbands, etc., short skirts, stockings, flip-flops with bows.

    The congratulations are attended by guys or men, big, with bellies.

    Having prepared in advance, the “girls with three girths” enter the hall.

    (The scene involves guys and men in disguise, headscarves or bows on their heads, pre-sewn tutu skirts, stockings, and boxes in their hands - gifts with a surprise inside)

    We are girls with three girths
    We have come to your holiday
    And congratulate the recipient
    Better time not found

    Brought greetings with them
    And smiles ringing laughter
    And in a box of chocolates
    So that success accompanies

    And we also wish
    Never be bored
    And invite us more often
    Oh! For strong delicious tea

    Also follow the instructions
    Never be discouraged
    And with good mood
    you always welcome guests
    (Balloons are given)

    In this OH! cozy home
    We sang nonsense
    Pour some glasses quickly
    The grooms are waiting for us

    We will hold this competition between the two sides of the tables. The first people sitting at the tables are given one piece of paper and a pen. At the command of the leader, they must begin to do paper airplane. As soon as someone has made his airplane, he passes it to the second guest and gives him the pen. The second guest at the table must write one word as a wish on the airplane. For example, happiness, love or health. And then he passes both the pen and the airplane to the third. The third guest also writes one word wish and passes it on. And so on. The main condition is that you cannot repeat words that are already written on the airplane! And in the end, whichever side of the table is the first to deliver its airplane with wishes to the hero of the day, wins

    The host offers a drink to all the congratulations that were addressed to the hero of the day.
    Ved.: Dear guests! We got so carried away with congratulations and forgot that today is not an easy day. anniversary. 55 years for a woman- this is a boundary, having crossed which, she begins to live in a new quality. As a pensioner, in our case as a working pensioner.
    The gray hairs hid, the fire burns in their eyes,
    Today, on a holiday, you are among friends.
    We are now in a hurry to congratulate you with all our hearts
    All the guests at the table on your anniversary.
    Today you have attention here, love,
    We all hasten to wish you success.
    You remember your former youth again,
    You keep dreaming about your pension!
    And on a bright day for us, in a night eclipse,
    The path is paved for you by a bright star,
    Let everything always be, only according to desire -
    Longing and sadness will leave the heart.
    Today is such a special day for you,
    We are ready to confirm all this -
    And this choice is yours quite consciously,
    To be a working pensioner!

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