• Scenario "Summer Birthday Day"; primary classes. Scenario for the holiday in elementary school "birthday"


    Are you preparing for your child's birthday? You've probably thought about a party in a cafe, inviting guests home, salads and sandwiches, games for your son or daughter's friends, little relatives, or even for the whole family in a large group - everyone has their own traditions.

    But if your boy or mademoiselle was born in autumn, winter or spring, then on his birthday the student will go to school. And for many children, especially younger ones school age, this becomes an unpleasant surprise: what, don’t I have a day off in honor of the holiday?

    Rambler/Family offers ideas on how to celebrate a birthday at school so that in subsequent years your student does not look for his birthday on the calendar in the hope that it will fall on a Saturday or Sunday.


    As a rule, schools hold birthday parties once a quarter. There is a possibility that this is also the case in yours. But if you want to try to please your son or daughter closer to the date, it is better to think in advance about how to arrange this. (And be mentally prepared for the fact that this may not be possible, but you can try.)

    So, of course, you shouldn't plan after-school parties. No matter how popular your child is, it is not a fact that his classmates will agree to stay for a long party on a “working” day after school. We agree that even adults would not be happy to organize an unplanned corporate party in honor of the birthday of one of their colleagues, much less children running home. In addition, at a certain time, parents come for someone, and someone goes to a music school, an art school, to dance... What to do?

    First, talk to your class teacher. For example, if a class is having a planned Classroom hour and there is more than one birthday person during the week, children can cooperate and celebrate their birthday at this time. You can also organize a “birthday of the month” party, where you, having prepared in advance with other mothers, “roll up” the holiday for an entire hour.

    If you want to ask for time specifically for your child, it is better to be more modest and ask just a little bit directly, if such a practice has not yet been introduced. The fact is that other children and mothers may start to become “boisterous”. Think about this point and do not organize an outstanding carnival, which may then turn others against the child. (Other classmates will then also ask for a holiday, but they may be refused.)

    Let the cool lady take as much time as she sees fit. If this doesn’t work out, then you can limit yourself to the traditional distribution of treats at the end of lessons - and some of the “printed” entertainment, which we will talk about a little later. In the meantime... about the surprise. This is a great option, and you can arrange it right during the break. You know the child's schedule. He comes out after Russian or mathematics, and there you are, having set up a buffet table against the backdrop of some decorations!

    The advantage here is that it is unexpected, that such a surprise will not “stress” the teachers and will delight the students, who will “load up” with candy and spend time listening to your presenter.

    Children at the holiday


    It’s a good idea to invite one of the animators for this time, if this is your format. In any case, it is better not to make the child himself the “toastmaster” of the holiday if you know that he is prone to shyness (and many are prone to it, with the exception of the “stars” of the class).

    Even if you have thought through in advance all the games or competitions that the student could play, he may become shy at a crucial moment - and then cry bitterly at home because he looked stupid in front of everyone on his most important holiday. It’s one thing to entertain guests at home, and another to feel like you’re at the blackboard in a classroom where relationships aren’t necessarily smooth with all thirty students.

    It’s better to come and help him yourself (if the child doesn’t mind, sometimes he can protest, wanting to seem like an adult, this is normal, don’t be offended).

    Another option is to send your aunt, older sister, a friend, or ask the teacher to participate - so that your child is an accomplice of the leader and feels confident.

    If none of these options seem realistic, and your child is a timid child, it may be better to limit yourself to treats and natural chatter so as not to expose him to stress during the holiday.


    It is important, of course, that the treats are tasty! The kind that you have tasted more than once with your baby, because on the day of the holiday it is better not to experiment. And ideally, at least some of the food should be healthy and not get dirty. There must be sweets, fruits, juices, and mineral water on the table.

    Some of the children may have allergies. Therefore, plain water, tea without additives (in case of tea drinking), green apples are an excellent salvation for allergy sufferers. As for drinks, it is better not to buy cola or other sodas, opting for juice, compote and tea.

    It’s a good idea to make the cake yourself; if you’re good at it, order a special one for children with figures from a professional, or buy a very beautiful one with berries. If you really want to treat your children to your favorite salads, “pack” them in edible baskets, tubes (like for mini-pizza in a cone) or pita rolls (this option assumes that you will do this immediately before the celebration, that is, you will be ready for this moment at school themselves). Sandwiches, if you are in the mood for them, are best made in the form of canapés on skewers so that children do not get their hands dirty; for the cake, prepare spoons in advance.

    Birthday cake

    Game options

    • Plays in 1 minute: Fortune sheets. Roll a lot paper straws, on which write your kindest predictions and wishes, quotes and wise phrases. Put them in a hat or beautiful box. Let there be a little more of them than children, because someone will probably want to pull the second one out of the hat.

    When you pull even a phrase you know (for example, “Beauty will save the world”) from a hat with magical wishes, you will think more deeply about it. Maybe you will become an artist. Otherwise you can just look in the mirror and rejoice. Of course, wishes should be positive and, ideally, come true.

    Do not write specifics such as cars or a new computer. Wish you success in your studies, inspiration, find yourself, good relations, a new hobby - and so on. That is, such things that can suit everyone - and please everyone. And they will delight you, we love hints of miracles. Students can even pull pieces of paper out of a hat during recess (if the situation becomes tense over time), this will improve their mood and entertain them!

    - A game "And that's good, because". Prepare a felt-tip pen with a black and a white side. Or dark and light. The game begins with the presenter saying any sentence. For example: “Today I saw a black cat on the street...”.

    And passes the felt-tip pen to his neighbor with the white side first. The neighbor should take a marker and say “and that’s good, because.” And so the felt-tip pen goes around in a circle. This is a very useful and positive game because it can sometimes come to mind in difficult situation. You can always mentally turn the felt-tip pen to the white side. By the way, share this thought with your child after his birthday.

    – If you wish, you can prepare a small "What? Where? When?". Let the participants divide into two teams, and the teacher asks some of the questions you have prepared (make up interesting questions; V in this case It’s better either not to prepare a game, or to choose something really interesting from interesting facts, of which there are plenty on the Internet). For first and second place there will be delicious prizes for the teams in the form of different bags of candy. Don't make the questions too difficult, it's better to keep them funny. And let them be few, five in total. After all, the children had just answered at the board.

    You can prepare these or other options for games and treats, but keep in mind that in time, perhaps everyone will only have time to quickly eat the cake! Eat the canapés yourself later. Warn your child that if you don’t meet the deadline, the director will be indignant - or something will go wrong, this is nothing. You are waiting for him at home and will happily throw him a party where he can treat everyone with goodies and play as much as he wants. Don’t forget to create a joyful, festive mood for him early in the morning - a child who is confident that he is loved feels better at school, at home, and at any holiday!

    Elika, student: __“A child’s birthday is, first of all, his holiday, so I think it’s best to find out what his preferences are in this regard. You can persuade her classmates, and congratulate the child when he first enters the classroom. The event can be decorated with all kinds of balloons, confetti, etc. Or you can consult with your child in advance and have a small tea party with all your classmates and friends. The main thing is to remember that this is a holiday for the child himself, and not for adults!”

    Celebrating your birthday is always a pleasure, but celebrating your name day with noisy company classmates are doubly pleasant and much more fun. We offer excellent events school day birthday people. Good luck!

    Scenario "Birthday boys at school"

    The characters are the Leader, the Dwarf and teams made up of children, the composition of which is determined depending on the number of birthday people, but the team must necessarily include the birthday person.

    Main actor- The gnome who will host this event must be a cheerful, energetic, lively person. The presenter is the class teacher.

    It is also necessary to think about the jury - it may include parents and the students themselves.


    Good evening! We have gathered here to congratulate our birthday people. Today we are visiting summer and autumn birthday people.

    What is a birthday?

    I will answer without a doubt:

    Day of Boxing, Pies,

    Day of smiles and flowers!

    And we have a little surprise for you, Birthday Boys.

    All together (addressing those who do not have a birthday):

    Happy birthday to you,

    Happy birthday to you,

    Happy birthday, dear classmates

    Happy birthday to you.

    A gnome comes in.


    A gnome came to visit us to congratulate the heroes of the occasion.

    Hello! Congratulations to you, birthday people, on your birthday, which you have been waiting for many days, whole year. I want to wish you everything, all the best. And I invite you to play!

    Now let's divide into teams and choose a jury. So that we do not doubt your competence, dear jury, I will ask you to take an oath. Repeat after me:

    “We, dear jury, in front of everyone present in the hall, swear:

    Judge honestly and fairly

    Take jokes and don't make jokes.

    If I break my oath, then may I be punished by the harsh hand of a fan.

    I swear! I swear! I swear!"

    Birthday contests:

    1. Competition for non-birthday people.

    Before going to a birthday party, you need to prepare a gift and compose a beautiful and unusual congratulations for a postcard. Usually we write the same thing in gifts: dear, dear, etc. And how nice it is to hear original, not boring words on this day. Let's remember them. Then each team takes turns saying one word of wishes. The last one to name a wish wins.

    2. Competition "Hairdressers" (Competition for all teams).

    Now let’s remember what guests and hosts do before the holiday - try on outfits, comb their hair. So, the task is to do the hairstyle of one of the team members.

    3. Competition "Cooks"

    One participant from each team. We need people who cook well. In a certain amount of time you need to make holiday menu, the names of dishes in which begin with the letter "N". Then one participant from the team will come to the table and take turns announcing their list. Those who say the word last will win.

    4. Competition "Gift"

    While the chefs are preparing, let's think - what else are we missing..? Well, of course, gifts. Each team will think about what gift they would like to receive or give and let us know about it.

    Now let's get back to our chefs. So:

    Well, the table is set, let's get back to the gifts. Depict your gift with facial expressions and gestures.

    5. Competition "Now let's dance."

    One participant per team

    Chair dance:

    2) Rock and roll

    3) Russian dance

    6. Competition "Twins"

    Two people per team: clasping each other around the waist, with your free hands you must first untie and remove the lacing from the shoes, and then, on command, lace it up and tie a bow.

    Autumn birthday party in 2nd grade

    I. (Parents take their places in the classroom. Children stand in pairs outside the door. First, “children-guests” enter to the music and are seated in the letter “P”).

    Autumn and spring pass,
    Winter and summer.
    In them every month, without a doubt,
    It gives us something
    What are we waiting for all year -
    A wonderful holiday - Birthday!

    Teacher: Meet the heroes of the occasion!

    (Everyone stands up and greets the birthday people with applause. They sit “under the arch” decorated with balloons. We sing the song “Crocodile Gena” to the end).

    A man like a star is born
    In an endless foggy eternity.
    Begins from infinity
    And it ends at infinity.
    Created by generations
    Century after century the Earth is imperishable,
    A person is born on Earth,
    So that the Universe becomes brighter.

    II. 1). Pupil:

    All in a golden outfit
    Autumn has come to our hall.
    Like a beautiful queen
    Opens the ball. (Student and student dance “Waltz”).

    2). At our holiday today, in honor of the autumn birthday people, constellations are on duty (on the board there are drawings of the signs of the Zodiac, children stand up one by one):

    3). Teacher: Autumn is a thoughtful time of year. Smoothly sailing out, the autumn season gains its golden power and disappears into the Russian snows. The first month of autumn (September) - the month of our birthday boy Denis - in ancient times was called “ruin” or “ruin” (revny) in Rus'. This word is associated with the animal call of love (roar) and the inviting sounds of the wind. Popular nicknames for September are deciduous, gloomy, goldenflower, veresen (melliferous heather blooms). This is a rich month. In September, “the sparrow has beer, and the crow has a head,” people say. This is the month you were born in!

    The second month of autumn (October) - the month in which Lisa, Nastya and Styopa were born - in Rus' is most often called leaf fall and leaf fall. The following sign is associated with the fall of foliage: a leaf has fallen completely - to cold winter, laid down with a smooth side - to a shortage (bad harvest), rough - winter crops will not freeze. The house is warm and cozy, but you look out the window - rain and dirt, hence October is a “dirty” month. “In a mud pit, a spoonful of water turns into a bucket of mud.” Looking at the dinner table, other nicknames were given: bread-maker, kiselnik. This month was known as a quiet, family time for household chores and weddings. That’s why they most often called him the wedding celebrant: “The month of bad weather is the beginning of family happiness.”

    The third month (November) - the month of Katya - was called breast in Rus'. This ancient Russian word contains the whole picture of the pre-winter time: the frozen earth lies in piles, the twilight of the year is coming, the gates of winter are opening, the ice smiths are shackling the water: “Winter cannot bind the river without November the blacksmith,” “November nails, and December paves.”

    4). That's how different they are - the autumn months!

    For our birthday people and their guests, the “English Song” is sung by…. Meet!

    Do you understand what this English song is about?

    Guys, do you remember who is our oldest? And the youngest? And the autumn birthday boys are 8 years old! And according to tradition, on their birthday we pull their ears... 1, 2, 3, ..., 8! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

    5). Today everything is for our birthday people - congratulations, treats, gifts, surprises. The most important, most responsible, most solemn and exciting moment, and in general the most, most, most long-awaited moment on a birthday is the presentation of gifts.

    Bring in birthday gifts!

    (Parents bring in gifts and hand them over; then they bring in a cake. Birthday people stand in a circle and blow out the candles). I send the cake to the dining room.

    Treats on the table!
    Have you all been waiting for him?
    There are sweets and candied fruits,
    And jam and jelly,
    Donuts, cheesecakes,
    Gingerbread cookies, crackers,
    Chocolate and marshmallows -
    There will be a holiday
    To the whole world!

    And again, according to tradition, we go to the dining room in pairs. A pair needs to be found: the boys received blue numbers, the girls received red numbers.

    (Boys lead girls, first they come up to me with matching numbers).

    1). Did your mother treat you deliciously?
    Did you feed and drink?
    And now it's time
    Have fun, kids!

    Did you know that Russian families have long been in a hurry to baptize newborns and give them names so that they would immediately be under the protection of God? This day - christening - was celebrated especially

    In my parents' house. Those invited presented gifts to the baby and expressed good wishes. On this day, the newborn received spiritual parents who were called to take care of their godson. On the day of the name day, they baked, preferably, the largest possible birthday cake filled with porridge. When they started celebrating a birthday, they broke the pie over the head of the hero of the occasion. (Who is this about?) It was believed that the more porridge poured onto the birthday boy’s head, the happier he would live until the next name day.

    2). So, the newborn received a name. Let's ask our birthday people what they know about their names. What do your names mean? Why were you given this name?

    DENIS. A girl was born first in the Amirov family. Dad named her Gulya. And he entrusted the name of his second child, a boy, to his mother, whose maiden name was Irina Denisova. And Irina Vladimirovna decided that in order to continue the Denisov family, the boy should bear the name Denis.

    LISA got her name this way: each of the parents wrote on paper the five most beautiful female names that were in tune with the patronymic (Romanovna). Then they compared them. The name Elizabeth appeared on both lists. They decided to name their daughter this name.

    ANASTASIA is a Greek name that means “reborn, resurrected.” The name was immediately chosen unanimously; they wanted it to be beautiful and royal.

    STEPA was named after his great-grandfather who died. And also because Stepa can be called differently: Stepochka, Stepashka, Stepan, Stepushka. A very beautiful Russian name.

    KATYA was named after her great-grandmother. Katya was her first and only great-granddaughter. In addition, Katya can be called affectionately: Kitten, Kiska, Kat, which in English means “cat”.

    3). This is what we now know about birthday people and their names. Now let’s see how mothers know their children.

    I invite 2 couples here (mother and child). Stand with your backs to each other. I'll ask you a few questions. First, the child answers with a nod of his head, and then the mother answers out loud.

    Does your child like semolina porridge?

    Does your child wash dishes?

    Does your child like to brush their teeth?

    Does your child go to bed at 9 o'clock?

    Does your child make his bed in the morning?

    Does your child enjoy school?

    (The pair that answers all questions correctly wins).

    IV. Guys, do you remember the competition “Guess who I am?” from the birthday party in 1st grade, when you tried to recognize your classmates’ babies from photographs? Today this competition is becoming more complicated: we will see the kids again, but not in photographs, but on the TV screen.

    For each birthday child there is a scenario according to the following plan:

    A video clip about a baby so that classmates can guess “Who is this?”

    "Secrets of the name"

    An interesting case from life (ask your parents to write in advance)

    A game or dance, a song as a gift for birthday people.

    1) Our little “actors” know how to dance, squeal with joy and are already showing interest in each other. Please note: first the “heroine” tries to kiss our hero, but he pushes her away; Then the “hero” came to his senses and decided to improve, but that was not the case - now he is rejected. (Fragment of video recording).

    A curly, fair-haired boy (just like little Volodya Ulyanov) is our Denis.

    Denis, Denya translated from Greek - belonging to Dionysus.

    Color - gray. Patron - calf.

    Talisman stone - sapphire.

    The Greeks had Dionysus, the god of wine and the god of nature.
    And the Russian people have their namesake Denis.
    The boy is very cute.
    Like no one else, he is vocal.
    Not always an excellent student at school,
    But he’s definitely a good guy.
    He is a very proud boy.
    He has a strong character.
    It’s not new for his family,
    That he keeps his word firmly.
    He hates deception
    Our “iron” boy.
    The crossword will be solved first
    And he will compose a poem for you.
    He greedily swallows books
    And he understands everything in books!
    He's not a fool, he's not a slob.
    Denya knows the value of money.
    Denis won't spend them
    For some whim.
    He will save money
    To buy a house for yourself.
    Who will our Deniska be?
    Well, of course, a financier.

    One day Denis came from kindergarten and asked to buy him a “syamka”. Guess what your parents bought. So for a long time they could not figure out that a “mask” was needed. And another time he asked for “hahal”. Well, at least it was at the table during breakfast and everyone guessed that “sugar” was needed for tea.

    - “The sun is shining - the games begin.” Our “Entertainers” want to surprise and delight you: they have prepared games for everyone!

    So, first game. Please, Vika. "Chain of paper clips." Three are given the same number of paper clips: whoever can assemble a chain from them faster. For the next three - who can disassemble the chain faster.

    2) The next “heroine” really didn’t like kefir as a child, but she had to come to terms with it. At the age of one, she already knows how to read letters, although she has to put on glasses for this, and then she had to call her grandmother on the phone and, probably, say hello from someone. However, see for yourself.

    Elizaveta, Lisa, Lizonka - God's help(translated from Hebrew).

    Color - lilac.

    Plant - lilac flowers.

    The patron is the waxwing.

    The talisman stone is amethyst.

    What can I say about Lizaveta?
    There is nothing better in this world!
    This girl is smart
    Patient and kind.
    Since childhood, Lisa has been playful.
    WITH early years hardworking:
    Lizochka will buy groceries,
    The dress can be sewn for a doll.
    What else can I say about Lisa?
    Not subject to whims!
    Lisa wants to do everything:
    Read and watch!
    Lisa knits and draws!
    Loves music and dances!
    He often leads the group,
    Starts new games!
    Loves to be in the first rows!
    Fear is unknown to her!
    Energy is her strength.
    That's why I started it!
    That's what Lizaveta is like
    In childhood! And in adulthood?

    At the age of 2, Lisa had diathesis from sweets. And the mother, in order not to tease the child with candy, secretly took out a fragrant caramel for herself and, sucking on it, walked around the apartment. Lisa, smelling the candy, shouted: “Tyuyu, tyuyu, tyuyu, kamamelka!”

    (They dance for everyone...and... - “Cha-cha-cha!”)

    3) Do you want to see more kids? And here’s another little “actress”: she’s busily walking around the hall, managing grown-up things, smelling something in her bag, hurt by a kitty. And finally, he reads poems about autumn.

    Anastasia, Nastya, Asya - resurrector (Greek) Name day - January 4 or November 11. Color - dark green. The treasured plant is the orchid. The patron is a Siamese cat. The talisman stone is malachite.

    What is your name, Anastasia!
    You are like clear-eyed Russia!
    If the girl was named Nastya,
    Parental happiness will live in the house.
    These girls are usually beautiful.
    Even in childhood they are very patient.
    Among other pretty creatures
    They are destined for less suffering.
    Fate is very favorable to Anastasia.
    They walk smoothly, rarely on an inclined path.
    Do you want to know more about Nastya?
    Like other girls, she loves sweets.
    But her character is not very simple.
    It happens that a trifle will make you shed a tear,
    Or maybe he won’t cry because he’s deeply offended
    And even if it hurts, it won’t show it.
    And Nastasya will grow up,
    Learn to cook and knit
    And he will be able to read many new books.
    And then all the troubles and bad weather
    Let's rush past our dear Nastya!

    I'm going to "talk" with little Nastya, but I'll need a translator. Guys, can you help?

    Started talking at 10 months:

    “top-top” - ... (boots)

    “to be barefoot” - ... (big bear)

    “says” - ... (says)

    “golit” - ... (lit)

    “zerkvaltse” - ... (mirror)

    “mose, moze?” - ... (asks for permission: “Is it possible?” They say to her: “You can’t!” And she looks tenderly into the eyes: “Mose, Mose?”)

    And again on our stage “Zateiniki”. Vanya plays his game. “Confusion”: everyone stands in a circle, holds hands, and the driver goes out the door. At this time, those nearby, without releasing their hands, become entangled. The driver comes in and tries to untangle everyone.

    4) And now, guys, you will see two babies at once. One is your good friend, but you’ve probably never seen the second (a tiny puppy). They are so happy to meet each other, and each of them, in my opinion, is afraid of the other.

    Stepan, Styopa, Stepushka - translated from Greek as “wreath”.

    Color - carmine.

    Patron - tarpan (horse).

    The talisman stone is aventurine.

    Observant boy Stepan.
    He is an excellent organizer.
    Will always carry out his plan
    And Styopa will try to do everything great!
    Of the “LEGOners” in kindergarten, he is the most talented of all.
    Today Styopa is building better than yesterday.
    Success in construction always awaits Stepan,
    After all, Lego is his favorite game!
    But Stepushka doesn’t build everything.
    He strives for high quality.
    From Lego he will build the Capital City,
    Which, perhaps, someone will dream about...
    IN primary school Styopa was the ringleader.
    And his classmates always follow him.
    An unknown force lurks in him -
    She makes Stepan like this!
    He is an interesting personality, no doubt.
    He will prove himself in studies and business.
    He can become a mountain pioneer,
    Overcoming both difficulties and fear.
    Or maybe become a factory director,
    And he can lead the commander in chief!
    Perhaps even in my younger years
    He will be able to prove himself as a businessman!
    But, to be honest, it has a flaw:
    Our Stepan is very in love!
    But for the sake of business, maybe a Persian princess,
    Like Razin, throw it into the oncoming wave!

    And again I need a translator:

    "soldat" - ... (soldier)

    “nuku nak” - ... (soft sign)

    “iu-iu-iu” - ... (ambulance)

    (For Styopa and all birthday people, dance “Barbariki”.)

    5) Having seen the following story, I realized who to entrust the physical training to: head rotation, neck exercise, squatting, even a soft fall.

    Ekaterina, Katya, Katyusha - translated from Greek - pure, immaculate.

    Color - blue. The plant is a lotus.

    Patron - termite. The talisman stone is chrysolite.

    Katya stone - chrysolite.
    And the cherished flower is the lotus.
    For some reason it looks sad
    She's always in the photo.
    But in the life of our Katya
    It's enough to be sad for a minute.
    And then he will forget about sadness
    And he will laugh again.
    Super-thrifty, practical
    And quite energetic.
    But there is room for energy
    Only where it's interesting.
    If you suddenly smell boredom,
    Katya will immediately wither away,
    He will become sad and bored,
    And maybe he'll get sick.
    But if you like it,
    The girl will get better
    And the strength will suddenly appear.
    Many Katyas are beautiful,
    But they are proud and selfish.
    And such is Katya’s character
    It doesn't always come in handy.
    Well, in general, Katerina is an interesting girl.
    Time is precious for Katya: she simply doesn’t waste it.
    This means that happiness will smile and she will achieve everything!

    When she was little, Katya loved to throw things out of all the shelves in her closet. Then she put them on herself, and in large quantities. As a result, it turned into a multi-colored nesting doll. Katya's closet was her favorite place to play. She pulled out the top drawer with underwear, climbed into it, as if on the bridge of a ship, and screamed joyfully from there. You can see for yourself that the family still has a photograph. (Photo).

    And finally, our third “Entertainer” Olya is ready to play her game. (Calls 4 guys, divides them into 2 teams, gives each an envelope containing big postcard, cut into small pieces. The teams' task is to collect the postcard as quickly as possible.)

    V. “The sun is shining - the games continue.”

    "Guess with your eyes closed."
    I blindfold one of the children and bring them to the birthday boy, having first swapped them in places: guess! Then mothers also find their child with their eyes closed.

    "Fun Ring"
    In the middle of the class, four kids are holding a rope tied at both ends, simulating a “boxing ring.” They bring out balloons and 2 scarves. Two guys are invited to the ring. They are blindfolded, given balls in their hands, and a “mischievous fight” begins. The presenter records who will strike the most. The winner is awarded the “whole” ball. The fight continues with another pair of willing ones.

    A gift for all birthday boys and guests: the dance “Dunno” performed by ....

    Team game. Our time of year is now “dirty”, so for the game “Try, Overtake” we will need galoshes. At my command, put on your galoshes, run to the line, return, and pass on to the next one. The team that arrives first wins.

    And again team game. At the end of the class there are 2 ropes, each team receives one handkerchief and 2 clothespins. The first one runs, hangs up the scarf, pins it, the second one takes off the clothespins and scarf, returns and hands it to the third one. Etc.

    "Dance with Ribbons" I call 3 boys and 3 girls at will, I hold 2 tied ribbons in my fist, boys are on the left, girls are on the right, they take the free ends of the ribbon, I unclench my fist and pairs are determined. They dance a slow dance. You can invite one mom or dad for a sample. The rest come out if they wish.


    Did you guys have fun today? Interesting? I'm glad!
    Be healthy and happy,
    Have fun on weekdays and holidays!
    Grow big, big,
    Like this! Like this! Like this!

    Source: http://nsportal.ru

    Extracurricular event Birthday boy's day

    Progress of the event:

    The classroom is festively decorated. Everyone in the class (except the birthday girl)



    Today we have gathered for a big holiday - a birthday. - Girls, who has a birthday today?

    Today many guests came to the holiday.

    Why do guests gather for a birthday?

    What is a birthday?

    Student 1:

    What is a birthday?

    I will answer without a doubt:

    Day of Boxing, Pies,

    Day of smiles and flowers!

    Student 2:

    Birthday is a special date.

    This holiday cannot be compared with anything.

    Someone wise once came up with

    Give joy to the birthday boy.


    We invited guests

    Everyone came to the children.

    Here we are in our family

    Let's celebrate this day.

    Student 1:

    Guests and friends gathered

    To congratulate the birthday girl,

    But where is she? I don't see

    Whom should we glorify with song?


    Come out quickly, birthday girl,

    And delight the assembled guests.

    The birthday girl enters the hall to the music. Sits down.

    The song “Let them run clumsily” is performed

    There is a knock on the door.

    (To the music “Three White Horses Winter Appears”)

    Hello Hello!

    Adults and little ones,

    Put on your boots!

    I am Winter, Winter itself,

    I've come to you!

    I know you were waiting for me,

    But I just didn’t go.

    The kids are naughty

    Take care of your ears!

    I am Winter, Winter itself,

    I've come to you!

    And I came to you for a reason. I heard that you have a girl who was born in winter. So I came to wish my December birthday girl a happy birthday.

    I wish you health,

    Happiness, great joy

    Congratulations, congratulations

    Thank you generously - with all my heart!

    And I have a little surprise for the birthday girl and all her guests -

    Journey to the land of "Birthday Boys"

    We will travel in my white troika. And the names of these wonderful horses are December, January and February.

    Who knows why?

    So, get into the harness.

    (The picture opens.)

    II. Main part.

    We will be with you today

    Happy holiday to celebrate.

    We will be with you, children,

    Have fun and dance.


    (To the music “Three White Horses”)

    The guys are told

    That the troika is leaving,

    Leaves immediately

    To the town "Pesenny"

    1st city “Pesenny”:

    Let's remember what birthday songs you know? (“Happy Birthday”, “Birthday”, “Congratulations”, “Let them run clumsily”)

    What's the most important song?


    Come on, stand in a big circle,

    Play the music louder!

    For our Anechka today

    We baked a loaf.

    (The song “Loaf” is performed)

    Well done!


    (To the music “Three White Horses”)

    The guys are told

    That the troika is leaving,

    Leaves immediately

    To the city of “Wishes”.

    2nd city of “Wishes”.


    Birthday girl, attention!

    I'm glad to inform you

    Now they want to congratulate you

    Yours best friends.

    Classmates read poems and give gifts.

    Student 1:

    Anya, happy birthday

    And I wish you never

    You don't know about diseases

    Be healthy forever.

    Grow up as a good girl

    To behave.

    I want to wish you happiness

    And never lose heart!

    Be healthy and happy!

    Be diligent and truthful!

    Like a birch tree in a field,

    Grow up free...

    If life gets tough,

    A friend's heart will help you,

    His reliable hand

    Will always reach out to you.

    (Children give gifts made with their own hands)


    (To the music “Three White Horses”)

    The guys are told

    That the troika is leaving,

    Leaves immediately

    To the city "Birthday Girl".

    3rd city “Birthday Girl”:


    Now we will find out everything about the birthday girl!

    Anya, how old are you?

    When were you born? What time of year were you born?

    People born in winter are strong and resilient.

    Girls, do you know that every person’s name means something.

    The name Anna means sensitive, charming and attentive.

    Girls named Anna know how to empathize and sympathize, faithful friends, good conversationalists, excellent housewives, sociable and always ready to help others.

    Girls, what good words will you talk about Anya?

    (Each girl names one good quality)

    Curious, kind, smart, helpful,...

    For such a good girl, let's sing the song "Happy Day" birthday of you»

    (We sing the song “Happy Birthday to You” without music)


    And now - a theatrical performance. Together we prepared the fairy tale “Turnip” for Anya and the guests in a new way.

    Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew big and big. The grandfather began to pull the turnip, but they couldn’t pull it out. Grandfather called grandma.

    Grandfather: Grandma, and grandma. Let's go pull the turnip.

    Grandma: What a grandfather, the series is starting on TV, I don’t have time.

    (Waving her hand and leaving)

    The grandfather called his granddaughter.

    Grandfather: Granddaughter, granddaughter. Let's go pull the turnip.

    Granddaughter: You are like a grandfather. I painted my nails. I will pull your turnip.

    (Blows on his nails and leaves)

    Grandfather called Zhuchka.

    Grandfather: Zhuchka, Zhuchka. Let's go pull a turnip

    Bug: Why do I need your turnip? I don't eat vegetables, I like meat. Leave me alone.

    (Waving her hand and running away)

    Grandfather called the cat.

    Grandfather: Cat, Cat. Let's go pull the turnip.

    Cat: Grandfather, don’t you see? I'm resting, don't bother me...

    Grandfather called the mouse.

    Grandfather: Mouse, Mouse. Let's go pull the turnip.

    Mouse: Here's another thing, I'll get my paws dirty. I go to karate. I-I-I

    (Using a karate move, he drops a turnip; the turnip fell and pulled out).

    This is where the fairy tale ends. And who watched - well done!


    Did you like the fairy tale?

    The heroes of the fairy tale did not want to help their grandfather - is this right or wrong?

    We don’t have such indifferent people. We help each other. Well done!

    This fairy tale is funny, that's why the characters look funny.


    (To the music “Three White Horses”)

    The guys are told

    That the troika is leaving,

    Leaves immediately

    To the city "Dance".

    4th city "Dance"


    We're going to have some fun now

    We'll dance and spin.

    Congratulations to the birthday girl

    And we'll make you dance with us!

    (Balls are distributed)

    Place the ball on the floor.

    Show yourself dancing!

    The music will stop playing

    You need to grab the ball quickly.

    Whoever doesn't get the ball sits down.

    (To music)

    Well done! We danced wonderfully.


    (To the music “Three White Horses”)

    The guys are told

    That the troika is leaving,

    Leaves immediately

    To the city "Winter Fun".

    5th city: “Winter fun”


    Winter itself rules in this city. She will tell you the task.

    All children like winter because of the winter fun.

    Which winter fun You know?

    We'll play with you now. The game is called "Make a Snowman".

    (On the board is a sheet of blue paper with the outline of snowmen. Children take turns with pre-prepared snowman parts and assemble it.

    Anya, the snowman turned out beautiful.

    Summer birthday people love flowers, and winter ones love snow. That's why we made a beautiful snowman.

    We give this card to you.

    Well done everyone!


    (To the music “Three White Horses”)

    The guys are told

    That the troika is leaving,

    Leaves immediately

    To the city of "Competitions and Games".

    6th city: “Competitions and games”

    1. YES and no

    Listen to my first command

    Help each other

    Answer the questions

    Only "Yes" and only "No"

    Let me know your answer:

    If "no" you say

    Then knock your feet

    If you say "Yes"

    Clap your hands then.

    Goes to school old grandfather. Is this true, children? ... (No - they knock their feet)

    Does he take his grandson there? Answer together... (Yes - clap your hands)

    Is ice frozen water? We answer in unison... (Yes - they knock their feet)

    After Friday - Wednesday? We will answer together... (No)

    Is spruce always green? We answer, children... (Yes)

    Is birthday a fun day? ... (Yes)

    Are there any games and jokes waiting for you? ...(Yes)

    Are you okay with humor? ...(Yes)

    Are we doing exercises now? ...(No)

    Shall we congratulate the birthday girl? ... (Yes)

    Or will we send it to grandma? ... (No)

    Shall we give her some chocolate? ... (Yes)

    A sweet-sweet kiss? ... (Yes)

    Happy birthday! And, of course, we wish:

    Grow bigger... (Yeah)

    Be sure to be fatter! ... (No)

    Be healthy, smart, strong! ... (Yes)

    Both loud and pugnacious... (No)

    So that everyone loves her! ... (Yes)

    With a strap so they can hit you more often! ... (No)

    To feed you ice cream! ... (Yes)

    2. “Feed the birthday girl”

    Each child gives the birthday girl a piece of fruit from the table, and she guesses what kind of fruit it is. The remaining pieces are divided among the children.

    Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 24 named after Hero Soviet Union A.V. Koryavina.”

    Birthday 2nd grade B

    Teacher: Nadezhda Dmitrievna Privalova.

    Goals: - create a festive atmosphere for the child and guests; -contribute to the formation of ideas among students on how to spend a holiday in a meaningful and fun way.

    Equipment: Decorate the classroom with multi-colored balloons on which guests can write wishes with felt-tip pens; prepare small prizes to be awarded during the games; recording songs, funny music; envelope with letter; children's drawings, crafts, cards; birthday gifts from the class. We will not leave summer birthday people unattended.
    A recording of the song “It's Fun to Walk Together” is playing (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky)

    Teacher Today we have gathered for a holiday dedicated to summer and autumn birthdays.

    Suddenly today at dawn
    The wind opened the window,
    Over the expanses of the earth
    The cranes flew by.
    Didn't they drop it?
    Gave it to you and me
    On your birthday, on a wonderful day
    Are those painted leaves?

    (shows pieces of paper with children's names.)

    Everything is according to the rules: our address,
    The school number is here.
    I wonder from whom
    Does it contain a letter for us?

    Come to us for a birthday party
    Everyone wanted to get there so bad
    But they had to linger -
    We need to pick up games.

    Birthday people, attention!
    I am glad to inform you:
    Now they want to congratulate you
    Your best friends!

    Come up with any 14 adjectives. Now I will read out a congratulation, in which you need to insert them instead of blanks.

    1st student:
    To everyone who on a clear summer day

    And with the autumn breeze
    Celebrates birthday
    Today we congratulate
    Happy wonderful, joyful day!

    2nd student:
    Congratulations to you guys
    And I wish you never
    You are not familiar with diseases,
    Always be healthy!

    3rd student:
    Don't hurt kids
    Don't upset moms and dads!

    4th student:
    Grow up as good children,
    To behave!

    5th student:
    Birthday is a wonderful day,
    Joyful, cheerful!
    We wish you "excellent"
    You go to school!

    To the music of Shainsky “Song of the crocodile Gena”
    1st presenter:
    Look at these guys:
    How smartly everyone is dressed!
    Look at these guys:
    Over the past year we have grown and become stronger!

    2nd presenter:
    Come on, stand in a big circle,
    Louder, music, play!
    For your cheerful friends
    We'll bake a loaf.
    Children perform the round dance song “Loaf”.

    Game “Relay of Wishes” Whose congratulation is more interesting will receive a prize.


    What a birthday
    If there's no fun?
    Here's another game
    You'll like her.
    I want to ask you a question,
    It's your job to answer.
    If you agree with me,
    Answer in unison, brothers:
    “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”
    If you don't agree,
    Then remain silent in response.

    I'll ask everyone now:
    Who here loves song and laughter?

    Answer in chorus instantly: “Who is the most mischievous here?
    Who is used to our order,
    Does he do exercises in the morning?

    Tell me which one of you, brothers,
    Forgets to wash your face?

    And one more question:
    Who doesn't wash their nose?

    All the riddles have been answered,
    Questions were answered.
    All I have to do is find out:
    Can you dance?
    You, friends, are in a hurry,
    Find yourself a mate
    Starts with us
    Merry dance.

    The game is being played "Dance on the newspaper." 10 people are invited. We need to find a partner and dance on the newspaper. When the music stops, the newspaper folds in half and the dance continues (and so on several times). The winners (those who stay on the newspaper without stepping on the floor) receive prizes.

    The game “We Sang a Song” is played: the first line of the song in the recording is given. Whoever continues first wins a prize.

    Teacher: We danced and sang, we need to rest a little. How?

    Game “Decorate the tree with leaves” ( 2 trees are drawn on the board. 2 blindfolded students decorate the tree, then the other 2)

    Game “Harvest” (2 baskets, 6 apples each)

    Game "Who's the odd one out?" (with chairs)

    Game "Name the Pair".
    Participants must quickly remember the name of the couple of the hero of the fairy tale:
    Ruslan (Lyudmila)
    Sister Alyonushka (brother Ivanushka)
    Crocodile Gena (Cheburashka)
    Kai (Gerda)
    Stepashka (Piggy)
    Baba Yaga (Koshey the Immortal)
    Old woman Shapoklyak (rat Larisa)
    Prince Guidon (Swan Princess)

    Teacher: And now riddles for the birthday people. Whoever guesses correctly will receive a prize.
    1.In our house under the window
    An accordion has grown to the wall.
    It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t play -
    Warms the whole apartment. Battery.
    House on legs
    in the middle there is a window,
    it will light up -
    a movie will appear.
    Invisible Man
    Sitting in a box
    He plays all the time
    He sings and speaks.

    « Win-win lottery»

      Thought Fixer (Pencil)

      Measuring device (Ruler)

      Remedy for talkativeness (Dummy)

      Spare parts for sneakers (Laces)

      Aircraft (Balloon)

      Small factory-made rug (Handkerchief)

    Competition "Merry Artists" Blindfolded, draw a house, a bunny, a mushroom.

    The game “Who will collect the bouquet faster?” Three pairs of children. Flowers are attached to children with clothespins. On command, with eyes closed, quickly remove flowers from children

    Game "Firemen" Children take off their shoes and put them in the middle of the room. They themselves “sleep” on the rug. Quiet music is playing. And suddenly - the presenter: Fire! Who is the best fireman? Who gets ready faster?
    And now we invite everyone to our finger-licking cafe.

    If the blues suddenly set in,

    Bad mood in the morning.

    Dial your friends' phone numbers.

    On your birthday, gather around the table.

    They say you'll be lucky

    If birthday comes to the house again.

    This happens every year.

    May it bring you a lot of happiness

    Children sit at tables with tea and pastries.

    6. Birthday is a special date,

    This holiday cannot be compared with anything,

    Someone kind once came up with an idea

    Give joy to the birthday boy.

    7. Birthday!


    We congratulate everyone.

    And may you have success!

    8. Like a sunny day,

    Like a wonderful fairy tale

    Let your life be

    Beautiful all the time!

    9. We want on this day

    We only wish you happiness!

    Don't get sick, don't get bored

    And get straight A's!

    Scenario for the holiday "Birthday at school"

    Target: congratulations to the birthday people.
    - create a festive atmosphere;
    - develop communication skills students;
    - contribute to the formation of a friendly team;
    - develop attention, dexterity, speed and coordination of movements;
    - bring up friendly relations and mutual assistance.

    The progress of the holiday

    The holiday starts with children who are not birthday people.


    Birthday is great!

    This is wonderful and funny!

    Congratulations accepted.

    And receive gifts.

    Where are our birthday boys?

    Let them sing and dance for us.

    To invite them here,

    We need to start clapping!

    Host: The holiday begins!

    One two three four five!

    Who will we congratulate?

    Whose dreams will come true?

    Who are these poems for?

    And in the eyes of joy - whose?

    Who's ahead today?

    These are the birthday boys!

    And we have a little surprise for you, Birthday Boys.

    Let's congratulate each other with the world famous English song.

    Happy birthday to you,

    Happy birthday to you,

    Happy birthday, dear classmates

    Happy birthday to you.

    Now sing this song to him in Russian.

    Happy Birthday to you,

    Happy Birthday to you,

    Happy birthday (name),

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Game "YES OR NO"

    Listen to my first command
    Help each other
    Answer the questions
    Only "Yes" and only "No"
    Let me know your answer:
    If "no" you say
    Then knock your feet
    If you say "Yes"
    Clap your hands then.
    An old grandfather goes to school. Is this true, children? ... (No - they knock their feet)
    Does he take his grandson there? Answer together... (Yes - clap your hands)
    Is ice frozen water? We answer in unison... (Yes - they knock their feet)
    After Friday - Wednesday? We will answer together... (No)
    Is spruce always green? We answer, children... (Yes)
    Is birthday a fun day? ... (Yes)
    Are there any games and jokes waiting for you? ...(Yes)
    Are you okay with humor? ...(Yes)
    Are we doing exercises now? ...(No)
    Shall we congratulate the birthday girl? ... (Yes)
    Or will we send it to grandma? ... (No)
    Shall we give her some chocolate? ... (Yes)
    A sweet-sweet kiss? ... (Yes)
    Happy birthday! And, of course, we wish:

    Grow bigger... (Yeah)
    Be sure to be fatter! ... (No)
    Be healthy, smart, strong! ... (Yes)
    Both loud and pugnacious... (No)So that everyone loves her! ... (Yes)With a strap so they can hit you more often! ... (No)To feed you ice cream! ... (Yes)Maybe stop congratulating? Will we continue to play? ... (Yes)

    Competition "Artistic Competition"

    1) Comedy

    2) melodrama

    3) Competition "Artistic Competition"

    Dramatize the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" if it:

    1) Competition "Artistic Competition"

    Dramatize the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" if it:




    Competition "Now let's dance."

    One participant per team


    Russian re-dance

    "Dance with Balloons"

    Children are divided into pairs. Between them - balloon, which they try to hold while dancing. You can hold it with your shoulders, heads, stomachs... but not with your hands. Whoever loses the ball sits on a chair.

    The song “Let them run clumsily...” is performed.


    Teams are asked to answer questions quickly.
    Questions for the first team.
    1. What was the name of the granddaughter who was afraid of the sun? (Snow Maiden)
    2. How many dwarves were there in the fairy tale about Snow White? (Seven)
    3. What were the names of the three little pigs? (Nif-nif, Naf-naf, Nuf-nuf.)
    4 Baba Yaga's flying machine? (Mortar)
    5. What was the name of the girl who lived in the bear’s hut? (Masha)
    6. What did Little Red Riding Hood bring to her grandmother? (Pies and a pot of butter)
    7. What were the names of the caterpillars - Luntik’s friends? (Vupsen, Pupsen)
    8. Who helped pull out the turnip? (Mouse)
    9. Which resident of the swamp became the prince’s wife? (Frog)
    10. What was the name of the girl with blue hair? (Malvina)
    Questions for the second team.
    1. What was the name of the girl who lived in the flower? (Thumbelina)
    2. How many kids were there in the fairy tale about the gray wolf? (Seven)
    3. What was the name of the boy with the long nose? (Pinocchio)
    4. The flower that fulfills all wishes? (Seven-flowered flower)
    5. What was the name of the huge dinosaur with three heads? (Dragon)
    6. What thing did Cinderella lose at the ball? (shoe)
    7. What were the names of Luntik’s grandparents? (Kapa, ​​Shishulya)
    8. Who destroyed the tower? (Bear)
    9. Which animal did not like to walk barefoot, but preferred to wear boots? (Cat)
    10. What is the name of the little man with the propeller who lives on the roof? (Carlson)
    Teams are asked to guess a fairy tale using a set of objects or fairy tale hero. All items are covered with scarves. The team captain himself chooses which scarf to take off.
    1. Boots, bag...(Puss in Boots)
    2. 3 plates, 3 spoons, 3 cups...(Three bears)
    3. ABC, cap...(Pinocchio)
    4. Basket with pies...(Little Red Riding Hood)
    5. Pumpkin, slipper... (Cinderella)
    6. Towel, soap, washcloth...(Moidodyr)
    "Say the word"
    A hut on chicken legs)

    Carpet plane)

    Wand... (lifesaver)
    Princess Frog)

    Ivan the Fool)
    Fly Tsokotukha)

    Swan geese)


    Brother... (Ivanushka)
    Koschei the Deathless)


    Invisible hat)


    Did you guys have fun today? Interesting? I'm glad!
    Be healthy and happy,
    Have fun on weekdays and holidays!
    Grow big, big,
    Like this! Like this! Like this!

    Relay "Centipede"

    Divide the children into teams (a team can have from 2 to infinity). Children stand one after another, the ball is squeezed between the back of the previous child and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. Now let's go! You need to walk like this to the chair, take the “strawberry” (the small red ball is taken by the first player), go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The caterpillar that doesn't fall apart on the road wins!

    Riddles - chants:

    Birthday is coming

    How much joy for everyone!

    We are in in a great mood

    And it sounds cheerful..... laughter!

    The little man has become older,

    There is more in the cake... candles!

    Let's go to the birthday boy

    And we bring gifts!

    And also for beauty

    We bring him... flowers!

    The table is set and we are waiting for guests.

    There are so many delicious things here!

    We all love a treat

    And sweets and... cookie!

    Birthday boy, come in a circle,

    We dance around!

    Sing along with us,

    Our song... loaf!

    Like shots from a cannon

    They clap loudly... firecrackers!

    Turning into the heroes of a fairy tale,

    Children wear... masks!

    How wonderfully we play

    We don't offend anyone

    We can't quarrel.

    Because we … Friends!

    The rhythms of the music sound

    The heels are already clicking!

    Impossible to resist

    Everyone's hunting … dance.

    Sorry, birthday

    Once a year he comes into the house.

    A year later by invitation

    We are visiting again... we'll come!


    When guests come to someone's birthday party, they always sing a song for the birthday person. For example, “The Song of the Crocodile Gena” which begins with the words “Let the pedestrians run clumsily...”. Imagine that it is not a girl or a boy celebrating a birthday, but some animal. And his relatives came to him. Show them how they would sing a birthday song if they can't speak words. But they can’t speak because they...

    • chickens and roosters.

    • Dwarfs and giants.

      Game of attentiveness The players stand in a circle. The presenter explains that if he says “dwarfs,” everyone should squat down, and if he says “giants,” everyone should stand up. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game. The leader may intentionally give incorrect commands, for example: “Potato! Rope! Pockets! Ve-derko!”

      The winner is the player who remains last.

    Rules of the game Centipedes

    One leader is selected, he will give commands to the centipedes and evaluate the best one if there are several teams.

    Players line up in a column behind each other, grabbing each other by the shoulders or waist.

    The players' task is to complete tasks quickly, efficiently and at the same time maintain the integrity of the centipede.

    Below we will give examples of tasks that a centipede can perform, but remember that everything is limited by your imagination, so experiment:

      Raise all the right legs of the centipede!

      Raise all left legs of the centipede!

      The centipede can run in circles!

      The centipede backs away!

      The centipede moves with a goose step!

      The centipede moves by jumping!

      The centipede sits down and jumps up sharply!

      The centipede catches its tail!

      The centipede scratches its right hind leg with its left front leg!

      The centipede jumps on its right legs!

    In the swamp

    Two participants are given two sheets of paper. They must go through the “swamp” along “bumps” - sheets of paper. You need to put the sheet on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other sheet in front of you. Move to another sheet, turn around, take the first sheet again and place it in front of you. And so, who will be the first to cross the room and come back?

    Cheerful shepherd." The rules of this game are simple. A cow is drawn that has no tail. It is necessary to attach a tail made of cord to her blindfolded.

    Strongman Competition

    Announce to the children that they will compete in a competition to become the strongest. Let them show off their biceps. And then tell us about the essence of the test. You need to hold the felt-tip pen between your nose and lip, whichever is longer. At the same time, adults try in every possible way to make the “strong men” laugh. Who can resist temptation?


    Players on a team gather in a circle, holding hands. Without opening their hands, they need to confuse the chain as difficult as possible. Representatives from each team go to their opponents and, at a signal, unravel their confusion. The team whose driver untangles his chain the fastest wins.


    He slept soundly all winter,
    He sucked a brown paw.
    Now close your eyes and sleep,
    Yes, snore like a bear.
    (The child should imitate a snoring bear.)

    What's all the noise in the apartment?
    Maybe it's a phone?
    How does he call? Show me
    Call us, buzz us.
    (Image a ringing phone.)

    Early in the morning, at dawn,
    Both adults and children sleep.
    So that they all don't oversleep,
    Crow five times.

    Come up with a task yourself
    Just listen, pay attention!
    Let the invented covenant
    The neighbor on the right will do it.
    (The child must come up with a task for his neighbor on the right, the neighbor on the right must complete it.)

    I didn’t forget that we are celebrating
    And who do we all congratulate?
    Without any chants
    Tell him "Happy Birthday!"
    (You just need to congratulate the birthday boy again.)

    This task is difficult
    Almost impossible.
    We need to remember five lines -
    Read the poem.

    Do you like to play on the computer?
    Can't tear you away from the screen?
    Focus your attention
    Tell me the names of three toys.

    "We're tired of meowing,
    We want to grunt like piglets.”
    So, grunt like a little pig,
    And then meow, kitten.

    Who is this who is waddling?
    Quacks for mommy?
    Yellow ducklings stomp.
    Quack and they'll clap for you.
    (The child should imitate a “duck” walk and quack. The rest clap.)

    The tank roars, guns fire.
    War is not a toy.
    Show us, soldier,
    How does a machine gun fire?
    (The child imitates the sound of a machine gun firing.) )

    Fant turned out to be difficult,
    Don't leave him, wait!
    Remember something terrible
    And make a serious face.

    You can sing the song in different ways:
    Scream loudly and sniffle quietly.
    But don't whisper it or shout it,
    And moo like a cow.
    (Any song is selected and “mooed” to its tune.-19-

    Toads croak on the shore
    Together with frogs in the old pond.
    This is frog friendship.
    And you need to croak.

    Is New Year coming?
    Or is Santa Claus coming?
    Although I was wrong about winter,
    Sing about the Christmas tree anyway! .)

    I'm a photographer anywhere,
    I always go with a camera.
    We'll take a color photo,
    Make a funny face!

    I don't like to wrinkle my nose!
    Laugh? No problem!
    Come on, come on, prove it
    Show me how to laugh!

    "Origami" you know the word
    Have you not heard this?
    Okay, here's an indulgence for you,
    Make an airplane out of paper.

    It's getting cold, snow is falling,
    Many birds fly to the south.
    So that we don't forget the bird's cry,
    You chirp at us like a sparrow here.

    Cool, very cool
    Just a minute
    Jump on one leg
    Clapping your hands!

    Dance of the little ducklings
    Make the audience happy.
    Get the kids to dance -
    Dance until you drop!

    You need to do sports!
    There is a task for you:
    You can try really hard
    And sit down a dozen times?

    Be a wolf for a minute

    and click your teeth menacingly!

    Don't sit on the chair -

    Draw an airplane!

    Clever riddles-deceptions

    Guys, today I am for you

    I'll ask tricky questions.

    If the answer is negative,

    Please answer with the word "no"

    And affirmative - then

    Say the word "yes" out loud.

    I have no doubt, guys

    Every mind has a chamber,

    But I have some advice for you:

    Answers "YES", answers "NO"

    Don’t rush to give instantly,

    After thinking hard, speak.

    Tell me one secret:

    Do giraffes live in the TUNDRA? ...

    YOU WILL SEE a mole on a clear day,

    Soaring IN THE SKY, right? ...

    The builder builds cities.

    Do wasps build honeycombs? ...

    Orange and red color

    Are they considered HOT? ...

    The cars have been given the green light,


    In the morning there is sunshine in the window,

    NIGHT is coming, right? ...

    There is WARM water in the river.

    And in the hole like this? ...

    And we will see a star,

    What if the sky is cloudy at night? ...

    Forest - habitat

    For squirrels, hares, woodpeckers? ...

    The reader, having read, always

    EATS THE BOOK, right? ...

    Carrots and cabbage in a turnstile,

    When entering the metro, shall we lower it? ......

    Skinny boy, like a skeleton

    Will you lift the barbell EASILY? ...

    Herds grazing in the ARCTIC

    Horned cows and goats? ...

    From the airport TRAINS

    Do they take off along the runway? ...

    Pedestrians have a dream -

    Stumble and fall INTO THE PILE? ...

    When the cold comes,

    Are all the moose flying south? ...

    We bake cheesecakes FROM ICE

    In a hot oven, right? ...

    You can answer me without difficulty:

    Do cherry blossoms bloom in winter? ...

    Ships sail on the sea.

    Oil transported by TANKER? ...

    There are two stripes in the snow - a trail.

    Did a bear walk through the snow? ...

    Frozen water is hard.

    Can water become GAS? ...

    In a game called leapfrog

    Do they play with a stick and a puck? ...

    An athlete runs a distance


    After Tuesday comes Wednesday,

    After Thursday is Saturday? ...

    Chameleon changes color.

    Does the octopus CHANGE? ...

    We put the cups on the buffet.

    Shall we put a SOFA there? ...

    To your friends you say: “Hello!”

    And will you tell the head teacher THIS? ...

    The snow melts - there is water in the streams.

    Does this happen in the spring? ...

    An elephant sits on the wires

    To have lunch, right? ...

    On the world map there are cities,

    Continents and countries? ...

    Seeing a fisherman - “Hello!” -

    Is a roach screaming from the river? ...

    What does a frog eat for lunch?

    Elephant with peas, right? ...

    The toad definitely doesn't have a tail.

    Does a cow HAVE one? ...

    In the shade - "plus thirty", and then

    Do we wear FUR COATS? ...

    Mommy will buy me some sweets

    Because I was lazy? ...

    On the trolleybus, having bought a ticket,

    Do you need to ride on the ROOF? ...

    We're going to the theater to watch the ballet.

    And the operetta - TO THE BATH? ...

    The questions are over, friends!

    And I praise everyone, guys.

    The test has come to an end.

    Well done to those who didn't make a mistake!

    And who made a mistake even a little,

    Not a good guy, but a hammer!

    Game "Ha-ha-ha!"

    I have a game for you

    Under the title "Ha-ha-ha!"

    Come on together, kids.

    Let's laugh - "Ha-ha-ha!"

    A raccoon likes to sleep in a den

    He sucks his own paw!

    Is this true, kids?

    No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

    Moose barks loudly at night

    He couldn't sleep in the booth

    Is this true, kids?

    No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

    A beaver lives on a pine tree,

    Sings songs every day.

    Is this true, kids?

    No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

    The hedgehog loves honey very much

    And he gnaws all the nuts.

    Is this true, kids?

    No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

    Ants love to swim

    And the fish are all afraid of him.

    Is this true, kids?

    No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

    Here's a big bear flying

    He likes to fly.

    Is this true, kids?

    No, of course - “Ha ha ha!”

    Game “This is such parsley!” We repeat after me the movements and sounds.

    The beater started knocking: knock-knock-knock-knock!

    (We represent hammers.)

    The trinket began to jingle: jingle-blink-blink-blink!

    (Knock on our knees.)

    Marfushka laughed here: ha-ha-ha-ha!

    (We laugh.)

    A friend came running to her: stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp!

    (We stomp our feet.)

    And the frog croaked: qua-qua-qua-qua!

    (Jumping in place.)

    The fly buzzed loudly: w-w-w-w!

    (Waving hands, pretending to fly.)

    The cuckoo answered her: coo-coo-coo-coo!

    (Hands with a megaphone.)

    The hen cackled: co-co-co-co!

    (Hands on waist.)

    The heifer started mooing: mu-mu-mu-mu!

    (We depict horns on the head.)

    The pig squealed with her: oink-oink-oink-oink!

    (We show the patch near the nose.)

    And the Scops Owl sang with them: I sleep, I sleep, I sleep!

    (Close our eyes, tilt our head.)

    Suddenly the cannon began to boom: bang-bang-bang-bang!

    (We clap our hands and stomp our feet.)

    The old lady got scared: “Oh-oh-oh-oh!”

    (We clasp our head with our hands and shake it.)

    This is parsley! Yes Yes Yes Yes!

    Competition "Falling Leaves" (you can use a balloon)

    Participants in the competition receive a dried maple leaf. They throw air at him and blow on him from below so he doesn't fall. The winner will be the most dexterous, the one whose leaf stays in the air the longest.

    Competition "Gifts of Autumn"

    Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives 20 cards with autumn gifts: potatoes, boletus, blueberries, apples, carrots, tomatoes, beets, raspberries, chanterelles, blueberries, pears, gooseberries, currants, cabbage, boletuses, turnips, zucchini, fly agarics, plums, milk mushrooms. They must correctly divide them into groups - vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms.

    Rope walkers"

    Draw 2 lines on the ground or place 2 white cords (ribbons). Players take children's umbrellas in their hands and try to walk along the rope from start to finish, holding the umbrella above their heads.

    Game "Hare and Fox"

    Children stand in a circle, two of them have toys in their hands - a hare and a fox. They pass them around to each other to the music. The fox is trying to catch up with the hare.

    Relay "Crossing"(The captains are driving - wearing a hoop, running up to the team and transporting one person at a time to the finish line.

    Competition "Dexterity and Patience".

    It is necessary to bring a sheet of paper to a certain mark on one palm, without helping with the other hand. On the way back, change hands. This competition demonstrates not only speed and dexterity, but also great patience, without which you cannot achieve good results in sports.


    In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer wins the competition.

    In front of each team, “puddles” (cut out of cardboard) are laid out at a distance of 50 cm. Children, when given a signal, run forward, when they reach a puddle, jump over it and run further, etc. Same thing back

    COMPETITIONS. Here are the ones we had in our class and the ones we came up with ourselves.

    Competition No. 1. "Magic bag"

    Santa Claus puts an item in a bag, and one of the guests must, with their eyes closed, feel the item in the bag and guess what it is. The essence of the competition is that along with “good” prizes (candy, a cracker), the bag also contains all sorts of “bad things” (a slime toy, cold pasta, gummy worms).

    Competition No. 2. "Snow avalanche".

    For the competition you need to prepare 2 cans of whipped cream for the cake. Participants are divided into two teams and stand against each other. On command, Father Frost and Snow Maiden begin to squeeze as much whipped cream into the mouths of the players of each team as a person can swallow. The winner is the team whose members quickly eat the entire snow avalanche from a spray can.

    Three people from each team participate. One person sits on a chair and an elastic band is put on his head, like on a child’s hat, from the chin to the back of the head. On command, two other participants must, tearing away from toilet paper long strips, attach them with an elastic band under the beard of the one sitting on the chair. The winner is the team whose members make the most luxuriant and longest beard.

    Competition No. 4. "Dinosaur Egg".

    2-3 days before the holiday you need to prepare a huge dinosaur egg: fill 2 balloon water and put in the freezer. When the water freezes, you need to break the ball - and you will get a huge egg-shaped piece of ice. Participants in the competition are told that a huge frozen dinosaur egg has been found during excavations. The ice is placed in basins and the participants of the two teams must melt it. Everyone takes it in their hand a plastic cup with hot water and pours his portion onto the ice. The team whose members melt the ice the fastest wins.

    Competition No. 5. "Black square".

    You need to prepare two very large plastic garbage bags, in each of which cut an oval hole for the face. One participant puts the bag on himself so that only his face peeks out from the black square. The rest of the participants must use tape to decorate this black square, sticking onto it everything that comes to hand: candy wrappers, plastic dishes, rain, etc. Whose black square is the most elegant wins the competition.

    Competition for girls “Housewife”

    1. To begin with, all participants will play a game with me "Vegetarians" I say: “My name is Elena Stanislavovna, I love blackberries.” That is, the task of each participant is to introduce herself and name any fruit, vegetable or berry whose name begins with the same letter as the name.

    For a correct answer, the participant receives 1 point.

    2 . You are the mistress of the house, you have invited guests to your place. You need to compose holiday menu and write it down on a piece of paper. When summing up the results, the jury will award 1 point for each written dish. A participant can earn an additional point if the jury finds the entire “table” rich and diverse. (You need leaves and pens).

    3. So, your menu is ready, let's start preparing the dishes. Now we will find out what kind of people you are culinary specialists. I have different cereals in three bags. Blindfolded, you must identify the cereals by touch and write down their names on a piece of paper in the order in which I give you to touch them (buckwheat, rice and peas). For the correct answer - 1 point. (Required: scarves, three bags of cereals).

    4 . In the next competition, each participant will need a support person. The competition is called "Find the pea." Each participant is blindfolded and spun around several times. They put it on the table a pea. At the leader’s command, the participants need to find a pea; a person from the support group guides his participant with words. The first couple to find their pea wins. She gets 2 points.

    5 . Now the dishes are prepared, let's start table setting. It is necessary to correctly arrange the plate, knife, fork (disposable cutlery). For the correct answer - 1 point.

    6. As you know, on festive table There should always be napkins available. Therefore, the next competition will be for you to beautifully laid out napkins (Napkins and glasses needed). The participant who arranges the napkins the most beautifully will win. She gets 2 points.

    I G R Y S H A L O M

    Proverbs about rural labor. The presenter says the beginning, the audience must continue.

    Where the fry plows, there is a crumb of bread.

    If you sow deeper in the spring, you will have bread in the winter.

    He who is not lazy to plow will produce bread.

    He who sleeps in spring cries in winter.

    People are happy about summer, and the bee is happy about the flowers.

    Summer is a supply, winter is a pick-me-up.

    You'll spend the summer lying around, but in the winter you'll run away with your bag.

    Pasha is not lazy - you will live happily.

    7. Accurate shooter. You need to hit the plate with a button (3 attempts). Each participant receives as many points as there are buttons in her plate. ( Neededplates, 3 buttons each)

    8. Auction. You need to write on pieces of paper as much as possible more titles potato dishes. The participant whose list is longer will win. For each dish - 1 point. (You need leaves and pens).

    9. Water carriers. On command, all participants pour water with a spoon into their glass. The participant who fills her glass the fastest wins. The fastest one gets 3 points. (You need a pan of water, oilcloth, glasses and tablespoons according to the number of participants).

    10. Spinner-winder. Long threads of equal length are tied to the pencils, and a paper bow is tied to the end of each thread. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to quickly wind the thread. The winner is the one who winds the entire thread first. The winner receives 1 point. (pencils with threads)

    11. Snowball. The participants stand in a row. The presenter sets the topic: « What I like to eat ». The first participant says: “I like to eat pasta,” the second repeats the words of the first and adds: “... and potatoes,” etc. The participant who stumbles or says incorrectly is eliminated.

    Other options:

    “What should I wear to the disco?”

    “What will I take with me to the store?”

    “What ingredients do I need to make borscht?”

    “What will I do cleaning the apartment?”

    At the end of the competition, one contestant remains, who is the winner and receives 5 points . (The leader needs a piece of paper and a pen to record the chains)

    12. Pantomime.(assessed on a 10 point system)

    1. You are ironing your clothes and the phone rings. You leave the iron, pick up the phone and talk to your friend on the phone. And, suddenly, oh horror! Your favorite blouse has a hole from an iron.

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