• Ulexite is a cat's secret. History and origin. Deposits of unique gems



    The earth hides many secrets and values ​​in its depths. A variety of gems, like scattered beads in a necklace, are scattered all over the globe. Many of them amaze with their beauty, shape, color, size and value. Some occur frequently, others rarely. Quite rare minerals include a stone such as ulexite, which was discovered only in the middle of the 19th century.

    Ulexite is a natural light guide that has healing properties

    History of origin

    The ulexite stone was fully studied in 1849 by the German chemist G. L. Ulex, living in Hamburg. At that time, the pebble became known to the world as boronatrocalcite. A year later, mineralogist J.D. Dana dubbed the pebble ulexite, a name that is still used to this day.


    Boronatrocalcite crystals have many secondary names and synonyms. The most common names are:

    • franklandite;
    • cat's eye;
    • stiberite;
    • TV stone.

    The crystal has an unusual structure; its properties are determined by parallel fibers that reflect light and create the effect of a diverging beam, so that it looks like a cat's eye. For this reason, people later began to call the stone a cat's eye. The most beautiful photos processed and unprocessed artificial stone Various colors can be viewed on the Internet.

    The mineral is naturally formed in the evaporation of moisture in salt deposits. The stone itself is quite fragile and soft, with a hardness scale of 2-2.5 and a density of 1.8 g/cm³. Aqueous borate in a natural aggregate does not have a ray, but is a translucent, sometimes matte surface.

    To achieve the cat's eye effect, the stone must be processed. The color of aqueous borate crystals is:

    • gray;
    • grayish-greenish;
    • grayish-beige.

    Ulexite stone is found:

    • opaque;
    • translucent;
    • transparent.

    The chemical formula of ulexite is B5O6(OH)6. All crystals have a silky surface shine.

    Mining locations

    Since the crystal is quite rare, there are few places to obtain the stone. The largest deposits of boron ore are located in:

    • province of Tarapaca in Chile;
    • Salinas in Peru;
    • Salta province in Argentina;
    • western Kazakhstan on Lake Inder;
    • Sivash Bay on the Crimean Peninsula;
    • Tibetan mountains of China;
    • caves in the Kungur region of Russia.


    Crystal is practically not used by industry. Used as polished souvenir stones for sale. Sometimes used by the jewelry industry. Hydrous borate has interesting feature. If you polish the crystal perpendicular to the constructed fibers and place a pebble on any picture, it will reflect it on the top face. It is due to this effect that the crystal is called a television stone.

    By the middle of the 20th century, chemists learned to create artificial aggregates of boron ore. They are stronger in quality and come in all sorts of colors. Why is the “cat’s eye” beam visible brighter and more saturated. Beads and cabochons are made. Beads made from synthetic ulexite are especially popular. Ulexite in silver or gold is also valued. Distinguish real stone from artificial is quite difficult, except for the fact that there are no natural saturated color shades of crystal. In other cases, you should read the description on the tag.

    Medicinal properties

    Another name for ulexite is boron ore.

    Healers believe that boron ore helps normalize a person’s psycho-emotional state. Successfully cures depression and nervous disorders. Helps reduce appetite. Traditional healers are confident in the positive effect of the stone on the entire body as a whole. The pebble can improve mood, performance, and body tone.

    Magic properties

    The magic of the crystal is to multiply the positive or desired qualities and aspirations of a person. Also, gradually, a pebble is able to reveal an existing talent, gift, and attract attention and gaze. The stone can become so much a part of the owner that he just happens to think about something, and the stone already strives to help in completing the task. The zodiac sign for a cat's eye is completely unimportant, but if thoughts are unclean, then it is better not to wear a crystal.

    TV stone is used to create amulets, amulets and talismans. For public and famous people it will become protection from prying eyes and unkind words. It will create an aura of mystery and positivity around the owner, making him an object of increased attention.

    The pebble is considered the crystal of all media workers, public and famous people.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/uleksit-1.jpg" alt=" ulexite stone" width="300" height="252">!} Ulexite stone is a hydrous borate mineral. Its crystals have a silky shine and vary in degree of transparency. This mineral is characterized by the ability to transmit images through itself and then reflect them from reverse side. Because of this feature, it was called the “television stone.”

    The range of colors of this stone is not too wide - there are gray, green-gray and white tones. The density is relatively low, that is, this stone can be called soft. At the end of the 20th century, scientists developed a technology for the production of artificial ulexite, which in composition and properties is absolutely identical to natural one. In addition to a number of positive properties, the artificial mineral is devoid of some disadvantages typical of natural minerals.

    This mineral was discovered in the 19th century. This happened in northern Chile near the city of Iquique. A significant contribution to the study of the stone was made by the chemist G. Ulex, after whom the mineral was named.

    Other names for this mineral are also used:

    • boronatrocalcite (based on the composition of this substance);
    • TV stone - due to the above original properties mineral;
    • Tica is a name used in Chile;
    • stiberite - based on the similarity of this stone to a piece of ordinary ice;
    • Tincalcite - this name comes from one of the names of borax.

    Place of Birth

    Deposits of this stone are found in places with a very dry climate, often in salt lakes.

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    Natural ulexite and artificial analogue

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/uleksit-2.jpg" alt=" white ulexite" width="280" height="239">!}
    Natural ulexite is made unique by its light-conducting properties. The needle-shaped crystals of this mineral are natural optical fibers used to produce endoscopes for medicine, fiber optic cables and modern sensors that are used for international communications, as well as in the creation of household computer networks.

    Natural stone is used in the production of souvenirs and sophisticated jewelry, but in general it is a material that is little used in the jewelry industry. It is characterized by high fragility and low mechanical resistance, it scratches very easily, therefore in the production of jewelry it is used only as a material for inserts. After some time, natural ulexite becomes covered with a coating on the surface, which, however, is easily removed by polishing.

    The synthetic analogue is hard. It can also be painted in any bright and “living” color - pink, blue, green, yellow, white, black, while the range of natural crystals is by no means so wide.

    Ulexite: properties

    Physical properties

    1. The physical features of this stone are as follows:
    2. refractive index - 1.5;
    3. color constancy (a property not often found in minerals);
    4. extremely low hardness on the Mohs scale, ulexite is easy to scratch or crumble;
    5. most often ulexite is transparent or translucent;
    6. triclinic system;
    7. perfect cleavage;
    8. density 1.9 g/cu.m. cm.

    Chemical properties

    • Formula - NaCa 5 ​​H2O.
    • When storing this stone for a long time fresh air it is covered with a thin white film.


    1. in fiberglass optics;
    2. for the production of cheap jewelry (common only in some countries);
    3. to obtain an artificial analogue (products containing it are produced using precious metals, but the labels always indicate the presence of synthetic ulexite).

    Products and decorations

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/uleksit-3-.jpg" alt=" ulexite ring" width="280" height="188">!}
    Products are produced from both natural and synthetic ulexite. The natural mineral is used very little in the jewelry industry. In the production of jewelry, it is used for inserts, which avoids damage, the risk of which is extremely high due to the high fragility of this stone.

    Thanks to the exquisite subtle shades of natural ulexite, pendants, earrings, bracelets and rings acquire a delicate, sophisticated look. Balls and cabochons made of natural stone serve original souvenirs. They often look like a cat's eye. Polished transparent stones also have a rather original appearance.

    Synthetic crystals of this mineral are much more popular in the production of cheap jewelry. Thanks to their brightness, imparted by artificial coloring, and excellent hardness, it is possible to create unique beads, necklaces, pendants, etc. There is a high demand for products made from several stones of different colors. Artificial ulexite, after appropriate processing, has a unique appearance in a gold or silver frame.

    Medicinal properties

    IN folk medicine This stone has been used for a long time. In lithotherapy it is used to treat the following ailments:

    • neurasthenia;
    • blurred vision;
    • depression;
    • obesity.

    To enhance vision, the following method is proposed. Natural ulexite is taken, which has not undergone any processing, and the patient is recommended to spend some time every day simply looking at the mineral. Special properties ulexite allows it to help restore vision. It also improves the general condition of the body and vitality. This stone normalizes metabolism, eliminating the need to diet, controls human desires, and brings body weight back to normal.

    Ulexite: magical properties

    The magical qualities of this mineral are just beginning to be studied, so now many of them are just waiting to be discovered. But it has already been established that:

    • Ulexite has the ability to remember the qualities of its owner (both positive and negative).
    • It is capable of increasing all these qualities, so you should try to at least slightly change your character in relation to loved ones through communication with this stone.
    • He attracts the attention of others to his owner (both positive and negative).
    • This stone can be used to make a talisman that can protect its owner from negative emotions emanating from others (malice, envy, anger).

    Ulexite stone: properties, zodiac sign

    Astrologers today have not come to a clear opinion about who is suitable for ulexite. Its unique qualities enable ulexite to merge with the owner, thus making it suitable for any zodiac sign. At the same time, the owner of the stone will not immediately feel the effect of compatibility with it. However, gradually he will still feel the help of this mineral and its strength. This will take a little time. Ulexite is most favorable to those who are involved in politics and other social activities. It can attract the public's attention to the words of its owner, forming an aura of success around him.

    Ulexite is a natural mineral belonging to the subclass of hydrous borates (boronatrocalcite). There are transparent, opaque and translucent crystals with a silky shine. The stone has optical properties and the ability to transmit an image through itself, reflecting it on the other side of the crystal. Thanks to these properties, it received the name “television stone”.

    The mineral has a small range of colors - white, gray and gray-green shades. Soft natural ulexite with the chemical formula B5O6(OH)6 is characterized by low density. At the end of the last century, scientists discovered a technology for producing synthetic samples, the properties and composition of which are completely identical to real ulexites. Along with the positive characteristics, artificial crystals have another significant advantage - they do not have the disadvantages of natural stones.

    Ulexite was first discovered in the 19th century in the northern region of Chile near the city of Iquique. The mineral was studied by the chemist G. Uleks, in whose honor the stone received its name. Ulexite is also called tincalcite and stiberite.

    Mineral deposits

    The main deposits of ulexite are formed in areas with arid climates, in salt marshes or small salt lakes. Large deposits of the mineral are located in the countries of South America: Chile, Peru and Argentina. Deposits of ulexite were discovered in China, Tibet, in the area of ​​Lake Sivash in Ukraine and in the vicinity of Lake Inder, located in Kazakhstan.

    Until recently, ulexite was not mined in Russia, but quite recently its crystals were discovered in the Kungur Ice Cave, an area uncharacteristic of the origin of the mineral.

    Natural and synthetic (artificial) ulexite

    The uniqueness of natural ulexite lies in its light-guide properties. Its needle-shaped crystals are natural optical fibers, which have found their application in the manufacture of medical endoscopes, modern sensors and fiber-optic cables, which are widespread both in providing intercontinental communications and for setting up computer networks in domestic conditions.

    Real ulexite is used to make souvenirs and fine jewelry, but in jewelry it can be found quite rarely. The mineral is highly fragile and easily scratched, so when making jewelry it is used only as an insert. Over time the surface natural stone becomes covered with a coating, which is easily removed by polishing.

    An alternative to natural ulexite has become a synthetic stone, which chemical properties, quality characteristics and composition is a complete imitation of a real mineral. In developing the technology for the production of artificial ulexites, the disadvantages of the originals and the possibility of coloring colorless samples in various colors and shades during the synthesis process were taken into account.

    Synthetic (artificial) ulexite

    The complete analogy of the properties of synthetic ulexite to a natural mineral allows the use of artificial samples in industry. Made from synthetic stones beautiful souvenirs and unusual jewelry bright colors, which due to their low cost are available to every consumer.

    A special feature of artificial ulexite is its high hardness and the ability to color crystals in bright “living” colors of blue, pink, yellow, green, black and white. The palette of natural samples is not so wide - the color range varies from white to gray with shades of green.

    The magical properties of ulexite

    Practical magicians rarely use ulexite in rites and rituals due to its little knowledge. But some esoteric properties are still attributed to it. The stone is believed to have the ability to remember personal qualities its owner and increase them several times, while it makes no difference what character traits we are talking about: positive or negative.

    Ulexite amulets serve as protection from envious people and negative messages coming from others. The magical properties of the mineral also include its ability to develop intuition and coordinate a person’s reaction in extreme situations. Ulexite promotes the discovery of the gift of foresight of significant events and their outcome.

    A talisman made of ulexite is recommended to be worn by public people. Its energy attracts the attention of others, arouses sympathy for the owner of the stone and helps him present information to the public in an interesting and competent manner, which is extremely important for political figures.

    Ulexite is the guardian of the hearth and marital fidelity. It “warms up” love feelings and helps two halves build prudent and honest relationships.

    Medicinal properties

    Ulexite is famous for its medicinal properties, which are successfully used by traditional healers. It affects the human psyche, relieves nervous exhaustion, prolonged stress and depression. The stone helps to increase vitality and improve mood; its owner will be able to find peace of mind.

    By using rare mineral vision can be restored. To do this, you need to peer at the raw ulexite crystal every day. The stone helps speed up metabolism, its properties have a beneficial effect on those who strive to lose weight, dulling the feeling of hunger and reducing appetite.

    Products and decorations

    In the manufacture of products from ulexite, natural and synthetic stones. Real ulexite is quite rare and is practically not used in jewelry. When making jewelry, stone is used as inserts so that it is not damaged due to its increased fragility. Delicate shades of natural mineral give earrings, pendants, rings and bracelets a refined and delicate look.

    Cabochons and balls, machined from natural ulexite, act as unusual souvenir. They often have a cat's eye appearance, but clear, polished examples are just as unique.

    More common crystals for making inexpensive jewelry are synthetic ulexites. Bright colors colored crystals and their optimal hardness make it possible to produce unusual jewelry - pendants, inserts, earrings, beads, bracelets and necklaces. Products in which processed stones of different colors are combined with each other are popular. Treated synthetic ulexite crystals look great when set in silver or gold.

    Zodiac sign

    Ulexite remains a mystery to leading astrologers, who still cannot determine its belonging to any specific zodiac sign. It is believed that due to unique property The stone adapts to its owner; it is suitable for any representative of the zodiac system. It will take a little time to feel the effect of “communication” with ulexite. He especially favors people involved in social activities or politics.

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    Properties of Ulexite stone.

    It is believed that a mineral called Ulexite can have a calming effect on mental condition owner. There are suggestions thatUlexite stone and propertiesit can improve partially lost vision, and also return its owner to a stable state, after nervous breakdowns and depression.

    The mineral is able to increase tone and lift the mood of its owner.

    History of Ulexite stone.

    Ulexite has several names; in Russia it is better known as Cat's Eye. The color of Ulexite can be different gray, white and even grayish-green. This mineral can be opaque, translucent or transparent. Its shine is silky. In terms of its density, Ulexite is a fairly soft stone. Occurs naturally in clayey rocks of lake sediments. In the mid-twentieth century, scientists learned to create synthetic Ulexites that have fewer defects and imperfections than natural ones.

    Which zodiac signs are Ulexite suitable for?

    It has not yet been precisely determined which zodiac signs Ulexit is more suitable for and which should not wear it.

    Magical properties of Ulexite.

    Ulexite stone propertiesIt has not yet been fully studied, so it is rarely used in magical practice. But it is believed that its main magical property is memory. Ulexite can remember all the qualities of its owner, and then multiplies and strengthens them several times. But besides positive qualities the mineral also multiplies and enhances negative properties.

    Psychics use Ulexite to create amulets that protect against negativity emanating from envious people around them.

    Products made of Ulexite stone.

    Thanks to the ability to paint the mineral in any color, experts have learned to use artificial Ulexite to create beads, bracelets, rings and earrings.

    Setting for Ulexite stone.

    To date, little is known about the capabilities of Ulexit in any frame. Therefore, it is recommended to wear the stone as a necklace without a frame.

    How to store Ulexit.

    Ulexite should be stored one at a time and in boxes protected from light.

    How to wear Ulexit.

    Decoration withUlexite stone, propertiesIt will be useful to wear it for all those suffering from nervous exhaustion after stress and during periods of severe depression.

    In this article we looked at such important points about Ulexite stone: properties of Ulexite stone,history of ulexite stone,what zodiac signs are ulexite suitable for?magical properties of ulexite,ulexite stone products,setting for ulexite stone,how to store ulexite,how to wear ulexite.

    The mineral received its name in honor of the famous German chemist G.L. Ulexa. Other names for this stone and its varieties are also found in the literature: boronatrocalcite, franklandite, stiberite and television stone. Polished ulexites are sometimes called cat's eyes.

    The color of the stone is gray or grayish with a green tint. The crystals of this mineral are transparent and translucent to light, however, there are also opaque specimens. The stone has a silky shine.

    The main deposits are located mainly in countries such as the USA, Russia, Kazakhstan and Chile.

    The healing properties of ulexite

    There is an opinion that ulexite has a beneficial effect on the mental state of its happy owner. Lithotherapists suggest that medicinal properties ulexite can improve visual acuity. To do this, you need to carry out simple daily procedures, namely, look at this mineral for a couple of minutes (for these purposes, you should not choose a processed stone that has a “cat’s eye” effect).

    Many traditional healers believe that this stone is advisable to use for nervous exhaustion to get rid of depression and melancholy. The stone can increase the tone of life, charge its owner with additional energy from the Cosmos, and also improve mood. Ulexite can be used in the treatment of obesity, as it can reduce appetite and increase the metabolic rate in the body.

    The magical properties of ulexite

    Unfortunately, the magical properties of ulexite have not yet been studied and are not known. This stone is capable of multiplying the qualities that characterize the owner, but the danger is that it enhances both positive and negative ones. The stone gradually absorbs the worldview of the owner, although this process does not occur immediately.

    Some magicians use the mineral to make amulets that can protect their owner from the envy and negative influence of others. There is an opinion that this stone helps its owner to attract the attention of people, which has a good effect on his professional career, especially if the person is engaged in public activities and needs PR.

    Astrologers still cannot definitely say which sign ulexite favors.
    Ulexite is considered a talisman for those people who are engaged in social and political activities. It is recommended to use a polished stone as a talisman, which has a “cat’s eye” effect.

    Ulexit will be useful for people who, by their specific nature, professional activity associated with a large number of public speaking. The stone will help a person attract attention to himself, increase interest in his personality and the ideas that he is going to convey to listeners. The mineral creates a positive image of the speaker in the eyes of other people, which is why listeners perceive the speech of the owner of ulexite with trust and interest.

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